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Category Archives: Elon Musk

Elon Musk offers support to Canadian truckers amid COVID …

Posted: February 1, 2022 at 2:47 am

FOX Business' Susan Li and Constellation Research CEO Ray Wang discuss Elon Musk being chosen as Time's 2021 Person of the Year and Apple set to become the first $3 trillion company.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk offered support to Canadian truckers protesting the federal governments vaccine mandate on Thursday in a series of tweets.

"Canadian truckers rule," Musk wrote to his nearly 72 million followers, adding "CB radios are free from govt/media control."

Later he added another tweet that said, "If you scare people enough, they will demand removal of freedom. This is the path to tyranny."

Elon Musk attends Time Person of the Year on Dec. 13, 2021, in New York City. (Theo Wargo/Getty Images for TIME / Getty Images)


Anti-vaccine mandate truckers in Ottowa have participated in a protest convoy demonstrating against the Jan. 15 mandate for cross-border drivers.

Protesters against and supporters of a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for cross-border truckers cheer as a parade of trucks and vehicles pass through Kakabeka Falls outside of Thunder Bay, Ontario, on Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2022. (David Jackson/The Canadian Press via AP / AP Newsroom)

The Freedom Convoy left from Vancouver for Ottawa on Sunday.

Musk told Time last month in an interview after he was selected a "Person of the Year" that he and his eligible children are all vaccinated because the science is "unequivocal" but said he is opposed to mandates.

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk presents a vaccine production device in Germany. (Filip Singer-Pool/Getty Images)


The unvaccinated are "taking a risk, but people do risky things all the time," he told Time. "I believe we've got to watch out for the erosion of freedom in America."

In the past, Musk had questioned the vaccine and downplayed the pandemic. He also defied Californias 2020 stay-at-home order to keep Tesla factories open, eventually opting to move to Texas.

The Canadian Trucking Alliance estimates that roughly 15% of truckers in the country are not fully vaccinated, or about 16,000 truck drivers.

Fox News' Emma Colton contributed to this report.

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Elon Musk says Biden treating people ‘like fools,’ calls …

Posted: at 2:47 am

Tech billionaire Elon Musk had some choice words for President Joe Biden on Twitter.

On Thursday, Musk, CEO of electric car manufacturer Tesla, responded to a tweet from Biden in which the president listed General Motors and Ford as key players in the production of electric vehicles but excluded Tesla. The tweet features a video of Biden discussing EV manufacturing with GM CEO Mary Barra.


"I meant it when I said the future was going to be made right here in America. Companies like GM and Ford are building more electric vehicles here at home than ever before," Biden tweeted.

Musk responded by tweeting, "Starts with a T Ends with an A ESL in the middle."

Musk then retweeted a quote tweet from user Kim Paquette, who said, "Honestly how does he say this with a straight face. Shame on you President Biden for trying to cancel a great American company and rewrite EV history. No one is buying this. What an embarrassment for the United States," in response to Biden's tweet.

Musk responded, "Biden is treating the American public like fools."


Musk agreed with another user, Eva Fox, who also cast "shame on Biden."

"Biden is a damp [sock] puppet in human form," Musk wrote, responding to Fox's tweet.

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Elon Musk space rocket on collision course with the Moon – Al Jazeera English

Posted: at 2:47 am

Astronomer Jonathan McDowell says the effects of the crash will be minor and it is possible similar impacts have taken place unnoticed.

A chunk of a SpaceX rocket that blasted off seven years ago and was abandoned in space after completing its mission will crash into the Moon in March, experts say.

The rocket was deployed in 2015 to put into orbit a NASA satellite called the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR).

Since then, the second stage of the rocket, or booster, has been floating in what mathematicians call a chaotic orbit, astronomer Bill Gray said on Wednesday.

It was Gray who calculated the space junks new collision course with the Moon.The booster passed quite close to the Moon in January in a rendezvous that altered its orbit, said Gray.

He is behind Project Pluto, software that allows scientists to calculate the trajectory of asteroids and other objects in space and is used in NASA-financed space observation programs.

A week after the rocket stage whizzed close to the Moon, Gray observed it again and concluded it would crash into the Moons dark side on March 4 at more than 9,000km/h (5,500 mph).

