Crimes against free will – COVID grand jury – Part II – The Desert Review

Posted: March 11, 2022 at 11:37 am

On February 26, 2022, Reiner Fuellmich's grand jury held the final day of hearings with expert testimony on eugenics and transhumanism.The first speaker, Patrick Wood, introduced the topic as Biodiversity: The Genetic Takeover of all Living Things - beginning with GMO crops and progressing to GMO animals. Lastly, Wood discussed GMO human beings and the concept of eugenics. He remarked that this topic has snuck up on us in the most unexpected way" [8:02].

Patrick Wood, economist, and author, testified about the World Economic Forum's (WEF) plan to implement transhumanism - a form of eugenics - as a method to gain control of the masses. He used the WEF's own words to explain it.

The central premise of transhumanism, then, is that biological evolution will eventually be overtaken by advances in genetic, wearable, and implantable [injectable] technologies that artificially expedite the evolutionary process.-World Economic Forum [14:15].

The European Academy on Religion and Society warned,While most of humanity is still in the middle of the coronavirus crisis, the highly influential members of the World Economic Forum have a plan for what should come next. It is called 'The Great Reset', and it envisions a truly 'Transhumanist' future for us all [10:03].

And not in a good way. This brought up the topic of the mRNA injections which have now been shown to change the human genome by altering DNA through reverse transcription [55:59].

Wood testified that there logically must be another reason, an ULTERIOR MOTIVE to the compulsory mRNA shots since we now know they neither stop transmission nor infection from the virus [49:15, 49:40].

They are going after the genome of the human condition, and I don't think this has anything to do with the promise...we are going to make life better for you [47:57],Wood testified.

US attorney Ana Garner commented to Wood, It sounds to me they are trying to assume the role of playing God when they are talking about the takeover of our evolutionary process. I was struck by the analogy to software, and what you need to do to software, to continually update it...Human seems to me these injections will never stop until we get what they are doing - and the masses say NO MORE - and that this seems to have been a large experiment to see how many people would capitulate with the fear-mongering they did, the lies they have spread [49:59].

Up until now, many viewed Transhumanism as the province of conspiracy theorists. The problem with this is that Klaus Schwab himself openly endorses it. Klaus, the Chairman of the World Economic Forum believes Transhumanism is a fundamental part of the Great Reset within the 4thIndustrial Revolution.

The difference of this 4th Industrial Revolution is it doesn't change what you are doing.It changes you if you take genetic editing just as an example. It's you who are changing [0:09],Klaus said.

Transhumanism involves speeding up natural evolution using intelligent design, assuming those responsible for the mRNA vaccines acted intelligently. Ideally, it consists of improving human health, although as Patrick Wood testified, history thus far has shown it to produce only worsening of health.

In the Grand Jury proceeding, economist and author Patrick Wood was asked about developments since 1992 in genetic modification. Wood explained that the results have been largely negative, ranging from people falling ill after consuming genetically-modified crops like corn to the mRNA vaccines with their host of adverse effects.

The overwhelming majority of genetic modification has resulted in negative outcomes [1:00:47],Wood said.

Nonetheless, judging by the speakers at the WEF annual meetings held in Davos, Switzerland, Klaus Schwab has continued to pursue this agenda.For example, historian, professor, and author Noah Harati spoke at Davos in 2020 and delivered this message about Transhumanism emerging from the confluence of artificial intelligence and biotechnology through data collection.

Those who control the data will control the world.Now data is replacing machinery as the most important asset...If the data becomes concentrated into too few hands, humanity will split not into classes - it will split into different [man-made] species...We have reached the point when we can hack not just computers; we can hack human beings and other organisms. [2:16, 2:23, 2:57], Harati said.

He summarized, Once we have algorithms...they could predict my desires, manipulate my emotions, and even make decisions on my behalf. And if we are not careful, the outcome might be the rise of digital dictatorships...If democracy cannot adapt to these new conditions, then humans will come to live under the rule of digital dictatorships...By hacking organisms, elites may gain the power to re-engineer the future of life itself [6:32, 8:18, 8:27].

