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Category Archives: Putin

Russian Election Authorities Pick Pro-War Symbol, Putins Favorite Slogan for Presidential Campaign Promo – The Moscow Times

Posted: February 1, 2024 at 10:32 pm

A pro-war symbol and one of President Vladimir Putins favorite quotes have been chosen as the official logo and slogan of the 2024 presidential election, in what observers say is an effort to indirectly influence the public to vote for the incumbent leader.

The Central Election Commission (CEC) announced Monday that the Latin letter V in the colors of the Russian flag alongside the words Together we are strong vote for Russia! would be used to promote the March 17 election.

The letter V, which first appeared on tanks headed toward Ukraine in early 2022, has since been used by Russian officials to signify support for the invasion while Putin often uses the phrase Together we are strong at public events.

The presidential administration knew in advance that the CEC would propose a war-related logo design, The Moscow Times has learned.

The Kremlin conveyed its wishes to the CEC in advance. [The logo] had to be clearly linked to the special military operation, a source close to the presidential administration told The Moscow Times, using the Kremlins term for the war.

Putin in particular was keen to use this symbolism, added the source, who requested anonymity because he was not authorized to publicly discuss election preparations.

The symbol and slogan were chosen to indirectly show that the votes primary purpose is to re-elect the boss [Putin], two Russian government officials told The Moscow Times by phone.

This phrase is associated with the president. For Russia, we have only Vladimir Putin. All the other candidates are not real competitors to him, pose no threat, one of the officials said, requesting anonymity.

The slogan, though not a direct act of campaigning for Putin, can be seen as an indirect promotion of his candidacy because he often says it, independent election observers told The Moscow Times.

The letter V, which only became a public symbol after the invasion of Ukraine, is likewise an implied endorsement of the aggression against Ukraine that Putin launched, independent election expert Roman Udot said.

"Even if the CEC believes that the majority of citizens support the operation, one should not forget about the minority, whose rights the CEC should also take into account," Udot told The Moscow Times.

The Moscow Times has sent a request for comment to the CEC and is waiting for a response.

Since Putins inauguration over 20 years ago, Kremlin political consultants have painted him as a strongman.That image remains his trademark to this day.

But since the 2014 annexation of Crimea from Ukraine, Putin has also repeatedly invoked the theme of Russian unity against the unjust intrigues of the West.

These populist phrases and quotes often make their way onto the Putin merchandise commonly seen in Russian online stores and gift shops.

He has said the quote chosen as the CEC's slogan Together we are strong! several times in recent years, such as in 2018, when he spoke from a podium in annexed Sevastopol.

"We have become stronger because we are together!" he said in the fall of 2022 after the Kremlin claimed to have annexed Ukraines Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions.

The phrase was also heard at last months ceremonial meeting in the Kremlin, where Putin agreed to run for a fifth presidential term.

"The military on the frontlines asked me to tell you, dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, to stay with us, because together we are strong, and with you, we will win, you are our president," one of the ceremonys participants told Putin.

Today, one can buy a refrigerator magnet bearing this phrase, with a photo of young Putin against a background of the Russian flag and the double-headed eagle.

A passport cover priced at just over $2 shows Putin with a clenched fist and a tense expression as he speaks at a pro-Kremlin rally in Moscow. A similar badge is on sale for just 20 cents.

The Russian version of AliExpress sellsan army-green T-shirt bearing the same phrase along with Putin's image flanked by two servicemen wearing tactical clothing and carrying rifles as a military helicopter flies overhead.

The CEC is required by law to inform voters about the election, Russian election lawyer Oleg Molchanov told The Moscow Times.

He said that he saw no sign of favoritism for Putin in the CECs chosen slogan.

It is up to the CEC to decide how exactly to inform [the public]. This is often done with a single slogan, Molchanov said. Its quality is subjective. Any slogan will be liked by some, and disliked by others. Some people might see a call to action, which is not prohibited by law, others might not.

Konstantin Kostin, a former senior Kremlin official who now heads a foundation close to the Kremlin, also said he did not see an effort to influence the public to vote for Putin in the campaign branding.

The objective of the campaign is to stimulate turnout. The idea together plus appealing to the patriotic consensus, Kostin told The Moscow Times.

