Monthly Archives: April 2024

UK briefing: How Donald Trump plans to survive hush money trial with his campaign intact newsletter – The Guardian

Posted: April 29, 2024 at 11:28 am

UK briefing: How Donald Trump plans to survive hush money trial with his campaign intact newsletter  The Guardian

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UK briefing: How Donald Trump plans to survive hush money trial with his campaign intact newsletter - The Guardian

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Trump, GOP seize on campus protests to depict chaos under Biden – The Washington Post

Posted: at 11:28 am

Former president Donald Trump and other prominent Republicans are seizing on the eruption of campus protests across the country to depict the United States as out of control under President Biden, seeking to use the mostly peaceful demonstrations as a political cudgel against the Democrats.

The pro-Palestinian protests at numerous colleges including Columbia, Yale, Emory, the University of Southern California, the University of Texas at Austin and others include encampments and barricades intended to highlight protesters denunciation of Israels military onslaught in Gaza, as well as to push universities to divest from companies with ties to Israel.

Beyond the disruption to campus life, top Republicans have highlighted the antisemitic chants that have occurred at some of the protests. The issue is complicated by a debate over what constitutes antisemitism and when criticism of Israel crosses that line while some student organizers have denounced the chants or said they are coming from outside activists.

Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, has cited the protests to accuse Biden and Democrats of being unable to maintain order or quash lawlessness, an accusation he has leveled at the president on other hot-button political issues. He has also highlighted the protests as a way to air his own political grievances, including the lack of similar demonstrations around his current criminal trial.

On Monday morning, Trump posted on Truth Social, STOP THE PROTESTS NOW!!!

As the protests have mushroomed in recent days, numerous Republicans have sought ways to highlight them as an example of the countrys slide into chaos. Several Republican lawmakers, including House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), have visited the campus of Columbia University, the site of some of the most sweeping protests, to call for its president to resign for purportedly failing to contain the demonstrations.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, dispatched more than 100 state troopers to the University of Texas at Austin to clear out pro-Palestinian protesters, resulting in dozens of arrests. All of the charges against the protesters were later dropped for lack of probable cause.

The campus protests present conservatives with some of their favorite targets: elite universities, progressive activists, woke culture and civil rights leaders. In addition, attacking the protests allows Republicans to change the subject from less friendly political terrain, such as abortion rights and the war in Ukraine.

Their rhetoric is harsh in many cases. Sens. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) have demanded that Biden mobilize the National Guard to protect Jewish Americans on campus. Hawley compared the standoff to the battle over segregation in 1957, when President Dwight D. Eisenhower summoned the National Guard to force the integration of Central High School in Little Rock.

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) suggested that the college protesters were mentally unstable. You dont get to turn our public places into a garbage dump. No civilization should tolerate these encampments. Get rid of them, Vance posted on X. If you want to protest peacefully fine. Its your right. But go home and take a shower at the end of the day. These encampments are just gross. Wanting to participate in this is a mental illness.

The GOP rhetoric has not been limited to campus protests, sometimes covering pro-Palestinian actions more broadly, including those that have shut down roads and bridges in some cities. Cotton, in a post on X, urged those who get stuck behind pro-Hamas mobs blocking traffic to take matters into your own hands. Following criticism that some might read that as a call to violence, Cotton amended his post to say take matters into your own hands to get them out of the way.

Supporters of the campus protests say they are peaceful, and that accusations of antisemitism are often a pretext to shut down dissenting voices. Many of the Republicans criticizing the protests, they say, condoned or excused the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, which was far more violent.

The students are peacefully protesting for an end of the Israeli genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, the group Jewish Voices for Peace, which supports a cease-fire in Gaza, said of the Columbia protests. We condemn any and all hateful or violent comments targeting Jewish students; however, in shutting down public protest and suspending students, the actions of the University of Columbia are not ensuring safety for Jewish students or any students on campus.

The Israel-Gaza war has deeply fractured the Democratic Party, posing significant political challenges to Biden months ahead of Novembers presidential contest. Biden pledged steadfast support of Israel after Hamas militants stormed through the Israel-Gaza border on Oct. 7 and killed 1,200 people, many of them civilians, and took 253 hostage, according to Israeli authorities.

Israel responded with a punishing military campaign in Gaza that has killed more than 34,000 Palestinians, imposing a siege that has created a humanitarian catastrophe as Gazas health system has collapsed and the population faces a looming famine. The resulting protest movement has electrified many younger voters and progressives, as well as others in the Democratic coalition that Biden needs to repeat his 2020 win, who have called for the United States to impose conditions for aid to Israel or suspend it altogether.

Democrats have voiced a range of views on the legitimacy of the protests, and Biden has sought a balance between condemning antisemitism and supporting students right to protest. Republicans, in contrast, are largely unified in casting the demonstrations as a disgrace, echoing conservative denunciations of the anti-Vietnam War protests of the 1960s.

Trump this week called a 2017 neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville which he said at the time had very fine people on both sides, prompting a bipartisan backlash a peanut compared with the current protests on campuses. Speaking to reporters after attending his criminal trial in New York on Thursday, Trump repeated the comments he wrote on social media and went further. He called the Charlottesville gathering, where a counterprotester was killed, a little peanut and added, it was nothing compared the hate wasnt the kind of hate that you have here.

Trump has contrasted the pro-Palestinian demonstrations with the lack of protests outside the Manhattan courthouse where he is on trial for an alleged hush money scheme. In seeking to blame Biden for the campus protests, Trump has accused the president of hating Israel, Jews and Palestinians, and accused Jewish Democrats of hating their religion. Many of the protesters are Jewish students, and progressive Jewish organizations have helped lead a number of protest movements since the war began in October.

The Courthouse area in Lower Manhattan is in a COMPLETE LOCKDOWN mode, not for reasons of safety, but because they dont want any of the thousands of MAGA supporters to be present, Trump wrote on Truth Social on Thursday. If they did the same thing at Columbia, and other locations, there would be no problem with the protesters!

The tone of the criticism is not new; since Biden took office, Trump and other Republicans have pushed the notion that America is descending into chaos and lawlessness on his watch. From illegal immigration to soaring inflation to violent crime, they have regularly painted a picture of a country out of control.

These assertions have often been exaggerated or without context, but Trump has seized on them to promise a fierce crackdown should he return to power.

And during his 2020 reelection campaign, Trump tweeted in response to the large-scale protests over the police killing of George Floyd, which were mostly peaceful but occasionally turned to looting, writing, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. The post was widely criticized for potentially encouraging private citizens, or police officers, to take deadly aim at looters.

