Daily Archives: March 5, 2017

Historical Materialism Versus Historical Conceptualism – Dissident Voice

Posted: March 5, 2017 at 4:49 pm

With all its emphasis on materiality, physicality and corporeality, as the prime origin of all conceptualities, historical materialism is, first and foremost, a concept, that is, a philosophy. No matter how much it claims otherwise and continuously stresses the importance and objectivity of materiality as:

A priori and prima causa for all ideas, perceptions and consciousness, historical materialism always resorts to language, philosophy and concepts in order to elucidate its principles, its conclusions, and in addition, in order to validate its fundamental premises etc. In actuality, historical materialism is a theory of history that relies principally on a material conception of history, namely that it is the material conditions of a society that shape historical development, whether these developments are political, legal, religious, technological and/or philosophical etc. As Marx states, intellectual production changes its character in proportion as material production is changed.

It is the manner by which a society produces and reproduces human existence that fundamentally determines its organization and its historical development; i.e., its history and its ruling ideas. Subsequently, for historical materialism, it is the unity of the productive material forces and the social relations of production that are organized around these productive material forces that shape, initiate and guide historical developments and ideational developments.

Historical materialism puts forward the notion that the primary causes of all historical developments, ideas and all social changes within civil society are the products of the means by which humans, within this particular society, collectively produce and reproduce the necessities of life. According to Marx, the initial author of historical materialism, all collisions in history have their origins in the contradiction between the productive forces and the form of intercourse [i.e. the social relations of production]. It is from the fundamental conflict of the productive forces and the social relations of production that all social changes emanate, initiate and develop from. In fact, Marx goes so far as to state that it is from the union of productive forces and relations of production and/or the disunion between the productive forces and relations of production that all societal, all ideational and all historical developments and/or breakdowns germinate. As Marx states, describing historical development itself:

In the social production of their existence, men inevitably enter into definite relations, which are independent of their will, namely relations of production appropriate to a given stage in the development of their material forces of production. The totality of these relations of production constitutes the economic structure of society, the real foundation, on which arises a legal and political superstructure and to which correspond definite forms of social consciousness. The mode of production of material life conditions the general process of social, political and intellectual life. It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence, but their social existence that determines their consciousness. At a certain stage of development, the material productive forces of society come into conflict with the existing relations of production Then begins an era of social revolution[whereupon] the changes in the changes in the economic foundation lead sooner or later to the transformation of the whole immense superstructure.

For Marx, everything is predicated upon material production, all ideas, all philosophies, all religions, consciousness etc., whatever, are all manifestations derived from the manner in which humans enter into specific social relations with each other so as to exploit the forces of production, that is, their productive capacity for producing the necessities of life. For Marx, the superstructure; i.e., the state etc., is exclusively the product of the economic base of society and nothing else, while, on the other hand, consciousness itself must be explained from the contradictions of material life, from the conflict existing between the social forces of production and the relations of production. As a result, for Marx:

Morality, religion, metaphysics, all the rest of ideology and their corresponding forms of consciousnesshave no history, no development [except in that it is] men, developing their material production and their material intercourse [i.e. relations of production, that] alter, along with this their real existence, their thinking and the products of their thinking. [Material] life is not determined by consciousness, but consciousness by [material] life.

Consciousness, within the historical materialism framework, is the product of material labor, that is, labor engaged in the production and reproduction of the necessities of life, confined to specific social relations, based on this production, which as well produce consciousness. There are no pre-conceived ideas prior to material and/or social labor. It is through developing their material existence, that humans acquire consciousness. Consciousness is a by-product of the shifting contradictions between the forces of production and the relations of production etc.

However, in order to arrive at historical materialism, Marx must project his consciousness, that is, his conscious conceptual idea/philosophy of historical materialism, back onto material life as the initial cause for this conscious conceptual idea/philosophy, even though it is beyond a doubt that it is Marxs own rational thinking apparatus that has manufactured this conceptual idea/philosophy called historical materialism. This incongruity in historical materialism points to an important paradox in historical materialist thinking in the sense that how can one labor without having an initial pre-conceived idea of labor itself, or what constitutes productive material labor, or for that matter what constitutes materiality, namely without the initial thought/consciousness of labor, of materiality, of needs, of nature etc. there can be no material labor whatsoever. One must have a plan and a structure of concepts prior to the execution of any effective material labor. In fact, contradicting his own earlier historical materialist thinking, Marx readily admits in Das Capital (Volume One) that:

What distinguishes the worst architect from the best of bees [in constructing things] is this, that the architect raises his structure in imagination before he erects it in reality. At the end of every labor-process, we get a result that already existed in the imagination of the labourer at its commencement.

Consequently, contradicting his own earlier writings on historical materialism, thinking and consciousness is prior to the labor-process and not necessarily a product of the labor-process, or more importantly, a set of conflicting contradictions between the forces of production and the relations of production. In this instance, humans clearly have consciousness prior to material production and, in fact, consciousness, ideas, concepts, planning etc. inform material production as much as material production informs consciousness, ideas, concepts, planning etc., it is not a one-sided process as historical materialism would have us believe, but a dialectical process that is brought forth via the rational thinking apparatus.

In fact, to push this glaring contradiction in Marxs writings to its limit, there is no such thing as materialism in the sense that materialism is first and foremost a type of conceptualism; i.e., a type of conceptualism that has an added degree and [conceptual] element of physicality. Meaning that, humans must have a whole set of concepts and linguistic structures systematically organized in their minds, before any productive material labor can transpire, before any determinations on what constitutes labor, productive labor and/or unproductive labor, can transpire. As a result, it is clear that consciousness precedes material and physical productivity, and more importantly, all perceived divisions and contradictions between the forces of production and the relations of production.

Despite Marxs overwhelming emphasis on materiality, specifically material production as the end all and be all of historical development and consciousness itself, Marx invariably relies on conceptualism to make his point. He resorts to an abundance of concepts, ideas and pre-conceived suppositions in order to outline the historical materialist manner of thinking. And he does this, only to absolve himself of its responsibility and its inherent subjectivity by arguing that this intricate abstract philosophy, called historical materialism, is purely derived from a set of unthinking chaotic productive forces in conflict with an arbitrary set of productive social relations, which only he is privy to have discovered. It is evident that Marx does this so as to give historical materialism a sense of scientific objectivity by nullifying and denying historical materialisms roots in subjective philosophical speculation.

For all his bravado, that philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; [and that] the pointis to change it, Marx readily puts forward a philosophical interpretation of his own via historical materialism that can only be fundamentally conceptual, a conceptual idea, devoid of material objective validity. Due to the fact that the tenets of historical materialism are clearly derived from the rational thinking apparatus of Marx rather than any generalized conflict between the forces of production and the relations of production. Whether it is as product of the material contradiction between the forces of production and the relations of production, or a product of material production itself, the historical materialist idea presupposes many philosophical assumptions, which ultimately rely first and foremost on the verity and existence of materiality itself, a materiality which is ultimately unsullied, completely detached from language and human beings, and yet is objective, external and scientifically knowable, devoid of all doubts. Indeed, for Marx:

Language is practical consciousness that exists also for other men, and for that reason alone it really exists for me personally as well; language like consciousness, only arises from the need, the necessity of intercourse [or social relationships] with other men. Consciousness [like language] is from the very beginning a social product.

