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The ethical landscape(s) of non-invasive prenatal testing in England, France and Germany: findings from a comparative literature review | European…

Posted: October 5, 2021 at 4:27 am

Our study provides an insight into the similarities and differences between England, France and Germany through a comprehensive literature review focusing on arguments about,and regulations of, prenatal testing and reproductive choices (specifically on NIPT).

Between December 2020 and April 2021, we reviewed approximately250 sources in legal and regulatory texts; public reports of national ethics committees and professional bodies; parliamentary debates; medical press; academic literature in prenatal genetics, bioethics, social sciences; and daily press. The sources covered a wide range of issues related to the implementation of NIPT such as ethical and practical issues; public, political and scientific debates; regulations and guidelines; criteria for offering the test free of charge; and communication of results. We focused on literature regarding the English, French and German context, since 2011, when NIPT became first available in the private sector before several countries decided to fund it within their public health system. We searched the databases of Cairn journals (Humanities and Social Sciences), Google Scholar, PubMed and SAGE journals. The review of documents and terminologies was guided by the following questions: how is NIPT regulated in each country? Who are the main stakeholders and institutions involved in the offer of NIPT? What are the ethical arguments used by stakeholders in public, political, parliamentary and professional debates? What are the meanings of these arguments in each context? We identified differences with regard to the ethical questions associated with NIPT and the ways these are discussed in each country.

This analysis is part of a wider comparative study combining literature review, empirical research (semi-structured interviews with stakeholders) and conceptual analysis to explore the ethical issues arising from prenatal genetics in England, France and Germany [5].

We propose to start with an overview of the practical regulations defining how and to whom NIPT is (or will) be offered as a publicly funded screening test in the three countries studied. In France, since January 2019, NIPT is reimbursed as a second-tier screening test, between the 11 and 14th week for pregnancies with a probability of trisomy 21 (T21) (between 1:51 and 1:1000), following cFTS (UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC)). In England, in 2016, UK NSC has recommended that NIPT should be offered to women with an increased probability of having a baby with T21, T13 and T18 with a higher cut-off than in France, at 1:150, following first trimester combined (1114 weeks) or second trimester quadruple screening (1420 weeks). This recommendation was implemented in June 2021 as part of the NHS Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme (FASP). Similarly, in Germany, it was decided in 2019 to cover NIPT for pregnancies with an increased likelihood of T21, T13, and T18 through the publicly funded health insurance system from 2021. Unlike in France and in England, the risk cut-off is determined individually and is independent of a quantifiable risk calculation [6, 7]. In Germany, a statistically increased risk is not seen as a sufficient criterion to reimburse the test [8]. It is stated that only a particular situation, where the pregnancy and its consequences present a burden to the pregnant woman and could lead to serious harm of her mental health, can justify the test; hence offering the test requires a case-by-case decision [6].

In the three countries, pregnant women are usually referred by their gynaecologistobstetrician, midwife or general practitioner to fetal medicine units, prenatal clinics or medical genetics service that offer NIPT. Because of the high accuracy of NIPT in detecting the common chromosomal trisomies (T21, T13 and T18), and in particular for T21, all three countries have decided to publicly fund the test only for these trisomies, and not for other conditions or traits for which the test is less accurate.Footnote 1

NIPT for T21, T18 and T13 is not used as a diagnostic test at present, and so a positive NIPT test requires further testing for confirmation in the second trimester (e.g. amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS)) [9]. However, because of its higher accuracy than cFTS in detecting trisomies, fewer women will need to undergo such confirmatory tests, which may involve some, albeit minimal, risk of miscarriage for amniocentesis and CVS (0.11% and 0.22% respectively) [10]. This clinical advantage has been one the main arguments mobilised for its use in routine prenatal care in the three countries, but also in other countries where NIPT is implemented.

Despite the advantages of the test, offering NIPT as part of routine clinical service raises important ethical questions. Through our literature review, we identified similarities among issues raised in England, France and Germany, for example by patient associations, national ethics committees, medical experts, politicians and journalists. The issues presented here are also largely discussed in the international literature on NIPT and are not particular to the three countries. For example, while it is acknowledged that NIPT offers a range of benefits such as earlier and more accurate results compared to cFTS, better understanding of fetal aneuploidies and, ultimately, better informed reproductive decision-making, concerns are expressed that its use in routine antenatal care may increase the risk of stigmatisation and discrimination of people living with an autosomal aneuploidy, having a negative impact on the support for women who decide to raise a child with a trisomy [11,12,13].

One other major concern discussed in the literature is that NIPT could become a routine test, which could intensify the already existing challenge of prenatal testing, potentially putting pressure on women to undergo testing, and hence undermining informed decision-making, and weakening reproductive autonomy [14]. Other arguments concern the risks of prenatal sex-selection and the risks of screening for less severeconditions, adult-onset conditionsand carrier status [15, 16]. Especially in England, there are concerns about prenatal sex-selection as expressed in parliamentary questions addressed to the Department of Health in 2016, and inthe Labour Partys call to ban early fetal sex testing in 2018 (BBC, Labour calls for ban on early foetus sex test, 2018). There are also ethical questions about the communication of results and information management in cases of misattributed paternity, secondary or incidental findings that may have implications not only for the fetus health but also the health of the mother or other family members [17]. Furthermore, where women use commercial companies, the quality of information returned and the counselling provided by some of these companies is criticised and challenges the idea of informed decision-making [18]. However, ethical issues of direct-to-consumer testing are not the focus of this paper.

