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Category Archives: Immortality

Newly renovated Memorial Student Center unveiled during Grand Re-Opening – MU The Parthenon

Posted: December 6, 2019 at 8:52 pm

Marshall University unveiled the newly renovated Memorial Student Center Dec. 5.

Students, faculty and community members gathered to unveil the newly renovated Marshall University Memorial Student Center Thursday morning.

Opened in 1971, the building had not had a facelift since the 1990s. As the center of student life, the MSC was ready for some updates, according to William Tootie Carter, the MSC director of business operations.

The Student Center serves as a hub of campus; we like to call it the living room sometimes, and as you all know when you have a living room, you got to update it, Carter said. And it needed it. The last time we actually did a renovation, if you want to call it that, (was) back in the 90s. It was basically new flooring, light fixtures and that kind of thing.

Carter walked attendees at the unveiling through the space while sharing the new pieces of the room, including a new memorial piece.

Several updates from the stairs, the glass banisters, the flex space, the new flooring, the fireplace, you name it, Carter said. The football team memorial. A student came up with the idea to make it more interactive. Kyle Powers is a student and came up with a great idea to make it interactive. Its a touch screen. For instance, you can touch a player, a coach and it gives a little bio about them.

Along with the renovations to the student center, Carter spoke of the updates made to the bookstore and food court.

Marshall President Jerry Gilbert expressed thanks and recognition to all involved in the renovations to the building, as well as his feelings about the transformation.

This is a truly beautiful renovation, Gilbert said. Its so bright and modern. It is all that I had hoped it would be. We went from the Flintstones to the Jetsons.

Gilbert also included the meaning behind the MSC and the impact it has on not only those connected with Marshall, but to the community as well. He explained that the building serves as a memorial to those who died in the Nov. 14, 1970 plane crash, just like the fountain, and has similar meaning.

Harry Bertoia, the designer of the fountain, wanted to commemorate the waters of life. Rising, renewing, reaching to express upward growth, immortality and eternality, Gilbert said. On any given day, the student center does the exact same things. It is full of life and activity, and it is the main hub for students, staff and faculty on this campus. For the surrounding community, this building holds celebrations, banquets, parties, reunions and weddings. The Memorial Student Center has been the heart of many wonderful memories of Marshall sons and daughters for the past 48 years.

Following the ribbon cutting, a reception took place for guests to mingle and explore the new MSC.

Special thanks were given to all of those who worked to make the remodeling possible, including the Marshall University Board of Governors, Ed Tucker Architects Inc., E.P. Leach & Sons Inc., Follett Higher Education Group, Sodexo Inc., RossTarrant Architects and SWOPE Construction Co.

Brittany Hively can be contacted at [emailprotected].

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Best Eats This Week: Acai bowl, peppermint mocha and the Broadway Burger – KGET 17

Posted: at 8:52 pm

BAKERSFIELD AND OAKLAND, Calif. (KGET) The holiday season is in full swing, and what better way to celebrate than with a peppermint mocha?

Also this week, KGET staffers ate acai bowls from a new restaurant in east Bakersfield, and burgers from an Oakland establishment with a number of classic burger options as well as specialty selections.

Gorilla Bowl, Brazilian Muscle Bowls, 2509 Mt. Vernon Ave.

There are all sorts of claims that acai berries are a miracle food with properties that can fight aging, help weight loss and do everything but bestow immortality.

I dont know about the health benefits, but the ubiquitous bowls featuring what is essentially an acai smoothie at their center are certainly delicious.

One of the more recent acai shops to open is Brazilian Muscle Bowls on Mt. Vernon Avenue, which shares a strip mall with a Mexican restaurant, check cashing business and nail salon.

I ordered a medium-sized Gorilla Bowl which also has strawberries, bananas, granola and almond butter. It was plenty to fill me up for breakfast.

Filling AND healthy? I can get behind that.

Brazilian Muscle Bowls also serves pancakes, juices, lean burritos and other items.

