Daily Archives: June 6, 2021

2 Las Vegas resorts among first to participate in new booking system – Las Vegas Review-Journal

Posted: June 6, 2021 at 7:53 pm

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2 Las Vegas resorts among first to participate in new booking system - Las Vegas Review-Journal

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Las Vegas father wrongly named in boy’s death says police pointed guns at him, took his kids – FOX5 Las Vegas

Posted: at 7:53 pm

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Las Vegas father wrongly named in boy's death says police pointed guns at him, took his kids - FOX5 Las Vegas

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Bachelorette Parties and Posing Tourists: A Look at Las Vegas, Reopened – VICE

Posted: at 7:53 pm

On Tuesday, at 12:01 a.m., Clark County, Nevada lifted almost all COVID-related restrictions. This moment marked an end to capacity limits, social distancing rules, and mandatory masks for fully vaccinated people (and people willing to lie about being vaccinated, presumably) in Las Vegas.

Its been a rough year-and-a-bit for Vegas, both on the Strip and off. Two of the major industries that the area relies on economicallytourism and conventionswere completely decimated by the pandemic. In April of last year, when the hotels and casinos were forced to temporarily close, the unemployment rate hit 34 percent. Though thats since improved, it remains one of the worst in the U.S.

Walking around the Strip and Fremont Street Tuesday night, things definitely felt different than the last time I visited, at the height of the pandemic. Almost nobody was wearing a mask, the sidewalks were crowded, and huge, tightly packed groups of people were dancing and drinking together.

But it didnt exactly feel normal. The crowds were lighter than when Ive visited in pre-pandemic Junes (when I walked past the Dennys that you can get married in around 8 p.m., there were less than ten customers inside), and some things were either still in a temporary COVID closure, or shuttered for good.

Here are some things I saw walking around Vegas during its first day and night post-restrictions.

A shirt in a gift shop on Fremont Street

A line outside M&Ms World

A bride to be and a newlywed couple on Fremont Street

The Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas sign on the Strip. There were approximately 50 people in line to take photos in front of it when I visited

A bachelorette party on the Strip

The canal at the Venetian Hotel; People watching the volcano show at the Mirage

Little Darlings strip club

The conservatory at the Bellagio

The check-in line at Caesars Palace

The Criss Angel Theater at the Planet Hollywood Hotel

Dicks Last Resort restaurant at the Excalibur Hotel

A line for cocktails at the Venetian hotel

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Bachelorette Parties and Posing Tourists: A Look at Las Vegas, Reopened - VICE

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Best Supplements for Weight Loss, According to Dietitians – Eat This, Not That

Posted: at 7:52 pm

When it comes to weight loss, you know the drill. Eat healthy foods. Work out smart. Pray to the scale gods up above. But there's an oft-overlooked booster to help you on your weight loss journey or jumpstart a weight loss plateau: supplements.

There's a smattering of research-backed supplements that can help you slim down. Below, nutritionists and doctors weigh in on the best of the bunch. As always, consult with a trusted healthcare professional before adding a new supplement to your routine. Read on, and for more on how to eat healthy, don't miss Simple Ways to Start Losing Weight Immediately, According to Science.

Good for your gut, and good for your waistline. "Probiotics, when referring to their supplement form, are living bacteria that provide countless health benefits when ingested. These bacteria are naturally occurring in the gut, but can be replenished through external means," says Trista K. Best, MPH, RD, LDN at Balance One. "The gut bacteria play many roles in weight regulation in both weight loss and weight gain. One primary reason is the bacteria's effect on appetite regulation. When the balance of good to bad gut bacteria is off, the short-chain fatty acid production in the gut is amped up, which triggers appetite hormone production. These hormones are typically those involved in increasing appetite and leading to weight gain." Probiotics can help to reinforce the good-for-you bacteria to reign in the production of those hunger hormones.

For some of our favorite probiotics supplements for weight loss, check out our guide here.

Mary Wirtz, MS, RDN, CSSD, Nutritional Consultant at Mom Loves Best shares that beta-glucan is "another dietary supplement that has been well-researched in helping facilitate weight loss as it can keep you full longer, in addition to improving blood sugar control, lipids, and blood pressure." she explains, citing this study. "Beta-glucan is a soluble fiber readily available from oat and barley grains," she continues, noting that it is naturally occurring in many other foods. Beyond oats and barley, some of these include yeast, mushrooms, and algae.