Trumps own position on Israel has often been hard to pin down. He has tried to position himself as a firm defender of Israel, but he has also criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus handling of the war and sought to exploit the fissures in Bidens coalition over U.S. support of Israel.

After the Oct. 7 attack, Trump insulted Israels leaders while praising the intelligence of the Hezbollah militant group. Faced with a backlash to that comment, the former president proposed harsh policies against Muslim migrants, saying he would reimpose his ban on travel from Muslim-majority countries and deport students involved in pro-Palestinian demonstrations.

In the weeks after the Hamas massacre, Trump said his administration would revoke student visas of radical, anti-American and antisemitic foreigners. Other Republicans still running for president at the time including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Sen. Tim Scott (S.C.) and GOP members of Congress similarly called for the visas of pro-Hamas foreign students to be revoked.

The spread of the college protests has ignited a renewed Republican response. When word circulated last Wednesday that pro-Palestinian protesters were planning to occupy a lawn at the University of Texas, Gov. Abbott sought to show that his Republican-dominated state would not tolerate a repeat of the encampment at Columbia University, dispatching state troopers.

The Texas Department of Public Safety said it responded to the campus at the direction of Abbott, who applauded the crackdown on social media. He said the protesters belong in jail and that any student participating in hate-filled, antisemitic protests at public colleges should be expelled.

Incidents at some universities have fed the criticisms, though pro-Palestinian activists say they are isolated incidents. Video re-emerged this week of a Columbia student who has taken part in the pro-Palestinian protest encampments declaring that Zionists dont deserve to live. The student, Khymani James, made the comments in a video posted in January, although he has since stated that they were wrong. Columbia said it had barred the student from campus, but it was unclear whether he was suspended or expelled.

In Georgia, Gov. Brian Kemp (R), following protests in several cities including Chicago and San Francisco, stressed that he would not tolerate anything similar in his state. Recounting a conversation with Georgias public safety commissioner, he said: You know how I feel about people blocking bridges, airports and other things like were seeing around the country. I said, If they do that, lock their ass up.

In New York City, Speaker Johnson and a group of GOP lawmakers visited Columbias campus on Wednesday, where they demanded that the universitys president, Nemat Minouche Shafik, resign for failing to quickly dismantle the pro-Palestine encampments and, in their view, for not doing enough to ensure that Jewish people on campus felt safe.

Their visit appeared to raise tensions, as Johnson was met with boos and pro-Palestinian chants. One student yelled at Johnson to get off our campus, while another shouted, go back to Louisiana, Mike!

And on Capitol Hill, Republicans last week urged the Biden administration to intervene in the demonstrations. Rep. Elise Stefanik (N.Y.), a top-ranking House Republican, sent a letter to Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas and Attorney General Merrick Garland, calling on them to deport students who she said are brazenly endorsing Hamas and other terrorist organizations by participating in demonstrations and related events on campus.

Separately, a group of 27 Senate Republicans, including every member of the Senate GOP leadership team, signed onto a letter to Cardona and Garland calling on the administration to take action to restore order and protect Jewish students on our college campuses.

The Department of Education and federal law enforcement must act immediately to restore order, prosecute the mobs who have perpetuated violence and threats against Jewish students, revoke the visas of all foreign nationals (such as exchange students) who have taken part in promoting terrorism, and hold accountable school administrators who have stood by instead of protecting their students, the letter said.

Isaac Arnsdorf contributed to this report.

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Trump, GOP seize on campus protests to depict chaos under Biden - The Washington Post

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Opinion | We Are Talking About the Manhattan Case Against Trump All Wrong – The New York Times

Posted: at 11:28 am

Now that the lawyers are laying out their respective theories of the case in the criminal prosecution of Donald Trump in New York, it would be understandable if peoples heads are spinning. The defense lawyers claimed this is a case about hush money as a legitimate tool in democratic elections, while the prosecutors insisted it is about a criminal scheme to corrupt the 2016 presidential election.

Yet this case is not really about election interference, nor is it a politically motivated attempt to criminalize a benign personal deal. Boring as it may sound, it is a case about business integrity.

Its not surprising that the lawyers on both sides are trying to make this about something sexier. This is a narrative device used to make the jurors and the public side with them, but it has also created confusion. On the one hand, some legal experts claim that the conduct charged in New York was the original election interference. On the other hand, some critics think the criminal case is a witch hunt, and others claim it is trivial at best and at worst the product of selective prosecution.

As someone who worked in the Manhattan district attorneys office and enforced the laws that Mr. Trump is accused of violating, I stand firmly in neither camp. It is an important and straightforward case, albeit workmanlike and unglamorous. In time, after the smoke created by lawyers has cleared, it will be easy to see why the prosecution is both solid and legitimate.

It would hardly make for a dramatic opening statement or cable news sound bite, but the case is about preventing wealthy people from using their businesses to commit crimes and hide from accountability. Manhattan prosecutors have long considered it their province to ensure the integrity of the financial markets. As Robert Morgenthau, a former Manhattan district attorney, liked to say, You cannot prosecute crime in the streets without prosecuting crime in the suites.

Lawmakers in New York, the financial capital of the world, consider access to markets and industry in New York a privilege for businesspeople. It is a felony to abuse that privilege by doctoring records to commit or conceal crimes, even if the businessman never accomplishes the goal and even if the false records never see the light of day. The idea is that an organizations records should reflect an honest accounting. It is not a crime to make a mistake, but lying is a different story. It is easy to evade accountability by turning a business into a cover, providing a false trail for whichever regulator might care to look. The law (falsification of business records) deprives wealthy, powerful businessmen of the ability to do so with impunity, at least when theyre conducting business in the city.

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Opinion | We Are Talking About the Manhattan Case Against Trump All Wrong - The New York Times

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Election 2024: Biden jokes, Trump still leads and updates from the Sunday shows. – The New York Times

Posted: at 11:28 am

President Biden didnt waste time.

Just minutes into his speech at the White House Correspondents Association dinner on Saturday, Mr. Biden launched into the issues dominating the 2024 election, including his age and former President Donald J. Trumps hush-money trial in New York.

The 2024 elections in full swing and yes, age is an issue, Mr. Biden said in a roughly 10-minute speech. Im a grown man running against a 6-year-old.

Donald has had a few tough days lately. You might call it stormy weather, Mr. Biden said, an oblique reference to Stormy Daniels, a porn actress who claims to have had sex with Mr. Trump in 2006 and received a hush-money payment in the days before the 2016 election, a deal at the center of his New York trial.

The comments, even as part of a roast, were notable given Mr. Biden has forbidden his aides to talk publicly about Mr. Trumps legal troubles. But they also came as Mr. Biden has ramped up his attacks on Mr. Trump, sharpening the split-screen between a president on the campaign trail and a former president spending his days in a courtroom.