The presumption made by Marx is that humans are more or less lumps of clay that are incapable of thought prior social productivity and whose thoughts, if these lumps of clay should have any, are merely the product of their social relations in conflict with the forces of production. From the Marxian perspective, language develops from the practical necessity for overcoming the conflict between the forces of production and the relations of production and so does consciousness. In essence, for Marx, humans are social products, they are completely determined by and at the mercy of their social environments, their thinking is completely confined to their social relations of production in conflict with the forces of production and nothing more. Historical materialism, presupposes that material labor precedes consciousness/language, when, in fact, humans cannot labor, materially and/or conceptually, without a certain level of consciousness and conceptual awareness; i.e., a certain set of preconceived, predetermined ideas and capacities, such as the capacity of linguistic expression, prior to any material productivity. Fundamentally, humans must have the consciousness of thinking and being alive, prior to materially laboring to support and magnify consciousness and their rational thinking apparatuses.

Despite claiming that all ideas stem from the material contradiction between productive forces and relations of production, Marxs idea, which denies its origin by placing its origin outside the mind so as to project the illusion of scientific objectivity, is nonetheless ideational and conceptual, first and foremost a product of the mind, regardless of outside influence. Historical materialism is an interesting concept, but a concept nonetheless, produced and grasped by the mind, which must possess a whole host of conceptual and linguistic suppositions in order to understand this materialist theory. However, by over-extending himself, Marx seeks to validate the mental conception of historical materialism by projecting it onto outside socio-economic phenomena, phenomena which is conceptualized, comprehended and perceived initially by the rational thinking apparatus.

Consequently, Marx fails to realize that materialism and/or materiality itself is inescapably a concept, produced by the rational thinking apparatus, which can never grasp materiality itself as an objective finalized fact, but can only conceives the existence of materiality as a type of concept that has a certain physicality. At best, materiality, including historical materialism itself, is a type of concept/theory that has the added characteristic of solidity, despite being completely conceptual, meaning everything is abstract, conceptual to the end; reality, materiality, is but variations in degrees of conceptual-abstraction, meaning that materialism is a form of conceptualism, grasped in the mind as a concept that has corporeality.

What this means is that historical materialism, despite favoring and placing emphasis on the concept of materiality and the conflict between productive forces and relations of production as the catalysts for the creation of consciousness, the intellectual productions of consciousness and history itself, historical materialism is nonetheless fundamentally a concept/theory based on concepts and a whole series of conceptualism, which includes its reliance on the imagined conflict between the forces of production and the relations of production, a perceptual conflict structured as well via concepts in the mind. As Ludwig Wittgenstein states in the Tractatus, the limits of my language mean the limits of my world in the sense that we cannot step outside of language and consciousness, language disguises thought, so much so, that from the outward form of the clothing it is impossible to infer the form of thought beneath it.

Thus all materialist conceptions, no matter how much they are deemed to be based on physicality, objectivity, hard science etc., are nothing but systematic conceptual structures, ideational comprehensive frameworks, through and through, right down to their fundamental armature. Materialism, historical materialism etc., is a conceptual apparatus; i.e., an ideational comprehensive framework, with a set of in-built assumptions, concepts and ideas that manifests an artificial ideational reality, a framework of ready-made automatic ideas, [perceptions], opinions and answers to all socio-economic phenomena. Despite professing materiality, material production and the conflict between the forces of production and the relations of production as the driving force of history, historical materialism cannot escape its own conceptual apparatus; i.e., the fact that it is in the end always an ideational comprehensive framework, a framework that can only manifest a universal sense of scientific validity when all its underlying assumptions/suppositions are presupposed on faith alone, without rigorous critical analysis.

In the end, the critique and collapse of historical materialism leaves many open questions as to what is history or the logical process of history, if it is not materialistic? The answer to these questions is self-evident in the sense that history, the process of history, is more or less the logical progression of conceptualism. History and logical process of history is mental and physical activity combined and in conflict, materialism and immaterialism combined and in conflict, thinking and doing combined and in conflict, all informing one another, underpinned only with the fundamental realization that materiality, like immateriality, is first and foremost a concept, a concept with the added conceptual characteristic of physicality. Notably, materiality is a conceptual idea that humans increasingly define and refine with exactitude the more humans experience the pluralities of sensations that comprise this conceptual idea that has a material quality.

Ultimately, it is clear that the concept of materiality precedes materiality itself, materiality with the added characteristic of physicality. For example, someone afflicted with a mental disease such as Alzheimers, slowly loses consciousness over time, the rational thinking apparatus loses its conceptual linguistic structures, and simultaneously begins to lose all grasps on reality, that is materiality. The disintegration of the conceptual linguistic structures results in the disintegration of materiality itself, not the other way around. As a result, the fundamental importance and hard fact that consciousness and conceptualism precedes materialism. Without any conceptual apparatus; i.e., a complex structure of concepts, prior to materiality, all radical fluctuations and conflicts between the forces of production and the relations of production, that Marx presupposes, will not ignite any new ideas, new thoughts and/or a new consciousness in a rational thinking apparatus afflicted with advance Alzheimer.

Therefore, materiality; i.e., material reality, is the product of consciousness; i.e., the rational thinking apparatus, prior to any and all material productivity. If the opposite was the case, then any rational thinking apparatus afflicted with Alzheimer would still retain a physical sense and the idea of an outside material reality, including the importance of material production, due to the fact that the very concept of materiality and material production would not reside inside the mind but outside the mind in the contradictory material structure between the forces of production and the relations of production. The rational thinking apparatus afflicted with Alzheimer would retain such a sense and such ideas because, according to historical materialist thinking, this sense and these ideas like materiality, including the importance of material production, would not be contained in the mind and/or be the product of the rational thinking apparatus, but, in fact, would be contained in an outside material reality. An outside material reality would be always exerting its dictatorial influence on the sick mind, pressing the concept of materiality upon it and into it, holding the concept of materiality in place, regardless whether the mind was sick or not.

The fact that humans can gradually lose consciousness, lose their linguistic capacities, lose their iron grip on reality is testament to the verity that ideas, concepts, consciousness is not solely based on material production, material labor and the material conflict between the forces of production and the relations of production as Marx stipulates. If the tenets of historical materialism were true, as long as material labor persisted and the contradictions between the forces of production and the relations of production remained and continued their conflict, then, any rational thinking apparatus afflicted degenerative mental diseases would still have ideas and an inkling of materiality, no matter how sick or conceptually fragmented the rational thinking apparatus became.

Subsequently, contrary to Marx, historical conceptualism, and not historical materialism, is the manner by which history evolves, involves and revolves, that is, moves onward. As historical conceptualism acknowledges the productive reciprocal relationship between material physical labor and immaterial mental labor as essential processes by which change, history and consciousness move and develop onwards. It is as Marx suggests, that, for historical conceptualism, revolution is [as well] the driving force of historyof religion, of philosophy and all other types of theory, but revolution, contrary to Marx, can be both corporeal and incorporeal, mental and physical, material and immaterial, meant to establish a new set of governing concepts and ideas over another set, which ultimately organize productive forces and relations of production, both mental and physical, into new social formations and new ways of thinking.