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Already slipping this into your smoothie? The scale is singing your praises. "One supplement that can help facilitate weight loss is whey protein powder as regular consumption can help to retain lean muscle tissue, which translates into increased body strength and increased metabolic rate," says Wirtz, sharing this study which found that a whey-protein supplement increases fat loss and spares lean muscle in obese individuals. "This particular research study showed that taking whey protein powder in addition to a calorie-controlled diet can help facilitate body fat loss while preserving muscle tissue," she says, adding that for those interested in adding a protein powder supplement to their diet, she recommends finding one that is economical, tastes good, and does not have added sugars and unnecessary ingredients.

Not sure which brand to buy? Check out 10 of the best protein powders for weight loss, according to nutritionists.

This golden superfood is well worth befriending in supplement form. "The plant turmeric can be taken in through supplement form. It can be found in either capsule or powder form and sometimes goes by the name curcumin," says Best, citing this review on the effects of curcumin on weight loss among patients with metabolic syndrome and related disorders. "Curcumin is the name of the active ingredient in turmeric products that give it its benefits. Turmeric can make an excellent addition to an existing weight loss regimen. This is due primarily to turmeric's anti-inflammatory capabilities," she adds.

READ MORE: Best Supplements for Joint Pain, According to Experts

A cuppa java or tea may do your skinny jeans good. "Caffeine may help with weight loss and help halt weight gain progression over time," says Wirtz, pointing to this consumer fact sheet on dietary supplements for weight loss from the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements. "Caffeine is a stimulant that can make you more alert, increase energy levels, burn calories, and increase fat breakdown," she continues, referencing this study on the association between weight loss and maintenance in relation to habitual caffeine intake and green tea supplementation (more on green tea later).

Green tea, specifically, has also been shown to offer promising results on the weight maintenance front. "Green tea has been traditionally cultivated and consumed in China and other east Asian countries for centuries. However, in recent years it has worked its way into the spotlight for it's weight-loss and weight-management properties," says registered dietitian Grace Clark-Hibbs, MDA, RDN. "According to a recent research review, one of the most effective ways green tea can prevent weight gain is by essentially restricting certain gut enzymes from doing their jobs. This, in turn, lowers the rate of absorption of fats and sugars and reduces how many calories the body processes. The specific nutrients suspected of carrying out this process are called polyphenols and can also be found in other foods including berries, nuts, and red onions," she continues, pointing to this review on the weight-loss effects of oxidized tea polyphenols.

"Fish oil is the most common omega-3 fat fatty acid (FA) supplement; however, you can also get it from foods like salmon (and other fatty fish), oysters, flaxseeds, and walnuts. The health benefits of omega-3 FA are vast and include weight management and obesity prevention according to recent research," shares Clark-Hibbs. "Appetite suppression is one of the properties that may help with weight loss. Research suggests that people who incorporate more omega-3 FA into their diet or take a fish oil supplement stay full for longer and are therefore less likely to snack or graze later. Another property of interest is the effect omega-3 FA have on fat metabolism. Studies show that omega-3 FA help regulate fat metabolism by promoting fat breakdown and limiting fat creation/storage. There is also evidence to show it promotes overall health by decreasing LDL cholesterol and triglycerides ('bad') and increasing HDL cholesterol ('good')."

Loading up on omega-3s in your diet can be a key move to promote good health. Check out the best omega-3 foods to fight inflammation and support heart health.

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Best Supplements for Weight Loss, According to Dietitians - Eat This, Not That

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Bipartisan Group of Senators Introduces Bill to Regulate Hemp and Hemp-Derived CBD in Food – JD Supra

Posted: at 7:52 pm

US Senators Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), Rand Paul (R-Ky.), and Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) introduced legislation on May 21 to ensure hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD) is regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) like other ingredients used in dietary supplements, foods, and beverages.

Under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), it is unlawful to introduce into interstate commerce a food (including any animal food or feed) to which has been added a substance that is an active ingredient in an approved drug product, or a substance for which substantial clinical investigations have been instituted and the existence of such investigations has been made public. FDA has approved one drug, Epidiolex, which contains CBD. Consequently, because CBD has been approved as a drug ingredient, FDAs current legal position is that CBD cannot be legally contained in a dietary supplement or food product. Notably, this restriction only applies to dietary supplements and foods. Cosmetics containing CBD are not subject to this particular provision.

