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Category Archives: Golden Rule

People With Heart Trouble Usually Feel This First | Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Posted: October 9, 2021 at 7:34 am

It's a stark fact: After decades of awareness campaigns, heart disease is still the #1 killer of Americans. Prevention is key. So is recognizing the early signs of heart disease or a heart attack so immediate treatment is possible. These are the symptoms that people with heart trouble usually feel first, and you may not have heard about most of them. Read on to find out moreand to ensure your health and the health of others, don't miss these Sure Signs You May Have Already Had COVID.

The most common symptom of heart trouble is chest discomfort: pain, uncomfortable pressure, squeezing or fullness.

"Classic cardiac pain is a heavy discomfort in the center of your chest that feels like a tightening or squeezing," says Robert Greenfield, MD, a double-board-certified cardiologist and lipidologist at MemorialCare Heart & Vascular Institute in Fountain Valley, California. "It may radiate down your armsusually the left arm or both armsand may be associated with shortness of breath and possibly a cold sweat."

If chest pain comes on with exertion and goes away with rest, it's called angina, "and that may be a critical warning sign that your heart is in trouble." Greenfield adds. "Angina pain lasts a few minutes, but if the pain is prolonged then 911 may be the best next step."

And some initial signs of heart trouble aren't related to chest pain at all. Read on to find out what they are.

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"I usually tell patients that any new symptom that occurs with exercise is something to pay attention to," says Nicole Weinberg, MD, cardiologist at Providence Saint John's Health Center in Santa Monica, California. "For example, say you newly get nauseous with your workout. That is something we would need to further and more closely examine to find out what the cause is."

A golden rule: "If a symptom comes on, particularly with exertion, and doesn't abate for five minutes, you should call your doctor or report to the ER," says Weinberg.

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If you frequently have to rest or stop to catch your breath while doing things that previously gave you no pause, it could be a warning sign of heart trouble. For example, if you find yourself gasping for air after walking up a flight of stairs, it could be heart-related.

RELATED: Sure Signs You May Have the "Most Common" Cancer

If you're persistently tired and it has no explanation, it could be a sign your heart isn't pumping properly. If you find yourself chronically fatigued and you haven't started a new workout or your normal daily activities haven't increased, tell your doctor.

RELATED: The #1 Cause of Dementia

Pain in the arms, back, neck, jaw and stomach may not be the first thing you think of when looking out for heart disease. But these atypical symptoms can be the first signs of heart trouble or a heart attack, especially in women, the American Heart Association says.And to get through this pandemic at your healthiest, don't miss these 35 Places You're Most Likely to Catch COVID.


People With Heart Trouble Usually Feel This First | Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That

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Oct. 9: Any objective observer of Facebook has known for years that they consistently put profit ahead of the interests of users. Facebook…

Posted: at 7:34 am

Frances Haugen, a former Facebook product manager, testifies before a Congressional subcommittee in Washington on Oct. 5, 2021.

T.J. Kirkpatrick/The New York Times News Service

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Re What Really Killed Joyce Echaquan (Editorial, Oct. 5): Joyce Echaquan should be Canadas George Floyd. Where are the protests to reflect this?

Lynda Olson Esquimalt, B.C.

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Re Coroner Urges Quebec To Recognize Racism (Oct. 2): Social constructs are often the enemy of right-wing politics. Margaret Thatcher denied there was such a thing as society so she could shirk governments obligations to the disadvantaged. Franois Legault tries to get government off the hook by denying systemic racism.

Maybe government is a social construct, too. What is it really? All I see are politicians who take oaths of office every four years or so people who drop the ball not long after they drop the writ.

Howard Greenfield Montreal

Re In Politics, Ego Is The Enemy (Opinion, Oct. 2): I have no quarrel with the opinion that MP Kevin Vuong has displayed the kind of entitlement that is anathema to our democratic politics. I am only concerned that the Liberals are being excused for their part in this assault on democracy.

Had they diligently vetted him, they would have known Mr. Vuong was previously charged with sexual assault; it would not then have mattered that he failed to disclose it himself. Even when the media reported the charge, the party merely asked him to pause his campaign.

All this aside, the Liberals should already have known that Mr. Vuong may be unsuitable as a candidate, as the party has a rule against being involved in potentially controversial litigation. If the Liberals hoped to forget, The Globe and Mail made it public on Sept. 1: Liberal candidate facing lawsuit over mask business.

Mary Boyce Toronto

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Re Undaunted (Opinion, Oct. 2): Thanks to contributor Yusuf Faqiri for bravely recounting the brutal death of his brother Soleiman at the hands of guards in an Ontario prison. It is a damning indictment of our prison and mental-health systems. Mr. Faqiri needed to be in hospital. He died in solitary confinement.

Do not assume this situation is unique. Our prisons are full of people with mental-health challenges, some of them, such as Mr. Faqiri, so ill that they should be admitted to hospital, not incarcerated for days or weeks without medication. If we transformed half of the capacity of jails into treatment centres staffed by caring and knowledgeable individuals, it would be a start.

Having volunteered in the field of mental health for many years, I have no faith this will happen any time soon, if ever. As a Canadian, I am ashamed.

Carol Town Hamilton

Fact: Ontarios chief forensic pathologist found that Soleiman Faqiri was killed in prison by guards.

Question: Has our justice system collapsed to the point of not being able ensure that justice be done, by holding these men to account for what they did to Mr. Faqiri and to his family?

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Answer: It should lie with the Commissioner of the Ontario Provincial Police, the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services and the Attorney-General of Ontario, people in a position to ensure that the family does not wait once more for justice to be done.

Gerard Moore Winnipeg

Re China Challenges (Letters, Oct. 6): A letter-writer suggests there is a golden rule to be followed when trading with China. That would be quite appropriate if we were dealing with a typical trading partner, but with China that doesnt seem to be the case.

As we learned with Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, as well as with canola, China often ignores the rules, including the golden rule, whenever its deemed appropriate by the government.

One doesnt turn a cheek with a bully they see that as a sign of weakness.

David Enns Cornwall, Ont.

