Daily Archives: December 27, 2023

Elon Musk Wants You to Use Neuralink to Lose Weight. That’s a Bad Idea. – The Daily Beast

Posted: December 27, 2023 at 11:04 am

You dont need to drill a hole in your head and implant a microchip in order to lose weight. There are much safer ways of slimming downincluding a new class of very promising drugs that make weight-control brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) seem downright perilous in comparison.

Conspiracy-peddling billionaire Elon Musk raised the prospect of computer-chip-aided weight-loss back in April, while discussing his Neuralink BCI in a TED interview. I think you can solve a very wide range of brain injuries, Musk said, including severe depression, morbid obesity, sleep [disorders and] restoring memory in older people.

Its not an outlandish claim. Neuralink, like other experimental BCIs, rewires the nervous system. People suffering from paralysis have used the implants to regain partial control of their limbs. BCIs can even translate neural impulsesthoughts, basicallyinto radio signals and transmit them to drones, computers, or other devices.

So its not inconceivable that someone suffering from morbid obesity could use a BCI to bypass the parts of their brain that urge them to overeat. But there are problems. For starters, while there are BCIs that people can wear like hats, the most versatile and sensitive oneslike Neuralinksrequire brain surgery. Surgeons literally drill a hole in the patients skull and implant the device.

Its invasive and risky under the best of circumstances. Implanted BCIs pose surgical risks, such as infection and rejection, according to the U.S. Government Accountability Office.

There might be reasons to be especially concerned about Neuralink. Federal authorities opened an investigation into the California-based company last year after employees complained of rushed testing that inflicted unnecessary harm on animal test subjects. Despite this, in September an independent review board gave Neuralink the go-ahead to recruit human test subjects for a lengthy series of trials.

In any event, there are medical interventions for morbid obesity that are likely much safer than any experimental brain device could ever be. Most notably, a new class of drugs called glucagon-like peptide 1 agonists, or GLP-1s. It might be more popularly known by its commercial analog Ozempic.

Originally used for treating diabetes, GLP-1s also helps curb hunger. Scientists arent totally sure how they work, but the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota pointed out that the drugs slow the movement of food from the stomach into the small intestine. As a result, you may feel full faster and longer, so you eat less.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first GLP-1 solely for the treatment of obesity, Eli Lillys Zepbound, last month. After large-scale trials, the FDA concluded the injected drug was safe and effectivebut stressed that it worked best when taken in conjunction with a reduced-calorie diet and an increase in physical activity.

The best part? No brain surgery.

When it comes to controlling hunger, both implants and drugs seem to come with an obvious potential for abuse. Imagine someone with an eating disorder gaining, by way of a drug or brain implant, total control of their hunger impulses.

But Tracy Richmond, a doctor who treats eating disorders at Boston Childrens Hospital, downplayed that risk. Clinicians are pretty skilled at identifying eating disorders and withholding any interventionsurgical or otherwisethat might exacerbate the conditions, she told The Daily Beast. Most of the time, people could be screened out if they have an eating disorder.

If anything, a hunger-controlling drug or brain implant risks causing an eating disorder. Richmond cited an historical precedent: the Minnesota Starvation Experiment in 1944 and 1945. In that government-assisted experiment, University of Minnesota researchers restricted the diets of 36 volunteers for six months before adding back caloriesessentially starving them in order to understand the effects of famine and post-famine conditions.

The researchers were shocked to find that many of the test subjects developed anorexia in the aftermath of prolonged starvation, and voluntarily restricted their caloric intake even when food was abundant. When many people are underfed relative to where their body wants to be, their thoughts go to more obsessional thoughts, Richmond said, meaning starving people sometimes become obsessed with starving.

Few medical interventions are totally risk-freebut some are much riskier than others. When it comes to weight-loss, its obvious which interventiona GLP-1 or a brain implantis safer. The molecular approach is an effective way to target the hunger systems fairly specifically and with far less risk than an implant, Samuel Hires, a University of Southern California neurobiologist, told The Daily Beast.

BCIs are a promising technology. But it doesnt change the fact that BCI experiments have mostly involved human subjects with serious conditions for which there are no other treatments such as paralysis, for example.

Before you drill a hole in your head and implant a device for treating some condition, you might want to exhaust all other options first. That might mean trying a drug like GLP-1, or good old fashioned diet, exercise, and discipline.