If passed, the Hemp Access and Consumer Safety Act would amend the definition of a dietary supplement in the FFDCA, creating an exception for hemp, hemp-derived cannabidiol, or a substance containing any other ingredient derived from hemp from the prohibition on the use of ingredients that have been approved in drugs, or substances for which substantial clinical investigations have been instituted. Consistent with the definition of hemp under the Agricultural Marketing Act, this exception would only apply to extracts from the plant Cannabis sativa L. with a tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentration of not more than 0.3 % on a dry weight basis. The proposed legislation would create a legal avenue for the use of hemp-derived CBD and other cannabinoids in dietary supplements, foods, and beverages in compliance with all existing federal regulations for these types of product.

The bill would also create an avenue for submissions to FDA seeking approval for CBD or other hemp-derived cannabinoids as dietary ingredients or food additives through regulatory pathways such as New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) notifications, Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) notices, or Food Additive Petitions. How FDA would treat hemp-derived ingredients for use in dietary supplements and foods, i.e., requiring an NDI or GRAS submission and imposing limits on use levels or servings, would potentially require all products that currently include CBD as an ingredient to submit regulatory filings and relabel products.

The bill follows the passage of several state laws and the creation of state regulations permitting the sale and distribution of dietary supplements and foods that contain CBD. For example, the New York State Department of Health announced proposed regulations for hemp products in October 2020, which will implement the NY Controlled Substances Therapeutic Research Acts provisions on hemp and hemp extracts.

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Bipartisan Group of Senators Introduces Bill to Regulate Hemp and Hemp-Derived CBD in Food - JD Supra

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What Taking Vitamin C Every Day Does to Your Body | Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Posted: at 7:52 pm

Vitamin C, aka L-ascorbic acid, is naturally present in some foods, added to others, and also available as a dietary supplement, explains the National Institutes of Healthbut do you know what taking vitamin C every day does to your body? According to Darren Mareiniss, MD, FACEP, Emergency Medicine Physician at Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia, the vitamin is essential to every dietand knowing what taking vitamin C every day does to your body is important. "Vitamin C is naturally present in many foods and is not synthesized by the body," he explains to Eat This, Not That! Health. "It must be ingested." Food sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, peppers, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes, cantaloupe, potatoes, strawberries, and spinach. However, some people prefer taking it in supplement form. Read onand to ensure your health and the health of others, don't miss these 19 Ways You're Ruining Your Body, Say Health Experts.

"Vitamin C is an essential component of connective tissue and plays a role in wound healing," says Dr. Mareiniss.

Dr. Mareiniss explains that Vitamin C is an antioxidant, meaning they can help prevent cell damage. Therefore, it can help prevent health issues where oxidative stress plays a role.

RELATED: This Supplement Can Raise Your Heart Attack Risk, Experts Say

Dr. Mareiniss explains that Vitamin C "is required for the biosynthesis of collagen." This is why it is a key ingredient in many skincare products.

Per the NIH, there is an abundance of research supporting that vitamin C can help keep cancer at bay. "Most case-control studies have found an inverse association between dietary vitamin C intake and cancers of the lung, breast, colon or rectum, stomach, oral cavity, larynx or pharynx, and esophagus," they reveal.

RELATED: I'm A Doctor And Warn You Never Take This Supplement

According to the NIH, there is some evidence that vitamin C can help keep cardiovascular disease at bay. One of the largest studies, involving over 85,000 women, found that intake of vitamin c in both dietary and supplemental form reduced the risk of coronary heart disease. Others have found it can reduce the risk of stroke.

The NIH also offers compelling evidence that vitamin c may help prevent and even treat age-related macular degeneration and cataracts, the two leading causes of vision loss in older people.

According to the NIH and Dr. Mareiniss, acute vitamin C deficiency can lead to scurvy. "This is very rare in developed countries," he explains. Signs of scurvy can appear within a month of vitamin c deficiency. Initial symptoms include fatigue, Malaise, and inflammation of the gyms. However, the condition can worsen to include depression, swollen bleeding gums, and the loosening and loss of teeth. If left untreated it can be fatal.

RELATED: The #1 Cause of Obesity, According to Science

Vitamin C is commonly thought of as an immune booster. However, the NIH points out that it might not be as effective in preventing a cold as you would think. Vitamin C can help shorten the duration of the common cold, says Dr. Mareiniss. "Vitamin C supplements might shorten the duration of the common cold and ameliorate symptom severity in the general population" possibly due to the anti-histamine effect of high-dose vitamin C," explains the NIH.