Through our comparison, differences emerged in the ways in which the ethical issues related to reproductive autonomy are addressed in each country. First of all, in England, the debate highlights the risk that NIPT could be recommended to women as a standard test, a simple blood test that may not involve the same level of pre-test counselling and information as an amniocentesis or CVS. The concern, which is particularly highlighted in a 2017 report of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics is, that the less invasive nature of NIPT could make it difficult for women to refuse the test [19] and, therefore, undermine informed consent and reproductive autonomy [19, 20]. In order to address this concern, there is a strong focus on understanding and recognising the needs, beliefs and preferences of women in order to enable them to make autonomous decisions. In 2020, a collective of professional bodies (Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Royal College of Midwives, Society and College of Radiographers) have developed a consensus statement suggesting that information about NIPT is provided by healthcare professionals in a non-directive way so that women are able to make choices that are right for them. In the same way, the Public Health England Fetal anomaly screening programme, the Nuffield Council on Bioethics and NHS England emphasise clarity, accuracy and non-directiveness when informing women on benefits and limitations of the NIPT [19, 21]. Parliamentary questionsFootnote 2 and daily pressFootnote 3 also reflect the importance of helping women to make informed decisions by providing appropriate information, explaining the different options, offering support and respecting their decision. This reflects the autonomy-focused approach in England [22].

Concerns are raised also in France about the negative impact NIPT may have on womens choices, emphasised in a regulatory framework of 2018 stating that: The woman is at the centre of the system and makes all decisions regarding her pregnancy. Her autonomy must be respected [23]. However, unlike England, France puts emphasis on the content of the information (e.g. organisation of screening and timeframes, results communication) rather than on it being non-directive. The focus is less on enabling women to make informed decisions than on the need to protect women from the risks of commercial exploitation of genetic screening tests (NIPT) and leaving couples alone and helpless when faced with non-validated tests [13], as described by the National Ethics Committee (Comit Consultatif National dEthique), in 2013. This concern about women as victims of the commercialisation of risk, the lobby of diagnostic merchants and pregnancy monitoring is present also in the daily pressFootnote 4. According to these accounts, women are described as likely to lack full understanding of complex genetic information and therefore ought to be protected in order to make their own decisions. Consistent with this discourse, empirical studies have confirmed a certain paternalistic attitude among French health professionals when it comes to prenatal decisions and informing women of the choice they have with regard to prenatal testing [24]. In France, the possibility for women to make informed choice is important [13] and has been included in the law (Loi n 2002303 du 4 mars 2002), reflecting an increased focus on a patient-centred approach as part of what is called a health democracy (dmocratie sanitaire) [25, 26]. In the case of NIPT, however, the concern for womens autonomous choice shows itself in the form of a rather protective approach that can be seen as restricting reproductive choice. In contrast, although France insists on free choice and the right to revoke the decision of consent to carry out examinations [23], it puts more emphasis on the content of the information than on the way it is delivered (provide fair and appropriate information, inform about stages of screening and diagnosis, times between the different examinations, distinction between risk and certainty of diagnosis, possibility to continue or not the pregnancy, etc.).

In Germany, the debate on reproductive autonomy in the context of NIPT often focuses on the womans right not to know or her right to decline available prenatal tests [27,28,29]. It is also suggested that, in addition to information provided by professionals, a woman should be put in contact with associations or families who have a child living with a trisomy [6, 30], so, she is able to make a fully informed decision about whether to continue or terminate herpregnancy. Furthermore, concerns are raised about the scope and limit of the respect for the dignity of the future child, and its right to life and to be recognised as a human being. The potential conflict between the future childs right to life and the womans right over her own body was also highlighted in the 2019 report of the Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment of the German Bundestag, on the current situation and development of prenatal diagnosis [31]. Generally, in the German debate, we notice a strong focus on enabling women to make their own informed decisions as well as a cautious approach with regard to new reproductive technologies that could compromise the dignity of human life from its very beginning. Public debates on bioethical issues in post-war Germany often emphasise the importance of respecting both individual autonomy and human dignity [32], two principles that echo Kants influence on contemporary debates. Policies aim to weigh the autonomy and dignity of one human life, that of the woman, against the autonomy and dignity of another human life, the future child. The first (womans autonomy and dignity) can outweigh the latter (future childs autonomy and dignity) only where there is guarantee that the woman makes a truly informed autonomous decision free of any undue pressure [27].

We have seen how reproductive autonomy is discussed differently in each country, and how it is associated with different ethical concerns, echoing different prevailing norms and values in each country. These aspects and nuances are also reflected in the various public reactions in England, France and Germany, as we will see below.

The incorporation of NIPT into public healthcare systems has led to criticism at different levels depending on perceptions and values associated with disability, new biomedical technologies and reproductive rights. In England, several campaigns have put NIPT on the political agenda. For example, in 2016, the Dont Screen Us Out campaign, led by a Downs syndrome advocacy group, started a petition which was signed by over 900 people with Downs Syndrome and their families denouncing the violation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). That same year, a documentary by the British actress, Sally Phillips, A World Without Downs Syndrome? (BBC, 5 October 2016) denounced the devaluation of families and children living with Downs syndrome, the biased information given to pregnant women about the condition, and the risk of the decline of members of this community. However, in England, such critical voices are outweighed by the value accorded to the right of women to make independent and informed choices [33, 34]. Furthermore, as evidenced in parliamentary questionsFootnote 5 and the daily press,Footnote 6 the public discourse favours the benefits and technological progress of NIPT such as its safety and accuracy.

In Germany, protests by civil society organisations (German Down Syndrome InfoCenter, KIDS Hamburg, Lebenshilfe, Joint Declaration on World Down Syndrome Day, Network against Selection through Prenatal Diagnostics) emerged in 2011, following an investigation by the weekly newspaper Die Zeit, revealing that the laboratory LifeCodexx had received around 300,000 Euros from the Federal Ministry for Research and Education for test development of NIPT. In response to these protests, the Federal Government commissioned the German Ethics Council to provide an expert opinion on NIPT [35]. The report mainly focuses on arguments in favour or against the public funding of NIPT. It offers an insight into the German context where access to NIPT through individualised genetic counselling is prioritised over the definition of a numerical risk threshold. Following a call for political transparency and a public debate around biotechnological innovations through an Open letter to the Federal Joint Commission (G-BA) by several patient organisations in 2016, there has been a plea for regular evaluations of the new prenatal test, including its ethical and social implications. In Germany, despite the importance given to reproductive autonomy, public attitudes showcase scepticism towards prenatal genetic technologies [36, 37]. As mentioned above, we notice also here a certain criticism and questioning of the use of new technologies, and an emphasis on risk prevention and management in the German debate [37]. These public attitudes reflect on the implementation of prenatal technologies in the public healthcare system; for example, cFTS is not reimbursed if there is no reason for concern such as advanced maternal age, which explains the slightly lower uptake of prenatal screening when compared to other European countries [38].