The annual dinner at the Washington Hilton Hotel provided a break to journalists and government officials from their normal jousting for a night of glitz and gossip in celebration of the free press. Mr. Biden, who has held fewer news conferences than his predecessors, extended his roast to the journalists gathered for the dinner.

Some of you complained that I dont take enough of your questions, Mr. Biden said. No comment.

The New York Times issued a statement blasting me for actively and effectively avoiding independent journalists, Mr. Biden said. Hey, if thats what it takes to get The New York Times to say Im active and effective, Im for it.

Outside the gates of the Washington Hilton, however, outrage over Mr. Bidens support for Israels war in Gaza was evident.

As journalists and politicians arrived at the hotel, many were swarmed by pro-Palestinian protesters chanting, Shame on you! Other protesters wearing press vests with the names of more than 100 Palestinian journalists who have been killed in Gaza lay down in front of the dinner venue.

By putting our human bodies on the street, we create a little discomfort for the journalists attending the event, said Hazami Barmada, an organizer of the protest.

Inside the hotel ballroom, many journalists wore pins reading Free Evan to raise awareness of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, who has been detained in Russia since March 2023 wrongfully, according to the U.S. government.



There are some who call you the enemy of the people. Thats wrong and its dangerous. You literally risk your lives doing your job. And some of your colleagues have given their lives, and many have suffered grievous injuries. Other reporters have lost their freedom. Journalism is clearly not a crime, not here, not there, not anywhere in the world. Were doing everything we can to bring home journalists, fellow journalists, Austin and all Americans, like Paul Whelan. You know, who wrongfully detained all around the world. And I give you my word as a Biden, were not going to give up until we get them home. All of them. All of them. At The Wall Street Journal, they are counting, for Moscow correspondent Evan Gershkovich, 396 days since he was jailed in Russia. The U.S. government has designated Evan as wrongfully detained. And Evans parents and his family are with us tonight. And we are with you, always. We remember Austin Tice, 4,276 days, nearly 12 years since he was kidnapped in Syria. His mother, Deborah, is with us, and Mrs. Tice, we are with you. And Mr. President, again, we humbly ask that you do everything you can to bring them home.

Kelly ODonnell, a senior White House reporter for NBC News who is also president of the correspondents association, used her remarks to call attention to journalists who have been captured or killed while doing their jobs, including Mr. Gershkovich; Austin Tice, who was kidnapped while reporting in Syria; and reporters who have been killed in Gaza.

Our profession can be perilous, Ms. ODonnell said. Since October, about 100 journalists have been killed, most of those deaths in Gaza.

Ms. ODonnell also said the association had wanted to choose both a writer and a comedian when it came to their host this year. Colin Jost, the co-anchor of Weekend Update on Saturday Night Live and a former reporter for the Staten Island Advance spent roughly 23 minutes poking fun at the president.

But Mr. Josts speech was relatively light, even supportive of Mr. Biden. He ended it by noting that his grandfather, who recently died, had voted for Mr. Biden in the last election.

The reason he voted for you is because youre a decent man, Mr. Jost said.

Still, Mr. Jost didnt miss an opportunity to needle the president over his poll numbers.

My Weekend Update co-anchor, Michael Che, was going to join me here tonight but in solidarity with President Biden I decided to lose all my Black support, Mr. Jost said, referring to polling that has shown Mr. Biden struggling with Black voters.

Over seared petit filet mignon, celebrities and journalists also had a chance to catch those setting policy that will impact Americans for years to come. Lester Holt, the anchor of NBC News, sat next to Jeffrey D. Zients, the White House chief of staff, who made sure to stand up and speak briefly with the Rev. Al Sharpton.

Not everyone was in a tuxedo or dress Senator John Fetterman, Democrat of Pennsylvania, showed up wearing a white, hooded sweatshirt emblazoned with a bow-tie design on its front.

Hollywood was well represented at the dinner, with the actress Scarlett Johansson, who is married to Mr. Jost, sitting up front. Popular cable news anchors dined with the actors Jon Hamm and Sean Penn, among others.

Before making their way to their seats, politicians like Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, and Gov. J.B. Pritzker of Illinois held court with guests as Biden campaign officials talked about recent polls showing Mr. Biden cutting into Mr. Trumps lead.

Mr. Biden, too, sounded emboldened. While he rarely mentioned Mr. Trump by name early in his presidency, he has aggressively taunted him as of late and kept it going on Saturday.

Did you hear what Donald said about the major Civil War battle? Mr. Biden said. Gettysburg. Wow. Trumps speech was so embarrassing, the statue of Robert E. Lee surrendered again.

Age is the only thing we have in common, Mr. Biden, 81, said of Mr. Trump, 77. My vice president actually endorses me, Mr. Biden said, referring to former Vice President Mike Pences decision not to endorse Mr. Trump.

Mr. Biden also used his speech at the dinner to warn about his political opponents threats on democracy increasingly a focus of his message to voters.

Focus on whats actually at stake, Mr. Biden said. The stakes couldnt be higher.


Election 2024: Biden jokes, Trump still leads and updates from the Sunday shows. - The New York Times

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Donald Trump Pans White House Correspondents’ Dinner: ‘Colin Jost BOMBED’ – The Daily Beast

Posted: at 11:28 am

Donald Trump weighed in on the White House Correspondents Dinner on Sunday, giving a terse, certified rotten review of its key players.

The White House Correspondents Dinner was really bad, he wrote on Truth Social. Colin Jost BOMBED, and Crooked Joe was an absolute disaster! Doesnt get much worse than this!

Though the only Trump in the building on Saturday night was Lara, the presidential daughter-in-law recently named head of the Republican National Committee, the former presidents shadow was felt even in the absence of his distinct orange glow. He was a frequent subject of the roasts by both Biden and the keynote comedians.

Biden poked fun at everything from his ongoing criminal trial (You might call it stormy weather) to his age (Im a grown man running against a 6 year old) to his floundering campaign fundraising, including a jab at the weird merch Trump has peddled this year.

Trumps so desperate, he started reading those Bibles hes selling, Biden said, referencing the $60 Trump-endorsed Bibles the presumptive Republican nominee started hawking around Easter.

Then he got to the First Commandment: You shall have no other gods before me. Thats when he put it down and said, This books not for me.

Saturday Night Live comedian Colin Jost also took shots at Trump, riffing on the courtroom drawings of the former president from his hush-money trial.

Every sketch of Trump looks like the Grinch had sex with the Lorax, he joked.

Comedian Matt Friend joined in the action, too, with a swipe at South Dakota governor and recently confessed puppy-killer Kristi Noem as a bonus. Putting on a Trump voice impression, Friend said, I am killing this dinner harder than Kristi Noem kills the puppies!

