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Category Archives: Evolution

AI Voices: The Evolution of Text-to-Speech Technology – Auralcrave

Posted: July 26, 2023 at 1:28 am

Just 10 years ago, artificial intelligence was a thing of science fiction movies and dystopian novels yet now AI is the hottest topic, with machine learning algorithms affecting nearly all aspects of our lives. One of the more spectacular breakthroughs achieved with AI are the strides in text-to-speech technology, allowing us to create emotionally-filled human voices we hear today. How did we even get here?

The first semi-successful attempt at synthesizing human speech was done with the Voder machine in 1939 developed by Bell Telephone Laboratories. It was a groundbreaking invention for its time, which recreated the acoustic properties of human speech using a series of keys and a foot pedal. The operator could control the pitch and inflection with the pedal and manipulate the keys to generate sounds corresponding to different vowels, consonants, and even hisses all combined to produce human-like speech.

Operating the Voder was no easy task it required lots of skill and practice, with operators needing a year of training at minimum to be able to generate anything resembling human speech. All aspects of the output were manually controlled and required finesse to adjust in harmony something that our vocal folds do effortlessly.

Today, we have access to simple-to-use and very efficientspeech-to-textand text-to-speech technology with many popular apps like CapCut but recreating human voices wasnt always so easy. Novelty computer-based text-to-speech systems appeared in the late 20th century, but in the beginning they only read text in monotone, very mechanical voice.

More computing power and more compact devices created promising opportunities for text-to-speech technology. More refined algorithms were starting to appear that could better mimic human voice features, but they still lacked rhythm and emotions. A technique called concatenative synthesis was developed, which used pre-recorded segments of speech to form complete sentences. The fluency was much better than early systems, but they still lacked stress and emotion, and recording and programming the sound bases was very costly.

With these types of systems, the more different sound samples you have, the higher quality speech youre able to produce. For a smooth and natural voice, massive amounts of sound combinations would be necessary, with each one having to be recorded separately. These limitations are now being ascended with the use of AI technology and deep learning.

Everything changed when artificial intelligence reached a market-ready state. Unlike traditional algorithms, deep learning systems can access much larger quantities of data with ease and generate increasingly natural-sounding speech as they learn the right patterns.

End-to-end text-to-speech systems began to appear around 2016, which could easily transform written word to speech in a matter of minutes and capture subtleties like stress, rhythm, and intonation.

Artificial intelligence can be trained on specific voice samples to mimic a specific persons voice. This brought previously unimaginable challenges into the text-to-speech world are AI voices abusing peoples privacy by mimicking their voices? This technology is still new and mostly unregulated, and well have to see how world governments deal with this issue.

AI is revolutionizing much more than text-to-speech technology.Online photo editorslike CapCut now offer a range of AI-powered tools that make graphic design simple and easy, allowing you to create all types of visual content in masterwork quality. CapCuts AI algorithms can easily color correct your photos to create compelling social media posts, remove an unwanted object or person in the background with perfect accuracy, or even transform the whole picture into another vibrant style, like manga or 3D.

AI and progressing automation are drastically changing our lives at an incredible pace. Many jobs that once seemed like safe choices can now be automated even creating art and new jobs are being created that take advantage of dexterously navigating this unsteady environment. Artificial intelligence is here to stay, and well have to adapt if we want to thrive in this new world. Embrace learning and always stay updated on industry trends to keep up.

Understanding what AI is and what it isnt is very important. You dont necessarily need to be an AI expert, but having a basic understanding of what AI can and cant do (and how it might impact you personally) will help you better navigate the future. Its also now more important than ever to learn how to effectively protect your data, keeping as much privacy as possible in a world where data collection is unavoidable.

Deep learning and AI algorithms have revolutionized not only text-to-speech technology making it almost indistinguishable from human speech but also many other areas of our lives. Remember to actively engage with AI to better understand the technology that will shape the upcoming world, and vocally advocate for ethical AI use.