In this regard, historical conceptualism encompasses both the tension between all material relations and all conceptual relations combined and in conflict, in addition to the tension between all material forces and all conceptual forces, all of which, interacting with each other, move history/consciousness onward, whether positively and/or negatively. This historical movement may not necessarily be progressive; it can be regressive, but this all depends on the ideational comprehensive framework which initiates, develops and analyses the specific historical movement. As Thomas Kuhn states in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, nothing makes it a process of evolution toward anything. For historical conceptualism, history is the artificial narrative of [the] will to power, a convergence of mental and physical forces pitted against one another in a multiplicity of fluctuating antagonistic and/or mutual-aid relationships vying for supremacy. History is the aftermath [of] this fiery molten crucible. As Kuhn suggests, it is a process that [moves] steadily from primitive beginnings but toward no goal. Hence, for historical conceptualism, history, consciousness etc., is not guided, like Marx argues, by material conditions, per se, although material conditions can be a factor. Instead, for historical conceptualism, history is guided by a multiplicity of material and immaterial factors combined and divided that are both predictable and unpredictable, foreseeable and unforeseeable, which finally achieve a crescendo, whereupon everything is torn asunder in order to make way for new formations out of the old. Historical conceptualism agrees with Marx that a ruling mental and physical formation, like capitalism, produces, above all, is its own grave-diggers in the sense that the same formation prepares the ground for its own disintegration, itself. As Marx states, in reference to capitalism, this is the abolition of the capitalist mode of production within the capitalist mode of production itself, a self-abolishing contradiction, which presents itself prima facie as a mere point of transition to a new form of production.

Nevertheless, history and consciousness is not like Marx theorized, a matter of a shifts and conflicts within the contradiction between the forces of production and the relations of production. For historical conceptualism, history and consciousness is the product of the tensions between material relations, conceptual relations, forces of production, forces of consumption, forces of distribution etc., including the tensions between relations of production, relations of consumption and relations of distribution and other unnamed material and immaterial factors as well etc. The point is that material conditions are informed by conceptual conditions and vice versa, universality is informed by particularities and vice versa. And ultimately there is not a singular factor or cause that stimulates radical social change; i.e., revolution, whether mental or physical. Instead, it is a multiplicity of factors, material and/or immaterial, colliding and/or synergizing, held in tension and/or in disintegration, which finally result in radical change, a revolution. A revolution, whether mental and/or physical, is usually an amalgamation of predictable and unpredictable factors, atop of serious antagonistic socio-economic conflict of various types and kinds, spread-out across the stratums of everyday life, the social superstructure, the economic base and in consciousness itself.

All the same, historical conceptualism is a theory of sudden movement, where fluctuating antagonistic and mutual-aid relationships, both mental and/or physical, positive and/or negative, suddenly move history and consciousness onwards, up and down, side to side, in and out, both as an expression of total nothingness and as an expression of a new concept/theory, filled with a new set of material and immaterial facts and fictions. To paraphrase Kuhn, historical conceptualism is the logical yet anarchic process by which a logical paradigm becomes a universal all-encompassing paradigm while another is forced into dead obsolescence because:

Competing paradigms[manifest] different worlds. [Each is] looking at the world, and what they look at has not changed. But they see different things, and they see them in different relations one to the other. Before they can hope to communicate fully, oneor the othermust experience a paradigm shift. It is a transition between incommensurables [and] the transition between competing paradigms cannot be made a step at a time, forced by logic. Like the gestalt switch, it must occur all at once (though not necessarily in an instant) or not at allThe transfer of allegiance from paradigm to paradigm is conversion experience that cannot be forced. Conversion will occur a few at a time until, after the last holdouts have died, the whole [society]will again beunder a single, but now a different, [mental and/or physical] paradigm. [Such is the process of historical conceptualism].


Michel Luc Bellemare is the author of The Structural-Anarchism Manifesto: (The Logic of Structural-Anarchism Versus The Logic of Capitalism) Read other articles by Michel Luc.

This article was posted on Saturday, March 4th, 2017 at 7:58pm and is filed under Communism/Marxism/Maoism.

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Historical Materialism Versus Historical Conceptualism - Dissident Voice

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Oppression in the Land of the Free: A Muslim Leader Speaks Out … – teleSUR English

Posted: at 4:48 pm

An interview with Hatem Abudayyeh, head of Chicago's Arab American Action Network, on the rising criminalization of Arab and Muslim life in the US.

In September of 2010, American federal agents in Chicago unjustifiably raided the Jefferson Park residence of Hatem Abudayyeh, Executive Director of Arab American Action Network (AAAN), in a time that federal agents were executing search warrants in residences and offices of several people in Chicago and in Minneapolis. Some of many "Muslim hunts" happening since the 9/11 attacks

RELATED: #NoWallNoBan: Muslims and Latinxs as Enemies of the State

The FBI agents took away a computer, video tapes and a cell phone of the Muslim civil rights leader. "They took everything in my home that had the word Palestinian on it," Abudayyeh said. The federal investigation was focused on whether Abudayyeh and the others have funded foreign terrorist organizations. Abudayyeh has never been charged

According to the AAAN leader, a son of Palestinians, the FBI then targeted him merely for having a pro-Palestinian view. "This is a massive escalation of the attacks on people that do Palestine support work in this country and anti-war work," said Abudayyeh at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, three months later as he refused to grant an interview to ABC. "We're not going to stop speaking out against the war. We're not going to stop speaking out against U.S. support of Israel's violations of the Palestinian people."

In this interview, Hatem Abudayyeh speaks out about President Donald Trump's executive order on immigration that bars citizens of Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States for the next 90 days, and refugees from around the world for four months. He says: "Trump and the other racists and white supremacists in his government are extremely dangerous, not only to Arabs and Muslims, but also to immigrants in general, black people, workers, women, and all other marginalized and oppressed communities in the US. I believe that Trump wants to truly 'make American white again.'"

RELATED: Trump to Focus Counter-Terror on Islam, Ignore White Supremacy

He states that Arabs and Muslims want to live in peace and dignity, as many of them have been intimidating and a number of their organizations devoted to social services, youth programming, and cultural outreach have been shut down in the "cradle of democracy."

Nothing has changed in the United Police States of America since the oppression he suffered in 2010, in the name of an endless "War on Terror" which spreads fear, violence and hate in the countryand all over the world. "Post 9-11 policies have criminalized Arabs and Muslims to such an extent that we are living in constant fear of detention, deportation, surveillance, and general repression," he says. "Our community is facing massive, documented surveillance and repression."

But not only that, according to the Muslim activist: "He (Trump) criminalizes Arabs and Muslims in the U.S. to get support from the people here for imperialist goals in our countries abroad."

Nothing has changed in US "security policy" (a euphemism for institutionalized crimes) since the dark years of George W. Bush - but a world and the United States themselves much more insecure. That is all that totalitarian powers need to justify the lack of civil liberties and hard-line policies in general, in order to dominate and explore.

