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Category Archives: Psychedelics

Research Story Tip: Psychedelic Drug Psilocybin Tamps Down Brains Ego …

Posted: February 20, 2023 at 1:16 pm

Perhaps no region of the brain is more fittingly named than the claustrum, taken from the Latin word for hidden or shut away. The claustrum is an extremely thin sheet of neurons deep within the cortex, yet it reaches out to every other region of the brain. Its true purpose remains hidden away as well, with researchers speculating about many functions. For example, Francis Crick of DNA-discovery fame believed that the claustrum is the seat of consciousness, responsible for awareness and sense of self.

What is known is that this region contains a large number of receptors targeted by psychedelic drugs such as LSD or psilocybin the hallucinogenic chemical found in certain mushrooms. To see what happens in the claustrum when people are on psychedelics, Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers compared the brain scans of people after they took psilocybin with their scans after taking a placebo.

Their findings were published online on May 23, 2020, in the journal NeuroImage.

The scans after psilocybin use showed that the claustrum was less active, meaning the area of the brain believed responsible for setting attention and switching tasks is turned down when on the drug. The researchers say that this ties in with what people report as typical effects of psychedelic drugs, including feelings of being connected to everything and reduced senses of self or ego.

Our findings move us one step closer to understanding mechanisms underlying how psilocybin works in the brain, says Frederick Barrett, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and a member of the schools Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research. This will hopefully enable us to better understand why its an effective therapy for certain psychiatric disorders, which might help us tailor therapies to help people more.

Because of its deep-rooted location in the brain, the claustrum has been difficult to access and study. Last year, Barrett and his colleagues at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, developed a method to detect brain activity in the claustrum using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).

For this new study, the researchers used fMRI with 15 people and observed the claustrum brain region after the participants took either psilocybin or a placebo. They found that psilocybin reduced neural activity in the claustrum by 15% to 30%. This lowered activity also appeared to be associated with stronger subjective effects of the drug, such as emotional and mystical experiences. The researchers also found that psilocybin changed the way that the claustrum communicated with brain regions involved in hearing, attention, decision-making and remembering.

With the highly detailed imaging of the claustrum provided by fMRI, the researchers next hope to look at the mysterious brain region in people with certain psychiatric disorders such as depression and substance use disorder. The goal of these experiments will be to see what roles, if any, the claustrum plays in these conditions. The researchers also plan to observe the claustrums activity when under the influence of other psychedelics, such as salvinorin A, a hallucinogen derived from a Mexican plant.

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Research Story Tip: Psychedelic Drug Psilocybin Tamps Down Brains Ego ...

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Psychedelics: Risks, benefits, and more – Medical News Today

Posted: February 18, 2023 at 5:30 am

Psychedelics are a group of psychoactive drugs that can induce hallucinations and feelings of euphoria. Although some research suggests they can treat certain mental health conditions, they can cause dependence and be dangerous if misused.

Some cultures use psychedelics for religious and spiritual practices. People also use psychedelics for recreational purposes, although many psychedelic substances are controlled and illegal in the United States.

Emerging evidence suggests that certain psychedelics may have medicinal benefits for a range of health conditions, particularly common mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression.

This article discusses the characteristics, potential medicinal benefits, and risks of psychedelics.

Psychedelics are also known as hallucinogens because taking them can result in hallucinations. Hallucinations are sensory experiences that cause a person to see, hear, smell, taste, or feel things that are not really there. Someone who takes psychedelics may experience changes in their awareness of their thoughts and surroundings.

Some psychedelics come from plants or mushrooms (often referred to as magic mushrooms), while others are synthetic and manufactured by humans.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), there are two main types of psychedelics: classic hallucinogens and dissociative drugs.

Classic hallucinogens include substances such as:

LSD is a potent mind-altering chemical that is clear or white in color and has no smell. It is made from lysergic acid, which is found in a fungus that grows on grains.

