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Category Archives: Donald Trump
How is Donald Trump able to maintain control of Republican party? – The Columbus Dispatch
Posted: May 12, 2023 at 11:17 am
"If you believe the other side is corrupt, immoral, and dishonest, it takes someone like (Donald) Trump to stand up to them," Robert Alexander
Robert Alexander| Guest Columnist
Robert Alexanderis the founding director of the Ohio Northern Institute for Civics and Public Policy. He is a political science professor at Ohio Northern University.
The rally around the flag effect is a well-documented phenomenon where a presidents public approval rating climbs in times of crisis.
In spite of countless controversies, including two impeachments, the January 6 riot, and more recently being the first president to have criminal charges filed against him, Donald Trump has managed to engender his own rally around the Trump effect among Republican voters.
More: Nearly half of Republicans don't want Trump to run for reelection in 2024, new poll shows
Donald Trump indicted: Will he go to jail? Arrest, indictment in 7 new cartoons
A modern day Rasputin, no matter how many times he looks to be politically dead, he is able to maintain his position as the leader of the Republican party. This is true not only in spite of his controversies, but also in spite of poor electoral performances among Republicans nationally since his 2016 victory.
This has led many to question why Republicans continue to stand with him. The answers lie in part with him and in part with broader trends in American politics.
Who was Rasputin? The truth behind the legend of the Russian royal advisor.
It is no secret that we live in polarized times.
Yet, the extent to which this polarization affects how we view others might come as a surprise . Majorities of both Democrats and Republicans view the opposing party as being close-minded, dishonest, immoral, and unintelligent. These numbers have only grown since 2016. It is quite a challenge to unite Americans when 72% of Republicans see Democrats as immoral and 63% of Democrats see Republicans as immoral. Similar findings occur among young voters too.
One poll finds that nearly half of college students would not want a roommate who voted for a different candidate and 53% say they probably would not go on a date with someone who voted for a different candidate. This tracks with another poll finding that 4 in 10 parents say they would be disappointed if their child married someone of the opposing political party.
These sentiments fuel an apocalyptic us versus them mentality where any loss on our side, is a win for their side. This is explained through the concept of negative partisanship where dislike of the other party is more likely to drive support than your attachment to your own party.
This phenomenon is tied closely to various psychological biases we hold such as in-group bias, self-serving bias and confirmation bias.
For instance, confirmation bias occurs when individuals selectively choose what evidence they pay attention to based upon preexisting beliefs they hold. If new information supports their worldview, they hold on to it. If it challenges their worldview, they discard it. This, of course, does not lead to accurate assessments of the world around them.
When it comes to the political parties, both Democrats and Republicans are reluctant to give the other party credit and refuse to accept blame when it is likely warranted.
Bellwether no more? Is Ohio's bigly love for Donald Trump proof it lost its swing? |Opinion
There is little Donald Trump could do that would make Democrats happy and we have seen that regardless of his behaviors, there is little Trump can do to lose support among Republicans.
To see how much an increase in polarization has affected the landscape today, it is worth examining Bill Clintons impeachment nearly 25 years ago. In that crisis, Clinton saw his public approval rating increase from 58% in November of 1997 to 71% after Articles of Impeachment were introduced to 62% after the Articles were rejected by the Senate in the Spring of 1999. Much of his bounce was not due to an increase in support among Democrats, but a surge in support among Independents and Republicanssomething that would be unthinkable today.
Donald Trumps approval rating has remained remarkably consistent over the years. There has been little he has done that has brought him support among Democrats or Independents. Yet, among Republicans, every time he has faced a crisis, polls show the party rallying around him. This is true since his indictment and Republican rivals have not been able to capitalize on it to make any significant inroads to challenge him for the 2024 nomination.
And yet, dedicated Republican support for Trump has not translated into great electoral success for the party.
Since his surprise victory in 2016, Republicans had an historic midterm loss in 2018 (losing 41 seats in the House), they lost the presidency and Senate in 2020, and fully underperformed in the 2022 midterm elections with Democrats gaining a Senate seat.
Experts: Toxins don't play politics. East Palestine deserves answers, payment not games
Still, thanks to negative partisanship and psychological biases, Trumps supporters see him as being attacked unfairly, that the system is corrupt, or putting their energy into the misdeeds of their opponents. Many of them recognize Trumps foibles, acknowledging that he can be vicious and engage in morally questionable behavior. But they also believe that the other side is doing it too.
