The Washington Post just published a paranoid racist conspiracy theory – Washington Examiner

Posted: May 17, 2022 at 8:01 pm

A paranoid conspiracy theory has taken over parts of the Left. It has found its clearest expression in an extremely vile op-ed at the Washington Post by author and filmmaker Brian Broome.

The heart of his argument is this little pile of slander and hate: that the Buffalo shooters mindset is the same as the mindset of the conservative majority on the U.S. Supreme Court.

The same sort of thinking about race and birthrates now dominates the conservative Supreme Court," Broome writes. "The leaked draft opinion isnt about protecting babies. It is about protecting Whiteness. Specifically, White babies.

These two sentences are an insane fever dream with no grounding in reality. Either Broome is a liar who hopes his readers dont notice, or he is truly mad, living in a paranoid delusion in which powerful people are engaged in dark conspiracies disguised as normal politics.

To believe what Broome espouses, you first need to believe that Justices Clarence Thomas (formerly a black baby) and Amy Coney Barrett (mother of adopted black babies) dont care about black babies.

But thats not even the most absurd part of Broomes argument.

If you reduced the number of abortions, the ultimate aim of all pro-lifers, you would increase the number of black babies and the black share of the U.S. population. Black babies are three times as likely as white babies to be aborted. Hispanic babies are twice as likely as white babies to be aborted.

Anyone trying to end or curb abortions is working to make the population less white, not more. That is just statistics. And this is why white supremacist Richard Spencer is pro-abortion.

"The people who are having abortions are generally very often black or Hispanic," Spencer explains. Like Spencer, racist eugenicists have always favored abortion. Even the abortion lobby today agrees that Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, peddled birth control and abortion because she wanted fewer nonwhite babies.

Nevertheless, Broome repeatedly asserts, using the fallacy or argument by assertion, that any concern about birthrates is part of the great replacement theory.

This is, frankly, idiotic. Birthrates are falling in every country, and the United States has been in a baby bust for 16 years. The result is small towns shuttering and schools closing. Eventually, it will mean an economy with not enough people to make things and perform services needed to keep the world running.

There are a million reasons to care about falling birthrates that have nothing to do with "replacement" conspiracy theories. That's why the New York Times ran a front-page story in May 2021 warning of a demographic time bomb.

All over the world, the New York Times news story warned, countries are confronting population stagnation and a fertility bust.

Broome points out that the Buffalo shooter worried about white birthrates. Thats true the Buffalo shooter was a racist who believed in baseless conspiracy theories. Conservatives like myself who worry broadly about birthrates are not fixated on white birthrates. We are happy to see more black babies, more white babies, more Hispanic babies, more Asian babies, more Native American babies, and so on.

Im not on the same side as the murderer. Maybe Broome is. The shooter, probably like Broome, believes in human population control for environmental purposes. There is no Green future with never ending population growth, the atheist shooter wrote in his manifesto.

Broome's slanderous dishonesty comes in a piece about want[ing] the hate to stop. But Broome's entire op-ed is nothing but hate.

Because the data and facts cut against his tendentious thesis, Broome rests his entire argument on what he somehow knows to be the secret motivations of a shadowy cabal running America. The real reason Clarence Thomas opposes abortion, he surmises, is that he wants more white babies, etc. Never mind all the data!

Those secret intentions, Broome tells us, are evil, and they will result in something like genocide. Never mind that abortion has dramatically limited the nonwhite population.

Broome's argument, grounded as it is in paranoid conspiracy theories and bigotry against entire classes of people, sounds a lot more like the Buffalo shooters thinking than anything else you're going to find in print these days.

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The Washington Post just published a paranoid racist conspiracy theory - Washington Examiner

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