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From cavefish to humans: Evolution of metabolism in cavefish may provide insight into treatments for a host of diseases such as diabetes, heart…

Posted: May 15, 2022 at 9:35 pm

The fish shed light on metabolic disorders, because, despite elevated fat and blood glucose levels, they remain healthy.

Historically, humans have been able to adapt during periods of feast or famine. Today, however, feast has replaced famine in many regions around the globe leading to a rise in a host of diseases related to metabolism such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Collectively called metabolic syndrome, these conditions are associated with genetic mutations in regions of DNA that regulate how our genes work to keep us healthy; on an evolutionary timescale, the constant "feast state" is in its infancy, which for humans, means disease rather than adaptation.

This study marks the first time genetic mapping of the non-coding regions of liver DNA that act to regulate gene activity and expression have been performed. The new data is a now valuable resource for the scientific community studying starvation resistance and metabolism.

"It's a very good foundation for us or anyone to now ask relevant questions in relation to metabolism, diet, and adaptation," said Krishnan.

Metabolism, or the way in which we utilize and store energy, is an integral part of health in all species. Cavefish are ideal for studying metabolism; during periodic flooding of caves, these fish intake and store all the nutrition they need to survive until the next nutrient inundation, which may not be for another year. "They can shed light on metabolic disorders such as diabetes and obesity," said Krishnan, because, despite elevated fat and blood glucose levels, these fish remain vibrant and healthy.

"The fact that these fish are apparently healthy, despite having these extreme traits is, by definition, a good place to ask how they deal with that," said Rohner.

What is truly remarkable is that the two independently derived cavefish colonies examined in this study evolved strikingly similar metabolic adaptations to survive in dark, nutrient-scarce environments. This raises the question, what can we learn from animals who have had the time to evolve? And even further, if multiple cavefish populations evolved in a very similar manner completely independently from each other, are there universal adaptation mechanisms that could potentially be triggered in other species like humans?

"We know only a handful of genes that could be therapeutic targets," said Krishnan. "This means we need to adopt novel ways to identify such potential genes so that we can investigate them, and cavefish are a very powerful system for us to do that."

Coauthors include Christopher W. Seidel, PhD, Ning Zhang, PhD, Narendra Pratap Singh, PhD, Jake VanCampen, Robert Peu, PhD, Shaolei Xiong, Alexander Kenzior, Hua Li, PhD, and Joan W. Conaway, PhD.

Funding for the study was provided by JDRF, the Edward Mallinckrodt Foundation, the National Institutes for Health (award R01GM127872), the National Science Foundation (award IOS-1933428), the Enabling Discovery through GEnomics of the National Science Foundation (award 1923372), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (award PE2807/1-1) and by institutional support from the Stowers Institute for Medical Research. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.

About the Stowers Institute for Medical Research

Founded in 1994 through the generosity of Jim Stowers, founder of American Century Investments, and his wife, Virginia, the Stowers Institute for Medical Research is a non-profit, biomedical research organization with a focus on foundational research. Its mission is to expand our understanding of the secrets of life and improve life's quality through innovative approaches to the causes, treatment, and prevention of diseases.

The Institute consists of 17 independent research programs. Of the approximately 500 members, over 370 are scientific staff that include principal investigators, technology center directors, postdoctoral scientists, graduate students, and technical support staff. Learn more about the Institute atwww.stowers.organd about its graduate program

Media Contact:Joe Chiodo, Head of Media Relations 742.462.8529 [emailprotected]

SOURCE Stowers Institute for Medical Research

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From cavefish to humans: Evolution of metabolism in cavefish may provide insight into treatments for a host of diseases such as diabetes, heart...

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The evolution of podcast advertising: What’s next for marketers? | Sponsored Content – eMarketer

Posted: at 9:35 pm

If you remember what old-school banner ads looked like in the 1990s, you know that digital advertising has come a long way. From the early days of display ads to viewability standards for video, growth in digital ad spend has always been driven by the ability to reach specific audiencesand to measure the efficacy of the ads they see.