Professor Noah Harari is not your ordinary academic. He does not own a cell phone and seems to avoid typical digital devices much of the time. A devotee of Vipassana meditation, related to Buddism, Harari spends two hours per day in this practice. He also undertakes a 30-day meditation retreat annually. This is held in silence without books or social media.

While Klaus Schwab led the WEF in the direction of the Great Reset using the tool of Transhumanism, Patrick Wood explained the concept to the Reiner Fuellmich grand jury. The idea was announced in Rio in 1992 in a Technocracy Conference and involved the acronym NBIC, which stands for Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Cognitive Technology, and (Computer) Interface [13:40].

Wood testified that transhumanism is about the stakeholders at the WEF controlling the ownership and direction of this artificial genetic modification of human beings. In particular, the stakeholders want a future population of human beings that are easily monitored and controlled. To this end, controlling the populations thoughts and free will is necessary.

The ideal transhuman will be someone who says, Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better [38:08].

Wood pointed out that the WEF, the tranhumanists want more than just a persons physical body; they want ownership over their privacy, and this includes their thoughts and free will [38:40].

Wood continued that as time goes on and the genetic modification progresses, these corporations will claim patented property rights over each individual, just as Monsanto has won property rights over its genetically modified crops [39:40].

Attorney Reneveldt asked whether Wood's NBIC testimony affirmed that the Moderna mRNA vaccine was the culmination of the Technocracy mandate first planned in the UNCED Rio de Janeiro Conference in 1992 and is now being carried out in every country of the world [16:40, 1:05:43].

Wood answered without hesitation,Yeah. [1:06:36].

Wood went on, Evidence of harm is being hidden...What they are hiding is all of the injuries that are almost every agency, there's been scandals already where data discovered months later was intentionally not released because it would taint their narrative...they are hiding the bad data, but they just don't have any good data to put out there [1:07:40].

Attorney Fuellmich asked Wood this question, I suppose that you will not object to the conclusion that the only thing they are doing right now is lying to us in order to keep us from understanding that they can't do what they promised to do [1:08:46].

Wood agreed and added, And whatever they promised to do in the first instance, whatever they promised that they would do, most likely was a lie from the start. They never had any intention or ability to produce what they said they were going to produce...they intentionally deceived people into doing something they would not have otherwise done. That's the nature of propaganda...they said from the beginning we are going to prevent the disease from getting into your body...bald-faced lie - completely false [1:09:05, 1:09:30].

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich concluded,If they are lying about this, there has got to be some other objective out there [1:10:40].

Patrick Wood made another observation, If the propaganda chain is ever broken, the whole thing will fall apart in a matter of weeks and people will wake up one day and say what on earth just happened...The people who are controlling the top of the pyramid have created a culture of abuse that has trickled down into every hospital and doctor's office and every emergency clinic everywhere in the world...Who created the culture of abuse? [ 3:07:43, 3:08:05]

Every country has someone like Anthony Fauci - the director of all things medical - to dictate policy. Where did this stuff come from? Did it come from the World Health Organization and if so who? You are really surfacing critical questions here [3:09:10] .

Israeli writer and safety researcher Ilana Rachel Daniel testified that medical professionals were now coming forward and admitting there was no benefit in the vaccinations. They publicly admitted the masks and lockdowns had no effect. She explained how the Israeli media took money from the government to spread vaccine propaganda to entice the population to submit to the shots [3:10:00, 3:11:30].

Ilana Daniel explained Israel's economic hardship. Thousands of businesses went bankrupt. People lost the way to put food on the table. So they have no time to think about anything. They just did it because everybody did it. And they don't have the time to look for the information that will tell them it was a mistake,Daniel said.[3:12:25]

Vera Sharav, a Holocaust Survivor, testified next. When you have a corrupt government, you're going to have all the corrupt elements showing up. It doesn't matter that it's Israel. I keep talking about history because I was in that history, but it shouldn't be that only a witness takes history seriously. History is really how you can discern patterns - similarities [3:14:20].

