At the library. Ascension Library offers variety of programming for … – The Advocate

Posted: April 25, 2023 at 8:12 pm

The Ascension Parish Library's May calendar is filled with activities for the family.

Here's a few upcoming events. Visit for more information on programs and activities

Many wild birds are found injured or fall out of nests and are abandoned by their parents yearly. The LSU Veterinary School Wildlife Rehabilitation Program saves, heals, releases and sometimes provides a home for animals that cannot be released.

Get a face-to-face view of hawks, owls, and other birds at 10 a.m. Saturday, April 29 at the library in Galvez. Learn when to intervene in nature and what you can do to save these birds.

Registration is required. Call (225) 622-3339.

Create a glass jar with a quirky twist a metal lid topped with an eye-catching golden animal. On May 1, visit any Ascension Parish Library location to pick up one of these safari packets. Each contains an animal, gold paint, glue, a jar, and a brush. Once yours is complete, use it to hold cotton balls or whatever you need to store.

Ascension Parish Library has teamed up with the Capitol Area Agency on Aging for an evidence-based fall prevention program for adults 60 and older. Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention offers a gentle exercise option to help reduce the risk of falling by improving strength, balance, coordination and flexibility.

This series of one-hour classes will be held twice a week through June 7.

Endorsed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Arthritis Foundations around the world, Tai Chi is easy, enjoyable and safe for people with or without arthritis to learn. Medical studies have shown that the program can relieve pain for people with arthritis, improve their quality of life, and prevent falls for older adults, a news release said.

No prior experience is necessary; however, class size is limited. Call (225) 647-3955 to register and attend the 9 a.m. classes in Gonzales or (255) 622-3339 to register and attend the 11 a.m. classes in Galvez.

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At the library. Ascension Library offers variety of programming for ... - The Advocate

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