Gray appealed to the amateur astronomer community to join him in observing the booster, and his conclusion was confirmed.

The exact time and location of impact may change slightly from his forecast but there is widespread agreement that there will be a collision on the Moon that day.

Ive been tracking junk of this sort for about 15 years. And this is the first unintentional lunar impact that weve had, Gray said.

Astronomer Jonathan McDowell said, however, the effects of the collision will be minor, adding it is possible similar impacts have taken place unnoticed.

There are at least 50 objects that were left in deep Earth orbit in the 60s, 70s and 80s that were just abandoned there. We didnt track them, he said.

Now were picking up a couple of them but a lot of them were not finding and so theyre not there any more, he added. Probably at least a few of them hit the moon accidentally and we just didnt notice.

The impact of the chunk of SpaceX rocket, which weighs four tonnes, on the Moon will not be visible from Earth in realtime.

But it will leave a crater that scientists will be able to observe with spacecraft and satellites such as NASAs Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter or Indias Chandrayaan-2, and thus learn more about the geology of the Moon.

Spacecraft have been intentionally crashed into the Moon before for scientific purposes, such as during the Apollo missions to test seismometers.

In 2009, NASA sent a rocket stage hurling into the Moon near its south pole to look for water.

But most rockets do not go so far from Earth. SpaceX brings its rocket boosters back through the Earths atmosphere so they disintegrate over the ocean. The first stage is recovered and reused.

Gray said there could be more unintentional crashes into the Moon in the future as the US and Chinese space programmes, in particular, leave more junk in orbit.

The US, together with international partners, is already planning a space station to orbit the Moon.

McDowell noted these events start to be problematic when theres a lot more traffic.

Its actually no ones job to keep track of the junk that we leave out in deep earth orbit, he said. I think nows the time to start regulating it.

SpaceX did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Elon Musks company is currently developing a lunar lander that should allow NASA to send astronauts back to the Moon by 2025 at the earliest.

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Elon Musk says ‘fringe minority is actually the government’ in tweets about trucker protest – National Post

Posted: at 2:47 am

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'Protesting in a Canadian winter shows real commitment!' he said in another tweet

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Elon Musk is still speaking out about an ongoing protest in Ottawa sparked by a convoy of truckers who drove across the country pushing for the removal of vaccine mandates.

The protest started over the weekend in Canadas capital and continuedon Monday , leading to gridlock, downtown bus service cancellations, bridge closures, even some violent disruptions and acts of vandalism.

On Sunday, Musk replied to a tweet showing a video of protesters in Ottawa.

It would appear that the so-called fringe minority is actually the government, he wrote.

It was followed by another tweet saying, If the government had the mandate of the people, there would be a significant counter-protest. There is not, therefore they do not.

Protesting in a Canadian winter shows real commitment! he later added.

It would appear that the so-called fringe minority is actually the government

Musk also tweeted a photo showing dozens of trucks lining a highway with the caption Taking a break from politics for a while. Heres a nice photo of trucks.

In another tweet on Sunday, likely in reference to the protest, Musk included a meme of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and wrote So many Hitlers! The meme is a photoshopped book cover with the title Everyone I dont like is Hitler.

Comedian Rob Schneider also continued to speak out about the protest. Like Musk, Schneider also posted his thoughts on social media over the weekend.

On Monday, Schneider quoted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who had written a tweet in support of truckers at the start of the pandemic.

Schneider mockingly agreed wholeheartedly with Trudeau that truckers should be thanked for their hard work. He also posted a video showing trucks lining a highway, saying, For those of you who attempted to diminish the sheer size of Canadas Freedom Convoy, please enjoy this video.

I dont often agree with Justin Trudeau, but I concur wholeheartedly that it is the selfless hardworking truckers working day and night to make sure our shelves are stocked. So when you can #ThankATrucker for EVERYTHING theyre doing and help them however you can.

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Elon Musk says 'fringe minority is actually the government' in tweets about trucker protest - National Post

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Elon Musk’s SpaceX plans for record year of launches at rate of one per week – CNBC

Posted: at 2:47 am

A Falcon 9 rocket launches the GPS III SV05 satellite on a mission for the U.S. Space Force on June 17, 2021.


Elon Musk's SpaceX broke its own annual orbital launch record last year, and it's looking to pick up the blistering pace further in 2022 to an average rate of one per week.