I recognized what she meant. We, the people, cannot simply trust what the medical authorities or the news media report. We cannot always take our government's narrative at face value. One must exercise some common sense and some critical thinking.

For example, when my friend and colleague contracted brain cancer in January of 2020, I, as a physician, did not simply accept that his average survival would be 15.1 months with the standard of care including chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. Instead, I second-guessed the establishment and did my research on PubMed, the National Library of Medicine.

As a result, I found to my great surprise that a repurposed drug cocktail of commonly used drugs - Atorvastatin, Metformin, Mebendazole, and Doxycycline - could at least double his survival. And here he is now, some 26 months later, alive, well, and skiing enjoying the title, Stanford's Glioblastoma Poster Boy.

I dedicated my book on repurposed drugs to him.

However, before I finished the book, the COVID-19 pandemic struck, so I decided to do a quick literature review on the coronavirus. I started with a look at medical history. We had seen this movie before in the SARS outbreak of 2003. So I looked at all the repurposed drugs used against the first COVID epidemic, and guess what I found?

Four researchers from the CDC found that chloroquine was a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.

The scientists wrote this in their conclusion. Chloroquine, a relatively safe, effective and cheap drug used for treating many human diseases including malaria, amoebiosis and human immunodeficiency virus is effective in inhibiting the infection and spread of SARS CoV in cell culture. The fact that the drug has significant inhibitory antiviral effect when the susceptible cells were treated either prior to or after infection suggests a possible prophylactic and therapeutic use.

I knew that HCQ or hydroxychloroquine had a better side effect profile. I also found it helpful in repurposed drug cocktails against glioblastoma, so I included analysis in my book. Dr. George Fareed and Dr. Brian Tyson used a repurposed drug cocktail containing HCQ and saved 7,000 COVID patients. Their book is a MUST READ.

And my research led me to Dr. Pierre Kory and his work on the repurposed drug Ivermectin. It caused me to revise my cancer book and add a section on Ivermectin's effectiveness against COVID-19. Then I published another book exclusively on Ivermectin and how it could save many hundreds of thousands of lives. But unfortunately, hundreds of thousands were deprived of Ivermectin through a criminal campaign of propaganda and censorship, and they died unnecessarily.

Recent studies have been released that decisively show that Ivermectin reduces death and works far better than Remdesivir, which has been shown to cause death or kidney failure in up to 1/3 of its recipients. Dr. John Campbell covered these studies and mentioned that he expects a scandal over the failure to adopt Ivermectin.

I expect multiple trials and prosecutions once Reiner Fuellmich hands down his grand jurys indictments.

But why stop at COVID-19? I advise all readers to think critically and examine historical patterns in Russia invading Ukraine. Guess what? It has happened before, and if one takes some time to examine what happened in the past, one can gain an independent understanding of what is going on now.

Given the blatant lies I have witnessed over the past two years in the form of incessant propaganda and a constant bombardment of fear, I have concluded that all media must be fact-checked by another independent source, preferably one published before 2019. Here is what I found for the Russian invasion of Ukraine from Professor Mearsheimer's talk at the University of Chicago.

In the talk, the Distinguished Professor of Political Science reviews why Russia invaded multiple locations, Georgia, Crimea, and Ukraine. His speech convincingly shows that Russia is not trying to conquer for the sake of creating a greater Russia. Instead, Putin is exercising the same type of protection we in the USA exercised when we were threatened with nuclear missile deployment in Cuba.