In France, criticism of NIPT has emerged in different formats within the associative space: examples of this are the organisation of a conference by the Jrme Lejeune Foundation, Stop Discriminating Down, in 2017, aiming to denounce the mass elimination of children with Downs syndrome before birth by the arrival of NIPT; or the publication of the book, Les premires victimes du transhumanisme. Dpistage prnatal de la trisomie 21 (The first victims of transhumanism. Prenatal screening for Downs syndrome), by Jean-Marie Le Mn, president of the Jrme Lejeune Foundation, in reaction to the reimbursement of the test in 2019. Also, a March for Life was organised in 2019, in Paris, to warn against a new step in eugenics as a response to the decision to reimburse NIPT. In France, these public reactions were largely driven by associations and had no impact on policies.

In addition to these critical reactions to NIPT, in the following section, we will discuss how the charges of eugenics have emerged at the centre of public debates in France and Germany, while remaining relatively marginal in England.

In the three countries, the reference to the risk of a drift toward eugenics appears in different forms and is used as an argument, especially in France and Germany, against the implementation of NIPT. While advocates of NIPT emphasise that the use of the test relies on an individual choice [33, 39] and is not linked to eugenic or coercive policy [40], critics express concerns that individual abortion practices could lead to widespread selection of babies and the lack of tolerance and care for people with disability [41].

In England, concerns about the risk to screen out and, hence, significantly reduce the number of births of children with Downs syndrome have been expressed, among others, by the campaign group Dont screen us out, the Church of England,Footnote 7 and in parliamentary questions.Footnote 8 Yet, generally, the public debate in England focuses more on the offer of NIPT and how to guarantee respect for womens decisions, accuracy of information, regular training of health professionals, and designing care pathways for women continuing their pregnancy with a baby who has Downs syndrome [42]. Also the Church of England states that it welcomes medical advances as long as women receive comprehensive and unbiased information about the condition [43]. It is rare in England to hear strong accusations against NIPT as a form of eugenics.

In France, the association between NIPT and eugenics, elimination eradication or selection is more explicit and recurrent. In 2007, prior to the revision of the bioethics laws, Le Monde published an interview with the president of the National Consultative Ethics Committee, Didier Sicard, where he warned against the risk of eugenics and social eradication if prenatal screening becomes routinised. This perspective is also reflected in parliamentary debates on NIPT where representatives of the centre-right refer to eugenicsFootnote 9 or elimination.Footnote 10 Similarly, the risk of increasing fetal selection, a new form of eugenics (no longer through the State, but the individual) and of further discrimination, is highlighted by the National Consultative Ethics Committee in its 2016 report n 124. The question of the re-emergence of eugenics with reference to Nazism is also raised by established media,Footnote 11 the Catholic Church in Paris which denounces the pressure on women to be screened for Downs syndrome [44] and the Jrme Lejeune Foundation which uses the terms elimination [45], disappearance, extinction [46] and eradication [47] to refer to NIPT. Despite the links made between NIPT and eugenics in the French debate, there is no evidence that expecting parents would desire a perfect child rather than just wanting to bring a healthy child into the world [40]. It should therefore be pointed out that there is a fine line between health and expectation of normality and that this should not lead to a search for the improvement of the genetic characteristics of the child, in the sense that we understand the term eugenics here [48]. In Germany, despite its Nazi past, eugenics is not as explicitly referred to as in France. The arguments used against potential discrimination or genetic selection, as a consequence of NIPT, are based on the principle of respect for the dignity of the unborn child [27, 31], which may conflict with the respect for the womans dignity as an autonomous individual [27, 28]. However, the possibility to terminate pregnancy in order to protect the life or the mental or physical health of the woman (Strafgesetzbuch 218a) indicated that the dignity of the unborn child can be suspended in favour of the protection of the dignity of the pregnant woman. As mentioned above, the German discourse is inspired by the Kantian concept of human dignity, and its adoption as the first constitutional principle since 1949.

As prenatal technologies such as NIPT have evolved, all three countries have seen discussions about the potential risk of eugenics. Although each country emphasises that reproductive decisions belong to the woman, critical voices caution against decisions that could be implicit forms of eugenics. To date however, there is no evidence that the introduction of NIPT has led to an increase in termination rates due to fetal anomalies [49]. The results highlight that, in many cases, women accept NIPT to obtain information about the fetus health and prepare for the childs arrival without intending to terminate pregnancy if an aneuploidy is discovered [49].

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The ethical landscape(s) of non-invasive prenatal testing in England, France and Germany: findings from a comparative literature review | European...

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The US and EU must put pressure on Tunisia before its too late | View – Euronews

Posted: at 4:27 am

Tunisia, long hailed the Arab worlds sole democratic success story, is sliding towards authoritarianism and tyranny at the hands of President Kais Saied. In recent months Saied has moved to monopolise all three branches of political power in the country : the legislature, executive and judiciary.

In the wake of mass protests against the governments inept handling of the economy and the COVID-19 pandemic, and in what he claimed was a bid to fix Tunisias woes, Saied suspended parliament on 25 July, stripped MPs of immunity, sacked the Prime Minister and the government, and imposed arbitrary travel bans on public figures he deemed corrupt.

Last week, less than two months after this assault on the countrys political ecosystem, Saied declared he would rule by decree and ignore parts of the constitution. These moves should sound loud alarm bells for proponents of democracy worldwide.

Saieds blatant power grab is supported by the authoritarian Arab states of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, on the pretext that it constitutes a legitimate secular war against the Muslim Brotherhood, its offshoots (principally Tunisias main political party, the Ennahda Movement) and political Islam: a hackneyed narrative packaged for domestic and international consumption and long used by leaders to consolidate an iron grip on the region.

