Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: Transparent Exchange & Bitcoin Banks

Posted: May 2, 2014 at 4:46 am

Relative stability reigns across most major markets as a new exchange promises complete account transparency.

Bitcoin has recovered to the same value it held before its price plummeted earlier this week - a dip that saw its value drop to as low as $425 (251) on Monday.

Its steady rise has been mirrored by most other major altcoins, as a period of relative stability in the cryptocurrency markets sees out the end of the week.

Only blackcoin - created by a Russian developer named rat4 in February - and maidsafecoin have seen significant price drops in the last 24 hours. The market capitalisation for both fell by over 10%.

Coinfloor exchange favours transparency

Coinfloor, a London-based bitcoin exchange, is hoping to avoid the same fate as MtGox by opening up its books for customers to be able to check on their accounts.

By publishing a list of accounts and balances, Coinfloor has made it possible for customers to scrutinise the internal workings of the exchange.

"We are letting the entire world audit our books, essentially," Mark Lamb, Coinfloor's chief executive, told the Wall Street Journal. "After the bankruptcy of MtGox, we're trying to make a stand for accountability."

MtGox Hearing Delayed

The preliminary hearingfor plans to revive MtGox began yesterday but ended without any formal decision on the proposal's future.

Continued here:

Cryptocurrency News Round-Up: Transparent Exchange & Bitcoin Banks

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