For partisans, Trump is their guy who will do whatever it takes to win. If you believe the other side is corrupt, immoral, and dishonest, it takes someone like Trump to stand up to them. And for that reason, they are willing to tolerate many of his antics.
Robert Alexanderis the founding director of the Ohio Northern Institute for Civics and Public Policy. He is a political science professor at Ohio Northern University.
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How is Donald Trump able to maintain control of Republican party? - The Columbus Dispatch
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Donald Trump was found liable for sexual assault. The MAGA crowd doesnt care | Opinion – Yahoo News
Posted: at 11:17 am
I was sitting in a wine bar at the Denver airport when the news came up on my iPad: Donald Trump is found liable for sexual abuse and defamation.
I looked up, expecting some sort of reaction from the wine bar crowd.
Instead, they kept talking sports and delayed flights and whether to order the charcuterie or the flatbread.
Had they not heard the news?
I played with the idea of making some sort of announcement like a modern-day town crier but Im not that brave.
Instead, I shared the headline with a woman sitting next to me, who had leaned over to ask about the ordering protocol.
Have you seen this? I asked, turning my iPad toward her.
He didnt even know her! she huffed.
It wasnt the female bonding moment Id been hoping for, though I did get that from the employee who took my order. She gets $5 million? she asked. She deserves it!
Somewhat buoyed, I splurged on a $30 glass of champagne and quietly celebrated, avoiding eye contact with my he doesnt even know her neighbor.
Yet I could not get that womans words out of my head. Not during the five-hour layover in Denver. Not on the bumpy plane trip back to SLO. And not now especially after hearing Trumps bombastic denial at his CNN town hall gathering.
She wasnt raped, OK? And I didnt do anything else either, OK, because I dont know who the hell she is, he insisted.
Of course, he knew her!
And of course, she was telling the truth!
Why on earth would any woman call up a friend, as E. Jean Carroll did, and say, You are not going to believe what happened to me, and then go on to recount some terrible thing that happened to her?
Its a way of processing the terrible thing that happened and its something many maybe even most women do.
In this case, Carroll telephoned her friend, Lisa Birnbach, minutes after the 1996 assault and not only told her that she was raped inside a dressing room at the Bergdorf Goodman department store in New York City, but she also named her assailant, Donald Trump.
Story continues
Yet to the Trump faithful, its all a pack of lies.
Never mind that infamous 2005 Access Hollywood tape in which Trump admitted to grabbing womens genitals: When youre a star, they let you do it, he said then. You can do anything.
Never mind Trumps ludicrous defense: He didnt know Carroll and besides, she wasnt his type even though he mistook Carroll for his former wife Marla Maples when he was shown a photograph during his deposition.
Never mind that another woman testified that Trump sexually assaulted her on an airplane. It was like he had 40 zillion hands, she said.
They are liars, these women!
Yet a nine-member jury unanimously chose to believe the women. The six men and three women on the jury found that Trump sexually abused Carroll and defamed her. But the jury did not find that Trump raped Carroll.
My neighbor at the bar explained why Trump had lost the case: It could only have happened in New York, she told her husband in a voice loud enough for me to overhear.
In other words, it never would have happened in a state like Florida or Texas or Utah or Tennessee.
She may be right about that.
If millions of voters could believe the Big Lie that Trump rightfully won the election its not much of a stretch to get them to believe that he was wrongfully convicted by an out-to-get-him New York jury.
After all, he didnt even know her!
She wasnt his type!
She didnt scream!
She didnt go to the police!
Shes lying!
And its not just some random woman in a bar saying those things.
It makes me want to vote for him twice, Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama said post-verdict, adding that with a New York jury, he had no chance.
As incredible as it seems, a man found liable for sexual assault in a civil trial could win the Republican nomination and go on to be elected president of the United States.
Because the New York jury got it wrong.
He didnt even know her.
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Donald Trump was found liable for sexual assault. The MAGA crowd doesnt care | Opinion - Yahoo News
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Donald Trump indicted: Who is Stormy Daniels and what is former president accused of doing? – Sky News
Posted: March 31, 2023 at 2:03 am
Donald Trump indicted: Who is Stormy Daniels and what is former president accused of doing? Sky News
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Donald Trump indicted by Manhattan grand jury on more than 30 counts related to business fraud – CNN
Posted: at 1:23 am
- Donald Trump indicted by Manhattan grand jury on more than 30 counts related to business fraud CNN
- Donald Trump Indicted: 5 Facts On Case Involving Porn Star Stormy Daniels
- Trump criminally charged in New York, a first for a US ex-president Reuters
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Donald Trump indicted by Manhattan grand jury on more than 30 counts related to business fraud - CNN
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DOJ to appeals court: Donald Trump can be sued over role in …
Posted: March 4, 2023 at 1:16 am
The three lawsuits were filed about two years ago by House Democrats and Capitol Police against Trump, his allies and extremist groups.