Peppermint mocha, Cafe Smitten, 909 18th St. Bakersfield

Tis the season for peppermint mochas! wrote Producer Raquel Vega of this holiday special.

Cafe Smitten added a great touch with crushed candy cane on the saucer.

The Broadway Burger, Pattys & Buns Burgers, 2852 Mountain Blvd., Oakland

For Producer Raphael Stroud, all the worlds a stage. Thats probably why he chose the Broadway Burger during a recent trip to Oaklands Pattys & Buns Burgers.

With triple pepper ranch sauce, sauted mushrooms, caramelized onions, pickles, tomato and Swiss cheese on a toasted sesame seed bun, this burgers a show-stopper.

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Best Eats This Week: Acai bowl, peppermint mocha and the Broadway Burger - KGET 17

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Who is the best-loved sports personality in Pittsburgh? – Pittsburgh Soccer Now

Posted: at 8:52 pm

This column is written as a special for Pittsburgh Soccer Now, by guest contributor Robert Bell.

The city has had its fair share of sporting heroes in the past. From tough as teak footballer players to legendary baseball stars, Pittsburgh has given us memorable moments from unforgettable personalities.

Soccer in the city hasnt yet produced a hero to match other sports.

Megan Klingenberg with the World Cup trophy...

It is true that Meghan Klingenberg has had a terrific career and that current players such as Robbie Mertz are sure to give us some highlights in the years to come, though.

To inspire them, we bring up some of the most incredible athletes we ever saw in this city of Pennsylvania.

So, what stars from the past do they need to live up to?

Bill Mazeroski

Few athletes have gone down in history for a single shot like Mazeroski has. He was born in Wheeling, West Virginia and raised in Ohio, but it was while wearing the colors of the Pittsburgh Pirates that he achieved baseball immortality.

In truth, his greatest strength was in defensive play at second base. Yet, he is best remembered for hitting the historic home run in game seven of the 1960 World Series against the New York Yankees. His game-winning home run is arguably the finest moment in Pittsburghs proud sporting history.

Jack Lambert

Born in Ohio, it was a stellar 11-year career with the Steelers that turned him into a football icon. Lambert was arguably the toughest linebacker of all time, and a key part of the famously mean defense that drove the team to a string of famous victories and made them into Super Bowl winners.

He originally wanted to study to become a vet, but never looked back after joining the Steelers in the 1974 NFL Draft. Despite largely staying out of the public eye since retiring in 1985, he made an appearance earlier in 2019 to sign memorabilia.

Willie Stargell

Stargell is another hugely popular player who wasnt born in the city but played here for his entire career. He joined the Pittsburgh Pirates in 1962 and stayed there for 21 memorable seasons. Among his claims to fame is that he hit no fewer than seven of the 18 balls that have sailed over the 86-foot tall stands at Forbes Fields.

His glittering career included seven All-Star appearances and a monumental 1979 season where his MVP performance inspired the Pirates to fight back against the Baltimore Orioles to win the World Series. This is a Pittsburgh sporting hero that wont ever be forgotten.

Mario Lemieux

Canadian-born Lemieux played for the Pittsburgh Penguins during 17 seasons. During that time, he came to be regarded as one of the best players to ever take to the ice. Known as The Magnificent One, he is an NHL legend thanks to his speed and skill.

His tremendous record with the Penguins includes several Stanley Cup triumphs, both as a player and later as the owner of the team. Remarkably, all of this was despite the fact that he suffered from numerous chronic health problems. The debate over whether he was better than Wayne Gretzkyremains one of the sports most fascinating subjects.

Robert Clemente

Clemente was born in Puerto Rico but become a hero in Pittsburgh during 18 seasons with the Pirates. He was the first Latin American/Caribbean player to enter the National Baseball Hall of Fame, following his tragic death in 1972.

