Former CF Bank building turned over to Wellsville Community Foundation – Morning Journal News

Posted: July 25, 2021 at 3:27 pm

WELLSVILLE The Wellsville Community Foundation (WCF) took ownership of the former CF Bank office building on Main Street last month.

The building, which has not been in full use for a number of years, was given to the non-profit WCF by the bank. The foundation plans to determine the best charitable or non-profit use of the buildings and are soliciting ideas from the community. There will be several open houses held.

We are honored that CF Bank has entrusted us with this historic building, said WCF President Eddie Murphy. Each effort pursued or adopted will be done in the spirit of community advocacy and advancement.

There are seven current trustees of the WCF Attorney Nick Amato; Cressy Belden, a new resident to the area; County Municipal Court Judge Timothy McNicol; Murphy, a retired executive; Peter Russell, a former banker; Linda Weekley, a retired educator; and Robert G. Geno Williamson, a retired executive.

Mr. Tim ODell, CEO and the board of directors of CF Bank were extremely generous in their gift of this property, said Russell, who initiated the negotiations on behalf of the foundation. But thats not all. They also gave us an additional $5,000 to kick off our fundraising for necessary improvements to the property.

The WCF is welcoming donations. Membership starts at $100. Donations can be made through the website, or through any board member. The WCF is a non-profit, IRS tax exempt organization, founded and incorporated in late 2020 and receiving 501c3 status in 2021. The mission of the organization is to contribute to charitable purposes, or conduct activities, for the common good, general welfare and civic benefits of the Wellsville community and its environs.

Besides the CF Bank building project, the WCF is eager to begin supporting the community through improvement projects with the first being the ongoing business district Clean Streets campaign, which is being led by member Cris McNicol.

Williamson points out nearly everyone on the board grew up in Wellsville.

Eddie (Murphy) went to L.A. and I went to Long Island, Williamson said, and we came back to the Ville. We all want to support the town any way we can, and raise some revenue to spur growth. I think we will be able to accomplish something; how many somethings? We will see.

Consumers Bank of Minerva is assuming ownership of the former CF Bank drive-through in Wellsville, along with the branch bank in Calcutta.

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Former CF Bank building turned over to Wellsville Community Foundation - Morning Journal News

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