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Category Archives: First Amendment
ALEX JONES.11/22/2013..First Amendment Showdown in Dealey Plaza – Video
Posted: April 28, 2014 at 6:50 am
ALEX JONES.11/22/2013..First Amendment Showdown in Dealey Plaza
Go here if you want more Video views and Subs to your channel its 100% FREE and YOUTUBE has no problem with it. Go here if you want more Video views and Subs...
By: Camel Antuan
ALEX JONES.11/22/2013..First Amendment Showdown in Dealey Plaza - Video
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PETITION FOR A WRIT OF CERTIORARI; Crystal Cox v. Obsidian Finance Group – Video
Posted: at 6:50 am
PETITION FOR A WRIT OF CERTIORARI; Crystal Cox v. Obsidian Finance Group
Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox, Supreme Court Case Filing, Motion to Rehear and Rogue Judges; Crystal Cox Supreme Court, PETITION FOR A WRIT OF CERTIORARI; Obsidian Finance Group First Amendment...
By: Crystal Cox
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PETITION FOR A WRIT OF CERTIORARI; Crystal Cox v. Obsidian Finance Group - Video
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How A Public Corruption Scandal Became A Fight Over Free Speech
Posted: at 6:50 am
hide captionMonday the Supreme Court hears the case concerning what kind of speech is protected for public employees.
Monday the Supreme Court hears the case concerning what kind of speech is protected for public employees.
The current conservative Supreme Court majority has a well-earned reputation for protecting the First Amendment right to free speech, whether in the form of campaign spending or protests at military funerals.
But in one area the first amendment rights of public employees the conservative majority has been far less protective of the right to speak out. Now the court is revisiting the issue, and the result could have far-reaching consequences for public corruption investigations.
Edward Lane was fired because he testified truthfully that an Alabama state legislator was a no-show employee, being paid by the taxpayers for no work.
He was hired in 2006 to head a program for juvenile offenders, providing counseling and education as an alternative to incarceration. The program was run out of Central Alabama Community College and received substantial federal funds.
After he was hired, Lane conducted an audit and learned that one of the program's best paid employees, a state representative named Suzanne Schmitz, was not showing up for work. After Schmitz refused to change her ways, Lane had what he describes as an "ugly" meeting with the state legislator.
"She began to tell me who she was, and did I know who she was for real," said Lane.
Lane says that people in his office warned him not to tangle with Schmitz because of her influence, but, as he puts it, "To me, it's like being president of the bank. If I know one of my tellers is stealing from the bank, and I allow it to go on, I'm complicit."
And so he fired Schmitz.
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How A Public Corruption Scandal Became A Fight Over Free Speech
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First Amendment Lawsuit After ‘8theist’ Vanity Plate Denied, ‘Baptist’ Approved – Video
Posted: April 27, 2014 at 2:48 pm
First Amendment Lawsuit After #39;8theist #39; Vanity Plate Denied, #39;Baptist #39; Approved
Sharon Morgan is suing the New Jersey Motor Vehicles Commission after they denied her request for a license plate that said #39;Atheist, #39; with a number 8 instea...
By: GeoBeats News
First Amendment Lawsuit After '8theist' Vanity Plate Denied, 'Baptist' Approved - Video
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First Amendment Tees Co. Inc. FAT-Tee Intro Video of who we are, and what we stand for – Video
Posted: at 2:48 pm
First Amendment Tees Co. Inc. FAT-Tee Intro Video of who we are, and what we stand for
First Amendment Tees Co. Inc. FAT-Tee Intro Video of who we are, and what we stand for.
By: First Amendment Tees Co. Inc.
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First Amendment Tees Co. Inc. FAT-Tee Intro Video of who we are, and what we stand for - Video
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Cliven Bundy and the First Amendment – Video
Posted: at 2:48 pm
Cliven Bundy and the First Amendment
Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy is in hot water for racially insensitive remarks that he made concerning African-Americans, but as Voltaire once said, "I do not ...
By: James Burns
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[USA] First Amendment abused – Video
Posted: at 2:48 pm
[USA] First Amendment abused
In Washington DC, I was testing some stuff, and I started off with Freedom of Speech, here I am using it as everyone else does, although, my right is infring...
By: Cindy Brooks
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China toughens environment law to target polluters
Posted: at 2:48 pm
Chinaon Thursday passed the first amendment to its environment protection law in 25 years, imposing tougher penalties on polluters after the government called for a war on pollution.
The changes approved by the standing committee of the National Peoples Congress (NPC), Chinas rubberstamp parliament, take effect on January 1, 2015 and come amid growing public discontent over pollution.
The revised law imposes harsher punishments (for) environmental wrongdoing, and has specific articles and provisions on tackling smog, making citizens more aware of environmental protection and protecting whistleblowers, the state-run Xinhua news agency said.
The law also stipulates up to 15 days detention for officials in enterprises that, among other violations, avoid environmental impact assessments and refuse to suspend production after being issued a ban, Xinhua said.
The new law stipulates that enterprises will be named and shamed for breaking environmental protection laws, it said.
Chinas decades-long economic boom has brought rising environmental problems, with large parts of the country repeatedly blanketed in thick smog and both waterways and land polluted.
Pollution has emerged as a driver of discontent with the government, sparking occasional protests.
Xinhua said the amendment marked the first change to the legislation in 25 years.
The amendment approved Thursday which also called on citizens to adopt a low-carbon and frugal lifestyle came after Premier Li Keqiang last month vowed to declare a war against pollution.
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ConLaw Class 25 – The First Amendment — Speech I – Video
Posted: April 26, 2014 at 12:25 pm
ConLaw Class 25 - The First Amendment -- Speech I
Barron v. Baltimore, New York Times v. Sullivan, Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire.
By: Josh Blackman
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FIrst Amendment Under Attack – Video
Posted: at 12:25 pm
FIrst Amendment Under Attack
FIrst Amendment Under Attack - Captured Live on Ustream at.
By: Muslim Video
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