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Steve Miller Curates Lavish 50th Anniversary ‘Evolution Of The … – uDiscover Music

Posted: at 1:28 am

Steve Miller has curated the upcoming box set J50: The Evolution of The Joker, a lavish 50th anniversary celebration of the Steve Miller Bands classic 1973 album that contained the signature, chart-topping title track.

Set for September 15 release via Sailor/Capitol/UMe, it will be available as both a 3LP + 7 box and 2CD set, in which the original album tracks are chronologically placed alongside 27 previously unreleased recordings from Millers personal archive. These include songwriting tapes made by Miller on his TEAC 4-track in hotel rooms on the road and at live performances, as well as studio outtakes and rehearsals. The previously unissued Lidi and Travelin are now available as tasters for the September release.

The set represents a continuous listening experience with narration by the great guitarist and frontman, telling the story and explaining the evolution of each track on the album. Both formats contain liner notes by Miller and writer Anthony DeCurtis, and the box will also feature a reproduction of a vintage iron-on of the celebrated The Joker image and a lithograph.

Both The Joker and its title track single were released in October 1973, with the album climbing to No.2 on Billboard (in a 38-week run on that chart) and No.1 on the Cash Box survey.The unforgettable lead song The Joker topped the Billboard Hot 100 in January 1974 and was also a substantial hit in Canada and Australia.

The track reached a new generation when it was prominently featured in a Levis commercial in 1990, taking it to No.1 in the UK, when it set a new record for the longest gap between chart-toppers on either side of the Atlantic. It then became a major pan-European hit, also reaching No.1 in the Netherlands and No.2 on the Eurochart Hot 100 of the time.

Pre-order J50: The Evolution of The Joker, which is released on September 15.

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The Evolution of Aircraft Computers: From Analog to Digital Systems – Fagen wasanni

Posted: at 1:28 am

The Evolution of Aircraft Computers: From Analog to Digital Systems

The evolution of aircraft computers has been a remarkable journey, marked by significant technological advancements that have revolutionized the aviation industry. From the rudimentary analog systems of the early 20th century to the sophisticated digital systems of today, the transformation has been nothing short of extraordinary.

In the early days of aviation, aircraft were primarily controlled by mechanical systems. Pilots relied on their skills and instincts, along with a few basic instruments, to navigate the skies. However, as aircraft became larger and more complex, the need for more advanced control systems became apparent. This led to the development of analog computers, which were used to automate certain tasks and improve the accuracy of flight operations.

Analog computers, which were first introduced in the 1930s, used physical quantities such as voltage and current to represent information. They were designed to solve complex mathematical equations, which made them ideal for tasks such as calculating flight paths and controlling aircraft systems. However, they were also bulky, unreliable, and difficult to maintain. Moreover, they lacked the flexibility and scalability of digital systems, which limited their potential for future development.

The advent of digital computers in the 1960s marked a turning point in the evolution of aircraft computers. Unlike their analog counterparts, digital computers used binary code to represent information, which made them more accurate and reliable. They were also smaller, more efficient, and easier to maintain, which made them a more practical choice for aircraft systems.

The transition from analog to digital systems was not without its challenges. The complexity of digital systems required a new level of expertise, which was not readily available at the time. Moreover, the cost of implementing digital systems was prohibitive for many airlines. However, the benefits of digital technology were too significant to ignore, and the aviation industry gradually embraced the digital revolution.

Today, digital systems are at the heart of modern aircraft. They control everything from navigation and communication to engine performance and fuel efficiency. They also play a crucial role in safety, with advanced systems such as autopilot and collision avoidance systems helping to reduce the risk of accidents.

The evolution of aircraft computers has also paved the way for the development of new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. These technologies have the potential to further enhance the capabilities of aircraft systems, making flights safer, more efficient, and more comfortable for passengers.

In conclusion, the evolution of aircraft computers from analog to digital systems has been a game-changer for the aviation industry. It has not only improved the performance and safety of aircraft but also opened up new possibilities for future development. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more exciting advancements in the field of aviation.

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The Evolution of Data in Pharma Marketing to Physicians – Fagen wasanni

Posted: at 1:28 am

The traditional model of reaching doctors in pharmaceutical marketing is undergoing a significant change due to the evolution of data in recent years. The old model followed a predefined decision tree, where initial contact was made followed by a sales rep visit, then a care center follow-up, and so on. However, advancements in technology such as machine learning and artificial intelligence are rendering this model obsolete.

