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Category Archives: Post Human

HRW hails Ivorian post-election crisis investigation

Posted: January 10, 2014 at 3:40 pm

PARIS, Jan. 10 (UPI) -- Human Rights Watch applauded a decision by the government of Ivory Coast to renew a mandate for a unit tasked with investigating post-election violence in 2011.

Ivory Coast was pushed to the brink of civil war following disputed presidential elections in December 2010. At least 3,000 people died as a result of the violence pitting supporters of President Alassane Ouattara against those backing the former president, Laurent Gbagbo.

Ouattara's administration extended the mandate for an investigation into the violence and Daniel Bekele, director of African programs at Human Rights Watch, said it's time to get to work.

"Extending the special investigative cell's work gives the victims of the post-election violence a reason to hope that they might see justice," he said in a statement Thursday from Paris. "Now the Ivorian government needs to give it the staff, logistical support, and independence to do the job."

Gbagbo is on trial at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, for suspected war crimes committed during the post-election violence. Both parties to the conflict are suspected of committing human rights abuses.

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Human microbiome linked to health, obesity

Posted: at 3:40 pm

New York, Jan 10 (IANS): The human microbiome, the collection of trillions of microbes living in and on the human body, plays a crucial role in our overall well being, says a new research.

Scientists are experiencing startling insights into the role that microorganisms play, not only in disease, but more importantly in our health and well-being, said Lita Proctor of the National Human Genome Research Institute in the US.

Scientists now recognise that the microbiome may be responsible for a broad variety of metabolic and developmental processes from food digestion to vitamin synthesis, and even brain function.

The report, produced by the American Academy of Microbiology, also highlighted the role of the microbiome in obesity and inflammatory bowel disease.

The report describes the beauty and complexity of the human microbiome and the insults we may be causing our microbiomes as a result of common practices in our modern societies.

"We now need to include the microbiome when considering human health and the future research directions for this emerging field which combines medicine, ecology and evolution, added Proctor.

Researchers have long known that bacteria reside on and within the human body, but traditional microbiology has typically focused on the study of individual species as isolated units.

Recent advances in DNA sequencing technologies and other molecular techniques have allowed for more comprehensive examination of these microbes as communities that have evolved intimate relationships with their hosts over millions of years, the report said.

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County hires new HR director

Posted: at 1:41 am

Staff Writer

Archuleta Countys new human resources administrator is slated to begin his post Jan. 31.

Robert Smith accepted the offer for the position earlier this week after being interviewed along with three other finalists on Jan. 2.

Smiths base pay will be $56,100.

Former HR administrator Mitzi Bowman vacated the post on Nov. 15.

Smith, of Monte Vista, most recently worked for the City of Monte Vista as the human resources manager.

Prior to that, Smith worked as the human resources manager for the City of Fountain, Colo., with prior HR work for several other cities and municipalities.

Smith holds a bachelors in resources management and business administration from Colorado Christian University.

The other finalists interviewed for the position were Tonya McCann, Peter ONeill and Bowman, who previously withdrew her application, but was reinstated as a finalist prior to the Jan. 2 interviews.

The position is one of several administrative positions within the Archuleta County organization to be filled this fall and winter. Other positions recently filled include county administrator, fleet manager, director of emergency operations and Department of Human Services director.

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Human rights vs. red tape in N.S.

Posted: January 8, 2014 at 1:41 am

David Shannon, a human rights expert and advocate, does not mince words.

The former head of the provinces human rights commission says he took over a dysfunctional organization in 2012 and left it last year after a 17-month tenure marked, at times, by bureaucratic paper-pushing, internal petty bickering and personnel problems.

Shannon, a Dalhousie University-trained lawyer and an Order of Canada recipient, told The Chronicle Herald hes proud of the accomplishments he said were achieved during his stint at the helm of the commission.

But he acknowledged his time there included crucial philosophical differences.

