Daily Archives: August 18, 2023

Rock N Roll Circus: Second stage announced as Sheffields Gatecrasher returns with 30th anniversary show – Yahoo Eurosport UK

Posted: August 18, 2023 at 11:01 am

Gatecrasher is returning to Sheffield with Rock N Roll Circus' debut event as it celebrates its 30th anniversary.

Its just over two weeks until Rock N Roll Circus debut Sheffield event brings big names to Don Valley Bowl - including Noel Gallaghers High Flying Birds, Happy Mondays and Natalie Imbruglia.

From Friday, September 1 to Sunday, September 3, dozens of acts will perform in front of thousands, and Sheffields former legendary dance club Gatecrasher will make a return to celebrate its 30th anniversary.

Organisers have announced the giant big top will see a second stage for the Gatecrasher anniversary show on Sunday, September 3, as well as many additional DJs, now in collaboration with BBC Introducing.

Gatecrasher needs little introduction. After arriving in Sheffield in the 90s, it quickly transformed into a superclub at The Republic in the city centre, with Judge Jules as a resident DJ and Paul Van Dyk just one of the huge names it attracted. In 2007, the club caught fire and collapsed, putting the iconic nightclub into history.

Dance and trance icons already confirmed for the day include Ferry Corsten, Ilan Bluestone, Ruben de Ronde, Mark V, and Sander van Doorn. Some of Gatecrashers resident DJs will also be back to support the headliners on the second stage.

Also, Sheffield DJs Corey Mahoney, Simon Brown and Sandy Turnbull have all been confirmed to start the Sunday closing party in style alongside the likes of BBC Introducing top picks, Lee Parkinson and Charla Green.

The Gatecrasher Classical orchestra will also return as part of the irresistible event for the first time in five years, performing a blistering 90-minute set of the planet's biggest trance anthems.

A spokesperson for Gatecrasher said: "We are thrilled to be back home in Sheffield, our undoubted spiritual home. We look forward to seeing old friends and making new amazing memories delivered by the Dutch legends and local heroes that helped us conquer the trance world all those years ago.

Story continues

"We're all thrilled to announce a second stage in collaboration with BBC Introducing who continue to support the local scene. Gatecrasher loves Sheffield and Sheffield loves its trance music."

The event will be complete with acrobats and all the fun of the fair with a street food village, local beers, cocktails and more.

Gatecrasher is a strictly 18+ show starting at 3pm and closing at 11 pm.

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Rock N Roll Circus: Second stage announced as Sheffields Gatecrasher returns with 30th anniversary show - Yahoo Eurosport UK

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Dragon Ball’s Weakest Villain Killed All The Strongest Heroes (In … – Screen Rant

Posted: at 11:01 am

Fans of Dragon Ball have long been fascinated by Future Trunks' dystopian timeline, where every hero except the blue-haired Saiyan was killed, including Goku and Vegeta. One bonus comic released for Dragon Ball Super showed exactly how the unfortunate chain of events came to be and, while most of the destruction happened at the hands of the androids, that terrible future hinges entirely on the actions of one minor villain: Pilaf.

In a brief bonus chapter, Dragon Ball Super pays a visit to Future Trunks' timeline, at a point when he was still a baby and the battle with Androids 17 and 18 raged on. Goku has already died of the heart virus, and Gohan and Bulma are desperately searching for the dragon balls to get some kind of help in the fight. They stumble across the first villains of the franchise, Pilaf, Mai, and Shu, who are summoning Shenron. Despite Shu's warning, Pilaf wishes to be younger, causing his entire group to be returned to babies. Shortly thereafter, Piccolo (who has fused with Kami) is killed in battle, and the dragon balls are rendered inert, ruining any hope of using them to deal with the androids or resurrect the fallen warriors.

By robbing Bulma and Gohan of a wish that was desperately needed, the stage was set for the eventual demise of the rest of the Z-Fighters, leaving only Bulma and Trunks to grow old into the future. Wishing Goku back wasn't an option, since he died a "natural" death, but there were a number of other possible options, from unlocking a warrior's latent potential (as Piccolo wishes for in the Super Hero arc) to disabling the androids in some way. They could've even wished for something like immortality for Piccolo to prevent the dragon balls from being deactivated. With the dragon balls, Gohan and Bulma would've had some options, but without them, the world's fate was effectively sealed.

