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Category Archives: Conscious Evolution

What Is Conscious Evolution? | HuffPost

Posted: March 25, 2021 at 2:51 am

For most of us, spiritual evolution does not occur simply as a result of one flash of insight or revelation. On the contrary, it usually requires inspired intention and consistent, diligent effort. And the way this is achieved is through the greatest gift that evolution has given us: the power of choice.

The power of conscious choice, or free agency, is unique to human beings as far as we know. You and I are highly evolved individuated selves who have been blessed with the extraordinary capacity for self-reflective awareness and the freedom to choose. In fact, these are the very faculties that make it possible for us to consciously evolve. Think about it: You, whoever you are, at least to some degree have the power to choose. How much do you really appreciate the significance of this extraordinary birthright? It is surprising how few people consider the deeper implications of possessing the freedom to choose. Just imagine -- without free agency, who would you be? Little more than a robot, unconsciously responding and reacting to conditioned egoic fears and desires, cultural triggers, biological impulses, and external stimuli, with no control over your own destiny. But while it is true that we are all profoundly influenced by many of these forces, both inner and outer, at the same time, it is equally true that we always have at least some measure of freedom to choose how we respond.

If you aspire to become an evolutionarily enlightened human being, your ability to do so depends upon accepting the simple fact that independent of external circumstances, you always have a measure of freedom to choose. That sounds like a simple statement, but it's amazing how many intelligent people will deny it. When you look honestly for yourself, however, you will see that it is true: you are always choosing. Sometimes your choices are conscious; sometimes they are unconscious. Sometimes they are inspired by the best parts of yourself; other times they are motivated by lower impulses and instincts. But the bottom line is that every time you act or react, at some level a choice is being made. And you, whoever you are, are the one who is making that choice. After all, who else could it be?

Conscious evolution is a simple concept to grasp, but not quite as simple to put into in practice. Our freedom to choose is not unlimited. We each have some measure of freedom. Not complete freedom, but a measure, and that measure is greater for some people than it is for others. But as long as there is some it's enough to begin. If there is a measure of freedom then there is freedom to choose.

What that means is that in relationship to the important choices you make, you are never completely unconscious. There is always some degree of awareness, however small, which gives you the freedom to choose. And the path of conscious evolution is about increasing that degree of awareness, increasing that measure of freedom, until you are living as the enlightened self that you consciously choose to be, rather than the unenlightened self you have unconsciously and habitually identified with your entire life.

I believe that it is possible to take responsibility for the entirety of who you are in such a profound way that you can consciously choose who you want to be. But that doesn't mean it will be easy. The human self is by nature a complex multidimensional process, and within that process are many factors that limit our freedom and obscure our awareness. There are powerful biological instincts that still drive us on a deep level to act in ways that challenge our higher rational inclinations. There are all the karmic consequences of our personal history, the emotional and psychological tendencies that have formed in response to our particular life experience. There are layers of cultural conditioning, values and assumptions about how things should be that color our perspectives without us even knowing it. And many people believe that within our psyches we also carry the unresolved stories of previous lifetimes. All these factors play a part in the complex web of motives and impulses that makes up your sense of self. All of this is you. And yet it is possible to take responsibility for all of these dimensions of who you are, through the transformative recognition that you are always the one who is choosing.

If you aspire to evolve, if you intend to become a conscious vehicle for the evolutionary impulse, you have to use the God-given powers of awareness and conscious choice to navigate between your new and higher spiritual aspirations, and all of the conditioned impulses and habits that are embedded in your self-system. You need to become so conscious that you can make choices that move you, consistently, in an evolutionary direction. And it is only through the wholehearted embrace of your power of choice that it becomes possible for you to do this. This is what I often call "enlightening the choosing faculty" -- bringing the light of consciousness, conscience and higher purpose to bear on the unique and extraordinary capacity within that can define your destiny.

Eventually, if you go far enough in your spiritual development, the self-generated momentum of your own evolutionary choices will become the driving force of your life, rather than the unconscious habits of the past. And that's when something very profound occurs. Your capacity to choose will become more and more aligned with the creative freedom of the evolutionary impulse, the energy and intelligence behind the initial choice to become. When free agency, the greatest gift of the evolved human, is liberated from unconscious and habitual patterns and becomes identified with a higher or cosmic will, the individual becomes a conscious agent of evolution.

When your power of choice aligns itself with the evolutionary impulse in this way, your own deepest, heart-felt, spiritual aspiration becomes one with the original cosmic intention to create the universe. That's what Evolutionary Enlightenment is pointing to. To the degree to which you make conscious and transcend those outdated biological, psychological, and cultural habits within yourself that are inhibiting your higher development, you become an ever-more-powerful agent for conscious evolution.

