Daily Archives: June 20, 2021

Deliveroo Is Training Its Gig Workers to Spot ‘Modern Slavery’ – VICE

Posted: June 20, 2021 at 1:19 am

Deliveroo is launching LifeCycle, it's First Aid initiative where riders are being offered the opportunity to learn first aid skills from the Red Cross on August 8, 2018 in London, England. Image: Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images for Deliveroo

Food delivery app Deliveroo will offer riders the option to receive training in how to spot crimes, the company announced last week.

The training will be offered in partnership with Neighborhood Watch, a UK-based crime prevention organization comprised of a number of small local chapters. According to a joint press release sent to Motherboard, participating riders will be trained to spot, among other things, drug dealing, street harassment, and human trafficking.

The press release also claimed that more than 1,000 of the 50,000 Deliveroo riders in the UK have signed up for the free training, which has been certified by the London Metropolitan Police.

Deliveroo riders carried out a vital role in their local communities during the pandemic and are well-placed to spot any concerns in the neighborhoods in which they work and live, the release reads.

In a separate email, a spokesperson from Neighbourhood Watch told Motherboard that the training would consist of a series of animated videos offered over a period of six months.

Are you a Deliveroo rider who has participated in Deliveroo and Neighborhood Watchs crime spotting training? Wed love to hear from you. You can contact Gabriel Geiger securely on Signal at +31 6 36 01 08 68 or email gabriel@gabrielgeiger.me

A Deliveroo spokesperson confirmed to Motherboard that riders will not receive extra compensation or pay for completing the training. Instead, riders will have the opportunity to promote the partnership on their delivery bags after they have completed the training.

The announcement comes just months after Deliveroo riders went on strike to protest poor working conditions and low pay as the company made its debut on the London Stock Exchange. In March, an analysis conducted by The Bureau of Investigative Journalism of thousands of invoices from Deliveroo riders found that nearly half of riders were making below minimum wage.

The Deliveroo spokesperson also claimed that the IWGBa trade union for couriers and delivery ridershad specifically called for Deliveroo to introduce this, and attached an image of the unions alleged demands. Active bystander training, one of the six subjects covered by the training, is listed in the image, but spotting drug dealing and human trafficking are not.

In an email to Motherboard, however, an IWGB spokesperson wrote that the solution is definitely not more policing and that riders are already subject to disproportionate police stop and search and immigration checks.

We condemn the initiative to get couriers policing and call for bystander training in its own right, Alex Marshall, IWGB President, said. Deliveroo needs to do more to protect its workforce and sexual harassment is a huge issue that needs the full attention of the company- not to be rolled into yet another PR stunt.

In the past, police and immigration officers have explicitly targeted Deliveroo riders. On May 18, the Road and Transport authority publicly boasted on Twitter that it had stopped 48 delivery riders in coordination with immigration officials, arresting two of them.

Update: This post has been updated with comment from IWGB.

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Deliveroo Is Training Its Gig Workers to Spot 'Modern Slavery' - VICE

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Letters: Readers are upset at how Sens. Jerry Moran and Roger Marshall are conducting themselves in D.C. – The Topeka Capital-Journal

Posted: at 1:19 am

Pandemonium in the pandemic

This year of 2020-2021 has been the most phenomenal time in world history where many of us for the first time have seen and experienced some once-in-a-lifetime historic events.

Worldwide attention of the U.S.handling the pandemic, the George Floyd murder and trial, the insurrection at the Capitol, increased mass shootings, the failed acquittal of the former president, voter suppression and the exposure of the 300 murdered and buried in mass graves at the Black Wall Street Massacre have caused many to experience depression and confusion.

Kansas has always been strategically placed on the cutting edge of history.

Kansas was admitted to the Union as an anti-slavery Free State and is known as Bleeding Kansas and the first state to enlist African American soldiers known as the Buffalo Soldiers, a volunteer army.

Charles Curtis was the first Native American vice president.

Susanna Salter was the first female mayor in the USA.

Brown v. Board led the way in the 1954 desegregation case.

President Eisenhower helped to create the national interstate system of highways across the U.S.

A Spiritual Revival occurred at Stones Folly in Topeka.

We ae now challenging our senators, representatives and legislators to focus on affirmative votes on the People's Act, HR-1, HR 2183and 2332. These critical bills should be acknowledged for the health of our Democracy. This includes the disabled and elderly, as well.

Sens. Moran and Marshall, it is an embarrassment that you would not vote for a commission to investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol. If you back the blue, this an opportunity to reveal the truth. Many of them were abused, injured and even killed trying to protect and save you senators. Their blood is on whose hands?

Kansans need courageous leaders who are concerned for ALL PEOPLE and not persuaded by pathetic cowards.

Sandra Lassiter, Topeka

Of the six Kansans in the U.S. Congress, all five of the Republicans refused to support formation of a bipartisan commission to investigate and get to the root causes of who was responsible for the Jan. 6 insurrection in our nations capitol one of the darkest and most shameful events in American history.

This indicates unwillingness of the five to face up to the truth of what happened that day, including the role played by Donald Trump and perhaps even some others in Congress. They havent been able to bring themselves to clearly and forcefully rebut Donald Trumps ridiculous lie the election was rigged and stolen from him. This indicates they believe him.

Kansas voters should be ashamed of sending these five to Congress. Their behavior in the aftermath of the insurrection borders on despicable. Theyre scared out of their wits at the prospect of offending the deranged criminal Trump and are willing to flush the Constitution down the toilet and abandon the basic principles of democracy in their efforts to cozy up to him. Theyve disgraced and dishonored America. The only proper action will be to kick them out of office at the earliest opportunity.

Richard Schutz, Topeka

Response to "We need more transparency on who has been vaccinated." This letter was in the Sunday, June 6th paper.

When I read the letter, what stood out was the idea that we should repeat what Hitler did to the Jews by tattooing numbers on them. Where is your American respect to democracy? We have been given the option to choose how we care for ourselves. The government should have no part of that choice.

There are too many labels out there now, that are causing unrest. When we allow the government to start dictating everything we do, we give up our rights to the constitution and a free country. Our leaders are shaky at best, so why would we allow them to take away our right to choose?

I do hope the homeless and low-income folks are not forgotten again.

Benna Wasson, Maple Hill

In recent news, Gov. Kelly signed an education deal to increase funding for schools in Kansas. Education is the cornerstone of any childs life. It is also a nonpartisan issue that can uplift our society, increase GDP, and our workforce. Our congressional members should be seeking a similar pledge that could impact the world.

Education around the world has deteriorated due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Globally children have not been provided a well-rounded education. This could ruin an entire generation to come. The Global Partnership of Education fights every day to not let this happen and helps to increase the success of children around the world.

Their current plan is to support child education in lower-income countries, aiding recovery from the pandemic. This investment will educate 175 million children, lift 18 million people out of poverty, and save 3 million lives

America has the power to help. Our Kansas congressional members need to act now by pledging for support of $1 billion for five years to GPE. This will show that the U.S. and our congressional members are committed to working hand-in-hand with the global community to ensure every child can reach their potential.

