5 Best Cloud Computing Courses to learn in 2021 | by …

Posted: October 3, 2021 at 2:28 am

Hello folks, Cloud Computing is becoming an essential skill for any Software developer or IT professional today as more and more companies are moving towards Cloud for their infrastructure and service needs.

It pays to learn Cloud Computing today as the most likely application will be solely building and deploy in the cloud in the future.

No matter what your role is, if you are working in technology, cloud computing is going to affect you, one way or another.

Anyway, if you want to learn cloud computing then you have come to the right place, in this article, I am going to share some of the best courses to learn Cloud computing basics in general and with AWS and GCP in particular.

To be honest, I have had a tough time finding an excellent course to learn Cloud Computing, after trying a handful of courses on Udemy, Pluralsight, Educative, and Coursera, I have finally zeroed down into following five directions to learn the basics of Cloud Computing.

These courses provide a broad introduction to all aspects of cloud computing, but before going to see these courses lets first understand what is cloud and what benefit it provides? What problem cloud solves, and why is there so much buzz about it?

Well, Cloud has a different meaning for different people and also used to refer different things in a different context, but in general, cloud means a host of services that are ready to use for your application. There are many Cloud service provider companies like AWS (Amazon Web Service), GCP (Google Cloud Platform), and Microsoft Azure, which provides these services.

Now, what are those services? Well, these could be servers, networks, storage, computing power, and other infra related services commonly offered and referred to as IaaS (Infrastructure as service).

There are other cloud models as well, like PaaS (Platform as Service) and SaaS (Software as service) which is nothing but Cloud application and very popular for building online products and startups, but lets focus on IaaS first to understand the benefits provided by Cloud.

Not long ago, in order to host a real-world E-commerce application, you need to buy servers, networks, storage and need to set them up to your requirements like installing the required software and operating system. Most of the companies have their own Data Center where these servers are kept, and there was a high cost involved to keep those data center running.

It was just initial time and cost for setting up the server, but also their utilization was poor; for example, secondary servers are often idle just wasting that precious CPU and memory power. The effect was more evident on big companies which own thousands of servers across multiple data center on the world.

Amazon was one such company, which quickly realize that by using virtualization, they can use the computing power of their infrastructure, and that gives birth to the cloud.

In the cloud, you can spin up a server, database, network very quickly with just some clicks and you will only be charged for whatever you use. So this solves the problem of setup, utilization, and scalability.

Now that you know what cloud is and what benefits it offers in terms of cost, ease of setup, efficiency, and scalability, its time to deep dive and goes through these online training courses, which will help you to learn Cloud Computing fundamentals better.

When I started learning about Cloud, it was a very abstract thing for me; I wasnt able to understand what the cloud is and why everyone is talking about the cloud. It was like a person without a face, but when I learned about AWS, I could co-relate various cloud concepts very quickly.

So, AWS is like putting a face on Cloud, and thats why I recommend this course for anyone starting to learn about Cloud.

This course explains key concepts of clouds like Iaas, PaaS, and Saas with examples from AWS, which makes it easy to learn what Cloud is and what benefits it offer.

Knowing AWS is also a plus because its one of the most popular Cloud platforms, and your experience with AWS will also boost your CV for any AWS job or for a developer job where AWS skills are desired.

Here is the link to join this course Introduction to Cloud Computing with Amazon Web Services

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5 Best Cloud Computing Courses to learn in 2021 | by ...

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