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Category Archives: Robotics

Military Robotics, Market Incredible Possibilities, Growth with Industry Study, Detailed Analysis and Forecast to 2026 – 3rd Watch News

Posted: July 5, 2020 at 10:07 am

The research report on Global Military Robotics, Market provides up-to-date industry trends, the present market scenario, and the market forecast during 2020-2026. The complete analysis of Military Robotics, market on the global scale provides key details in form of graphs, statistics and tables which will help the market players in making key business decisions.

The Military Robotics, market report includes crucial insights regarding this business landscape and analyzes all the segments of this business vertical. The document delivers pivotal data pertaining to the key industry players and their respective gross earnings. Additionally, data regarding the regional scope and the competitive spectrum is mentioned in the study.

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The COVID-19 disease outbreak has forced worldwide governments to impose strict lockdowns. This has not only resulted in shutdown of processes and operations of various manufacturing, but also resulted in scarcity of labor. Additionally, insufficient supply of raw materials may result in modifications in terms of the expansion rate of Military Robotics, market in the subsequent years.

Underlining the key parts from the Military Robotics, market report:

Based on the regional spectrum of Military Robotics, market:

Highlighting the competitive landscape of Military Robotics, market:

Other aspects of Military Robotics, market research report:

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Report Highlights

Table of Contents

Report Overview:It includes six chapters, viz. research scope, major manufacturers covered, market segments by type, Military Robotics, market segments by application, study objectives, and years considered.

Global Growth Trends:There are three chapters included in this section, i.e. industry trends, the growth rate of key producers, and production analysis.

Military Robotics, Market Share by Manufacturer:Here, production, revenue, and price analysis by the manufacturer are included along with other chapters such as expansion plans and merger and acquisition, products offered by key manufacturers, and areas served and headquarters distribution.

Market Size by Type:It includes analysis of price, production value market share, and production market share by type.

Market Size by Application:This section includes Military Robotics, market consumption analysis by application.

Profiles of Manufacturers:Here, leading players of the global Military Robotics, market are studied based on sales area, key products, gross margin, revenue, price, and production.

Military Robotics, Market Value Chain and Sales Channel Analysis:It includes customer, distributor, Military Robotics, market value chain, and sales channel analysis.

Market Forecast Production Side: In this part of the report, the authors have focused on production and production value forecast, key producers forecast, and production and production value forecast by type.

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Contact Us:Corporate Sales,Market Study Report LLCPhone: 1-302-273-0910Toll Free: 1-866-764-2150 Email: [emailprotected]

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Military Robotics, Market Incredible Possibilities, Growth with Industry Study, Detailed Analysis and Forecast to 2026 - 3rd Watch News

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Taking steps toward ankle rehabilitation using soft robotics – ASU Now

Posted: at 10:07 am

Moving your foot requires flexing the muscles in your calf, ankle and the foot itself. But these seemingly simple actions can be difficult for people who develop muscle weakness or partial paralysis in their legs following a stroke (hemiparesis). The same is true for those with chronic ankle instability, often the result of a sports-related injury or neuromuscular diseases like multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

To support people in recovery, three student researchers have been working to create a soft robotic ankle-foot orthosis, or SR-AFO, exosuit that assists with lower-limb gait rehabilitation. The students research is guided by Hyunglae Lee, an assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University. Their project is funded by the Global Sport Institute at ASU. A soft robotics exosuit designed to assist with rehabilitation of the foot and ankle. The project, led by Fulton Schools students Marielle Debeurre, Tiffany Hertzell and Carly Thalman along with Assistant Professor Hyunglae Lee, was awarded the top prize at the WearRA Innovation Challenge earlier this year. Download Full Image

Most foot braces are stiff and uncomfortable, so the team wondered if they could create a dynamic brace that constantly adjusts itself with each step. Their prototype uses two groups of soft inflatable actuators that actively adapt to the user while they are using the device. One set of actuators braces the leg while the other assists with leg push-off during motion.

The unique design earned the top prize in the WearRA Innovation Challenge at the Wearable Robotics Association Conference 2020. Team members Marielle Debeurre, Tiffany Hertzell and Carly Thalman, as well as their advisor Lee, received $2,000 and free entry to the next WearRAcon. The win was a welcome recognition of the multidisciplinary team of students pursuing different degrees and bringing a range of experience levels to the project.