Marta Richenburg, Kansas City

I have attended a church for many years where the pastor, Jim Congdon, has been lead pastor for a long time. I'm not talking just a little preaching here and there: I am talking sold-out, dedicated compassion and a great ability to teach God's Word. Sure I may differ on some things because hey, not every church is perfect and not everyone agrees all the time. However, Pastor Jim uses his incredible theological knowledge to educate and inspire and to move his congregation forward to embracing a better tomorrow.

At the end of the summer, Pastor Jim will step out of his almost every Sunday preaching role that he has had for so many years, and a new minister, Conner Kraus, will step into that role. Pastors have a special role. I wonder what my grandpa, Pastor Frank Kirkland, a Baptist minister for more than 60 years, would say. He always ended our phone conversations with "stay on the road."

So perhaps that is what Pastor Jim would say to all of us as he transitions out of the role he has had for so many years. It is my understanding he will still be on staff. Maybe he would tell each of us to "stay on the road." Pastors have a very influential role in America and in Topeka. Let's lift them up in prayer and encourage them as they have been so faithful to encourage us.

Rebecca Lyn Phillips, Topeka

As the near 20-year-long war is winding down from 9/11, another war is going on, one that started when Trump began running for president and has continued. A battle between Democrats and Republicans.

Politics didn't used to consist of such bickering and attacking between parties until Trump was elected. Any Republican, Caucasian male was considered a friend of Trump's, but any Democrat holding a position could expect to receive nothing but cheap shots and epithets.

As long as you agreed with Trump and were a Republican, your job was secure. There were some that disagreed with him at times but with expected consequences Liz Cheney a Republican lawmaker in Wyoming was ousted from a leadership post because she voted to impeach Trump for incitement of insurrection.

A Republican on the Michigan state election wasn't renominated by the party after he voted to certify Biden's win. Since when is it legal for one's position to be terminated if they don't agree with the majority of their party?

When I Googled for some of the insults Trump made on Twitter, I found out there were 598 insults listed. To print them out would have taken 97 pages.

Here are just a few of them. This one is about Democrats:All they do is investigate, as it turns out crimes that they instigated and committed. Here's one regarding Joe Scarborough, co-host of "Morning Joe" on MSNBC:Morning psycho, has nosedivedand "Angry, dumb and sick.

And finally one on Biden: "Sleepy Joe, I only hope you have the intelligence, long in doubt, to wage a successful primary campaign. This is one wish of Trump's I'm glad got granted because Biden did win, did he not?

Marijo Mastroianni, Topeka

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Letters: Readers are upset at how Sens. Jerry Moran and Roger Marshall are conducting themselves in D.C. - The Topeka Capital-Journal

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Our Best Stuff on Iran, the Supreme Court, and Juneteenth – The Dispatch

Posted: at 1:19 am

Happy Saturday! How is your weekend going? Its a bit of a weird one here in the Ohio bureau, as for the first time in months we dont have a baseball tournament on the schedule. Im not quite sure what to do with all the free time, though our neighbors would probably appreciate it if we did some yard work.

We love watching our kids play sports, but sometimes it can get overwhelming. Swim meets can last an entire weekend. With baseball tournaments, you dont always find out when the Saturday games are until a couple days ahead of time. Then, the schedule for Sunday is determined by how well you play on Saturday. For some reason, though, whether we win two games, lose two games, or win one and tie one (yes, they have ties when there is a time limit), we always seem to draw the 8 a.m. slot on Sunday.

When Im hauling the kids to 7 a.m. warmups for a swim meet or sitting at a baseball game at 8 p.m. on a Saturday wondering how much sleep our kid is going to get before he has to be back the next day, it reminds me to be grateful for my own parents, who did the same thing for my brother and me when we were kids. And, well, it is Fathers Day weekend, so let me tell you a little bit about my dad.

My parents owned a small grocery store when I was growing up. It had a bakery with homemade pies and cookies and cakes. The meat department was full-service: Nothing was wrapped in plastic three days before you bought it. My dad and the other meat cutters would cut steaks however thick or thin the customers wanted, and restaurants around town used our ground beef for their hamburgers.

It was never easy. My parents spent long hours on their feet. One of the indelible images of my childhood is walking into the back room of the store and seeing my dad at the butchers block, cleaver in hand, chopping up a hunk of meat to make ground chuck. On Tuesdays, wed get our big shipment of dry goods from the wholesalercans of soup and vegetables, boxes of cereal and pasta and rice and hed give my brother and I the pricing guns to put stickers on everything, and then wed stock the shelves.

It wasnt just the physical labor, though. There was the Christmas morning that someone called our house while we were opening presents to complain about their turkey. There were difficult decisions to make when business was slow or when minimum wage would go up, or when employees werent working out.

But even with all of that, my dad found time to get to as many of our events as possible. I remember him standing by the meat counter, yes, but I also remember him standing along the fence at my track meets, near the finish line, yelling for me. He helped out with my brothers baseball team.

My parents might not have realized it in the busyness of the moment, but they were leaving important impressions and setting an example. Watching them helped me develop my own work ethic, and the sacrifices they made for me made me want to do the same for my own kids.

And so we get up early on Saturdays to go sit in the cold, or the heat, or the stifling humidity of a natatorium. We cheer them on when they do well, and we listen to their rants on the way home when things dont go well.

I get frustrated sometimes when our kids complain about going to practice or wonder why we dont want to buy that $300 bat theyll outgrow in a yeardont they realize how much were doing for them?but I dont know how much gratitude I showed myself at that age. But I hopeand expectthat when they have their own kids, theyll get it.

Happy Fathers Day, and thanks for reading.

Farideh Goudarzi lost her husband, sister, brother, cousins, and more than a few friends to the Iranian governments campaign of political violence against its own people. She herself spent six years in prison, during which time she was interrogated and flogged by various Iranian officials. One of them was Ebrahim Raisi, who was announced the winner of Irans presidential election on Friday. In a powerful article, Charlotte talks to Goudarzi about her experiences and also to various experts about Raisi. How did he become the candidate of choice for the mullahs at a time when the Biden administration is trying to sell a return to the 2015 nuclear deal? One problem Charlotte notes is the Islamic Republics plummeting legitimacy in the eyes of its own populace. With a proven track record quelling dissent and putting down uprisings, Raisi is the clear choice to sustain the 82-year-old Khameneis rule during his life and ensure a stable transition of power to the next supreme leader after his death.

The New York Democratic mayoral primary shows that while defund the police might be a popular sentiment on the left after last summers racial justice protests, its at odds with the concerns of New Yorkers in the wake of increasing crime and violence. The frontrunner is Eric Adams, a former cop and one-time Republican who has vowed not to strip NYPD of any funding or disarm police officers. Oliver Wiseman reports from New York: The mayoral race wont just determine who gets to run New York. It will also take the political temperature of urban America as it emerges from a bruising year of pandemic, lockdowns, protests, riots, and rising crime, he writes. Do the residents of Americas biggest city see 2020 as a crisis moment that provides the opportunity for radical change?

