Daily Archives: May 20, 2017

Donald Trump May Be Causing Problems For Disney World – HuffPost

Posted: May 20, 2017 at 7:26 am

Well, maybe this is one way to get PresidentDonald Trump to stop talking.

Disney World, which traditionally has given speaking roles to presidential robots in its Hall of Presidents, is reportedly considering a non-speaking Trump to avoid offending visitors.

The Florida resorts Hall of Presidents, currently closed, features robotic versions of all previous American presidents. A robot Trump will join the ranks when the hall reopens later this year.

The animatronic Trump was to have been unveiled June 30,Walt Disney World Today, a website devoted to Disney park news, reported in April. Disney World hasnt confirmed a reopening date.

But a theme park with the goal of pleasing everyone hasnt quite figured out how to portray a president who inspires very extreme reactions,Motherboard reports, citing a source close to Walt Disney Imagineering.

Since the mid-1990s,Disneys Hall of Presidents has featured a recorded statement from the current president, including Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

Trump, however,hasnt made himself available to record a speech for his robot, Motherboard reports.

Then theres the matter of Trumps unpopularity.

Given how polarizing the president is right now, Disney Parks & Resorts is currently trying to find [a solution] that approaches middle ground, the source told Motherboard. They want to include our 45th commander-in-chief in this 45-year-old theme park attraction, while at the same time, not seem to endorse or support some of Trumps more controversial policies.

Sources told Walt Disney World Today and Motherboard that Trump will most likely be shown in a non-speaking capacity.

Disney also appears to be in a non-speaking capacity about the attraction, failing to respond to multiple inquiries from HuffPost.

Disney World typically hypes the addition of a new president to the exhibit with photos and press releases.Not so with Trump, according to Tom Corless, who runs Walt Disney World Today.

Three months into Obamas administration, they showed photos of him recording lines for the exhibit and photos of his figure, Corless told HuffPost. They havent even mentioned that this time.

Disney CEO Robert Iger announced shortly after the November election that Trump would be added to the hall, sparking a backlash.

One petition asks Disney to make sure Trumps animatronic figure didnt speak, especially since some of his more famous quotes Grab them by the pussy, I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldnt lose any voters, and My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well documented, are various other parts of my body arent nearly as inspiring as, say, Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.

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Donald Trump May Be Causing Problems For Disney World - HuffPost

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Donald Trump: Come out, come out, wherever you are – The Hill (blog)

Posted: at 7:26 am

President Trump hosted an electric, bombastic, confrontational and unscheduled press conference in February.

It is now May.

And while he's hosted joint press conferences with foreign leaders, answered questions aboard air force one, and sat down for one-on-one interviews, we have not heard from him in a traditional press conference setting since and we need to.

Who is advising him to lay low?

Its bad advice and he should stop taking it.

Instead, we hear from a communications team that is forced to react to different messaging from Trump, creating disorganization and mixed messaging, and then they come under siege.

Stress and frustration wears on their faces and has shown shockingly through Sean Spicers presentations this week in the White House briefing room. These symptoms are not necessarily a negative reflection on Team Spicer.

Sean is tasked with the impossible speak on behalf of the man who freely changes his mind, is not an ideologue, and seems not to care what was said yesterday.

It's preposterous.

It's time for a tactical pause. Stop spraying bullets, take cover, and figure out a way to get out of the perpetual kill zone that is the press briefing room.

This does not mean cancel the press briefings, but there must be a reset and they must be handled more effectively, or no one is going to survive tomorrow, let alone four years, let alone a reelection.

Step 1: rely more on "I'll have to get back to you on that." And then follow up religiously. Confirm with POTUS directly, follow up in writing, or address at the top of the next briefing. Not every sentence has to be a perfectly programmed soundbite that fits neatly into a White House communications talking points memo.

Step 2: Less is more. Spicer has effectively mastered "the tweet speaks for itself" when asked about a tweet, even if the tweet doesn't speak for itself, because no one can explain Trump's tweets but Trump. Sometimes it's OK to say "I don't know" or "We haven't spoken on that topic in detail yet."

