FAMILY AND MARRIAGE: The family is in trouble – Charleston Post Courier

Posted: August 16, 2021 at 1:25 pm

The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works, is the family. Lee Iacocca

Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mothers sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, Woman, here is your son, and to the disciple, Here is your mother. From that time on, this disciple took her into his home. Bible (John 19:25-27)

Melanie Phillips, a journalist for the Times of London, authored a book titled Guardian Angel: My Story, My Britain. In it, she writes, And when I started writing about family breakdown, I was also called an Old Testament fundamentalist. At the time, I shrugged this aside as merely a gratuitous bit of bigotry. Much later, however, I came to realize that it was actually a rather precise insult. My assailants had immediately understood something I did not myself at the time understand, that the destruction of the traditional family had, as its real target, the destruction of biblical morality.

An article about Ms. Phillips goes on to say Writing as one of Britains most prominent journalists, informed by dozens of contacts, digging into thousands of statistics, Ms. Phillips found that family unity caused national stability (whereas) family breakdown caused national instability. That is just what the facts showed. And even though she did not realize it at the time, accepting the real-world evidence supporting traditional family brought her thinking in-line with the ultimate source of traditional family: the Holy Bible.

Dennis Rainey, formerly with FamilyLife Today, published a book in 1989 titled "Staying Close." The following extensive quote comes from this book:

Today there is a war being waged against the family. Our nations marriages, specifically our children, face their own particular Dunkirk, but families can hope for little help from Washington or the legislators of their state capitals the problem is too large for them. Trained psychologists and counselors can assist only a comparative handful of the thousands of families that need guidance and direction. Mighty voices in church pulpits and on television and radio can provide influence, but if the war is to be won, it must happen with lay people like you and me.

Our nations families hang in the balance. With over five billion people inhabiting our planet today, your family, like mine needs to feel it is significant. Everyone in your family should realize it is part of something that will outlive all of them. What greater investment could there be that to learn to make your own marriage and family work, and then begin to reach out to help others do the same? Thats how you can build a heritage of destiny.

The choice is yours. I want to challenge you to help rescue Americas broken and bleeding families.

When Nehemiah directed the rebuilding of the wall at Jerusalem, he made each man responsible for the section of wall that was in front of his own home. Nehemiahs strategy was brilliant. Each man was highly motivated to rebuild the wall high and well-fortified in front of his own home. Why? If the wall were low or weak, that would be the first place where enemies would burst through to overwhelm everyone in their path.

The parallel for today is clear. The family is for a nation what the wall represented for Jerusalem our countrys protection. We need Christian families who will first begin building strong walls for themselves. Then we need you to reach out to help your neighbors build.

Over 30 years later, the problems Dennis Rainey cited have become significantly worse. We see socialism and its spinoff, communism, raising their ugly heads today. The Communist Manifesto has one of its primary tenets the abolition of the family. The question is do we care enough to do anything about it? Its up to you and me. We can watch Rome burn or we can get involved with our churches and otherwise to make a difference.

The Family & Marriage Coalition of Aiken, Inc. (FAMCO) was created to provide resources for you to succeed in your marriage and families. Roger Rollins, Executive Director, FAMCO, 803-640-4689,,

See the article here:

FAMILY AND MARRIAGE: The family is in trouble - Charleston Post Courier

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