Saieds recent actions in Tunisia could be early signs of a shift in the countrys foreign policy and traditional political alliances, away from the United States and the European Union which have backed Tunisias democratic project ever since the 2010/2011 revolution that ousted longtime dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and towards Arab regimes that have done everything in their power to crush their own peoples democratic aspirations over the past decade. Beyond the region, this could also signal a shift in alliance towards Moscow and Beijing, both of which have supported strongman rule across the Middle East and Africa.

Tunisias foreign policy has traditionally been governed by the Protocol of March 20, 1956, which recognised its independence from France was recognized. France and the West have since remained strong allies of this small north African nation.

But Saieds moves look set to reconfigure this partnership, and could eventually provoke significant backlash from countries like France, Tunisias largest economic ally. This could include the suspension of financial support, demands for the repayment of Tunisian debt, and support for those segments of the Tunisian population that oppose Saied.

Tunisia is in a dangerous and uncertain predicament that could have negative ramifications for the region. At best, the country is at risk of increased instability and potential violence: pockets of resistance to Saieds audacious moves are already emerging.

Tunisias pro-democracy vanguard and civil society are in the process of remobilizing again to thwart a return to the pre-2011 dictatorship, and to save their country from descent into internal conflict. At worst, Tunisia could fall into total chaos, as has happened in Lebanon. This too would create fresh avenues for authoritarian regional and international powers.

The international community must not take Saeids wooden composure and hollow reassurances that he will protect the countrys democracy at face value, but instead look to the unmistakable progression of unilateral measures he has been taking. Underestimating these gradual power grabs by autocratic-leaning figures is how many dictatorships historically emerged.

The Biden administration must use its influence to insist that Tunisia respect peoples rights as enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Tunisia is a signatory, and reassert that is not permissible for the President to use the claim of national sovereignty as justification for political and human rights violations.

There is a Tunisian solution to Tunisias crisis, but it is one that requires the vocal and firm support of the international community. Tunisia will emerge from this crisis once a new social contract is built between the various political factions, with all parties cooperating in the pursuit of minimum political guarantees for the Tunisian people, and the common goals of freedom, justice and economic revival.

Europe and the United States should raise the volume of financial aid to Tunisia and not limit it to structural reforms, as they did in the era of former dictator Ben Ali, nor to facilitating the democratic transition, as was the case right after his ousting. Instead, aid should deliver a holistic, integrated support package: one that covers these two aspects but also bolsters the countrys institutions while reforming state structures, especially defense, security, justice and administration. Aid must also support socioeconomic development to ensure sustainable growth and a reduction in youth unemployment.

This is the path to stability, sustainable development, lasting democracy and countering radicalization. There is still a possibility for Tunisia to change course, and to redirect itself back onto the democratic path that was the fruit of more than a decade of struggle by its people. The international community must come out to support Tunisia before its too late.


Adnen Hasnaoui is president of the Maghreb Institute for Sustainable Development, an NGO working to support the implementation of UN sustainable development goals in north Africa.

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Western News – Innovator caps year with top Vanguard award – Western News

Posted: October 3, 2021 at 2:38 am

In the midst of the global pandemic, one of the regions busiest pediatric doctors also became one of the countrys most prolific researchers in service to a broader public good.

Dr. Doug Frasers work in developing state-of-art technologies in COVID-19 and traumatic brain injury research is poised to have a national and international impact and has earned him the prestigious Vanguard Innovator of the Year award by WORLDiscoveries.

The pandemic has been a tragic thing. But anytime something like this happens, it also creates opportunity, said Fraser, a professor of pediatrics, physiology & pharmacology and clinical neurological sciences at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry.

In this instance, the opportunity included research to break new ground in diagnosing, treating and predicting who might become sickest from this new virus, said Fraser, who also treats patients in pediatric ICU at London Health Sciences Centre, is a researcher with the Lawson Health Research Institute, and scientific director of the TranslationalResearch Centre at Lawson.

We were starting almost from scratch. We didnt know much about it, how you got it, how contagious it was, how to treat it. We were able to answer some of the important questions at key times.

Fraser and his team were the first to describe the immune response and several features of the virus, which helped build the foundation of knowledge on patient impact and potential therapies internationally.

Dr. Douglas Fraser

During the past year, Frasers unique approach to solving the mysteries of COVID-19 has resulted in four patent applications a record for a WORLDiscoveries partner. These COVID-19- related innovations include promising therapeutic targets based in pathophysiologicalevidence, such as therapy targets for lung damage caused by the virus.

He has also published 15 science papers and 22 collaborative papers in the past year.

At the same time, Fraser pushed to expand his research into traumatic brain injury, investigating the human consequences of military blasts, and the use of protein-based biomarkers in the blood that can indicate concussion.

That work has resulted in three other patent applications and two exclusive licencing arrangements all aimed at improving diagnosis, prognosis and treatment with a new biotechnology company he founded, called neuroLytixs Inc.

Frasers test of brain lipids and proteins, exclusively licensed through neuroLytixs, has the highest accuracy of any other published concussion test, at 95 per cent.

In the nomination for the Vanguard award, Fraser was described as an innovator with an incredible creativity, productivity and direct impact.

Commenting on the recognition, Fraser acknowledged the considerable contributions and support of Lawson researchers and funders, LHSC clinicians, Western University and Schulich Medicine, as well as other partners, including colleagues who gave readily of their lab supplies when medical supplies of all kinds were scarce.

This award validates that what my collaborators and I are working on is important and can impact the public directly.I see sick and injured patients in my medical practice all the time, and we do our very best to help them. But with good science, translation and implementation, we can do better, Fraser said.

Its nice to get recognition for what Im doing but its also humbling too. There are a lot of people involved and a lot of teamwork and realistically it should be an award for everyone, he said.

He said London, Ont., is also an ideal location for the research: large enough to support a critical mass of research, facilities, funding and materials; and small enough that most people in the research community know each other and can share expertise efficiently.

