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Category Archives: Genome

Live at the Marsh Berkeley 1/27/13 – Video

Posted: November 24, 2012 at 7:43 pm

Live at the Marsh Berkeley 1/27/13
Philosophy Talk returns to the Marsh Theatre in Berkeley for another pair of live recordings! Join us for the next two programs in our 2012-2013 season. 12:00pm - Bioethics: Myths and Realities with David Magnus Recent advances in mapping the human genome suggest a vision of the future that might fill us with equal parts hope and dread. On the one hand, the possibility of identifying disease-causing genes may enable us to eradicate cancer, obesity, or depression before they ever develop. On the other hand, the idea that soon we could be "designing" our progeny, choosing physical and psychological traits we deem desirable, is fraught with deep moral complexities. But are these ideas realistic or just the stuff of science fiction? What real ethical problems does the current state of human genomics present? John and Ken map out the terrain with David Magnus, Director of the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics and co-editor of "Who Owns Life?" 3:00pm - Dance as a Way of Knowing with Alva No Whether it be rhythmic or shuffling, athletic or pedestrian, erotic or just social, dance is an art form that utilizes movement of the body through space. Could the aesthetic experience of being physically present and embodied in the world be considered a way of knowing? Is there something in particular we can come to know by watching or performing dance? And are there broader lessons that dance can teach us about human perception and action? John and Ken hit the floor with Alva Noe ...From:PhilosophyTalkRadioViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:31More inEntertainment

Live at the Marsh Berkeley 1/27/13 - Video

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Posted: at 7:43 pm

OSDD is a CSIR led team India Consortium with global partnership with a vision to provide affordable healthcare to the developing world by providing a global platform where the best minds can collaborate collectively endeavor to solve the complex problems associated with discovering novel therapies for neglected tropical diseases like Malaria, Tuberculosis, Leshmaniasis, etc.OSDD is a translational platform for drug discovery, bringing together informaticians, wet lab scientists, contract research organizations, clinicians, hospitals and others who are willing to adhere to the affordable healthcare philosophy. It is a concept to collaboratively aggregate the biological, genetic and chemical information available to scientists in order to use it to hasten the discovery of drugs. This will provide a unique opportunity for scientists, doctors, technocrats, students and others with diverse expertise to work for a common cause. The success of Open Source models in Information Technology (For eg, Web Technology, The Linux Operating System) and Biotechnology (For eg, Human Genome Sequencing) sectors highlights the urgent need to initiate a similar model in healthcare, ie, an Open Source model for Drug Discovery. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research ( India is one of the largest publicly funded research organizations in the world. CSIR has played a key role in the development of industry in India by providing them with technologies. In particular, it ...From:osddvoicesViews:5 0ratingsTime:01:44More inScience Technology

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Posted: at 7:43 pm

Proof Evidence Video Exposed Reptilian Shapeshifter Mouth Morph Transform Tongue Draconian Evil Entities Devil Hybridization God Species Macrobes DNA Morph Meta Morphe Dimension Multidimensional Lizard Dracos Modified Genetic Experiment Aliens Metamorphism Altered Genome Energy Transformation NWO Mouth Tongue Snake Eyes Hybrid Features Physiognomy Reptar Dinosaur Crocodile Saurian Sauro Nonhuman People Exposed Televilsion Monsters Underground Laboratories Reptiliens Created Biological Weapon Tyranno Saurus Rex Tyrant MI6 James Casbolt NSA Intelligence Underground Bases Agents CIA Mind Control Matrix Smith Project Orion War Blood Ritual Space Mars Saturn Moon Ufos DraconiansFrom:Pocholo986Views:119 15ratingsTime:03:23More inEducation

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BeNNs – Genome – Video

Posted: at 7:43 pm

BeNNs - Genome
Help support me takes two clicks ! New Track learnt allot from this one ! sounding crisp and clear feed back appreciatedFrom:billbennsViews:1 1ratingsTime:04:49More inMusic

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BeNNs - Genome - Video

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Did Noah live 950 years? – Muslims question – Video

Posted: at 7:43 pm

Did Noah live 950 years? - Muslims question
Did Noah live 950 years? - Muslims question Muslims say: First explain how was year measured in the time of Noah? Was it 365 days? I am pretty sure they weren #39;t following Roman Calendar back then I know the day was same, what we don #39;t know is how they measured year Christian #39;s reply: It was measured by Jewish calendar I guess. Do you have any clue who measured it and who revealed it? Life expectancy decreased after the flood. There was flood, there are archeological evidences for it. Muslims say: Approx 1/5, 1/4 of genome of a person will be lost who lives up to 950 years.... Do you know what that means? That basically means... humans can #39;t live that long Christian #39;s reply: LOL, genome will not be lost because air pressure was much higher before the flood. Muslims say: Telomeres shortening has nothing to do with air pressure.. It #39;s intrinsic property of DNA replication Christian #39;s reply: It is intrinsic property today, you don #39;t have data what was it before the flood. Muslims say: So, basically now we have a person who didn #39;t even go through mitosis and lived up to 950 years.. mind blowing Christian #39;s reply: Age limit of humans is because of Genesis 6:3 so you are seeing the reflection of change that happened in Genesis 6:3. Genesis 6:3, And the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years." Genesis 9:29 So all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years; and he died.From:BibleAndQuranViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:49More inEducation