During a meeting of a key NASA agency oversight committee on Thursday, panel member Sandra Magnus revealed that the private company is targeting "an ambitious 52 launch manifest" for 2022.

"That's an incredible pace," Magnus, an astronaut and former executive director of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, said during the meeting of NASA's Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel (ASAP).

SpaceX successfully completed 31 launches in 2021, which beat its previous record of 26 launches in 2020. For context, SpaceX represented about a fifth of the world's successful orbital rocket launches last year with the company roughly keeping pace with China.

The company is already on a weekly average pace to begin the year, with three successful Falcon 9 launches so far and two more expected before the end of the month. In addition to its Falcon 9 launches, SpaceX also has several Falcon Heavy rockets scheduled for liftoff in 2022.

Magnus did not specify whether SpaceX's 52 scheduled launches include test flights of its Starship prototype rockets. Neither ASAP nor SpaceX responded to CNBC's requests for clarification.

A Falcon 9 rocket booster lands after launching the company's Transporter-2 rideshare mission on June 30, 2021.


A key piece of SpaceX's rapid launch rate has been its ability to partially reuse its Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy vehicles, by landing its rocket boosters and recovering each half of the nosecone after launches.

In addition to cost savings the company's leadership has said reusing rockets can bring launches down to below $30 million each, from a typical $60 million to $90 million price tag SpaceX reuses rockets as a way to increase its launch rate without significantly increasing production. For example, the Falcon 9 booster that SpaceX launched the Transporter-3 mission with earlier this month was reused for a 10th time in under 20 months since its debut.

SpaceX's schedule of missions for 2022 includes multiple crewed spaceflight as well, including for NASA. Even as Magnus applauded the company for its pace, she also urged caution and safety.

"Both NASA and SpaceX will have to ensure the appropriate attention and priority are focused on NASA missions, and the right resources are brought to bear to maintain that pace at a safe measure," Magnus said.

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Elon Musk's SpaceX plans for record year of launches at rate of one per week - CNBC

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Elon Musk Photos, News and Videos | Just Jared

Posted: December 22, 2021 at 12:35 am

Time magazine has officially named their 2021 Person of the Year: its SpaceX and Teslas Elon Musk.

Person of the Year is a marker of influence, and few individuals have had more influence than Musk on life on Earth, and potentially life off Earth too, Time editor-in-chief Edward Felsenthal wrote. In 2021, Musk emerged not just as the worlds richest person but also as perhaps the richest example of a massive shift in our society.

This is the man who aspires to save our planet and get us a new one to inhabit: clown, genius, edgelord, visionary, industrialist, showman, cad; a madcap hybrid of Thomas Edison, P.T. Barnum, Andrew Carnegie and Watchmens Doctor Manhattan, the brooding, blue-skinned man-god who invents electric cars and moves to Mars. His startup rocket company, SpaceX, has leapfrogged Boeing and others to own Americas spacefaring future. His car company, Tesla, controls two-thirds of the multibillion-dollar electric-vehicle market it pioneered and is valued at a cool $1 trillion. That has made Musk, with a net worth of more than $250 billion, the richest private citizen in history, at least on paper. Hes a player in robots and solar, cryptocurrency and climate, brain-computer implants to stave off the menace of artificial intelligence and underground tunnels to move people and freight at super speeds, the magazine added.

Find out who was named Times Person of the Year last year.

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Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey are talking about ‘Web3’ heres what it is and why it matters – CNBC

Posted: at 12:35 am

Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey two of the world's best-known tech billionaires have been voicing their thoughts on a hypothetical new iteration of the internet this week: "Web3".

While still a hazy concept, Web3, or Web 3.0, has been hailed by proponents as a decentralized version of the internet based on blockchain, the technology behind many major cryptocurrencies and nonfungible tokens, or NFTs. A plethora of entrepreneurs around the world are trying to design and build the technologies and protocols that would support Web3.

Elon Musk, founder and chief engineer of SpaceX speaks at the 2020 Satellite Conference and Exhibition March 9, 2020 in Washington, DC. Musk answered a range of questions relating to SpaceX projects during his appearance at the conference.