Thalman, a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow, started the project during her first year as a systems engineering doctoral student in spring 2018.

I was introduced to the field of soft robotics in my undergraduate studies at ASU and became fascinated with the idea that robots could be designed and configured in such nonconventional methodologies, Thalman said. The concept that a robot could mimic features and characteristics of biological structures, or be integrated seamlessly like clothing caught my eye right away, and I have been conducting research in the field ever since.

Systems engineering doctoral student Carly Thalman demonstrates the soft robotic ankle-foot orthosis exosuit during ASU Open Door 2020. Photo by Erika Gronek/ASU

She began the exosuit project by developing, modeling and creating the fabric-based contracting actuator. The design was originally developed to help individuals with a condition called drop foot, an inability to lift the front part of the foot. Her fabric actuator design helped users achieve multiple degrees of freedom for ankle mobility. She went on to improve supportive actuators for lateral buckling prevention.

After being exposed to more of the wearable robotics community and seeing ways that robotics are addressing issues with human mobility, I found motivation to see how my efforts could be dedicated to improving the quality of life for others, said Thalman, who has family members and close friends who have had strokes or overcome major ankle injuries and impairments. Seeing their struggles and challenges during and after recovery showed me just how much work still needs to be done in this field to address ongoing issues for those in rehabilitation and recovery from ankle and gait impairments.

Hertzell, a recent mechanical engineering graduate, worked on the project as part of the Fulton Undergraduate Research Initiative. She says that she learned from Thalman how versatile and effective soft robotic solutions are.

Traditional rigid robotic solutions can achieve the necessary motions to assist humans, but soft robotics can achieve the same motions in a more innovative way, Hertzell said. Soft robotics are more innovative because they are lighter weight, comfortable for the user, inexpensive and can still achieve the motions and force outputs of rigid robotics.

Debeurre joined Thalman on the project in spring 2020 while pursuing a masters degree in mechanical engineering. She brought with her the experience shed gained as an undergraduate researcher, for which she was named a Spring 2019Fulton Schools Outstanding Graduate.

It became a passion of mine to develop something that assists people in particular, said Debeurre, who is now a doctoral student at cole Nationale Suprieure dArts et Mtiers in France. Engineers are always talking about solving the worlds problems, and, while that is undoubtedly just in itself, work tends to feel the most rewarding when you see the improvement of the people youve helped.

Future directions for this project involve investigating more advanced methods of gait detection to allow the SR-AFO to easily adapt to the needs of the user. Examples include assisting the ankle in various directions for increased support and encouraging fast, more fluid walking patterns. The idea is the SR-AFO can easily adapt to any type of impairment with little adjustment, and can be comfortably worn during rehabilitation similar to a piece of clothing.

It only takes a short time for someone to realize just how extraordinary the field of soft robotics is, Debeurre said. Scientists, mathematicians and engineers spent all of human history trying to make technology more complex, but soft robotics prove that you can achieve comparable functionality with greater simplicity. The ingenuity and the technological achievements are still there, and due to the materials and simplicity of soft robots, we are able to design and manufacture the SR-AFO for a fraction of the cost of some rigid exoskeletons, and still see benefits for the user.

Thalman was a finalist in the WearRAcon Innovation Challenge in 2019 and says this years competition was an amazing opportunity to return and get additional firsthand experience working with others in the wearable robotics field.

Participating this year has allowed us to connect more with the wearable robotics community and get valuable feedback on how to proceed, she said. It also has provided us with much-needed funding for equipment, materials and supplies.

Thalman credits much of the teams success to Lee, her doctoral adviser.

It has been such an inspiration for me to work with him, seeing how he is able to motivate and ignite passion in the students in his lab, and create a culture of respect, integrity and collaboration, she said.

The team comprised of an undergraduate, a masters degree-level and a doctoral student pooled their talent and experience to learn from each other, exhibit excellent teamwork and achieve great things, like winning first place in a global competition in a very short time.

All of the team members are really smart, very creative, extremely hardworking and I really enjoyed every moment of mentoring, Lee said. The way they work together and help each other has also become a very good example for others in our lab.

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Taking steps toward ankle rehabilitation using soft robotics - ASU Now

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Energy Drone & Robotics Coalition to Gather Thousands at July Virtual Summit – Robotics Tomorrow

Posted: at 10:07 am

The Energy Drone & Robotics Coalition is bringing "unmanned" to a new level with the first major meeting opportunity of the year for thousands of UAV, robotics and data / AI industrial and energy leaders.