Psilocybin is the main active ingredient in magic mushrooms, which include a wide range of mushrooms found in tropical and subtropical regions of South America, Mexico, and the U.S.

Peyote is a small cactus native to Mexico and southern regions of the U.S. It can also be synthetic.

It is used in some Native American religious ceremonies, but the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) restricts it as a Schedule I substance. It contains mescaline, which can cause hallucinations, altered body image, and euphoria.

DMT is a powerful chemical present in certain plant groups, including Phalaris, Delosperma, Acacia, Mimosa, and in the leaves of citrus plants. People can make a tea called ayahuasca, which is also known as hoasca, aya, or yag, from the natural plant version.

There is also a synthetic version of DMT, which is a white powder that people can smoke.

251-NBOMe is a synthetic substance originally developed by neuroscience researchers. It has similar qualities to LSD and MDMA. MDMA stands for 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, and is a recreational psychoactive drug. However, 251-NBOMe is more powerful than LSD and MDMA.

Dissociative drugs include substances such as:

Surgeons used PCP in the 1950s as a general anesthetic, but manufacturers stopped producing it due to its serious side effects, which included postoperative delirium and hallucinations. At high doses, PCP can cause seizures, severe muscle contractions, violent or aggressive behavior, and symptoms of psychosis.

At lower doses, PCP can cause feelings of detachment from a persons surroundings and self, slurred speech, and loss of coordination. It is also a strong pain reliever.

The effects of PCP can develop within 25 minutes after smoking, and 3060 minutes after swallowing. Some people experience these effects for 48 hours.

It is an illegal, schedule II controlled drug. Its street names include:

A person can consume PCP by smoking, snorting, or swallowing the drug. It comes in powder, crystal, tablet, capsules, and liquid forms, with powder and liquid PCP being the most commonly sold forms.

Doctors and veterinarians use ketamine as an anesthetic for humans and animals undergoing surgery.

According to the DEA, most of the illegally-distributed ketamine is stolen from veterinary surgeries. It is often sold at parties, nightclubs, and raves. It is manufactured commercially as a liquid or powder. Liquid ketamine can be mixed into drinks. Powder ketamine can be smoked and snorted.

A person who takes ketamine may experience distortions to sights and sounds, feelings of dissociation, and a sense of calm. It also relieves pain.

It is also used to facilitate sexual assault and is also known as a date rape drug.

Its effects can last for 3060 minutes.

Its street names include:

DXM is found in a wide range of over-the-counter cold and cough medicines, such as syrups, tablets, and gel capsules. It is a cough suppressor that does not tend to cause side effects.

It is not an illegal or controlled substance because it is used to treat health conditions. When taken as a treatment for a cough, a typical dose for adults is between 1530 milligrams (mg), three to four times a day.

However, some people misuse DXM to achieve the feelings of euphoria it creates when taken in doses of 2501,500 mg much higher than the therapeutic range.

When a person takes DXM at these higher doses, it can have hallucinatory effects. It can also cause confusion, inappropriate laughter, agitation, paranoia, and a feeling of floating.

Salvia is a plant native to Mexico.

Its common street names are Maria Pastora, sally-D, and salvia.

People can smoke, chew, or vaporize Salvia, and its effects can come on quickly.

Some effects can include seeing bright lights and colors, shapes, and visual distortions of bodies or objects. It can also cause feelings of panic, fear, and paranoia, as well as hallucinations and uncontrollable laughter.

According to the DEA, Salvia is not a controlled substance under the Controlled Substances Act, although some U.S. states do control it.

Researchers have found a range of possible medical benefits of psychedelics, including:

An animal study published in Neuropsychopharmacologyin 2022 suggests that repeat doses of LSD over time can help to reduce stress-related anxiety and depression symptoms.

In terms of LSDs effects on humans, a 2018 study in Psychopharmacology found that people taking LSD in conjunction with having psychotherapy sessions reported increased feelings of happiness, trust, and empathy, resulting in positive social effects and altruism.