The end of June is a sort of high holiday for Supreme Court superfans. The justices typically release their biggest decisions now, and this week did not disappoint. In French Press, David does a deep dive on the major announcements from this week, in particular Fulton v. Philadelphia. The city of Philadelphia had tried to punish Catholic Social Services for its refusal to recommend same-sex couples as foster parents. In a unanimous decision, SCOTUS ruled that Philadelphia had discriminated against CSS. David looks at how the ruling was narrow, not rising to the level of overturning Employment Division v. Smith, a case that effectively limited religious freedom in the workplace, but that there appeared to be five judges who would be willing to do so in a different case. Theres much, much more, including a lecture on getting too worked up about the 6-3 ideological breakdown of the court.

We got a new federal holiday this week, and Jonah is here to celebrate it. On Wednesday, President Biden signed a bill making Juneteenth a national holiday andin a rare bit of efficiency in governmentit was observed on Friday. (On June 19, 1865, Union Gen. Gordon Granger arrived in Texas to enforce the emancipation of slaves.) Jonah marked the occasion by explaining why Juneteenth is a great American holiday. The idea that what makes America great is that were not perfect but were always trying to be better and learn from past mistakes is a theme he hits on frequently, and this is a perfect example. There was nothing hypocritical about slavery in Asia, the Middle East, or Europe. To the extent those civilizations had charters, creeds, or some other form of fleshed-out ideals, slavery was consistent with them. In America, slavery was a grotesque hypocrisy whose horror was eclipsed only by the actual horror of the institution as practiced.

And heres some more stuff you might have missed:

Is it us, or is the omnipresence of Infrastructure Week one holdover from the Trump administration we could do without? in Uphill, Haley reports on bipartisan talks that could yield a deal that, while smaller than Joe Bidens proposal, might appeal to more Republicans by focusing mostly on traditional projects like roads and bridges.

Continuing in our series of way too early looks at key Senate races, Price St. Clair previews North Carolina, the bluest red state in the country. Its a pickup opportunity for Democrats, but the three GOP frontrunners are experienced and well-known: a former governor, a current member of the U.S. House, and a former congressman.

Theres a new theory going around that the January 6 Capitol riot was led by FBI agents. If you think it sounds far-fetched, youre right. Andrew explains how the claim falls apart quickly.

If you see the figure $6 trillion and think Good lord, that is an insane amount of money, well, youre probably not a congressional Democrat. In Uphill, Haley looks at how Democrats are preparing a massive spending package to take care of Bidens big priorities and planning to use reconciliation to push it through without any GOP support.

And on the pods: The gang discusses the controversy over critical race theory in schools on The Dispatch Podcast. On The Remnant, Jonah talks to Tevi Troy about Israels chaotic parliamentary system, Netanyahus legacy, and the dismal state of the Hollywood blockbuster. And if you didnt get your fill of Supreme Court analysis from Davids French Press, he and Sarah have more on Advisory Opinions.

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Our Best Stuff on Iran, the Supreme Court, and Juneteenth - The Dispatch

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Latest Washington news, sports, business and entertainment at 11:20 am PDT – KTVZ

Posted: at 1:19 am


Seattle extends COVID eviction ban until Sept. 30

SEATTLE (AP) Seattle is extending the citys coronavirus moratorium on evictions through Sept. 30. Initially established in March 2020, the moratorium is an attempt by the city to stave off evictions of people who lost jobs because of the pandemic and fell behind on their rent payments. The Seattle Times reports the extension announced Friday is the fifth Mayor Jenny Durkan has ordered. Seattles moratorium applies to residential, nonprofit and small-business tenants, with small businesses defined as those with 50 or fewer employees. Most evictions are prohibited for those tenants, including evictions for nonpayment of rent, though tenants remain obligated to pay rent and can accumulate debt.


Chlorine shortage: Cities ask people to reduce water use

SALEM, Ore. (AP) City leaders in Lake Oswego and Tigard in Oregon and Anacortes in Washington are among the communities asking residents to reduce their water use during a chlorine shortage. Oregon Public Broadcasting reports the chemical used in small amounts by water treatment facilities to prevent harmful bacteria growth in drinking water supply. State officials say they have a plan to help water districts across Oregon get the chlorine they need if their stockpiles run low and theres no threat to the water the public depends on. The shortage occurred after a power outage earlier this month at the Westlake chemical facility in Longview, Washington, the main provider of chlorine for Oregon.


Juneteenth becomes official state holiday in WA in 2022

SEATTLE (AP) President Joe Biden this week signed legislation establishing a new federal holiday commemorating the end of slavery a move state lawmakers made for Washington state earlier this year. Washington Gov. Jay Inslee last month signed a measure making Juneteenth a legal state paid holiday, starting in 2022. In 2007, the Legislature had designated Juneteenth as a day of remembrance. Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, when Union soldiers brought the news of freedom to enslaved Black people in Galveston, Texas two months after the Confederacy had surrendered. That was also about 2 1/2 years after the Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in the Southern states. Its the first new federal holiday since Martin Luther King Jr. Day was created in 1983.


Man accused of stealing officers vehicle at crash arrested

SEATTLE (AP) A 49-year-old Seattle man has been arrested, accused of stealing the vehicle of an off-duty Seattle police officer earlier this week after she was struck by a car and killed while assisting people involved in a crash. The Seattle Times reports the man was arrested by the Washington State Patrol and Seattle Police Department SWAT team late Thursday evening in a hotel in Bellevue. He was taken into custody on investigation of felony hit-and-run, theft of a motor vehicle and other charges. Officer Alexandra Lexi Harris died Sunday after being struck while helping people involved in a three-car collision in Seattle. The man arrested, according to the State Patrol, is the driver of one of those three cars.


Deputies arrest man in cold case rape of teen girl

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) Grays Harbor deputies arrested a 50-year-old Enumclaw man in connection with a 2003 kidnapping and rape cold case in McCleary. The Olympian reports Paul Bieker was booked into the Grays Harbor County jail on Tuesday. The Sheriffs Office alleges he abducted and sexually assaulted a 17-year-old girl in 2003 and have indicated they are exploring possible connections to the murder case of Lindsey Baum, who went missing in 2009, according to a Facebook post. Bieker appeared in Grays Harbor Superior Court Wednesday and pleaded not guilty to charges of rape, kidnapping, burglary, felony harassment and taking a motor vehicle without permission.


Washington state Capitol reopening to public July 1

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) The Washington state Capitol building will reopen to the public on July 1 after being closed since March 2020 due the COVID-19 pandemic. In a statement Thursday state officials said the Department of Enterprise Services is working to re-establish public tours and is recruiting tour staff. Security fending around buildings on the Captiol campus was removed in early May, four months after the barriers went up during national unrest tied to the presidential election. A crowd of supporters of former President Donald Trump breached the gates to the Governors Mansion in Olympia on Jan. 6, the same day a pro-Trump mob stormed the nations Capitol in Washington, D.C.