Shannon found he couldnt steer the ship toward advancing the dignity and self-worth of the individual under the terms of Nova Scotias Human Rights Act. Not everyone in the office shared that perspective.

So he parted ways with the commission.

There were also the impediments of having to work around key people who attempted to undermine the vision of the commission, and that was highly frustrating, Shannon said.

Essentially, they were individuals trapped in a linear and bureaucratic paralysis that advanced paperwork rather than human rights, he said in an email interview.

The government says things have improved at the commission.

Shannon, who is disabled and uses a wheelchair, left his old job last June for a community service position in Thunder Bay, Ont., overseeing support for people with physical disabilities. As well, he has a part-time law practice in the area of mental health.

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Human rights vs. red tape in N.S.

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Glenwood Post saw changes on Jan. 1, 1898

Posted: at 1:41 am

Our principal aim shall be to make THE POST a successful local paper a journal that will record matters of interest as they transpire from day to day and week to week in the community which affords its support, to make it a mirror of local events, and its pages a succinct and truthful history of the people who appear upon the stage of action.

Amos J. Dickson, editor and proprietor, the Glenwood Post and Weekly Ledger Newspaper, Jan. 1, 1898

The changes to the Glenwood Post and Weekly Ledger Newspaper on Jan. 1, 1898, were imperceptible to the human eye. There was a slight change in layout, and perhaps a change in font. But the biggest change appeared in the editorial section, where, the name A.J. Dickson, editor and proprietor, replaced that of C.L. Bennett, which had appeared just a week before. For the community-minded Dickson, this was more than an ownership change. Dickson envisioned providing better service to the community with an eye toward recording the news of the week, providing information to his readership, and preserving the events of the past for reference in the future.

Prior to purchasing the Glenwood Post, the new editor and owner, Amos Jackson Dickson had resided for nearly a decade in the Roaring Fork Valley. Born in Illinois on May 6, 1861, he and his parents moved to Kansas where he grew up on a farm. He attended the University of Kansas and was a school teacher. When he came to Glenwood Springs, he sold real estate and brokered loans. Civically, he was a Grand Master of the International Organization of Odd Fellows. Religiously, he was a member of the Methodist Church. Politically, he aligned himself with Silver Republicans.

On Dec. 27, 1897, for the sum of $1,300, Dickson received all of the equipment, type, furniture, fixtures and patronage connected with the publication of the Glenwood Post located at 201 Eighth St. in Glenwood Springs. Dicksons goals for the Glenwood Post were simple: to be a strong community newspaper and the best ever in Garfield County; to not allow partisan politics to influence reporting or his editorials; and to make the welfare of the people paramount to political objectives.

From the first edition of the newspaper under Dicksons charge, it was evident he strove to live up to his goals. That first four-page edition recapped the Christmas events of 1897, carried advertisements for Glenwood Springs businesses, advertised unclaimed letters at the post office, dedicated space to national and international news, printed neighborhood columns for Eagle and Four Mile, and contained a concerned article regarding the well-being of a demented woman determined to make her way to the top of Lookout Mountain above Glenwood Springs. Subscriptions to his weekly newspaper were $1.50 per year, 75 cents for six months, and 5 cents for a single copy.

Within the first month, Dickson not only reported upon current events, but enlisted community founders to document the communitys past with a column titled Pioneers I Remember. Then, for the next three decades The Glenwood Post chronicled a changing world. Economic depressions, wars, mining strikes, the decline of railroads, the rise of the automobile, the building of roads and politics shared space with births, marriages, anniversaries, deaths and community news of interest. The actions of the honorable and of those less honorable equally made notice in The Glenwood Post.

As Dickson approached 70 years of age in 1931, he decided the future of the Glenwood Post should be passed to another editor and owner. He retired to his home at 1027 Blake Ave., and on March 22, 1942, passed away.