While vitamin C has low toxicity and therefore, doesn't cause serious adverse effects at high intakes However, it can cause gastrointestinal disturbances including diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal cramps.

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There is some conflicting evidence that high amounts of vitamin C could "increase urinary oxalate and uric acid excretion" which could contribute to the formation of kidney stones.

Vitamin C aids your body in iron absorption. One study found that just 100mg of vitamin C can improve the absorption of the blood building mineral by 67%. As for yourself, consider whether you're getting enough vitamin C, and to get through life at your healthiest, Don't Take This Supplement, Which Can Raise Your Cancer Risk.

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What Taking Vitamin C Every Day Does to Your Body | Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That

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Is it safe for my teenager to take supplements as part of a weight training programme? – Irish Examiner

Posted: at 7:52 pm

A paediatric dietitian and a sport dietitian say teens taking supplements to bulk up is unwarranted and potentially hazardous.

My 15-year-old son is taking creatine and protein supplements as part of a bulking and shredding weight training programme. How safe is this for adolescents?

Paediatric dietitian Lucy Upton says: This is a dietary practice were seeing increasingly, and studies have shown use of protein shakes or powders in up to 35% of adolescent boys in the US and 25% in Australia with likely similar figures in the UK.

The scientific literature doesnt present robust evidence that these products are safe supplements for children and adolescents. The risk or implications of their use at the moment are relatively unknown. Although there may be scope to consider their use in certain groups of teenagers, there are also no clear guidelines about how they could be used safely in this group, with examples such as safe upper limits or products nutritionally tailored for the unique needs of children and adolescents.

From the perspectives of both a paediatric and a sport dietitian, they wouldnt be recommended for use. Children and young people have unique nutritional requirements compared to adults thus dietary practices such as this, typically followed by adults, cannot simply be applied to children. Children go through rapid periods of growth, and at varying ages have increased needs for certain nutrients. Meeting these needs requires a carefully balanced and varied diet.

Given the vulnerability of children and adolescents to media, or perceived pressures around body image, its important to reflect on why young people are engaging in these dietary practices. Is it solely to influence sports performance, or is body image or disordered eating practices involved?

Periods of excess calorie consumption for bulking followed by calorie restriction, alongside disproportionate consumption of certain nutrients like protein is likely to impact on young peoples dietary balance overall, risking shortfalls in other key nutrients.

The safety and effectiveness of these supplements, particularly when engaging in dietary modifications, arent well studied in children or teens, and wouldnt be recommended. Supplement use and associated dietary practices could pose risk for a childs or teens physical, emotional and mental health.

The use of dietary supplements with the exclusive intention to enhance exercise performance in adolescent athletes is unwarranted and can be hazardous. Professional advice should be sought if the adolescent displays obsessive or irrational body image attitudes. Its important they understand body composition is only one contributor to sports performance. Dietary and training strategies exclusively designed to manipulate physique, independent of performance, should be avoided.

And sports dietitian Kerri Major, whos also a personal trainer and author of The Dietitian Kitchen, adds: Children and teens, even those who are more active, are typically able to meet their daily protein requirements from food with ease. Wed always recommend a food first approach, and its important to remember dietary sources of protein offer additional nutrients that contribute to overall health for children and teens too.

Inappropriate or misjudged use of these supplements theoretically could have implications for mood, growth, hormone and cardiovascular functioning.

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Is it safe for my teenager to take supplements as part of a weight training programme? - Irish Examiner

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Food Supplements Market || What Factors are Affecting Growth and Demand of Market | Trends and Forecast till 2029 KSU | The Sentinel Newspaper – KSU…

Posted: at 7:52 pm

Food Supplements Market is growing at a substantial CAGR of 8.1% during the forecast period of 2019 to 2026 due to increasing awareness about health across the globe.

The planet class Food Supplements Market report businesses can specialize in the info and realities of the class Food Supplements industry which keeps business on the proper path. The Market research study and data covered during this report makes it a handy resource for managers, analysts, industry experts, and other key people get ready-to-access and self-analyzed study. This report is that the best overview about global Food Supplements Market industry perspective, comprehensive analysis, size, share, growth, segment, trends and forecast. Estimations about the increase or fall of the CAGR value for specific forecast period, market drivers, market restraints, and competitive strategies are calculated within the Food Supplements Market research report.

