FTC Collecting Comments On Cloud Computing, CCIA Offers Input … – Computer and Communications Industry Association

Posted: June 28, 2023 at 12:32 pm

Washington The Computer & Communications Industry Association has filed comments on cloud computing in response to a request from the Federal Trade Commission. Cloud computing has enabled interoperability for digital products and services and allowed customers to access information across multiple devices for lower costs. The demand for cloud computing services continues to grow and the cloud provides yet another way for customers to access artificial intelligence and machine learning.

In its filing, CCIA provides comments on the competitive dynamics of IT services and cloud computing, R&D investment, security and privacy considerations in cloud computing. It also notes, To analyze cloud computing and other IT services, it is essential to understand the scale of the potential benefits of cloud services to consumers, innovation, and the U.S. economy, and to distinguish between legitimate and unfair practices. It is fundamental to differentiate between justified and unjustified limitations to an open and interoperable IT services ecosystem.

CCIA has supported sound competition principles in the tech industry for more than 50 years.

Cloud computing is transforming numerous industries from healthcare to defense. We appreciate the opportunity to offer comments as antitrust authorities and regulators seek a greater understanding of the competitive dynamics and relevant competition, innovation, security, and data privacy considerations of cloud computing services as well as their interaction with other business models.

CCIA is an international, not-for-profit trade association representing a broad cross section of communications and technology firms. For more than 50 years, CCIA has promoted open markets, open systems, and open networks. CCIA members employ more than 1.6 million workers, invest more than $100 billion in research and development, and contribute trillions of dollars in productivity to the global economy. For more, please visit: https://ccianet.org.

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FTC Collecting Comments On Cloud Computing, CCIA Offers Input ... - Computer and Communications Industry Association

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