Judge dismisses Washington state governor recall petition

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) Washington state officials have said a petition that was filed last month to recall Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic was dismissed this week. KOMO-TV reports the governors office said Wednesday that a judge ruled to dismiss the petition filed by a citizen group known as Washingtonians to Recall Inslee. The residents could appeal, but it wasnt immediately known if they planned to do so. The group alleged in its May petition that the governors order that limited activities in the state during the pandemic interfered with their rights to assemble, work freely and participate in religious activities.


Mistrial halts case on minimum wage for immigrant detainees

SEATTLE (AP) A trial over whether the GEO Group must pay minimum wage instead of $1 a day to immigration detainees who perform tasks like cooking and cleaning at its for-profit detention center in Washington state has ended with a hung jury. U.S. District Judge Robert Bryan in Tacoma declared a mistrial Thursday after jurors indicated they could not reach agreement following a two-week trial and about two days of deliberation. Democratic Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson sued GEO in 2017, saying the company had unjustly profited by running the Northwest detention center in Tacoma on the backs of captive workers. GEO maintained that the detainees were not employees.


Boeings newest version of the 737 Max makes first flight

SEATTLE (AP) Boeings newest version of the 737 Max jetliner has taken flight. A Boeing 737 Max 10 completed a test flight of about 2 1/2 hours on Friday over Washington state. The Max 10 can hold up to 230 passengers. Its a slightly bigger version of Boeing planes that are already flying. Airlines began using those earlier Max jets in 2017, but they were grounded worldwide for nearly two years after two crashes that killed 346 people. The new model is designed to compete against a similarly sized plane from Europes Airbus.


New vaccine lottery announced for military in Washington

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) Washingtons military, veterans and family members will be eligible for a new vaccine incentive lottery announced by Gov. Jay Inslee. There was concern that because the federal government wasnt sharing individual vaccine status of those groups, there werent in the running for Washingtons original lottery, which has already had two drawings for $250,000 prizes. The new separate lottery specifically applies to military, military staff and family members who were vaccinated through the Department of Defense, Veterans Affairs, or the National Guard. Starting July 20, there will be one drawing a week for three weeks, with cash prizes of $100,000 for the first two weeks and a $250,000 prize for the final week.

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Latest Washington news, sports, business and entertainment at 11:20 am PDT - KTVZ

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Superintelligence movie review (2020) | Roger Ebert

Posted: at 1:19 am

There is a plot to work through, though, and it is oddly convoluted. Carol was a high-tech big wig who chucked it all to live a more altruistic existence, volunteering at Seattle pet adoptions and such. (Falcone loves his filler aerial shots of Seattle. Youll feel as if youve seen the entire cityand parts of Newcastle and Whidbey Islandby the time this thing is done.) Henry plays her best friend, Dennis, a high-tech guru who exists primarily so she has someone to talk to on the phone.

One day, an all-seeing, all-knowing voice starts talking to her through her TV, cell phone and rice maker. It sounds like Corden in an effort to soothe her when she freaks out. This naturally leads to hackneyed Carpool Karaoke bit in which McCarthy belts out the Barenaked Ladies One Week not once but twice over the course of the movie. (And now this song is stuck in your head, too. Im so sorry.) Its a supercomputer that became sentient, and now is trying to decide whether or not to eviscerate humanity and start over. Carol, as his test subject, is the planets only hope.

Its the kind of high-concept idea youd see in an 80s comedysomething like Electric Dreams, where the computer tries to understand what makes people tick. But instead of being playful or satiricalor, god forbid, insightfulSuperintelligence is crammed with uninspired jokes that go on forever, such as Carol wandering the halls at Microsoft when she visits Dennis at work because she cant find the exit. This is also the kind of movie thats got a ton of pop culture references, but it doesnt trust its audience enough to get them on our own, so it spells them out for us afterward. Its not enough to play the instantly recognizable bum-bum sound effect from Law & Order. Carol has to tell us its the bum-bum sound effect from Law & Order. During a meeting to hash out a plan to contain the A.I., the Tic Tac Toe board from WarGames pops up on the screen, along with the famous line from that 80s classic: Shall we play a game? So of course someone in the conference room has to tell us this is a WarGames reference. Knight Rider, the Beyonce Single Ladies dance, it goes on and on, and the hand-holding would be aggravating if this movie werent so incredibly weak. (There is exactly pop-culture joke that made me laugh, and its in a reference to The Help, and thats all I will say.)

Besides stocking Carols bank account with millions of dollars, giving her a makeover and moving her into a luxurious penthouse with spectacular viewsall to compensate her for her troublethe James Corden voice also orchestrates a reunion with her ex. Cannavale plays a professor named George, the one who got away, but theres as little to him as there is to her. Hes weirdly goofy. His primary character trait is his adolescent obsession with Ken Griffey Jr., which leads to an awkward cameo from the Hall of Famer at a Mariners game. McCarthy and Cannavale have all the romantic spark of two strangers standing in line for tickets to the Space Needle. Then again, they have practically nothing to work with.

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Superintelligence movie review (2020) | Roger Ebert

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The World of Reality, Causality and Real Artificial Intelligence: Exposing the Great Unknown Unknowns – BBN Times

Posted: at 1:19 am

The World of Reality, Causality and Real Artificial Intelligence: Exposing the Great Unknown Unknowns

"All men by nature desire to know."- Aristotle

"He who does not know what the world is does not know where he is."- Marcus Aurelius

"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."- Isaac Newton

"The universe is a giant causal machine. The world is at the bottom governed by causal algorithms. Our bodies are causal machines. Our brains and minds are causal AI computers". - Azamat Abdoullaev

The 3 biggest unknown unknowns are described and analyzed in terms of human intelligence and machine intelligence.

It is the best ideas, constructs, or concepts humans ever created:

A deep understanding of reality and its causality is to revolutionize the world, its science and technology, AI machines including.

The content is the intro ofReal AI Project Confidential Report: How to Engineer Man-Machine Superintelligence 2025: AI for Everything and Everyone (AI4EE).

Real AIis designed as a true AI, a new generation of intelligent machines, thatsimulates/models/represents/maps/understands the world of reality, as objective and subjective worlds, digital reality and mixed realities, its cause and effectrelationships, to effectively interact with any environments, physical, mental or virtual.

It overrules the fragmentary models of AI, as narrow and weak AI vs. strong and general AI, statistic ML/DL vs. symbolic logical AI.

Universal Artificial Intelligence, and how much might cost Real AI Model

The scope and scale of the world as the entity of entities, the totality of totalities, the system of systems, or the network of networks, as represented with human minds and machine mentality, may be determined by the relationships among several key knowledge domains:

what man/machine knows, aware and understand;

what man/AI does not know, or what man/AI does not like to know, aware but don't understand;

what man/AI cannot know, understand but not aware of

what man/AI does not know what it does not know, neither understand nor aware of

It is all a power set of {known, unknown; known unknown}, known knowns, known unknowns, unknown knowns, and unknown unknowns, like as the material universe's material parts: about 4.6% of baryonic matter, about 26.8% of dark matter, and about 68.3% of dark energy.