Did Noah live 950 years? - Muslims question - Video

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Craig Venter – Wiki Article – Video

Posted: at 7:43 pm

Craig Venter - Wiki Article
John Craig Venter (born October 14, 1946) is an American biologist and entrepreneur. He is known for being one of the first to sequence the human genome and for creating the first cell with a synthe... Craig Venter - Wiki Article - Original @ http All Information Derived from Wikipedia using Creative Commons License: Author: Article by Liza Gross, but no photo credit given Image URL: ( Creative Commons ASA 3.0 )From:WikiPlaysViews:0 0ratingsTime:24:18More inEducation

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Craig Venter - Wiki Article - Video

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Main Show Only -Lost Civilizations

Posted: at 7:43 pm

Main Show Only -Lost Civilizations Races Coast To Coast Am
WATCH THE LATEST VIDEO THAT CAME OUT TODAY HERE http If You Use Twitter heres the Twitter address or just click the twitter link on the right of the channel page Date: 05-16-12 Host: George Noory Guests: Patrick Chouinard, Marc Zicree, Doug Drexler, Neil Johnson Independent researcher, Pat Chouinard, discussed his work investigating the myths and traditions of ancient civilizations, why he believes they were actually real, and how archaeological discoveries suggest there were different species of humans roaming the planet in the past. He refuted the popular paranormal theory that ancient legends about #39;gods #39; are actually references to aliens. On the contrary, Chouinard contended that these tales are factual and that advanced, god-like beings as well as monsters and dragons are "true in the truest sense of the word." Over the course of the evening, Chouinard also talked about Caucasian mummies discovered in China, ET artifacts on Mars, and his belief in a "cosmic God," which oversees all of the universe. Chouinard detailed the intriguing findings revealed by the discovery of an ancient species of human dubbed the #39;X-Woman of Siberia. #39; According to him, genome information gleaned from the bones showed that it possessed the capacity for high intelligence and was neither neanderthal nor homo sapien. Based on the genetics, Chouinard described them as giants, compared to their bipedal ...From:USAMOONBASEViews:2 0ratingsTime:01:16:48More inEducation

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Main Show Only -Lost Civilizations

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Posted: at 7:43 pm

Autism The Grays - Bill McDonald - Coast to Coast AM Classic Date: 12-23-06 Host: Art Bell Guests: William Louis McDonald Researcher and author Bill McDonaldspoke about the dramatic rise in autistic children (from 1 in 10000 in 1996 to 1 out of 166 in 2006), as well as his family #39;s history with autism. McDonald discussed some possible causes of the developmental disorder, including changes made to the human genome by electromagnetic radiation. His most shocking theory, however, attributes the rise of a future race of sterile #39;Gray #39; aliens to the apparent present-day increase in autism in human beings. McDonald also shared details from his recent sighting of a large triangular UFO. Biography: Bill McDonald #39;s educational background is in the fields of military aviation via both USMC and the California Army National Guard; combined with forensic anthropology as an artist. His work experience was as an undercover private investigator for over twelve years, working for private agencies liaisoned with major metropolitan police departments, federal agencies and the military. At the same time he was a precision fantasy, technical, scientific and commercial illustrator who fell into forensics as far back as high school. He specializes in using correct investigative methods to conduct interviews with key specific witnesses in both criminal and paranormal cases, and the correct forensic procedures for rendering composite illustrations based on physical evidence and/or cooberated testimonies that can be used for legal inquest ...From:C2CPlanetViews:7 0ratingsTime:01:58:28More inEducation

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Insights into a Virus Proteome – Max Planck Scientists Identify Unknown Proteins of the Herpesviru

Posted: at 7:43 pm

23.11.2012 - (idw) Max-Planck-Institut fr Biochemie

The genome encodes the complete information needed by an organism, including that required for protein production. Viruses, which are up to a thousand times smaller than human cells, have considerably smaller genomes. Using a type of herpesvirus as a model system, the scientists of the Max Planck Institute (MPI) of Biochemistry in Martinsried near Munich and their collaboration partners at the University of California in San Francisco have shown that the genome of this virus contains much more information than previously assumed. The researchers identified several hundred novel proteins, many of which were surprisingly small. The results of the study have now been published in Science. More than 80 percent of the worlds population is infected with the herpesvirus, which can cause severe diseases in newborns and in persons with weakened immune system. Researchers had already sequenced the herpesvirus genome 20 years ago, thinking they could then predict all proteins that the virus produces (virus proteome). Now scientists from the research department of Matthias Mann, director at the MPI of Biochemistry, and their American colleagues have analyzed the information content of the genome more precisely.

