Letter: Pleased that Newhouse defended Constitution | Letters To Editor | yakimaherald.com – Yakima Herald-Republic

Posted: January 29, 2021 at 12:04 pm

To the editor In her book (which I have not read) Ilana Mercer is said to have reported that Donald Trump kept a copy of Mein Kampf as his bedtime reading. This book (which I have read) was based on the writings of Schopenhauer (will over intellect) and Nietzsche (Beyond Good and Evil) who were both avowed atheists. So was Ayn Rand, the grande dame of right-wing conservatism, whose rather crude novels were based largely out of the works of those two Germans.

Hitlers book obviously provided a road map for the Trump administration as it advocates rule by a fuhrer, white supremacy, casual use of lies and other forms of propaganda to control the masses, government control of the banks and of industry, etc. On Jan. 6, our would-be fuhrer and his hangers-on even tried a putsch but fell short of Hitlers success.

I was pleasantly surprised, during the most recent impeachment vote, to see that there were at least 10 remaining members of the party of Lincoln who are still defenders of our Constitution which is based on enlightenment thinking (science) and also the Sermon on the Mount.

Imagine my thrill to find our representative Dan Newhouses name among them!


Letter: Pleased that Newhouse defended Constitution | Letters To Editor | yakimaherald.com - Yakima Herald-Republic

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