Audio advertising, however, has been a different story. Until recently, podcasts accounted for a small fraction of overall digital ad spend. But new data from eMarketer shows that US podcast ad spending will surpass $2 billion by 2023. Podcasts now reach more than one-third of the US population for more than 50 minutes per day, and recent ad tech innovation has given advertisers the ability to scale, measure, and effectively target podcast listeners all over the world.

The podcast revolution is officially here, and its been years in the making. The Evolution of Podcast Advertising breaks down the history of the medium, the challenges for advertisers, and what the future of podcast innovation looks like. Heres a brief history of the advertising channel thats projected to reach 504 million global listeners by 2024:

20042012: Digital formats, analog advertising

In the early days of podcasting, podcast creators and publishers began to monetize their content by simply recording their ad reads directly into the audio file for the specific podcast episode at hand. These spots became known across the podcast industry as baked-in or burned-in ads. For advertisers, baked-in ads represented a scrappy but unique opportunity to align with a trusted podcast or hosttrue influencer marketing.

However, baked-in ads presented some challenges. First, advertisers couldn't target specific audiences with certainty, instead reaching generalized demos based on polls. Second, with the ads baked or burned into the audio files, advertisers couldnt remove stale ad creative.

20132019: Dynamic ad insertion (DAI) marks a step up

Podcast listening continued to see a steady rise in listenership. Then in 2013, the podcast advertising industry took a step forward with the introduction of DAI. With DAI, an advertisers ad read is recorded and produced separately from the podcast episode and the ad is inserted into the content at the time of download by the podcasts hosting platform. This meant for the first time, podcast advertisers could access basic targeting, control the insertion and refreshing of ad creative, and run ads across multiple episodes or podcasts.

By 2020, however, the shift from downloading to streaming podcasts began to take hold. Enter: Streaming Ad Insertion (SAI) by Spotify.

2020Present: Upleveling industry standards with SAI

So, how does SAI work? Similar to DAI, a listener presses play on a podcast episode that has empty ad slots ready for ad insertion. However, rather than counting all impressions at the point of download, Spotify is able to record an ad impression in real-time, as soon as the ad starts playing. That means for the first time ever, podcast advertisers can get insight into confirmed ad impressions. They can have confidence knowing that their ads were heard, instead of simply using downloads as a listening proxy.

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Assessment "evolution" expected at international schools – The PIE News

Posted: at 9:35 pm

At the COBIS annual conference in London, international school representatives reimagined an education without formal written exams such as GCSEs and A-Levels instead looking to adopt curriculums that are less aligned to a very out of date assessment system,COBIS chairman, Trevor Rowell, indicated.

Theres an obsession with tests and examinations and there is far too little attention to developing the learning qualities needed for the middle of the 21st century, he said.

And even as we already have some profoundly well-developed edtech and AI is hurtling towards us, and with all that means for life and education, still we stick with the old systems which are very much 19th century.

Barnaby Sandow, head of school at ACS International School Cobham, which offers IB and AP programs, noted that children did not complete GCSE during the pandemic.

Were in the midst of a mental health crisis. And were about to put thousands of children into a whole bunch of high stakes exams that they dont need. Isnt that child abuse? he asked.

We havent got it right in the international sector at all, agreed international education consultant Matthew Savage.

We may get those attainment grades, but the mental health and wellbeing of the kids in our schools is just as fragile, just as vulnerable as any of the schools in the UK. Were at a point now where movement is essential We either move back to a system, which I believe was broken in the first place, or we move forward to something new.

Hayley White, assessment director at Pearson, nodding to areport into the Future of Qualifications & Assessment in England, said that it is not revolution, but evolution that the sector is looking for.

What I would say in terms of where we go from here is a need to be assessing the right skills in the right way, she said. So for some, that will be an exam with a variety of different question types. Some of it might be portfolio or on-screen assessments. And I think thats the challenge. How do we best assess what were trying to measure?

The conversation has got a lot of energy to it

Assessments and credentials from assessment are a currency and an asset that students use to go and get a job [or go to university]. Are those people then that use that currency to sift students just a bit lazy? PriyaLakhani, founder and CEO of CENTURY Tech, asked.

Some at the conference highlighted that they are opting to teach a minimum five GCSEs, and adding more personalised curriculum via other courses, others choosing IB qualifications, which are accepted by universities.