The Vanguard Innovator of the Year celebrates researchers who have achieved significant market-readiness milestones for innovations that highlight products or services beneficial to society.

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Walton Family Discloses $5 Billion in Stock Picks Where Does Worlds Richest Family Invest Their Walmart Fortune? – Yahoo Finance

Posted: at 2:38 am

April L Brown / AP

The Walton family of Walmart fame who you might also know as the worlds richest family, has revealed its investments, according to Securities and Exchange Commission filings. The Walton Investment Team (WIT) began disclosing its holdings this year and revealed $4.9 billion in equities, according to their SEC Form 13F filing.

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A form 13F is required to be filed within 45 days of the end of a calendar quarter for managers with more than $100 million in assets under management, according to the SEC. A manager can request to withhold information if, for example, the reportable security is likely to be substantially harmed by public disclosure of Form 13F data..

Bloomberg noted that the number is up from the $3.8 billion reported at the end of December. The Waltons are the worlds wealthiest family, worth $238 billion, and about half of that fortune is tied to the worlds largest retailer, the company founded by Sam Walton in 1950.

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So what are their top holdings? Interestingly, most of their money and their top 10 holdings are held in exchange traded funds (ETFs).

According to the SEC filings, these include $2.2 billion in the Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets; $770 million in the Vanguard Short-Term Treasury ETF; $661 million in the iShares Core MSCI Emerging Markets ETF; $366 million in the Vanguard Short-Term Bond ETF; $281 million in the iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF; $229 million in the Vanguard FTSE Developed Markets ETF; $187 million in the iShares MSCI EAFE ETF; $168 million in the Vanguard Small-Cap ETF; $72 million in the iShares Short-Term National Muni Bond ETF; and $11 million in the iShares ESG Aware MSCI EM ETF.

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In addition, the SEC filings revealed stakes in Apollo Global Management, cloud computing-based data warehousing company Snowflake, Chinese agriculture-focused technology platform Pinduoduo, cloud-based software company Holdings and software company UiPath.

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Last updated: September 29, 2021

This article originally appeared on Walton Family Discloses $5 Billion in Stock Picks Where Does Worlds Richest Family Invest Their Walmart Fortune?

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Walton Family Discloses $5 Billion in Stock Picks Where Does Worlds Richest Family Invest Their Walmart Fortune? - Yahoo Finance

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University of Maryland to Build Quantum Computing Lab – GovTech

Posted: September 10, 2021 at 5:39 am

(TNS) The University of Maryland is partnering with a leading quantum computing developer to build a national lab on the College Park campus in hopes of becoming a center for research and innovations in the field.

University leaders are announcing Wednesday an approximately $20 million partnership with IonQ, a developer of quantum computing technology and devices. The partnership will create a national quantum lab on campus, named the Q-Lab, where students, faculty and researchers can access a commercial-grade quantum computer and collaborate on developing new applications.

In theory, quantum computers could help researchers to one day solve mammoth problems in areas such as climate, chemistry, medicine or cybersecurity and at far faster speeds than the computers of today. While conventional computers can process bits of information in the form of ones or zeros, a quantum computer can analyze such information simultaneously.

When youre only talking a handful of straws, thats not particularly impressive because a classical computer can do that pretty quickly, Chapman said. But when youre talking about a billion or trillion straws, then suddenly doing it all at once makes a huge difference.

U.S. tech companies have competed for years to develop the technology for quantum computing with significant financial backing from the federal government. In 2020, the Trump administration announced $1 billion in funding for artificial intelligence and quantum computing research.

I do find it amazing that this little company and the University of Maryland together are kind of powering this quantum future, more than Silicon Valley, more than Google, more than Microsoft, more than IBM, Chapman said. Were winning this race.

The Q-Lab will be located in the universitys Discovery District, next to IonQs College Park headquarters. Other universities and countries have courted IonQ for access to the technology. The companys leadership ultimately settled on partnering with the University of Maryland, which Chapman said has been at the vanguard of this field since quantum computing was in its infancy.

No other university in the United States is able to provide students and researchers this level of hands-on contact with commercial-grade quantum computing technology and insights from experts working in this emerging field, said University of Maryland President Darryll J. Pines in a statement. We could not be more proud of IonQs success and we are excited to establish this strategic partnership, further solidifying UMD and the surrounding region as the Quantum Capital of the world.

As far as Pines is aware, no other university possesses this research capability. The former dean of engineering hopes it will give the College Park and the region a competitive edge.

[Quantum computing capability] will give an advantage to scholars and researchers to solve real big problems and get them solved faster, Pines said. We see that as the future.

University and company officials hope the Q-Lab will effectively democratize access to the technology as well as attract global scientific and engineering talent to the region. The lab could incentivize entrepreneurs and startups to bring their businesses to College Park, officials said.

As the university gains access to educational and training opportunities in quantum computing for its campus community, IonQ officials may draw from that talent to expand the company.

IonQ ultimately has roots in Maryland, Chapman said, and the company is planning to stay here.

The quantum computers are firmly bolted to the floor.

2021 Baltimore Sun. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

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These 6 Outdoorsy Groups Are Making Hiking More Inclusive – AFAR Media

Posted: at 5:39 am

The long-held assumption that hiking is the domain of a mostly white, mostly male,ultra-fit, able-bodied crowd appears to be on its way out, thanks to a growing number of community-led groups across the United States with an emphasis on hiking for all. The goal of these new groups: to make physical, nature-based activities like hiking feel inclusive, safe, and accessible to people of all backgroundsincluding race, physical ability, gender, body type, and sexual orientationthrough physical events, messaging, and advocacy.

Read on for six standout organizations across the country that are helping hikers nurture their relationship with naturewhile also working to change the narrative.

For years, Jenny Bruso, a self-described white, queer, fat, femme writer and hiker believed she didnt fit the mold of what a nature lover should look like. In 2016, to remedy this, the Portland, Oregonbased Bruso started Unlikely Hikers.The organization aims to empower people of all physical abilities, racial backgrounds, financial means, sizes, gender identities, and sexual orientations as they find their footing in the natural world. In order to keep hikes accessible, all are a maximum of three miles and 300-foot elevation gain, and they include group discussions around body diversity along the way.