And besides, given the promise of safe and effective GLP-1 drugs, the FDA might never approve a brain-chip for weight-loss. I dont see a realistic path to market for invasive BCI for obesity now that GLP-1 agonists have rolled out, Hires said.

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Elon Musk Wants You to Use Neuralink to Lose Weight. That's a Bad Idea. - The Daily Beast

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Twitter Violated Contract by Withholding Employee Bonuses, Judge Rules – The Daily Beast

Posted: at 11:04 am

A federal judge ruled on Friday that Twitter, now known as X, violated a contract with employees when it failed to pay tens of millions of dollars worth of bonuses, denying the social media companys attempt to get the case tossed.

The decision follows the filing of a lawsuit by Mark Schobinger, Twitters senior director of compensation until his departure in May. In the complaint, Schobinger claims that company executives reneged on delivering bonuses they verbally promised their employees last year.

Both before and after Elon Musk bought Twitter last October, Schobinger alleges, Twitters workforce was told they would receive 50 percent of their target bonuses if they remained with the company through the first quarter of 2023. Schobinger said that he and other employees who remained past that date were never paid, despite being covered by the bonus plan.

The suit, which is seeking class action status, was filed on behalf of nearly 2,000 other current and former employees, and asks for damages in excess of $5 million. It claims breach of contract under California law, an argument that the judge ruled was plausible on Friday.

Once Schobinger did what Twitter asked, Twitters offer to pay him a bonus in return became a binding contract under California law, he wrote in a three-page opinion. And by allegedly refusing to pay Schobinger his promised bonus, Twitter violated that contract.

The company has hemorrhaged advertisers and cratered in revenue since Elon Musks takeover and rebrand.

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Twitter Violated Contract by Withholding Employee Bonuses, Judge Rules - The Daily Beast

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How Elon Musk Made Himself the Internet’s Main Character in 2023 – Vanity Fair

Posted: at 11:04 am

Host Brian Stelter breaks down Elon Musks erratic stewardship of Twitter, now X, with Zo Schiffer, managing editor of Platformer and author of the forthcoming book Extremely Hardcore. They discuss Musks rightward shift, his war against the woke mind virus, and stated mission of restoring free speech to the platform. I think weve seen in the year since that his definition of free speech is very different from ours, and it basically means, his speech and speech that he aligns with, says Schiffer.

They also discuss the ramifications of Musk blowing up Twitters verification system, and whether its responsible to still post on X as misinformation and toxicity flow. The more that you continue to post on X, the more that you legitimize this platform that in my mind warrants no legitimacy at this point, says Schiffer.

It was really, really hard for me to give up and it feels like a huge loss, but there have just been so many moments over this past year where Elon Musk has promoted ideas and people who I think are very harmful and very dangerous for this world, she says, adding that doing what amounts to unpaid labor for that platform is really continuing to support his mission and his campaign.

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Judge rules that Twitter violated contract when it withheld millions of dollars in bonuses – Courthouse News Service

Posted: at 11:04 am

Current and former Twitter employees said they never received bonuses they were promised during Elon Musk's buyout of the social media platform.

SAN FRANCISCO (CN) A federal judge ruled late Friday afternoon that Twitter, now known as X, violated a contract when it failed to pay what amounts to tens of millions of dollars in bonuses that the company had orally promised its employees.

Mark Schobinger, the former senior director of compensation for Twitter, filed suit against the social media company on behalf of himself and other current and former Twitter employees in June.

Schobinger, who is based in Texas, claims that employees were not paid a portion of their 2022 bonuses when they were due in the first quarter of 2023, despite repeated promises from senior executives at the company, including Ned Segal, the former chief financial officer of the company. This bonus was to be paid to employees who stayed with the company until the first quarter of 2023.

According to Schobinger, these promises were made both before and after Elon Musk acquired the social media platform in October 2022. Schobinger also said employees took these promises into consideration when deciding whether or not they wanted to leave their jobs with the social media company and that he turned down opportunities from other companies at the time because of the promised bonus.

Twitters lawyers argued that the promise was only an oral promise and was not a contract, and that Texas law should govern under section 1646 of the California Civil Code, which states that a contract is to be interpreted according to the law and usage of the place where it is to be performed.