Step 3: Bring out POTUS. President Trump dangled the possibility of canceling the daily briefings and coming out once every two weeks. In the words of the president, that would be SAD! Shutting down your message and becoming an introvert will not stop any of the bad press. Instead, it will let a two-week news cycle go by (in a 24-hour news cycle world) without any comment from the president. And reporters will happily close each article with "The White House declined to comment."

Imagine the scenario where Trump came out and explained the Comey firing, explained their private meeting, and discussed the circumstances behind Russia.

Why not just come out today?

Why not come out most days?

If his message cannot be effectively conveyed by his team, he certainly could resolve the problem by conveying it himself.

Mr. President Be transparent. Get control of your message. We need you answering questions and speaking for yourself. You control the message, so start delivering it.

Ronica Cleary is a political reporter for Fox 5 News and co-host of Fox 5 News On The Hill. Follow her on Twitter @RonicaCleary.

The views expressed by contributors are their own and are not the views of The Hill.

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Donald Trump: Come out, come out, wherever you are - The Hill (blog)

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Puerto Rico retirees will get bankruptcy committee: US Trustee – Reuters

Posted: at 7:26 am

NEW YORK The U.S. Department of Justice's bankruptcy watchdog said on Friday it plans to appoint a committee of retirees in Puerto Rico's bankruptcy to negotiate for pensioners facing benefit cuts as part of the island's debt restructuring.

Puerto Rico, carrying some $50 billion in unfunded pension liabilities, "clearly needs a retiree committee and sooner rather than later," the office of the U.S. Trustee said in a filing in federal court in San Juan.

Puerto Rico filed the biggest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history earlier this month. In addition to its pension debt, the U.S. territory has around $70 billion in bond debt it cannot pay.

While retiree committees are common in bankruptcies with big pension debts, the Trustee in Puerto Rico's case took the rare step of announcing intentions to appoint a committee without waiting for a blessing from the judge in the case, U.S. District Judge Laura Taylor Swain.

"The Trustee typically will refrain from exercising his discretion ... to appoint an additional committee until the court has an opportunity to rule," the filing said. "But this case is not like most cases."

Puerto Rico's biggest public pensions are almost 100 percent underfunded, a gap thought to be the largest state-level pension hole in U.S. history.

The federally-appointed board overseeing the island's finances has called for cuts to pension benefits, saying they are necessary to pull the island out of a crisis marked by a 45 percent poverty rate, unemployment more than twice the U.S. average, and near-insolvent public health systems.

The Trustee said it expects to complete the solicitation process for the committee by June 16.

At the island's first bankruptcy hearing this week in San Juan, Robert Gordon, an attorney for an informal group comprising 91,000 retirees, argued "they have earned the right to participate in this process."

The Trustee, however, stressed in its filing that Judge Swain should not grant Gordon's group the right to serve as the official committee. Appointing the committee is the job of the Trustee, the filing argued.

Gordon could not be immediately reached for comment.

(Reporting by Nick Brown; editing by Grant McCool)

RIYADH National oil giant Saudi Aramco expects to sign $50 billion of deals with U.S. companies on Saturday, part of a drive to diversify the kingdom's economy beyond oil exports, Aramco's chief executive Amin Nasser said.

HANOI U.S. President Donald Trump's new trade representative held his first face-to-face meetings with some key partners on Saturday as the United States charts an "America First" policy that has upended the old global order and sparked fears of protectionism.

DUBAI Saudi Arabia's energy minister said on Saturday all oil producers were in agreement to extend crude output cuts by nine months, Bloomberg Television reported.