Furthermore, in 2019, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approved a drug closely related to ketamine, called esketamine, for treating severe depression in people for whom other treatments dont work.

Psilocybin may also be helpful in the treatment of depression and anxiety when these mental health conditions are specifically linked to life threatening diseases, according to a 2020 systematic review and meta-analyses of clinical trials in Biomedicines.

Authors of a 2017 study into the therapeutic effects of psilocybin stated that more research is needed to confirm whether this particular psychedelic can benefit OCD after a small, 2009 study stated it decreased OCD symptoms in all of its study participants.

The 2017 study stated that participants experienced reductions in their symptoms regardless of the dose they took and questioned whether the results were influenced by a placebo effect.

In a 2017 qualitative study in Harm Reduction Journal, researchers explored how alternative treatments, including psychedelics, could help people with migraine and cluster headaches. People using these substances for this purpose reported that psilocybin, LSD, and related psychedelics worked to prevent and treat cluster headaches and migraine.

According to a 2018 review, between the 1950s and 1970s, researchers carried out early phase studies investigating the effectiveness of classic psychedelics, but then discontinued their work. However, the evidence available from that time suggests that classic hallucinogens can be effective therapies, especially in the case of treating alcoholism with LSD.

Additionally, the authors of a 2020 systematic review found evidence to further support this therapeutic use.

This research presents encouraging evidence for the use of psychedelics in the treatment of a range of health conditions. However, researchers need to carry out more, and larger, well-designed clinical trials to help medical regulatory agencies decide whether to authorize psychedelics as medical treatments.

People who use psychedelics may experience one or several of a range of side effects, which range from moderate to severe. Along with the altered perception of reality that comes with hallucinations, which may be frightening to experience, short-term side effects of psychedelics can include paranoia and psychosis.

Psychedelic-induced psychosis can also persist in some people. These individuals can experience ongoing mental health issues, such as paranoia, altered mood, and visual disturbances.

Other people may experience a type of flashback known as Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD). The flashbacks can happen between a few days to over a year after the person took the psychedelics. People have sometimes mistaken the associated symptoms for a stroke or brain tumor.

In the most serious of cases, the long-term effects of using dissociative drugs, in particular, may include suicidal thoughts.

Psychedelics come in two main categories: classic hallucinogens and dissociative drugs. Emerging research suggests a range of potential therapeutic uses for psychedelics, from treating anxiety and depression to reducing the symptoms of OCD.

However, scientists need to carry out more clinical studies to investigate how effective psychedelics are for health conditions and the safety and long-term effects of psychedelics.

Additionally, many psychedelics are illegal and can cause dependence.

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Psychedelics: Risks, benefits, and more - Medical News Today

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Psychedelic Drug Effects, Side Effects & Dangers

Posted: January 25, 2023 at 8:26 am

Psychedelics or psychedelic drugs, are a subclass of a broader class of drugs commonly referred to as hallucinogenic drugs. These drugs alter ones conscious perception and thinking processes (cognition) in such a manner that the individuals conscious experience of the world is altered in a way different than other drugs alter it.

For instance, central nervous system depressants and central nervous system stimulants simply amplify familiar states of conscious experience, whereas psychedelic drugs alter these in such a manner that they are no longer familiar states, but to many people represent new states of consciousness.

Most of these drugs are believed to primarily affect the neurotransmitter serotonin, although many have multiple effects.

There is a misconception that marijuana and/or cannabis products are hallucinogens; however, these actually belong to the drug class cannabinoids, which is a class of drugs that does exhibit some hallucinogenic properties but also exhibits properties of stimulants and central nervous system depressants. The hallucinogenic properties of cannabis pale in comparison to the hallucinogenic properties of the drugs discussed in this article.

Apart from different cultural variations in the use of peyote and other mushrooms, typical users of psychedelic drugs are younger, often fairly well educated, and often individuals seeking to broaden their spiritual or cognitive experiences. These drugs are frequently mixed with other drug. Individuals who mix psychedelic drugs with other drugs are often putting themselves at risk due to poor judgment and potential overdose issues with drugs like alcohol, narcotic drugs, benzodiazepines, and stimulants.

