Letter: Iseri | Letters To The Editor – Traverse City Record Eagle

Posted: July 25, 2021 at 3:46 pm

Darwinism revisited

Seven months ago I wrote a wishful thinking letter that most of the country would be vaccinated by now and that we would be on the road back to normalcy. Well, were here and yes, much of life has returned to pre-pandemic days. But we are also beginning a new surge with the more transmissible Delta variant. Epidemiologists have been on target every time with plenty of advance warning to take precautions, but are facing an increasingly uphill battle with the politicized resistance against the vaccines. Cynically, I felt comfortable in my bubble of vaccinated friends/family, citing that Darwinism would take care of the anti-vaxxers.

However, the caveat is now the warning that new, more dangerous variants are constantly evolving in the populations of the unvaccinated. This opens the door to the possibility that these new strains could make vaccines ineffective. Isnt it time for those who have not been vaccinated solely for reasons related to didnt get around to it or certain politicians/newscasters said they were dangerous to start to follow the science on keeping their loved ones safer? Finally, perhaps remembering which administration instituted Operation Warp Speed will convince them to get the shot(s).

Douglas Iseri

Traverse City

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Letter: Iseri | Letters To The Editor - Traverse City Record Eagle

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