Lelystad airport, refugees and euthanasia on MPs’ list of controversial subjects – DutchNews.nl – DutchNews.nl

Posted: February 6, 2021 at 8:54 am

MPs have drawn up a list of controversial subjects which remain out of bounds to parliament until a new cabinet has been appointed after the March 17 general election.

The list has been drawn up earlier than usual because the current coalition is already acting in a caretaker capacity after resigning last month in the wake of the childcare benefit scandal.

The list includes opening Lelystad airport to commercial traffic, increasing paid parental leave, further limits to public sector pay and broad subjects such as climate.

Asylum issues, including tackling troublemakers and bringing in some refugees from camps on the Greek islands, have also been declared controversial.

Efforts to establish euthanasia rights for the elderly who are tired of life will also now be put on the backburner.

The idea of the list is to stop an outgoing government forcing unpopular or difficult measures through parliament at the last minute.

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Lelystad airport, refugees and euthanasia on MPs' list of controversial subjects - DutchNews.nl - DutchNews.nl

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