An AI imagines what ‘Destiny’, ‘Zelda’, and Hideo Kojima look like with terrifying results – For The Win

Posted: October 5, 2021 at 4:24 am

Ever wonder what your favorite video games would look like through an AI-generated lens? Well, thanks to ai_curio_bot from Bearsharktopus Studios, theres a Twitter bot more than capable of showing you the nightmare-inducing results.

All you have to do is tweet at ai_curio_bot with a specific prompt followed by whatever you would like to see horrifically recreated by the bot. For example, I sent it botprompt: Link fromThe Legend of Zeldaon an air mattress because why not.

I doubted that ai_curio_bot could yield anything recognizable from this request, despite the heaps of evidence suggesting otherwise. Several hours later, a rather disturbing notification popped up in my mentions that you can check out below.

Theres definitely an air mattress in the artwork, but Im unsure how that twisting eldritch horror qualifies as Link. Is that his blue tunic off to the left? Maybe. I think his hairline is in the center, too. Either way, I wasnt planning on sleeping tonight anyway never using a Nintendo Switch again, for that matter.

Naturally, gamers are having a ball with ai_curio_bot. FromDestinys Traveler toHideo Kojima himself, the bot successfully makes me question if humanity officially has too much sway over the universe. Check out some of the, uh, more creative results for yourself below.

Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF.

Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. Rise and.. wait who are your friends here?

Yes, the notion of Chris Pratt being Mario can be even more cursed.

Somehow, I remember Persona 3 a bit differently than this.

Read this article:

An AI imagines what 'Destiny', 'Zelda', and Hideo Kojima look like with terrifying results - For The Win

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