Take our free, 5-minute substance abuse self-assessment below if you think you or someone you love might be struggling with substance abuse. The evaluation consists of 11 yes or no questions that are intended to be used as an informational tool to assess the severity and probability of a substance use disorder. The test is free, confidential, and no personal information is needed to receive the result.

LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is a drug that even when taken in very small amounts produces very powerful alterations of mood and vivid visual hallucinations. Most often, individuals who take LSD experience euphoria; however, three can be quite a range of symptoms that include extreme wellbeing to feelings of severe anxiety and even of total despair and hopelessness. LSD is typically taken in a tablet or a liquid form that can be taken with certain types of ingestible papers.

The typical doses individuals who use LSD take are very small, between 100 and 200 micromilligrams, and they produce long-lasting effects that can last up to 12 hours. There appear to be no recorded fatalities from overdosing on LSD alone, and reports in the literature of LSD overdoses often include the use of LSD with other potentially dangerous drugs. Case studies reporting the reactions of individuals from very high doses of LSD indicate that no significant long-term effects occurred in these people.

There remains to be no significant documented physical effects from long-term use of LSD. Even though individuals appear to develop some level of tolerance to LSD, there is no significant literature describing withdrawal symptoms; thus, there is no evidence that physical dependence on LSD occurs. There does not appear to be any significant literature associating LSD use with the development of a substance use disorder or addiction, although there are most certainly isolated cases of chronic LSD abuse.

There are some potential emotional issues that appear to be associated with long-term use of LSD. Some research reports that some long-term users of LSD may have higher rates of depression, anxiety, and issues with motivation to engage in typical everyday tasks. Individuals undergoing negative experiences (bad trips) can potentially develop serious emotional issues.

Of course, individuals under the influence of LSD are prone to poor decision-making and may suffer accidents related to very vivid perceptual distortions, such as visual hallucinations. There is a potential for a small proportion individuals to develop flashbacks weeks to even years following chronic use of LSD, a condition known as hallucinogen-induced persistent perception disorder (see below).

There are over 100 species of mushrooms that contain the psychoactive substance psilocybin. Many of these also contain other psychoactive substances that act in similar manner to psilocybin. Magic mushrooms that contain psilocybin (4-phosphoryloxy-N, N-dimethyltryptamine) are typically eaten. Common responses include:

There appear to be no documented case studies of fatalities as a result of overdosing on magic mushrooms alone, as individuals who have suffered fatalities after using mushrooms are also known to have used other potentially dangerous drugs in combination with the mushrooms. Of course, this does not mean that it is impossible to overdose to the point where there is a potential risk.

There are also no reports of physical dependence developing from chronic use of psilocybin (exhibiting both tolerance and withdrawal); however, tolerance probably does occur in isolation in people who use the drug regularly. Because of the powerful sensory distortions produced by the drug, individuals under the influence of the drug are certainly prone to engaging in poor judgment and in being associated in accidents. In addition, there might be some instances of several emotional discomfort or even potential psychosis due to the hallucinogenic effects caused by the drug.

Peyote is a spineless cactus that needs a number of small protrusions that are commonly referred to as buttons. The buttons are taken and processed for the psychoactive ingredients found in peyote. The buttons are cut off and then dried out. They can be soaked in alcohol or water, or chewed. Some individuals grind the buttons into powder and smoke it.

The drug processed from peyote is mescaline, a well-known hallucinogenic drug. In the United States, certain members of Native American tribes and churches are allowed to use peyote in their religious services, even though it is classified by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration as a Schedule I controlled substance.

The effects of peyote include:

Like the other drugs mentioned above, it appears that tolerance to mescaline (peyote) develops rather rapidly; however, there are no reports of physical withdrawal symptoms in chronic users who stop using peyote. Peyote does not appear to be a drug associated with significant drug abuse. There are no reliable reports of serious physical damage resulting from overdose; however, as with any of these drugs, the potential for accidents or engaging in behaviors that can be risky due to poor judgment while under the influence of peyote is certainly present.