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Re Bare Shelves, Empty Pumps: Britains Self-inflicted Brexit Wound (Opinion, Oct. 2): On one page I read about the shortage of people to keep Britain supplied with goods and services. Then on another I read about people fleeing their countries and now in need of homes, jobs and a chance to make a life (Middle East Migrants Become Border Pawns In Belarus Regimes Hybrid War With Europe Oct. 2).

What if Britain started thinking outside the box and went further afield than the European Union for the human support it needs? With serious thought and planning, this could be a start to solving its labour problems and, along the way, make this sad world of ours better for distressed refugees.

Tricia Rowan Calgary

Re Facebook Has Become Modern Nicotine (Oct. 6): Facebook whistle-blower Frances Haugen has done society a favour with her revelations about the social-media company and its affiliates. Lets be honest though: Any objective observer of Facebook and its competitors has known for years that they consistently put profit ahead of the interests of users.

What Ms. Haugen has done is make it perfectly clear that they did so consistently, knowingly and unashamedly.

James McSherry Creemore, Ont.

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I cannot think of a more Orwellian job title than Frances Haugens former role as lead product manager for civic misinformation. Big Brother would be so proud.

David Knight Oakville, Ont.

Re Why We Still Need Greenpeace (Opinion, Oct. 2): I am reminded of Greenpeaces first mission to Amchitka, an Alaskan island where the United States conducted nuclear tests.

In an effort to raise funds for the young organization, co-founder Irving Stowe audaciously proposed a rock concert, which came to pass in Vancouver on Oct. 16, 1970. With Joni Mitchell, Phil Ochs, James Taylor and Chilliwack donating their musical services and Joan Baez donating $1,000, a total of $17,164 was raised to help launch the historic voyage to Amchitka.

We should get busy and try harder to save the planet from our mistakes mine being excessive consumerism.

Margaret Ross Edmonton

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Re Typewriters Are Hot Now. Why? (Oct 2): If typewriters ring a nostalgic bell, then one will also remember when smartphones were brick-like objects that never left hall tables, car-navigation systems were giant paper maps hidden in erroneously named glove compartments and Amazon was an 800-page booklet called the Eatons catalogue.

Tim Jeffery Toronto

Letters to the Editor should be exclusive to The Globe and Mail. Include your name, address and daytime phone number. Try to keep letters to fewer than 150 words. Letters may be edited for length and clarity. To submit a letter by e-mail, click here:

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Oct. 9: Any objective observer of Facebook has known for years that they consistently put profit ahead of the interests of users. Facebook...

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The NBAs new rule change on shooting fouls will make the game better – SB Nation

Posted: at 7:34 am

Before the Golden State Warriors opened up the preseason on Monday night, superstar guard Stephen Curry was asked about a new league rule change to prevent letting offensive players draw a shooting foul if they jump into a defender at an abnormal angle. The move has become more common in recent years, particularly for the best players in the league. Brooklyn Nets coach Steve Nash famously called out Trae Young for it at the start of last season by saying thats not basketball.

Curry said he was still a little confused about the rule when asked. Good thing he got a first hand look at it in action once the game tipped off.

In the first quarter against the Portland Trail Blazers, Curry tried to launch himself into a defender to draw a foul on a three-pointer. Last year, Curry likely would have been heading to the free throw line after a play like this. This season, its a no call.

Curry is lucky he didnt draw an offensive foul. The new rule states that marginal contact should be a no call, while exaggerated contact should be ruled as an offensive foul.

Curry was clearly trying to to draw a three-shot foul with that shot attempt. The refs sniffed it out and decided a no call was best. Given how hard the defender was closing out, its possible it would have been a defensive foul on Portland had Curry just gone up for a normal shot instead of trying to bait the refs into blowing the whistle.

Heres the rule as laid out by the NBA, with video examples of how refs should now call each type of play the league is trying to eliminate.

Heres Currys full pregame quote on the rule change. He said Im sitting there watching the video, like, uhh, Im still confused on how thats not a (defensive) foul. Theres going to be some confusion to start, for sure.

Currys coach Steve Kerr thinks the rule change will have a positive impact on the game.

Its what every coach wants, Kerr told Slater. As long as the refs follow through on what the league says they will do and I have every confidence they will well get away from players manipulating refs and back to basketball. The defense, I think, has to be given a chance to guard. Its never been harder to guard with all the shooting. I think the league recognized things had gone a little too far over the top giving every benefit of the doubt to the offensive guy. So eliminating some of these BS plays is really big.

Kerr is right. This is an overdue rule change that is going to eliminate some of the most shameless NBA foul drawing tactics. Its never been tougher to defend in the NBA than it today given the premium offensives put on spacing and shooting. Defensive players have so much ground to cover. Defenders know they need to close out hard to challenge three-point shots, but in the past it was too easy for offensive players to manipulate the refs to turn those closeouts into three-shot fouls.

Curry is far from the worst offender of this. James Harden and Young should be impacted the most. While there will be a period of adjustment for both the players and refs, ultimately this likely wont have a huge impact on anyones numbers. The best players in the world like Harden, Curry, and Young adapt their games to what they can and cant get away with from the refs. They will figure it out quickly and still be elite players.

The games should have a better flow with this latest point of emphasis. Fewer stoppages are a positive. Defenders wont have to worry about a gotcha foul call when theyre just trying to do their jobs. The 2021-2022 season is just getting started, but this already looks like a positive change.

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The NBAs new rule change on shooting fouls will make the game better - SB Nation

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The Ultimate Guide to the 20 Best Lips Balms with SPF, According to a Dermatologist –

Posted: at 7:34 am

Ah, sunscreenarguably the most important step of our morning skincare routine.

We all know the importance of SPF to keep burns, wrinkles, and health risks at bay, but are you protecting your lips? After all, the skin on your lips is just as delicate as the skin on your face and susceptible to all the dangers of UV exposure. The solution doesn't have to be complicated. In fact, you're likely already using lip balm on a regular basis, so why not opt for one that's infused with sun protection?