The World as a Whole as theGreatest Unknown Unknowns

There are a big number of sciences, all sorts and kinds, hard sciences and soft sciences. But what we are still missing is the science of all sciences, the Science of the World as a Whole, thus making it the biggest unknown unknowns. It is what man/AI does not know what it does not know, neither understand, nor aware of its scope and scale, sense and extent.

Some best attempts to define the world could be found in philosophy/metaphysics, as

the universe consists of objects having various qualities and standing in various relationships (Whitehead, Russell),

the world is the totality of states of affairs (D. Armstrong, A World of States of Affairs) ,

"World of physical objects and events, including, in particular, biological beings; World of mental objects and events; World of objective contents of thought" (K. Popper, the model of three interacting worlds), etc.

How the world is still an unknown unknown one could see from the most popular lexical ontology,WordNet,see supplement.

The construct of the world is typically missing its essential meaning, "the world as a whole", the world of reality, the ultimate totality of all worlds, universes, and realities, beings, things, and entities, the unified totalities.

The world or reality or being or existence is "all that is, has been and will be". Of which the physical universe and cosmos is a key part, as "the totality of space and times and matter and energy, with all causative fundamental interactions". String theory predicts an enormous number of potential universes, of which our particular universe or cosmos (with its particles and four fundamental forces of nature, gravity, the weak force, electromagnetism, the strong force, governing everything that happens in the universe) represents only one.

In all, the world is the totality of all entities and relationships, substances (actual or mental), structures (actual and conceptual), states (actual or mental) changes and processes (past, present and future), relationships (actual and conceptual) or phenomena, whether observable or not, actual, mental, digital or virtual.

This includes as really existing physical objects, immaterial things, unobservable entities posited by scientific theories like dark matter and energy, minds, God, numbers and other abstract objects, all the imaginary objects as abstractions, literary concepts, or fictional scenarios, virtual and digital objects, the internet, cyberspace, multiverses, metaverses, and all possible worlds. As to scientific realism, they all are parts of the real world having some ontological status or certain causal power.

Our world conception encompasses theWordNet's andImageNet'sentity, "that which is perceived or known or inferred to have its own distinct existence (living or nonliving)", with all its content and classifications.

As it is systematically and consistently presented inUniversal standard entity classification system [USECS]for human minds and machine intelligence:

The World Entities global reference

The Intelligent Content for iPhones, X.0 Web, Future Internet and Smart People

The Language of the World of Things;





There are few basic levels of the world of reality, material, ideal and mixed:

I-WORLD, IWORLD, iWORLD, iWorld: AI World: Intelligent, Innovative, Interconnected, Instrumented, Inclusive, Green WORLD: Smart CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES, CITIES, AND COMMUNITIES

As such,the World of Reality is Actuality - Mentality - Virtuality Continuum

There is no such thing as a mixed reality (MR), is a hybrid of reality and virtual reality, but a mixed actuality, the merging of physical and virtual worlds producing new environments and visualizations, where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real time.

There is no such thing as an augmented reality (AR), but an augmented actuality (AA), an interactive experience of a physical environment where the objects that reside in the actual world are enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information, as across multiple sensory modalities, visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory and olfactory.

There is no such thing as a computer-mediated reality, but a computer-mediated actuality, which refers to the ability to manipulate one's perception of actuality through the use of a digital technology, a wearable computer or a smartphone.

There is no such thing as a simulated reality, but a simulated actuality, that actuality, physicality, or materiality could be simulatedas by quantum computer simulationto a degree indistinguishable from "true" actuality, as in human dreams.

'METAVERSO', the sum of all virtual worlds, augmented reality, and the Internet.

Then conscious minds may or may not know that they are inside a natural simulation, a mentally generated world, as if created by theevil demon, also known asDescartes' demon,malicious demonandevil genius, and described as the Transformation of Things.

Again, the essence of Reality, its Actuality, Mentality and Virtuality, is Causality or Causation, the second biggest unknown unknowns.

Reality, Universal Ontology and Knowledge Systems: Toward the Intelligent World

The World of Causality as a Great Unknown Unknowns

All the world's knowledge derives fromcausation driving the world as the engine of the universe.

Humans develop an ability to understand causality, causal power and mechanisms, making inferences and predictions and forecasting based on cause and effect, at an early age.Understanding causality is equal to a deep learning about the world, its mechanisms, forces, processes, phenomena, laws and rules and the behavior of things. There is an increasing awarenesshow the understanding of causality revolutionizes science and the world[The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect].

It defies any common knowledge and understanding, but the real nature and mechanisms of cause-effect relationships is still the greatest unknown known. Still we are completely unaware that we are unaware of its major features

Due to process philosophy, ontology of becoming, orprocessism, it is now a known unknown that "every cause and every effect is respectively some process, event, becoming, or happening"

But if"Ais the cause andBthe effect" or "Bis the cause andAthe effect" is true is the unknown unknown.

A standard narrative of causality is wrong and misleading the following:

"Causal relationships suggest change over time; cause and effect are temporally related, and the cause precedes the outcome. It is a unidirectional relationship between acause and itseffect [the final consequence of asequenceof actions or events expressed qualitatively or quantitatively, the result, the output]. All events are determined completely by previously existing causes, known as causal determinism.

Causality (causation, or cause and effect)is influence by which one event, process, state or object (a cause) contributes to the production of another event, process, state or object (an effect) where the cause is partly responsible for the effect, and the effect is partly dependent on the cause. In general, a process has many causes, which are also said to be causal factors for it, and all lie in its past. An effect can in turn be a cause of, or causal factor for, many other effects, which all lie in its future".

The law, principle, or rule of universal causation is generally asserted arbitrarily, in every loose ways, namely:

"everything in the universe has a cause and is thus an effect of that cause"

"every change in nature is produced by some cause"

"everyeffecthas a specific and predictablecause"

"the universal law of successive phenomena is the Law of Causation"

"every event or phenomenon results from, or is the sequel of, some previous event or phenomenon, which being present, the other is certain to take place"

"relationships where a change in one variable necessarily results in a change in another variable"...

"relation between two temporally simultaneous or successive events when the first event (the cause) brings about the other (the effect)".

Causation could be an example of a regularity analysis, counterfactual analysis, manipulation analysis, statistical analysis, or probabilistic analysis.

A real and true causality MUST be a symmetrical, circular, bidirectional and reversible productive relationship, like as formalized by Bayes rule/theorem/law, describings the probability of an event, based on prior knowledge of conditions that might be related to the event:

P(X/Y) P(Y) = P (Y/X) P (Y)

By its very design, Bayes rule/theorem/law is essentially about Real Causality, or Interactive Causation, Circular Causality, modeling the Universal Law of Causal Reversibility in probabilistic terms.

It is a basic law in real statistics and causal probability theory. In statistical classification, two main approaches are commonly called the generative approach and the discriminative approach, withgenerative classifiers("generate" random instances (outcomes), a model of the conditional probability of the observableX, given a targetY =y,orjoint distribution) anddiscriminative classifiers(conditional distribution or no distribution).