Trump famously never attended the event while he was in office, and his hatred for the event has long simmered. When he attended as a guest in 2011, he was thoroughly flamed by President Obamaa humiliation which some speculate may have fueled his desire for the presidency in 2016.

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Donald Trump Pans White House Correspondents' Dinner: 'Colin Jost BOMBED' - The Daily Beast

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Trump’s Trial Could Bring a Rarity: Consequences for His Words – The New York Times

Posted: at 11:28 am

So thats not true? Thats not true?

The judge in control of Donald J. Trumps Manhattan criminal trial had just cut off the former presidents lawyer, Todd Blanche. Mr. Blanche had been in the midst of defending a social media post in which his client wrote that a statement that had been public for years WAS JUST FOUND!

Mr. Blanche had already acknowledged during the Tuesday hearing that Mr. Trumps post was false. But the judge, Juan M. Merchan, wasnt satisfied.

I need to understand, Justice Merchan said, glaring down at the lawyer from the bench, what I am dealing with.

The question of what is true or at least what can be proven is at the heart of any trial. But this particular defendant, accused by the Manhattan district attorneys office of falsifying business records to conceal a sex scandal, has spent five decades spewing thousands and thousands of words, sometimes contradicting himself within minutes, sometimes within the same breath, with little concern for the consequences of what he said.

Mr. Trump has treated his own words as disposable commodities, intended for single use, and not necessarily indicative of any deeply held beliefs. And his tendency to pile phrases on top of one another has often worked to his benefit, amusing or engaging his supporters sometimes spurring threats and even violence while distracting, enraging or just plain disorienting his critics and adversaries.

If Mr. Blanche seemed unconcerned at the hearing that he was telling a criminal judge that his client had said something false, it may have been simply because the routine has become so familiar.

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Trump's Trial Could Bring a Rarity: Consequences for His Words - The New York Times

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The Supreme Court’s epic failure in dealing with Trump’s cases – The Hill

Posted: at 11:28 am

As Donald Trump’s “hush money/election interference” trial continues in state court, it implicitly heralds an epic and tragic failure of the United States Supreme Court. This state case is surely not the one the American people needed to have tried and decided prior to the 2024 presidential election.

Of the four criminal cases against Trump and the other state election interference cases naming him as an unindicted co-conspirator, Jack Smith’s case charging him with orchestrating the Jan. 6 attempt to overthrow the lawful results of the 2020 election is paramount.

For two compelling reasons the resolution of that case prior to the 2024 presidential election is indispensable to our constitutional government. First, the American people have a right to know all the facts about Trump’s involvement in the coup attempt before they cast their votes in that election. Second, if the case were postponed until after the election, a Trump victory would allow him to dismiss the case, suppress evidence of his alleged criminal behavior and forever escape the consequences of his actions.

Thus, the Supreme Court’s tragic failure is glaring: It has methodically blocked the prompt and timely resolution of that essential case.  

1.  Instead of hearing Trump’s “absolute” immunity claim in December 2023, it deferred to proceedings in a lower appellate court.

2.  Instead of upholding the excellent and unanimous opinion of that lower court denying the immunity claim, it agreed to hear yet another appeal on the issue.

3.  Instead of recognizing the absence of proper grounds for continuing the stay of the district court’s pre-trial preparations, it ordered a continued stay of those proceedings.

4.  Instead of setting a short briefing schedule to expedite its hearing of the immunity claim — recognizing that the parties had already thoroughly briefed the issue — it set a lazy schedule that gave the parties two additional months to file their briefs.

5.  Instead of setting an early date to hear arguments, it set the date as late as possible, placing it on the very last day of the court’s term.

6. Instead of focusing on the facts of the case in the oral argument, it obscured the actual issue and pretended that the case presented an imagined comprehensive immunity issue, a red herring potentially enabling it to refuse to make a final decision, justify a remand and cause even further delay.   

7. Instead of deciding the case immediately after argument, it confirmed the likelihood that it would not issue its decision before late June or even July.

The court could easily have decided the immunity claim as early as January or February and given the district court ample time to complete pre-trial proceedings and begin the trial by May or June. Instead, it managed to delay the case for countless months, making trial before the election increasingly unlikely if not virtually impossible.

The court’s determination to delay the case is particularly obvious when its actions are compared to its actions in a second case it faced involving Trump and the Jan. 6 riot. There, a Fourteenth Amendment challenge to Trump’s eligibility for federal office, a quick decision served Trump’s interests by ensuring that no state could use the Fourteenth Amendment to exclude him from early primary or later general election ballots. Although the case presented open, difficult and substantially contested constitutional claims, the court decided it swiftly and in Trump’s favor. In revealing contrast, in Jack Smith’s Jan. 6 case, where delay, not speed, served Trump’s interests, the Supreme Court repeatedly imposed delays and abjured speed.

As a constitutional matter, moreover, any delay was wholly unnecessary because no genuine immunity issue even exists in the case. There are no fairly conceivable constitutional grounds — historical, textual, structural, originalist or theoretical — for holding that a president could have immunity from criminal charges that he attempted to overthrow the results of a lawful presidential election in order to stay in office and illegally retain power.

Despite Trump’s groundless assertion of an “absolute” immunity, Jack Smith’s case presents a far narrower and quite specific immunity issue that is neither difficult nor even debatable. A president of the United States cannot possibly enjoy immunity from a criminal prosecution for attempting to overturn a lawful election and illegally seize control of the national government. Thus, the court’s delaying tactics are based on its willingness to feign credence to a constitutional phantasm. 

If and when the court decides the case, it will — as it must — deny Trump’s claim. Thus, the only meaningful result of the court’s methodical foot-dragging is the unavoidable conclusion that it has sought to help Trump avoid trial while he campaigns for the presidency. In effect, the court agreed to grant Trump a de facto absolute immunity through the 2024 election. That is an epic constitutional tragedy. 

Edward Purcell is the Joseph Solomon distinguished professor at New York Law School and an author whose latest book is “Antonin Scalia and American Constitutionalism: The Historical Significance of a Judicial Icon.”