Below, the full interview with Hatem Abudayyeh.

Edu Montesanti: Hatem Abudayyeh, thank you so very much for granting this interview. Would you please tell us how the Arab American Action Network (AAAN) works?

Hatem Abudayyeh: The AAAN was established in 1995 to provide support to the Arab community of Greater Chicago in the areas of community organizing, advocacy, social services, youth programming, and cultural outreach.

It is unique in that we are the only Arab organization in Illinois, and one of the very few in the entire U.S. that challenge structural and institutional racism and national oppression with a grass-roots, base-building organizing lens.

We provide leadership development for youth and immigrant women, and the most affected community members lead our campaigns for social justice and systemic change.

What does it mean being an Arab in the United States today, especially Muslim Arabs after Sept. 11, 2001, and what has changed since President Donald Trump won the U.S. election?

Arabs in the U.S. have faced national oppression and racism for many decades, since way before 9-11 and now Trump, but the challenges are much more acute now.

RELATED: Trump Picks Fan of Illegal Surveillance as Intelligence Czar

Post 9-11 policies have criminalized Arabs and Muslims to such an extent that we are living in constant fear of detention, deportation, surveillance, and general repression.

A number of our organizations have been shut down; prominent individuals like Rasmea Odeh have faced political indictments; and the court system, the media, the educational system, and others have made it very intimidating for Arabs and Muslims to live here in peace and dignity.

In his inauguration speech, President Donald Trump called for the civilized world to unite against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the Earth. Later, President Trump confirmed Rep. Mike Pompeo as head of the CIA: Pompeo is a Tea Party Republican. Pompeo favors the reinstatement of waterboarding, among other torture techniques. He views Muslims as a threat to Christianity and Western civilization. He is identified as a radical Christian extremist who believes that the global war on terrorism (GWOT) constitutes a war between Islam and Christianity.

Your view, please, Hatem.

Trump and the other racists and white supremacists in his government are extremely dangerous, not only to Arabs and Muslims, but also to immigrants in general, Black people, workers, women, and all other marginalized and oppressed communities in the U.S.

There is not much of a difference between Republicans and Democrats in this country, especially when it comes to U.S. foreign policy and even most domestic and economic policy, but Trump is clearly different.

He is clearly pandering to the worst racism in U.S. society, has put avowed white supremacists in his government, and is attacking immigrants, Black people, and workers with every executive order that he signs.

The specific attack against Arabs and Muslims serves a very specific cause, a cause that has been served by every president since 9-11; i.e. to justify U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East -- invasion, occupation, support for the destabilization of Syria, the threats against Iran and Lebanon, etc.--the government here needs to put a local face on the "enemy" abroad.

He criminalizes Arabs and Muslims in the U.S. to get support from the people here for imperialist goals in our countries abroad. Yes, Trump and Pompeo are ultra-right radical racists, but this is just a continuation of imperialist policy, albeit maybe more devastating.

How do you see Trump's executive order on immigration that bars citizens of Muslim-majority countries Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen from entering the United States for the next 90 days, and refugees from around the world for four months?

I believe that Trump wants to truly "make American white again." The Muslim ban and previous executive order implementation memos have the express intent of banning immigrants of color from coming here, and kicking out others who are already here--mostly Mexicans and Central Americans.

The AAAN does not believe that these policies are only affecting Arabs and Muslims. In fact, the people who are and will bear the brunt are Latinos, who constitute the largest population of undocumented immigrants in this country.

The vast majority of them work and pay taxes and try to support their families here, but Trump wants to deport them all. He is claiming that they have "broken the law," but the only thing broken is our immigration system, which has a massive backlog of applications for people trying to become permanent residents.

They have been here for years and years, and have mostly been forced here because of neo-liberal economic policies like NAFTA and CAFTA, but now they are being threatened daily with deportations.

Trump is a racist autocrat who is using executive actions to try to make the country look more like what his supporters want it to, i.e. the white European politically dominated society of the 30s, 40s, and 50s in the U.S.

How will it affect U.S. society and the world in the coming years?

These Muslim bans and anti-immigrant policies, in general, are already affecting American society, causing massive apprehension and intimidation, but also massive resistance.

OPINION: American Muslims Must Stop Apologizing

We have not seen the kinds of daily, consistent protests like those triggered by Trump and his racism since the civil rights era, and it is clear that they will not slow down. At the same time that immigrants are under attack, Black people and their Black Liberation Movement are as well, as evidenced by the Trump plan to rescind Obama's policy of phasing out private prisons, and the Trump administration's propaganda attacks on the Movement for Black Lives and its demands that law enforcement in this country stop its racial profiling and killing of Black people.

The other current danger that we see today is white supremacist crimes against people in communities of color. Because Trump has normalized racism against Black people, Latinos, Arabs, Muslimsand so many others, white supremacists have perpetrated racist hate crimes against all of these communities.

From a massacre in a Black church and armed white racists protesting against mosques to an Indian American shot because he looked Arab and Latinos being assaulted by white mobs, Trump's America looks very much like "Bull" Connor's America in Alabama in the 50s and 60s.

But like the civil rights movement in Alabama and throughout the U.S., people today will not allow themselves to be victims. They will defend themselves, they will resist, and they will fight back.

And Trump's policies will be stopped by the masseslike the Muslim banwas. The federal court that froze the ban stated clearly that it had caused "chaos," meaning our resistance, mass protests, and shutting down of airports had as much to do with the court decision as the unconstitutionality of the ban.

You once denounced FBI repression against activists, and you were avictim of an FBI raid in 2010. Does it still happen? Do you and your community feel victimized byany surveillance and repression?

Our community is facing massive, documented surveillance and repression. There are thousands of FBI informants in our communitiesstaking out mosques, community centersand small businesses.

RELATED: Trump Announces 'Victims of Immigration Crime' DHS Program

A federal program started by Obama's administration, called Countering Violent Extremism (CVE), gives massive amounts of money to communities to target young Arabs and Muslims, and considers our community to be extreme, but not the white supremacists who have perpetrated more terrorist attacks than anyone else in this country over the years.

Most specifically, we believe that surveillance and political repression affects Palestinians and their supporters the most, from students advocating for Palestinian rights and the Midwest 23 to community-based Palestinian organizations and the aforementioned Rasmea Odeh.

Political criticism of Israeli occupation and colonization is becoming the norm in this country, and the U.S. government, because of its unequivocal support of Israel, needs to repress Palestine support organizing to continue to ensure that Israel remains its watchdog in the Arab World.

And now, the ultra-right government of Trump is in place at the same time that the ultra-right government of Netanyahu rules Israel so we should expect the repression to get worse.

Edu Montesanti is an independent analyst, researcher and journalist whose work has been published by Truth Out, Pravda, Global Research, and numerous other publications across the globe.

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Oppression in the Land of the Free: A Muslim Leader Speaks Out ... - teleSUR English

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The Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal Hearings On Myanmar Crimes Against Rohingya & Kachin – The Chicago Monitor

Posted: at 4:48 pm

The Rome-based InternationalPermanent Peoples Tribunal(PPT),will hold hearings in London on March 6-8 at Queen Mary University (LIVE Feed) where evidence will be presented, and expert testimony heard on crimes committed by the Myanmar (Burma) state against persecuted Rohingya and Kachin minorities.