This July 14-16, the Energy Drone & Robotics Coalition global community will come together virtually for three days of live industry keynotes, asset owner panels and real-time moderated discussion groups on the most important industry topics. The virtual expo hall offers 1:1 meetings, energy company / team private meeting rooms, demos and focused use cases with hardware, software and service solution providers.

Breakout Session Streams include: Enterprise UAV Operations (including sessions on Industrial Drone Delivery & Unmanned Cargo and BVLOS) Energy Robotics & Automation Data / Analytics / AI

"We have partnered with next-gen digital platforms that go way beyond a series of webinars to actively connect the industrial / energy unmanned systems industry and give them access to interact on a global basis," said Sean Guerre, director of the Energy Drone & Robotics Coalition. "We see the ongoing need of connecting solution providers, reviewing innovative approaches and sharing sector knowledge as vital while the need for remote and unmanned operations accelerates."

This is the first of two summits being organized by the Energy Drone & Robotics Coalition this year. The second hybrid event, the postponed 4th annual Energy Drone & Robotics Summit, is taking place in Houston this November 10 - 11. "Hybrid" means that the event will take place both physically / in-person and simultaneously be held virtually / live streamed around the world to serve the community's needs for maximum participation and exchange of best practices, connections and technology updates.

Registration for the July 14 - 16 Energy Drone & Robotics Virtual Summer Summit is now open, available here.

Further details about the Energy Drone & Robotics Coalition's digital resources and virtual, live and hybrid events are available at

Exhibits and sponsorship opportunities are available, as well as group plans. Reach out to Sean Guerre, to discuss details.

About Energy Drone & Robotics Coalition

The Energy Drone & Robotics Coalition (EDR Coalition or EDRC), powered by InnovateEnergy, is focused on innovating industrial & energy operations with dynamic UAV, robotics, data and autonomous solutions. EDRC is dedicated to launching, growing and scaling enterprise unmanned systems operations in industrial / energy / engineering companies worldwide by bringing the major rapidly growing segments within the UAV / AUV / robotics ecosystem together with the energy industrial complex asset owners and end users.

These are the only events and information resources exclusively focused on the business and technology of unmanned systems (aerial, ground / surface & subsea) in energy operations from the "stars to the sea floor." Learn more at

About InnovateEnergy

From live events to digital resources with communities like Energy Drone & Robotics Coalition, InnovateEnergy is a single resource that delivers actionable content, executive insights, thought leadership, "how-to" and real-world use cases in multiple channels for energy digitization, technology and innovation leaders worldwide.

InnovateEnergy has a global audience of over 20,000 energy executives and digital innovation leaders, each involved with digitization efforts and technology integration from multiple industrial-focused enterprises, including Oil & Gas, Power / Utilities, Maritime, Wind / Solar, Chemical, Refining, Petrochemical, Energy Construction & Engineering and more.

Staying up-to-date on the latest digitization trends, best practices, news and solutions is a huge task as the areas for emerging technology in the energy industry rapidly evolve but InnovateEnergy is here to make it easy.


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Energy Drone & Robotics Coalition to Gather Thousands at July Virtual Summit - Robotics Tomorrow

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Service Robotics System, Market Expected to Witness High Growth over the Forecast Period 2020 2026 – 3rd Watch News

Posted: at 10:07 am

Market Study Report LLC has added a new report on Service Robotics System, Market Size that provides a comprehensive review of this industry with respect to the driving forces influencing the industry. Comprising the current and future trends defining the dynamics of this industry vertical, this report also incorporates the regional landscape of Service Robotics System, market in tandem with its competitive terrain.

The Service Robotics System, market report includes crucial insights regarding this business landscape and analyzes all the segments of this business vertical. The document delivers pivotal data pertaining to the key industry players and their respective gross earnings. Additionally, data regarding the regional scope and the competitive spectrum is mentioned in the study.

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The COVID-19 disease outbreak has forced worldwide governments to impose strict lockdowns. This has not only resulted in shutdown of processes and operations of various manufacturing, but also resulted in scarcity of labor. Additionally, insufficient supply of raw materials may result in modifications in terms of the expansion rate of Service Robotics System, market in the subsequent years.