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The Supreme Court's epic failure in dealing with Trump's cases - The Hill

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Donald Trump Bemoans Really Bad WHCD, Biden & Colin Jost After All Mock Much Indicted Ex-POTUS – Deadline

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Donald Trump Bemoans Really Bad WHCD, Biden & Colin Jost After All Mock Much Indicted Ex-POTUS  Deadline

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Donald Trump Bemoans Really Bad WHCD, Biden & Colin Jost After All Mock Much Indicted Ex-POTUS - Deadline

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Donald Trump: In America’s most important swing state, a key Biden group wants to hand the presidency to Trump. – Slate

Posted: at 11:28 am

With its rich, dark wood, golden dcor, and an invigorating oud musk, the American Moslem Society on the south end of Dearborn, Michigan, masks its age well. Opened in 1937, it was the first mosque in America to broadcast the call to prayer through loud speakers. It was founded by Arab immigrants who had initially been drawn by the promise of $5-a-day jobs at a nearby Ford plant, which laid the foundation for what is now Americas largest concentration of Arab Americans.

On a recent Friday there, an imam clad in a traditional white thobe and kufi delivered his sermon. Several hundred worshipers sat on the blue-patterned carpet stretching across the space and listened attentively as the imam evoked scenes of devastation from Israels relentless bombardment of Gaza. True attachment to Allah is demonstrated beautifully by our brothers and sisters in Palestine and in Gaza, he said. When they see the dead bodies of family members and they are asked what their message is to the world, they reply, We Belong to Allah, and to him we shall return. They know that whoever is truthful with Allah, Allah will never abandon them, even if they are betrayed by all of creation.

The room was heavy, and clearly emotional. After the prayer, as people retrieved their shoes at the entrance, I overheard discussions of the bombardment of Gaza. I saw people scrolling for news, after earlier reports that Gazans scrambling for aid were shot by the Israeli military. When I spoke to the people around me, it was clear whom they blamed.

If it came down to Trump and Joe Biden, I will vote for Trump. Because it doesnt get worse than Joe Biden, a man named Salah told me. His friend, Amad, added, Biden was supposed to be the peacemaker. The comfort-maker. Instead, he became accessory to the biggest genocide in modern history.

Biden had recently overcome an attempt to disrupt the Michigan Democratic primary with uncommitted votes tied to the United States support for Israel. But in Dearborn and nearby Hamtramckhome to large Arab populations that were part of a coalition that moved Michigan from Donald Trump to Biden in the 2020 presidential electionBiden lost. And the people here made clear they plan to bring the fight to November.

We want to show a shift from the 2020 election to 2024. That they are not only losing the presidency, but they are losing the constituency, Salah told me. Nearby, a man named Mohamed looked visibly distressed as he exited the mosque. Im ashamed to be American today, he said, holding back his tears at the latest news out of Gaza, in which everyone I spoke to said the United States was complicit. Mohamed said he cast his ballot for Trump in the primary and would again in the general.

The anger toward Biden in Dearborn is intense and tangible. Though his administration and 2024 campaign seem to have begun to recognize the extent of the threat, they may be too late. Michigan is one of a handful states likely to decide the U.S. presidential election, and it could be a crucial tipping point in Bidens path to winning the Electoral College. The uncommitted campaign in the primary may have been a mere warning shot from the 300,000 Arab American voters here, who are far from a monolith but have been largely united on this issue, and who have considerable electoral power, especially given Bidens weaknesses with other Michigan voters. In 2020, Biden surpassed Trump in Michigan by a margin of only 154,000 votes. He currently trails the former president in most polls.

You might wonder: How could an Arab Americanmuch less a Muslimnot want to defeat Trump? Did they forget Islam hates us? Did they forget the Muslim ban, the mass deportations, the relentless bigotry? Ive asked this of myself and my own family, as when, in the course of reporting this article, a relative made a startling admission at the dinner table. Ive now come to understand the incandescent rage many feel toward Biden. And in Dearborn, I heard a lot more than distaste for him. I heard many who fully believe Donald Trump will fight for them more than Joe Bidenand plan to take that belief to the ballot box in November.

What do they say? What are they going to do, vote for the guy that banned Arabs? And the answer is yes, Amer Zahr, a Palestinian American comedian and Dearborn local, told me at one of the citys many Yemeni cafs one afternoon. We had both arrived exactly 20 minutes late, matching each others tardiness, and he spent the early part of the meeting jokingly insulting the cuisine in Egypt, where my parents are from. Then he got down to it.

He noted with obvious disdain how Biden clumsily waved off dwindling support among Arab Americans, suggesting they will eventually be forced to rally behind him or otherwise risk helping Trump. The former president wants to put a ban on Arabs coming into the country, Biden had said. Well make surewe understand who cares about the Arab population.

Imagine thinking its a good argument to say to a community that has lost 30,000 people, Watch out for the guy thats going to ban you. Youre really asking me whether Im going to take a ban or a genocide? Ill take a ban, Zahr told me. (The Biden campaign didnt reply to a request for comment.)

Long before the uncommitted vote push, just weeks after Israel declared war in October, a poll conducted by the Arab American Institute showed Arab American support for Biden crater from 59 percent to just 17 percent. My conversation with Zahr got visceral as he explained why.

I mean, weve literally seen our families and our people being thrown into mass graves. Babies blown to bits. Its not some far-off thing to us, he said. Its been a struggle to declare our own humanity while mourning for our people being massacred.

In October, he and other local activists in Dearborn organized an emergency community rally for Palestine. That later became the centerpiece of a Wall Street Journal opinion article titled Welcome to Dearborn, Americas Jihad Capital. Biden condemned the piece, calling it exactly what can lead to Islamophobia and anti-Arab hate, but Zahr told me it was clear from the early days that the United States would support Israels retaliation unfettered. Statements of support for the community did nothing.

By the time of the primary, Zahr was helping campaign against Biden. In collaboration with the Dearborn-based Arab American Political Action Committee, he helped send 15,000 mailers to homes in Dearborn requesting people vote anyone but Biden. He told me his principal goal this coming election is only to make sure Biden loses. The primary vote was the beginning of a process that ends with him losing in November, he said. Weve already cost the Democrats the White House. We know how to do it, OK? And we have a chance to do it this time around. And thats all Im interested in, Zahr said, in reference to Hillary Clintons 2016 defeat to Trump. If punishing Biden means helping Trump win the next election, Zahr says he can live with that.

If Trump were president right now, this war mightve been over, because there might have been enough uproar from rank-and-file Democrats, he said. I think we have a lot of power in not being wed to a party.

Im anticipating a huge shift in our community switching back to the Republican Party, said Abed Hammoud, a founding member of the Arab American Political Action Committee. He remembers feeling like a pariah for being a Democrat in the early 2000s, when an estimated 72 percent of the Arab American vote went to the Republican candidate, George W. Bush. But after 9/11, with the rise of the war on terror and the vilification of Arab American communities, Hammoud helped to shift the tide of voters away from Republicans. It was largely successful. Now, Hammoud says the pendulum could swing again in favor of Republicans.