With the availability of vast amounts of data, pharmaceutical companies now have the opportunity to leverage this information to better understand physicians needs and preferences. By analyzing data from various sources, including electronic health records, prescription data, and social media, companies can gain insights into a physicians prescribing patterns, patient demographics, and even their personal interests and beliefs.

This wealth of data allows for more targeted and personalized marketing strategies. Pharmaceutical companies can now tailor their marketing messages and materials based on a physicians specific interests, patient population, and therapeutic focus. By delivering relevant and timely information to physicians, companies can enhance engagement and build stronger relationships.

Furthermore, the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence enables companies to go beyond traditional decision trees. These tools can analyze data in real-time, allowing for more dynamic and adaptive approaches to physician outreach. For example, predictive algorithms can identify physicians who are more likely to be receptive to a particular message or therapy based on their past behavior and preferences.

Overall, the evolution of data in pharma marketing is transforming the way companies engage with physicians. Through the use of advanced technologies, companies can now tailor their marketing efforts to better meet the needs of individual physicians and build more meaningful connections.

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The Evolution of Internet Publishing: A Global Business Perspective – Fagen wasanni

Posted: at 1:28 am

The Evolution of Internet Publishing: A Global Business Perspective

The evolution of internet publishing has been a transformative journey, reshaping the global business landscape in profound ways. From the early days of simple text-based websites to the current era of dynamic, multimedia-rich platforms, the internet has revolutionized the way we create, distribute, and consume content. This evolution has not only democratized information access but also opened up new avenues for businesses to reach and engage with their target audiences.

In the early 1990s, the internet was primarily a tool for academic and government institutions. The advent of the World Wide Web in 1991, however, marked a turning point. Suddenly, anyone with a computer and a modem could publish content online. This democratization of publishing was a game-changer, breaking down barriers to entry and allowing for a more diverse range of voices to be heard.

As the internet evolved, so too did the nature of online publishing. The late 1990s and early 2000s saw the rise of blogging platforms and content management systems like WordPress, which made it even easier for individuals and businesses to publish content online. These platforms not only simplified the publishing process but also provided tools for managing and organizing content, making it more accessible to users.

The mid-2000s brought another significant shift with the advent of social media. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn transformed the internet from a one-way communication channel into a two-way interactive medium. This allowed businesses to engage directly with their audiences, fostering a more personal and interactive relationship. It also paved the way for user-generated content, further democratizing the publishing landscape.

The rise of mobile technology and the proliferation of smartphones and tablets have further transformed the internet publishing landscape. Today, more people access the internet via mobile devices than desktop computers. This has led to a shift towards mobile-first design and the development of responsive websites that adapt to different screen sizes. It has also spurred the growth of mobile apps, offering a new platform for businesses to publish content and engage with their audiences.

The evolution of internet publishing has also been marked by a shift towards more visual and interactive content. The rise of platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat has underscored the growing importance of video and image-based content. Meanwhile, technologies like virtual reality and augmented reality are pushing the boundaries of what is possible, offering new ways for businesses to create immersive and engaging experiences.

From a global business perspective, the evolution of internet publishing has opened up a world of opportunities. It has allowed businesses to reach a global audience, breaking down geographical barriers and making it easier to expand into new markets. It has also provided a platform for businesses to build their brand, engage with their customers, and drive sales.

However, this evolution has also brought challenges. The sheer volume of content being published online has led to information overload, making it harder for businesses to stand out. The rise of fake news and misinformation has also raised concerns about the credibility of online content. Meanwhile, issues around data privacy and security remain a major concern.

In conclusion, the evolution of internet publishing has been a journey of constant change and innovation. It has transformed the way we create, distribute, and consume content, reshaping the global business landscape in the process. As we look to the future, it is clear that this evolution is far from over. With new technologies and trends emerging all the time, the only certainty is that the world of internet publishing will continue to evolve and adapt.