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What Is Conscious Evolution? | HuffPost

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What is Conscious Evolution? How is Consciousness Created …

Posted: at 2:51 am

I will answer these questions now.

What is Conscious Evolution?

Conscious evolution is the story of human consciousness and perception developing over a period of many thousands of years. Consciousness is being modified now in an evolutionary way. We call this metabiological evolution.

During the period from about 12,000 years ago to 5,000 years ago amore reflective and outward-focused consciousness develops, and this leads to the agricultural revolution.

What happened 5,000+ years ago

An internalrather than external trigger leads to a new self-consciousness. A new form of self-consciousness then leads to the domestication of animals and the first agricultural communities.

The focus or filter of consciousness through the ego and in the direction of the physical world begins about 5,000+ years ago.

The hunting-gathering periodwas not as barbaric as we were taught. Early hunters were not struggling to survive by clubbing beasts but typically lived abundantly at least as much by picking berries and eating plants. Their consciousness or perception penetrated other life by invitation and was rich, broad, democratic and satisfying. Only about five-thousand years ago does the kind of narrow perception we have now begin to develop.

For a person living five-thousand years ago there was no sharp separation between his own consciousness and the consciousness of other life forms. Nor was there a sense of being in conflict or competition with other creatures or tribes. Consciousness could flow out of the body, through the environment and could perceive through the eyes of others. This created great empathy and compassion for all other forms of life, human included.

Early mans mind was not like ours. The shift from the nature religions to male gods marks a relatively sudden world-wide paradigm-shift. This marks the initial development of the ego-type consciousness we currently possess.

Self-consciousness also leads to the development of egotistical behavior evident in tribal or nationalistic thinking that begins to compete or see others as potential threats to guard against or worse.

Eons ago and on a collective subconscious level, the consciousness of the race made a deliberate decision to move in a new direction by developing a new type of self-consciousness. A new, more physically oriented self would be developed.

The consciousness of that self would be increasingly cut off from the inner psychic reality from which it came and instead focused on physical reality.

The new physically oriented consciousness would develop a sense of separateness from others and nature. This has been achieved; it is our own particular type of consciousness we are so familiar and well acquainted with.

Ego consciousness is particularly well suited to manipulate matter, which was the intention. However, other problems have been created as a result of this orientation, and these problems are somewhat severe.

Thus, about 5,000 years ago we began the rather uncharacteristic period of violent behavior and separation-consciousness (self-conscious ego perception to the highest degree). We are still largely within this violent period.


Four Earth Network websites

Redefining Science


A singleAMAZING philosophy!

100s of articles!

4 EN websites!

They are meant to be used together.

Click between them!


Many top physicists do know that thoughts create matter and reality

It is the rest of science, media and the world who do not want to listen to what they are saying.

Max Planck, Nobel PrizeWinningfather of quantum mechanics says, I regard matter as a derivative from consciousness. The Observer, 1931.

Max Tegmark (Click button for MIT paper)

Max Tegmark of MIT, says that consciousness is a state of matter.


New history-changing science transforming our personal and collective reality at this time

An explanation of how consciousness creates matter is inherent in wave-particle duality. The concept of an alive universe, a universe entirely composed of consciousness, is supported by the greatest scientific discovery of all time.

In his 1924 Ph.D. thesis and groundbreaking contributions to quantum theory, Nobel Prize winner, Louis de Broglie postulated the wave nature of electrons and suggested that all matter has wave properties.This concept is known as waveparticle duality, and forms a central part of the theory of quantum mechanics.

These theories are tested and proven to be facts. We know that quantum mechanics is correct because the mathematical algorithms are consistently relied upon in scientific applications and to build advanced scientific devices that work amazingly well.

Where Do Thoughts Go?

The wave-aspect ofanything innature is an energyfieldthat contains huge amounts of information.

What is a thought but an energy field containing information?

Both waves of matter and thoughts are electromagnetic energy. Matter and waves are the same thing. The facts are right in front of us.

Your unlimited true nature & matter creating consciousness

Your mind is connected to everything in the universe, can bypass physical laws of cause and effect and time and space restrictions, and can permeate any seeming barrier.

Non-classical physics mind-brain science is superior to all previous models on which traditional psychology and self-help are based.





The science on this page supports the primary purpose of this site to empower you to be successful in all areas in intellectual and spiritual knowledge, business, finance, health, love and relationships.