Jan. 6 committee refers four criminal charges against Trump
The Jan. 6 committee refers four criminal charges against former President Donald Trump to Justice Department.
Anthony Jackson, Associated Press
WASHINGTON The Justice Department saidThursday former President Donald Trump doesn't deserve absolute immunity from threecivil lawsuits accusing him of inciting the Capitol attack on Jan. 6, 2021.
"No part of a Presidents official responsibilities includes the incitement of imminent private violence," department lawyers said in an appeals courtfiling."By definition, such conduct plainly falls outside the Presidents constitutional and statutory duties."
A three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals will decide whether to allow the lawsuits to continue. The panel heard oral arguments about whether to dismiss the cases in December, but asked the Justice Department to weigh in.
Chief Judge Sri Srinivasan and Judges George Katsas and Judith Rogers are hearing the case. Srinivasan was appointed to the appeals court by Barack Obama, Katsas by Trump and Rogers by Bill Clinton.
They cost millions and last years: The U.S. now has 3 of them
Here is what we know about the cases:
The three lawsuits each accuse Trump of inciting the riot and seek to hold him responsible for it. Nearly 1,000 people have been charged in the attack and a mob rampaged through the Capitol and temporarily prevented Congress from counting Electoral College votes. One rioter was shot to death outside the House chamber by a police officer. A police officer who was sprayed by chemicals during the attack died the next day from a stroke.
"I am pleased that the DOJ made crystal clear that inciting a violent attack on the United States is well beyond the immunity afforded to any president, Swalwell said in a statement.
Georgia probe of Trump and allies: Georgia grand jury foreperson's unusual media tour likely heartburn for Trump inquiry
Trumps lawyers urged the appeals court to dismiss the lawsuits by arguing that contentious speeches such as the one he gave Jan. 6, 2021, are part of a presidents job.
The underlying question here is simple: is a president immune from civil liability when he or she gives a speech on a matter of public concern? Trumps lawyers said. The answer is undoubtedly, yes.
Trumps lawyers have argued he is immune from lawsuits for anything he said at the rally. They also argued he couldnt be part of any conspiracy to incite the violence because he urged participants to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard at the Capitol.
But in allowing the cases to continue, Mehta, who is also overseeing criminal cases from the Capitol attack, noted Trump urged his supporters to fight like hell before his supporters fought police and forced their way into the building.
At the end of his remarks, he told rally-goers, we fight, we fight like hell, and if you dont fight like hell, youre not going to have a country anymore, Mehtasaid.
Trump's presidential campaign issued a statement Thursday saying he calledrepeatedly during the speech for peace, patriotism and respect for law enforcement. The campaign argued federal courts should dismiss what it called frivolous lawsuits.
Hunter Biden, COVID-19: Why are House Republicans focusing on Twitter, other social media firms?
Justice Department lawyers took no position on the three lawsuits. And they said presidents are typically protected from civil lawsuits because of their broad official duties and the difficulties distinguishing them from personal duties.
But the department lawyers said no president should be able to incite violence, despite Trump's claim of absolute immunity from all lawsuits.
Government lawyers urged the appeals court judges to set narrow rules for the lawsuits to continue, to avoid saddling a president with lawsuits that would be burdensome and intrusive even if meritless.
"It is not a rule of absolute immunity for thepresident, regardless of the nature of his acts," the lawyers said.
"The district court also correctly rejected President Trumps categorical assertion 'that whenever and wherever a President speaks on a matter of public concern he is immune from civil suit,' the department lawyers said.