Although psychedelic drugs are not associated with the development of physical dependence and a significant risk for the development of addiction, any form of drug can be abused. Signs of abuse to any of the above drugs would include:

One or more of these signs may indicate the potential development of a substance use disorder.

One significant, but rare, consequence of chronic use of psychedelic drugs is the development of a disorder known as hallucinogen-induced persistent perception disorder. This disorder occurs when individuals who no longer use these drugs experience flashbacks weeks, months, or even years after their last use. Flashbacks consist of experiences that typically occurred while under the influence of the drug, but they occur without actually taking the drug. It appears that a little over 4 percent of individuals who chronically used hallucinogens or psychedelic drugs develop this disorder.

The flashbacks appear to come out of nowhere, and individuals are totally surprised by them. Common experiences include flashing lights, flashing colors, seeing halos around people, and severe emotional distress. People can also experience very vivid and frightening hallucinations as they are totally unexpected.

Individuals who have co-occurring disorders (a psychological disorder like depression or bipolar disorder alongside chronic use of psychedelic drugs) appear to be at risk for this disorder. Other risk factors include having a history of negative experiences under the influence of the particular psychedelic drug (e.g., bad trips), consistently using other drugs in combination with psychedelic drugs (e.g., such as alcohol or marijuana), and a chronic history of using psychedelic drugs like LSD or mescaline. There is no formal treatment for this disorder. Individuals who suffer from it typically receive medications to address any specific symptoms and may also learn stress reduction and relaxation techniques.

As with any drug, mixing psychedelics with other substances like other drugs or alcohol may increase the likelihood of an overdose.

Potential signs of overdose include:

If you or a loved one is experiencing an overdose, seek medical attention immediately.


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Psychedelics Decriminalization Project In Berkeley, Cal Includes …

Posted: January 6, 2023 at 3:46 pm

The Berkeley City Council will soon consider a psychedelics decriminalization project that includes not only natural entheogenic substances but also the synthetic hallucinogen LSD, reported Berkeleyside.

According to Berkeley community health commissioners Joseph Holcomb Adams and Karma Smart, the reason why LSD is included in the list of decriminalized substances is that it meets the technical definition of what a psychedelic is.

The original project was first drafted in 2019 by Decriminalize Nature Oakland and council member Rigel Robinson and involved the deprioritization of natural psychedelics -AKA entheogenic plants and fungi. It lingered in Berkeleys Community Health Commission (CHC) office until 2021 when commissioners Adams and Smart rewrote it.

The new project seeks to decriminalizepersonal consumption, while sharing, gifting or distributing psychedelics wouldstill be criminalized. As this second part opposes the original proposal by Decriminalize Nature,which decriminalized possession and deprioritized cultivation, use, sharing, purchasing, transporting or distributing natural substances,the nonprofit is against the upcomingpsychedelics reform and hopes the city council will reconsider the original project.

We believe the simplicity of the original version, removing criminal penalties for growing, gathering, and gifting of natural entheogenic plants and fungi and practices, will have a better chance of passing at council, said nonprofit member Norris.

The project will be presented nextTuesdayto the CHC, when the commission will decide whether to refer it to the City Council for a final vote.

When the original resolution was drafted by Decriminalize Nature and councilmember Rigel Robinson in mid-2019, the CHC created a special subcommittee to study the project and report to the city council, but the emergence of COVID-19 had all resources redirected to the pandemic.

Subcommittee members Adams and Smart took the original proposal back on earlier this yearbut were concerned that it would enable an unregulated buying and selling of psychedelics without a harm reduction strategy.

The new version proposes thatBerkeley works with outer organizations to provide psychedelic education and harm-reduction strategies.

Furthermore, the commissioners changed the term entheogenic plants to psychedelic drugs, defined as substances that stimulate a specific subtype of serotonin brain receptor, 5-HT2A.

