One thing you probably should be trying to help you get a better nights sleep but probably arent – MarketWatch

Posted: January 29, 2022 at 11:55 pm

Millions of Amercians struggle to get a good nights rest, and millions have tried one of the myriad items that promise a better nights sleep. An estimated 4% of U.S. adults aged 20 and over used prescription sleep aids in the past month, the CDC notes. And among Americans who use CBD, 42% say its to help with sleep and insomnia. But theres one thing that research shows works to promote better sleep, but you dont often hear about: a scent diffuser infused with lavender. (You can check out one of our $22 picks for a scent diffuser here, and youll find details on this and other picks below.)

Indeed, theres a growing body of research that suggests that smell might also play a profound role in helping us fall, and stay asleep, says Dr. Nathaniel Fletcher Watson, the director of the Harborview Sleep Clinic and past-president of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. A study published in 2012 found that essential oils such as lavender can deter minor sleep disturbances, as well as reduce anxiety. And another study published in 2019 found that pleasant or neutral odors presented during sleep may have helped allay nightmares in patients suffering from PTSD.

Lavender, in particular, seems to be an effective scent. It can help with sleep, Dr. Namni Goel, a professor and director of adult chronobiology and sleep medicine, biological rhythms research laboratory, at Rush University, who has studied the topic, told MarketWatch Picks. Indeed, a 2015 study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, as well as a 2016 study, found that lavender improved the quality of sleep and how rested people felt when they woke up. An analysis of multiple studies on sleep and lavender published in 2012 in the European Journal of Integrative Medicine found that lavender oil may be of small to moderate benefit for those with sleep issues. And a 2005 study at Wesleyan University revealed that sniffing lavender improved sleep quality. (Here are a variety of options for lavender essential oil for a diffuser from Amazon here.)

So what scent diffusers do pro reviewers love? Here are a few.

Quiet and affordable




Great looking and long lasting

$114 on Amazon

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One thing you probably should be trying to help you get a better nights sleep but probably arent - MarketWatch

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