Putin has always exploited the theme of strength, said political analyst Abbas Gallyamov, a former Putin speechwriter turned exiled critic.

So we can assume that the current slogan was deliberately invented for the CEC to indirectly strengthen Putin's position and create a sense of a lack of alternatives, Gallyamov told The Moscow Times.

In Russian elections at all levels, official information campaigns often resemble those of candidates from the ruling United Russia party sometimes to the point of confusion, David Kankia, an elections analyst at independent election monitor Golos, told The Moscow Times.

The same political consultants will often produce campaign posters for election commissions and United Russia candidates at the same time, Golos co-chair Andrei Buzin said.

From the legal standpoint, there is probably no violation, Kankia said. But from the point of view of common sense, there is.

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Russian Election Authorities Pick Pro-War Symbol, Putins Favorite Slogan for Presidential Campaign Promo - The Moscow Times

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Russians who want rid of Putin pin election hopes on anti-war candidate Boris Nadezhdin – The Guardian

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Russians who want rid of Putin pin election hopes on anti-war candidate Boris Nadezhdin  The Guardian

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Russians who want rid of Putin pin election hopes on anti-war candidate Boris Nadezhdin - The Guardian

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Secret Putin Residence Discovered Near Finland Dossier Center – The Moscow Times

Posted: at 10:32 pm

President Vladimir Putin is believed to own a highly guarded residence near Russia's border with Finland, the investigative outlet Dossier Center reported Monday.

Located 30 kilometers from Finland in northwestern Russias republic of Karelia, the residence allegedly belonging to Putin features three modern-style houses on the shore of Marjalahti Bay, two helipads, several yacht piers, a trout farm and a farm with cows for marbled beef production.

Drone footage of the property, with an area of about one square kilometer, also reveals a waterfall that the Dossier Center says was stolen from the Ladoga Skerries National Park.

Journalists did not say how they were able to capture the aerial images, noting only that they had managed tobypass 24-hour security, intelligence officers and drone signal jamming to produce its video report, which bears resemblance to anti-corruption investigations by jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny.

A square-shaped embankment that reportedly appeared on the grounds of the Karelia residence two years ago, along with vehicle markings visible on the grass, may indicate signs of what the Dossier Center describes as an anti-aircraft system.

Local residents say Putin visits the property at least once a year, according to the outlet.

Close associates of the Russian leader are said to have ordered the secretive residence's construction, which began more than 10 years ago.

The residence is part of businessman and financer Yury Kovalchuks network of companies that deal with the presidents leisure activities and are responsible for all of his real estate, according to Dossier.

A nearby hotel is owned by Kovalchuk and a neighboring residence is owned by former Chelsea football club owner Roman Abramovich, the outlet said, citing Russias property registry.

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Vladimir Putin Accuses Kyiv Of Trying To Provoke Russia After 2 Years Of Shelling Ukraine – HuffPost UK

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Vladimir Putin Accuses Kyiv Of Trying To Provoke Russia After 2 Years Of Shelling Ukraine  HuffPost UK

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Vladimir Putin Accuses Kyiv Of Trying To Provoke Russia After 2 Years Of Shelling Ukraine - HuffPost UK

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Russian Anti-War Candidacy Bid An Unexpected Obstacle In Kremlin’s Effort To Smoothly Reinstall Putin – Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty

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Russian Anti-War Candidacy Bid An Unexpected Obstacle In Kremlin's Effort To Smoothly Reinstall Putin  Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty

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Russian Anti-War Candidacy Bid An Unexpected Obstacle In Kremlin's Effort To Smoothly Reinstall Putin - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty

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Russian Officials Further Stack Deck in Favor of Putin’s Reelection – Newsweek

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Russian Officials Further Stack Deck in Favor of Putin's Reelection  Newsweek

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Russian Officials Further Stack Deck in Favor of Putin's Reelection - Newsweek

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Russias anti-war presidential candidate submits bid to run against Putin – Semafor

Posted: at 10:32 pm

The Russian anti-war candidate Boris Nadezhdin has caused a stir in Russias upcoming presidential election expected to be a closely managed victory lap for Vladimir Putin after rallying the Russian opposition and gathering widespread support for his campaign to run against the countrys longtime leader.

Nadezhdin on Wednesday submitted more than 100,000 signatures to Russias election commission, which will assess their authenticity and decide within 10 days whether he is eligible to compete against Putin for the presidency in the March vote.

