A new way to save money on Black Friday

Posted: November 24, 2014 at 10:50 am

"The big problem for us is that most merchants don't want to plan ahead," said Holmquist. "It's a lot of smaller merchants, so they put it off until the day of or the day before."

One company that won't be participating, apparently, is Overstock. While it's arguably the largest company to accept bitcoin, a spokesperson said the company's Black Friday deals will be listed on its own site, though all can be paid for with the digital currency.

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Traditionally, Bitcoin Black Friday deals aren't revealed until the day after Thanksgiving. (Due to the smaller nature of the businesses that accept the currency, there's little worry of leaks, and the owners likely realize the deals they offer aren't likely to whip heads around quite as quickly as the doorbusters at traditional retailers.) This year, however, to build excitement and interest in the event, the list will post on the day before Thanksgiving, letting shoppers prepare accordingly.

Bitcoins have certainly seen a surge of interest in 2014, and investors in the digital currency have ridden a breathtaking roller coaster.

A new way to save money on Black Friday

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