Speaking with The PIE, COBIS CEO Colin Bell emphasised that a strategic goal of COBISsnew development plan is to scope out how the association canwork closer with higher education institutions worldwide.

The conversation has got a lot of energy to it, he said. And behind that energy I think there is a real depth for a desire for change, but not change just for the sake of it. But change really to provide better pathway to success in life. And we all know that success isnt just derived from your grades in assessments.

But I think as well, its really important that for this change to actually take place and for it to be meaningful and impactful and sustainable, it cant just be related to schools. It has to be connected to the higher education sector globally.

At the moment, we are preparing children to do fantastically well in a pub quiz, Sandow added.

If we want to prepare them for the skills that they need so they are ready to go out [and] survive in the work place then weve got to stop thinking that the only thing that matters is whether Im better than you are.

Beyond the topic of assessments, international schools are seeing increases in admissions worldwide. Previous research has indicated that enrolment into international school groups has grown by 70% in the past five years.

Parents arelooking athigh quality British schools as an alternative to schools where they may have not had the best experience for their children during the pandemic, Bell said. Financial distress globally is leading to an impact on growth for mid-range price range schools in addition topremium schools, he added. The number of schools is also rising.

There is certainly growth in Dubai, but that growth globally is around about 6% thats the figure that we get from ISC Research, but its not just related to Dubai or the Middle East,Bell noted.

We see great growth in the number of British schools that are establishing and setting up, for example, in parts of Southeast Asia, like in particular Cambodia and Vietnam. Weve got a number of schools that are going through our accreditation process in those regions.

One attendee from a school in Georgia told The PIE about seeing a small influx of families who had previously been in Russia, while another from a school teaching the IB curriculum in Mumbai said they had been benefitting from more teachers applying for positions from schools in Russia who had chosen to leave the country.

Teachers who may have previously also applied for jobs in China have applied for jobs at the school in Indias most populous city, they added. Teacher recruitment and retention continues to be an issue, but speakers also suggested ways of maintaining staff levels.

We expect staff to seek opportunities, saidJan Steel, principal Outcomes and Standards, atGEMS Wellington International School. Staff must be engaged, prepared for development and schools should ensure they are a part of the journey of the school.

We are going to lose a lot of excellent teachers if we do not become more flexible at work

How are you investing in your teachers throughout the school?Joanne Standring, deputy head teacher Learning & Teaching, asked. Its not just about the barbecue at the end of term, but how you are checking in across the year and having checkpoints.

The rest of the world has moved on. The rest of the world is working from home, said senior teacher, Parmjeet Plummer. We are going to lose a lot of excellent teachers if we do not become more flexible at work.

One panel also shared statistics compiled by the Council of International Schools on wage disparity in international schools. In a sector where some 70% of workers are female, and only 23% of leaders are female, statistics show that there is an average $12,433 difference per year in wages between men and women.

The gap when it comes to ethnicity and locally hired staff versus internationally hired staff is wider still. White staff on average take home a $33,860 higher wage packet than non-white colleagues and internationally hired staff can expect $39,246 more per year than their locally hired co-workers.

Speakers also pointed to a Bloomberg expos on racism in hiring practises for staff at international schools. One representative of a school in Saudi Arabia said that it was often an issue among parents.

They say to me this teacher is not British, and I say, well yes they are, they are from West London, the representative told the conference.

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Going through these high-pressure situations was really good for us: Igoorctg on w7m evolution throughout the stage, rookies’ evolution and…

Posted: at 9:35 pm

Image via w7m

From narrowly avoiding relegation last year to topping the Brasileiro standings in the first split of the BR6 2022 season with record-breaking numbers, Brazils newest sensations w7m esports grabbed the bull by its horns and brought two top-flight debutants to the squad.

It was a big gamble that, so far, has paid off both Joo Jv92 Vitor and Gabriel volpz Fernandes have perfectly adapted to the league, with volpz becoming the highest-rated player of the regular phase.

The adaptation of Srie B players to the top-flight is now better if we compare it to the past, they know they must practice many new things, they are aware of the difference in experience, explained the teams coach Igor igoorctg dos Santos.

Igoorctg admitted the rookies mindset was ideal, as the players were eager to learn as much as possible from the game. They wanted to learn from the players with the most experience, their work and their adaptation has also been really good.