A reliable Food Supplements Market research report concentrates on the foremost competitors of the worldwide market and delivers information about the corporate overview including contacts, product portfolio, key developments, price, cost, value, volume, revenue, capacity, and production. The report also includes estimations of all the market drivers and market restraints which are mainly obtained from SWOT analysis while also providing the CAGR projections for the historic year 2019, base year 2020, and forecast period of 2021-2027. The winning Food Supplements Market report measures the prevailing development trends and patterns alongside distribution and Market channels.

Get Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-food-supplements-market&SR

Food Supplements Market Some of the key players profiled in the study are Amway, Abbott, Arkopharma Laboratoires, Bayer AG, Glanbia plc, Pfizer Inc., Archer Daniels Midland Comapny, Carlyle Investment Management L.L.C., The Natures Bounty Co.., Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc, GlaxoSmithKline plc., Herbalife International of America, Inc., Natures Sunshine Products, Inc., Bionova, Ayanda, ZIJA INTERNATIONAL, Nutraceutics Corp., American Health, Inc., Bausch Health, Stepan Company, DuPont de Nemours, Inc., Himalaya Global Holdings.

An excellent Food Supplements Market survey report gives the small print about market trends, future prospects, market restraints, leading market drivers, several market segments, key developments, key players within the market, and competitor strategies. This Food Supplements Market study encompasses a market attractiveness analysis, wherein all segments are benchmarked supported their market size, rate of growth, and general attractiveness. to know the competitive landscape within the market, an analysis of Porters Five Forces model for the market has also been included. Furthermore, businesses can decide upon the strategies about the merchandise, customer, key player, sales, promotion, or Market by acquiring an in depth analysis of competitive markets.

In the top notch Food Supplements Market report, the entire and crystal clear outline of the market is penned down which is beneficial for several businesses. With this business report not only an unskilled individual but also knowledgeable can easily extrapolate the whole market within a couple of seconds. Charts, TOC, graphs and tables included within the report help understand the market size, share, trends, growth drivers and market opportunities and challenges. Global Food Supplements Market report provides key statistics on the market status of worldwide and regional manufacturers and may be a valuable source of guidance and direction for companies and individuals curious about the industry.

The titled segments and sub-section of the market are illuminated below:

Geography: North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa

By Product: Vitamin, Amino Acid, Probiotics, Omega-3, Collagen Peptides, Folic Acid, Oxalic Acid, Magnesium, Iron

By Form: Powder, Liquid, Tablets, Capsules, Gel

By End-Use: Infant, Children, Adults, Pregnant Women, Old-Aged

Early buyers will receive 20% customization on reports. Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc?dbmr=global-food-supplements-market&SR

Report Highlights:

Some Points from Table of Content

1.1 Definitions and Scope

2.1 Market Revenue and Key Trends

2.2 Key trends by Product

2.3 Key trends by Distribution Channel

2.4 Key trends by Geography

3.1 Product Benchmarking Key Companies

3.2 Financial Analysis Key Companies

3.3 Market Value Split by Key Companies

3.4 Patent Analysis

3.5 Pricing Analysis

4.1 Key Startup Company Analysis by

4.1.1 Investment

4.1.2 Revenue

4.1.3 Venture Capital and Funding Scenario

5.1 Regulatory Framework Overview

5.2 New Business and Ease of Doing business index

5.3 Case Studies of Successful Ventures

6.1 Market Drivers

6.2 Market Constraints/Challenges

6.3 Porters five force model

6.3.1 Bargaining power of suppliers

6.3.2 Bargaining powers of customers

6.3.3 Threat of new entrants

6.3.4 Rivalry among existing players

6.3.5 Threat of substitutes

7.1 Value Chain Analysis

7.2 Opportunities Analysis

7.3 Market Life Cycle

8.1 North America

8.1.1 U.S.

8.1.2 Canada

8.1.3 Mexico

8.2 Europe

8.2.1 U.K.

8.2.2 Germany

8.2.3 France

8.2.4 Italy

8.2.5 Spain

8.2.6 Rest of Europe

8.3 Asia-Pacific

8.3.1 China

8.3.2 India

8.3.3 Japan

8.3.4 South Korea

8.3.5 Australia & New Zealand

8.3.6 Rest of Asia-Pacific

8.4 Rest of the World

8.4.1 Middle East

8.4.2 Africa

8.4.3 South America

10.1 Market Share Analysis

10.1.1 Global Market Share Key Companies

10.1.2 Market Share by Region Key companies

10.1.3 Market Share by Countries Key Companies

10.1.4 Best Practices for Companies

12.1 Company 1

12.2 Company 2

12.3 Company 3

12.4 Company 4

12.5 Company 5

12.6 Company 6

12.7 Company 7

12.8 Company 8

12.9 Company 9

12.10 Company 10

*Financials for private companies would be provided on a best efforts basis.