U.S. District Judge Vincent Chhabria, in a brisk three-page opinion, wrote that California law governs the case because the choice-of-law provision in the California Civil Code applies only to matters of contract interpretation, not to matters of contract validity or enforceability. Because Twitter doesnt even try to argue that Texas law should apply under the governmental interest approach, California law governs by default.

Chhabria said that Schobinger plausibly stated a breach of contract claim under California law, and that Schobinger was covered by the bonus plan and followed all of Twitters directions.

Once Schobinger did what Twitter asked, Twitters offer to pay him a bonus in return became a binding contract under California law. And by allegedly refusing to pay Schobinger his promised bonus, Twitter violated that contract, Chhabria wrote.

Shannon Liss-Riordan, counsel for Schobinger, said in a statement to Courthouse News that We are very pleased with this decision. This is a very important decision, which is relevant to claims we have filed on behalf of nearly two thousand Twitter employees. The court agreed with our argument that later promises even oral promises can be binding, even if the original written agreement is not enforceable. In this case, we alleged that promises were made to ongoing Twitter employees who stayed with the company through Elon Musks tumultuous acquisition that they would receive a bonus for 2022.

Chhabria wrote that Twitters contrary arguments all fail. Twitter argued that the performance bonus plan was not an enforceable contract because it provided only for a discretionary bonus.

But Schobinger is not suing to enforce Twitters discretionary bonus plan. He is suing to enforce Twitters alleged subsequent oral promise that employees would in fact receive a percentage of the annual bonus contemplated by the plan if they stayed with the company, Chhabria wrote.

The social media platform also insisted that the oral statements were not enforceable because they contradict the terms of the performance bonus plan and do not satisfy Californias special rules for oral modification of written contracts.

But those rules come into play only when a valid, enforceable written contract already exists. And as Twitter itself argues, its discretionary bonus plan was never a valid, enforceable contract to begin with, Chhabria wrote.

Schobingers primary estoppel claim, however, was reluctantly dismissed with leave to amend because the plaintiff still needs to take the (seemingly pointless) extra step of pleading that the alleged contract may be invalid or unenforceable, Chhabria wrote.

Schobinger can file an amended complaint within 21 days to address his primary estoppel claim.

Lawyers for Twitter did not immediately respond to request for comments.

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Elon Musk reveals production plans of low-cost Tesla model: The revolution [of] that car will blow peoples minds – Yahoo

Posted: at 11:04 am

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has teased plans to bring a low-cost Tesla to the electric vehicle market.

Appearing on the Munro Live YouTube channel, Musk said the company has made significant progress on the development of an affordable model.

I review the production plans for that every week, he told host Sandy Munro. The revolution in manufacturing that will be represented by that car will blow peoples minds.

Its a bold statement, but its also a bold project. Musk said in 2020 that he was looking to deliver such a model at around the $25,000 mark, per The New York Times, and it appears hes standing by that desire.

Musk added in the Munro Live interview that the first production line will be in the Texas Gigafactory, but it will be moved to the Mexico Gigafactory when that facility is completed and Tesla recently received a boost on that development after Mexico granted the company a land-use permit.

Teslas energy seems to be on rolling out the Cybertruck at full capacity, with only a handful making their way to customers after the November delivery event, so it may still be some time yet before the expected affordable car hits the road.

But that doesnt mean motorists looking to swap their dirty-fuel powered vehicles for a cleaner, all-electric Tesla have to wait until then to grab a bargain.

As Forbes contributor Brooke Crothers observed, the Tesla Model 3 is perhaps the cheapest it has ever been, and with customers in the United States able to access the $7,500 tax credit for electric vehicles until the end of 2023, in addition to possible state rebates, the savings could be even greater.

Crothers says that a rear-wheel drive Tesla Model 3 could be possible to buy at around $25,000 with these discounts factored in, not to mention the possibility that Tesla may reduce prices further as it looks to clear stock ahead of the upcoming Model 3 Highland variation.

That puts the Model 3 in the region of what Musk had predicted the companys low-cost model will cost, and you wont have to wait.

For those looking to limit the pollution they produce on a daily basis, theres a relatively cheap way to invest in a zero-tailpipe-emission vehicle now rather than hoping the new affordable Tesla emerges sooner rather than later.