Given a model of one conditional probability, and estimated probability distributions for the variables X and Y, denoted P(X) and P(Y), one can estimate the opposite conditional probability using Bayes' rule:


For example, given a generative model for P(X|Y), one can estimate:


And given a discriminative model for P(Y|X), one can estimate:


Both types of classifiers or models or learning or algorithms, generative and discriminative, are covering such types of models, as Hidden Markov Model(HMM), Bayesian network (e.g. Naive bayes, Autoregressive model) or Neural networks, all underpinned by direct and reversed causal processes, X > Y and Y > X.

And statistic models are known for their wide applications to statistical physics, thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, physics, chemistry, economics, finance, signal processing, information theory, pattern recognition (speech, handwriting, gesture recognition, part-of-speech tagging, etc.), AI, ML, DL and bioinformatics.

Twentieth century definitions of causality derive upon statistics/probabilities/associations. One event (X) is said to cause another if it raises the probability of the other (Y):

P (Y/X) > P (Y)

Then a real Bayes' network is a causally reversible probabilistic network, presented as a probabilistic graphical model representing a set of causal variables and their conditional dependencies via a bi-directional cyclic graph (DCG). It can model any stochastic processes and random phenomena in the world.

For example, a real Bayesian network could represent the probabilistic causal relationships between diseases and symptoms, and vice versa. Given symptoms, the network can be used to compute the probabilities of the presence of various diseases. Given diseases, the network can be used to compute the probabilities of the presence of various symptoms.

It embraces as a special case a Bayesian network (belief network, or decision network) as a probabilistic graphical model that represents a set of variables and their conditional dependencies via a directed acyclic graph (DAG).

So, it is still a big unknown that a[true and real] causality is a sufficient and necessary relationship between cause and effect, or change in a cause changes an effect, and vice versa.

Cause effects Effect, if and only if the Effect inversely causes the Cause

Or,X causes, affects, influences, produces, or changes Y, if and only if Y affects (produces) X.

Changes in one variable X cause changes in others Y, IFF changes in Y cause changes in X.

The Principle of Reversible Causation (PRC) implies the structuralcausal models of reality operating with the most substantial general statements and observations about it.

All things act on and react upon by means of causal mechanisms and causal pathways. All entities receive and respond to stimuli from their environments. All organisms receive/detect/perceive and react/respond to stimuli from their environments. All cells receive and respond to signals from their surroundings/micro-environments. And signaling agents could be physical agents, chemical agents, biological agents, as antigens, or environmental agents, as in the immune system.

Again,Popper's three worldsof realityinvolvingthreeinteracting worlds, calledworld1,world2 andworld 3, are subject to the PRC.

World 1: the world of physical objects and events, including biological entities

World 2: the world of individual mental processes, the world of subjective or personal experiences

World 3: the world of the products of the human mind, having an effect back on world 2 through their representations in world 1.

It is like world 3 as a world of objective knowledge(languages, songs, paintings, mathematical constructions, theories, culture) is CAUSALLY acting on world 1 through world 2, having a CAUSAL effect back on world 2 through their representations in world 1.

Popper strongly advocates not only the existence of the products of the human mind, but also their being real rather than fictitious.As long as these have a causal effect upon us, they ought to be real. Products of the human mind, for example scientific theories, have proven to have an impact on the physical world by changing the way humans build things and utilize them. Popper believes that the causal impact of world 3 is more effective than scissors and screwdrivers (Popper, K. R. (1978). Three worlds. The Tanner Lecture on Human Values. The University of Michigan. Ann Arbor).

It is most critical to recognize the scope and scale of an interactive [cause-effect] relationship and how it differs from a non-causal relationship, link, or correlation, spatial contiguity or temporary sequence.

The rest is here:

The World of Reality, Causality and Real Artificial Intelligence: Exposing the Great Unknown Unknowns - BBN Times

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Patterns of stimulation Witness Performance – Witness

Posted: at 1:18 am

Im sitting in the semi-dark in the main hall at Arts House in North Melbourne, watching a development day of SYSTEM_ERROR. Its a new Chamber Made work being created by artistic director Tamara Saulwick and dancer, sound designer and choreographer Alisdair Macindoe. Other collaborators include data visualisation artist Melanie Huang, choreographer Lucy Guerin, and me. Right now, in the dark, I am scribbling in my red notebook:

Watching the problem-solving is key to this process.It is a system creating itself.The sequence about what to do with the tables.How to collapse them.What is the motivation for collapsing them (this is a joke, off-hand, convivial)?Can we have a bit of light while they play with this? (Lucy asks Bec, the production manager).I make note of the text that is being projected on the gigantic screen, now, in this moment:

activity within that network. We can send in different patterns of stimulation and look at how the network changes as a result.

This is how I have observed the building of this work: as different patterns of stimulation from each collaborating artist interacting to create the network, which is the work itself.

It began with a seed of an idea, in a conversation between Saulwick and Macindoe. The name of the investigation was always SYSTEM_ERROR. The idea was to explore bodies, sound and technology. That was as much as they knew. Slowly over a few years, in short bursts of development that brought in other collaborators at different stages, they built a work of performance.

This particular development took place in March 2021. As I write now, the show is a few weeks away from its world premiere season at Arts House in July. Keen to get a sense of what the collaboration process has been like, I have been talking via email to the key artists.

I hadnt worked with any of these artists previously, says Saulwick. Ive really loved the process of finding points of connection and shared preoccupations. In some ways our practices are quite disparate, but there are also these lovely rich veins of overlapping interest.

I find this so compelling. Saulwick is an established artist with more than 20 years experience. Of course, she does at times collaborate with artists with whom she has an existing creative relationship. But her keenness to explore new relationships and possibilities and to make a work with artists from different artforms and disciplines demonstrates a genuine desire to explore what collaboration is and how it works.

This colliding of artistic process is something that has interested Saulwick for a long time. Over many years she has built a practice that invites artists to meet the boundaries of their artform as it comes into direct contact with another, to see what new processes and forms might emerge.

For data visualisation artist Melanie Huang, this is her first performance project. She reflects on what it has been like to come into collaboration with Saulwick and Macindoe, highlighting that the process has been open rather than prescriptive.

Huang created visual elements in response to the sound design and the physical world of the piece. I found it super beneficial to create the visuals as we discussed each new scene that was unfolding. This is different to what Im used to as a designer or coder, she says. Ill be honest, it was a little bit terrifying at first the ambiguity. However [it was] ultimately liberating to be able to explore concepts and visual directions untethered from a client brief or style guide.

Expanding networks of collaborators is a crucial part of the Chamber Made ethos. I enjoy having someone in the room who comes from a completely different scene, Saulwick says. They can bring a different way of thinking into the process and tend not to follow the expected pathways. This has definitely been the case with Mel and I really love what shes brought to the piece.

Huang agrees that this taking a chance on an outsider has great benefits. It is not only a great opportunity for individuals to explore what their craft/talent can provide a new space but also what a new area has to gain from looking outside the usual talent pool to create something unique to that team and that performance.