Dr. Karan Lal FAAD, a cosmetic dermatologist in New York and New Jersey, explains, "I only recommend physical blockers like zinc because they dont cause itching of the lips or hives which can be seen with chemical sunscreens in this area. I also look for hyaluronic acid, and/or glycerin because they add extra hydration. My favorites: EltaMD SPF Lip Balm 36, Sun Bum SPF 30 Lip Balm, Coola Mineral Liplux. The one I use personally is the Coola Mineral Liplux peach flavor!

Dr. Lal's golden rule? I look for SPF 30+," he says. "Nothing less." While you might think lip balms are hardly the most glamorous products in your lip product lineup, these SPF options that offer a lively wash of color and glossy shine might just change your mind. Ahead, we've rounded up the 20 best lip balms with SPF on the market that hydrate just as well as they protect your pout.

UV Lip Balm with SPF 36

EltaMD's water-resistant, UV lip balm checks all the boxes.hydrate withHydromanil while protecting your pout with zinc oxide, a UV reflectant.An SPF-conscious reviewer shares, "This is the highest percentage of zinc oxide I can find in a lip balm that doesnt look white on my lips. It goes on clear and its very moisturizing."

SPF 30 Sunscreen Lip Balm

Manifest your next beach holiday withSun Bum'ssix summerylip balm flavors. Known for their range of sun protectants, there'sno doubt their lip balm, formulated with aloe, Vitamin E, and SPF 30 protection, is sure to keep your pout looking youthful at a price that's hard to beat.

Mineral Liplux Organic Tinted Lip Balm SPF 30

Swipe on for some healthy color! Coola's Liplux SPF 30 features mineral sun protection and mongongo oil fornutrient dense firming. One reviewer enthuses,"It is so smooth, moisturizing, looks good, and smells amazing! I've always had a hard time finding an SPF formula that works and provides the moisture I need and this one even has beautiful subtle colors that look natural."

Lip Protectant Sunscreen SPF 30 Tube

Fragrance and gluten free, Vanicream's SPF 30 lip sunscreen is the perfect suncare solution for sensitive skin. Keep your lips moisturized while the zinc oxideforms a reflective barrier on your skin,shielding your lips from harmful rays.

Lipscreen SPF 50

Cult-favorite clean skincarebrand, Paula's Choice, is here for all of your hydratinglipscreen needs. This fragrance- and flavor-freemineral lip sunscreen is perfect on it's own or as a base. One reviewer shares,"As a woman of color, I love that this doesn't leave a white cast on the lips. Additionally, this balm also works perfectly with other lip products or make up."

Butterstick Lip Treatment SPF 30

Kiehl'stintedButterstick made with Coconut Oil and Lemon Butter not only gives you a pop of color, but itdeeply hydrates while providingbroad-spectrum SPF 30 protection against UVA and UVB rays. "The moisture lasts all day and it's great to wear alone, or underneath lip gloss and lipstick," one reviewer advises.

Supergoop! Lipscreen SPF 40

Featuring ingredients like shea butter, coconut oil, and vitamin C, Supergoop's 100% invisible, non-sticky gloss adds a layer of SPF 40 protection and a hint of shine to your pout orany lip color.A reviewer shares,"A sheer glow with SPF to top my lipstick is perfect. It doesnt change the color of the lipstick, is smooth not gloppy, its perfect in every way!"

Lip Protectant & Sunscreen Ointment SPF 30

Aquaphor needs no introductionoh how we love our healing ointment, but this version infused with SPF 30 might have stolen our hearts. One reviewer gushes,"I love this stuff because it's very moisturizing, clear, no white cast, and wears very well over and under lip stick. It looks like a rich, shiny lip gloss."

Sunforgettable Total Protection Color Balm SPF 50

Colorscience is known for their suncare focused beauty products with unbeatable protection. This colorbalm boasts SPF in addition to the smooth, buildable pigment that comes in three shades. Use it to moisturizeyour lips, and while you're at it try it out on your cheeks for a fresh glow!

UV Protective Lip Treatment SPF 30

Ever wondered what the perfectcross between ahigh-performance sunscreen and a velvety lip pigment would look like?Probably likeCl de Peau's SPF 30 Protective Lip Treatment. This luxurious tinted balm is made with Asian ginseng extract and Vitamin E to reveal a supple pout and is finished off with anatural rose scent to make you feel extra elegant every time you reapply.

Hydrating Sheer Lip Balm SPF 30

Protect your pout with an elegant wash of color, courtesy of the geniuses at MD Solar Sciences. Created with ingredients like shea butter and avocado oil, this intensely hydrating lip balm offers buildable, long-lasting color.

Protective Lip Oil SPF 32

Brush On Block was founded on the idea of makingsun protectioneasy and convenient, and it doesn't get much easier (and beautiful!) than this SPF 32 lip oil. Coming in 3 shades and developed with rich emollients like Vitamin E,argan, castor, and sunflower seed oils, this gloss plays double duty as it nourishes and protects.

Sunscreen Lip Balm SPF 45

Keep a bit of your childhood in your pursethink the smell of Banana Boat, toiling away at to perfect your sandcastlewith their protecting lip balm. Thealoe vera and Vitamin E work to condition your lips while the water and sweat resistantSPF 45 protects.

SPF 30 Lip Repair

Nourish your lips with this elevated tube of lip balm by Context Skin, a truly clean beauty brand. In it, sunflower, extra virgin olive, hemp seed, and vitamin E all work to nourish your skin. And of course, the SPF 30 works to prevent any sun damage.

Liplux Organic Hydrating Lip Oil SPF 30

Channel the early-aughtsthink adorable pink hobo bags and flip phoneswith Coola's SPF lip oil. The consistency and finish is the perfect clear gloss to emphasize your lush lips, all while protecting them from any harmful rays.

Sunforgettable Lip Shine SPF 35

Colorscience does it againthis suncare-first beauty brand brings you the perfect tube of lip gloss without compromising on protection. Choose from three shades or opt for a clear coat for a hydrating shine.

Sunscreen Lip Balm SPF 30

High-performance botanical skincare line Salt & Stone is here with what seems like the perfect go-to lip balm.Featuring shea butter, sweet almond oil, and bisabolol, this anti-oxidant rich balm is sure to soothe as much as it protects.

