Ted Cruz blasts hypocrite Dems for cheering on BLM and Antifa while accusing Trump of inciting riot – The Sun

Posted: February 12, 2021 at 5:26 am

REPUBLICAN Ted Cruz has blasted the "hypocrite" Democrats for "cheering on" Black Lives Matter and Antifa while accusing former president Donald Trump of inciting a riot.

Cruz, the Texas Senator since 2013, revealed his thoughts just hours after theSenate voted 56-44to continue with the former president's second impeachment trial and Trump's defense attorney's were criticized.

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Speaking with Fox news host Sean Hannity on Tuesday night, Cruz admitted Trump's language could be "a little over heated" at times.

However, he explained: "If you look at the language he used, saying things like 'fight' - saying things like 'go retake our country' - if that is now incitement then we better prepare a long line to indict every candidate for office, anyone who's ever run."

Cruz slammed anyone who takes part in violence, regardless of them being Republican or Democrats, engaging in "unacceptable behavior."

He told Hannity: "The Democrats have been complete hypocrites on this, cheering on BLM and Antifa and apologizing for their violence.

"We have had Democrats for a year, cheering on. We have seen violence all of the country. We've seen riots all over the country.

"What do the Democrats do, they cheered it on - They celebrated."



Cruz recalled the Democrats' "hatred" for Trump and shared a clip of his interview to Twitter.

He captioned the Twitter post: "Democrats want a week of political theater raging at Donald Trump instead of focusing on reopening schools or getting millions of Americans back to work."

Cruz said he believed Trump's Tuesday impeachment hearing "typified what we're going to see this week."

At another point during his talk with Hannity, Cruz pointed out that Vice President Kamala Harris "raised money to pay for the bail" of Minnesota demonstrators.

He slammed her for bailing out "violent criminals."


The 50-year-old politician also published an Op-Ed in Fox News, headlined: "Should the Senate exercise jurisdiction over Trump's impeachment trial? Why the answer matters."

Cruz backed up his reasoning behind voting to "dismiss this impeachment on jurisdictional grounds."

"And nothing in the Constitution makes the Senates impeachment jurisdictionmandatory. 'Sole power' means 'sole power' - the Senate can decide whether to hear the case," Cruz said.

"The present impeachment is an exercise of partisan retribution, not a legitimate exercise of constitutional authority."

Meanwhile, Senators will move forward with the second day of Trump's impeachment hearings on Wednesday, February 10.

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Last month, the Texas GOP senator suggested that former presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama could be impeached next as he blasted the "unconstitutional" Trump trial.

Cruz slammed the partisan, divisive, angry impeachment trial of Trump and told Hannity the Democrats' perceived urgency in impeaching Trump was an "exercise in political rage."

"This is not driven by the needs of the country, this is not driven by trying to help out the people who are hurting back home," Cruz said. "This is driven by partisan rage and the partisan anger they feel. This was an exercise in political ragethey hate Donald Trump."

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Ted Cruz blasts hypocrite Dems for cheering on BLM and Antifa while accusing Trump of inciting riot - The Sun

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