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Retail Media Is Growing Up Fast – What Does This Evolution Mean … – Little Black Book – LBBonline

Posted: at 1:28 am

According to Insider Intelligence, Retail Media is the latest wave of digital advertising - the third, to be exact, after Search and Social Media. It might even be the biggest, as it is growing exponentially. This is because retailers are developing their media offering, and brands are pouring advertising budgets into it like never before.

Its true that retailers and brands implemented Retail Media as a tactic to encourage customers to convert in the last step of the funnel. However, the offering has, and continues to, evolve. So much so, that awareness and consideration tactics - including advanced targeting and sales attribution clarity - are now available. These still arent much available through traditional media channels, or at least it is not as straightforward and convenient.

So, why is this such a significant commercial opportunity?

For retailers, Retail Media offers an additional revenue stream. Its about monetising high volume and high-converting (aka ready-to-spend) customer traffic on their website. This makes website visitors valuable even when (or even if) they're only window shopping.

For brands, its the opportunity to reach retailers own first-party customer data on other platforms such as social media (Meta), connected TV (Channel 4 and ITV with Dunnhumby and Nectar), and display on web publishers based on audience insight. In turn, this attracts traffic to the brands website.

As with many cases in our industry, access to first-party data is the new battlefield. With the erosion of third-party cookies, tracking customer behaviour across different websites is more challenging. However, Retail Media allows retailers and brands to target customers based on their buying and search intentions, lifestyle, demographic, life stages and more.

In addition, the wide range of available KPIs allows retailers and brands to identify opportunities and issues and ensure the former are amplified and the latter are fixed or scaled down. All of this can be done on-flight while the campaigns are still live, allowing great control over spend and performance and ensuring better decisions in portfolio prioritisation, targeting and investment optimisation and customer propensity.

The results speak for themselves

GroupM predicts Retail Media advertising to increase by roughly 60% by 2026 - exceeding the growth rate expected for all digital advertising. This suggests that brands and retailers are well aware of the growth opportunities this represents. The results prove it too.

Just look at Channel 4s testing of its aforementioned RET4IL Nectar offering. The brand targeting (including six brands: Garnier, Weetabix, Walkers, McCain, Pepsi and McVities) delivered a 29% uplift in sales. Moreover, ads that were product-led performed even better, with a sales uplift of 56%, while targeted ads that match All 4 emails to Sainsburys Nectar data had a brand halo effect on products across a brand portfolio.

but some finetuning is still needed

However, the immaturity of the sector - added to this the maturing attitude of the industry to data protection and privacy - means significant questions remain to be answered. How do we want the industry to operate in the future, and what standards need to apply for that to happen?

At Wavemaker, we believe that further improvements, especially on data, regarding granularity, tracking offline performance, connecting offline and online, and measuring brand growth would be beneficial. For example, on the latter, brands tend to focus too much on ROAS that might ignore growth opportunities.

In fact, studies show that when trying to reach incremental customers, efficiency is affected, reaching points of diminishing returns. Therefore, it's essential to look at the bigger picture to ensure growth opportunities are not overlooked.

An alternative KPI could be total ROAS, including organic sales (not only media-led direct sales) or growth at the other steps of the funnel, such as reach and consideration for the brand/product (think about search volume trend for branded terms). Unfortunately, most of the time, this type of data is not readily tracked or available.

Retail Media: A grown-up advertising channel

For all its opportunities, Retail Media is still an emerging and rapidly evolving space, with increasing complexity of dealing with different retailers, ad networks, targeting rules, and innovations. As a result, its not an easy space to navigate.

Brands' objectives are almost identical: getting customers' attention along the funnel. Once they're clear on their objectives, their strategy becomes easier to execute; and Retail Media is just an additional tool for this.

To win at Retail Media, brands should build relationships with media owners, retailers, and emerging platforms (like quick commerce), continuously upskilling their teams, and approach such innovation with an open mind focused on capturing insights, then quickly optimise and move on to the next test and learn opportunity.

Retail Media is essentially a teenager in advertising channel years, but its growing the right way to set itself up for success. Constant and increasing innovations - including new placements, smarter targeting options, and increasing data granularity and speed - make it exciting for retailers, brands, and everyone in the industry.