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Puerto Rico retirees will get bankruptcy committee: US Trustee - Reuters

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Q&A: How an energy company dodged bankruptcy in oil bust – Houston Chronicle

Posted: at 7:26 am

Lilis Energy CEO Avi Mirman

Lilis Energy CEO Avi Mirman

Q&A: How an energy company dodged bankruptcy in oil bust

In 2015, Lilis Energy cut most of its workers, wrote down the value of its reserves to almost nothing and didn't pay its executives for four months as it wrestled to avoid bankruptcy during the oil bust.

Hundreds of U.S. energy companies filed in bankkruptcy courts, but Lilis Energy CEO Avi Mirman said he and the only other people left at his oil company - a chief financial officer and general counsel - were determined to avoid bankruptcy proceedings, even though it cost them their paychecks. Instead, Mirman invested his own money in the company, and Lilis raised stock-market capital to acquire Brushy Resources, a San Antonio-based driller with property in the prolific Permian Basin in West Texas.

"We were living by the skin of our teeth," Mirman said. "But we refused to go into bankruptcy."

Lilis recently spoke to the Houston Chronicle about how his company came through the downturn without falling into bankruptcy. Edited excerpts:

Lilis Energy

HQ: San Antonio

2016 Revenue: $3.4 million

2015 revenue: $396,000

Head count: 40

Drilling: Planning one well per month in 2017

Q: What happened to Lilis Energy during the downturn?

A: As you know, 2015 was a pretty rough year for most of us in the oil and gas business. We were close to filing for bankruptcy. We got delisted. But none of us wanted to go bankrupt - none of us wanted that to our names. We had to let everybody go except three people in the management team. We didn't take a check for four months. In 2015, the value of company assets were less than the size of the loans.

Q: So what did you do?

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A: We're finance people. My specialty has been in distressed mergers and acquisitions. What better industry to exploit? We found a company in the Permian Basin and agreed to acquire them in December 2015. We raised another $20 million in equity. We also drew $31 million from a new credit facility, and it was a super-friendly loan with minimal covenants, not the kind of loan you'd see an energy company get back then. That helped propel us forward.

(Lilis Energy refinanced its debt by converting some of it to equity, closing its acquisition of Brushy Resources in June 2016 and applying for relisting on the Nasdaq. And oil prices rose.)

Q: What are your plans now?

A: We're substantially bigger now, with some 40 people, including 25 to 30 in San Antonio. And it's a bit different today because the cost to drill a well is substantially lower. We want to drill about a dozen wells in 2017. We expect to drill a well a month, and we expect to deploy a two-rig program in 2018 and drill about 20.

Q: What's happening in the oil patch now?

A: I do expect service prices to go up. Frac sand prices have gone up dramatically higher than it was six months ago. It affects your economics. But I'd like to think we can somehow do some cost containment.

Q: After all these bankruptcies, is the industry any better for it?

A: OPEC's first goal was to flood the market and get prices to the point where they put a lot of us out of business. But lower prices backfired on OPEC. The assets that were in the hands of the weak are now in the hands of the strong. They're not going to be able to smoke U.S. producers out.

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Q&A: How an energy company dodged bankruptcy in oil bust - Houston Chronicle

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Can Student Loans Be Discharged In Bankruptcy? – Forbes

Posted: at 7:26 am

Can Student Loans Be Discharged In Bankruptcy?
One facet of higher education finance has not changed, however: the inability to discharge your student loans in bankruptcy. I interviewed Josh Cohen, a Vermont-based attorney who specializes in student loans, to share his perspectives. Zack Friedman ...
Trump's first full education budget: Deep cuts to public school programs in pursuit of school choiceWashington Post

all 76 news articles »

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Can Student Loans Be Discharged In Bankruptcy? - Forbes

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Caesars Plans New Las Vegas Developments After Bankruptcy Exit – National Real Estate Investor

Posted: at 7:26 am

(Bloomberg) Caesars Entertainment Corp. Chief Executive Officer Mark Frissora wants to develop more than 90 acres the company owns in Las Vegas, including land right in front of Caesars Palace, after its largest unit emerges from bankruptcy later this year.