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Elon Musk reveals production plans of low-cost Tesla model: The revolution [of] that car will blow peoples minds - Yahoo

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Elon Musk’s Feud With Disney CEO Bob Iger Spills Over to Tesla – Observer

Posted: at 11:04 am

Disney+ may the latest victim of Bob Iger and Elon Musks beef. VCG/VCG via Getty Images

Rising tensions between X owner Elon Musk and The Walt Disney Company (DIS) CEO Bob Iger have convinced some Tesla (TSLA) drivers that Musk, whos also the CEO of Tesla, has removed Disney+ from their vehicles out of spite.

Electrek, a news outlet covering electric vehicles, reported this week Tesla informed Disney it would remove its streaming service Disney+ for users who had not used the app before. Tesla didnt give specific reasons for the change. Streaming services are included in a Tesla feature called Tesla Theatre accessible through the cars touchscreen.

Some Tesla customers believe the sudden change is a result of Musks ongoing spat with Iger, a theory which has some basis. Musk has been taking shots at Iger in the last few weeks as a retaliation for Disney suspending advertising on X.

Read Also: List of Media, Tech Advertisers Quitting X Over Elon Musks Antisemitic Comment

To recap, Musk and Iger both made appearances at the New York Times DealBook Summit in late November, where they were interviewed by Times columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin. The conference took place after Disney, along with several other major media companies, decided to pause advertising spending on Musks X, formerly Twitter.

The advertiser exodus seemed to be triggered by study published by media watchdog Media Matters in November showing that some of these companies ads were placed alongside pro-Nazi content on the social platform. Musks unwillingness to address growing hate speech on X is tied to his free speech absolutist stance, though he doesnt always extend that view to his dissenters.

During his interview at the DealBook Summit, Iger was asked to address Disneys decision to boycott X.By him taking the position he took in a public manner, we felt that the association was not necessarily a positive one for us, Iger said.

Musk reacted bitterly to Igers comments when he came onto the stage.Go f*ck yourself, is that clear? Hey Bob, if youre in the audience. Thats how I feel, dont advertise, Musk said when asked about advertisers leaving X.

Musk posted on X a week later that Walt Disney is turning in his grave over Igers leadership. Iger has not addressed Musk publicly since the DealBook Summit.

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Elon Musk's Feud With Disney CEO Bob Iger Spills Over to Tesla - Observer

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How Donald Trump and Elon Musk killed Twitter, with Marty Baron and Zoe Schiffer – The Verge

Posted: at 11:04 am

Decoder is my show about big ideas and other problems. And today, were bringing you a special episode where were just going to talk about one very big problem: Twitter.

2023 will go down as the year that Elon Musk killed Twitter. First, he did it in a big way by buying the company, firing most of the employees, and destabilizing the platform; then, he did it in a small but important and symbolic way by renaming the company X and trying to make a full break with what came before.

So now that the story of the company named Twitter is officially over, it felt important to stop and ask: what was Twitter anyway, and why were so many powerful people obsessed with it for so long?

Here at The Verge, we dont often look back; were a site about the future, after all. But sometimes its important to stop, mark a moment, and consider why a technology or a tool made us all feel a certain way. And Twitter certainly demands that level of consideration.

The important thing to know about Twitter is that its leadership never truly understood the platform, especially not at first. Twitters users were where all of its best ideas came from, from hashtags to retweets. The users were the ones who made Twitter a home for both absurdist humor and major social movements. Twitters users also turned it into the beating heart of the news industry, where news almost always broke first and fast and where journalists and their blue check marks became part of a new social class that dominated the online conversation, for better and for worse.

And fittingly, it was Twitters users who ultimately killed it. The fundamental story of Twitter is defined by two of its most dedicated power users: Donald Trump and Elon Musk. Both men were addicted to Twitter, defined Twitter, changed it, broke it, and then ultimately put it to rest. Whats left now, and what comes next, is still an open question.

To pull all this apart and make sense of it, I talked to two people with deep expertise in the media, Twitter, and how they interact.

Marty Baron is the former executive editor of The Washington Post. He ran the paper during the Trump administration, when two different challenges reached fever pitch. First was President Trumps usage of Twitter to wage an almost daily information war. And second was the battle between individual reporters building their brands on Twitter and the needs of the newspaper as an institution.

Check out the episode, and look forward to more Decoder episodes like this in 2024. Were working on bringing you second episodes of the show every week that deliver more analysis, storytelling, and interviews. Stay tuned.