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Abby Dahlkemper: USWNT vs. Vietnam showed evolution of womens soccer – Yahoo Sports

Posted: at 1:28 am

The U.S. womens national team won its 2023 World Cup opener 3-0 against Vietnam, a far cry from its 13-0 victory against Thailand to kick off the 2019 tournament.

For 2019 World Cup champion Abby Dahlkemper, though, the narrower margin of victory should not be a knock on the USWNT but rather a sign of the growth of the womens game.

Vietnam proved a little bit tougher than people expected, noted Dahlkemper. The 30-year-old defender is missing the World Cup with a back injury, but she still is following the team, and she shared her thoughts with USWNT teammate Midge Purce and sports broadcaster Katie Nolan on the the second episode of Just Womens Sports World Cup show The 91st.

I thought their goalkeeper came up multiple times with pretty good saves, Dahlkemper said, while defensively Vietnam was pretty structured and disciplined.

Still, getting a few goals on the scoresheet and having Alyssa Naeher get a clean sheet under her belt helps with momentum as the USWNT prepares to face the Netherlands at 9 p.m. ET Wednesday, she said.

And while some pundits compared Vietnam to Thailand ahead of the World Cup opener, Vietnam is a different team and womens soccer is in a much different place than in 2019.

The latter point has been underscored in several group-stage games so far. France tied 0-0 with Jamaica. England eked out a 1-0 win against Haiti. Sweden needed a last-minute winner against South Africa.

I think, just as a whole, you can see even from the beginning of this tournament just the evolution of womens soccer, Dahlkemper said. Every country is getting better, and theyre investing in women, some of them. But these countries like Vietnam came in and did really well and put up a good fight.

Players from up-and-coming contenders also are making splashes in the club scene. Jamaicas Khadija Shaw plays for Manchester City in Englands Womens Super League, and Nigerias Asisat Oshoala is a star for Barcelona.

When we played Thailand, Im not sure many of them even had teams to play on or were playing professionally, Dahlkemper continued. So I think thats a huge thing as well, just to be able to get regular games in.

Teams such as the Philippines, which is the first from its country to reach the World Cup, have elicited joyous fan reactions. And New Zealand secured its first World Cup win in history in front of a record crowd on home soil.

Its exciting to see the evolution of the womens game, and its growing, Dahlkemper said. Even an upset, Norway losing to New Zealand in the opening game, its exciting to see.

The U.S. womens national team won its 2023 World Cup opener 3-0 against Vietnam, a far cry from its 13-0 victory against Thailand to kick off the 2019 tournament.

For 2019 World Cup champion Abby Dahlkemper, though, the narrower margin of victory should not be a knock on the USWNT but rather a sign of the growth of the womens game.

Vietnam proved a little bit tougher than people expected, noted Dahlkemper. The 30-year-old defender is missing the World Cup with a back injury, but she still is following the team, and she shared her thoughts with USWNT teammate Midge Purce and sports broadcaster Katie Nolan on the the second episode of Just Womens Sports World Cup show The 91st.

I thought their goalkeeper came up multiple times with pretty good saves, Dahlkemper said, while defensively Vietnam was pretty structured and disciplined.

Still, getting a few goals on the scoresheet and having Alyssa Naeher get a clean sheet under her belt helps with momentum as the USWNT prepares to face the Netherlands at 9 p.m. ET Wednesday, she said.

And while some pundits compared Vietnam to Thailand ahead of the World Cup opener, Vietnam is a different team and womens soccer is in a much different place than in 2019.

The latter point has been underscored in several group-stage games so far. France tied 0-0 with Jamaica. England eked out a 1-0 win against Haiti. Sweden needed a last-minute winner against South Africa.

I think, just as a whole, you can see even from the beginning of this tournament just the evolution of womens soccer, Dahlkemper said. Every country is getting better, and theyre investing in women, some of them. But these countries like Vietnam came in and did really well and put up a good fight.