They took us for granted, Hammoud said. The problem is the stand we are asking Biden to take is not even political. Its humanitarian. He lamented the irony of Democratic messaging on human rights next to the partys policy appearing to be complicit in the destruction of civilian life in Gaza. I try not to sound extreme when I talk about these things, but theres no other way to describe it other than encouraging killing. Theres no way around it. You cant say hes just watching. He is encouraging it.

But what about Trump?,I asked Hammoud. How does he square support for someone who was widely seen as favorable to the Israeli government? Biden is deeply committed to Zionism, a true believer, not acting on the whims of some lobby. That scares me a lot more, Hammoud said. On this front, he says, he prefers someone like Trump. Lets assume my nonvote for Biden is a vote for Trump automatically. That indirect vote for Trump brings a guy into office who I dont know what he will do. At the worst, he will be nasty toward us here, like he was in the past. And we can fight him within the law. I cannot fight Joe Biden when he stands with Israel, he said.

In Hammouds view, Bidens chance to win Michigan has evaporated. Though he is a lifelong Democrat, he said theres no chance he will go back. Ill take my chances with Trump, hoping that something is going to give and something will go sideways and then all of a sudden Trump, Trump will fight Netanyahu. Thats why I am willing to take that risk today. Trump doesnt scare me, he said.

Dearborn is run by a Democrat. Mayor Abdullah Hammoud, the son of Lebanese immigrants, only just turned 34. He is the first Muslim leader of the city. Not long ago, he went on television and said, We have survived the Trump presidency four years ago, and Im not blind to what is being said by Trump and other Republican candidates at the podium. But as it pertains to the decisions being made overseas, it seems like there is no real difference between former President Trump and current President Biden.

He is a quintessential local son. Inside his office, he has displayed little tokens like an encased Detroit Lionsbranded football, a lacrosse helmet, a folded and framed American flag, and a few keepsakes from his historic campaign in 2022. When we met, Hammoud seemed a little exhausted at the media crush that had led up to the Michigan primary. But he also did not hold back. The president should withdraw his support from the war tyrant and war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu if he wants to save our American democracy from unraveling with a reelection of Donald Trump, he told me. This is not a Muslim issue. This is an American issue. Hammoud has not decided whether to support Biden in the fall.

He reclined in his chair, fingers touching his chin, as he described why this distant war had become so impossible for people here to ignore. I have a resident who lost over 80 family members, all killed by American-made bombs and weapons, he said. Theres no way [Biden] is going to win back this individual in November.

How does that stance work for a hopeful rising star in the Democratic Party? Trump is an atrocity himself. And if you look at Trumps foreign policy decision-making, its just as disastrous as Joe Bidens, Hammoud conceded. Trump recognized illegal settlements in the West Bank, moved and recognized the embassy in Jerusalem, and provided Saudi Arabia with weaponry resulting in the deaths of over 30,000 innocent Yemenis. These are all things people tend to forget about. Even still, he said, he hears daily from people here who cannot fathom what the government is doing now. Were witnessing the loss of two mothers every single hour in Gaza. Thats the reality Im dealing with. Im not concerned with the Democratic Party establishment. Im concerned with my constituents. I have the audacity to put my community first.

He was more measured about what might be in store for November. I dont believe youre witnessing a mass exodus to the Republican Party, he said. Its more likely a repeat of 2016, where Trumps victory wasnt just about the votes he gained but also about the significant number of people who skipped the top of the ticket.

Theres a segment of the constituency that with the adoption of a permanent cease-fire, a halt in unrestricted U.S. military aid, and steps toward establishing a Palestinian state might reconsider their support for Biden, he said. But theres certainly a portion of the vote that might remain lost, and we should anticipate that.

In our brief conversation, Hammoud seemed aware some people are ready to take advantage of this moment. I met several of them in Michigan. They all knew the area could be a potential tipping point in the electionif only local Republicans werent such a mess.

Stephanie Butler, a local Republican activist, wants to turn uncommitted votes into votes for Trump. She called those votes a a waste. You guys are using it as political leverage and saying, Let us show them the power of the Arab vote, she said. Youre going to give this maniac two weeks before a general election to call for a cease-fire? Does that bring back the 30,000 lives that have been lost? Who are you proving a lesson to?

Butler has been a fixture in the community since she successfully helped corral Arab Americans into protesting sexual material in public schools and libraries. But she admits that Republicans dont have the greatest track record when it comes to courting Arab and Muslim votes, partly because in Michigan, theyve been especially exclusionary. It is literally religious fanatics. Im Catholic Christian, and they dont even like me. You have to be an evangelist, the crazy type, to fit into their clique. And Im not that. Theyre constantly quoting Bible verses and this and that. These people are insane, she said, describing the Michigan Republican convention. But she said the power of some GOP messaging is evident in the book-ban fracas that briefly rocked Dearborn. Shes trying to convince more Republicans to take advantage of that.

Rola Makki, the first hijab-wearing elected Michigan GOP outreach official, blamed Dearborn itself for Republicans troubles there since 9/11. The Republican presence is not that great in the city because theyre not welcoming to the Republican Party. Its a two-way street. It feels like that could change in the near future. I believe its already changed.

She downplayed the partys obvious Islamophobia problem as exaggerated by the media: Our enemy is not each other. Its not Democrats versus Republicans. Its really the media at the end of the day because they are the ones that are spreading the hate and lies.

Hassan Nehme, a Republican official running for Congress in Rashida Tlaibs district, has also been working behind the scenes to move Arab voters to the right, as he himself had after joining the army in 2012. He says Islamophobia has been an issue in the states Republican Party, and that at times he doesnt feel welcome, but he chalks it up to an education issue. Its like theyve never sat with an actual Muslim or an Arab-American and actually had a conversation, he said. But he quickly pointed to Trumps appointment of him, a Muslim, as a state delegate as a sign of progress.

A lot more people are switching sides now, he said. Ive only spoken to three people in the last four or five months who still support Joe Biden. Honestly. Even with Democrats that I go back and forth with all the time. On Biden, everyone agrees.

Its depressing to think of our community as being so selfish, said Saladin Ahmed, 48, a well-known comic book artist who has seen Dearborn grow and change over the years. He was venting his frustrations not long after the uncommitted movement had its moment in the primary.

Ahmed is accomplished in his field, most known for his work with Marvel comics for big characters like Miles Morales: Spider-Man, The Magnificent Ms. Marvel, and Black Bolt. He was heavily influenced by his great-grandmother, who was part of Malcolm Xs spiritual journey and the spread of Islam in the country. His father, too, a local radio personality, instilled in him the importance of understanding various struggles, not just those of the Arab American community. Youre willing to put someone who theres no question will be a worse president for Black people than Joe Biden is. He is going to be worse for more people. Things are going to be worse for students, for workers, for gay people, for womenthat difference matters, he said.

