Man sentenced to three years in prison for stealing over $50000 in cash and items – EyeWitness News

Posted: October 27, 2020 at 11:05 pm

NASSAU, BAHAMAS A 30-year-old man was sentenced in the Magistrates Court to three years in prison after pleading guilty to stealing more than $50,000 worth of cash and items from a home in Cable Beach, and causing over $50,000 worth of damage.

Leroy Clarke, of St. James Road, Kemp Road, appeared beforeDeputy Chief Magistrate Andrew Forbes and was charged with one count of housebreaking, one count of stealing and one count of damage of property.

Prosecutors alleged that sometime between June 4, 2020 and 5:10 pm on July 27, 2020, Clarke, being concerned with others, unlawfully broke and entered into the home of Hubert Francios-Poncet on Cable Beach, West Bay Street.

He was accused of stealing $10,000 cash in US currency, one PlayStation 3 valued at $321, an assortment of diving and marine equipment valued at $12,643, three smart T.V sets with surround sound valued at $4,646, six pairs of sunglasses valued at $1,020, and an assortment of Louis Vuitton handbags valued at $4,403.

Clarke also allegedly stole one Canyon mountain bike valued at $1,500, an assortment of Canon cameras valued at $3,720, an assortment of wines and spirits valued at $4,000, and an assortment of Tag Heurer Monaco watches and jewelleries together valued at $9,453.

Prosecutors also said that the 30-year-old intentionally and unlawfully damaged one Macys bed frame, one HP LaserJet printer, one alarm system hardrive, one BoConcept couch, one rug, one safe and cabinet and house repairs.

The damages were estimated at$51,878.

Clarke plead guilty to all three charges.

Forbes sentenced him to three years in prison on the three charges.

Yesterday, Clarke was also arraigned on charges of arson of a building.

Prosecutors allege that on October 17, Clarke intentionally and unlawfully set fire to a 46 room, two-story stone structure, the property of Doctors Hospital, causing an estimated $200,000 worth of damages.

He was not required to enter a plea on the arson charge and is expected to return to court for the presentation of a Voluntary Bill of Indictment on December 4.

He was remanded to the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services.

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Man sentenced to three years in prison for stealing over $50000 in cash and items - EyeWitness News

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