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How Donald Trump and Elon Musk killed Twitter, with Marty Baron and Zoe Schiffer - The Verge

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Jordan Peterson & Sam Harris Try to Find Something They Agree On – The Daily Wire

Posted: at 11:01 am

The Jordan B. Peterson PodcastDec 25, 2023

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with author, philosopher, and app developer Sam Harris. They discuss the benefits of routine meditation, deleting X (twitter), the issue of defining a Higher Good, the reality of evil, and the difficulty in establishing a shared morality.

Sam Harris is the author of five New York Times best sellers. His books include The End of Faith, Letter to a Christian Nation, The Moral Landscape, Free Will, Lying, Waking Up, and Islam and the Future of Tolerance (with Maajid Nawaz). The End of Faith won the 2005 PEN Award for Nonfiction. His writing and public lectures cover a wide range of topicsneuroscience, moral philosophy, religion, meditation practice, human violence, rationalitybut generally focus on how a growing understanding of ourselves and the world is changing our sense of how we should live.

- Links -

For Sam Harris:

30 FREE days on the Waking Up app https://www.wakingup.com/peterson Website and Making Sense Podcast https://www.samharris.org/ On X https://twitter.com/MakingSenseHQ On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/samharrisorg/?hl=en

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Jordan Peterson & Sam Harris Try to Find Something They Agree On - The Daily Wire

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Discussing Communism in All its Glory | Michael Malice – The Daily Wire

Posted: at 11:01 am

The Jordan B. Peterson PodcastDec 21, 2023

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down in-person with author and podcaster, Michael Malice. They discuss his latest book, The White Pill. From this they explore the philosophy of Ayn Rand, anarchism, the history and rebranded atrocities of Czarist Russia, and why utopian visions cyclically entice generations of people, despite leaving each one devastated for their commitment.

Michael Malice is the author of Dear Reader: The Unauthorized Autobiography of Kim Jong Il and The New Right: A Journey to the Fringe of American Politics, The White Pill, and organizer of The Anarchist Handbook. He is also the subject of the graphic novel Ego & Hubris, written by the late Harvey Pekar of American Splendor fame. He is the host of YOUR WELCOME with Michael Malice. Malice has co-authored books with several prominent personalities, including Made in America (the New York Times best selling autobiography of UFC Hall of Famer Matt Hughes), Concierge Confidential (one of NPRs top 5 celebrity books of the year), and Black Man, White House (comedian D. L. Hughleys satirical look at the Obama years, a New York Times best seller). He is also the founding editor of Overheard in New York.

- Links -

For Michael Malice:

The White Pill (Book) https://www.amazon.com/White-Pill-Tale-Good-Evil/dp/B0BNZ7XZ5T/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1703176917&sr=1-1

On X twitter.com/michaelmalice

On Locals Malice.locals.com

On Youtube https://www.youtube.com/michaelmaliceofficial

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Discussing Communism in All its Glory | Michael Malice - The Daily Wire

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The weight of gold – Anna Kiesenhofer on managing expectations after Tokyo Olympics shock victory – Cyclingnews

Posted: at 11:01 am

Austrian Anna Kiesenhofer, an amateur at the time, sent shockwaves through both the cycling and wider sporting communities when she won Olympic gold in the womens road race at Tokyo 2020. It was a story for the ages as she crossed the line 75 seconds ahead of Annemiek van Vleuten, who herself celebrated without realising the gold had already been claimed.

In the process, Austrias first summer Olympic gold since 2004 and their first in cycling in 125 years was won.

Kiesenhofer has gone from amateur to professional in the years that followed, now racing with Israel-Premier Tech Roland. The historic gold has, however, added a weight of expectation that has somewhat marred her tenure as reigning Olympic champion.

To be honest, it did affect the expectations both from other people and myself. Myself not that much because I know that, genetically, I haven't changed since the Olympics. It's just that other people know me now, but I'm the same person that I was before. It doesn't make sense to think that now, magically, my watts will massively go up only because I have an Olympic gold medal; that's not the case, but people think that, Kiesenhofer said in an exclusive interview with Cyclingnews.

It's almost like a reproach when I only came 15th or whatever, people think you should win because you're the Olympic champion - it just doesn't make sense at all. I haven't fundamentally changed as a person, my genetic make-up is the same. It was sometimes hard to deal with that because anything I did was framed as a disappointment - everyone was measuring it with Olympic gold, she explained candidly.