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Russias anti-war presidential candidate submits bid to run against Putin - Semafor

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Kremlin Hopes Armenia Joining ICC Will Not Affect Relations – The Moscow Times

Posted: at 10:32 pm

Moscow said Thursday that it hopes Armenia joining the International Criminal Court (ICC) would not affect relations between the two countries.

Armenia, which formally joined the Hague-based court on Thursday, has gradually distanced itself from Russia in recent months.

Yerevan is now required to arrest President Vladimir Putin if he sets foot on Armenian territory, as the ICC issued an arrest warrant for the Russian leader earlier last year.

"It's important for us that such decisions do not negatively impact de jure and de facto our bilateral relations, which we value and which we want to develop further," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

Peskov added that Armenia's decision to become a state party to the ICC was its "sovereign right."

But the Kremlin has previously warned Yerevan that joining the Hague-based court would be the "wrong decision."

Meanwhile, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has sought to portray the move as directed against Yerevan's foe Azerbaijan, not Moscow.

In recent months, however, he has made critical comments about Russia's role in the South Caucasus.

Yerevan has grown impatient with Russia over its failure to back Armenia in its long-standing conflict with Azerbaijan over control of the enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh.

It says Russian peacekeeping forces did not act to stop Azerbaijan's lightning offensive to retake control of the region in September.

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Kremlin Hopes Armenia Joining ICC Will Not Affect Relations - The Moscow Times

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In shadow of Trump, Putin and Orbn, EU struggles to get its act together on Ukraine – POLITICO Europe

Posted: at 10:32 pm

The war in Ukraine has also laid bare the EUs limited arms production capacities, with Brussels now struggling to catch up after decades of underinvestment. A potential Trump return puts extra pressure on Europe to beef up its defense capabilities especially given his recent vow to strike a peace deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin over the heads of Ukraine and the EU.

If the world becomes even more difficult, for example as a result of the possible election results in the USA, then the European Union must become all the stronger, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Wednesday. And France and Germany must take on this task so that this is actually possible. Europe is the strongest national interest we have.

On Thursday, European leaders are also expected to discuss the EUs military aid to Ukraine as they struggle to reach a deal on the European Peace Facility the off-budget cash pot used to reimburse capitals for arms delivery to Ukraine.

The idea is to sign off as soon as possible on a 5 billion top-up and to move toward joint European procurement of weapons. Hungary, which was critical of this decision, has softened its line on setting up a new branch of the peace facility, the Ukraine Assistance Fund to provide weapons to Ukraine. Still, diplomats said that more work needs to be done for all European capitals to sign off on it.

Speaking to reporters in Brussels on Wednesday evening, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas summed up the mood when she said: Theres definitely geopolitical pressure Is Europe able to deliver on the promises given?

Putin and Russia dont believe in multilateralism, they dont believe that we are able to keep this unity. And if we are falling apart, then its definitely a win for the Russian side.

GregorioSorgi, Nicolas Camut, Claudia Chiappa and Clea Caulcutt contributed reporting.

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In shadow of Trump, Putin and Orbn, EU struggles to get its act together on Ukraine - POLITICO Europe

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Putin registered as fourth candidate in Russian presidential election – Yahoo News

Posted: at 10:32 pm

Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin has officially received approval from Russia's Central Election Commission as the fourth candidate to run in the presidential election in March.

The remaining applicants have until January 31 to submit the necessary signatures of eligible voters and documents for registration as candidates, returning officer Ella Pamfilova said in Moscow on Monday.

So far, only candidates who are considered to have no chance or who even support Putin have been admitted. As representatives of the parliamentary parties, they did not have to submit any signatures of support.

The election will take place from March 15 to March 17.

The 71-year-old Putin, who has been in power for almost a quarter of a century, did not want to be nominated by the Kremlin party United Russia, but rather run as an individual candidate. He had the necessary supporting signatures collected, which were now found to be valid after a random check.

An election victory for Putin is considered certain. It would be his fifth term in office, which he had made possible through a constitutional amendment.

In 2030, the former intelligence chief, who has been waging war against Ukraine for almost two years, could run for election again - as president for another six years.

In Russia, the Kremlin candidate has always been declared the winner of the election.

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