SPF 45 Lip Balm

CoTZ has been devoted to mineral sun protection for nearly two decades now so you know your lips will be protected with their SPF 45 lip balm. With an invisible tint to prevent a white film on application and a subtle kiwi-lime flavor, this water resistant stick will keep your lips looking and smelling their best.

Moisture Max SPF 30

Formulated with the coconut oil andanti-oxidant richKakadu plum, Australian Gold'sSPF 30 reliably softens our lips and prevents sun damage. A years-long loyal reviewer shares,"I ride motorcycle with an open face helmet and have always had a problem with my lower lip getting sunburned. This is the first chapstick I have ever found that prevents that."

Sport Sunscreen Lip Balm SPF 50

Coppertone's classic sunscreen comes in a heavy dutylip balm form. Designed especially for active use, this tube of nourishing sun protectantoffers water-resistant SPF 50 for up to 80 minutes.

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Polygon (MATIC): Should You Invest in This New Crypto? – GOBankingRates

Posted: at 7:34 am

Originally known as the Matic Network, Polygon was created to scale Ethereum and improve the infrastructure. It is an India-based currency aiming to make transactions cheaper and quicker on the Ethereum blockchain.

Think of Polygon crypto as an express train. It is on the same track as all other trains but moves faster and makes fewer stops along the way. In this example, the track is Ethereum, where Polygon does a quicker job of fulfilling transactions than other currencies.

The platform uses a POS or proof-of-stake consensus to secure the network and create a new currency. As for Coinbase, Polygon has a market cap of $9.1 billion, and there are 6.7 billion MATIC in circulating supply.

Does that mean Polygon crypto is a safe investment? In this guide, you will learn the basics of Polygon, how it works and whether you should invest in it or not.

Anyone who has ever traded on the Ethereum blockchain would be familiar with the high transaction fees and slow fulfillment times on the network. Polygon solves these problems through the development of a decentralized platform that facilitates low-cost transactions.

The system uses point-of-stake checkpoints. Thus, one MATIC sidechain can reach up to 16 transactions per block. In the future, this could allow millions of transactions on the blockchain.

The network describes itself as a Layer 2 scaling solution. Its unique transaction fulfillment technology allows up to $65,536 transactions on each block. Meanwhile, Polygons side chains have been designed to support decentralized finance protocols of the Ethereum ecosystem.

Currently, Polygon only supports Ethereum as the base chain but plans on extending its support to other base chains, according to the community consensus and suggestions.

The developers release the token every month. The maximum supply of Polygon tokens is 10,000,000,000.

16% of the tokens are team tokens; advisors hold 4%, 12% are network tokens and 23.33% are in the ecosystem. The remaining 21.86% are foundation tokens.

As of Oct. 8, 2021, the Polygon crypto price is $1.36, according to CoinMarketCap.

It has a market cap of $9,145,297,989, with the 24-hour volume being $1,283,200,888.

Since it has several uses, Polygon has become popular among investors. But if you are a beginner or do not know much about Polygon, it is vital to be familiar with crypto before investing in it.

Here are some things you must know about Polygon.

In the future, Polygon wants to offer a framework for blockchain networks that would allow users to create interconnecting blockchain networks.

If this comes to pass, developers will have a lot of liberty for network creation. They will be able to develop standalone, flexible and scalable blockchains.

Considering Polygons ambitious plans, it is likely that the currency will be on the rise in the future too.

Many developers use the user-friendly Ethereum Virtual Machine to build decentralized apps.

With its EVM compatibility, Polygon makes it easier for developers to create decentralized apps and port them. Developers have deployed many Ethereum apps onto Polygon, including SushiSwap and Aave.

Before you invest in Polygon crypto, it is essential to determine if it could face any roadblocks in the future. The primary concern for Polygon is the presence of other blockchain network projects, like Avalanche and Polkadot.

These projects may start coexisting in the coming years, leaving no room for Polygon to be hyped up. Moreover, Ethereum is making efforts to upgrade its platform to Etherium 2.0. When this happens in reality, it will lower Polygons popularity.

Polygon experienced an incredible 13,000% increase in price in May. In January, one Polygon token was under $0.02, but the price increased to $2.68 by May.

However, this higher price did not last for long. Polygon crypto price fell to $0.90 when the crypto market drew back somewhat. Take this as an example of the markets volatility and how careful you need to be when investing.

Regardless of the cryptocurrency you want to invest in, it is imperative to note that these currencies are volatile investments. You should be comfortable with a dramatic swing in price without going into panic mode.

As for Polygon, some might consider it a safe investment while others do not. For instance, Mark Cuban, the crypto enthusiast billionaire, invested in Polygon.

Another plus point for Polygon is that more than 350 apps are running on its network. As the network runs many decentralized apps, it will remain relevant for a long time to come.

However, the downside of Polygon crypto is its attachment to Ethereum. Due to this, the network is not only competing with other currencies but also with Ethereum itself, which it also depends on.

Polygon developers argue with this, saying their network will remain relevant even if Ethereum 2.0 is released, since Polygon offers speedier transactions and allows Ethereums communication with other networks.

Plus, another programmable blockchain might take Ethereums spot in the future, sending Polygon down with it.

You can buy Polygon from a number of cryptocurrency exchanges, including:

Polygon is just as volatile as you would expect any other cryptocurrency to be. It might have bigger plans for the future, but there is no way to ensure that other blockchain networks or Ethereum itself would not cause a decline in the cryptos popularity and worth.

If you want to invest in it, make sure you follow the golden rule of investment by not putting in more than you can afford to lose.

Our in-house research team and on-site financial experts work together to create content thats accurate, impartial, and up to date. We fact-check every single statistic, quote and fact using trusted primary resources to make sure the information we provide is correct. You can learn more about GOBankingRates processes and standards in our editorial policy.

Scott Jeffries is a seasoned technology professional based in Florida. He writes on the topics of business, technology, digital marketing and personal finance.After earning his bachelors in Management Information Systems with a minor in Business, Scott spent 15 years working in technology. He's helped startups to Fortune 100 companies bring software products to life. When he's not writing or building software, Scott can be found reading or spending time outside with his kids.

