Letter: Like to believe what I say I believe | Chaska Letters to the Editor | swnewsmedia.com – SW News Media

Posted: February 14, 2021 at 1:54 pm

This weeks complaint from Crystal Quiring ("We are still out here," Feb. 4) is that only one of the editorial letters (written in the week after the attack on the Capitol) was written from the conservative point of view.

I had a similar complaint about your Dec. 31 issue, because both of the editorial letters on that day were to say right on to explicitly Christian content in your Christmas issue. That was OK with me, but one of those letters did so at the expense of the religions of atheism and 'none' above all other faiths. He said That is a national disgrace and we are a lesser country for it.

The privileged seem to be adept at portraying themselves as victims.

Atheism and none are not the names of religions. My highest authority, after a strong religious upbringing, is now science. I like to actually believe what I say I believe. Corresponding terms for the religious would be ascientism and some or lotsa.

In a country with about 30% of people qualifying as nones, there were two of us in Congress or the Supreme Court last time I checked. There were also less than 1% of us among people in prison.

Freedom of religion should include the option of freedom from it.

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Letter: Like to believe what I say I believe | Chaska Letters to the Editor | swnewsmedia.com - SW News Media

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