Players from up-and-coming contenders also are making splashes in the club scene. Jamaicas Khadija Shaw plays for Manchester City in Englands Womens Super League, and Nigerias Asisat Oshoala is a star for Barcelona.

When we played Thailand, Im not sure many of them even had teams to play on or were playing professionally, Dahlkemper continued. So I think thats a huge thing as well, just to be able to get regular games in.

Teams such as the Philippines, which is the first from its country to reach the World Cup, have elicited joyous fan reactions. And New Zealand secured its first World Cup win in history in front of a record crowd on home soil.

Its exciting to see the evolution of the womens game, and its growing, Dahlkemper said. Even an upset, Norway losing to New Zealand in the opening game, its exciting to see.

The post Abby Dahlkemper: USWNT vs. Vietnam showed evolution of womens soccer appeared first on Just Women's Sports.

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Revinylization #44: Little Feat’s evolution in two classic albums – Stereophile Magazine

Posted: at 1:28 am

Little Feat's beginning was a slow burn, bolstered by the faith of record company execs as the band found its groove. Once it found its, um, feat, the band thrived through deaths and other turmoil. In fact, they're still at it. This fall, according to Rhino Records, the band will be performing "on back-to-back nights ... at selected venues" the two albums that document the time they found their way: 1972's Sailin' Shoes and 1973's Dixie Chicken.

In conjunction with that 50th anniversary mini-tour, Rhino has issued deluxe remasters of both albums on 3 LPs or 2 CDs, with plenty of bonus material and a previously unissued live show with each album. On the LP sets, the two original albums were remastered by Bernie Grundman "from the flat master tapes," according to Steve Woolard, Rhino's head of A&R. Plating and pressing was done at Precision Record Pressing in Ontario, Canada. Rhino was kind enough to send me both the LP and CD sets so that I could compare the sound and presentation.

Sailin' Shoes was Feat's last stand as a quirky, four-man West Coast band, a darling of critics but hard to classify thus hard to market on radio and in the stores. Their self-titled debut was one of the best-reviewed records of 1971, yet it sold only 11,000 copies out of the gate. Warner Brothers producer Ted Templeman, who had already found success with the Doobie Brothers and would later strike mega-gold with Van Halen, had faith in guitarist/songwriter Lowell George and his bandmates and took the reins to produce the band's second outing.

Alas, Sailin' Shoes didn't light up the charts, either. But the band upped its musician game, showcasing George's superb, Delta-steeped slide guitar work, Bill Payne's creative piano, and Richie Hayward's free-spirited-yet-clock-steady drumming. The album contains some classic tunes that would feature prominently in the band's live rotation.

Unsatisfied at how "Willin'" had turned out on the first album, George took a second stab at it here and ended up with a classic piece of twisted Americana, covered by Linda Ronstadt, Tom Petty, and the Black Crowes and surely still sung most nights in some bar somewhere.

Sailin' Shoes sounds and feels like a great 1970s rock album, akin to early '70s Rolling Stones but tighter and at times faster. "Teenage Nervous Breakdown" is almost proto-punk. The new liner notes, by David Fricke, describe how George recorded the guitar and harmonica parts to "Cold Cold Cold" with his amp cranked up in a small closet to sound like early-'60s Chess studio and how he cut his vocals in a bathroom "so it would sound cold." "A Apolitical Blues" is a straight-up tribute to Howlin' Wolf and his Chess stablemates. The album's last song, "Texas Rose Cafe," includes a dream-sequence breakdown of jangly guitars, hyper drumming, and a cool B-3 organ riff.

The Sailin' Shoes bonus material is strong, including several fully formed Templeman-produced demos, an early version of the title track George played with Beach Boys lyricist Van Dyke Parks, some session outtakes that didn't make the album, and the mono single mix of "Easy to Slip." The best part is the live show, recorded August 28, 1971, at the Palladium in Los Angelesa rare live capture of the original Little Feat at their full power.

Before Sailin' Shoes was even plated and pressed, bassist Roy Estrada left the band and George, Payne, and Hayward decided to try a bigger group with a different vibe. They brought in guitarist Paul Barrere, New Orleansbred bassist Kenny Gradney, and percussionist Sam Clayton. This bigger band moved on to a sound that was funkier but still hard to pigeonhole.