The new proposal drafters said they are grouping the compounds based on shared pharmacology and effects. The list of these classic psychedelics includes magic mushrooms, mescaline, LSD, DMT and ayahuasca, but leaves out, for instance, ibogaine, as it works on a different brain receptor.

Peyote was also excluded, following an exemption request by the National Council of Native American Churches (NACNA) in order to ensure the cactus preservation.

Photo courtesy ofOlia Danilevich onPexels.

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Ancient mummified child was drugged with psychedelics before ritual …

Posted: December 14, 2022 at 9:20 am

AN ANCIENT Peruvian civilization drugged children with psychedelics before sacrificing them in a religious ritual to their Gods, scientists now claim.

New research shows the Nazca societydrugged at least one young child with the hallucinogenic San Pedro Cactus before their death.



The research, to be released in the December 2022 issue of the Journal of Archaeological Science, centered on the remains of 22 individuals found in the Yauca Valley, Cahuachi, and Estaqueria in Peru known Nazca ruins sites.

Out of the samples, only eleven dated to the Early Nazca Period, including two individuals who tested positive for psychoactive substances" - a female and a child.

This was discovered through testing hair found on the female and child's trophy heads.

Specifically, the child tested positive for a high level of mescaline a hallucinogen brought on by the high consumption of the San Pedro Cactus.

Meanwhile, scientists determined that the female had chewed coca leaves before she died.

This research is purportedly the first proof that some trophy head victims were drugged before their death.

"The trophy head is the first case of the consumption of San Pedro by an individual living on the southern Peruvian coast," lead author Dagmara Socha told Live Science.

"It's also the first evidence that some of the victims who were made into trophy heads were given stimulants before they died."

The study's authors described the female and adolescent trophy heads as rare as the majority found belonged to adult males.

The results of the study support the idea that some of the trophy heads dated to the Early Nazca Period could have been obtained from ritually sacrificed victims, rather than during warfare, the study reads.

The study also tested the hair of two male trophy heads both of which lacked any drug compounds.

They suggest that this could indicate different social origins of the victims or other simple factors like hair structure or preservation.

"We actually don't know how often these [plants] were being used," Socha said.

"In the case of San Pedro, it's not well preserved in an archaeological context, and in the case of the coca leaves and Banisteriopsis caapi, they were never found to be growing in this region during that time period."

While the findings are groundbreaking, the study's authors also recommend further analysis of their research saying it may shed new light on the interpretation and evolution of ritual headhunting in pre-Columbian Peru through the ages.

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The therapeutic potential of psychedelics – Science

Posted: at 9:20 am

  1. The therapeutic potential of psychedelics  Science
  2. Psychedelics Have Huge Potential But Financial Interests Could Corrupt Them  SciTechDaily
  3. We're rushing the use of psychedelics as medicine, researchers say  New Scientist
  4. Legalization of psychedelics could benefit military veterans  WDET
  5. Psychedelic chaplains: In clinical trials, a new form of spiritual guide emerges  Religion News Service
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News

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Changing Lives with Psychedelics: How Connecticut researchers are using magic mushrooms to help people overcome depression, OCD –

Posted: November 19, 2022 at 11:34 am

Changing Lives with Psychedelics: How Connecticut researchers are using magic mushrooms to help people overcome depression, OCD

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Changing Lives with Psychedelics: How Connecticut researchers are using magic mushrooms to help people overcome depression, OCD -

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Penis Envy Mushroom | Legal Psychedelics | Magic Mushroom

Posted: November 7, 2022 at 10:20 am

weekly featured products

Psychedelics drugs are drugs that are able to induce states of altered perception and thought, frequently with a heightened awareness of sensory input but with diminish control over what you experience.

One of the most common psychedelics drugs is d-lysergic acid diethylamide orLSD-25.LSDhas also proved to be an extraordinarily powerfuldrug, hundreds or thousands of times more powerful than other substances. Some of such asmescalineandpsilocin and psilocybin.