Working on this project, Ive been struck by how all the artists are able to hold ambiguity. I recall an early conversation with Saulwick and Macindoe, eating noodles at a North Melbourne caf, as they talked in and around the themes of the work. Was it about bodies? Their bodies? About their frailties or obsessions? Both spoke of past and present vulnerabilities as I took furious notes.

The text went through a number of iterations. For the most part it is based on found texts sourced by Saulwick and Macindoe, interviews and documentaries about questions of what it is to be human and what the urge towards transhumanism might be. As a collective we generated more texts, digging into other areas of inquiry about systems and personal relationships, testing the poetic boundaries of language as it related to these themes. Ultimately, much of this has dropped away. The process of deliberation and selection, as text slots in as one element among sound, vision, body and space, has been fascinating.

Macindoe reflects on how this collaboration has stretched him beyond his usual approaches: Working with Tam exposed me to a process in which materials are formed predominantly through discussion, research, thinking, transcribing, collating and writing, he says. Coming from dance and music, where concept and ideation are generally a starting point that are explored through physicalisation and musical play, this was new to me. At first it was jarring and unfamiliar, but I got a lot out of it, and I cant imagine how we could have made the piece without said processes.

This colliding of artistic process is something that has interested Saulwick for a long time. Over many years she has built a practice that invites artists to meet the boundaries of their artform as it comes into direct contact with another, to see what new processes and forms might emerge. I think if you want the various modalities/threads/disciplines to be genuinely integrated with one another then you need to allow time for that to occur, she says. Its one thing to abut elements up against one another, but allowing them to become a new combined language can be a slow process.

Macindoe concurs that creating work in this way takes time and patience: The greatest challenge of this piece has been clarification and crystallisation of the intent, theme and creative rationale of the work, he says. I have really enjoyed the musical challenges of this work and where they have taken me both technically and creatively. Trying to whittle down the entire work into 36 discrete cc channels has forced me to explore how to compress complex musical ideas into a streamlined instrument interface.

As Saulwick observes, one of the main complexities of both making and performing the work is that need to navigate being inside and outside the work, moving between those two modes and perspectives. This is why it has been great to be joined by Lucy in the latter stages of the process, she says. Her presence has allowed us to an extent to hand over that outside perspective and focus more on the performance component.

Watching Lucy Guerin work with the performers in crafting the shape of the piece provides another layer of insight. From my personal experience as a playwright, its unusual for a director to come late into the development and building of a work, not be there from its genesis.

The process with Tam and Alisdair was really unique, says Guerin. Working with two artists who were so deeply embedded in the ideas for the work and the creation of the machine that they used to deliver the ideas meant there was immediately so much to work with. The fact that they built, operated and became part of this circuitry spoke so clearly to the content of the piece.

Guerin has great skill in looking at the mechanics and structure of the work, identifying what is there and how each part relates to the next. I can see that she is not taking overall responsibility for the artistic drive of the piece, but rather using her expertise to help Saulwick and Macindoe craft a cohesive work. My role was really as an outside eye for Tam and Alisdair, so that we could thread together the content and strip back a bit the complex layering of multipleideas that had emerged in their previous developments.

Touch is now such a triggering action and seems very relevant. It offersreassurance and connection but is also threatening and powerful. I have always felt quite disturbed by the radical futures proposedby technology, but this work made it seem intriguing, rather than a dark and scary fiction.

Guerins role was crucial, as Macindoe observes. Bringing Lucy in as an outside eye and to direct the work really clarified a lot for me about the work, he says Also, Lucy is just amazing and somehowmanaged to clarify and streamline our creative chaos in a really engagingand thoughtful way.

Opening out the process generates a richness. Guerin says that working on the project had positive flow-on effects for her broader practice. Its a great way to question your own position on ideas and creativeprocess, she says. It can be time consuming but its so worth listening and working through. I find it really fulfilling and it shifts and re-forms my practice, which keeps me interested and engaged.

Many aspects of the project intrigued her, The correlation between the human biological system and technological systems and how they overlap, prompts me to wonder if humans design these systems based on their own bodies andminds, she says. They seem to reinforceyet confound each other. The fact of touch itself which is used to activate the instrument can produce an onslaught of sound or a delicate static. Touch is now such a triggering action and seems very relevant. It offersreassurance and connection but is also threatening and powerful. I have always felt quite disturbed by the radical futures proposedby technology, but this work made it seem intriguing, rather than a dark and scary fiction.

I return to my scribbled notes from the development, seeking connections, the trail of evidence that has led to what is now a pretty much final version of the work. My involvement has been light and minimal. Mostly I have provided another perspective, offered thoughts on how the text of the work is functioning, or acted as a sounding board as the artists worked through their own questions, their ambiguities.

A series of absurd machinations to keep life going.

How do you avoid the system (should you want to).

Why and when does language emerge.

The word years really jumps out, should it be: Its been as long as I can remember?

Take it out of this endless present into something more quotidian.

I watch a full run of the show and the sense of fragmentation dissolves. What emerges is a whole system, one both strange and compelling, where I am reminded of all that is odd about being human, and all that is possible.

Chamber Mades SYSTEM_ERROR premieres at Arts House July 7-11. Bookings and information

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Patterns of stimulation Witness Performance - Witness

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Casinos Near San Antonio Closest One, Map & Directions

Posted: at 1:18 am

By Steve Beauregard

Because theres a lack of legalized gambling in the Lone Star State, San Antonio residents and visitors will have a long trek if they want to play slots or hit the blackjack tables.

There is an electronic gaming-only casino located 149 miles away on the Mexican border, (more on that below).

There are also casino cruises available from Corpus Christi, however those wanting a real casino environment with real slots, video poker, table games, entertainment, nice restaurants and the like will have to venture 366 miles east, to Lake Charles, Louisiana.

Lake Charles, Louisiana

This industrial town in western Louisiana is home to three very nice Las Vegas-style casinos, and is a mecca for Texas gamblers. Its estimated that 80% of all visitors to Lake Charles are from Texas. The town is also home to the closest casinos to Houston.

The three casinos are the LAuberge, the Golden Nugget, and the Isle of Capri. All three offer thousands of slots, along with table games, plenty of bars and restaurants and entertainment options.

(Below is the route from downtown San Antonio to the casinos in Lake Charles, Louisiana)

The LAuberge and Golden Nugget each have over 1,000 hotel rooms and over 1,600 slot machines. The two resorts are connect via a walkway and both have adjoining championship golf courses. Either of these two luxurious resorts would fit in perfectly on the Las Vegas Strip.

A drive from San Antonio to Lake Charles will take between 4 hours on the low end, up to six hours and a half hours if you get caught in bad Houston traffic.

The Other Closest Casinos to San Antonio

(The Yellow Pin represents the Lake Charles Casinos, the Orange pin is the WinStar Casino, while the Blue Pin is the Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino)

WinStar World Casino & Resort

At 341 miles from San Antonio, the WinStar World Resort & Casino on the Texas/Oklahoma border is just 5 miles further away than the Lake Charles casinos, however the drive takes longer.