The best way to grok the new sound is to listen to Dixie Chicken. Where Sailin' Shoes leans Chicago blues, Dixie Chicken leans bayou funk. The rhythms are quicker and busier, and Gradney is a different kind of bass player. Barrere's strong rhythm guitar frees George to concentrate on lead and slide.

This was Little Feat's breakthrough, not a fast burn to a gold record but a foundation on which they could grow, honing their chops with constant touring to culminate in the classic Waiting for Columbus. Soon after that, Lowell George was dead.

At times, Dixie Chicken sounds like what the Allman Brothers and Eric Clapton were doing in 1973, but it's different in its variety and its down-and-dirty funk. The title track would become an FM-radio staple. George wrote most of the songs. His "Fat Man in the Bathtub," a tale of unrequited desire, became a live-show regular, as did "Two Trains."

The bonus material on Dixie Chicken isn't as interesting as that on Sailin' Shoes: a few rough demos and alternate mixes, plus a live show, recorded at Paul's Mall in Boston on April 1, 1973. This was an early version of the lock-tight Little Feat heard later, on Waiting for Columbus, still figuring stuff out.

A comparison of the LPs and CDs is interesting. Side 2 of Sailin' Shoes favors the LP for its bottom-end thickness and rock'n'roll swill, but the CD presents George's vocals more clearly, so take your pick. On Dixie Chicken, the CD sounds better than previous digital releases, but LP is better suited to swampy early '70s rock: downer and dirtier, less analytical, more soulful.

As for the ancillaries, the amply illustrated booklets and the amusing cover art by Neon Park (the late Martin Muller) work best as 12" 12" artifacts; these middle-aged eyes balk at the tiny type in those 5" 5" CD booklets, and these essays are worth reading.

The LP sets, which offer AAA remasters of the original albums plus a larger-scale presentation, are worth buying if you dig the music. And what's not to dig?

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The Decline of Marriage Rates and the Evolution of Mate Selection … – Daily Citizen

Posted: at 1:28 am

Earlier this year, the American Enterprise Institute and the Survey Center on American Life put out a new report on how men and women find and enter romantic relationships. This topic is critical for those who care about the health of family because romantic attraction serves as the genesis of family formation for most people.

Surveying more than 5,000 American adults, the surveys most striking finding was that younger adults today are more interested in dating people they already know rather than seeking a mate online, with twice as many 1829-year-olds explaining they were friends with their spouse or partner before they started dating compared to their older peers. Only about one in four Americans have ever used an online dating service and just as many have had a positive experience doing so as have had a negative one.

More significantly though, the report explains, No social change has altered the fabric of American life so profoundly as the decline of marriage. The U.S. Census Bureau has been reporting a steady and sustained decline in marriage rates over the last five decades. Cohabitation has been increasing dramatically over the same time, where up to 76 percent of marriages taking place today have been preceded by some form of cohabitation. The report details,

Only 25 percent of younger adults (age 18 to 34) are currently married, a dramatic decline over the past few decades. In 1978, younger adults were almost twice as likely to be married (59 percent).

But being unmarried does not mean young people see themselves as single, per se. These scholars explain, More than three in 10 (35 percent) Americans have never married, but only about one in five (21 percent) are currently single. They add,

Over half (53 percent) of Americans who have never been married and are currently living with their partner have been in the relationship for at least five years. Nearly one in three (32 percent) Americans living with their partner have been together for at least 10 years.

Women Less Interested in Dating

Add to this, the fact that young women are increasingly less interested in dating than their male peers. Only 36 percent of young adult women say they are interested in dating today compared to 52 percent of their male peers while 43 percent of those women state being not interested in dating compared to 34 percent of their young men being uninterested.

The most commonly given reasons for lack of interest are more important priorities in life and simply not being able to find someone they are interested in.

Women are far more likely than men (45% vs 29%, respectively) to say dating is not a significant life priority right now, but men and women are roughly similar in saying meeting people who are potential partners is difficult. Thirty-eight percent of single women say meeting men is tough while 35 percent of single men say meeting women is hard. And college educated women are most likely to report difficulty meeting a man who meets their expectations.