His list of achievements is hugely impressive, with 12 Golden Glove Awards, 12 All-Star appearances, and 3,000 career hits. However, he is also fondly remembered now for his charity work and wonderful personality. It was while flying to help earthquake relief in Nicaragua that he died in a plane crash.


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The Flash Season 6 Review: 6 Ups & 1 Down From ‘The Last Temptation Of Barry Allen, Pt. 2’ – WhatCulture

Posted: at 8:52 pm

Contains spoilers from The Flash Season 6, Episode 8.

Barry Allen may have spent this season of The Flash convincing everyone around him that he was processing the news of his imminent death well and that we should all be focused on helping his Team Flash friends and colleagues come to terms with it instead, but it appears that this isn't all that true after all.

Yes, last week's installment, 'The Last Temptation of Barry Allen, Pt. 1', delved deep into the Scarlet Speedster's psyche - a result of him becoming infected with Bloodwork's disease - and highlighted just how desperate he is to live. And while nobody could surely blame him for feeling that way, this desperation led him down a surprisingly dark path.

But that was only the beginning for what we're now calling Dark Flash because this week's offering, the predictably titled 'The Last Temptation of Barry Allen, Pt. 2', highlighted the impact of Barry's moment of weakness and how, in spite of his newfound immortality, he has somewhat died inside. The urgency of his rampage made for a thrilling edge-of-seat adventure that successfully managed to set the stage for Crisis On Infinite Earths.

First, the negative...

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The Flash Season 6 Review: 6 Ups & 1 Down From 'The Last Temptation Of Barry Allen, Pt. 2' - WhatCulture

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How Hollywood Became Obsessed With De-aging Its Stars – The Atlantic

Posted: at 8:52 pm

Still, thats an oversimplification of the process, which took about 500 artists and two years to perfect. When it comes to de-aging, visual-effects artists aim not to re-create or copy the image of an actors younger self, but to interpret the character being played. In Smiths case, his clone in Gemini Man was trained as an assassin, so he couldnt have the lanky build of Smith from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. On top of that, effects of this caliber require compromise: As much as dark lighting, long takes, and clever costuming help hide flaws in Juniors presentation, the film couldnt conceivably be told under such circumstances in every scene.

Lee admitted that the end result isnt perfectthe final, daylight-drenched scene looked goofy, he told mebut the film operated almost like a guinea pig for the cutting-edge technology he wanted to implement. As a director, Lee often pushes filmmaking boundaries, so the idea of furthering de-aging by building a full digital human sounded appealing. We are in a digital era, he explained, so to me its only logical to [de-age an actor] right in front of your eyes through digital effort.

Indeed, de-aging actors digitally is becoming the new normal in Hollywood. Though the practice of manipulating an actors look rather than casting age-appropriate performers has been around since the mid-2000sThe Curious Case of Benjamin Button being a prime examplevisual-effects artists have worked overtime on it this year. In March, the 90s-set Captain Marvel toyed with Samuel L. Jacksons appearance, erasing decades off his face. Marvel deployed the technique again in April, incorporating an estimated 200 aging and de-aging shots of various actors throughout Avengers: Endgame. Five months later, the horror sequel It Chapter Two de-aged its young cast members so that they would match their preteen looks from the first film. (Thanks, puberty!) And Martin Scorseses gangster epic The Irishman, released at the end of November, dialed back the ages of its stars, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, and Joe Pesciall in their 70sto portray the lives of mobsters across entire lifetimes.

At a time when Hollywoods population of box-office-busting movie stars is dwindling, de-aging allows existing ones to be rebornor, at the very least, to ensure their longevity. For an industry that relies on rebooting franchises, its only logical that filmmakers would want to do the same to its bold-faced names. Consider the news that James Dean could be digitally resurrected to star in a new movie; taken to its bleakest, most Black Mirroresque extreme, the notion of re-creating deceased actors via visual-effects has implications that could pave the way for a new era of moviemaking.