We have a lot of real estate thats underutilized, Frissora said in an interview with Bloomberg TV Thursday. We have plans to basically develop all of that very valuable center-strip property as soon as we emerge. Those assets will have a very high-return, low-risk profile.

Caesars, the largest owner of casinos in the U.S., has struggled under a mountain of debt since a $30 billion leveraged buyout in 2008. In January of 2015, the company put its largest division, Caesars Entertainment Operating Co., into bankruptcy. Its expected to exit in the third quarter.

The Las Vegas-based company has enjoyed growth in sales and profit over the past two years, due in part to a strategy of renovating hotel rooms and searching for cost savings in places ranging from parking lots to guest check-in. Caesars hosted a nearly three-hour-long presentation for analysts in Las Vegas Thursday.

As part of the bankruptcy restructuring, Caesars is creating a real estate investment trust that will own many of the companys casinos, including the flagship Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. Debt and other obligations will be reduced to $14.6 billion from $23.5 billion in 2014, the company said. Fixed costs, including interest expense and rent, will decline to $1.28 billion annually from $2.67 billion three years ago.

Caesars has reduced promotional costs, like the amount of free casino chips it gives customers, while maintaining its market share in key cities, Chief Financial Officer Eric Hession said in the presentation. The company has cut $800 million in annual expenses over the past two years.

With its balance sheet repaired, Caesars is looking at new markets for expansion, including Japan, South Korea, Canada and Brazil. The company wants to hire more people in mergers and acquisitions and in casino development, Frissora said during the investor day.

Hotel revenue has been a source of growth. Average room rates in Las Vegas have risen to $140 a night last year from $92 in 2012, the company said. About 56 percent of the companys Las Vegas rooms will be remodeled by the end of the year. All of the companys Las Vegas hotels will be charging for parking by the end of June.

Almost one third of the companys guests in Las Vegas now use self-service kiosks to check-in to the hotels, technology that frees up hotel staff. The land Frissora wants to develop includes 50 acres behind the Ballys resort, almost 40 acres behind the Linq and seven acres in front of Caesars Palace.

Competitors including MGM Resorts International and Wynn Resorts Ltd. have also been remodeling their properties and adding pedestrian-friendly features that emphasize shopping, entertainment and dining more than gambling.

We are excited because we have a lot of growth plans weve not been able to act on because of the complicated structure of Caesars, Frissora said. Once we emerge, we will be able to do a lot of development projects around the world as well as M&A activity.

To contact the reporter on this story: Christopher Palmeri in Los Angeles at [emailprotected] To contact the editors responsible for this story: Crayton Harrison at [emailprotected] Rob Golum, Paul Barbagallo

2017 Bloomberg L.P

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Caesars Plans New Las Vegas Developments After Bankruptcy Exit - National Real Estate Investor

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Judge laments $15M in legal fees in St. Paul-Minneapolis archdiocese bankruptcy – Minneapolis Star Tribune

Posted: at 7:26 am

Jim Mone, Associated Press Two victim compensation plans are before the court, one from the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis and one from the committee representing 400-some victims of clergy sexual abuse. The St. Paul Cathedral is pictured in 2016.

The judge overseeing the bankruptcy of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis expressed concern Thursday over the legal fees being racked up in the case about $15 million to date.

It bothers me so much that all these attorney fees are being run up, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Robert Kressel said at a hearing Thursday, adding that legal fees are consuming funds that could be directed to survivors of archdiocese clergy sex abuse.

In an attempt to curb the spending, Kressel ordered that no expert witnesses be hired for the time being. He also ordered a tighter schedule for both parties to argue their legal objections to each others compensation plans.