The WinStar is the biggest casino in the United States.

According to Google Maps, your very best case scenario is a 4 hour and 40 minute drive, however its much more likely to be in the five to six hour drive range.

(Related: Closest Casinos to El Paso, Texas)

Youd simply take I-35 all the way north, but between traffic in Austin and Fort Worth, it can be up to a 7 hour drive. This drive factor makes Lake Charles a more popular option for most San Antonio gamblers.

Speaking of drive..

Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino & Hotel

This Indian casino, (and the only casino in all of Texas), is, technically, the closest casino to San Antonio, at just 149 miles to the south and west, by the small town of Eagle Pass, Texas.

We dont list it as the closest in that its not the Las Vegas style casino most of us have come to expect. Although popular with many San Antonians, this casino doesnt have table games, nor do they have traditional slot machines and video poker machines. They have machines that look and sound like slots, however they are the class II style electronic bingo games allowed on some Indian casinos.

Google Maps estimates it takes (on average) between 2 hours 20 minutes to 2 hours 40 minutes to drive from downtown San Antonio to the Lucky Eagle Casino.

Built in 1996 and added onto in 2013, the casino hotel has bingo (five days a week), 3,000 electronic gaming machines, and no table games. There is, however a poker room.

The Lucky Eagle Poker Room spreads $1/2 to $5/10 no-limit holdem, as well as limit holdem games ranging from $3/6 up to $15/30. There are tournaments three days a week, as well as Bad Beat Jackpots.

The six-story hotel has 249 guest rooms. Six restaurants and a food cart dot the property, and the restaurant lineup includes Mexican (naturally), a steakhouse and a buffet. There are also three bars/lounges.

Address & Phone

794 Lucky Eagle DriveEagle Pass, TX. 78852

(888) 255-8259

One final note, there are some Louisiana casinos on I-10 close to the Texas border that are closer to San Antonio than the Lake Charles casinos mentioned above, however all of these (including Delta Downs) are slot-only casinos. Most are tiny buildings and not really traditional casinos and are therefore not discussed here.

(Photos courtesy of the Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino Lake Charles and the Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino)

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Premier League: The London-based firm behind controversial gambling sponsors – The Athletic

Posted: at 1:18 am

What do these gambling firms have in common?

They are all based in Asia and access the UK market via the white-label system.

A white-label is a site that is operated by someone other than the brand owner.

The companies set up UK-facing websites via firms in offshore jurisdictions such as Malta or the Isle of Man, and then apply to access the UK market via a white-label. This gives them the right to advertise to TV-watching consumers in Asia via Premier League football shirts.

Many of these firms advertise on UK shirts and stadium billboards in Chinese Mandarin, despite the fact that gambling is largely prohibited in China.

The UK Gambling Commission has admitted to concern that some of the companies running white-label websites may not have effective anti-money-laundering controls or carry out sufficient due diligence to ensure there are no links to criminal activity.

When The Athletic approached multiple football clubs earlier this year about their arrangements with white-label firms, virtually none could answer basic questions about the companies, such as what countries they are based in.

Dr James Noyes, senior fellow at the Social Market Foundation, said: We do not know enough about where these companies are based, who owns them or where their wealth comes from.

SportQuake is a sports marketing agency with offices in London, Madrid, Beijing and Hong Kong. It works with football clubs, national teams, competitions, leagues, players and media outlets to help brands secure sponsorship deals.

On its website, it mentions recent high-profile deals including between Cristiano Ronaldo and Garena, a mobile game, and FC Barcelona and FBS, the clubs official trading partner.

Last May The Athletic revealed how Bournemouth ended their deal early with M88 after the Gambling Commission opened an investigation into the firm. M88 is the Asian-facing arm of Mansion Group and previously sponsored Tottenham Hotspur. The north London club now have a deal with Fun88, which also sponsors Newcastle.

LoveBet sponsored Burnleys shirts for the last two seasons as well as having a deal with PSG. Earlier this year The Athletic revealed how the firm was ditched by Burnley mid-season.

Footballs relationship with gambling firms has come under increasing scrutiny in recent weeks following Norwich Citys deal with BK8 imploding after it emerged the firm was using sexualised content in some of their marketing. Norwich used Singapore-based Outlast Sports and Entertainment to broker their 5 million shirt sponsorship agreement.

BK8 said in a statement after the deal was terminated: We apologise for the social media content published by affiliates of BK8 which has caused offense, and have taken immediate steps to change the way we market the brand.

The UK government is undertaking a review into gambling laws that promises to look closely at white labels.

The Athletic approached SportQuake for comment and has repeatedly contacted the white-label gambling firms, via the relevant offshore intermediary firms, but has never received a response.

A spokesperson from the Gambling Commission said: Before we licence an operator we investigate the suitability of a company to hold a licence... We also require operators to tell us websites they will be using under their licence and this includes white label websites.

"We do not currently investigate marketing partners as part of an application, but we would if an issue was brought to our attention.

We expect licensees to ensure that when agreeing commercial deals with sports clubs, that all parties are aware of, and compliant with, the relevant advertising and sponsorship rules and regulations.

(Photo: Visionhaus)


Premier League: The London-based firm behind controversial gambling sponsors - The Athletic

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Gambling: Picking the underdogs to cover in NBA action Sunday – Colorado Springs Gazette

Posted: at 1:18 am

We have another two-game slate in the NBA Playoffs ON Sunday. Game 1 of the Western Conference Finals between the Suns and Clippers tips off at 1:30 p.m. followed by Game 7 of the series between the Hawks and the Sixers at 6:30 p.m. As always, my top two bets to target are listed below, with odds from FanDuel Sportsbook.

Los Angeles Clippers at Phoenix Suns

The pick: Clippers +5 (-110)

While the Suns have been rolling through two rounds, the loss of Chris Paul could prove to be a fatal blow to this team that, outside of Paul, really lacks a significant amount of playoff experience. The absence of Kawhi Leonard is still a massive blow for the Clippers, but they havent skipped a beat after beating the Jazz in back-to-back games without their star. With the emergence of Terance Mann in the starting lineup, the Clippers replace Leonard with another capable wing defender who can help guard Devin Booker, and while I dont fully trust them to win this game, I think the spread should be a bit tighter, leaving me favoring the Clippers with the points.

Atlanta Hawks at Philadelphia 76ers

The pick: Hawks +7.5 (-112)

Even though the Sixers stole Game 6 in Atlanta and were able to pull away in the fourth quarter, theyve shown zero reasons over the last four games to trust them with such a large spread. While they won the first two games by 16 points each, they went on to blow massive second-half leads in Games 3 and 4 while duking out a tight game for the majority of Game 6. The Hawks have also proven to be a much more capable opponent than many assumed. Trae Young has averaged 30.3 points and 11.0 assists, creating an entire offensive attack that the Sixers have struggled to stop. Even if the Hawks dont pull this game off, getting them with 7.5 points seems like an awesome value.


Gambling: Picking the underdogs to cover in NBA action Sunday - Colorado Springs Gazette

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