In his last will and testament Dickson left his typewriter to his daughter, Geraldine. He also willed to her his bound editions of the Glenwood Post from 1898 to 1931 in the making and publishing of which I have poured out the best part of my life, the ambitions and enthusiasms of young manhood and middle age, and the more sage, considerate and conservative thought and effort of later years, and commend to her a careful and charitable perusal and study of the pages of these volumes, as they represent my earnest thought and endeavor to accomplish some good in the circumscribed field in which I have wrought, praying that she may forgive and overlook the radical and indiscreet utterance of an intense and impetuous nature, and give heed to and be governed and influenced by the more rational and conservative expressions of my real self.

Amos Dicksons editions of the Glenwood Post have been microfilmed by the Colorado Historical Society, with microfilmed copies available for charitable study and perusal at the Frontier Historical Society and Museum in Glenwood Springs.

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Glenwood Post saw changes on Jan. 1, 1898

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‘Almost Human’ Mid-Season Premiere: All Fun, No Heart

Posted: at 1:41 am

[This is a review forAlmost Humanseason 1, episode 7. It contains SPOILERS.]


Almost Human was one of the last new shows to premiere in the fall, so its only fitting that its one of the first back (for the next two weeks, at least). In its comeback episode, Dorian (Michael Ealy) finds a new home, and Kennex (Karl Urban) learns to keep his most important electronic device charged.

This weeks episode, Simon Says, written by series producer (and mid-season finale scribe) Alison Schapker, pits Kennex and Dorian against a faceless nemesis who uses live streaming remote explosives and a deadly game to systematically kill those who once wronged him. When a victim is saved and the killers identity is revealed, Kennex is forced to stare death in the face, alone, while Dorian finally understands humanitys annoyance with low battery warnings.

Simon Says is not one of the missing episodes still yet to air, nor is it an explanation-filled adventure that helps us better understand the mysteriously missing storyline involving Kennexs ex-girlfriend, yet its still an exciting return for one of Foxs strongest shows. Though this weeks episode is pointed more toward helping viewers discover and enjoy the show in the new year, those who pay close attention will notice a nod to the ex-girlfriend storyline perhaps a hint at whats to come next week when Almost Human finally airs its second episode made, You are here, which was replaced with the fifth episode, Skin, during the two-night series premiere event.

Aside from the questions and/or qualms about the overall series story which is understandable given televisions comfort in mysteries that go nowhere this weeks episode builds up the already strong bond between Kennex and Dorian even more by allowing Ealy to step out from behind his robot character and combat Urbans gruff demeanor with even more playfulness, which allows Kennex to lower his guard and befriend his synthetic partner even more in his time of need.

Now 7 episodes in 9, including the 2 missing episodes and Almost Human is still keeping up its end of the bargain, as far as future-themed devices are concerned. Yet still, with all of the impressive technology, visual effects and witty banter presented to audiences, theres one big thing thats missing, and its beginning to show: its heart.

Each episode puts Kennex and Dorian front and center for whatever the case is on-hand, and the series masterfully wraps the tale even its smallest parts around the two, which allows them (or whoever the focus of the episode is) to fully inhabit the futuristic setting which has been painstakingly (in terms of time and money) established over and over again in each new episode; however, with Dorians lack of true emotion and Kennexs inability to convey his, whatever exciting thrilling, even story thats put before the viewer is more or less a twist on familiar video game tropes. The journey including any middle bosses or princess saving serves one purpose only: to get the boss battle at the end.

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‘Almost Human’ Mid-Season Premiere: All Fun, No Heart

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Ganguly quits Bengal human rights panel

Posted: January 6, 2014 at 8:43 pm

Kolkata, Jan 6:

Former Supreme Court judge, Justice (Retd) A.K. Ganguly has stepped down from his post as West Bengal Human Rights Commission (WBHRC), sources said.

Ganguly reportedly tendered his resignation during a meeting with West Bengal Governor M.K. Narayanan on Monday evening at the Raj Bhavan.

Neither Ganguly nor Raj Bhavan sources confirmed the development.