Just over a quarter (27 percent) of single Americans say a major reason they are not dating is they enjoy being single.

Relational Deal Breakers

Women are more likely than men to report having a greater number of relational deal breakers in mind when looking for a potential spouse. Does this mean women are pickier than men, or simply that women have more confidence in knowing what they are looking for in a mate?

The research is not clear on this, but these scholars explain, For most interviewees, dating expectations reflected more basic needs of feeling valued, appreciated, and respected by their partner.

The deal breakers listed by both men and women is certainly interesting, with things like being a Trump supporter being more negative than not believing in God or not wanting children.

Few Believe Marriage Obsolete

Even though marriage rates have declined in alarming ways, this report finds few Americans believe that marriage has become obsolete with 67 percent of Americans disagreeing that marriage has become old fashioned and out of date. Only 34 percent of young adults believe this compared to 27 percent of senior Americans that do.

Marrieds Report Highest Relational Satisfaction

Married respondents reported greater relational satisfaction than their peers in any other relational category. The report also demonstrated that Democrats tend to report lower relational satisfaction, and Democrat women report the lowest levels.

The report curiously explains the Republican advantage in relationship satisfaction holds even after accounting for differences in educational attainment, race and ethnicity, age, and religious affiliation.

In conclusion, this report notes the obvious, that the arrival of social media, smartphones, and dating apps upended the American dating scene, changing how young adults approach dating and relationships. But they also note something among young adults this is likely surprising to most of us when it comes to dating and mate selection,

One crucial shift has been in who young people choose to date: someone they already know. In the past, most Americans dated strangers. Even in the age of social medial and limitless options, young adults are increasingly dating people who were friends first.

This is important information for parents and other adults involved in the lives of young adults to know as they play the role of marriage champions.

Photo from Shutterstock.

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The Decline of Marriage Rates and the Evolution of Mate Selection ... - Daily Citizen

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Symrise Pet Food announces nutrition brand evolution with Nuvin – Nutraceutical Business Review

Posted: at 1:28 am


This includes plans to expand growth and advance sustainability for the complete offering of egg, chicken, hydrolysed proteins, and health solutions

Symrise Pet Food has announced plans to transform its nutrition ingredients brand into Nuvin. This includes plans to expand growth and advance sustainability for the complete offering of egg, chicken, hydrolysed proteins, and health solutions. With this step, the company intends to strategically strengthen its pet food offering for its customers.

With this brand evolution, Symrise Pet Food moves to achieve key aspects of its longer-term strategy. At the same time, it continues to supply its customers with the fundamental ingredients and collaborative services essential to premium formulations.

The new brand inherits a thriving portfolio in natural pet nutrition: value-added egg in the form of Ovalin nutritional products and OvaBind binding and emulsification ingredients for functional applications.

Pepti'One hydrolysates come from a range of select, single-source animal proteins. Premium-quality chicken protein, broth, and fat for dry and wet formulations also add to the portfolio as well as health solutions.

"Clearly, the initial brand served us well in establishing a footing in the global marketplace. It also helped us setting the tone for our authoritative position in quality, safety, and sustainability," explains John Tiedeman, General Manager, Nutrition Business Line at Symrise Pet Food. "Now, Nuvin picks up where Nutrios leaves off. This reflects our determination to elevate the existing brand equity with greater innovation as we move into an intensified strategic phase of growth and vitality."

These industry-leading product lines will retain their existing individual branding. Nuvin advances its ingredients and associated capabilities in service to customers, consumers, and their pets.

Nuvin fields a distinguished team of researchers, developers, and marketing specialists with proven experience in intensive product development, based on all-natural, foundational ingredients. For customers that want to premiumise their offerings, these experts create nutritious and functional solutions to visibly improve pet health and wellness.

Existing Symrise facilities, systems, and personnel will continue to provide these products and services as the Nuvin brand transformation proceeds.

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Symrise Pet Food announces nutrition brand evolution with Nuvin - Nutraceutical Business Review

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