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Polygon (MATIC): Should You Invest in This New Crypto? - GOBankingRates

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Also upset by obscene signs (letter) | Letters To The Editor | – LNP | LancasterOnline

Posted: at 7:34 am

I could not agree more with the writer of the Oct. 6 letter Teaching kids hate, disrespect. The public display of obscenity manifested by this anti-Biden signage is a sad indication of the moral depravity embraced by those who disagree with him and/or his policies.

It is safe to assume that they do support our former president, making it no surprise that they would stoop to such lows. One has to wonder: Do these people support the public display of profanity? Do they use such language at home? Do they condone such language from their own children?

One has to believe that the answer is yes to all these questions. Worst of all, these people are apparently not bothered by the fact that their own indecency can be seen by and affects others, especially young people.

In my own neighborhood, almost unbelievably, there is one such flag being flown less than half a mile from an elementary school, with numerous school buses passing by, mornings and afternoons. Sadly, this is another example of our society members thinking only of themselves, and not thinking of how their actions affect others. No better rule has ever been devised than the golden rule.

Dave Healey

Manheim Township

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Also upset by obscene signs (letter) | Letters To The Editor | - LNP | LancasterOnline

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Chinas noisy dancing grannies silenced by device that disables speakers – The Guardian

Posted: at 7:34 am

Across Chinas public parks and squares, in the early hours of the morning or late in the afternoon, the grannies gather.

The gangs, made up mostly of middle-aged and older women who went through the Cultural Revolution, take to a corner of a local park or sporting ground and dance in unison to Chinese music. Loud music.

The tradition has led to alarming standoffs, with the blaring music frequently blamed for disturbing the peace in often high-density residential areas. But many are too scared to confront the women.

The dilemma of the dancing grannies has prompted some to seek out tech solutions. One went viral online this week: a remote stun gun-style device that claims to be able to disable a speaker from 50 metres away.

Reviews of the item were positive. Downstairs is finally quiet. For two days the grannies thought their speaker is not working!, said one on Taobao, Chinas version of eBay.

Great invention, with this tool I will be the boss in the neighbourhood now, said another. This is not just a regular product, it is social justice!

China is home to an estimated 100 million dancing grannies. Square dancing allows older women, many of whom live alone or with younger family members who they accompanied on a move to the cities, to socialise. They form strong bonds, often shopping or doing other activities, including group investments, together, the South China Morning Post reported.

State media has described the square dancing, which has its roots in the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s, as a positive and effective way to reduce the medical and financial burden as well as increase the life quality of older people.

Many participants are retired, their children are no longer around. Square dancing becomes a place for them to have a social life.

But neighbours complain it has gotten out of control, with competing groups blasting their music over each other in small areas, and bullying those who try to intervene. Viral videos and reports have shown the groups arguing and fighting with basketball players to take over their court, or, in one case, breaking into a football field and stopping the game to dance in the space, prompting a police response and arrests.

In 2019, Tianjin City added new regulations on the promotion of civilized behaviors, allowing police to fine the dancing grannies up to 500 yuan (56) if their music is too loud in public.

Some disputes have escalated to violence. In Shijiazhuang, neighbours fight back at the grannies by spreading stinky tofu, paint, and engine oil while they are dancing. One media report described a high rise resident throwing human faeces out the window at them.

Most of them are the products of the Red Guard era, they dont respect society or the environment, said a young Chinese resident of Guiyang, who did not want to be named.

Square dancing is a problem left over from history. Many elderly people feel that the whole China is built by their generation. They have the absolute voice and status. We young people have done nothing, and of course are not qualified to question them.

The stun gun and other devices for sale online are part of an emerging market in goods to push back against the noise pollution while avoiding interaction. I tried to communicate with them once, but the police stopped me, said the Guiyang man. They thought I was going to do something bad. You know the golden rule of Chinese policy: the larger number of people matters. Everything is based on social maintenance.

Its not all hostile. Last year one group in Lanzhou city, Gansu, found a solution that make everyone happy by using bluetooth earphones, holding their own version of a silent disco.

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Chinas noisy dancing grannies silenced by device that disables speakers - The Guardian

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What fungi! Foraging and cooking with wild mushrooms – The Salem News

Posted: at 7:34 am

Kat Lieder admits she used to hate mushrooms because she thought they were creepy.

When she dug in the garden with her father as a kid, something about the fleshy, spore-bearing fungi gave her the willies.

I thought they were only associated with death and dead things and decay, she says.

So even she was surprised to find herself on a hilly, wooded trail near the Lodge in North Park on a recent Saturday morning, rooting through fallen leaves and scrutinizing dead logs and mossy stumps in search of mushrooms poking up from the forest floor.

Thinly sliced lean steak, garlicky mushrooms and fresh spinach are rolled into a whole grain wrap for these attractive pinwheels.

The University of Pittsburgh professor of global studies was in fine company: More than 100 new and veteran foragers, divided into small groups depending on how hard and far they wanted to hike, were on trails throughout the park. All had the same mission: to gather, study and exchange information about wild mushrooms. The daylong event also included lectures, displays, a cooking demonstration and a grand feast featuring more than a dozen mushroom dishes.

It was all part of the 21st annual Gary Lincoff Mushroom Foray held Sept. 18 by the Western Pennsylvania Mushroom Club. Named for national mycology expert and local fungi fanatic Gary Lincoff, it brings together people of all ages, experience levels and interests for a day of mushroom fun and education.

Like so many events, last years foray was canceled because of the coronavirus. So the crowd buzzed with excitement during the early morning welcome at Rose Barn. A table inside held waxed bags and empty egg cartons for those who forgot baskets for collecting.

Longtime member Josh Doty, of McMurray, Pennsylvania is an identifier for the club. Like many in the group, he got into foraging 12 years ago while photographing them, then had to learn what I was taking pictures of, he says with a laugh. He knows not just their common monikers such as maitaike, chicken of the woods and black trumpets but also their Latin names.

One mushroom his group encounters again and again is Russula. Found near oak trees, they come in a rainbow of colors and are one of the most recognizable genera among mycologists and mushroom collectors. He also points out Lactarius, also known as milk cap mushrooms because their fruitbodies ooze a sticky, milky latex when sliced with a knife.