The Tribunal was formed in 1979 as a continuation of the earlier Russell Tribunal II, which held hearings on the crimes of Latin American dictatorships. Since that time the Tribunal has successfully completed 42 sessions. Each session takes up the cause of an oppressed people whose collective humanity and rights as has been negated or threatened by neo-colonial or allied forces and structures of power, and which international institutions and law courts have failed to address directly or provide the requisite moral relief. The values of the PPT are grounded in the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Peoplesproclaimedin Algiers in 1979, based on the post-colonial experience and reality of new forms of Imperialism that evolved to oppress and exploit peoples, particularly those freed from colonization.

The Rohingya and Kachin have endured severe persecution by Myanmar since independence in the 1940s; for years activists from both communities have urged the international community and legal institutions to seriously push back against the crimes of the state. The Secretary General of the Tribunal, Dr. Gianni Tognoni, noted this, sayingThe gravity of Myanmars alleged mistreatment of these ethnic communities has been a concern for us at the PPT for a number of years. My colleagues and I are glad to be able to respond positively to the victims request for a credible moral tribunal on what appear to be international crimes being committed by the government of Myanmar.

Credible reports by Queen Mary Universitys State Crime Initiative, Yale Law School and numerous rights organizations such as: Fortify Rights, Human Rights Watch, Burma Task Force and others presented evidence of crimes and violations of basic human rights pointing to strong evidence of a genocide against the Rohingya. Since October, when Myanmars army initiated a so-called clearance operation in Rohingya areas, there has been an escalation in the genocidal process: thousands have been killed, tens of thousands displaced, whole villages have been burned to the ground, many Rohingya men have been disappeared, hundreds of Rohingya women have been raped, and mosques have been leveled.All in the name of fighting an insignificant insurgency thats been dubbed by the government as terrorist.

Likewise, the Kachin people, have faced the brunt of state repression for decades. The Myanmar army has pillaged whole villages, committing mass atrocities along the way, hundreds of thousands of Kachin remain displaced due to this and are vulnerable to extreme violence, Churches have been destroyed and forcibly taken over. The Kachin face numerous restrictions on their movement, access to food, and other basic necessities such as health, education and welfare. Just like the Rohingya, the Kachin make up one of the greatest number of refugees fleeing Myanmar for safety in other nations.

Representatives of the Rohingya and Kachin communities willbring forth the charges before the jury panel that the Myanmargovernment is committing crimes under international law, such as warcrimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. The Dalai Lama and numerous human rights organizations are either participating or given their backing to this process. The hope is that when the verdict is presented the swell of coverage will be enough for those who have abetted, sat on the sidelines or denied the crimes against the communities to change their belligerent attitude and insidious activity.The Rohingya and Kachin demand and deserve an end to their oppression, and may the Tribunal be one more salvo in the necessary change that leads to them achieving equality and liberty.

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The Permanent Peoples' Tribunal Hearings On Myanmar Crimes Against Rohingya & Kachin - The Chicago Monitor

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Reagan declares ‘War on Drugs,’ October 14, 1982 – POLITICO

Posted: at 4:48 pm

On this day in 1982, President Ronald Reagan declared illicit drugs to be a threat to U.S. national security.

On this day in 1982, President Ronald Reagan declared illicit drugs to be a threat to U.S. national security.

Richard M. Nixon, the president who popularized the term war on drugs, first used the words in 1971. However, the policies that his administration implemented as part of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 dated to Woodrow Wilsons presidency and the Harrison Narcotics Tax Act of 1914. This was followed by the creation of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics in 1930.

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Speaking at the Justice Department, Reagan likened his administrations determination to discourage the flow and use of banned substances to the obstinacy of the French army at the Battle of Verdun in World War I with a literal spin on the war on drugs. The president quoted a French soldier who said, There are no impossible situations. There are only people who think theyre impossible.

Spreading the anti-drug message, first lady Nancy Reagan toured elementary schools, warning students about the danger of illicit drugs. When a fourth grader at Longfellow Elementary School in Oakland, Calif., asked her what to do if approached by someone offering drugs, the first lady responded: Just say no.

In 1988, Reagan created the Office of National Drug Control Policy to coordinate drug-related legislative, security, diplomatic, research and health policy throughout the government. Successive agency directors were dubbed drug czars by the media. In 1993, President Bill Clinton raised the post to Cabinet-level status.

On May 13, 2009, R. Gil Kerlikowske, the current director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, signaled that though the Obama administration did not plan to significantly alter drug enforcement policies, it would not use the term war on drugs, saying it was counterproductive.


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‘Ghost Recon Wildlands’ Goes to Battle in the War on Drugs – Huffington Post

Posted: at 4:48 pm

Over the past couple decades video games have emerged as powerful propaganda tools in service of the military-industrial complex. Ghost Recon Wildlands developed by Frances Ubisoft is the latest and greatest propaganda piece in service of the interminable War on Drugs, now in its fifth decade since President Nixon declared it in 1971. Set in a Bolivia turned into a narco-state by a fictional Mexican drug gang called the Santa Blanca (Holy White) Cartel, gamers assume the role of the U.S. Army special forces as they parachute into the mountains and jungles of the South American nation to liquidate the cartel. The cartels capo, awkwardly named El Sueno (Dream), is a devotee of Santa Muerte who serves as the spiritual patroness of cocaine traffickers.

While the games chief developers have bent over backwards in recent interviews to claim Bolivia was chosen for its beautiful topography and that Santa Muerte is much more than just a narcosaint, it couldnt be more obvious that Ghost Recon Wildlands is but a slightly fictionalized version of the U.S.-led drug war in Mexico designed to win over the hearts and minds of a new generation of gamers who are either ignorant of the never-ending narco-battles in Mexico and other parts of Latin America or who havent been convinced of the need to carry it on to the half-century mark.

Ubisoft developers opted to set the game in Bolivia not primarily because of topography but because of the countrys exit from the War on Drugs. Since 2008, leftist president Evo Morales has refused to cooperate with the DEA, so in the eyes of Drug War strategists in Washington, reflected in the offices of Ubisoft in Paris, Bolivia is a rogue state ripe for the taking by Mexican drug cartels. The Bolivian government has lodged an official complaint with France over its depiction in the game, which of course will only boost its sales since there is no such thing as bad publicity, especially in the gaming world.

Beyond Bolivia, Ghost Recon Wildlands takes the image of Mexican folk saint, Santa Muerte to new heights as a narcosaint. The top Santa Muerte leader in the game is a character called El Cardenal (the cardinal), a defrocked Catholic priest, who is obviously based on the real-life figure of David Romo, the self-proclaimed archbishop of Santa Muerte devotion. Romo, who appears prominently in my book Devoted to Death, founded the first legally recognized Santa Muerte church in 2003 in Mexico City, which had its legal status annulled after less than two years of operation under pressure from the Catholic Church. A harsh critic of both the Church and its political ally, the conservative PAN (National Action Party), Romo was arrested and convicted in 2011 for being part of a kidnapping ring in Mexico City that targeted elderly victims. Hes currently serving a 66-year sentence while his wife runs the struggling house of worship.