With eight victories and just one maximum overtime loss, w7m esports finished with the highest number of points recorded in a BR6 stage by any team before. I didnt expect that. No one did. We didnt look at the numbers, it was playing game after game after game.

One of the teams best traits this season has been the players performances on defense, playing a very aggressive style of play which secured them a really high percentage of entry kills. The team won 35 out of 48 defensive rounds, a number that would look even higher if the team didnt concede six defensive rounds on Villa against INTZ.

There was no specific preparation for them. In those cases I think it was more about the attacking repick and how teams read us, Igoorctg said about the teams reputation on defense.

Such momentum was extended to the Copa Elite Six, where rapidly w7m esports defeated Furious Gaming and FURIA Esports to clinch a Charlotte Major spot. Out of all the teams faced this season, Team Liquid has been the only roster to beat the bulls by a clear margin and not just once but twice.

In SiegeGG's interview with Luccas Paluh Molina, the Brazilian admitted that one of the keys behind w7ms success was the amount of time the team had to prepare before the stage, as they didnt play any tournaments and werent showing anything. Eventually, teams will learn how to read the teams aggressive playstyle with Liquids victories on the CES being a possible example of that.

But that doesnt necessarily mean w7m esports projection is about to go down the drain in the upcoming weeks. With new tournaments, new experiences come along, and the team will surely learn from them.

The Copa Elite Six was a very rich experience because we didnt have BO3 experience as a team, the players had a some difficult moments especially on the first map against the team of Pechito [Furious Gaming] where we lost the first five rounds, but going through these high-pressure situations is really good for us.

The first game against Team Liquid was possibly our worst as a team, we lost the series because Team Liquid have a very good map pool, they are a very good team.

Regarding the teams map pool, w7m esports has banned Bank in every match this season, with their match against Black Dragons being the only exception to the rule. The roster has also been reluctant to play Skyscraper and Theme Park.

It is now up to w7m esports to keep adapting, evolving, and trying to perform the best way possible.

Unluckily for the roster, w7m esports will have to compete in the Charlotte Major from Mexico. All Team oNe, FURIA Esports, and w7m itself couldnt secure US visas in time, forcing the rosters to flight to Mexico to compete in this months tournament.

The teams debut in the competition will come on May 16.

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Going through these high-pressure situations was really good for us: Igoorctg on w7m evolution throughout the stage, rookies' evolution and...

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Zero to Hero, the evolution of the DEX and Quitriam Finance – Pocket-lint

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(Pocket-lint) - Decentralised Exchanges (DEX) are the safest way of trading cryptocurrencies. Contrarily to a centralised exchange (CEX), like Binance, when you buy crypto from a DEX you have full ownership of that asset immediately. There is no intermediary third party facilitating the exchange. This is why when buying from a CEX, you do not own the asset in question until you withdraw it to a particular wallet. While it is on the exchange you do not control that token.

This may beg the question of why would anyone want to trade on a CEX if you dont even own the underlying asset at the end of the process. To answer that, we need to dive into the history of the DEX on the Ethereum (ETH) network.

Ethereum was the first mover in the Layer 1 and DeFi space and now resides under the pseudonym of the king of altcoins. The biggest problem facing ETH scalability has been its volatile yet consistently overpriced gas fees.

Gas fees are the price you have to pay to conduct a transaction on a network. Typically, the token you use in transactions is the central coin to the network, in this case, ETH. Depending on the blockchain, however, it may differ.

Before the employment of scalability aids like Polygon Matic, ETH prices would sit comfortably around the $100 mark. Imagine buying $400 of a particular currency as an investment and meeting a 25% gas fee Yeah.

Now, this heading might be a little bit hasty. With over $650 billion in total value locked into the Ethereum network, it is unlikely that any project will be able to overthrow the king. However, it does underline the excitement that surrounds this new DEX and DeFi protocol.

Quitriam Finance incorporates the decentralisation of a DEX with multichain capabilities. On a DEX such as Uniswap, if you wanted to buy an ERC-20 token you would get one method of fulfilling the transaction. One method and one ETH gas fee, with high slippage - slippage being the amount of deviation between the expected gas fee and the actual gas fee when you confirm the transaction.