Underlining the key parts from the Service Robotics System, market report:

Based on the regional spectrum of Service Robotics System, market:

Highlighting the competitive landscape of Service Robotics System, market:

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Report Highlights

Table of Contents

Report Overview:It includes six chapters, viz. research scope, major manufacturers covered, market segments by type, Service Robotics System, market segments by application, study objectives, and years considered.

Global Growth Trends:There are three chapters included in this section, i.e. industry trends, the growth rate of key producers, and production analysis.

Service Robotics System, Market Share by Manufacturer:Here, production, revenue, and price analysis by the manufacturer are included along with other chapters such as expansion plans and merger and acquisition, products offered by key manufacturers, and areas served and headquarters distribution.

Market Size by Type:It includes analysis of price, production value market share, and production market share by type.

Market Size by Application:This section includes Service Robotics System, market consumption analysis by application.

Profiles of Manufacturers:Here, leading players of the global Service Robotics System, market are studied based on sales area, key products, gross margin, revenue, price, and production.

Service Robotics System, Market Value Chain and Sales Channel Analysis:It includes customer, distributor, Service Robotics System, market value chain, and sales channel analysis.

Market Forecast Production Side: In this part of the report, the authors have focused on production and production value forecast, key producers forecast, and production and production value forecast by type.

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Service Robotics System, Market Expected to Witness High Growth over the Forecast Period 2020 2026 - 3rd Watch News

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Inspection Robotics in Oil and Gas Market Growth By Manufacturers, Type And Application, Forecast To 2026 – 3rd Watch News

Posted: at 10:07 am

New Jersey, United States,- Market Research Intellect sheds light on the market scope, potential, and performance perspective of the Global Inspection Robotics in Oil and Gas Market by carrying out an extensive market analysis. Pivotal market aspects like market trends, the shift in customer preferences, fluctuating consumption, cost volatility, the product range available in the market, growth rate, drivers and constraints, financial standing, and challenges existing in the market are comprehensively evaluated to deduce their impact on the growth of the market in the coming years. The report also gives an industry-wide competitive analysis, highlighting the different market segments, individual market share of leading players, and the contemporary market scenario and the most vital elements to study while assessing the global Inspection Robotics in Oil and Gas market.

The research study includes the latest updates about the COVID-19 impact on the Inspection Robotics in Oil and Gas sector. The outbreak has broadly influenced the global economic landscape. The report contains a complete breakdown of the current situation in the ever-evolving business sector and estimates the aftereffects of the outbreak on the overall economy.

Leading Inspection Robotics in Oil and Gas manufacturers/companies operating at both regional and global levels:

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The Inspection Robotics in Oil and Gas market report provides successfully marked contemplated policy changes, favorable circumstances, industry news, developments, and trends. This information can help readers fortify their market position. It packs various parts of information gathered from secondary sources, including press releases, web, magazines, and journals as numbers, tables, pie-charts, and graphs. The information is verified and validated through primary interviews and questionnaires. The data on growth and trends focuses on new technologies, market capacities, raw materials, CAPEX cycle, and the dynamic structure of the Inspection Robotics in Oil and Gas market.

This study analyzes the growth of Inspection Robotics in Oil and Gas based on the present, past and futuristic data and will render complete information about the Inspection Robotics in Oil and Gas industry to the market-leading industry players that will guide the direction of the Inspection Robotics in Oil and Gas market through the forecast period. All of these players are analyzed in detail so as to get details concerning their recent announcements and partnerships, product/services, and investment strategies, among others.

Sales Forecast:

The report contains historical revenue and volume that backing information about the market capacity, and it helps to evaluate conjecture numbers for key areas in the Inspection Robotics in Oil and Gas market. Additionally, it includes a share of each segment of the Inspection Robotics in Oil and Gas market, giving methodical information about types and applications of the market.

Reasons for Buying Inspection Robotics in Oil and Gas Market Report

This report gives a forward-looking prospect of various factors driving or restraining market growth.

It renders an in-depth analysis for changing competitive dynamics.

It presents a detailed analysis of changing competition dynamics and puts you ahead of competitors.

It gives a six-year forecast evaluated on the basis of how the market is predicted to grow.

It assists in making informed business decisions by performing a pin-point analysis of market segments and by having complete insights of the Inspection Robotics in Oil and Gas market.

This report helps the readers understand key product segments and their future.