Merrick Garland to senators: Fentanyl 'unleashed on purpose' by Mexican drug cartels
Attorney General Merrick Garland testifies before Senate committee
U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland said he is "proud" of the Department of Justice's work as he testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Damien Henderson, Associated Press
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Trump collaborates on song with Jan. 6 defendants – The Hill
Posted: at 1:16 am
- Trump collaborates on song with Jan. 6 defendants The Hill
- Singin the coups: Donald Trump releases single with January 6 prisoners The Guardian US
- Trump takes support for Jan. 6 rioters to new level, collaborates on a song The Washington Post
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Trump collaborates on song with Jan. 6 defendants - The Hill
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The GOP Is Starting to Plot Against Donald Trump – POLITICO
Posted: February 12, 2023 at 2:30 am
It is also a conversation reminiscent of one many had before. Back in 2016, senior Republicans fretted that putting Trump on top of the ticket would spell certain doom. If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed, later Trump acolyte Lindsey Graham notoriously tweeted. And we will deserve it. Those concerns proved to be unfounded, of course, as Trump prevailed over a split Republican field and then went on to defeat Hillary Clinton while Republicans held the House and Senate. But this time around, few Republicans think Trump can pull it off again, not after spending the last three years nursing his grievances over 2020, and especially not after his hand-picked candidates were walloped in the midterms.
Back in 2020, the buzzword among Democrats was electability, as the need to defeat Trump came to outweigh any other concerns or considerations including those of ideology, vision, competence and style. And the winner of the electability primary, at least for donors and liberal pundits, was Joe Biden, which led to most of his competitors dropping out and endorsing him when he was still trailing in the delegate count to Bernie Sanders. Republicans are now hoping that a similar dynamic plays out on their side this year and that even Trump loyalists will understand the stakes. Trump did not respond to requests for comment.
I dont think it is fair to call Donald Trump a damaged candidate, said Eric Levine, a top GOP fundraiser who has been calling on the party to move on from Trump since the 2020 election and the uprising at the Capitol. He is a metastasizing cancer who if he is not stopped is going to destroy the party. Donald Trump is a loser. He is the first president since Hoover to lose the House, the Senate and the presidency in a single term. Because of him Chuck Schumer is the Leader Schumer, and the progressive agenda is threatening to take over the country. And he is probably the only Republican in the country, if not the only person in the country, who cant beat Joe Biden.
The big fear among donors like Levine and other party players is that, like in 2016, a number of challengers to Trump will jump into the primary and linger too long, splitting the field and allowing Trump to win. And some of these top Republicans are meeting with potential candidates and telling them that if they want to run, they should by all means do so but that they should also be prepared to drop out well before voting begins in order to make sure that the GOP puts their best candidate forward against Biden.
I am worried about this, but experience is a good teacher, and there is no education in the second kick of a mule, said Scott Jennings, a Republican strategist and longtime adviser to Senator Mitch McConnell. My hope is that those exploring a race [for president] right now are asking themselves what is best for the party.
Bob Vander Plaats, the president of The Family Leader, a socially conservative advocacy group, is one of the most sought-after endorsers in the Iowa Caucus. He said that he is speaking with every potential candidate about the need to not overstay their welcome in the race.
I tell them that there is an open and fair playing field here in the state of Iowa, and that we will introduce you to our base, and we will give you all kinds of opportunities for you to introduce yourself. And if you have the call in your heart to run for president, I am the last person to tell you to not to.
But, he also tells them. Do not listen to your consultants, who have a vested interest in you staying in. I can help you decide if you should stay in or not.
They all agree right away, he added.
Leading donors who have spoken with the top-non-Trump contenders like Nikki Haley, Mike Pompeo and Mike Pence say that all get it, that none of them are looking to play the spoiler and are aware of the dangers to the party, if not the country, of a Trump Redux. For evidence, these donors point to the potential candidates public statements and recent memoirs, in which all are critical of Trump in one way or another.
Does Mike Pence really want his legacy to be that he got four percent of the vote and helped elected Donald Trump? asked one adviser to a major Republican giver. Same goes for [Mike] Pompeo, same goes for [Nikki] Haley. They want to get traction, of course, but there is a higher motivation to pull out more quickly based on what it would mean for the country and the party.
Yet if the Haleys and Pompeos of the world end up running, they are doing so to win, and despite what they tell donors now, once they start getting a warm reception on the stump it can be hard to stop. Everybody on every campaign says, Why is it our responsibility to keep Donald Trump from winning? said GOP strategist Dave Carney. You have some people that are just running to sell books, but most of the folks that are looking at this are doing so because they think there is a path for them to win.
