Two Set Pieces Caused Major Trouble For The Pirates Of The Caribbean Trilogy – /Film

Posted: August 25, 2022 at 2:13 pm

The first of these set pieces takes place on an island where a tribe of cannibals have taken the crew of the Black Pearl captive, forcing them to escape in a cage built from the bones of the locals' previous victims. It's a turn of events blending macabre subject matter with broad slapstick, a core aspect of Verbinski's work going back to his directing debut on 1997's "Mouse Hunt" (a film that, frankly, does a better job embodying Verbinski's artistic impulses than his first real breakout hit, "The Ring").

"You draw this stuff on a napkin at lunch and then you do storyboards or thumbnails and you try to explain it to the producers and the crew and they look at you like you're insane," as the director told IGN in 2006. Further complicating matters, the sequence begins with the crew of the Black Pearl dangling in one of these bone cages over a high gorge (a place where one wrong move could send them plummeting to their death).

Verbinski broke down the intricacies of planning out this set piece for IGN:

"In the bone cage, they had a scene where they were in these cages and they were on land and they escaped from the bone cages. Working with my good friend Jim Burkett, who's sort of my storyboard artist and compatriot and ally in this madness, we would spend a lot of time just thinking [things like], 'Why do they have to leave the cage? Why don't they escape and have to carry the cages with them. They can't get out.' And that's when we came up with the hanging and then swinging, and they don't get out, and they have to pick them up and run with them and they roll them."

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Two Set Pieces Caused Major Trouble For The Pirates Of The Caribbean Trilogy - /Film

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