Unlikely Hikers is rolling out chapters mostly along the West Coast (new cities include San Diego, Los Angeles, and Tacoma). Sign up for its monthly Patreon donation platform, which keeps subscribers up to date on forthcoming events, follow it on Instagram at @unlikelyhikers, or check out itspodcast, which covers such topics as the absence of plus-size gear and disabled hiking.

The central mission of this national nonprofit organization is to make outdoor experiences accessible to everyoneespecially Black communities, which have faced a long history of discrimination in outdoor spaces, including national parks.

Outdoor Afro was founded in 2015 by Rue Mapp, a Bay Areabased former analyst and consultant and an AFAR Travel Vanguard awardee. Today, the nonprofithosts events ranging from hiking to canoeing for close to 50,000 people in 56 cities across the country, targeting various skill types and fitness levels.

The groups activities emphasize that nature doesnt necessarily have to be hard to get tooutings might include springtime birding in New York Citys Central Park, a walk across San Franciscos Golden Gate Bridge, or a fall mushroom foraging excursion near Boston. Follow Outdoor Afro on Instagram at @outdoorafro.

LatinX Hikers founders Luz Lituma and Adriana Garcia launched their grassroots effort in 2018 to help LatinX and people of color reconnect with their roots in the outdoors, and today its a growing national community of people who come together through hosted gatherings.

Events began in the founders home turf in the Southeast but have since spread to other parts of the country: Recent outings included hiking through Yellowstone National Park, summiting Mount St. Helens in Washington State, group litter cleanup in Atlantas Westside Beltline, and a hike-and-hot-springs excursion near Jackson, Wyoming.

LatinX Hikers puts heavy emphasis on empowering women hikers, who often struggle with feeling safe in the wild, especially when theyre hiking alone. Follow it on Instagram at @latinxhikers.

Inspired by organizations like Outdoor Afro, Washington-based Christopher Chalaka, a second-generation South Asian-Taiwanese American, launched Outdoor Asian in 2016. The goal: to bring together an inclusive and empowered community of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders through nature and the outdoors.

Outdoor Asian has since expanded outside of Washington and now has chapter managers in a handful of other states, including California, Colorado, and Vermont. Events might include a redwoods walk near Los Angeles or a hike through the Alderfer/Three Sisters Park near Denver. Follow it on Instagram at @outdoorasian or like itsFacebook page for information on events and news.

Run by and for disabled adventurers, Disabled Hikers is a community created by Pacific Northwest outdoors aficionado Syren Nagakyrie in response to a lack of information about trail accessibility. Nagakyrie, who lives with disabilities and chronic pain from illnesses including Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Postural Orthostatic Tachycarda Syndrome, began leading both group and privately guided hikes within the Pacific Northwest and also sometimes in other parts of the country.

On Disabled Hikers excursions, which mostly take place in western Washington and Oregon, the slowest hiker sets the pace. Its upcoming book, The Disabled Hikers Guide to Western Washington and Oregon (Falcon Guides, 2022), is the first of its kind to create a rating system for trail accessibility, while also aggregating trail information like wheelchair-accessible paths and drive-up experiences. Follow it on Instagram at @disabledhikers.

Jolie Varela, a Californian and a member of the Tule River Yokut and Paiute nations, founded Indigenous Women Hike in 2017 to empower fellow Native American women to reclaim their connection to their ancestral land through hiking trips.

In 2018, Varela led a group of Indigenous women on a trek along the Nm Poyo, also known as the John Muir Trail, traveling without obtaining permits under the American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978. The symbolic hike was a way to reclaim the historical and cultural ties between Native Americans and the land, which had long been part of a network of trade routes and cultural exchange before colonization.

To learn more about how it is changing the narrative, follow it on Instagram at @indigenouswomenhike or like it on Facebook.

>>Next: Walk This Way: A Complete Guide to Hiking Etiquette

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Bennington College to enroll largest incoming class in its history – Vermont Biz

Posted: September 1, 2021 at 12:12 am

Vermont Business MagazineThis fall, Bennington College will welcome over 250 first-year students and 18 transfer students. This entering class will be the largest in the Colleges history.

Students reported that Benningtons appeal stemmed from historical strengths of the Collegeincluding the self-directed academics ofthe Plan, annualField Work Terminternship opportunities, and access to world-classfaculty mentors. Bennington has also been very successful at handling the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.

As a leading institution in the liberal arts, Bennington has attracted a hugely diverse student body, with over 15% of the Class of 2025 coming from outside of the United States (from 24 different countries). About 20% of the class of 2025 are domestic BIPOC students, 18% are the first in their family to attend college, and 25% are Pell recipients.

The class of 2025 also includes a diverse array of 15 United World College Davis Scholars, hailing from 7 UWC campuses around the world from Armenia to India to Tanzania, and representing 11 countries including Congo, Ireland, Libya, Malawi, Peru, Russia, and Spain.

Building upon Benningtons partnership withKIPPthe largest public charter school network in the US, which has a particular focus on serving low-income communitiesthree KIPP Scholars will also join the Class of 2025. Students come from KIPP Academy Lynn Collegiate High School (Lynn, MA); KIPP Generations Collegiate (Houston, TX); and KIPP Northeast College Preparatory (Houston, TX).

With this incoming class, Bennington continues its commitment to making higher education accessible and affordable, as well as fostering an inclusive environment for students from diverse backgrounds.

Students and families have been increasingly drawn to the value of a Bennington education. This year saw a record number of applicationsover 1,700reflecting a 25% growth from the previous years admissions cycle and continuing Benningtons recent application success. During the last 5 years, from Fall 2017 to Fall 2021, Bennington received the highest number of applications in the Colleges history.

Navigating Studies During COVID-19

The Colleges shift to a hybrid model of learning for the 2020-21 academic year allowed current students to reap the benefits of a Bennington education while maintaining the safety of the entire community.