While mushrooms often serve as decomposers by digesting dead organic matter, some are actually parasites that attack a living host and live on it, sometimes killing it. Many more, he says, are intimately linked to trees by symbiosis.

Thats what Lieder found so fascinating when she watched the Netflix documentary Fantastic Fungi during the pandemic. She sought out the Real Fungi stand at the Bloomfield Saturday Market. Her many fun conversations with its owner led her to not only grow shiitakes and oyster mushrooms in her basement, but go on her first foray with WPMC.

They are connected with living things in ways I hadnt ever thought about, she says.

The September foray, which netted more than 150 species, including a rare pouzarella, drove the point home.

It was so delightful to really know how many living things that are all around you that you dont see, she says. And everyone was so generous with their knowledge.

Still, fear persists for many would-be foragers, what with toxic beauties such as the milky-white Destroying Angel mushroom a single bite can kill you sprouting on the forest floor along with edible morels, oyster mushrooms and chanterelles. and with book titles such as the soon-to-be-released How to Forage for Mushrooms without Dying by Frank Hyman, who can blame us?

It doesnt help that many mushrooms can only be identified under a microscope.

The popular misconception is that we know what all the mushrooms are, says mycologist Michael Kuo, who was one of the forays guest speakers and the expert voice behind But we dont, and thats why [foraging] can be dangerous.

Thats why joining a club like WPMC is smart. They follow the mycologists golden rule: Never eat an unidentified mushroom!

Club members Kristen and Trent Blizzard, authors of the new Wild Mushrooms: A Cookbook and Foraging Guide (Skyhorse, $20), understand foraging can be a scary thing for newbies. But as with any hobby, if you invest in a good local or regional identification book and do your research, it can be less so.

This community is full of wonderful people who are willing to share their knowledge, and have so much enthusiasm, says Blizzard.

The Blizzards, who live and forage in Colorado, started their mushroom adventure as bloggers on Modern Forager. They quickly built a tribe by offering burn maps that detail where to find morel mushrooms that carpet charred forest floors.

Full of gorgeous photographs, their cookbook is a go-to guide for anyone who loves to hunt or cook with wild mushrooms. Along with tips on harvesting etiquette and kitchen tricks, it includes chapters on preservation and cooking techniques. (Did you know you can candy chanterelles or infuse mushrooms with alcohol?) Then its on to recipes from 25 skilled foragers around the country.

There are 115 in all, covering 15 different varieties of culinary fungi everything from jams and soups to jerky and pasta dishes, using favorites such as chicken of the woods, oyster, morels and porcini mushrooms. There also are profiles of some of the foragers sprinkled throughout because theyre so awesome and the world needs to know about them, says Ms. Blizzard.

The recipes had to be simple, and dishes the cooks actually ate on a regular basis.

As a result, a lot of flavors came into play that were very exciting, Blizzard says, with Eastern European, Thai and California influences. We learned mushrooms can be delicious prepared in a different way.

What makes foraging such a great hobby, she says, is that it never gets old. Its also sustainable and gets people outside, surrounded by nature.

It grows with you, and its thrilling, she says.


This tart works because the crust comes together without any rolling. Any fresh wild mushrooms work think chanterelles, hen of the woods, king boletes or black trumpets. With the addition of roasted butternut squash, its a perfect marriage of fall flavors.

1 3/4 cups unbleached all-purpose flour

2 1/4 cups (9 ounces) shredded white cheddar or Swiss cheese, divided

1/2 teaspoon fine salt

1/2 cup cold butter, cut into chunks

2 egg yolks

3 tablespoons ice water

1/2 pound peeled butternut squash or unpeeled delicata squash, cut into 1/2-inch slices

Olive oil

Coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper

Freshly grated nutmeg and toasted ground cumin, to taste

3/4 pound mixed fresh wild mushrooms, trimmed and sliced

Fresh sage leaves and sliced green onions, for garnish

Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

Make pastry crust: Place flour, 1 cup cheese and salt in bowl of a food processor fit with a metal blade. Process for a few seconds to blend, then add butter. Process for 10-20 seconds or until mixture is like fine crumbs.

Beat yolks and water together with a fork. With motor running, pour into food processor. Process for about 5 seconds or until the dough just comes together.

Crumble dough into an 11-by-7-inch rectangle fluted tart pan with a removable bottom, or a 12-inch round tart pan. Press dough evenly into pan with your fingers, making sure the bottom of the crust isnt too thick. Use a fork to prick dough all over.

Press a double-folded piece of foil down into the pan. Bake pastry for 12 minutes, then reduce heat to 350 degrees. Remove foil and continue baking for about 10 more minutes or until crust is a light golden brown. Cool.

Toss squash with 1 tablespoon oil, then season with salt, pepper, nutmeg and cumin. Spread out on a parchment-lined rimmed baking sheet. Repeat with mushrooms on a second baking sheet. Roast for about 25 minutes or until tender, then cool for 5 minutes.

Sprinkle 3/4 cup cheese in the bottom of pastry crust. Arrange squash and mushrooms on top, sprinkle with remaining 1/2 cup cheese and bake until cheese is melted, about 10 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs and onions.

Serve tart warm or at room temperature, cut into slices.

Serves 6.

Untamed Mushrooms: From Field to Table by Michael Karns, Dennis Becker and Lisa Golden Schroeder (Minnesota Historical Press Society Press, $25)


With its meaty taste and texture, chicken of the woods mushrooms can be substituted for chicken in almost any recipe. Theyre also relatively easy to identify, which makes them a hit with novice foragers.

For this recipe, the authors recommend mushrooms that are young and tender, with barely opened pads. It can be made up to three days in advance; add apples, onions and cranberries just before serving.

On the advice of mycologist Scott Pavelle, I blanched the chicken mushrooms for 30 seconds before roasting to kill any bugs (I know gross!)

Some people experience an allergic reaction to chicken of the woods mushrooms, so start by eating small amounts to test sensitivity.