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In the end, the Inspection Robotics in Oil and Gas market is analyzed for revenue, sales, price, and gross margin. These points are examined for companies, types, applications, and regions.

To summarize, the global Inspection Robotics in Oil and Gas market report studies the contemporary market to forecast the growth prospects, challenges, opportunities, risks, threats, and the trends observed in the market that can either propel or curtail the growth rate of the industry. The market factors impacting the global sector also include provincial trade policies, international trade disputes, entry barriers, and other regulatory restrictions.

About Us:

Market Research Intellect provides syndicated and customized research reports to clients from various industries and organizations with the aim of delivering functional expertise. We provide reports for all industries including Energy, Technology, Manufacturing and Construction, Chemicals and Materials, Food and Beverage, and more. These reports deliver an in-depth study of the market with industry analysis, the market value for regions and countries, and trends that are pertinent to the industry.

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Mr. Steven Fernandes

Market Research Intellect

New Jersey ( USA )

Tel: +1-650-781-4080

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Inspection Robotics in Oil and Gas Market Growth By Manufacturers, Type And Application, Forecast To 2026 - 3rd Watch News

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5 thoughts on Robotic Biped Walks On Inverse Kinematics – Hackaday

Posted: at 10:07 am

Robotics projects are always a favorite for hackers. Being able to almost literally bring your project to life evokes a special kind of joy that really drives our wildest imaginations. We imagine this is one of the inspirations for the boom in interactive technologies that are flooding the market these days. Well, [Technovation] had the same thought and decided to build a fully articulated robotic biped.

Each leg has pivot points at the foot, knee, and hip, mimicking the articulation of the human leg. To control the robots movements, [Technovation] uses inverse kinematics, a method of calculating join movements rather than explicitly programming them. The user inputs the end coordinates of each foot, as opposed to each individual joint angle, and a special function outputs the joint angles necessary to reach each end coordinate. This part of the software is well commented and worth your time to dig into.

In case you want to change the height of the robot or its stride length, [Technovation] provides a few global constants in the firmware that will automatically adjust the calculations to fit the new robots dimensions. Of all the various aspects of this project, the detailed write-up impressed us the most. The robot was designed in Fusion 360 and the parts were 3D printed allowing for maximum design flexibility for the next hacker.

Maybe [Technovations] biped will help resurrect the social robot craze. Until then, happy hacking.

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5 thoughts on Robotic Biped Walks On Inverse Kinematics - Hackaday

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Global Spinal Surgical Robots Market with COVID-19 After Effects Analysis by Top Key Players Kuka AG, Intuitive Surgical, Inc., Alliance Spine LLC,…

Posted: at 10:07 am

Spinal Surgical Robots Industry Overview Competitive Analysis, Regional and Global Analysis, Segment Analysis, Market Forecasts 2026

The globalSpinal Surgical Robots marketshave undergone huge change in the last few months. These changes were due to the outbreak of the pandemic which was first detected in the Wuhan city of China. COVID-19 which has occurred due to the coronavirus has taken many lives of people around the world. As the disease is spreading at a rapid rate many of the countries have ordered lockdown for maintaining social distancing. Due to the lockdown, many of the industries have halted their manufacturing units. There have been restrictions for cross border trading within the countries and also within the states. Owing to these conditions, trading conditions in various regions have been affected badly. The overall countries in the world are facing economic crisis thus affecting some of the major markets in the world.

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The research analysts from theMarket Research Storehave conducted a detailed study about the global Spinal Surgical Robots market. Owing to the above mentioned conditions, the global Spinal Surgical Robots market has undergone several changes on the global platform. All these updates are mentioned in the Spinal Surgical Robots market report study. The research analysts have conducted a thorough primary and secondary research for updating the market statistics as per the current market scenario. The detailed Spinal Surgical Robots market report is of over 150 pages including more than 30 tables and around 20 figures. The report includes pictorial representations of the market data in order to understand the Spinal Surgical Robots market in a simple and easy way.

The data that is included about the Spinal Surgical Robots market incorporates historical data from 2016 to 2019 and forecasts data from 2020 to 2026. The major players that are functioning in the Spinal Surgical Robots market areKuka AG, Intuitive Surgical, Inc., Alliance Spine LLC, Mazor Robotics Ltd, Medtronic Sofamor Danek, Inc., Nuvasive, Inc., Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc., Medtech S.A, Accuray Incorporated, Alphatec Spine Inc., Spineology Inc., Stryker Corporation, SpineFrontier, Inc.. Details about all the market players, distributors, suppliers, and retailers are profiled in the Spinal Surgical Robots market report.

