A ‘Star Wars’ Fan Explained How the Palpatine Clone Was Teased Long Before ‘The Rise of Skywalker’ – Esquire

Posted: May 11, 2020 at 10:57 am

You may have had a question or two (or fifty) after watching Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. The significance of lightsaber colors, where Babu Frik ranked on a cuteness scale from one to Baby Yoda, and oh, yeahhow the hell Emperor Palpatine came back from the dead to torment Rey, who was his granddaughter, apparently.

Star Wars gave a very Westworld answer: He was a clone! Makes total sense. And Reys father, too, was a Palpatine clone, only the job was botched. There are some Star Wars novelizations that give some more details on this, but what about the movies? This week, a Reddit user went on a deep dive of the Skywalker Saga, hunting for any kind of precedence the films couldve set for a Palpatine clone.

Turns out there are a handful of easter eggs buried throughout the series, dating all the way back to Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Check out the full breakdown if you want to see every nod the films make, but here are some highlights.

Remember those creepy baby Snokes that were bred on the Sith planet Exegol? The Reddit user says that proves that the Sith had cloning technology:

Theres a generous reading of Palpatines Look what you have made quip in The Rise of Skywalker:

The user even found a line in Episode III that could be interpreted as a prophecy for Palpatines eventual cloning:

Feeling good with those explanations? Cool. We have another Palp-related investigation for you.

Read this article:

A 'Star Wars' Fan Explained How the Palpatine Clone Was Teased Long Before 'The Rise of Skywalker' - Esquire

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