Another prominent character connected to Saint Death whose notorious nickname Ubisoft didnt even bother to change is El Pozolero (the stewmaker) who also appears in my book. Santiago Meza Lopez was a Tijuana-based cartel hitman who claim to have dissolved some 300 of his bosss males enemies in vats of acid. A warped sense of chivalry spared female victims from the deadly liquid as Meza Lopez preferred to kill women in more humane ways.

As the leading expert on Santa Muerte, the fastest growing new religious movement in the Western Hemisphere, Im the first to recognize the role she plays as real-life narco-saint to some Mexican cartel members. However, the real Santa Muerte also has a robust following among all levels of Mexican law enforcement, especially municipal police officers who are on the front lines of the drug war. So in reality Santa Muerte is patroness of the Mexican Drug War in its totality, providing spiritual protection to both the cartel sicario and the local cop. This reality, of course, is obscured in Ghost Recon Wildlands where the saint of death is an evil malefactress who only protects members of the Santa Blanca Cartel. In short, by vilifying both Bolivia and Santa Muerte while turning gamers into members of U.S. Army special forces, Ghost Recon Wildlands proves a powerful medium for perpetuating the interminable War on Drugs.


'Ghost Recon Wildlands' Goes to Battle in the War on Drugs - Huffington Post

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Man injured in shooting following gambling argument | KATV – KATV

Posted: at 4:47 pm


Little Rock officers say a man was critically injured in a shooting that apparently stemmed from a gambling disagreement.

Officers responded to the 3300 block of South Polk Street around 8:25 p.m. Saturday for a shooting just occurred.

Police say no one was at the scene but they did find a glass door of the home shattered, empty shell casings inside and a hand gun.

Officers were then notified that a victim was taken to UAMS for his injuries.

Witnesses at the hospital told police they were inside the home gambling when the suspect lost, got mad and shot at the victim.

The suspect ran from the house in an unknown direction. Authorities are not sure if he was also injured.

According to the police report, investigating officers also found another crime scene in a nearby parking lot in the 5300 block of Asher Avenue.

At this time, it is not clear whether the two cases are related.

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UFC 209 odds, gambling guide – MMA Fighting

Posted: at 4:47 pm

Welcome MMA bettors, speculators, and gambling lurkers! Were back at it again for another week of comprehensive gambling analysis from your friends at MMAFighting.com. This weekend is a little less exciting without Nurmagomedov vs. Ferguson, but we will valiantly trudge forward regardless.

For those of you who are new here or those who have forgotten, this aims to be an exhaustive preview of the fights, the odds, and my own personal breakdown of where you can find betting value. The number after the odds on each fighter is the probability of victory that those odds imply (so Woodley at +150 means he should win the fight 40 percent of the time). If you think he wins more often than the odds say, you should bet it because there's value in the line.

All stats come from FightMetric and all the odds are from Best Fight Odds. Net Value means how much money you would have made if you bet $100 on that fighter in every one of his/her fights that odds could be found for. Doubly as always, I'm trying to provide the most thorough guide I can for those who want to legally bet or who just enjoy following along. If you are a person who chooses to gamble, only do so legally, responsibly, and at your own risk.

Now with all that out of the way, lets go.


Tyron Woodley is a hyper-athletic wrestle boxer who focuses on a stripped down power punching game. The power punching is a legitimate strategy as Woodley is one of the hardest hitters in the division and quicker than just about everyone, allowing him to close distance and unexpectedly land his money shot, the right hand. Woodley also has a right kick equally as thudding as his right hand and he mixes the two effectively. Beyond that though, Woodley doesn't have much to speak of on the feet as far as variety, rarely using his left side at all. Being extremely reliant on his power side hasn't stopped him from being effective though as he has a myriad of feints which allow him to sneak in punches and he also does a good job of mixing up his speeds.

Woodleys secondary offense, and arguably his most potent, is his explosive wrestling game. On the feet, he pressures forward which allows him to work into the clinch where his physicality and head control allow him to grind with great effect. A former two-time All-American, Woodley still has the instincts and skill of a high level wrestler as well as a solid power double leg, but he isn't an especially great shot takedown threat. He is however, a phenomenal defensive wrestler and when he does secure takedowns, he's ferocious with his ground striking.

Stephen Thompson is an elite level striker whose game revolves around distance management and timing. He prefers to operate at the very end of striking ranging where he can land a variety of kicks and he uses excellent footwork and movement to maintain that range. When a fighter closes the distance on him, he lands punishing straight counter punches and then angles out well to reset.

The rest of Thompson's game is built to keep him in the zone he wants to operate in. He's a strong clinch fighter with good footwork and leverage and the ability to disengage quickly. He's also a very strong defensive wrestler as his distance management and angles make it really difficult to get a clean look at taking him down. Thompson is a better version of Lyoto Machida: a high level karateka and kickboxer, but one who isn't as single-minded in his desire to counterstrike which allows him to throw at a good pace and win rounds much more decisively.

When these two first fought, Thompson was lucky to walk away with a draw, winning the tight rounds but suffering the force of Woodleys predatory offense in the others and that dynamic likely remains the same here. Thompsons offense is built to score points and win rounds much more effectively than Woodleys. Woodleys offense is built to win fights in violent fashion.

The question for this fight is who will make the biggest adjustments from their first contest? Woodley barely used his wrestling at all in their first encounter and the one time he did take Thompson down, he delivered serious punishment. On the other hand, Thompson threw much less volume than he normally does and, if he can be more aware of the power punching of Woodley, looks to have an edge here. Ultimately, this fight is razor close one. Im picking Thompson to win because, in the aggregate, I think he will win more fights by virtue of consistent offense. That being said, Woodley is the more dangerous finisher and hes being undervalued at the books right now. I suggest betting Woodley at any plus number. Also, Woodley-Thompson ends in a draw is +5500 which implies a less than 2% probability of occurring. Considering the dynamic of the fight (Woodley having more potent offense, Thompson winning more rounds) that seems like it is far more likely to occur and thus I also think a small bet on Fight Goes to a Draw is decent value.


Lando Vannata is the new darling of UFC fans and with good reason. He is a legitimate prospect with a funky, forward thinking game backed up by a lot of talent. Hes the product of years of Brandon Gibson training and hes the purest example of that lineage of fighter. He has excellent footwork and timing for a guy so young in his career and he operates a flashy, off kilter attack that causes a lot of problems for his opponents. Hes got serious power and operates at an extremely high pace. That pace also makes him hittable but his defense is pretty solid and mitigates a lot of the worst of it. Vannata is also is a decent wrestler when the occasion calls for it but mostly he prefers his fluid striking offense.

David Teymur is also a hot shot prospect with a striking background, being very accomplished on the European Muay Thai circuit. He prefers to work at long range, firing off a sharp jab and thudding kicks. He follows these up with a powerful straight left hand that can turn off the lights his opponents. He is also an excellent defensive wrestler, sporting a perfect takedown defense so far in the UFC. When opponents fail to take him down, they often wind up in the clinch where he frames well and throws good elbows. His biggest weakness is his defense though and his hittability is cause for concern against a banger like Vannata.