Its a form of immortality, if you think about it, Olcun Tan, a visual-effects supervisor based in Los Angeles, told me. He pointed to Mickey Mouse as the optimal version of a movie star with staying power, a type of fictional character turned brand. To achieve everlasting fame, stars would go through the reverse, from being a household name to becoming a digitally reusable character, another tool in a filmmakers toolbox. Im not saying this is what the future will bring, because this is a little dark, but if you can imagine it, there is a likelihood it can happen, Tan said. Because if the film industry is trying to reverse current actors ages because it makes them money, you have to consider there is a likelihood theyll license their appearance at some point, even after those people are gone.

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Martin is verging on immortality – The Roar

Posted: November 30, 2019 at 10:12 am

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Sport analysts and commentators have long revered the players of old.

When we discuss the greats, lots of criticism falls on the current generation, with the standard of greatness elevated the more we part from legends we remember.

Considered a symptom of the glory days and time passed, legends are often cleared of their moments and remembered for their undeniable triumphs.

In todays all-access age, the modern player is denied the same mystique, but thats not to say that these legends are anything other than legends.

Take this into consideration when regarding the talent and potential of modern greats like Dustin Martin.

Not only is he the best player in the AFLs most damaging side, but Martin has achieved honours beyond most in an unbelievable three-year period.

Martin is not the greatest ever, although he might be in the discussion about Richmonds best.

Players like Royce Hart, Kevin Bartlett and Matthew Richardson are all exalted in Richmond history.

Retiring in 1977, Hart received outstanding honours in his ten-year career with four premierships, two Jack Dyer Medals and two Michael Roach Medals, as well recognition in the AFL Team of the Century and Australian Football Hall of Fame.

However, Kevin Bartlett stands at the top. Besides recording 403 games for Richmond between 1965 and 1983, Bartlett achieved five premierships, one Norm Smith Medal, five best and fairest awards (three in Premiership years), four Richmond leading goal-kicker prizes and Australian Football Hall of Fame Legend status.

But something needs to be said about Martins success achieved in the VFL/AFLs most expansive era.

(Photo by Mark Kolbe/Getty Images)

In 2017, Martins made history more times than thought possible. He won the Brownlow Medal with a record 36 votes and became the first player to do so with a premiership and a Norm Smith Medal in the following week.

Martin had his name on everything that year, but at the start of 2018, we observed a different Dustin Martin. Despite excelling, Martins form dipped with his passion for the game fading fast.

Martin achieved every award achievable by a player in his position and seemingly had nothing left to strive for. The media pumped him up for the class exuded in 2017, at times over-hyping a man no longer before us.

The Tigers lost to Collingwood in the preliminary final that year despite leading the league and remaining undefeated at the MCG all season until that match.

Although like Richmond, Martin returned in 2019 as many premiership stars fell throughout the season. As all great leaders do, Martin lifted, guiding Richmond out of a struggle.

He slowly returned to his 2017 form before transcending it in the matches leading into finals. Of course, Richmonds near perfect system meant Martin carried less weight than most other teams would allow. But Martin had a purpose again and seized it fast.

He assisted the Tigers to their second premiership in three years, and in turn secured his second Norm Smith Medal. He joined stars Gary Ayres, Andrew McLeod and Luke Hodge as one of four players to win it twice, although Martin remains the only player to do it with Brownlow honours in the same year.

The Richmond star could retire tomorrow as one of the best players to ever grace the club.

But with a few more strong years, Martin may just take out the top spot in Richmonds history and be remembered as their greatest ever.

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BOOKS IN BRIEF: ‘Living With Limericks,’ by Garrison Keillor, and ‘The Secrets We Kept,’ by Lara Prescott – Minneapolis Star Tribune

Posted: at 10:12 am

Living With LimericksBy Garrison Keillor. (Prairie Home Productions, 175 pages, $17.99.)

You can almost hear Garrison Keillor snickering like a naughty schoolboy as you leaf through his latest book, Living With Limericks, featuring dozens of mildly saucy rhymes, too tame for Playboy, too raunchy for the New Yorker. His obsession with flatulence is so deep, you may want to ground him for a week.