The QTM Decentralised Exchange offers something rather radical. Partnering up with some of the biggest blockchains around, Quitriam offers you the best gas fee with the least slippage from a range of blockchains. If it can find a better price and a better gas fee on the Solana network, it will automatically route the transaction from that blockchain. You dont have to do anything.

From its launch in April, QTM is currently up 90% and doesn't show signs of stopping. For a project this early on in development it has shown surprisingly steady growth which usually equates to a project characterised by stability with strong fundamentals. The rare combination of centralised exchange transaction fees with cross-chain functionality all amalgamated into one DEX really is an impressive feat.

It is no surprise then that this project is gaining a strong presence and following on social media platforms. It appears to be gathering not only momentum but a community that truly believes in the project. With the first stage of the presale ending on the 9th of May, opportunities for buying this future high-flyer DEX are running out. Don't be late!


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The Evolution of a Bear Market: Here’s How This One Developed – RealMoney

Posted: at 9:35 pm

Market participants like to find historical comparisons for market actions. They look for similarities to past cycles so that they have some sort of roadmap as to how the current cycle will develop.

Unfortunately, every cycle is different. The cycle itself is inevitable, but the way that it develops and evolves is always different.

The current cycle is a good example of why it can be so difficult to navigate a bear phase. Although it is not apparent from the indexes, this bear phase started back in February 2021. That is when special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs), meme stocks, biotechnology, cannabis, ARK Innovation ETF (ARKK) names and a number of other sectors and stocks topped out. They have been in a downtrend for over a year now and still have not found a bottom.

For many months I wrote about how this poor action was not reflected in the major indexes or many big-cap socks. The FATMAAN stocks remained a safe haven and outperformed for most of 2022, but the Nasdaq 100 finally topped out in late December, and that is when the business media finally started to recognize the broad market deterioration.

In the past week, the bear market action has accelerated. There has been extremely poor breadth, terrible price action, and two days where downside volume was more than 90%. This is classic bear market action.

Despite how poor this action has been, the Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500 still have not met the classic definition of a bear market, which is a fall of 20% or more from the highs. Many market participants believe we can't hit bottom if the senior indexes still aren't in a technical bear market.

That disparity between the indexes and the majority of stocks has been the most difficult aspect of this bear market so far and creates great uncertainty as to how it will resolve itself.

For now, the best approach is to stay patient, protect capital, avoid the inclination to predict market bottoms and wait for better price action. This is a bear market and it is still evolving and developing. It is going to take time to work through it, but eventually the cycle will shift like it always does.

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The Evolution of Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers: Interesting Facts You Should Know – The Koalition

Posted: at 9:35 pm

With all of your favorite 90s shows returning this fan-favorite is sure to have you feeling extra nostalgic.ChipnDale: Rescue Rangers is coming to a screen near you in an upcoming American live action/animated action-adventure comedy film. Since 1940, Walt Disney has brought you the hilarious dynamic duo-chipmunk brothers.

In honor of the upcoming Rescue Rangers movie arrival on Disney+, The Koalition takes a look at the evolution ofChipandDaleto uncover everything we know about their origin story.

Evolution ofChipNDale

A comeback 30 years in the making, the hybrid live-action/CG animated action-comedy catches up with the former Disney Afternoon television stars in modern-day Los Angeles.

In Chip n Dale: Rescue Rangers, Chip and Dale are living amongst cartoons and humans in modern-day Los Angeles, but their lives are quite different now. It has been decades since their successful television series was canceled, and Chip (voice of Mulaney) has succumbed to a life of suburban domesticity as an insurance salesman. Dale (voice of Sandberg), meanwhile, has had CGI surgery and works the nostalgia convention circuit, desperate to relive his glory days. When a former cast mate mysteriously disappears, Chip and Dale must repair their broken friendship and take on their Rescue Rangers detective personas once again to save their friends life.

It all started with the 1943s Private Pluto (released onApril 2,1943) short that showcases Pluto as a soldier. Pluto is a guard dog on a military base. Hes told there are saboteurs and is assigned to guard a pill-box (gun emplacement). First, Pluto tries to follow marching orders, contorting himself into quite a mess. Then, he engages in hijinks with Chip and Dale (voiced by Norma Swank (Chip) and Dessie Flynn(Dale)), who are using a cannon to store and crack their nuts, and a war of wits naturally ensues.