5 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

4 tablespoons Madras-style Indian curry powder

1 teaspoon Italian seasoning

1/2 teaspoon pepper

1 teaspoon unsweetened coconut flakes

1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

5 cups chicken mushroom, bite-sized pieces

1/2 cup chopped flat-leaf parsley, divided

1 cup chicken stock

1/2 cup orange juice

1 heaping tablespoon dried chicken-flavored consomme

1/2 cup white wine

1/2 cup dried cranberries

Juice 1/2 lemon

1 large Vidalia onion, halved and sliced 1/4-inch thick

1 large Granny Smith apple, chopped

2/3 cup thick coconut milk

1/3 teaspoon dark roasted sesame oil

6 drops hot sauce, optional

1/2 teaspoon salt, or to taste

Chives, scallions, roasted sesame seeds or unsweetened coconut flakes, for garnish

Heat a large Dutch oven on high heat. Add oil, curry powder, Italian seasoning, pepper, coconut flakes and nutmeg. Stir to heat the spices, about 1-2 minutes.

Add mushroom pieces and stir to coat. Saute 4 minutes on medium-high, stirring occasionally. If using fresh mushrooms, make sure the pieces do not scorch; you may need to add 1/2 cup of water.

Add half the chopped parsley leaves, chicken stock and orange juice and bring to a boil. Cover Dutch oven and simmer on medium for about 8 minutes.

Dissolve powdered consomme in the wine, pour into Dutch oven and stir to incorporate. Bring to a boil. Stir in 1/2 teaspoon salt, cranberries and lemon juice. Cook on high 3 minutes.

Stir in onion, apple and remaining parsley. Cook for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add coconut milk and sesame oil, bring to boil, stir well and turn off the flame

Taste the liquids and correct flavors, adding more salt, curry and acidity as needed.

Serve over rice or pasta, and garnish with chives, scallions, toasted sesame seeds or coconut flakes as desired.

Serves 8.

Wild Mushrooms: A Cookbook and Foraging Guide by Kristen and Trent Blizzard (Skyhorse, $20)


Chicken mushrooms are one of the easiest to identify. But they can harbor bugs, especially if theyre older. (Check for any tunneling on the cut edges.) So you may want to blanch them in boiling water before using them. You can store them in a paper bag in the refrigerator before cooking, but no longer than a week.

Here, they pinch-hit for shredded rotisserie chicken in one of my favorite football season recipes, buffalo chicken dip. The shelf-like fungi is both beautiful and tasty theyre meaty, with a mild lemony flavor but can cause stomach upset if not thoroughly cooked.

1 1/2 pounds roasted chicken of the woods mushrooms, chopped or shredded into bite-sized pieces

6 ounces (3/4 package) cream cheese, softened

8 ounces cheddar cheese, shredded

1/4 cup blue cheese crumbles, plus more for garnish

1/3 cup blue cheese dressing, plus more for drizzling (optional)

1/3 cup of Franks Red Hot Sauce, or more to taste

Chopped cilantro, pickled jalapenos or sliced green onion, for garnish

Preheat oven to 400 degrees, and bring a large pot of water to a boil.

Clean chicken of the woods mushrooms with a damp paper towel or mushroom brush. With a paring knife, carefully trim away woody or tough parts, leaving only the tender outer fronds.

When water is hot, blanche mushrooms for 30 seconds, then remove with tongs to a cutting board. Cut into even-sized pieces or strips.

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What fungi! Foraging and cooking with wild mushrooms - The Salem News

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To pee or not to pee: A full timeline of the confusing level three bathroom rule – The Spinoff

Posted: at 7:34 am

How one simple question can I use someone elses bathroom or not? inspired a week of urinary confusion.


The prime minister has just announced that Auckland, which has been in lockdown for seven weeks, will be staying in alert level three, sort of. There will be eased restrictions: two bubbles can gather, outside only, with up to ten people at a time. Distance must be maintained when masks are removed for eating and drinking. Jacinda Ardern is inviting Aucklanders to meet their friends and whnau for a walk or a picnic or a beer.

On the Spinoff work messaging platform, Slack, staffers are reacting to the news. Leonie Hayden (Opinion Writer of the Year at the 2021 Voyager Media Awards) has only one thing on her mind.

I might be focusing on the wrong thing, but if I go have a beer in a friends backyard, can I use their toilet?

A simple question posed by an award-winning journalist.

Can I use someone elses bathroom?


The Spinoff has one press gallery reporter, Justin Giovannetti. He is present both at the press conference and on Slack. Amid his helpless colleagues speculating, a curmudgeonly Giovannetti cuts through:

I asked about your bloody toilet.

And so he has. Back in the Beehive theatrette, Giovannetti asks if a person having a drink in their friends backyard is allowed to use their toilet. Director general of health Dr Ashley Bloomfield looks perplexed. Hes not ready for such a specific question. He begins to answer but Ardern speaks over him.

Keep it outside, she says, with confidence. Nice and simple. If you havent got a good bladder, dont stay for long.

Can I use someone elses bathroom? No.


Moments after, nay, seconds after Ardern has given what appears to be a definitive answer, Bloomfield continues with his original response: We havent modelled that particular scenario but its the gathering of people inside [thats to be avoided]. Im assuming theyre not all going to the toilet at the same time.

He stops talking and Ardern moves on to the next question.

Can I use someone elses bathroom? Yes.


On the final day of alert level three as we know it, there is still confusion in the air about the new step system. And still confusion about toilets. Auckland Council releases a statement in an attempt to clear the air.

Over the coming days we will be working to reopen more of our public toilets and making some of our outdoor facilities available for use once again, it says. With so many parks, this will take time so please do bear with us while we work through this

Can I use someone elses bathroom if that someone else is a park? Yes.


After being asked for clarification around the residential toilet rule (among others), the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet sends out a final ruling to media via email.

Visitors cannot go into your house at all. This includes walking through a house to access the backyard or use of bathroom facilities. If you have visitors they can meet in your garden or in an outdoor public space. The golden rule is that your gathering of 10 people is outdoors to reduce the ability of the virus to transmit.

Can I use someone elses bathroom? No.