This short chapter was mostly created to explain a few things, though. The Mai of Future Trunks' timeline is roughly the same age as the Saiyan, and now we know how: she was de-aged to a baby when Trunks was still a baby. This indeed fixes a weird pothole, as the two end up falling in love. Gohan also seems to have been the only survivor of the fight with the Androids because he left to go with Bulma, thus putting him in a position to train young Trunks into the warrior he will one day become. It also suggests that Zamasu had to pillage Goku's grave in order to acquire his body and become Goku Black, a rather disturbing thought to say the least.

Despite the purpose and style of this bonus chapter being quite lighthearted, Pilaf's wasted wish dramatically lowered the odds of the Androids being defeated, thus giving rise to the darkest timeline in the entire series. Pilaf has mostly gotten by through being a relatively minor nuisance, but on this occasion, his presence was a far bigger problem. It just goes to show that even the weakest villains can't be ignored, as in Future Trunks' dark timeline his foolish actions resulted in the death of almost every Dragon Ball hero.


Dragon Ball's Weakest Villain Killed All The Strongest Heroes (In ... - Screen Rant

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Nicholas Gunn: "I learned many years ago to never set expectations" – Electronic Groove

Posted: at 11:01 am

Photo Credit: Nicholas Gunn Official

Having worked with several top-tier names within the genre, including Armin van Buuren, Aly & Fila, Andrew Rayel, and Sam Martin, Nicholas Gunn proves his skilled abilities and cements his name as one to follow as he continues to push boundaries and find innovative ways to translate his passionate creativity into moving music.

Nicholas Gunns unstoppable passion and enthusiasm for his art support his growth as an artist and is the pillar to all his creative pursuits; with such a talent and drive, Nicholas Gunn is sure to continue making influential waves within the electronic music scene, both through his musical releases and his work as owner of the label Blue Dot Music.

Here to discuss his plans for the summer, Nicholas Gunn joins us in this exclusive interview, sharing an insiders look into his release schedule and upcoming projects.

EG: Hi Nicholas! How are you today?

Nicholas Gunn: I am well, thank you for asking!

EG: Youve had a busy year already; do you have any exciting plans for the summer?

Nicholas Gunn: With two young boys and a busy work schedule, my life is extremely organized, otherwise, it tends to fall apart quickly. A family vacation in August this year, followed by a few business trips, including one to ADE in October. Growing my label Blue Dot Music has me spending plenty of time in the office and studio this year. The focus has been really intense.

EG: Are you gearing up to release any new music soon?

Nicholas Gunn: Theres always new music! My schedule is currently booked through March 2024 with new titles coming out. On the immediate horizon, theres a new collab between Dave Neven and me, featuring Alina Renae, titled My Life, which is the follow-up track to our Love You More title from 2022. I also have some classic ambient titles, as well as a collab with Ciaran McAuley, all seeing release dates by October 2023.

EG: You often collaborate in your work, are there any artists/producers that have caught your eye over the summer that you would love to work with in the future?

Nicholas Gunn: If I am in the studio and writing a topline and lyric for a track thats geared towards trance (based on tempo), then I start thinking about who would be a good fit for a collab. Ciaran McAuley and I are a perfect fit and I have been wanting to work with him for the last year and that will be realized this fall. Craig Connelly and I have been tossing around some ideas and hopefully that will work out as well

Theres always new music! My schedule is currently booked through March 2024 with new titles coming out

EG: Do you prefer to write and produce in the summer? Do you find that the sense of freedom that the summer evokes translates into your productions at all or impacts your creativity?

Nicholas Gunn: I am producing all year long. Theres rarely ever downtime and the time of year always yields new inspiration, whether its summer, fall, winter, or spring. I learned many years ago to never set expectations and to just roll with it all.

EG: Aside from music, what has been a memorable moment of the summer for you?

Nicholas Gunn: Raising my kids. They are my life. All consuming. We have been taking bike rides to Venice Beach all summer long and they have been amazing. We throw the kids on the bikes with us and peddle for hours on the boardwalk. Seriously great times!

EG: Are there any creative milestones that you are hoping to achieve this summer?

Nicholas Gunn: Growing my label Blue Dot is my main goal. Ive had the label since 2016, but we have been adding new titles from many different artists over the last year and things are going very well.

EG: Do you have any planned collaborations that you can tell us about?

Nicholas Gunn: Yeah, we already touched upon the ones I can mention and thats my upcoming track with Dave Neven feat. Alina Renae My life and another with Ciaran McAuley feat. Alina Renae titled In the End. Craig Connelly and I are still messing around with some ideas but nothing firm planned yet.