Note The POST COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic is impacting society and therefore the overall economy across the planet. The impact of this pandemic is growing day by day also as affecting the availability chain. The POST COVID-19 crisis is creating uncertainty within the stock exchange , massive slowing of supply chain, falling business confidence, and increasing panic among the customer segments. the general effect of the pandemic is impacting the assembly process of several industries. This report on Market provides the analysis on impact on POST COVID-19 on various business segments and country markets. The reports also showcase market trends and forecast, factoring the impact of POST COVID-19 Situation.

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Strictureplasty: Purpose, Procedure, Risks, and Recovery – Healthline

Posted: at 7:52 pm

Intestinal strictures are a common complication of Crohns disease. Strictures are a narrowing of a specific section of your intestine that makes it difficult for food to pass through. They may sometimes lead to intestinal blockage.

Strictureplasty is a type of surgery used to correct strictures in your digestive tract. In this article, well take a look at the procedure, risks, and recovery.

Strictureplasty is a surgical treatment for intestinal strictures. It involves widening damaged parts of your intestines. If multiple strictures are present, they can be treated at the same time.

The authors of a 2007 meta-analysis of 3,529 strictureplasties concluded that strictureplasty is a safe and effective treatment for strictures in the lower part of your small intestine, including the ileum and the jejunum. Strictures caused by Crohns disease typically occur here.

Strictureplasty is less effective at treating strictures in the upper part of your small intestine or duodenum, which are more likely to be caused by ulcers.

In a strictureplasty, no parts of your small intestine have to be removed. This helps to avoid a complication called short bowel syndrome, which can limit the absorption of water and nutrients.

A 2013 research review indicated that strictureplasty is a safe and effective alternative to removing parts of the bowel for people at risk of short bowel syndrome.

Strictures are caused by inflammation of your digestive tract. Theyre a common symptom of Crohns disease, but can also be caused by:

Over time, chronic inflammation causes your intestinal walls to thicken into scar tissue, forming a stricture. Strictures are narrower than healthy intestinal tissue. If left untreated, they can block the passage of food matter through your digestive tract.

During a strictureplasty, a surgeon opens your abdomen and makes a series of cuts along the length of the stricture. The damaged tissue is then restructured and resewn to allow for a wider opening.

Prior to the surgery, you might be asked to undergo tests to determine your nutritional health. If you are malnourished, your doctor might prescribe vitamins or supplements to be taken before and after the strictureplasty.

Colorectal surgeons use computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans to identify the size, number, and location of strictures. Before the procedure, your surgeon will explain in detail the technique they will use.

The day before the surgery, you might be asked to take a laxative to empty your bowels. In other cases, an enema is given prior to the surgery to make sure your bowels are clear.

On the day of the surgery, a nurse will check your vital signs and prepare you for the operation.

Strictureplasty is usually done under general anesthetic. You will be unconscious and you shouldnt be able to feel anything. An anesthesiologist will explain the risks and side effects.

The surgeon will make an incision to open your abdomen. The surgical technique used to treat your stricture(s) depends on the length of the stricture.

The most commonly used strictureplasty techniques include:

Sometimes, surgeons use a combination of these techniques. According to a 2012 meta-analysis of 4,538 strictureplasties, both conventional and nonconventional techniques for strictureplasty had similar rates of complications.

After the strictureplasty is finished, the surgeon will close the incision site.

Recovery from strictureplasty generally depends on both your health prior to the surgery and how effective the surgery is.

You can expect to remain in the hospital for around a week following the procedure so that your healthcare professional can monitor your condition. During this time, you will be given medication for pain and any side effects of the anesthetic.

Before you go home, youll receive additional instructions to help with your healing process. For instance, you might be asked to avoid driving or housework. Your doctor may suggest a light diet of low-fiber foods and prescribe medication and supplements to help restore your digestive function.

It may be several months before you fully recover. As you regain your strength, you should notice an improvement in your symptoms.

As with any surgery, strictureplasty comes with a risk of complications. The most common complications include:

According to the 2007 meta-analysis mentioned above, the rate of complications for strictureplasties of the lower small intestine was approximately 13 percent.