Win McNamee | Getty Images

Advocates of Web3, which would follow Web1 and Web2, argue that today's online platforms are too centralized and controlled by a handful of large internet companies, likeAmazon,Apple,Alphabetand Facebook parent companyMeta. These companies have amassed vast quantities of data and content that's been shared on the internet.

On Sunday, Musk tweeted a TikTokof aninterview about the internet between Bill Gates and David Lettermanin 1995, asking: "Given the almost unimaginable nature of the present, what will the future be?"

He followed up saying: "I'm not suggesting web3 is real seems more like a marketing buzzword than reality right now just wondering what the future will be like in 10, 20 or 30 years. 2051 sounds crazy futuristic!"

A day later, Musk followed up saying: "Has anyone seen web3? I can't find it."

To the annoyance of Web3 fans, Dorsey hinted that it's already under the control of venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, an early Facebook backer and a Web3 advocate.

"It's somewhere between a and z," said Dorsey, who stepped down as Twitter CEO last month to focus on his payments start-up, Block, formerly Square.

Web3's army of supporters ultimately wants to see the power of the internet put in the hands of the people, not VCs. They believe it's too big and important for a small number of companies or investors to manage.

Today the internet is vital to the global economy and plays a role in powering everything from nuclear facilities to hospitals.

But Dorsey believes that VCs and their limited partners will be the ones who ultimately end up owning Web3. "It will never escape their incentives," he tweeted, causing a backlash from fans of the concept. "It's ultimately a centralized entity with a different label."

His tweet received over 26,500 likes and 5,900 retweets in nine hours, with some saying he was "dead wrong" or that they highly disagreed.

Beyond the internet, there's also a big push to decentralize finance (DeFi) that is being led by cryptocurrency entrepreneurs and fans of coins like bitcoin and ether.

A similar movement is happening in the energy industry. All energy used to be generated by a select few companies and then sold to the masses. Now some people are taking control of their own energy needs and making it more decentralized.

CNBC's Ryan Browne contributed to this report.

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Elon Musk says he will pay over $11 billion in taxes this year – CNBC

Posted: at 12:35 am

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, stands on the construction site of the Tesla Gigafactory. In Grnheide near Berlin, September 3, 2020.

Patrick Pleul | picture alliance | Getty Images

Elon Musk faces a hefty tax bill this year possibly the biggest in U.S. history.

"For those wondering, I will pay over $11 billion in taxes this year," the Tesla CEO tweeted on Monday.

That's close to a CNBC estimate that Musk was set to pay a total of $12 billion in taxes in 2021.

Musk has sold off $14 billion worth of Tesla stock since early November, after asking his followers in a Twitter poll if he should sell 10% of his holdings. The response to that poll was a resounding "yes."

But it's likely Musk would have begun selling anyway. That's because he faces a massive tax bill on Tesla stock options.

Stock options Musk was awarded in 2012 are set to expire in August next year. In order to exercise them, he has to pay income tax on the gain.

Rather than take a salary or cash bonus, Musk's wealth comes from stock awards and gains in Tesla's share price.

Though Tesla shares have taken a tumble since Musk's Twitter poll, they remain incredibly valuable the stock is up 28% year-to-date.

When Musk wants cash, he can simply borrow money using his company's stock as collateral. However, this practice has been criticized by some politicians as a tax loophole for the mega-rich.

Earlier this year, ProPublica published an investigation showing Musk and several other billionaires paid no federal income taxes in 2018.

Between 2014 and 2018, Musk paid $455 million in taxes on $1.52 billion of income, according to ProPublica, despite his wealth growing by $13.9 billion over that period.

According to Forbes, Musk is worth over $244 billion on paper, making him the world's richest man.

Musk could have waited until next year to pay the tax bill, but that would have meant potentially getting hit by higher tax rates under the Democrats' Build Back Better bill.

The Tesla and SpaceX chief has been sparring with prominent Democrats on Twitter lately over the issue of tax avoidance.

Last week, he fired back at Senator Elizabeth Warren after she questioned Time Magazine's decision to name Musk its Person of the Year, tweeting: "I will pay more taxes than any American in history this year."

And if Musk does end up paying the huge sum he said he would, there's a chance he may be right.

