Letter: Boebert’s antifa legislation is problematic | SteamboatToday.com – Steamboat Pilot and Today

Posted: March 31, 2021 at 3:11 am

So Rep. Lauren Boebert, Q-Colorado, just tweeted that shes introduced a bill that would formally declare antifa as a domestic terroristic organization.

Theres several problems here. First, the idea that antifa is a coherent, hierarchical organization, like the KKK or Proud Boys. Search high and low, conservatives have never found indicators that antifa is an organization: a website, a mailbox address, a board of directors, a membership list, identities of leaders, bank accounts, even a newsletter or spokesperson. Like Zorro, they like to dress in black and are willing to mix it up with bullies, or in this case, fascist bullies.

The FBI terms the group as a loosely organized group of local affiliates, who operate under an anti-fascist ideology or set of anti-fascist ideas.

I think I actually know a member of antifa, an older gentleman I worked with 40 years ago. He was an Army soldier who landed at Normandy. He stepped off a landing craft into 12 feet of water, shrugged off his heavy pack and made his way to the beach through bloody water. There he borrowed a rifle from a soldier who didnt need it anymore and went to war, eventually hooking up with Pattons merry band of tankers.

I was raised to honor members of the World War II military, who were very much anti-fascist.

I am anti-fascist. Im too old to poke a Proud Boy or KKKer in the nose, but I agree with the sentiment.

So does that make me a member of antifa, gun lady?


Brodie Farquhar


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Letter: Boebert's antifa legislation is problematic | SteamboatToday.com - Steamboat Pilot and Today

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