Benningtons collaboration with public health, community, and higher education partners, as well as rigorous quarantining and preventative testing standards, allowed interested students tosafely return to campusby Fall 2020. Students were involved in creating and supporting the Colleges protocol. There have been no campus-wide COVID-19 outbreaks to date.

Courses for the 2020-21 academic year were offered in a hybrid format to accommodate students both on-and off-campus. These courses often transcended online lectures to embrace intriguing forms likemail artandletter writing. Responding to student interest, Bennington continued to offer pop-up courses throughout the year, on topics fromexploring the era of COVID-19toexamining Belarus and democraciesaround the world.

About Bennington CollegeBennington College is a liberal arts college in southwestern Vermont that has distinguished itself as a vanguard institution within American higher education.It was the first to include the visual and performing arts in a liberal arts education. It is the only college to require that its students spend a termevery yearat work in the world.Bennington students work intensively with faculty to forge individual educational paths around their driving questions and interests.

Bennington Colleges alumni include twelve Pulitzer Prize winners, three U.S. poets laureate, four MacArthur Geniuses, and countlessNew York Timesbestsellers and National Book Award recipients.

Rooted in an abiding faith in the talent, imagination, and responsibility of the individual, Bennington invites students to pursue and shape their own intellectual inquiries, and in doing so to discover the profound interconnection of things. Learn more

Source:Bennington, VT:This fall, Bennington College 8.31.2021

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AFRL to showcase space-related technologies, SpaceWERX at 36th National Space Symposium –

Posted: August 22, 2021 at 3:17 pm

By Bryan Ripple , Air Force Research Laboratory Public Affairs / Published August 19, 2021

WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio (AFRL) The Air Force Research Laboratory will showcase several space-related technologies, new ways to connect with and share an idea or capability with AFRL, and the beginning of SpaceWERX, the U.S. Space Force affiliated arm of AFWERX during the 36th Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Aug. 23-26, 2021.AFRL supports both the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force with Airmen and Guardians, seamlessly working high priority research areas across the labs technology directorates to move research to meet operational needs even faster.Some of the technologies to be highlighted by AFRL include development of two Department of the Air Force Vanguard programs with a space focus: Navigation Technology Satellite 3 (NTS-3) and Rocket Cargo.NTS-3 demonstrates next generation positioning, navigation and timing technologies for a more flexible, robust, and resilient architecture for satellite navigation technology. It also allows AFRL scientists to test reprogrammable software-defined receivers that are able to rapidly respond to new conditions and ensure better security and flexibility.Rocket Cargo aims to develop the capability to lease a commercial rocket to deliver 50-100 tons of DOD cargo anywhere on the planet in less than one hour and to prove that rocket-based terrestrial cargo transportation is viable, affordable and advantageous for agile global DOD logistics.The Space Solar Power Incremental Demonstrations and Research Project (SSPIDR): Space Power Beaming, is a series of integrated demonstrations and technology maturation efforts that will address space-based power collection and transmission capabilities, and mature technology critical to building an operational solar power transmission system for providing reliable and logistically agile power for expeditionary forces.Arachne, the keystone flight experiment in SSPIDR, aims to demonstrate the ability to collect, convert, and beam energy to the ground, collect solar energy using high-efficiency solar photovoltaic cells, then convert it to RF energy using the revolutionary sandwich tile, and beam it to a receiving station on the ground, and rectify and convert the RF energy into usable power for use by U.S. warfighters and end users.Rocket-Factory-in-a-Box is a program to develop a mobile, containerized Solid Rocket Motor production capability by aggregating revolutionary design and component manufacturing techniques and enabling rapid SRM manufacture in a small footprint with the flexibility to tailor performance to specific missions.SpaceWERX, the U.S. Space Force-affiliated arm of the AFWERX team, focuses on advancing innovative technologies for USSF Guardians and expanding the space industrial space by guiding additional partners, leveraging commercial investment and rapidly pursuing new technologies, while closely aligning its efforts with space operators and acquisition professionals within the USSF.Innovators who would like to share ideas with AFRL, are encouraged to visit the Air Force and Space Force Tech Connect website, a portal where users can submit ideas and capabilities with AFRL subject matter experts for potential feedback, collaborations and opportunities. Learn more about this tool and discover other avenues for engaging with AFRL at the 36th National Space Symposium.Maj. Gen. Heather Pringle, AFRL commander, is scheduled as a featured speaker on Aug. 26 and will deliver her presentation, One AFRL, Two Services, from 9:50 a.m. 10:05 a.m.Our way of warfare depends on space superiority and AFRL has a long history of research and development in support of this domain, said Pringle. With the recent standup of the USSF, along with the emergence of U.S. Space Command and new energy in the commercial space sector, we have exciting opportunities to modernize the way we lead and manage science and technology.Having one science and technology research laboratory for our nations aerospace forces allows AFRL to fully implement the Air Force Science & Technology Strategy on behalf of the entire Department of the Air Force, which aims to build a force capable of dominating across time, space, and complexity in all domains to ensure we continue to have the advantage in future conflicts, said Timothy Sakulich, AFRL executive director.Space as a warfighting domain is not a passing phase it is a lasting reality, said Dr. Kelly Hammett, AFRLs deputy technology executive officer for Space. The USSF is mission focused and dedicated to further accelerating U.S. space capabilities to enhance our lethality and readiness, and to ensure our nation is prepared to fight and win in a war that starts in, or extends to, space, Hammett said.For more information about the 36th Space Symposium, please visit FOR MEDIA: Please contact Bryan Ripple, AFRLs Media Operations team lead, at request an interview opportunity to discuss these technology exhibits, and learn more about these efforts.About AFRLThe Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) is the primary scientific research and development center for the Department of the Air Force. AFRL plays an integral role in leading the discovery, development and integration of affordable warfighting technologies for our air, space and cyberspace force. With a workforce of more than 11,000 across nine technology areas and 40 other operations across the globe, AFRL provides a diverse portfolio of science and technology ranging from fundamental to advanced research and technology development. For more information, visit:

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Whats the Best Way to Hedge Against Inflation? The Answer Lies in Commodities – Yahoo Finance

Posted: at 3:17 pm

Commodities have proven to be a powerful hedge against unexpected inflation, according to Vanguard research.