Chips Ahoyis a1956animated short starringDonald DuckandChip n Dale. It was the last Chip n Dale short to be released theatrically.

In this short, Chip and Dale are both hungry sitting in their tree, which has few acorns. After a squabble over their last acorn, which falls into a lake below, Chip sees a larger tree overflowing with acorns across the way from them. However, the lake stands between them and their potential gain.

Mickeys Christmas Carol(cameo)is a1983theatrical featurette featuring established Disney characters re-enacting the classic Charles Dickens storyA Christmas Carol. The production, hailed asMickey Mouses big-screen comeback (despite his limited supporting role), was inspired byAn Adaptation of Dickens Christmas Carol, Performed by The Walt Disney Players, a 1974 record album conceived byAlan Youngand Alan Dineheart.

Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers TV show features Chip and Dale, two chipmunks with noses for trouble, start a detective agency, theRescue Rangers, along with their new friendsGadget,Monterey Jack, andZipper. The pint-sized detectives deal with crimes that are often too small for the (human) police to handle, usually with other animals as their clients.

The gang frequently finds itself going up against two particular arch-villains: Mafia-style tabby catFat Cat, and mad scientistNorton Nimnul. The Recue Rangers motto is to watch out for everyone, and whenever anyone is in trouble, theyre on the case. This gang would never steal from anybody, has hearts of gold, and always tries to help others in need.

Its been over 30 years since the end ofChip n Dale Rescue Rangers, andChip and Daleare currently living a life of mediocrity in a world where humans and cartoon characters live together. Meanwhile, traditionally animated characters are doing their best to live in a world of remakes and reboots with realistic computer graphics. Now, Chip and Dale must renew their partnership and bring the gang back together to try and save a friend from a fate worse than death: video piracy.

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Choral Evolution hits all the right notes Victoria News – Victoria News

Posted: at 9:35 pm

Fans of Choral Evolution will be pleased to hear theyre up to their new tricks again.

The Sooke-based group puts on a pair of performances on May 28 at 7 p.m. and May 29 at 2 p.m. at Holy Trinity Anglican Church at 1962 Murray Rd.

Choral Evolution has chosen a collection of songs that weave through the forests of love, introspection, and heartache for the show called Journeys of the Heart, said choral director Bruce Ruddell.

We have found fresh and original arrangements of classic pop music and spirituals that capture the essence of the original pop hits through inspiring choral arrangements, said choral director Bruce Ruddell. Journeys of the Heart is an intimate concert focusing on the passionate lyrics and music of great creative artists.

The shows music explores the personal journeys of great artists such as Adele, The Beatles, Crosby, Stills and Nash, The Eagles, Coldplay, and Imagine Dragons, and the timeless journeys told in African American spirituals, Ruddell noted.

Choral Evolution, mostly made up of former members of the Sooke Community Choir, performed its inaugural concerts in Sooke and Colwood in March. It has been busy rehearsing for the upcoming performances.

They were a great success for our new organization, Ruddell said. We played to very appreciative audiences, and the third concert in Sooke sold out.

Tickets are available at the door or through for $20 for adults, with children under 16 admitted for free.

There is no intermission, and masks are recommended.

If you cant attend the concerts in Sooke, Choral Evolution will perform at 7 p.m. on May 27 at Gordon United Church in Langford.

RELATED: Choral Evolution looks to West Shore for new voices

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Platypus eggs which proved Darwin’s evolution theory rediscovered 150 years after they were lost – The Telegraph

Posted: at 9:35 pm

They are the specimens that helped prove the theory of evolution, yet they have remained lost for 150 years.

Now, Cambridge University has uncovered jars of platypuses and echidnas which were pivotal in proving that some mammals can lay eggs, supporting Charles Darwins controversial new hypothesis of natural selection and dealing a crushing blow to creationism.

Until Europeans first encountered the creatures in Australia in the 1790s, it had been assumed that all mammals give birth to live young, yet many scientists refused to believe the aberrations were real.