Small but highly complex

To carry out their study, the scientists infected cells with herpesvirus and observed which proteins the virus produced inside the cell over a period of 72 hours. In order for proteins to be produced at all, the cell machinery must first make copies of the genetic material as intermediate products (RNA). While investigating the intermediate products of the herpesvirus, the American collaborators discovered many novel RNA molecules which were in large part surprisingly short. They also found that the organization of information required for protein production in the virus genome was far more complex than previously assumed. Annette Michalski, a scientist in the Department of Proteomics and Signal Transduction at the MPI of Biochemistry, was subsequently able to confirm directly the predicted viral proteins in the infected cell using mass spectrometry. This method enables an overview of the complete proteome of the virus-infected cell.

The results of the American and German researchers provide detailed insight into the complex mechanisms used by the virus. We showed that its not enough merely to know the virus genome to understand the biology of the herpesvirus, Annette Michalski said. What is important is to look at the products actually produced from the genome. Even human genes may be much more complex than the genome sequence itself indicates, commented the researchers. Matthias Mann and his colleagues plan to investigate this question further in the coming years.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Matthias Mann Proteomics and Signal Transduction Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry Am Klopferspitz 18 82152 Martinsried Germany e-mail:

Anja Konschak Public Relations Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry Am Klopferspitz 18 82152 Martinsried Germany Phone: +49 89 8578-2824 e-mail: function fbs_click() {u=location.href;t=document.title;''+encodeURIComponent(u)+'&t='+encodeURIComponent(t),'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=626,height=436');return false;} html .fb_share_link { padding:2px 0 0 20px; height:16px; background:url( no-repeat top left; } Share on Facebook Weitere Informationen: http://Further information: (Research Department Proteomics and Signal Transduction) (Hompage of Weissmann Lab at UCSF) Anhang Press Release (PDF)

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Insights into a Virus Proteome - Max Planck Scientists Identify Unknown Proteins of the Herpesviru

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New insights into virus proteome: Unknown proteins of the herpesvirus discovered

Posted: at 7:43 pm

ScienceDaily (Nov. 23, 2012) The genome encodes the complete information needed by an organism, including that required for protein production. Viruses, which are up to a thousand times smaller than human cells, have considerably smaller genomes. Using a type of herpesvirus as a model system, the scientists of the Max Planck Institute (MPI) of Biochemistry in Martinsried near Munich and their collaboration partners at the University of California in San Francisco have shown that the genome of this virus contains much more information than previously assumed.

The researchers identified several hundred novel proteins, many of which were surprisingly small. The results of the study have now been published in Science.

More than 80 percent of the world's population is infected with the herpesvirus, which can cause severe diseases in newborns and in persons with weakened immune system. Researchers had already sequenced the herpesvirus genome 20 years ago, thinking they could then predict all proteins that the virus produces (virus proteome). Now scientists from the research department of Matthias Mann, director at the MPI of Biochemistry, and their American colleagues have analyzed the information content of the genome more precisely.

Small but highly complex

To carry out their study, the scientists infected cells with herpesvirus and observed which proteins the virus produced inside the cell over a period of 72 hours. In order for proteins to be produced at all, the cell machinery must first make copies of the genetic material as intermediate products (RNA). While investigating the intermediate products of the herpesvirus, the American collaborators discovered many novel RNA molecules which were in large part surprisingly short.

They also found that the organization of information required for protein production in the virus genome was far more complex than previously assumed. Annette Michalski, a scientist in the Department of Proteomics and Signal Transduction at the MPI of Biochemistry, was subsequently able to confirm directly the predicted viral proteins in the infected cell using mass spectrometry. This method enables an overview of the complete proteome of the virus-infected cell.

The results of the American and German researchers provide detailed insight into the complex mechanisms used by the virus. "We showed that it's not enough merely to know the virus genome to understand the biology of the herpesvirus," Annette Michalski said. "What is important is to look at the products actually produced from the genome." Even human genes may be much more complex than the genome sequence itself indicates, commented the researchers. Matthias Mann and his colleagues plan to investigate this question further in the coming years.

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New insights into virus proteome: Unknown proteins of the herpesvirus discovered

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