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Category Archives: Offshore

Windpower Offshore – Offshore wind power projects & companies

Posted: June 14, 2016 at 4:43 pm

America's offshore champion

UNITED STATES: It has been a long time coming, but the US's first offshore wind project is now under construction. Deepwater Wind CEO Jeff Grybowski talks about the development of the 30MW Block Island and the company's plans for further growth in the sector.

FRANCE: Although France is yet to install its first offshore turbine, the government has identified four zones for floating wind energy pilot projects and is hoping these will help turn the country into a leader of this nascent technology.

EUROPE: For technologies such as offshore wind, which cannot yet compete in wholesale electricity markets, setting a suitable tariff is not easy. The problem is compounded as costs change with time.

EUROPE: After a period of some uncertainty, offshore wind costs are now moving downwards. The EU/FOWIND's Offshore Wind Policy and Market Assessment suggests that installed costs of offshore wind peaked at just under 4,000/kW in 2014 and are now falling.

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Windpower Offshore - Offshore wind power projects & companies

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How Offshore Drilling Works | HowStuffWorks

Posted: at 4:43 pm

Some people say money makes the world go round. Others insist the key ingredient is love or even music. But whatever drives humanity to carry on from day to day, our dependence on fossil fuels leaves one fact for certain: The axle of our spinning globe is greased with oil.

We consume more than 80 million barrels of the stuff every day [source: CIA]. To meet our ravenous demand for fossil fuels, petroleum companies constantly comb the planet for new reserves. Since oceans cover nearly three-quarters of Earth's surface, a great deal of those reserves wind up underwater.

Reaching these undersea drilling sites poses quite a challenge. After all, drilling on land is an undertaking on its own. How do you drill in lightless ocean depths and transport all that liquid, gas and solid petroleum back to the surface? How do you keep from polluting the ocean? And how do you do all of this, with tons of special equipment, in the middle of rough seas?

To surmount these obstacles, petroleum companies have invested billions into the development of offshore drilling and offshore oil platforms. The first of these platforms was constructed in 1897 at the end of a wharf in California. In the years to follow, oil prospectors pushed out into the ocean, first on piers and then on artificial islands. In 1928, a Texan oilman unveiled the first mobile oil platform for drilling in wetlands. The structure was little more than a barge with a drilling outfit mounted on top, but it set the example for decades of advancements to come.

In the years that followed, petroleum companies moved even farther into the ocean. In 1947, a consortium of oil companies built the first platform that you couldn't see from land in the Gulf of Mexico. Even the North Sea, which endures nearly constant inclement weather, is currently home to many offshore drilling sites [source: The Guardian].

Today's oil rigs are truly gigantic structures. Some are basically floating cities, employing and housing hundreds of people. Other massive production facilities sit atop undersea towers that descend as far as 4,000 feet (1,219 meters) into the depths -- taller than the world's most ambitious skyscrapers. In an effort to sustain their fossil fuel dependency, humans have built some of the largest floating structures on Earth.

In this article, we'll examine how petroleum companies go about sniffing out this buried, black gold and the methods they use to extract it.

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How Offshore Drilling Works | HowStuffWorks

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Offshore Magazine: Oil and Gas News Covering Oil …

Posted: June 12, 2016 at 8:22 pm

June 10, 2016

Today, US Representatives Mark Sanford and Gerry Connolly joined in sending a letter signed by 53 other members of the House of Representatives to ...

Petrel Resources plc has formally accepted two new licensing options awarded in the Porcupine basin offshore Ireland, as part of phase two of the 2...

Jobs supported by the UKs offshore oil and gas industry will have fallen by the end of 2016 by an estimated 120,000 since their peak in 2014, acco...

Saipem has entered into an agreement with partners Total and Veolia for the co-ownership and exclusive commercialization of SPRINGS subsea water tr...

The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has announced a proposal to expand the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary to prot...

EnerGulf Resources Inc. has entered into a letter of intent with Texas South Energy Inc. to participate in six offshore prospects in the Gulf of Me...

Statoil has proven small volumes of gas and condensate from its latest well in the North Sea, according to the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate.

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Offshore Magazine: Oil and Gas News Covering Oil ...

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Introduction to Offshore Incorporation

Posted: at 8:22 pm

Introduction to Offshore Incorporation

'In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.' Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

It's true but as regards to the second part: taxes may vary. Mind Your P's and Q's and you will be playing with a full deck.

Some time ago, only superwealthy knew about all the advantages of incorporating offshore. By this you can plan your business tax burden, protect yourself in case of personal problems or national catastrophe. Going offshore is the best way to protect your personal and financial privacy, and your future well-being. Please note also that offshore banking industry and asset protection strategies are completely under the law.

If you need to open bank account with debit/credit card, wish to involve in the global investment project or to start your international business, going offshore is the best decision for you.

It has become almost impossible for today's businesses to remain in complete privacy, free from excessive taxation and not vulnerable to lawsuits. Placing your assets offshore, you can protect yourself from illegitimate creditors.

By incorporating offshore you can become judgment-proof, as the world-wide courts are not recognized in the offshore jurisdictions, and tax-free, as there are no taxes assessed on in offshore trusts or International Business Companies formed in offshore jurisdictions.

If you wish you can be completely anonymous while maintaining complete control over your offshore Trust or International Business Company. Your offshore company may own an overseas property or just hold a bank account maintaining your anonymity.

No annual reporting is needed for an Offshore Trust or International Business Company; usually there is no minimum capital required in offshore jurisdictions.

To summarize the reasons why you should consider going offshore, these are the main benefits of it:

- To secure against future claims such as judgment, divorce proceedings, bankruptcy, creditors and litigation.

- a foreign jurisdiction can offer unparalleled opportunities for reduction of your tax liabilities.

- From competitors, claimants, ex-spouses, and other parties from whom you wish to keep your business interests private; and

- Private Foundations, and Offshore Protective Trusts for accumulation of investment income and long-term benefits for beneficiaries on a favorable tax basis (without inheritance, income, or capital gains taxes);

- Shifting business to an Offshore Haven removes restrictions, regulations and taxation. What can you do with 50% more time and money?


Introduction to Offshore Incorporation

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Offshore Company Registration and Bank Accounts for …

Posted: at 8:22 pm

Offshore business and company are the words with no definite legal or general meaning. In plain words, offshore means anywhere other than the place of physical location of the person using this word, in other words overseas. Offshore business and company are mainly used in relation to the subjects such as structuring of international business and family fortune management. Utilization of international corporate or fiduciary trust structures has many reasons and advantages.

Offshore Company Formation is commonly used for structuring of international business and tax planning.

These beneficial regulations are used for diverse tax planning business, such as:

To stimulate inbound investments, almost all countries offer one sort of tax regulations or another.

International Business Existing opportunities for improving general efficiency presented by low tax regimes offered by the high tax jurisdictions looking to encourage international business have been recognized by the international advisers for some time. Still, in order to implement such structures successfully, a wide range of issues, frequently relating to subjects such as provisions of anti-avoidance, double tax aversion, controlled foreign company and management and control tests and stipulations, transfer pricing, narrow capitalization, participation indemnity, capital gains tax and a multitude of other ever-changing regulations.

* For additional information CLICK HERE


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