I make money from my passion, so I make sure that passion is always authentic and being fulfilled by following my heart, raising my family, and living my best life

EG: Are you planning on attending any festivals or live shows this summer?

Nicholas Gunn: Ill be at Amsterdam Dance Event in October and Dreamstate in November.

EG: What are you most looking forward to as we look ahead to your summer and the rest of the year?

Nicholas Gunn: Life. My existence here and how it unfolds to fuel my creativity and work. I dont really work, in all honesty. I make money from my passion, so I make sure that passion is always authentic and being fulfilled by following my heart, raising my family, and living my best life

EG: Thank you for your time, Nicholas! We wish you all the best!

Nicholas Gunn & 88Birds Heart of Gold is out now via Blue Dot Music. Stream and download here.

Follow Nicholas Gunn: Soundcloud | Spotify | Instagram | Website

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Guardians of the Galaxy 3 Redeemed Star-Lord’s Infinity War Mistake – CBR – Comic Book Resources

Posted: at 11:01 am

Marvel fans have held a good amount of resentment toward Peter Quill (Christ Pratt), also known as Star-Lord, since he was a major reason why Thanos (Josh Brolin) defeated the heroes during Avengers: Infinity War. During the Battle of Titan, Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), Spider-Man (Tom Holland), Drax (Dave Bautista), Mantis (Pom Klementieff), Nebula (Karen Gillan) and Star-Lord hold down Thanos and try to extract the Infinity Gauntlet from him. However, Peter begins to question the whereabouts of his romantic partner, Gamora (Zoe Saldaa). Thanos reveals that he killed her, which causes Peter to lose control and punch Thanos repeatedly in the face, waking him up from Mantis' trance.

From that point on, Marvel fans weren't forgiving of the character's actions. Even James Gunn felt that Peter's actions weren't true to his character. But some fans contest that it was within his personality to react passionately because of his actions in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 when Ego (Kurt Russell) shares that he was the reason Peter's mother died from cancer. But for those that didn't buy into that, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 goes out of its way to give Peter the redemption arc he deserves.

RELATED: Guardians of the Galaxy: Who is Peter Quill's Real Father?

Right before Adam Warlock (Will Poulter) arrives, fans are aware that Peter isn't the captain they had become accustomed to seeing. He's constantly drinking due to his issues, which hurts the Guardians. The only reason Peter bounces back is because Rocket (Bradley Cooper) ends up greatly injured. Peter then makes it his ultimate mission to save his best friend. Those with issues with Star-Lord may have found it jarring that Peter is so quick to jump back into the hero role, but they should remember that he cares deeply about the people he loves.

Rewatching all the Guardians' appearances in the Marvel Cinematic Universe will display how much these characters care for one another. Although Rocket and Peter butt heads, their relationship is something special. So, when Rocket appears to die at the end of the second act, Peter states, "I am not letting him go," which is a reminder that Peter is still dealing with losing the old Gamora, and this time, he won't let a loved one slip through his fingertips.

RELATED: Before Star-Lord, Chris Pratt Was in Another Notable Comic Book Movie

For the first half of Vol. 3, Peter longs for the old Gamora to return. But in time, he comes to realize that won't ever happen. Once this is established, Peter puts all his energy into Rocket's successful recovery. However, Peter is still able to appreciate this new version of Gamora. At the same time, the new Gamora was able to admit that she could see why a variant of her fell for him.

This all leads to Peter finally letting go of his past, returning to Earth and reconnecting with his family. Although Peter is nowhere near perfect and can be considered a screw-up by many, his past mistakes have been absolved, as he's someone who always wears his heart on his sleeve.

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Gatecrasher at The Republic: 19 photos taking you back to days of famous Sheffield superclub in 90s and 2000s – Yahoo News UK

Posted: at 11:01 am

From left - Pete, Lou and Sara at a Gatecrasher night in Sheffield in 2003 (Photo: Jon Enoch)

Gatecrasher at The Republic in Sheffield city centre in the late 90s and noughties had as big a cultural impact as The Hacienda in Manchester had during the 80s, DJ Andi Durrant has suggested.

Gatecrasher actually began life in the Midlands before moving to Sheffield, where it took up temporary residence at venues including The Leadmill and The Adelphi before finding a permanent home at The Republic, a former warehouse on the corner of Matilda Street and Arundel Street.