However, agency reports claimed that Ganguly stepped down as the WBHRC Chairman.

Accused of harassing a law intern, Ganguly has been in the eye of a storm with pressure mounting on him to step down from the post of a WBHRC Chairman.

The interns allegations created a media furore; with a section of lawyers, politicians and activists calling for the countrys top court to investigate the incident and for the accused judge to be named publicly.

Three days ago, Ganguly stepped down from the post of honorary professor of the National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS). He quit the post after some members expressed their reservation over his continuation.

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Ganguly quits Bengal human rights panel

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Justice AK Ganguly contemplating resigning as Bengal rights panel chief: Soli Sorabjee

Posted: at 8:43 pm

Ashok Kumar Ganguly may finally resign from the post of chairman of West Bengal Human Rights Commission with the noose tightening around the former Supreme Court judge after being indicted by a Supreme Court panel following complaint of sexual harassment by a woman law intern.

In a letter to former Attorney General Soli Sorabjee, Ganguly has expressed his desire to step down following mounting pressure from different quarters.

Justice Ganguly spoke to me over telephone and said that he is thinking of resigning (as WBHRC chief), former Attorney General Soli Sorabjee told news agencies on being asked about reports that the judge has written to him on the issue.

During the telephonic conversation, Justice Ganguly said so many things are being said about him and wanted his view.

Sorabjee said he had told Justice Ganguly that it will be a wise decision to resign.Ganguly, in fact, had on Friday resigned from the post of honorary professor of the National University of Juridical Sciences, the same university where the intern studied.

But Ganguly has so far vehemently refused to step down from the post of chairman of West Bengals Human Rights Commission even as the Centre has approved an unprecedented presidential reference for his removal from the post.

Following the Cabinet nod, the government will now send the proposal to president Pranab Mukherjee for consent.

Thereafter, it will be sent to the chief justice of the Supreme Court that is expected to conduct a judicial inquiry into the case by a three-judge bench.

However, if Ganguly resigns before the completion of the hearing, the reference would turn infructuous.

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Justice AK Ganguly contemplating resigning as Bengal rights panel chief: Soli Sorabjee

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Ganguly steps down as Bengal rights panel chief

Posted: at 8:43 pm

Kolkata, Jan 6 (IANS) Justice (retd) A.K. Ganguly, facing allegations of sexually assaulting a law intern, Monday stepped down from the post of chairman of the West Bengal Human Rights Commission.

The former Supreme Court judge drove to the Raj Bhavan here and handed over his resignation letter to Governor M. K. Narayanan during a 45-minute meeting, sources in the know said on condition of anonymity.

The resignation came hours after the Supreme Court dismissed a petition seeking to restrain the government from proceeding against Ganguly. Ganguly, however, claimed he had "nothing to do" with the Public Interest Litigation.

The union cabinet had already cleared the home ministry's proposal for a presidential reference to the Supreme Court for a probe into the allegations.

The proposal was being sent to President Pranab Mukherjee, for him to forward to the chief justice of India seeking a probe into the issue.

However, Ganguly's resignation from the human rights panel has rendered the rendered the reference infructuous, legal sources said.

The intern has alleged that Ganguly sexually harassed her at a five star hotel in Delhi in December 2012.

Ganguly has repeatedly denied the accusation and on Dec 23 wrote to the Chief Justice of India P. Sathasivam, claiming there was a "concerted effort" to "tarnish his image" for giving judgements against "powerful quarters".

A three-member panel of apex court judges probing the allegations had earlier indicted Ganguly of "unwelcome behaviour".

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee wrote twice to President Mukherjee for taking urgent necessary action, so as to remove Ganguly from the post of WBHRC chief at the earliest.

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Ganguly steps down as Bengal rights panel chief

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Post-human new year party – Video

Posted: January 5, 2014 at 5:41 am

Post-human new year party

By: Dario Dominguez

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Post-human new year party - Video

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