This is a banger of a fight between a clean, traditional striker and a dervish of creativity. The question becomes who can impose their game plan on the other. I dont expect either fighter to be able to run away with this one, but ultimately I do think Vannatas range of offense is the difference here. He can compete (and win) against Teymur at range and his unpredictability gives him a slight edge there and his wrestling and timing give him a viable secondary option to win the fight. The pick is Vannata by KO late in the fight, but that being said, the odds here are a mile off and Teymur is worth a bet at this rate.


Rashad Evans hasnt fought in almost a year due to medical problems but now hes back and making his middleweight debut against. Dan Kelly. Evans is an explosive athlete, light on his feet, with accurate, powerful combinations when he chooses to throw. That caveat is important though because Evans often will sit back doing nothing, losing rounds to inferior fighters strictly on the basis of not putting actual offense together.

Evans best skill set is his wrestling. A former D-1 collegiate wrestler, Evans can finish a variety of takedowns with authority but he does his best work off a blast double leg. Once on top, he has excellent control and can pound opponents out with aggression. Hes also an excellent defensive wrestler but hes not much a submission artist, having attempted none despite his many years in the promotion.

Dan Kelly is a judoka by trade and a good one, having competed in the Olympics four separate times. Hes also an acceptable striker, especially on the counter. Hes slow and plodding though and his body is shop worn from years as a high-level athlete.

Evans is a former champion and a guy who, when at his best, could be competitive against almost anyone in the world. The problem is, Evans hasnt looked anything close to his best in years and at this point it seems like hes on his way out of the fight game. Kelly is surging but hes also almost 40 and not close to the level of competitor Evans was. Honestly, I have no idea whats going to happen here. Im picking Evans by decision, but theres no confidence in anything and thus no bet.


Alistair Overeem is looking to rebound from his loss to current heavyweight champion Stipe Miocic by taking on Mark Hunt in a matchup between former K-1 World Grand Prix champions. Overeem is still one of the most athletic heavyweights on the planet and that athleticism is backed by a deep well of knowledge and technique. Lately, he has opted to use a stick and move game plan where he can employ power strikes at opportunities of his choosing. His grappling is a fall back option for him and a very dangerous one at that. Hes punishing from top position and a sneaky good submission threat.

Mark Hunt is old for the division at 42, but despite his age and physique, hes still a fairly good athlete. Hunt is almost entirely a striker and hes one of the best in the division. He has an excellent understanding rhythm and he uses that to set up his power punches, particularly his left hand which can end anyones night in a hurry. Outside of striking, Hunt is a good defensive wrestler and surprisingly good on top when he winds up there. Hes also shored up a lot of his submission defense liabilities.

This is a close fight between two very high-level strikers past their primes. Overeem has more tools in the box, but Hunts focused striking game figures to give Overeem and his suspect chin a lot of problems. If Overeem can maintain a focused game plan of staying either all the way out or clinching, he should win. But thats a tough task against a crafty striker like Hunt. I think Hunt eventually lands the left hand that puts Overeem in a bad spot and from there its academic. The pick is Hunt by KO, and I like a bet on him as well.

Amanda Cooper (+100/50%) vs. Cynthia Calvillo (-120/55%)

Cooper is a quick paced striker with good footwork who also has an active submission game off of her back. Calvillo is a good athlete with strong wrestling and excellent positional control on the ground. This is a two outcome fight: either Cooper keeps it standing and wins with volume or Calvillo takes her down and wins through grappling. Calvillo is coming in on short notice here but she is the more physical, powerful fighter and she can likely get the fight to the floor, take the back, and finish it. The pick is Calvillo but she is making her UFC debut so you should pass on betting this.

Marcin Tybura (-160/62%) vs. Luis Henrique (+140/42%)

Tybura is a well-rounded fighter who keeps a high pace on the feet, throwing powerful punches and kicks. Hes even better as a top position grappler and hes a good enough wrestler to get the fight to the ground more often than not. Henrique is a jiu-jitsu player at heart but one with power and an explosive takedown game to back it up. On top, he is punishing and a solid submission hunter. Henrique is the youngest fighter in the heavyweight division and hes athletic enough to expect big improvements between fights for him. This fight is tougher to call than usual, but I think Tyburas more advanced, voluminous striking will carry the day. The pick is Tybura by late TKO.

Mirsad Bektic (-800/89%) vs. Darren Elkins (+550/15%)

Bektic is probably the best prospect in MMA at the moment. He is a blend of athleticism, power, and skill that portends greatness and future title contention. He is sharp on the feet and works in combination but he really excels in explosive takedowns and vicious ground and pound. Elkins is one of the best examples of a grinder in MMA. He can do everything but what he wants to do is stifle his opponents offense with clinches, takedowns, and control. Straight up, the odds are off here. Bektic is going to win but Elkins is the kind of durable, rugged fighter than can upend the rise of overconfident prospects in a hurry. I wont suggest betting on Elkins because its likely a losing bet but there is some value in his line. All that said, I think Bektic marches on, winning a dominant decision and betting Bektic by decision at -105 is actually a very attractive option.

Iuri Alcantara (-105/51%) vs. Luke Sanders (-115/53%)

Alcantara is a well-rounded fighter who is super dynamic. He has power on the feet but his best skill is grappling where he has strong takedowns and excellent transitions into submissions. Sanders is a hot prospect who can also do a bit of everything, excels in transition, and is a dynamic finisher. Alcantara has a size advantage but Sanders is a bit more technical on the feet and five years younger. Also, Alcantara is known for cardio issues and Sanders is tough enough to survive any early onslaught and take the later rounds. The pick is Sanders by decision and I like him for a bet so long as he stays under -120.

Mark Godbeer (-150/60%) vs. Daniel Spitz (+130/43%)

Godbeer is a striker by trade who mixes punches and kicks but doesnt have much else to fall back on. Spitz is a large heavyweight who likes to operate at range behind his jab but does his best work as a grappler. That should be enough to win the day here against Godbeer who has shown an unfortunate combination of being both willing to grapple and not exceedingly good at it. The pick is Spitz by submission and while the first rule of MMA betting (dont gamble on low level heavyweight fights) would normally apply here, the idea that Godbeer is a 60% favorite almost makes me want to throw the rule book out the window.

Tyson Pedro (-145/59%) vs. Paul Craig (+125/44%)

Pedro is a big light heavyweight with some athletic promise. He throws sharp punches but mostly hes a grappler with good takedowns and heavy control and submissions. Craig is an aggressive, come forward fighter who fires off punch-kick combinations and isnt afraid to pull guard where he uses his long limbs to snake in submissions from his back. On the feet, Craigs volume might give him the edge but I expect Pedros physicality and wrestling to keep this fight on the ground. Craig is slick there but likely not slick enough to catch Pedro who excels with top pressure. The pick is Pedro by TKO late in the second round but I would pass on betting this.