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Elon Musk says he will pay over $11 billion in taxes this year - CNBC

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Texan of the Year finalist Elon Musk invests in Texas while reaching for the stars – The Dallas Morning News

Posted: at 12:35 am

Elon Musk was born in South Africa and educated at the University of Pennsylvania. He sought and made his fortune in Californias Silicon Valley. But that doesnt mean we cant dub the 50-year-old Tesla and SpaceX CEO and, after his recent stock sell-off, the worlds richest man an honorary Texan.

Indeed, long before Musk announced in October that he was moving Teslas headquarters to Austin, hed invested $1.1 billion on a new Tesla manufacturing plant in southeastern Travis County. He made Texas ground zero for his aerospace and rocket company, SpaceX, which has multiple facilities across the state and its flagship launch site in southern Texas near Boca Chica.

Thats all made national headlines, as have reports that Musk, who plans to move the headquarters of his private foundation, the Musk Foundation, to Austin, is currently living in a modest, $50,000 prefab house near the SpaceX launch site.

Whats lesser known, as this newspaper reported last month, is the expansion in Texas of Musks tunneling and infrastructure company, the Boring Co. Or that Tesla Energy was recently licensed to provide energy in Texas and has plans to build the first solar neighborhood in Austin.

All this investment and job creation in the great state of Texas would clearly qualify Musk, who became a U.S. citizen in 2002, as a candidate for Texan of the Year. But it was, more specifically, his game-changing philanthropic efforts and charitable giving to worthy organizations in Texas and beyond and in some of our most underserved areas that earned him a spot as a finalist for 2021 Texan of the Year.

In September, a SpaceX flight raised more than $200 million for pediatric cancer research at St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital in Tennessee, with Musk personally contributing $50 million toward that goal.

Earlier in the year, Musk shocked many in Texas with his announcement that he was donating $20 million to Cameron County schools and $10 million to City of Brownsville for downtown revitalization.

That came on top of Musks $1 million donation to Feeding Texas, a nonprofit that operates more than 20 food banks across the state that help feed more than 5 million Texans annually. What was reportedly intended to be $100,000 to help with COVID-19 relief ballooned to $1 million after Februarys winter storms paralyzed parts of the state, hitting low-income families the hardest.

Thats the kind of generosity and neighborliness that Texans are famous for. And just one more reason why Elon Musk, who we hope continues to put down roots in Texas even as he reaches for the stars, is a finalist for Texan of the Year.

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Texan of the Year finalist Elon Musk invests in Texas while reaching for the stars - The Dallas Morning News

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Elon Musk says Tesla’s new Austin factory will drive $10 billion in total investment – CultureMap Austin

Posted: at 12:35 am

With 66.8 million followers on Twitter, Elon Musks tweets attract an outsized amount of attention. So, when Musk tweeted December 16 that the new Tesla factory east of Austin would represent a long-term investment of at least $10 billion, generating over 20,000 direct jobs and 100,000 indirect jobs, it raised more than a few eyebrows.

Until thattweetappeared, Tesla the Austin-based electric vehicle maker headed by Musk had indicated it would invest $1.1 billion in theplantand would create at least 5,000 jobs and potentially 10,000 jobs there. As such, was Musks December 16 tweet promising far more than that a spot-on statement or a far-fetched embellishment? Musk hasnt elaborated on his tweet, but experts believe his pronouncement isnt in the wrong lane.

Corporate site consultant John Boyd doesnt think the tweet is hyperbole from larger-than-life Musk, who is the worlds richest person.

The magnitude of the Austin campus,the sea change transforming the North American auto industry, and Musks extensive business enterprises could easily support those kind of numbers, Boyd says. I have found that the outspoken Musk is not prone to exaggeration and has no problem speaking his mind.

Moreover, Boyd foresees Musk bulking up the Austin factory site which is nowTeslas corporate headquarterswith operations from his other ventures, such as SpaceX and Neuralink.

Teslais just a piece of the pie for Musk.Look for him to co-locate some of his other enterprises on his massive Austin site, Boyd says. It would behard for him to find a better labor market and a more favorable state business and tax climate than he now enjoys in Austin.

Teslas production capacity at the Austin plant for its Model Y, Cybertruck, and Semi vehicles could warrant Musks new claims about the size of the new factorys investment and workforce, says Matt Patton, executive vice president of Austin-based economic development consulting firm AngelouEconomics.

The potential for expanding the factory is there, Patton says.

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