Trump seems to recognize how the prospect of a crowded field would help him, keeping quiet even as some of his former closest aides consider their own campaigns, and training his fire instead on Ron DeSantis, the Florida governor who is leading him in some polls. Trump has been reluctant to take the bait as his former ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, taunts her former boss by calling for a new generation of leadership. Trump is Trump, so he has hit back occasionally, but has also said publicly that Haley should do it, a sign that, as former chair of the South Carolina Republican Party Katon Dawson put it, Trump has a solid 31 [percent]. And if its a big field a solid 31 can carry you to the nomination. The only way to defeat him is if some of these folks team up.
The question is how, and on this, even some of the Republican rich are at a loss on how to proceed. No more are there party bosses with the power to clear the field. The rise of online fundraising means that even the effect of the donor class can be limited. And while leaders of religious and grassroots groups hold sway, they have their own politics to think about, and cant very well step much beyond where their members want to go.
I dont even know who would be having these kinds of conversations, said Jennings. There is no convening authority. You just hope the candidates figure it out and we dont come in to next January with another John Kasich running around dividing the field.
On the Democratic side, back in 2016, the partys donors and senior leadership united well before the primaries behind Hillary Clinton only to see the folly of that approach when her weaknesses as a candidate revealed themselves as she struggled to fend off a challenge from Bernie Sanders.
For Republicans, the likeliest beneficiary of any similar effort would be DeSantis, who is outpacing Trump in some head-to-head polls. DeSantis has advantages, not least among them the fact that he just raised over $200 million for his reelection bid, and that he has a knack for using his perch in the Florida statehouse to hammer Democrats over culture war issues. But he is untested on the national stage, and there are persistent whispers that he can be clumsy about the normal give-and-take of politics. Many party bigwigs say they would rather watch the process play out for at least a year before picking favorites, with the understanding that if candidates now polling in the single digits dont see their prospects improve, they move to consolidate behind one Not Trump after the first couple of primaries. The great hope for DeSantis is that he breaks through quickly, and that convinces everyone else there is no path, said one former Trump adviser who now thinks the former president cant win.
One oddity of the current moment is that the weaker Trump seems, with federal and local investigations piling up and his campaign launch landing with a thud, the higher the chances that more possible candidates will launch their own bids, seeing a path to victory more likely. And the more candidates enter, the easier it becomes for Trump to win with an increasingly smaller share of the vote.
There may be no convening authority, but there are conversations among donors and party activists who point to how on the other side of the aisle, in 2020, nearly the entire remaining Democratic field dropped out almost at the same time and endorsed Biden. Republicans fret that there is no equivalent of a Nancy Pelosi or a Jim Clyburn in their party who can apply pressure to the dreams of would-be presidents. Still, donors are talking now about pooling money together once the primary gets under way in earnest and a true Trump alternative emerges.
Donors have wised up, said Liam Donovan, a GOP strategist. That is the main control mechanism. There is not going to be oxygen for a lot of these guys, and there are not going to be resources.
There is already some movement along these lines.
I dont see a big bunch of donors coming behind Trump at this point, said Andy Sabin, a metal mogul who gave over $100,000 to Trump over the years and who opened his Hamptons estate for a Trump fundraiser in 2019. I wouldnt give Trump a fucking nickel, and that hasnt changed. As we get closer Trump is going to see the handwriting on the wall. Now, he may not care if he fucks everybody up. Trump worries only about Trump, so he may not care if we lose as long as he has his day in the park, but I dont know any donor that wants to give a red nickel to Trump.
Sabin isnt alone. Stephen Schwarzman, the CEO of Blackstone who donated $3.7 million to Trump and Trump affiliated groups over the last several years, said after the midterms that It is time for the Republican Party to turn to a new generation of leaders, and I intend to support one of them in the presidential primaries. Ken Griffin, the CEO of Citadel who gave $60 million to Republican candidates and campaigns in the 2022 cycle, also said after the midterms that Id like to think that the Republican Party is ready to move on from somebody who has been for this party a three-time loser, and announced his support for DeSantis.
These public clarion calls, donors and party leaders say, are all part of a larger strategy to raise an alarm on Trumps weaknesses; they hope that GOP primary voters start prioritizing electability like their Democratic counterparts did four years ago. Republicans tend to get enthralled with several candidates throughout the course of a presidential primary. The hope this year, senior strategists said, is that voters minds stay focused on who can best beat Biden, so that even if DeSantis or whomever the frontrunner of the moment is stumbles, attention and affection coalesces around the next Non-Trump in the field.