There it developed into a superclub, with Judge Jules as a resident DJ and Paul Van Dyk among the big names it attracted, while celebrities flocked to the venue. It played a big role in the rise of trance music and in the late 90s was named club of the year two years running.

Gatecrashers 1999 New Years Eve party at the Don Valley Stadium has earned legendary status, attracting 25,000 revellers who enjoyed a night fit to end the millennium. Sadly the music died in 2007, when flames ripped through the building, which has since been replaced by a 243-bed student block called Gatecrasher Apartments.

Gatecrasher is remembered with huge affection by those lucky enough to have been there, with many fans describing its days as the best of their lives.

They will get the chance to relive that era when the Gatecrasher 30th Anniversary Show comes to Don Valley Bowl, where it will be set within a giant big top, with acrobats and more funfair-themed attractions, on Sunday, September 3.

The all-day event, running from 3pm to 11pm, is the last day of the three-day Rock N Roll Circus, featuring Noel Gallaghers High Flying Birds and Self Esteem, along with special guests, on the first two days.

It is being staged in collaboration with BBC Introducing and will feature the likes of Dutch DJ icons Ferry Corsten, Ilan Bluestone, Ruben de Ronde, Mark V, and Sander van Doorn.

Sheffield DJ legends Corey Mahoney, Simon Brown and Sandy Turnbull have now been confirmed to start the closing party in style alongside the likes of BBC Introducing top picks, Lee Parkinson and Charla Green.

Story continues

Some of the resident DJs who opened and closed the Gatecrasher nights during the 90s and noughties will return to support the headliners on the newly announced second stage.

The Gatecrasher Classical orchestra will be there too, playing some of the planets biggest trance anthems; live artists and vocalists will perform classic tracks like 'As The Rush Comes', 'Skydive', and Bullet in The Gun'; and the sound system will blast out tracks and remixes from legendary names including Armin Van Buuren, DJ Tiesto, Faithless Ferry Corsten, Gouryella, Paul Oakenfold and Paul Van Dyk.

Amid all the 90s nostalgia, revellers can tuck into treats from the street food village and sup local beers and cocktails.

A spokesperson for Gatecrasher, said: We are thrilled to be back home in Sheffield, our undoubted spiritual home. We look forward to seeing old friends and making new amazing memories delivered by the Dutch legends and local heroes that helped us conquer the trance world all those years ago.

Tickets are on sale now at: linktr.ee/rnrcircus.

To help get you in the mood and take you back to the days of Gatecrasher and The Republic, weve dug out some of the best retro photos from our archives of clubbers dancing the night away there during the early noughties.

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Gatecrasher at The Republic: 19 photos taking you back to days of famous Sheffield superclub in 90s and 2000s - Yahoo News UK

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Tisto unveils his own remix to Da Hool 90s anthem ‘Meet Her At … – We Rave You

Posted: at 11:01 am

Ibiza, renowned as the global epicenter of electronic dance music, was set ablaze once again as iconic DJ and producer Tisto unveiled an electrifying remix of Da Hools classic track Meet Her At The Loveparade during his thrilling Ushuaa Ibiza residency performance, his first residency in over 10 years at the island. The Balearic islands partygoers were treated to an unforgettable night of pulsating beats and euphoric melodies as Tisto took the stage at one of Ibizas hottest venues.

Da Hools Meet Her At The Loveparade originally burst onto the scene in the late 1990s, becoming an instant anthem in the world of techno and trance. The tracks infectious energy and catchy hooks have stood the test of time, making it a staple in DJ sets and dance music events around the globe.

Tisto, a true maestro of the electronic music scene, took on the challenge of remixing this beloved classic and breathed new life into it. Known for his masterful ability to blend various genres and styles, Tistos remix paid homage to the original while infusing it with his signature progressive and big-room sound.

As the night descended over Ibiza and the anticipation reached a fever pitch, Tisto unleashed his remix to a crowd of dedicated fans who had gathered from all corners of the world. The moment the revamped Meet Her At The Loveparade dropped, the dancefloor erupted into a frenzy of lights, cheers, and pure ecstasy. Tistos remix retained the essence of the original, while added his modern electro layers and transforming it into a peaktime festival anthem.

Ibiza has always been a playground for both established artists and rising talents, drawing electronic music enthusiasts seeking an unparalleled party experience. Tistos residency performance was a testament to the islands enduring allure, showcasing the magic that can happen when a legendary artist collaborates with a timeless track.

No release date yet in sight, but stay tuned for more updates here at We Rave You. Check out the video below of Tijs dropping it during hisUshuaa Ibiza residency.