I've kind of come to terms with it, and I just look at myself and my progress. Maybe I have come full circle to how I was before the Olympic Games. It was very much the same: looking at my own progress and not getting distracted by what other people are doing or saying.

While the victory will remain one of the greatest in Olympic history, Kiesenhofer admits that, perhaps unlike others, the dream of becoming an Olympian, let alone a gold medalist, was never a lifelong ambition.

Before Tokyo, I didn't really buy into the hype around the Olympics, she said honestly. It might sound a bit strange, but it was never a childhood dream of mine to become an Olympian. Now that I'm more in the sports bubble before I was an amateur, and now I'm a professional cyclist, I see the value more because everybody wants to be at the Olympics. In that sense, there is kind of additional motivation to be there just because I see how much everybody wants to be there, I see more of the hype.

The Austrian signed a professional contract in 2023 with Israel-Premier Tech Roland which has given her a first taste of consistently racing at the top level and being immersed within a team.

The 32-year-old was previously on the books at Lotto Soudal Ladies back in 2017, although she admits that the change in the cycling landscape, as well as her personal circumstances since, have meant that her recent contract has provided a contrasting experience.

In general, women's cycling has just developed so much, so it's very hard to compare. In 2017, when I signed with Lotto Soudal, I didn't actually do many races because I was in a bad moment in my life in general. I wasn't really fit enough to race neither mentally nor physically, so it wasn't really a proper experience, she said.

This year was my first year racing at this level against the best in the world in several road races, not just the Olympic Games. It was completely different from what I had done before. The whole team dynamics, racing against the big teams, all of that kind of thing, I'd never had this exposure before.

It was a mixed season this year for Kiesenhofer however, in the latter half, the time trial, now her preferred discipline, was where she really shone. She ended the season at the top of the podium at Chrono des Nations and Chrono Gatineau and additionally added a fourth Austrian ITT title to her palmars in June.

The first part [of the 2023 season] was very hard for me, but I think that's also normal because it was my first year racing at that level, so it was a bit of a shock to the system. That also made it a great experience, and I learned so much even though it was tough.

The second part was very much focused on time trialling, which has been my favourite discipline for a couple of years now. I got some good results there, so that also made me happy on the outcome side of things. The first part was really about learning, and then the second part, I also had some outcomes, she said on reflection.

Before signing for Israel-Premier Tech Roland, she enjoyed a brief stint with Soltec, which allowed her to race at the 2022 Ceratizit Challenge by La Vuelta - a race which turned out to be one of her favourite racing memories in the years after her Olympic victory and spurred her on to continue racing.

I really liked the 2022 Vuelta. I wasn't really in a UCI team last year but I signed with Soltec for a short period in order to race the Vuelta. That was kind of a fun race because I don't know why, but I just felt really strong physically. I didn't really get any great results, but it was fun to be in the mix and attack and feel strong. I went in this crazy breakaway, 160kms on my own, and it felt cool to race like that, and it was also my motivation for giving road racing another go.

Her learnings in the past two years have spanned beyond professional racing, and the importance of simplicity is one that has been particularly reinforced.

Sometimes confirming that what I had been doing was actually right in the sense now I have more opportunities [has been important]. I could do lots of fancy stuff, for example, with training and using many fancy tools, and then I realised that a lot of that is actually a distraction. Just doing the basics like I did before Tokyo is actually the most important thing. Being a minimalist despite the new opportunities is something I've learned since Tokyo.

As eyes turn to Paris 2024, now just seven months away, Kiesenhofer has her sights set on the time trial rather than defending the road race title this time around.

Austria has two places for the time trial and for the road race. That's really cool because I love time trialling. I hope I can get one of these two spots, then, my focus will be more on the time trial. I don't want to put any pressure on myself, and as I said, the main focus for myself will be the TT. However, we have another very strong Austrian, Christina Schweinberger.

In the road race, it will be more about supporting her because I think on this course she has much better chances than I have. The time trial, I like any time trial, so I'll be fine!

"The road race, on paper, doesn't really play into my cards. Of course, if everybody has forgotten who I am, then I can win again [she laughs], but on paper, it should suit Christina. We will certainly fight for the medals, she added proudly.

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The weight of gold - Anna Kiesenhofer on managing expectations after Tokyo Olympics shock victory - Cyclingnews

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