But between acts of juvenile delinquency, the former Prairie Home Companion host waxes wistfully through poems and anecdotes about childhood memories, surgeries and growing old. In many ways, the collection serves as a sneak preview to the memoir hes currently peddling to publishers.

He also bares his fangs, laying into everyone from Bob Dylan to local podcaster Nora McInerny, who wrote a scathing commentary about him for Time magazine shortly after he was accused of sexual misconduct. He never directly references the scandal, but he can be quite amusing while skirting at its hem.

Youre a phenomenon and a national treasure, he shares in a chapter about immortality. And then the earth turns and youre a guy spilling soup on his shirt.

When hes not playing the pity card, Keillor reminds us that he remains one of our most thoughtful wordsmiths and a generous one. At one point, he offers some helpful tips on how you too can improve your writing, something Dylan would never do.

Neal Justin

The Secrets We KeptBy Lara Prescott. (Knopf, 325 pages, $26.95.)

The dazzling prologue of The Secrets We Kept is a tough act to follow, but Lara Prescott pulls it off. Written in first-person plural, its from the perspective of women who toil in the secretarial pool at the CIA in the early 1950s. They tell us they are smarter and more skilled than the suits they work for and they close the prologue by asserting, Unlike some of the men, we could keep our secrets.

The plural chapters continue throughout the novel, but theyre interspersed with first-person accounts from several characters, including Irina, a Russian-American who quickly earns duties in addition to typing. Her job? Helping to smuggle into the U.S. a copy of Boris Pasternaks unpublished Doctor Zhivago, which the CIA intends to get into the hands of as many Americans and Russians as possible.

Prescott (yes, she was named after the heroine of Zhivago) also includes chapters featuring Pasternak and the real-life inspiration for Lara and, although theyre involving, theyre not as strong as the voices of the secretaries, who we miss every moment The Secrets We Kept isnt with them. Perhaps a sequel is in order, one where we find out what other secrets theyre keeping?


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BOOKS IN BRIEF: 'Living With Limericks,' by Garrison Keillor, and 'The Secrets We Kept,' by Lara Prescott - Minneapolis Star Tribune

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Derrick Henry’s Titans teammate interrupts interview by blasting Auburn’s Kick Six call – For The Win

Posted: at 10:12 am

Its impossible to think about the Iron Bowl without remembering the craziness of the Kick Six in the 2013 Alabama-Auburn game.

But on the off chance Tennessee Titans linebacker Daren Bates teammates forgot what happened, the Auburn alum was happy to remind them.While former Alabama running back Derrick Henry spoke to the media Thursday, Bates offered up a soundtrack for his teammates interview.

He interrupted Henrys interview by blasting the radio call of the Kick Six, when Alabama attempted to break the tie with what would have been a 57-yard field goal for the win. Instead, the Crimson Tide missed the kick, and Auburn cornerback Chris Davis was waiting in the end zone, caught the ball and returned it for the game-winning touchdown and Iron Bowl immortality.

Auburn won, 34-28, in surely the wildest ending to the Iron Bowl and one of the greatest plays in college football history.

Henry said there has been trash talking in the Titans locker room all week, adding: I love it though. Well after see Saturday how he feels.

But that wasnt the only thing Bates did this week to troll his Alabama alum Titans teammates. As linebacker Rashaan Evans spoke with the media, Bates hilariously played the Auburn fight song and danced in the background.

And the Titans Twitter account also shared photos of Henry and Evans during practice with Auburn signs on their backs with War. Damn. Eagle. written on them.

No. 5 Alabama takes on No. 15 Auburn on Saturday at 3:30 p.m. ET in a game the Crimson Tide need to win to keep their College Football Playoff hopes alive.

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‘I want to do well in the big competitions’ – Andy Murray not ready to take back seat – Tennis365

Posted: at 10:12 am

Andy Murray says he still hopes to get back to winning the biggest competitions, but his injury ordeal has helped him put tennis into perspective.