There is a concerted effort afoot to reach out even to some of Trumps most loyal voters. Evangelical leaders have said they are reminding their voters about comments Trump made after the midterms in which he seemed to blame evangelicals for the disappointing results and accused them of disloyalty for not already lining up behind his 24 effort. Plus, they say, even the evangelical movement needs to start thinking long term, and Trump would come into office an immediate lame duck.
Trump can only offer four more years, said Dave Wilson, the president of the Palmetto Family Council, an influential evangelical group in South Carolina. How are we going to build a movement that goes beyond the next four years to the next eight years to the next twenty years, that parallels what we have seen over on the progressive side?
For many party leaders however, such sentiments are just a hope. There is as of now no real effort to consolidate the field, no real plan among the donor class to pull their billions behind a single non-Trump candidate. There is a belief that somehow the Republican collective consciousness has learned from 2016 and that candidates, donors and party leaders will move in concert behind the right person once the process starts to play out.
Republicans are very motivated to defeat Joe Biden, said Tom Rath, a longtime Republican hand in New Hampshire. The Trump people arent at the table for them, but there are already discussions happening about what we do. If we get in a situation where Trump is winning primaries with 40 percent of the vote and losing badly to Biden, I think you are going to see those discussion begin to accelerate, to say the least. We just hope its not too late by then.
CLARIFICATION: This article has been updated to clarify the recipients of Ken Griffins recent political donations.
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Donald Trump Just Picked a Fight with the Wrong Person
Posted: at 2:30 am
Provided by 1945 Donald Trump
Donald Trump Wants to Lose in 2024 Picks Fight With Singer Rihanna - This Sunday, billions of people around the world will turn in for Super Bowl LVII, which will be played between the American Football Conference champion Kansas City Chiefs and the National Football Conference champion Philadelphia Eagles.
This is now among the most-watched TV programs of the year, and it is also known for its star-studded halftime show.
The colossal event has become known as much for the music as the sports, with marquee artists taking the stage in a super production spectacle.
This year that star is pop/R&B singer/actress Rihanna, now the second-best-selling female artist of all time earning 14 number-one and 31 top-ten singles in the U.S.
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She's also a former Academy Award nominee and an NAACP's President Award winner, who has been twice named by Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in the world.
Of course, none of that stopped former President Donald Trump from sharing his dislike about the 34-year-old icon.
"Without her 'Stylist' she'd be NOTHING. Bad everything, and NO TALENT!" Trump wrote on Truth Social, responding to Ronny Jackson, his former White House physician.
Jackson posted to the forum on Thursday, "Rihanna spray painted 'F*** Donald Trump on a car at the Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo. She's made a career of spewing degenerate filth while badmouthing America every chance she gets. Why is the NFL showcasing this crap? Rihanna SHOULD NOT be the halftime performer!!"
It is absolutely true that Rihanna who, for the record, like many celebrities has a stylist and creative director. Her image is part of her brand. In the process, she's become a billionaire, and is now the wealthiest female celebrity in the world.
Donald Trump has never been known to have a "filter" especially when it comes to social media.
Drawing attention to the fact that Rihanna doesn't like the former president shouldn't be brought into the public.
It won't endear Donald Trump to her fans.
This is often dismissed as "playing to the base," and it is very likely that few who wear MAGA hats have her songs "S&M," "Diamonds" or "Love the Way You Lie" on their playlists. But Rihanna still has 107.8 million followers on Twitter, and millions more on the other social media platforms.
That greatly exceeds the 87.6 million Trump followers on Twitter.
Rihanna is also a millennial who is a digital native, who has used social media in a way that is far more from just spewing the first thought that pops into her head. She has built a following from the platforms.
That is why this could result in a very public spat that Trump and his followers can't win, and therefore should have never started.
There is nothing to gain, and a whole lot to lose.
There is all likelihood that his supporters will make vile, racist or other comments that wiill drive away Rihanna's fans but also others who may not even listen to her music.
Once again, Trump comes off looking like a bully who is simply out of touch with anyone but his most loyal followers.
And there just aren't enough of those individuals to get him elected. It is almost like he wants to lose.
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A Senior Editor for 19FortyFive, Peter Suciu is a Michigan-based writer. He has contributed to more than four dozen magazines, newspapers, and websites with over 3,200 published pieces over a twenty-year career in journalism. He regularly writes about military hardware, firearms history, cybersecurity, politics, and international affairs. Peter is also a Contributing Writer for Forbes and Clearance Jobs. You can follow him on Twitter: @PeterSuciu.
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