Legal Psychedelic is an award-winning Psychedelic store Best known for cultivating Top Psychedelics Drugs. Some of our top-quality products are Ayahuasca, DMT, LSD, KETAMINE, MDMA, RESEARCH CHEMICALS, and a variety of psychedelics drugs. We also sell products such as, cultivate mushrooms which include: shiitake, grey oyster, king oyster, velvet pioppino, nameko, white beech, and lions mane which are grown on wood without the use of chemicals. With over 10 years in the Industry, Our main goal has been to meet up with the expectation of our customers which has given us enough reason to stand up different from other Psychedelics stores and hit a 98% Customer Retention Level.

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Psilocybin is a powerful psychedelic compound that causes visual and auditory hallucinations (or visions if you prefer).Therefore, Psychedelics has some profound emotional effects that are easily described such as a noetic sense of having knowledge or unity of being one with the universe.

Above all, Penis Envy Mushroom refers to many different varieties of psilocybin-containingmushrooms and also psychedelics drugs. The various variety is Psilocybe cubensis and psilocybin is found in dozens of species over 9 different genera ofmushrooms ( Copelandia, Galerina, Gymnopilus, Inocybe, Mycena, Panaeolus, Pholiotina, Pluteus, and Psilocybe)


However, there is research demonstrating that mushrooms help to repair broken circuits in the brain, promoting mental clarity. As a teacher plant, slowly over time they gift you with knowledge about things as huge as the cosmos as well things very personal in the form of self-understanding. This knowledge helps to strengthen and balance you at a mental and spiritual level. Therefore, Given that many illnesses have roots in the mental and spiritual realms, this is very significant. Also, Magic Mushroom is like a tool that will help you to dissolve your ego and understand your place in this universe.

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Penis Envy Mushroom | Legal Psychedelics | Magic Mushroom

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Psychedelics. Discussing natural and synthetic friends. Science, News …

Posted: November 5, 2022 at 3:32 pm

I'm just posting here because I want to talk about it. Not sure why lol. I guess if the mods want to delete it then that's fine. I'm chillin.

I live on a boat. Super cool being at a marina and doing this. The water is beautiful, the stars look nice. Great weather too.

Did this with my boyfriend and was surprised at how it affected us differently. I figured I'd be more susceptible to a bad experience due to my poor mental health, but I ended up being super positive while my boyfriend who is normally mentally stable has had to calm himself down many times now, saying he's been feeling dread. He has also lost much of his dexterity and motor controls. I wanted to see how I was affected in that way and so I picked up the guitar and played through Blackbird with no problems. That, and I'm writing all this out, so I guess my motor control is fine.

It so affected us differently in terms to how potent the dose we took was. He only had a small amount, and I probably took triple of what he had (I just keep slowly taking more until I felt comfortable) Kinda strange, but he's also used to having good control over himself and his environment so I guess it would definitely bother him more. I've had psychosis issues for a while now, so maybe I'm just good at reminding myself of what's real and such.

I also have no clue how the hell my boyfriend managed to fall asleep. I've heard that you can't really sleep while tripping and yet he snoozing mid trip.

I'm going to stop typing and hit send now. I'm rambling and honestly don't feel like typing anymore. If this gets removed, that's cool. Sorry if this post broke any rules. Cheers lol.

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Psychedelics. Discussing natural and synthetic friends. Science, News ...

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The Harms of Psychedelics Need to Be Put Into Context – WIRED

Posted: at 3:32 pm

  1. The Harms of Psychedelics Need to Be Put Into Context  WIRED
  2. People Who Use Psychedelics Know More About the Climate Crisis, Study Finds  NowThis
  3. Psychedelic users tend to have greater objective knowledge about climate change, study finds  PsyPost
  4. Validation of a new instrument for assessing attitudes on psychedelics in the general population | Scientific Reports
  5. The disadvantages of psychedelics must be put in context IG News  IG News
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News

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