Murray was world number one when he was struck down by a hip injury that cost his two years of his career and appeared certain to end it.

However, after major surgery that involved adding metal components into his hip the true extent of which is shown in dramatic clarity in the new documentary Andy Murray: Resurfacing he is once again back on a tennis court and, most importantly, pain-free.

It remains to be seen whether Murray will be able to reach his former heights with a metal hip, but he says he can deal with it if he cant.

Obviously youd want to do well in all the big competitions, Murray told the BBC.

But I think thats one of the things that I took out of these last few years: that ultimately you realise what actually are the most important things.

Tennis is very important to me but its not ahead of my health, its not ahead of my family.

Tennis is great and winning matches is fantastic, but you realise when youve gone through a tough period and you get through it what the really important things are.

RELATED:Sporting immortality does not come easy Andy Murray: Resurfacing provides a unique portrait of an icon

Since returning this summer, the signs for Murray have certainly bee encouraging.

He won the doubles title at Queens alongside Feliciano Lopez, played both mens and mixed doubles at Wimbledon, played a full Asian swing of the ATP singles Tour, and won his final tournament of the year in Antwerp.

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This Week in Buffalo: Biggest party night of the year – Buffalo News

Posted: at 10:12 am

For many in Buffalo, the opportunity to sleep in (or nap after the Turkey Trot) and the promise of a hearty meal Thursday means a chance to let loose Wednesday night.

That fact is not lost on bars, restaurants and clubs; Thanksgiving Eve is, as usual, absolutely loaded with parties, live music and general holiday revelry.

Expats in town for the week have a lot to consider, too, in addition to the enticing new venues that have joined the food and music scenes in the last year.

Philosofest IV, noon to 11 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 27, at 12 Gates Brewing Co. (80 Earhart Drive, East Amherst). No cost.

How can you resist an event based on a legend involving the Philosopher's Stone? 12 Gates' name comes from Sir George Ripley's "Compound of Alchymy," and alchemists long searched for the mythical stone said to grant immortality and turn regular metals into gold. No word on whether the stone will make an appearance at the event.

But really, this is ultimately a brewery taproom party with beer releases (with outstanding names), live music and extended hours. Dirty Dangles double IPA packs a wallop at 8.6% ABV, while the Danger Zone stout was brewed with brandy-soaked oak chips (sounds fairly fascinating).

Tiny Music, a Stone Temple Pilots cover band, plays 8 to 11 p.m., following Mike & Mandy Music from 4-7.

[Photos: Smiles at Rock the Gates 2019 | Explore craft beer at 12 Gates]


Lowest of the Low, 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 27, at Town Ballroom (681 Main St.). Tickets are $32 in advance.

The inevitable: A Ron Hawkins holiday show (but it keeps happening because Lowest of the Low draws so well). The Canadian frontman and his bandmates tangle in Town Ballroom Wednesday, joining forces with Wolf Tickets and Ace of Wands. Word is that this show is already approaching capacity, too.

Lowest of the Low has been profiled so many times in The News it's hard to know what to focus on this Q&A by Tim O'Shei in 2017 and this Jeff Miers' review from 2012 are two good places to start.


Flip Hunger the Bird, doors at 7 p.m., show at 8 on Wednesday, Nov. 27, at the Cave (71 Military Road). Cost is $15 general admission, or $10 with the donation of a nonperishable food item.

One of Miers' suggestions for expats home for the holidays is a trip to the Cave, a short walk from the Sportsmen's Tavern in Black Rock and a key component of the Halls family's expansion project. This fundraiser on Thanksgiving Eve is a prime opportunity to take the critic's advice while supporting the Food Bank of WNY.

The Donny Frauenhofer Band, Farrow and Saranaide more different than they are similar in their musical approaches give listeners a refreshing variety.


