Responding to atheism in the last days – BYU-I Scroll

Posted: June 14, 2017 at 3:59 am

Why would God allow evil to exist? is one of the main questions asked by atheists, according to the first chapter of There is a God.

BYU-Idaho students typically feel comfortable explaining why God allows this to members of their same faith. But when the person they are talking to is an atheist, the conversation changes. Such was the case for Lauren Terry, a freshman studying public health.

I would use the idea that we all have agency because we all have it, said Terry I dont know.

Hyrum Lewis, a faculty member in the Department of History, Geography and Political Science, published a book titled There is a God on May 1, 2017.

Lewis said the book helps members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with tough questions asked by modern atheists.

The primary objective of There is a God is to address the questions and concerns brought by atheists, agnostics and members having doubts about the existence of God.

Lewis said this book was the result of years of thoughtful consideration with questions of faith until he had enough material to make a publication.

Responding to atheism in the last days - BYU-I Scroll

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