Dr. Bartiss Institute For Complementary & Alternative Medicine ICAM NJ

Posted: June 11, 2022 at 1:13 am

Testimonial Jerry I want to thank you for your medical advice and consultation since I began ozone treatments with you for my non-Hodgkins (marginal zone) lymphoma cancer. Your MAH ozone has worked very well for me and I would like to share two areas of improvement. One concerns my bone marrow cellularity. Before I started seeing you, my bone marrow cellularity (as measured by an Oncologist prior to seeing you) was at 90% very, very high! However, after 23 weekly MAH ozone sessions you sent me to another Oncologist. He did a bone marrow biopsy and to his amazement my cellularity had dropped to 40%! This was a great indication that the ozone was working to decrease my non-Hodgkins lymphoma cancer. The other measure identifying the status of my cancer is Immunoglobulin M, or IgM. Before I began seeing you an Oncologist had my IgM measured and it was at 5520 mg/dL again, very, very, very high! (I believe the allowable maximum is around 150 to 200 mg/dL.) He wanted to start me on chemo immediately, but I refused because my extensive research revealed that chemo would poison my immune system and I did not want to go down that road. Although my IgM had gradually dropped to 3880 mg/dL, with many additional monthly MAH ozone sessions, my IgM increased to 4599 mg/dL as measured last fall and winter. During this period of time I had a seriously infected tooth and it took several months to resolve. Fortunately I eventually found the right dentist to successfully remove the tooth. Subsequently, however, you and I decided to use the combination of weekly MAH ozone plus inter-venous vitamin C. This has been a wonderful combination for me, because in less than two months my IgM dropped to 2444 mg/dL! I am totally delighted with this result and I look forward to continued weekly sessions using this combination. Although I have a ways to go, and still have this cancer, I am optimistic and sincerely believe that this combination will eventually be the solution to my problem.I would also like to add that through my experience, I believe that alternative medicine is a very safe approach in addressing cancer and should be an acknowledged and available alternative.Again, I want to thank you for working with me to work toward improving my situation. Thank you for what you do in working with people to help improve their lives!Jerry

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Dr. Bartiss Institute For Complementary & Alternative Medicine ICAM NJ

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