Strictureplasty is a surgical procedure used to treat strictures in your gastrointestinal tract.

Strictures occur when the walls of your small intestine become thicker due to chronic inflammation. This causes a narrowing of your small intestine that can obstruct the passage of food through your digestive tract.

Strictureplasty is a preferable option for people who may have had previous bowel resections and are at risk of developing short bowel syndrome.

Talk with your doctor to discuss the risks and benefits of this procedure, and to determine whether strictureplasty might be a good option for you.

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Morning Bloating: Causes, Prevention, and More – Healthline

Posted: at 7:51 pm

If you wake up in the morning with a larger or fuller feeling in your stomach (abdomen), you may be experiencing bloating, one of the most common digestive complaints, according to a 2020 research review.

Occasional bloating may leave your stomach feeling larger and uncomfortable. In more severe cases, bloating can be painful and accompanied by more serious symptoms.

The key to avoiding morning bloating is to learn what causes it so you can make changes to your diet and lifestyle. If you continue to have severe bloating, or if you suspect an underlying medical condition, its important to talk with a doctor regarding next steps.

Learn more about some of the more common causes of morning bloating and what you can do to help alleviate it.

Occasional stomach bloating in the morning may be a result of lifestyle choices from the day or night before. These may lead to constipation or gassiness, or even swelling and fluid retention.

Chronic bloating that occurs daily could indicate more than just diet and lifestyle alone. If you wake up with a bloated stomach every morning, you should talk with a doctor. They may rule out some of the possible causes of chronic bloat below are a few to consider.

Certain diseases and issues with the gastrointestinal (GI) system are some possible causes of bloating. These include:

Other medical conditions that may lead to bloating include:

Bloating may also be a side effect from certain medications you take. These may include over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription products, such as:

If your doctor rules out an underlying medical problem as a cause of your bloating, you may be able to help reduce occasional morning bloating with diet and lifestyle changes. Ideally, such changes should be implemented the day or night before so you dont wake up feeling bloated.

Eating too many beans, cruciferous vegetables, and legumes may lead to morning bloating, particularly if you consume these foods the night before. Eating smaller meals throughout the day and avoiding eating before bedtime can also help reduce stomach bloating.

Reducing sodium has also been proven to decrease stomach bloating. A 2019 study found that bloating from a high fiber diet may be reduced by cutting down on high sodium foods.

If you suspect a food intolerance, it can be helpful to keep a food diary to share with your doctor. Dont cut out essential nutrients without discussing it with your doctor first.

In addition to increasing your water intake, drinking certain herbal teas may help alleviate bloating. The following herbs may decrease occasional bloating:

Digestive enzyme supplements may help some people who dont have enough enzymes in their GI tract. These enzymes typically help you break the foods you eat and extract their nutrients. Without them, malnutrition, bloating, and other side effects may occur.

If youre curious about digestive enzymes, talk with a doctor first. They can help you determine whether your bloating and other symptoms may be related to enzyme deficiencies and recommend the right products for you.

Regular exercise may help improve digestion, thereby decreasing the risk for bloating. However, even short bursts of activity throughout the day can help. One small 2021 study found that light walking for 10 to 15 minutes after meals helped decrease chronic bloating in participants.

If you have an underlying medical condition, such as an intestinal disease, diet and lifestyle changes may not be enough to help address chronic bloating. Its important to speak with your doctor for possible treatment modifications and testing.

Its possible to wake up with both a bloated face and stomach. This is most likely attributed to fluid retention. Possible causes for morning face bloating include:

If you have an underlying medical condition, such as Cushings syndrome or hypothyroidism, your treatment may help gradually reduce morning facial bloating.

Occasional face swelling may be prevented with some of the same strategies as those for stomach bloating, including:

If you have chronic morning bloating despite making changes to your lifestyle, talk with a doctor about possible causes. An imaging test, such as an X-ray, may be ordered to take a look at the inside of your stomach. They may also help you rule out food intolerances.

Waking up with an occasional bloated stomach isnt necessarily a cause for concern. Diet and lifestyle modifications may help ease minor bloating problems, including exercise, eating smaller meals, and more.

However, if you wake up with bloating every day despite making changes to your habits, it may be time to talk with a doctor. You should especially make it a point to contact your doctor if you experience other symptoms, such as pain, bleeding, and unusual stool changes.

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