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The Spinal Surgical Robots market is segmented into{Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Type 5}; {Laminectomy, Spine Fusion, Intervertebral Foramen, Intervertebral Disc Resection}. Each of the market segments is described in detail within the report. Data about the segments are represented in both qualitative and quantitative format, thus enabling to understand the market in detail.

Major Advantages for Spinal Surgical Robots Market:

Well-organized description of the international Spinal Surgical Robots market along with the ongoing inclinations and future considerations to reveal the upcoming investment areas. The all-inclusive market feasibility is examined to figure out the profit-making trends to obtain the most powerful foothold in the Spinal Surgical Robots industry. The Spinal Surgical Robots market report covers data which reveal major drivers, constraints, and openings with extensive impact analysis. The current market is quantitatively reviewed from 2019 to 2028 to pinpoint the monetary competency of the global Spinal Surgical Robots market. Last but not least, PORTERS Five Forces Analysis shows the effectiveness of the customers and providers from a global perspective.

If Any Inquiry of Spinal Surgical Robots Report:

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Global Spinal Surgical Robots Market with COVID-19 After Effects Analysis by Top Key Players Kuka AG, Intuitive Surgical, Inc., Alliance Spine LLC,...

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Duke researchers propose new means for controlling hundreds of robots – WRAL Tech Wire

Posted: at 10:07 am

In a building several stories tall with numerous rooms, hundreds of obstacles and thousands of places to inspect, the several dozen robots move as one cohesive unit. They spread out in a search pattern to thoroughly check the entire building while simultaneously splitting tasks so as to not waste time doubling back on their own paths or re-checking places other robots have already visited.

Such cohesion would be difficult for human controllers to achieve, let alone for an artificial controller to compute in real-time.

If a control problem has three or four robots that live in a world with only a handful of rooms, and if the collaborative task is specified by simple logic rules, there are state-of-the-art tools that can compute an optimal solution that satisfies the task in a reasonable amount of time, saidMichael M. Zavlanos, the Mary Milus Yoh and Harold L. Yoh, Jr. Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science at Duke University.

And if you dont care about the best solution possible, you can solve for a few more rooms and more complex tasks in a matter of minutes, but still only a dozen robots tops, Zavlanos said. Any more than that, and current algorithms are unable to overcome the sheer volume of possibilities in finding a solution.

In anew paper published online on April 29in The International Journal of Robotics Research, Zavlanos and his recent PhD graduate student, Yiannis Kantaros, who is now a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, propose a new approach to this challenge called STyLuS*, for large-Scale optimal Temporal Logic Synthesis, that can solve problems massively larger than what current algorithms can handle, with hundreds of robots, tens of thousands of rooms and highly complex tasks, in a small fraction of the time.

To understand the basis of the new approach, one must first understand linear temporal logic, which is not nearly as scary as it sounds. Suppose you wanted to program a handful of robots to collect mail from a neighborhood and deliver it to the post office every day. Linear temporal logic is a way of writing down the commands needed to complete this task.

For example, these commands might include to visit each house in sequential order, return back to the post office and then wait for someone to retrieve the collected mail before setting out again. While this might be easy to say in English, its more difficult to express mathematically. Linear temporal logic can do so by using its own symbols which, although might look like Klingon to the common observer, theyre extremely useful for expressing complex control problems.

The term linear is used because points in time have a unique successor based on discrete linear model of time, and temporal refers to the use of operators such as until, next, eventually and always, said Kantaros. Using this mathematical formalism, we can build complex commands such as visit all the houses except house two, visit houses three and four in sequential order, and wait until youve been to house one before going to house five.

To find robot controllers that satisfy such complex tasks, the location of each robot is mapped into a discrete data point called a node. Then, from each node, there exist multiple other nodes that are a potential next step for the robot.

A traditional controller searches through each one of these nodes and the potential paths to take between them before figuring out the best way to navigate its way through. But as the number of robots and locations to visit increase, and as the logic rules to follow become more sophisticated, the solution space becomes incredibly large in a very short amount of time.