With a tail like a beaver, a flat bill, and webbed feet like a duck, when the first platypus specimens were brought to Europe people thought they were fakes that had been sewn together.

The finds were discovered in stores at Cambridges University Museum of Zoology, while assistant director Jack Ashby was researching a book about Australian mammals.

In the 19th-century, many conservative scientists didnt want to believe that an egg-laying mammal could exist, because this would support the theory of evolution the idea that one animal group was capable of changing into another, said Mr Ashby.

Lizards and frogs lay eggs, so the idea of a mammal laying eggs was dismissed by many people I think they felt it was degrading to be related to animals that they considered lower life forms.

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Platypus eggs which proved Darwin's evolution theory rediscovered 150 years after they were lost - The Telegraph

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Securrency Opens "Liquidity Lounge" in Davos: Cutting Edge Discussions on the Evolution of Capital Markets & the Future of Finance – PR…

Posted: at 9:35 pm

Securrency is joined by Abu Dhabi Global Market, Halo Investing, State Street, Stellar Development Foundation, and other partners, for a week-long program of dedicated talks and engagements focused on the movement towards a global liquidity network.

WASHINGTON, May 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Securrency, a leading developer of institutional-grade blockchain-based financial and regulatory technology, opens the "Liquidity Lounge" on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos taking place May 22-26.

Located in the heart of Davos, the Liquidity Lounge serves as the hub for focused discussions covering the evolution of global capital marketsand the ramifications for current and future market participants. From the use of distributed ledger technology (DLT) to enhance current market infrastructures to new regulations to innovative products, services, and practices that remove friction in global financial markets to opening up new opportunities for the financially underserved and excluded, the Liquidity Lounge offers participants and attendees the opportunity to gain a first-hand view of where the future of finance is headed.

Securrency and its world-class partners invite all World Economic Forum attendees to join them in the Liquidity Lounge at ESCHER Raumdesign, Promenade 115, 7270 Davos Platz, Switzerland. A seminal event, bringing together global leaders in digital asset finance, compliance and regulation, the Liquidity Lounge is co-hosted by several prominent stakeholders including, Abu Dhabi Global Market, Halo Investing, State Street, and the Stellar Development Foundation, and offers a full program at the cutting edge of global digital finance.

"Securrency's presence on the ground at Davos further demonstrates our ongoing commitment to support the responsible evolution of global financial markets," said,Dan Doney, Chief Executive Officer of Securrency. "We are on the forefront of the remarkable convergence of legacy financial systems with innovative new technologies that are capable of improving global capital markets for all who use them. The power of blockchain technology, harnessed by responsible innovators, is driving this transformation in a way that appropriately balances the need for financial privacy with advanced institutional and regulatory oversight capabilities. The result will be unprecedented global liquidity and a sea-change from how modern markets work and how we interact with them."

John Hensel, Chief Operating Officer of Securrency,said, "We're excited to be curating this discussion on the future of finance. We are also proud to bring together some of our closest partners, such as Stellar Development Foundation, Halo Investing, State Street, and Abu Dhabi Global Market, to share their expert insights, alongside other key figures involved in the evolution of our markets. We are confident that this impressive group of thought leaders will drive the discussion and industry forward."

Beginning with a welcoming reception on Sunday, May 22, the Liquidity Lounge will offer a wide-ranging and spirited discussion on the future of finance in the ambiance of the World Economic Forum. The daily program themes include:

Further details on the agenda can be found at the following link:

About Securrency, Inc.

Securrencyis a blockchain-based financial markets infrastructure company focused on building a financial ecosystem to optimize financial logistics to enhance capital formation and stimulate global liquidity. Securrency is driving change at the core of financial services via a fully-interoperable distributed identity and compliance framework with state-of-the-art infrastructure designed to bridge legacy financial platforms to next-generation blockchain networks. One of the most advanced regulatory technology providers in the industry, Securrency has developed integrated, scalable, and universal compliance tools that automate enforcement of multi-jurisdictional regulatory policy.

Media ContactsAnna RyanWachsmanE: [emailprotected]

SOURCE Securrency

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Securrency Opens "Liquidity Lounge" in Davos: Cutting Edge Discussions on the Evolution of Capital Markets & the Future of Finance - PR...

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