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Judge laments $15M in legal fees in St. Paul-Minneapolis archdiocese bankruptcy - Minneapolis Star Tribune

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Venezuela: The Collapse of Chavismo? – Sputnik International

Posted: at 7:25 am

The South American country has been wracked bysporadic violence overthe pastcouple ofyears ever sincethe death offormer President Hugo Chavez, which emboldened the pro-Western opposition toseek the overthrow ofhis increasingly unpopular successor, Nicolas Maduro. Venezuelas incumbent leader has been blamed forthe systemic economic failings that have occurred duringhis tenure, though tobe fair, not everything thats unfolded is his fault. Chavez financed his populist agenda ofsocio-economic reform and generous state subsidies throughheavy government spending, which suddenly became unmanageable in2014 withthe beginning ofthe oil price slump and was further exacerbated bythe US economic warfare.

Nowadays, what had once been the most promising country inall ofLatin America is sadly the sick man ofthe hemisphere, withchronic shortages ofbasic goods reportedly commonplace inmany ofVenezuelas largest cities and crime skyrocketing beyondits already-high "ordinary levels. This dire state ofaffairs has only served toencourage more and more people tocome outinto the streets inopposition tothe government, including previous supporters ofthe countrys Chavismo brand ofsocialism. The opposition rode a wave ofanti-government discontent inDecember 2015 and now controls almost two-thirds ofthe parliament, though theyve still struggled toimplement their soft regime change agenda due tostrident resistance fromthe ruling party and its zealous supporters. The friction betweenthese two camps occasionally spills overinto street violence, the latest ofwhich was triggered bythe Supreme Court temporarily taking control ofsome legislative processes earlier this year.

Despite the judiciary backtracking onits controversial actions, the anti-government unrest has only grown inthe weeks since, and some ofthe protesters are now hurling bottles offeces atthe police and even shooting atthem withsniper rifles. What may have begun asa series ofunderstandable demonstrations againstworsening socio-economic conditions, brought aboutby systemic mismanagement and American interference has inarguably turned intoa Color Revolution which is horrifyingly transforming intoan Unconventional War ofurban terrorism that threatens toturn Caracas intoKiev and lead tothe total collapse ofChavismo.

For this segment Andrew is joined by George Conyne, Professor ofHistory atthe University ofKent and Nino Pagliccia, Venezuelan author of "Cuba Solidarity inCanada Five Decades ofPeople-to-People Foreign Relations" and a retired researcher fromthe University ofBritish Columbia.

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Venezuela’s bishops call on government to end oppression – Catholic Culture

Posted: at 7:25 am

Catholic World News

May 19, 2017

At a special meeting in Caracas, Venezuelas bishops issued a statement on the worsening crisis in the nation.

Thanking Pope Francis and the apostolic nuncio for their solicitude, the bishops spoke about the growing hunger and despairand reminded their flock that they have called upon their parishes to observe May 21 as a day of prayer, fasting, and solidarity.

In their statement, dated May 17 and released the following day, the bishops encouraged the Venezuelan people to continue to express their views in a peaceful way. The legitimate and forceful demand of citizens rights should not be contaminated by violent actions.

The prelates also called upon the Maduro regime to heed the points presented by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vaticans Secretary of State, in 2016including the opening of a humanitarian corridor, the release of political prisoners, and the recognition of the National Assembly, which had been led by the opposition but was dissolved by the nations high courst.

Addressing the police and the military, the bishops denounced the numerous deaths of citizens caused by abuses of authority in repressive actions. The moral responsibility for acts that lead to violence, injury and death rests with those who execute them, as well as those who order or permit them.

The bishops then quoted the words of Blessed scar Romero of El Salvador: In the name of God and of this suffering people, I beg you, I supplicate you, I order you to stop the repression.


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Venezuela's bishops call on government to end oppression - Catholic Culture

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Wait, we are coming: Kerala IS fugitive tells associates in India – Times Now

Posted: at 7:25 am

Times Now
Wait, we are coming: Kerala IS fugitive tells associates in India
Times Now
This is because while, in some parts of India, Muslims face visible oppression, in many others, they really do not recognize the reality of their oppression. The hypocrite scholars misguide them. The Modi government is planning to change the ...

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Wait, we are coming: Kerala IS fugitive tells associates in India - Times Now

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