Cosmic Heaven: From Three Pillars: The Brain and Nature

Posted: December 2, 2014 at 1:43 pm

What is knowledge (if not the core desire of knowledge - and even that bifurcates into extraordinary contradictions, that of personal power and safety with and in the full value of cosmic life) changes over time and at the behest of both human and natural forces.

It is common in the "new age" for a "new Earth" to say that one should "keep an open heart". This seems simple enough. But what does this also imply? That we should never close our heart. In fact, the heart opens and closes all of the time and needs to as much as any flower, or as much as any website for that matter. (see Note 1)

The heart as with every chakra system needs close regularly for maintenance purposes. And our experience of this will be directly related to the conditions of our three pillars of healing (and illness). People doing yoga, another much over-standardized lifestyle, especially kundalini yoga, will often force open different chakras like the root chakra and gain benefits that greatly conflict with anything like a natural and healthy human energy system, and people like most who have never experienced perfectly natural living conditions will generally fall predator and prey to these conventions. Here is a comment I recently made to a Yoga teacher, given that a teacher of so invasive a practice might wish, you would think, to consider all possible effects of this practice (one Doctor I trust showed me a study that showed that people who do regular physical yoga for enough years show increased signs of spinal degeneration even in their thirties - this is one of the many dangers of wholly standardized and as wholly unregulated "healing modalities" without the care of a true master):"My opinion: Yoga is very warming and I think a fast-paced or fiery culture tends to enjoy fighting fire with fire. Have you ever met anyone in your practice who seems too fiery?" It used to be common knowledge that Man was born with the capacity to enjoy contact and experience of that full value of cosmic life necessary for the proper coordination of the infinite complexity and proportions of body, mind and soul with the whole of cosmic Life. Our brains are inextricably bound to our social and natural environment as such. Take the brain out of Nature (or deprive a brain of its native life and traditional cultural development from that original pristine experience of cosmic Life) and the brain loses life and Life loses the human brain.

The fact is that few "healers" have anywhere near the knowledge necessary to harmlessly treat the complex human energy system with all due respect for our cosmic memories and environment across all bounds of space and time. That is absurd to suppose, though our modern culture produces no end of aspirants as such uniquely qualified as much by what amounts to a weekend seminar as by their own developmental arrest, that of their confidence, aggression and incompetence (and psychological incontinence) entire.

What cultural anthropologist William Irwin Thompson (a noted scholar in many cross-disciplinary fields) suggests in his book "The Time Falling Bodies Take To Light" (though I am not entirely convinced of even his competence) is that knowledge has genres as much as it exists in cultural contexts. Yes. Knowledge and brain function has many similar or uniform patterns and functions. Thank goodness. But it also has endless variations according to person, place and time (and Life).Knowledge is not how we are taught by State education (religion).One form of knowledge (A) may accomplish function X and another form of knowledge (B) may accomplish function X (such as arresting heart disease, for instance) and yet knowledge A and B could be said to be different and even incomparable by modern or ancient standards. And yet both achieve the same function.Therefore, just because our modern knowledge may be said to better our capacity to live in Nature this does not mean that it is the only or even the best knowledge in that regard. That being said, we are left with precious few visions of human history to convince us that modern knowledge is not as exclusively "good" as human history is presumably exclusively "barbaric" as we go back into the past.But we must acknowledge that the barbarity of human historical existence is both figuratively and literally exaggerated on the page and in human life experience spanning all known centuries.Imagine for a moment that, standing before the artistic canvases of a van Gogh or a Gauguin that I then began to rip them to shreds, having discovered that they were combustible and therefore useful to start a fire and warm my hands, maybe even to roast a marshmallow or two.I could, by modern conventions or genres of knowledge, rightly claim a new kind of knowledge of how to build a fire and warm one's hands, could I not? (Especially if I burned down the conditions most sufficient for the Life of the human mind in the process, something invariably desired, as though for their own survival, by minds who have been so destroyed. We do it every time we get into a car or choose to live around cars whose primary purpose might as well to be to foul our own oxygen supply and rob us of our own wealth and health under the thin guise of rapid transport deemed convenient when actual biological costs are borne in silent blindness supported by no greater conspiracy than our own cultural and biological intelligence when subjected to enough shock and trauma - and contemporary genres of "knowledge" - from birth).Thus it is very possible, even plausible that my rapacious manner of address to the artistic canons of van Gogh is similar to that of Man's to Man and founts and canons of so bountiful a Nature as though for our own "safety", a Nature uniquely corresponds to or would with every level of our human energy system, body, brain and Soul. Our modern knowledge accomplishes the function of improving survival (it does function X), but at what cost and compared to what other genres of such knowledge?Does it not take some considerable knowledge to survive tens of thousands of years of human existence in every dangerous climate imaginable, especially considering the forces of human history to which we have subjected ourselves and left ourselves so vulnerable and susceptible to?Nothing, I feel, could be so damaging to human biology and psychology and thus to the World entire than our insistence on standardizing education and food growth and consumption. Nature, on the other hand, is supremely customized to every biological and psychological level of human energy and existence.Our education and history, indeed the entire modern environment of our birth, brain and education (that as vital to the brain as a mother's womb, truth be told) presents a multitude of advantages to those who, over centuries of human brutality and as corrupted histories thereof, would maintain control of the standards, conventions, modes and as though exclusive genres of human thought and lifestyle, that of the three pillars of human existence, and might have a lot to lose, or so they may think, from our any means of consideration of any greater breadth of ancient human health, wealth, medicine and lifestyle. If you are going to go into a "New Earth", then what happened to the old one? Or has there been a distinctly "New Earth" for centuries, the very one from which we suffer, irrespective of our natural place in creation, so much? Just about every corrupted story of human origins, including the first book of the Bible, involves a "New Heaven and New Earth".

"However, people have asked to see these essays, so I created a separate blog for them. In sharing my transition away from paranormal, supernatural, and metaphysical thinking, I am not beating a drum or proselytizing for reason uber alles. Im not creating a new us so that we can all be aligned against a new them. Instead, Im hoping to provide a kind of camaraderie for people who, like me, have made a sea change in their lives and left their communities and their cultures behind."

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Cosmic Heaven: From Three Pillars: The Brain and Nature

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