Image Credit: Tisto (Press) / Provided by NEU communications

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Morissette Eager To ‘Feel, Think and Move’ With Thousands in … – VOCM

Posted: at 11:01 am

(Photo via Alanis Morissette Twiitter.)

One of the most anticipated concerts in St. Johns in recent memory is just hours away.

Seven-time Grammy Award winner Alanis Morissette is set to take the stage tonight and tomorrow night at the Churchill Park Music Festival.

The 49-year-old Ottawa-born singer-songwriter rocketed to international fame in the mid-1990s with her breakthrough record Jagged Little Pill, selling more than 30 million copies.

Fans can expect hit after hit from that album alone in the setlist something Morisssette told VOCMs sister station K-Rock wasnt just thrown together.

I think were basically taking everything from the last 25 to 30 years and creating this kind of tapestry of songs that peppers a bunch of different decades, she said. And the order of the songs in the setlist really matters a lot to me, so we put a lot of time when we were rehearsing in making sure that the journey, emotionally, had its own arc.

Morissette says she looks forward to immersing herself in her music, along with the thousands in front of her.

I go in a trance when Im on stage so I always look forward to that, and then we do it together. Its just a giant invitation to feel and think and move. Anything you need.

Opening acts for tonights show, which is sold out, include Newfoundlands own Paige Penney, Montreals Metric and Meg Meyers.

Kellie Loder kicks off the Saturday show with Feist replacing Metric on the bill.

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Countdown to the Indian Spirit Festival 2023 | Grateful Web – Grateful Web

Posted: at 11:01 am

Only 15 days until the small town of Eldena in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania turns into a place of pilgrimage for Goa and Psytrance fans from all over the world. From August 30 to September 04, 2023, the Indian Spirit Festival will present non-stop music on a total of six stages for five days. It is one of the biggest happenings of its kind and offers the best line up of these genres in Europe. A total of 250 internationally renowned artists from Goa, PsyTrance and Techno will play on three main stages and three smaller stages. Over 20,000 visitors will go on an unforgettable journey into the world of "love, dance and trance". The construction for the biggest psychedelic festival in Germany, Austria and Switzerland has already been going on for two weeks. Now the last details are revealed.

The "Sun Stage" will be the largest covered stage in all of Germany. For this, the fabrics will be painted and sewn by one of the best decoration teams in the world. This area will become a visual synthesis of the arts, additionally equipped with the latest video mapping technology and state-of-the-art laser systems, which will allow visitors to visually immerse themselves in psychedelic spheres in addition to the music. The terrific line up of this stage presents stars like Ace Ventura, Astrix, Liquid Soul, Neelix, Infected Mushroom, Vini Vici and many more will perform.

The "Moon Stage" offers the guests music at every minute of the festival. Here it starts on Thursday at 6 pm and ends Monday at 1 pm - 24 hours non-stop with well-known artists like Avalon, Captain Hook, GMS, Atmos or Sonic Species. Of course, the most modern video mapping offers visual overkill at any time of day.

The third main stage is the "Mushroom Stage" and offers a variety of acts, such as Boom Shankar, Kindzadza, Hujaboy, Fabio Fusco or Bluespace, which will make the hearts of psytrance fans beat faster.

The three smaller stages are the "Chill Out" area, where visitors can relax to the sounds of Ace Ventura & Gaudi in Dub, Alpha in Dub, Gaudi or Lavinia. The Techno Stage presents a diverse line-up of highly talented artists from the techno scene. And the Fire Tent offers a special atmosphere thanks to a mixture of electronic sounds and pulsating beats that will immerse visitors in another dimension.

The 10-hectare festival site offers visitors not only first-class music. A large market mile in the style of the hippie market on Ibiza with over 100 booths invites you to stroll, shopp and enjoy. In addition, workshops, yoga, meditation and healings will be offered in various tipis. At Yoga & Meditation Magic Sky, from Friday to Sunday, you can join classes such as Yoga & Body Activation, Chakras Yoga & Sound Mediation, Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Flow Yoga, Vinyasa Flow Yoga, Power Vinyasa Yoga, Partner Yoga and many more. The Workshop Tipi will offer classes such as Infinate Creativity, Macram with Mellikrame, Silten Disco UV Paint Party or Dreamcatcher. The Healing Tipi will feature classic massages, lectures such as Energizing Water, Water Memory and Healing Effects, a harmonious healing sound bath, and Reiki and Swedish massages combined with other healing modalities. The Double Tipi features an art exhibition by Caos Concept, Public Beta, Raven PicUps, Tiny Space Art and is a place for various interviews. Last but not least the Fire Place in front of the Fire Tent, which invites jugglers and fire artists to play freely at any time, but also offers Hula Hoop Dance & Tricks or Flow Art Workshops.