This site is personal self-transformation wisdom that is meant to be exciting and fun to learn.

For something to be true it must make sense to the heart and mind. But that does not mean you need a scientist to go to the next level and to create the reality you want to experience.

Many people are searching for a scientific finding that will validate what they feel on a deeper level. That is good, but if you are a person that insists on a dry traditional scientific explanation for everything, that requirement can restrict you. I am moving you closer to your own heart and intuitions as the arbiters of truth. A greater range and experience of love and understanding is available to you. Read more.

All of this is leading to a new paradigm, the paradigm I have lived by for almost 50 years

When we look at a tree we do not see the roots, but we know a tree has roots. The same principle holds true for you. Your consciousness has a deep inner reality.


100s of articles!

4 EN websites!

All four sites have a single cohesive philosophy!They are meant to be used together.

The rest is here:
What is Conscious Evolution? How is Consciousness Created ...

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Margo Price on the Bob Dylan Classic She Wishes She Wrote – Pitchfork

Posted: July 21, 2020 at 12:26 pm

Thats when I watched [the 1967 Dylan documentary] Dont Look Back for the first time, too. I was just hoping for that moment: to be burned out on the road, as tired as he was in 65 after touring England. At that point, I hadnt really traveled anywhere. Through the decade that I struggled to get my foot in the door, I had a lot of free time to immerse myself in every phase of his life. He could have just fizzled out after the folk period, like a lot of other people did at that time. The fact that he was always reinventing himself was important to me.

Is there a line or verse in this song that stands out to you?

The last verse is where it really hits home for me: When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose/Youre invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal. Hes writing to Miss Lonely, and it could have been Edie Sedgwick or Joan Baez. He always has a way to protect himself and wear this armor, but that verse feels very freeing. I think he was writing about himself.

I heard that it was 20 pages of word vomit, as he liked to call it. I cant imagine what the entire thing looked like. Even getting it down to six minutes seems like a feat. But you can feel that energy in the room. Everybodys just playing it from their gut. Youve got Al Kooper on the organhes not even an organ player!

Like a Rolling Stone also represents a turning point when Dylans writing became more imagistic and surreal. Ive noticed a shift in your work toward more open-ended songs. Is that a conscious evolution?

For sure. The first album ended up being a concept record about me, so I felt like I had to keep it all in the first-person. It was a good exercise in being honest with myself and getting things off my chest that I had been lying about to my family and friends. With this record, I wanted to find different ways to convey my thoughts. I found that Id be writing one song but directing it at three different people, because different people can make you feel the same emotion. I see songwriters make the same album over and over, and Im like, This is boring for me to listen to, so I know youve got to be bored. In the end, youre going to be more proud of your work if you keep things fresh.

Other than Bob Dylan, do you have other role models for maintaining longevity as an artist?

Linda Ronstadt did such a good job of following what was right in her heart and not what was going to be a commercial success. She was a massive pop star but then she put out an all-Spanish mariachi record. People told her, Dont do it. Its going to ruin your career. But it just made people love her more. Joni Mitchell is also highly underrated. She found a way to keep herself inspired, and thats important too. Reading all the time, writing, discovering new music, and watching filmsall those things are tied together in being turned on to the muse.

Have you ever run into Bob on the road?

Yes, I have! We were on the Outlaw Tour with Willie Nelson, and Bob was playing the Milwaukee show. It was amazing to see my name next to theirs, even though it was way down. Ive made it! When Bob came onto the premises, we were told that no one could be backstage. So we all hid inside our tour bus and looked out the window, like Santa Claus was coming. We were so excited. He pulls up with a motorcade of maybe 25 police officers on motorcycles. He was wearing a white suit coat and black pants and really cool shoes. We just watched him walk to the back of the stage as he was fixing his hair and his pant leg. We went out and watched the whole performance from the front of the house, which I never do. It was pretty incredible. I heard a story that day that Bob walked onto Willies bus wearing a towel over his head like a boxer and carrying an apple pie. He goes, Wheres the king? Take me to the king.

Go here to see the original:
Margo Price on the Bob Dylan Classic She Wishes She Wrote - Pitchfork

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The First Cause of All of Humanity’s Problems – Patheos

Posted: May 24, 2020 at 3:08 pm

Despite millennia of progress in human civilization, we as a species continue to be plagued with certain tendencies that may well lead to our destruction: Why do we continue to make war? Why does so much of the planets population continue to struggle, suffer, and live with little hope or opportunity? Why are some inclined to destroy the very ecosystem upon which we all depend? Why do a privileged few who hold more wealth than could be used in dozens of lifetimes nevertheless continue to seek more?