A simple problem with five robots living in a world with ten houses could contain millions of nodes, capturing all possible robot locations and behaviors towards achieving the task. This requires a lot of memory to store and processing power to search through.

To skirt around this issue, the researchers propose a new method that, rather than constructing these incredibly large graphs in their entirety, instead creates smaller approximations with a tree structure. At every step of the process, the algorithm randomly selects one node from the large graph, adds it to the tree, and rewires the existing paths between the nodes in the tree to find more direct paths from start to finish.

This means that as the algorithm progresses, this tree that we incrementally grow gets closer and closer to the actual graph, which we never actually construct, said Kantaros. Since our incremental graph is much smaller, it is easy to store in memory. Moreover, since this graph is a tree, graph search, which otherwise has exponential complexity, becomes very easy because now we only need to trace the sequence of parent nodes back to the root to find the desired path.

It had been long accepted that growing trees could not be used to search the space of possible solutions for these types of robot control problems. But in the paper, Zavlanos and Kantaros show that they can make it work by implementing two clever tricks. First, the algorithm chooses the next node to add based on information about the task at hand, which allows the tree to quickly approximate a good solution to the problem. Second, even though the algorithm grows trees, it can still detect cycles in the original graph space that capture solutions to such temporal logic tasks.

The researchers show that this method will always find an answer if there is one, and it will always eventually find the best one possible. They also show that this method can arrive at that answer exponentially fast. Working with a problem of 10 robots searching through a 50-by-50 grid space 250 houses to pick up mail current state-of-the-art algorithms take 30 minutes to find an optimal solution.

STyLuS* does it in about 20 seconds.

We have even solved problems with 200 robots that live on a 100-by-100 grid world, which is far too large for todays algorithms to handle, said Zavlanos. While there currently arent any systems that use 200 robots to do something like deliver packages, there might be in the future. And they would need a control framework like STyLuS* to be able to deliver them while satisfying complex logic-based rules.

This research was supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (FA95501910169) and the Office of Naval Research (N000141812374).

CITATION: STyLuS*: A Temporal Logic Optimal Control Synthesis Algorithm for Large-Scale Multi-Robot Systems, Yiannis Kantaros, Michael M Zavlanos. The International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 39, no. 7, pp. 812-836, June 2020. DOI: 10.1177/0278364920913922

(C) Duke University

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Duke researchers propose new means for controlling hundreds of robots - WRAL Tech Wire

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Robotic Surgery Market Strategies and Insight Driven Transformation 2020-2025 – Jewish Life News

Posted: at 10:07 am

A report on Robotic Surgery market compiled by Brand Essence Market Research provides a succinct analysis regarding the values and trends existing in the current business scenario. The study also offers a brief summary of market valuation, market size, regional outlook and profit estimations of the industry. Furthermore, the report examines the competitive sphere and growth strategies of leading players in the Robotic Surgery market.

In 2018, the GlobalRobotic Surgery Marketsize was xx million US$ and it is expected to reach xx million US$ by the end of 2025, with a CAGR of xx% during 2019-2025.

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Key playersof the Robotic Surgery market are Intuitive Surgical, Inc., Auris Surgical Robotics, Medtech SA (Sub. Zimmer Biomet), Accuracy Inc., Smith & Nephew plc, Stryker Corporation., Corindus Vascular Robotics, Renishaw plc., Mazor Robotics, TransEnterix Surgical, Inc.

Robotic Surgery Market Segmentation:

Application: Urology,Gynecology,General Surgery,Thoracic Surgery,Cardiac Surgery,Neurosurgery,Others

Region Coverage (Regional Production, Demand & Forecast by Countries etc.):North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Italy, Russia, Spain etc.)Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, Southeast Asia etc.)South America (Brazil, Argentina etc.)Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, South Africa etc.)