Deputy prime minister Grant Robertson appears on the AM Show to clarify ongoing confusion about the level three, step one rules. Ryan Bridge asks him, first up, whether or not someone visiting a friend for a drink is allowed to use their bathroom. Robertson laughs, makes a joke about being happy to cover the important issues first, then answers.

As Dr Bloomfield said yesterday, were not expecting there to be gatherings of people in the toilet but if people need to go, no doubt they will manage that situation. The critical element here is that the focus of these gatherings is outdoors.

Can I use someone elses bathroom?Yes.

Newshub coverage of the issue exercising a weak-bladdered nation


The prime minister appears on The Hits morning show with Jono and Ben to once again provide clarity on the toilet rule.

Im really clear on this, she says, speaking on day three of toilet confusion. Just dont go inside. Dont go inside, please. And if youre really stressed about whether or not this is going to be manageable, just be in a park or a place where this isnt going to be a dilemma for you.

Can I use someone elses bathroom?No.

Does just be[ing] in a park mean people magically wont need to pee? Also no.


Covid-19 response minister Chris Hipkins is running the 1pm press briefing. He does not mention toilet use in his prepared remarks but is of course asked about them when he opens the floor for questions. Hes given a pop quiz on the rules that includes can you go to the toilet if you go to your friends house for a barbecue?

No, he says firmly. It sounds like hes finished and then he hurriedly adds, unless its an outdoor toilet.

Can I use someone elses bathroom?No.

Can I use someone elses outdoor bathroom?Yes.


An email is sent to multiple media outlets and politicians, including the prime minister, as well as the director general of health and the (director) general info account at the ministry of health with the subject line denial of access to toilet = torture. The body of the email doesnt provide much more information then that but is thought-provoking nonetheless. At time of writing, none of the recipients has reply-alled to the email.

Can I use someone elses bathroom?No.

Is denying access to a bathroom torture?Maybe?

No pee discourse to report.


As at 8.00am, Friday October 8, there has been no further news of toilet-based Covid-19 rules. No reporters have investigated Hipkins casual reference to outdoor toilets at peoples homes, despite that being a thing that largely doesnt exist. Men can pee in bushes (and do so) with ease. Women will, it seems, just figure it out. Or, as Ardern suggested, just be in a park or a place where this isnt going to be a dilemma.

Can I use someone elses bathroom?No.

This article will be updated with any further clarifications to the toilet rule.

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Originally posted here:

To pee or not to pee: A full timeline of the confusing level three bathroom rule - The Spinoff

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‘Leave no trace’ is the rule for outdoors conduct – SC Times

Posted: October 3, 2021 at 2:46 am

Scott Mackenthun| Special to the St. Cloud Times

Minnesotans have flocked to the outdoors during the continuing COVID-19 pandemic.

Some were regular participants who have always spent time outdoors;some are lapsed participants who are rediscovering the tremendous benefits of outdoor recreation;and a third grouping are the new recruits folks who dont have backgrounds in the outdoors at all and are seeing Minnesotas great outdoors in many places for the first time.

The outdoors is a place where everyone should feel welcome. But it is also a place that deserves respect and requires its visitors to follow some basic rules. Based on the accounts of bad behavior and poor etiquette seen locally and nationally in 2020 and 2021, it seems that some folks need a reminder of a few things when they get outside and into nature. Just like in kindergarten, where you learned the golden rule of treating others as you want to be treated and have carried that idiomatic rule throughout your lifetime of interpersonal relationships, there is a simple rule that should govern your behavior outside.

Leave no trace covers just about everything in the code of human conduct while outdoors.

Stay on designated trails. Unless you are going to a wilderness area or a wildlife management area that promotes disbursed recreation, most places have trails, and managers implore you to keep you on said trails. When you get off trail, you disturb vegetated sites and have impacts to flora and fauna. Stay on the trails. Leave no trace.

Dont vandalize park property. Seems pretty obvious. No one needs to see graffiti or your initials in a wood bench, or stickers on signs. Dont cut down trees to construct forts or to make your own firewood. Leave no trace.

Keep fires in designated locations only. Its amazing how many leftover fires are found in places they dont belong. Unless you are in a back country area where its specifically allowed, most places want fires in fire rings only. With how hot and dry this past Minnesota summer was, its amazing we didnt have more manmade fires. Leave no trace.

When you go to some places with remarkable natural beauty, do your best to keep it that way. Get your picture or take in the view, then move aside for others to do the same. Dont hog the good viewing areas and dont start stacking rocks up to make your mark. Too many trails, trailheads, stream crossingsand beaches are getting filled with rock cairns. When you start stacking cairns, its a sign to me that youre inexperienced outdoors. Leave the rocks alone; youre messing with microhabitats that are important to birds, fish, insectsand small mammals.

See some wildlife nearby? Great. Admire it from a distance. It seems like foolishness is rewarded these days when people make the news for taking selfies by bison and grizzly bears and then wonder why they are being gored or charged. It isnt just the big, dangerous critters that deservesome space. Respect nature and give her some space. Leave no trace.

When youre loading up gear at a BWCA portage, grabbing gear at a trailheador unstrapping the boat at the public launch, get out of peoples way as you start. Its a courtesy to others to stay out of the way as you get things ready. Once you have everything ready, then embark and take to the trail or launch.

Finally is the issue of rubbish. How can people come to these beautiful natural areas, and leave so much waste behind? Its a very simple rule if you pack it in, pack it out! Any wrappers, containers, bottles, cans, dog waste, garbage ... take it with you! Dont expect someone to grab it for you or for the parks department to put out a trash can. Take it home with you and dispose of it properly. Leave no trace.

To those who have been leaving no trace and are good ambassadors to the outdoors, keep up the good work. But moving forward, outdoors folks need to start policing ourselves. Speak up when you see bad behavior. Natural Resources and Parks Enforcement is stretched far too thin to respond to the huge outdoor exodus that is happening in COVIDtimes. There is plenty of room for everyone outdoors, and all should feel welcome. We just need everyone to be respectful.

This is the opinion ofoutdoors columnistScottMackenthun. You can follow him on Instagram @scottmackenthunand on Twitter @ScottyMack31.

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'Leave no trace' is the rule for outdoors conduct - SC Times

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