We met for dinner, and he barely touched his food while he tried to explain exactly how worried he is about Trump. The small differences between candidates may seem insignificant to some, he said, but he believes four more years of Trump will have tangible consequences for real people. One of their neighbors is going to not be able to make rent because of this fucking decision. Your kids art program at school is going to close because of this shit. And people feel so righteous. Thats the part that bothers me. The world as a whole matters, he said. His children are half-Black, and one is trans; he doesnt understand how no one can see what another Trump presidency would bring.

Few have seen Dearborn change like Ahmed. He was born in 1975 after his family had already been in America for several generations. They were among the first of Arab descent to settle in Michigan in the early 1900s. He remembers what it was like to grow up in a segregated Dearborn, in which an Arab minority lived in the more industrial south end. He recalls a time when the mayor, Michael Guido, clashed with the growing Arab population and campaigned using anti-Arab stereotypes.

Previous generations of Arab activists understood this. They didnt see Palestine in a vacuum. They saw it as part of an international struggle. So, deciding everything else has to come to a stop to make this thing that isnt going to change anything policy wiseits a literal objective fact that Donald Trumps proposed notions for Palestine are worse than Bidens. Which is hard to do, he said.

Even so, he said the activism he has seen surge through Dearborn has been inspiring, in a way. Its surprising and impressive, he said. I think if it were handled differently, Id say this is exactly the kind of thing Michigan needs. Its one state where people who care about Palestinian lives can have a voice. But taking it far enough to support Trump to try and derail Biden in November is wild to me.

The truth is Ahmed was one of the only Arabs I could find in Dearborn who openly admitted they actually planned to vote for Biden in November. I spent much of my time there immersed in the citys caf culture, and the more I talked to people, the more I saw the full extent of what was happening in Dearborn.

Qahwah House is one of the citys jewels, open late and often packed. There I met Maryam, who was seated alone across a kettle filled with Turkish coffee. She told me she found the uncommitted voters annoyingbut not because they voted against Biden.If you can vote, you really should, she said, noting she was a recent immigrant who couldnt yet. I asked her whom she would be supporting if she could, and she confidently told me it would be Trump. I dont get why people hate him. My cousins say its because he hates Arabs. But nobody likes Arabs in this country.

I heard a similar sentiment from another patron, Fares, a Palestinian man who became a U.S. citizen 20 years ago, and voted for Biden in 2020. I feel like whether Republicans or Democrats, its all the same, he said. I dont think Im going to vote for any because it doesnt matter. Its a major shift for him. He was born in Syria to parents exiled in 1948 from what is now Haifa. He told me he hadnt missed a presidential election before, but now he doesnt see a point. If 12,000 dead kids dont change their hearts, you think you or I will?

I did manage to find one person who voted for Biden in the primary, a student named Shreya. But shes already starting to change her mind. Im thinking about it now, and Im not sure I want to vote anymore, she said. We only have bad options. And now Im thinking uncommitted is a better option too. I cant support whats going on with Palestine, she said. The easiest choice now feels like voting uncommitted.

I began to think the Dearborn mayor was onto something. Most people I spoke to said they thought it was at least worth trying Trump again if Biden was the other optionbut many said they simply wouldnt vote for anyone at all.

The genesis of the grassroots uncommitted vote movement, which has since traveled to other states, was in Dearborn just weeks before the Michigan primary. In early February, the idea was sparked by a group of young activists determined to pressure Biden into changing course on Gaza. From these discussions emerged Listen to Michigan, a campaign aimed at diverting disillusioned voters away from Biden. At the forefront of this movement is Layla Elabed, the groups campaign manager and the younger sister of Rep. Rashida Tlaib.

In a conversation at Qahwah House, Elabed seemed tired. It had become obvious to her she could no longer support Biden, and she didnt see why that was so hard to understand. It is hard for me to reconcile my core beliefs and morals to support a president that dehumanizes my people, Elabed said. This is a president that I met in person. That knows my sister. That met my mom, who wore a traditional Palestinian thobe at the White House.

Nobody from Bidens campaign has reached out to Listen to Michigan, Elabed said, but she believes shes doing it a favor. We are literally handing the Democratic Party and President Biden a gift to say were months away from November, and you have a chance to change course right now and stop the alienation of your core constituency, Elabed said.

Back home in New Jersey, not long after my time in Dearborn, I confronted this head-on myself.Under no circumstance could any of us vote for Joe Biden, a relative suddenly said at dinner one night. How could anyone vote for someone with this much blood on his hands?

I posed the obvious question, asking if she thought Trump would be better. Whats worse than genocide? she retorted. Maybe if the Democrats lose this election, theyll learn their lesson. Im happy to take several steps back if thats what it takes to take a step forward. When I argued, I got thousand-yard stares.

I thought back to my conversation with Elabed, who seemed a little horrified that many seemed content to restore Trump to the White House. I tell people all the time, Im like, What are you guys talking about? Theres literally an illegal settlement called Trump Heights. Even my own family members. I have to remind them, because theyre like Trump 2024! And Im like, Are you crazy? But she arrived back to the same place the conversation did at my dinner table that night with my relativesthat nothing can matter as much as what she believes America is enabling in Gaza. Right now, it seems like it wont matter if its Biden or Trump. We are going to have the same outcome when it comes to Palestine, she said.

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Donald Trump Is Being Ritually Humiliated in Court – The New Yorker

Posted: at 11:28 am

Its cold in the courtroom where Donald Trump is on trial. Judge, is it possible just to warm it up a degree or two? Todd Blanche, Trumps hapless lead attorney, asked last week. We are shaking. Judge Juan Merchan acknowledged the temperature. It is cold, there is no question, he said from the bench. But there wasnt much he could do. The Manhattan Criminal Courthouse opened in 1941, and its HVAC system has two settings: icebox or oven. I would rather be real cold than sweating, Merchan said. And really those are your choices.

Trump, a fifteen-minute escorted motorcade ride from the gilded comforts of Trump Tower, is feeling the chill. Theyre keeping me in a courtroom thats freezing, he told reporters in a courthouse hallway. In Trumps case, however, this sensation may also be a physiological response to the stone-cold insults directed at him by what feels like nearly every participant in the trial so far. During jury selection, last week, he was forced to sit silently as everyday New Yorkers said infuriating things to his face. I feel that nobody is above the law, whether it be a former President or sitting President or a janitor, one prospective juror said, with disdain. In order to weed out anti-Trump bias in the jury pool, Trumps lawyers went through prospective jurors social-media histories. At several points, Susan Nechelesanother Trump lawyerrecited negative posts written about her client, as if it were one of Jimmy Kimmels Celebrities Read Mean Tweets segments. Stop the election of a racist, sexist narcissist, Necheles said, standing at the defense table. I wouldnt believe Donald Trump if his tongue were notarized. Another post read, Trump is an anathema to everything I was taught to love about Jesus, everything I was taught about how to live out my faith. His disdain for decency, disrespect toward basic tenets of right and wrong and complete disregard for the most vulnerable among us could not be more fundamentally un-Christian. As Necheles read these words out loud and into the record, Trump sat just a few feet from her, his face scrunched into a frown.

