Letter to the Editor – Revere Journal

Posted: December 22, 2021 at 12:38 am

Why Christmas?

Dear Editor,

In quiet moments, we know we stand before God as sinners. None can claim perfection. In the end, no economic status, title, skin color, creed, religious denomination, nationality, position, heritage or possessions will matter. Only the condition of our soul towards God and His Son Jesus will count.

Israel in the Old Testament knew God, but she wandered away, began worshiping idols. Similarly, Americas idols are money, power, sex, entertainment, greed, forms of addictions and luxury. The drifting from God has brought unjust behaviors into our culture. Human life is devalued resulting in abortions, euthanasia and assisted suicide, all considered acceptable solutions to the inconvenience of unplanned pregnancies, painful illnesses or suffering depression.

Many at Christmas will ponder God invading mankind by being born human in the humblest means possible. Jesus, our Savior, advocate, and defender against the evil one, understands the downcast, the disadvantaged, the marginalized. He experienced it first hand as a human being. His sacrificial death and resurrection from the grave provide forgiveness and hope. God did not send His Son into the world to condemn it but that through Him the world might be saved. John 3: 17

The empty idols of this world will never satisfy the soul. Only Gods forgiveness through Jesus does that. Why Christmas? Because, God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16. Have a Blessed Christmas!

Lucia Hunter

Read the rest here:

Letter to the Editor - Revere Journal

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