Table of Contents

1 Report Overview1.1 Study Scope1.2 Key Market Segments1.3 Players Covered1.4 Market Analysis by Type1.4.1 Global Robotic Surgery Market Size Growth Rate by Type (2014-2025)1.4.2 Topical Products1.4.3 Botulinum1.4.4 Dermal Fillers1.4.5 Chemical Peels1.4.6 Microabrasion Equipment1.4.7 Laser Surfacing Treatments1.5 Market by Application1.5.1 Global Robotic Surgery Market Share by Application (2014-2025)1.5.2 Hospitals1.5.3 Dermatology Clinics1.6 Study Objectives1.7 Years Considered

2 Global Growth Trends2.1 Robotic Surgery Market Size2.2 Robotic Surgery Growth Trends by Regions2.2.1 Robotic Surgery Market Size by Regions (2014-2025)2.2.2 Robotic Surgery Market Share by Regions (2014-2019)2.3 Industry Trends2.3.1 Market Top Trends2.3.2 Market Drivers2.3.3 Market Opportunities

3 Market Share by Key Players3.1 Robotic Surgery Market Size by Manufacturers3.1.1 Global Robotic Surgery Revenue by Manufacturers (2014-2019)3.1.2 Global Robotic Surgery Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2014-2019)3.1.3 Global Robotic Surgery Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI)3.2 Robotic Surgery Key Players Head office and Area Served3.3 Key Players Robotic Surgery Product/Solution/Service3.4 Date of Enter into Robotic Surgery Market3.5 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans

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Robotic Surgery Market Strategies and Insight Driven Transformation 2020-2025 - Jewish Life News

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Robotic Mapping and Navigation Market to Witness Robust Expansion by 2026 with Top Key Players like Swisslog (KUKA), Omron Adept, Clearpath Robotics,…

Posted: at 10:07 am

Robotic Mapping and Navigation Market research is an intelligence report with meticulous efforts undertaken to study the right and valuable information. The data which has been looked upon is done considering both, the existing top players and the upcoming competitors. Business strategies of the key players and the new entering market industries are studied in detail. Well explained SWOT analysis, revenue share and contact information are shared in this report analysis.

Robotic Mapping and Navigation Market is growing at a High CAGR during the forecast period 2020-2026. The increasing interest of the individuals in this industry is that the major reason for the expansion of this market.

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Top Key Vendors of this Market are:

Swisslog (KUKA), Omron Adept, Clearpath Robotics, Vecna, Mobile Industrial Robots, SMP Robotics, Aethon, Locus Robotics, Fetch Robotics, Hi-Tech Robotic Systemz, Amazon Robotics.

Various factors are responsible for the markets growth trajectory, which are studied at length in the report. In addition, the report lists down the restraints that are posing threat to the global Robotic Mapping and Navigation market. It also gauges the bargaining power of suppliers and buyers, threat from new entrants and product substitute, and the degree of competition prevailing in the market. The influence of the latest government guidelines is also analyzed in detail in the report. It studies the Robotic Mapping and Navigation markets trajectory between forecast periods.

The report provides insights on the following pointers:

Market Penetration:Comprehensive information on the product portfolios of the top players in the Robotic Mapping and Navigation market.

Product Development/Innovation:Detailed insights on the upcoming technologies, R&D activities, and product launches in the market.

Competitive Assessment: In-depth assessment of the market strategies, geographic and business segments of the leading players in the market.

Market Development:Comprehensive information about emerging markets. This report analyzes the market for various segments across geographies.

Market Diversification:Exhaustive information about new products, untapped geographies, recent developments, and investments in the Robotic Mapping and Navigation market.

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The report summarized the high revenue that has been generated across locations like, North America, Japan, Europe, Asia, and India along with the facts and figures of Robotic Mapping and Navigation market. It focuses on the major points, which are necessary to make positive impacts on the market policies, international transactions, speculation, and supply demand in the global market.

Reasons for buying this report:

Table of Contents

Global Robotic Mapping and Navigation Market Research Report 2020 2026

Chapter 1 Robotic Mapping and Navigation Market Overview

Chapter 2 Global Economic Impact on Industry

Chapter 3 Global Market Competition by Manufacturers

Chapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by Region

Chapter 5 Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions

Chapter 6 Global Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type

Chapter 7 Global Market Analysis by Application

Chapter 8 Manufacturing Cost Analysis

Chapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Buyers

Chapter 10 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors/Traders

Chapter 11 Market Effect Factors Analysis

Chapter 12 Global Robotic Mapping and Navigation Market Forecast

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Robotic Mapping and Navigation Market to Witness Robust Expansion by 2026 with Top Key Players like Swisslog (KUKA), Omron Adept, Clearpath Robotics,...

Posted in Robotics | Comments Off on Robotic Mapping and Navigation Market to Witness Robust Expansion by 2026 with Top Key Players like Swisslog (KUKA), Omron Adept, Clearpath Robotics,…

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