Albert Morales (-130/57%) vs. Andre Soukhamthath (+110/48%)

Morales is young, athletic fighter, equal parts skill and aggression. He can counter slickly but is also prone to bursts of wild offense. He can also scramble well but his cardio is questionable. Soukhamthath is a striker who fights well at range behind his jab or in close with knees. This probably plays out as a striking match and in that case Morales power, speed, and volume will likely carry the day over the somewhat tepid Soukhamthath. The pick is Morales by KO in the middle of the fight, and if you want to bet this, I wouldnt do so but I also wouldnt blame you.

That's all folks. Enjoy the fights everyone and good luck to those who need it. If you've got any questions, feel free to hit me up on Twitter @JedKMeshew

(Editor's note: All of this advice is for entertainment purposes only.)

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If leagues decide gambling can help grow their games, Trump could help deliver – National Post

Posted: at 4:47 pm

National Post
If leagues decide gambling can help grow their games, Trump could help deliver
National Post
But perhaps more importantly, the federal government could reverse its own ban on sports gambling. There are business and tax-revenue reasons to want to open up the legalized gambling market in the United States, and if there was ever going to be a ...

and more »

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Swiss Parliament votes to block unlicensed online gambling websites; Local operators to benefit from new gaming … – World Casino Directory

Posted: at 4:47 pm

New legislation to regulate online and offline gambling was adopted by the Swiss Parliament that will limit the activity to a set number of operators based in Switzerland only, according to SWI swissinfo.ch.

While online gambling will be legalized for the first time in the country, it will be limited to operators who possess a valid gaming license from Swiss authorities for their land-based casinos. The legislation will place limits on the number of concessions for gaming and betting providers operating in the country, and operators without a license will be excluded from offering online gambling as well, according to IP-Watch.

The Senate had previously approved the block.

Having emerged again in late December and in January, the proposed block of international operators drew criticism from the Swiss Association for Information, Communications and Organization Technology warning that introducing any kind of Internet blocks could be detrimental to online security and the countrys digital economy as well as the likelihood of the blocks being largely ineffective and inaccurate.

Franz Grtter from the far-right Swiss Peoples Party (SVP) said that blocking isnt in keeping with the liberal, democratic way of thinking, He said, Its what dictatorships do, according to SWI.

Local casino operators and sports betting providers, however, will benefit from the measure as their complaint has been that theyve lost out on revenue to their international competition. The new legislation is also a win for authorities as online gambling revenue of Chf 320 million Swiss francs is deposited into the Swiss Social Security system (AHV) on a yearly basis. And Chf 560 million in licensed sports betting revenue makes its way to the canton authorities, who us the monies to pay for sports and cultural programs for the general population, according to IP-Watch.

In addition to blocking, the government also discussed tax matters. Legislators, however, appear not to be able to agree on how or if proceeds from gambling activities would be taxed. As much as CHF1 million in lottery and sports betting winnings was proposed by the Senate to remain tax-free, while the call from the House of Representatives was to have all winnings remain untaxed, as reported.

The Swiss Parliaments spring legislative session runs from February 27 to March 17, which means the government has less than two weeks to agree on a solution regarding the issues facing the new iGaming regulations. Discussions regarding matters related to gambling are reportedly scheduled to take place on March 15.

Swiss Parliament votes to block unlicensed online gambling websites; Local operators to benefit from new gaming legislation was last modified: March 5th, 2017 by K Morrison

internet blockingonline gambling regualtionswiss association for information communications and organization technologyswiss parliamentswiss people's party

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Swiss Parliament votes to block unlicensed online gambling websites; Local operators to benefit from new gaming ... - World Casino Directory

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For Democrats, How Many American Victims Are Enough? – Townhall

Posted: at 4:46 pm


Posted: Mar 05, 2017 12:01 AM

Now that President Trump has followed through on his campaign promise and started the deportation process for criminal illegal aliens, Democrats and the media are united in outrage. One talking point dominates all others: Immigrants have a much lower crime rate than Americans do, so its unfair to target them. This begs the question: To these liberals, how many American victims of illegal alien crime would it take to for it to matter to you?

There are regular reports of violent crimes committed by illegal aliens horrific gang-related murders have occurred recently in New York, Washington, D.C., and Houston but the true crime rate among illegal aliens is not known. Most states do not keep those records for reasons we can only guess, plus there is no way of knowing the real number of illegals in the country. That fact hasnt stopped liberal commentators and politicians from stating unequivocally that we Americans are the real crime problem in this country.

Although it may be true, and from a sheer numbers standpoint it undoubtedly is, its also irrelevant. Victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens would not have been victims if those people were not in this country. Every person murdered by an illegal alien would still be alive.

This is a simple fact those who spout this made-up statistic hope people dont realize, because their entire argument would fall apart if they did.

Kate Steinle, the young woman murdered in San Francisco by an illegal alien with multiple convictions and deportations, would not have been murdered that July day in 2015 if the man who did it had not been in the country illegally in the first place.

Democrats dont care. In addition to doing all they could to ignore Steinles murder, they even voted against Kates Law, which would impose a minimum sentence of five years for already-deported illegal aliens who re-enter the country. Like I said, Democrats dont care.

Democrats would rather pander for the potential votes of illegal aliens should they be granted citizenship than defend Americans.

At President Trumps address to a joint session of Congress, Democrats went so far as to invite illegal aliens and their children to be their guests in the House gallery.

In the build up to the speech, one woman in particular garnered a lot of Democratic and media sympathy.

The children of recently deported illegal alien Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos were invited guests to the presidents speech, and their plight was widely reported in incredibly sympathetic, if not accurate, terms.

CNN had five reporters (seriously, five people) file a story on them entitled, Trumps speech disheartens deported moms kids. If Guadalupe had hired a PR firm, it couldnt have drafted a more glowing press release.

Guadalupes sad tale of woe was easy to find across the media, but the reason she was deported wasnt as readily available.

The New York Times, of all places, is where you can find it, though its only casually mentioned in their story.

After mentioning Guadalupe had been meeting with Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials for nearly a decade, the Times noted these annual meetings were a requirement since she was caught using a fake Social Security number during a raid in 2008 at a water park where she worked.

Thats a politically correct way of saying she committed fraud or stole someones identity the Times doesnt say which. But those are the only ways an illegal alien could get a legitimate job.

Although certainly not murder or drug dealing, neither option is a victimless crime either an American was denied a job by fraud and/or another had their identity stolen. And thats the real truth Democrats dont want you to think of illegal aliens have countless victims who may not know for years, if ever, that they were victims.

Still, Democrats do not care.

This is to say nothing of the cost to society. The cost of educating illegal alien children is significantly higher than Americans because of the language barrier. This siphons off valuable taxpayer resources from American children, usually from poor urban areas, making those children victims of illegal immigration.

Again, Democrats do not care. Theyd rather focus on an illegal alien being arrested after giving a defiant press conference than reality.

Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime simply because not all illegal aliens are members of MS-13 or Democrats want to pretend it is. Real people suffer real consequences when someone enters the country illegally or overstays a visa.

The question is: What is the magic number of Americans who must be victims of these crimes before Democrats will care more about those victims than about the potential voters now in our country illegally? If recent actions are any indication, no number is high enough.

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For Democrats, How Many American Victims Are Enough? - Townhall

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