The Indian Spirit Festival has been a special kind of experience since 1999 and is known for its lively and warm community, which provides an unforgettable journey into the world of electronic music. The Indian Summer transforms the leaves of the trees into a colorful sea of colors, providing the perfect backdrop for the biggest psychedelic festival in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Countless artists, jugglers and fire artists on the area deepen the flair of a never-ending summer and enchant the guests. Every year thousands of psytrance fans from all over the world make a journey to Eldena in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to celebrate the end of the European festival season.

The Indian Spirit Festival will take place from August 30 to September 04, 2023 in Eldena, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Full Weekend tickets are available in the pre-sale phase 2 for 109.99 euros plus fees at https://www.indian-spirit.de/.

Indian Spirit Festival 30 August - 04 September 2023 Eldena (County Ludwigslust-Parchim) http://www.indian-spirit.de

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Billy Gillies Uplifts Souls with His Summer Mix – EDM Identity

Posted: at 11:01 am

Northern Ireland has been a hotbed for talented artists in the electronic music scene, and one of the latest superstars to arrive from the region is Billy Gillies. Over the years, he has consistently proven himself by releasing fantastic tunes on labels ranging from Future Sound Of Egypt and Afterdark to Tidy and Subculture. Additionally, Billy Gillies has thrown down some impressive performances at festivals like Dreamstate SoCal and Luminosity while also gracing nightclubs around the world.

This year has seen Billy Gillies continue his rise through the ranks of the scene. In April, he took his signature blend of trance and Eurodance elements to release Dont Call Me Baby on Atlantic Records. Teaming up with songstress Madison Avenue, this uplifting, dancefloor-ready tune wraps around your mind with its infectious melody, thumping bassline, and gorgeous vocals. But Billy Gillies wasnt done there as in the midst of the summer months, he dropped another gem in the form of DNA (Loving You).

Much akin to Dont Call Me Baby, DNA (Loving You) sees Billy Gillies look to his influences to create a trance-laden dance tune that will have you bopping right along with it. This time, he looked to Hannah Boleyn to provide the sultry vocals, which pair perfectly with the tracks groove to create an instant summer hit. And what better way to celebrate this stunning tune than to spin up a mix that whisks you away to a proper state of mind? Thats what Billy Gillies just dropped off for us today, so give his guest mix a spin!

Whats up guys! Billy Gillies here bringing you a quick mix of some tracks that are standing out in my sets right now. Enjoy!

Listen to this exclusive guest mix from Billy Gillies on SoundCloud, download or stream DNA (Loving You) on your preferred platform, and follow him on social media to stay in the know on future releases and shows!


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Tritonal to Embark on 15 Years Of Enhanced Music Tour – EDM Identity

Posted: at 11:01 am

Its been impossible to ignore Enhanced Musics impact on the dance music community over the past 15 years. The Tritonal-led imprint has featured a laundry list of artists who have continued to push the boundaries of trance, progressive house, and more during this time, including the likes of Matt Fax, Andy Moor, Klur, Steve Brian, Au5, Estiva, and Marcus Santoro, among others. The anniversary celebrations kicked off earlier this year with the release of the 15 Years of Enhanced Music mix compilation, and today, Tritonal announced a massive tour to continue the party.

On November 3, Tritonal will kick off the 15 Years of Enhanced Music Tour at Concord Music Hall in Chicago before they head to Academy LA the following night. From there, the duo will grace the stage in cities like Austin, New York, San Francisco, Salt Lake City, Seattle, Dallas, Denver, Washington DC, and more before closing it down just before New Years Eve on December 30 in Richmond.

While Tritonal will be a huge draw for anyone who has been swept away by their recent releases like Something Beautiful, Signals, Metawave, and more, they wont be going on this tour alone. Two standout artists who have found a home on the imprint, Farius and Morgin Madison, will join the duo during select stops, so check out the full list of dates below to find out where theyll be playing!

Tickets for Tritonal & Enhanced Present 15 Years of Enhanced Music Tour go on sale Friday, August 18 at 10am local time via their official website. Let us know if you plan to attend on Twitter!

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