The prosecutors have called Trump a cheat, a crook, and a miser, who knew exactly what he was doing when he tried to subvert the rule of law. The defendant, Donald Trump, orchestrated a criminal scheme to corrupt the 2016 Presidential election, Matthew Colangelo, an Assistant District Attorney, said in the governments opening statement. Then he covered up that criminal conspiracy by lying in his New York business records over and over and over again. Trump has had to sit there as the prosecutors have discussed the sexual affairs that the adult-film star Stormy Daniels and the former Playboy Playmate Karen McDougalboth expected to testify in the casesay they had with him in the early two-thousands, when he was already married to his wife, Melania. Hes had to sit there as the prosecutors have detailed the grubby hush-money scheme he concocted to buy Danielss and McDougals silence before the 2016 election. Hes had to sit there as the recent civil judgments against him have been brought up, including the journalist E. Jean Carrolls sexual-assault and defamation lawsuits, and the New York State Attorney Generals civil fraud case that resulted in a nearly half-billion-dollar judgment against him. Hes had to sit there as his high-priced lawyers and the judge have debated his perverse relationship with social media, and drilled down into whether, in a legal sense, retweets do or do not equal endorsements. He is just mad at the world, a source familiar with Trumps thinking told CNNs Dana Bash.

Merchan has spoken of the constitutional requirement of a fair trial. But hes been visibly exasperated by Trumps recklessness and viciousness. For weeks, Trump has been complaining about the gag order that the judge imposed on him before the start of the trial, prohibiting him from making public statements about potential witnesses or prospective jurors. Most criminal defendants stick to such a proscription, in deference to the law, or at least fear of it. Trump has said all kinds of things lately about Daniels and his old lawyer Michael Cohen, who are expected to be the prosecutions key witnesses. Sleaze bags who have, with their lies and misrepresentations, cost our Country dearly! hes called them. The former President has also attacked and intimidated potential jurors on social media. Last week, Merchan reprimanded him for muttering and gesturing aggressively while a potential juror spoke. A few days ago, he posted that undercover liberal activists had been caught lying to try to get onto the jury. Prosecutors from the Manhattan District Attorneys office asked Merchan to find Trump in contempt, and to fine him a thousand dollars for each of ten recent online posts. President Trump is being very careful to comply with Your Honors rules, Blanche told Merchan on Tuesday. Merchan glowered on the bench. You, Mr. Blanche, you are losing all credibility, he said.

Trumps own lawyers have all but acknowledged that their client is a liar, and a terrible, impossible person. Speaking to a prospective juror who said shes once been the victim of sexual assault, Necheles caught herself after almost suggesting that Trump had sexually assaulted Daniels and McDougal, who have said that they had consensual sex with Trump. You understand, in this case, that there will be women who havewell, not in this case in particularbut there have been women who have accused President Trump of assaulting them? Necheles asked. You would be able to put that out of your mind?

Trump is lucky that New York doesnt allow cameras to be used during court hearings. Aside from courtroom sketches, the only images of him in the courtroom are taken by a handful of photojournaliststhe spraywho are allowed about thirty seconds every morning to snap a few pictures of him at the defense table. In front of these cameras, Trump gathers himself and juts his chin at a practiced angle. As soon as theyre gone, he visibly slumps in his chair. Coming into or out of the courtroom, he walks without his wife or his kids, flanked by lawyers, Secret Service agents, and aides wearing worried faces. All day long, he endures bemused stares from the journalists in the gallery. A few spaces in the back are reserved for members of the public who have come to gawk. I have so many quotes from it in my notebook because it was just that funny, one teen-age spectator told the Post after observing a day of proceedings.

At the end of court each day, Trump has done his best to spin whats happening inside. Last week, he took an evening trip to Harlem to visit a bodega whose owner was arrested and then cleared in a 2022 fatal stabbing in his store. Trump had hoped to embrace him as a fellow-victim of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Braggs overzealous prosecution. But the bodega owner wasnt therehe was on vacation in the Dominican Republic, his lawyer said. The reality is that Trump is being exposed and humiliated by whats happening in Merchans courtroom. On Monday, the government called its first witness in the case: David Pecker, the former C.E.O. of the National Enquirers parent company. In 2015, Pecker met with Trump and Cohen and agreed to serve as the eyes and ears of Trumps Presidential campaign. Throughout the next two years, the Enquirer bought and buried bad stories about Trump, ran flattering articles about him, and ran damaging stories about his opponents. (Examples: Ted Cruz Shamed by Porn Star, Family Man Marco Rubios Love Child Stunner!) Pecker, a soft-spoken man with silver hair and a bushy mustache, called himself an old friend of Trumps. Mr. Trump was well known as the most eligible bachelor and dated the most beautiful women, he said. When someone is running for public office like this, it is very common for these women to call up a magazine like the National Enquirer to try to sell their stories. Despite his grandfatherly demeanor, Pecker described to the jury how he willingly participated in Trumps hush-money scheme, with hardly a second thought for the morality of smearing people, and using contracts as levers to control individuals and information. Talking about his tabloids investigation of a rumor that Trump had fathered a child with his housekeeper, Pecker said, If the story was true and I published it, it would be probably the biggest sale of the National Enquirer since the death of Elvis Presley. (The rumor turned out to be false.)

So far, Trumps lawyers have not mounted much of a defense. Somebody at Trump Tower generated a check, Blanche said, during his opening statement on Monday. The check made its way down to the White House, and President Trump signed it. All the defendant had done was pay hush money while running the country. What is a crime about what I just described? Blanche asked. For most of his life, Trump has acted as if the Constitution protects his right to do basically whatever he wants. It doesnt. The deference that Trump takes for granted because of his money and power extends somewhat into the courtroomno other criminal defendant would be allowed to post about witnesses and jurors the way he has, and Merchan has yet to rule on the contempt issuebut it doesnt extend all the way. In the courtroom, Trump is being confronted directly in a way he simply is not used to. It might be cold in there, but the heat is on.


Donald Trump Is Being Ritually Humiliated in Court - The New Yorker

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