The Night Before Thanksgiving featuring Folkfaces, 8 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 27, at 42 North Brewing (25 Pine St., East Aurora). Admission is a canned good or winter clothing for Friends of the Night People.

The 42 North footprint is expanding in East Aurora, with four new Airbnbs, additional brewing space, a canning line with clean branding and lofty goals of becoming a major player in regional craft beer distribution; co-founder John Cimperman told The News' Scott Scanlon he's "in the business of selling an experience."

Folkfaces, a local Americana/roots band lauded by News contributor Mac McGuire, will perform on Thanksgiving Eve, just a few months after releasing wonderfully named album "Fat Ol' Rat."


Lazlo Hollyfeld, 9 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 27, at McGarret's (946 Elmwood Ave.). Cost is $7 at the door.

Respect tradition. Sonny Baker and friends have a mix of music planned for their annual Thanksgiving Eve show in "the bar that has no name" (but it does have a name, it's McGarret's).

Hollyfeld's history of covering bands they love in this case, the Talking Heads. again continues, while they'll also play "the music of themselves," (or original music, but we like how they put it). The band had a tune-up of its Talking Heads set roughly two weeks ago when they played Hydraulic Hearth's fifth anniversary.


Marquee Grand, 10 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 27 at Mr. Goodbar (1110 Elmwood Ave.). No admission cost listed.

For a variety of reasons, Goodbar is a popular stomping grounds on Thanksgiving Eve and whenever expats return to Buffalo. A great beer list, cheap live music, underrated wings and unpretentious atmosphere are at the heart of its appeal, which were elaborated upon when the bar celebrated its 50th anniversary last year.

Marquee Grand is a four-piece rock band from Buffalo, also with new music on the way after a strong gig at the Alternative Buffalo Birthday Show. The group will release a single, "Maybe," on Dec. 6.


Beach Slang, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 26, at Mohawk Place (47 E. Mohawk St.). Cost is $20 in advance.

New music is right around the corner for Philadelphia punk band Beach Slang, so Mohawk Place concertgoers could be in for a treat. The coming album title, "Deadbeat Bang of Heartbreak City," is the work of James Alex, the band's only stable presence over the course of its five-year history.

Local opener Mom Said No. has generated plenty of buzz this year, as well as some praise from Miers, who thinks they could be the next band to break out of Buffalo.


One-Eyed Cat Brewing holiday pop-up, 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 26, at Moor Pat (78 E. Spring St., Williamsville). No cost to attend.

One-Eyed Cat Brewing has done things the right way in starting its brewery, building industry relationships by staging pop-ups around the area before settling on their main taproom location, inside an old church at 10678 Main St. in Clarence Hollow.

Another chance to try their beer comes Tuesday at craft beer-crazed Moor Pat, a short jaunt from their eventual location. OECB will have three brews to sample: a New England IPA, a Russian Imperial Pumpkin Stout and the house imperial stout. More details on these beers at the event page.


More options for Thanksgiving Eve

Jive Turkey Celebration at Duke's Bohemian Grove BarThanksgiving Eve Bash at the Cove with Hit-N-RunThanksgiving Eve party at Becker Farms/Vizcarra VineyardsStoutsgiving 2019 at Big Ditch Brewing Co.Strictly Hip at Tralf Music Hall


Continued: "The Irishman" at Dipson Amherst, North Park Theater. Read the review and the feature on Buffalo-born actor Patrick Gallo.


Sold out: Turkey Trot on Thursday in downtown Buffalo, but look back at last year's Smiles for good measure.


3 quick-hitters for this week

Thanksgiving Night party at New York Beer ProjectOpening of Lewiston Family Ice RinkPints for Progress No. 7 at Taylor Theater


5 events to look forward to this weekend

Hotel Henry holiday market beginsJingle Falls USA in Niagara FallsChristmas in EllicottvilleHandel's "Messiah" with BPO at OLV Basilica"The Nutcracker" at Shea's Buffalo

[Sold out for this weekend: World's Largest Disco; As I Lay Dying]


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