The Monroe Doctrine holds that the United States will not tolerate a Communist expansion into the Western Hemisphere. Likewise, Russia will not accept NATO's expansion near its Western borders. Thus Mearsheimer concludes that Putin is neither crazy nor expansionist. He cannot allow Ukraine to join NATO, and rather than allow Ukraine to join; he must wreck the country, which happened in 2014. No more and no less. In my opinion, we are seeing the same thing repeating [28:40].

And now, we are witnessing a massive and coordinated resurgence in propaganda, censorship coupled with genocide through top-down directives stemming from the World Health Organization and the US CDC and NIH. The World Economic Forum is the common denominator. And yes, there are distinct parallels between what happened in Nazi Germany and Stalin's Russia. So Vera Sharav is spot on. One does not need to be a witness to take history seriously.

For those who may still doubt, please watch this familiar speaker at the 2020 Davos Meeting and carefully listen to his words. Noah Harari is speaking to the members of the World Economic Forum in 2020. He explains the dilemma of past tyrants, and he offers the WEF members asolution. Their dilemma was their inability to control the thoughts and free will of the masses. Today we have the technology to exert full and complete tyrannical control through transhumanism.

Now in the past, many tyrants and governments wanted to do it, but nobody understood biology well enough,Harari said.Nobody had enough computing power and data to hack millions of people - not the Gestapo nor could the KGB do it. But soon, some governments and corporations will be able to systematically hack all the people [4:10].

And if indeed we succeed at hacking and engineering life, this will not just be the greatest revolution in the history of humanity, this will be the greatest revolution in biology since the very beginning of life four billion years ago [4:37],Harari said.

Harari proudly announced that in one hundred years, people would look back at the COVID-19 Pandemic as the moment of regime change to one of Totalitarian Digital Surveillance.

People could look back in a hundred years and identify the coronavirus epidemic as the moment when a new regime of surveillance took over, especially surveillance under the skin [6:12],Harari told his audience.

I don't believe it will come to that despite the attempts to distract the world with Russia and Ukraine. While I am sympathetic to the plight of millions of Ukrainians - and we should all pray for a swift end to that conflict - we must pay even greater attention to the plight of billions of the world's people who are facing a totalitarian takeover. We must avoid the resulting enslavement of our children, grandchildren, and descendants through their dark and Godless agenda.

We have Mass Formation by many who refuse to acknowledge this, as Professor Mattias Desmet has explained. Those who have bought into the propaganda and vaccine program felt comfortable and safe in believing the authorities, and now accepting they were lied to would plunge them into panic.

So, we cannot awaken everyone to the truth. However, we can all speak the truth. Awakening those who still don't understand is the goal. And Dr. Reiner Fuellmich has already moved mountains. We need to help him the rest of the way. And the way to do this is to spread this article and share JP Sears' clever video. The way to overcome lies is to share the truth.

Watch all the grand jury proceedings, days one through six, and stay tuned for my next installment in this series.

And realize this, if a totalitarian regime should succeed, they plan on many more mandatory genetic vaccines, not to protect you from a virus, but to perhaps engineer your DNA, and not to change your physical characteristics, but instead to change your mind. This is because a totalitarian leader like Xi Jinping or Joseph Stalin wants total control of his peoples loyalty and behavior, and mind control is most efficient. No worries about elections. No need to control messy protests. No further nasty executions or expensive prisons. Mind control. Simple, elegant, and effective.

Transhumans of the future can be engineered for compliance. Just as busy nursing homes sedate their unruly residents with tranquilizers, a totalitarian regime armed with bio and nanotechnology could just as easily control its dissonant subjects by changing their free will and getting them to accept their lot in life. Klaus Schwab may believe that by 2030 people will own nothing and be happy because he will have hacked their free will. Look no further than to the words of Noah Harati.

Humans are now hackable animals, Harati decleared. The whole idea that humans have this soul or spirit and nobody knows what's going on inside me - so whatever I choose whether in the election or whether in the supermarket - this is my free will - THAT IS OVER [12:11].

Read the original post:

Crimes against free will - COVID grand jury - Part II - The Desert Review

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