New research from Vanguard suggests that investing in commodities is the most powerful way to hedge against unexpected inflation. Pointing to a concept known as inflation beta an assets predicted reaction to a unit of inflation Vanguard found over the last decade that commodities rose between 7% and 9% for every 1% of unexpected inflation the economy experienced.

The Vanguard research, which examined the historical returns of the Bloomberg Commodity Index, comes as national inflation has reached levels not seen in more than a decade. The Consumer Price Index recently surged to its highest point since Summer 2008, rising 5.4% in the 12-month period that ended in July.

While markets factor a certain level of inflation into the price of assets, unexpected inflation can wreak havoc on portfolios by diminishing investors purchasing power, making effective inflation hedges all the more valuable.

What Are Commodities and How Do They React To Inflation?

Gold is a type of commodity. Commodities have proven to be a powerful hedge against unexpected inflation, according to Vanguard research.

Simply put, commodities are raw materials or agricultural products that can be traded. Common examples of commodities are gold, oil, grain, natural gas, beef and even coffee. Because they are crucial to everyday life, investors see the inherent value in owning and trading commodities.

As economic forces push the price of goods and services upward, commodities often become more expensive during times of hyperinflation. For example, energy commodities, which include oil and all types of gasoline, rose in price by nearly 42% for 12 months ending in July, according to CPI data.

Sue Wang, an associate portfolio manager for the Vanguard Quantitative Equity Group, led the research that determined the inflation beta of commodities was between 7 and 9 over the last decade. This suggests that a 1% rise in unexpected inflation would produce a 7% to 9% rise in commodities, Vanguard wrote in its recent insights.

Commodities vs. Other Asset Classes

The Vanguard research notes that commodities are more potent inflation hedges than both inflation-protected bonds and equities.

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Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) are commonly used inflation hedges that shield investors from a decline in purchasing power. The principal value of TIPS grow at the rate of inflation, preserving the buying power of an investors money. But with a far lower beta to unexpected inflation (around 1), they would require a significantly higher portfolio allocation to achieve the same hedging effect as commodities, according to Vanguard.

Meanwhile, equities have recently shown to be an effective inflation hedge, especially during the low-growth, low-inflation years of the 2010s. The S&P 500 has even slightly outpaced Bloomberg Commodity Index over the last year, but Vanguard believes the hedging power of U.S. equities will likely diminish in the future. This will be seen as technology and consumer discretionary sectors comprise more of the equity market while commodity-related sectors comprise less of it, according to Vanguard.

How to Invest in Commodities

Commodities have proven to be a powerful hedge against unexpected inflation, according to Vanguard research.

Investors hoping to put money into commodities have several different options for doing so. They can invest in commodities in the form of futures contracts or buy them indirectly through stocks. Commodity mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), meanwhile, can offer broad exposure to commodities while forgoing some of the risk that accompanies futures trading.

If youre interested in investing in commodities, consider working with commodities trading advisor (CTAs), certified financial professionals who can provide specific advice related to commodities and futures trading. A CTA, which can be a person or company, manages investment accounts and trades futures for their clients.

Bottom Line

Commodities are naturally occurring or agriculturally grown goods that can be traded in a number of ways. During times of unexpected inflation, investing in commodities can hedge against rising prices and preserve buying power. Citing historical data, Vanguard research suggests commodities rise between 7% and 9% for every 1% of unexpected inflation, making them more effective than TIPS and more reliable than equities.

Tips for Weathering Inflation

SmartAssets inflation calculator can tell you how much buying power your money has had in the past and will have in future. For example, assuming a projected inflation rate of 2.50%, $10,000 in 2021 will be worth $12,801 in 2031.

A financial advisor can help you reassess your portfolio during times of unexpected inflation to address both short-term and long-term needs. Use SmartAssets free matching tool to find up to three financial advisors in your area in as little as five minutes. If youre ready to find a local professional, get started now.

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From the Tea Party to the Proud Boys: How the Radical Right Weaponized America’s Founding Myths – The New Republic

Posted: August 14, 2021 at 1:07 am

But out of these ashes, a different political vision for the far right would coalesceone that would reject white supremacy as an ideology and seek out the more generative ground of American nationalism as an alternative.

Nationalism always operates, as historian Benedict Anderson put it, as an imagined community, connecting strangers in a settled sense of common identity through shared myths, memorials, and other cultural artifacts. But just as national identity can stabilize and cohere, it can also be used to disrupt and make new demands. This is perhaps particularly true in the case of the U.S., where the Revolution and its sacred justifying text, the Declaration of Independence, has been used regularly by various movementsfrom suffrage to civil rights to ecologyto authorize political and social change.

Yet democratic myths of the founding have lost currency with the left over the last half-century as activists and intellectuals have grappled with U.S. legacies of colonialism and slavery, capitalism and empire. Meanwhile, their potential value on the right has grown as their partisans have come to imagine themselves as victims of illegitimate state power and as small-r republican patriots whose policy preferences, from health care to taxation, from affirmative action to gun rights, can be imagined through a revolutionary frame of disruptive resistance.

After 2017, various factions on the right began to gather under the banner of nationalism. The Proud Boys, once mocked as being soft on the race question by white nationalist groups in their milieu, began to replace white supremacists as the dominant force in this movement, presenting themselves not just as urban Western chauvinists in Fred Perry polo shirts who opposed Islam, immigration, and international communism, but as defenders of the American nation and its president, Donald Trump. The white hipster Canadian founder of the Proud Boys, Gavin McGinnes, would finally come to be replaced by a U.S. citizen of Afro-Cuban parentage, Enrique Tarrio, who in turn became a major proponent of the Stop the Steal campaign in the weeks before January 6.

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From the Tea Party to the Proud Boys: How the Radical Right Weaponized America's Founding Myths - The New Republic

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