Despite the complexity of life and how multifaceted are our problems, I still keep hoping to find some simple, discrete point in the history of conscious evolution where things went wrong and how we might then do a consciousness reset. Now, I am pretty sure this is it:

As a species, in a critical way, we misunderstand the purpose of existence why we were created or evolved in the first place (by whatever powers were responsible for it). We have misinterpreted our divine/cosmic mandate.

What follows could be stated in completely secular (non-religious) language for another audience, but in this context, for convenience, Ill use conventional spiritual terminology.

Major religious texts hold that we (humanity) were created in the image of God sort of like a discount store version of deity. Yet after doing a little exegesis on the words translated to this phrase, I believe it would be more accurately stated as created as the image of God.

In other words, the entity or phenomenon we commonly refer to as God is essentially inconceivable, unknowable, unnameable, indescribable, and cannot be accessed or comprehended directly. Any attempts to do so will only reduce him/her/it to the earthly limits of what we can see, experience, and therefore describe in words. [Ramana Maharshi: The only language capable of expressing the whole truth is silence.]

Therefore, in order for humanity to engage with divinity, an agent or icon or an image of God is needed. That is supposed to be us.

Where Humanity Has Taken a Wrong Turn

Considering all the chaos, strife, suffering, and destruction in the world today, if our mandate is to be Gods representative image, you might agree that we are doing a less than spectacular job of it. Why should this be?

I believe it is because a great many of us have unconsciously misunderstood the original purpose of our creation, and our mandate. Instead of realizing that we are here to be a representative image of God, some of us have fallen to believing that we are each challenged to be the God.

What is the difference? In the first interpretation, all of us are equally valuable and capable. Each of us are intended to be a unique, complementary window on divinity. (This is charmingly analogous to a tenet in Einsteins theory of General Relativity which holds that space is curved in such a way that any point in the universe might be considered its center. Similarly, any one of us might equally stand in for God.)

The result was a natural separation of the cosmos into two realms an inferior mortal realm characterized by suffering and limitation versus a divine realm of perfection and wholeness and alongside this, two states of being: mortal and divine. Historically, theologies commonly fall toward denigrating the former while urging identification with the latter.

Yet what does this mean for modern humankind especially for atheists who do not consciously embrace any particular theology? If there is an essential God pressure inherent in our existence, how might it manifest in such people?

Although it may be completely unconscious, the unconscious rationale might run something like the following:

There is only One most worthy. It must be me

Supreme value is reflected by what I own and control

therefore, as much as possible, I must own and control everything

The One demonstrates superiority by out-competing or thwarting all others

and by the power to control and exploit others, or to inflict suffering

One can create big things, but cannot create life or nature. Yet superiority over the same can be demonstrated by dominating or destroying it

The Practical Manifestation

On the dark side, the drive to effectively be God has been reflected throughout history, often embodied as warlords, kings, popes, dictators, politicians, CEOs, and others holding vast wealth or vast power over the masses. Not to imply that every last one has acted with evil intent, but simply consider the motivation that drives one to seek disproportionate levels of wealth and power.

In contrast, those who are more aligned with the mission to be a representative face of the divine, these are the ones motivated by a desire to realize the potential in all aspects of the living universe and its inhabitants. Such people are the saints, students, teachers, researchers, and explorers. They are the parents, caretakers, helpers, and stewards of creation the ones who realize that creation is not about One, but about All.

At this point in history, the capability of our species has reached a level where our powers to create and destroy have attained almost god-like proportions. Our decisions and actions can now affect the entire planet and its populations for good or ill.

Ideally, as consciousness continues to unfold, still more of our hidden motivations will come into full awareness, whereupon we can collectively make the choices that will not only ensure that we continue to survive and thrive, but will further open uncountable new windows on the cosmos, and perhaps on divinity itself.

At that point, we may finally understand what heaven truly means.

Read the original here:
The First Cause of All of Humanity's Problems - Patheos

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Conscious Evolution TV – The Convergence of Science …

Posted: March 13, 2020 at 8:43 am

Posted: December 8, 2019 at 8:18 pm

Posted: at 8:15 pm

Posted: at 8:12 pm

Posted: at 8:09 pm

Posted: October 7, 2019 at 7:47 pm


Youtube link:

Today we examine quantum mechanics, the existence of god, and near death experiences to see the truth of spirituality.

Posted: September 15, 2019 at 6:30 pm


Youtube link:

In this compelling lecture by Alan Watts, we take a cosmic perspective on reality to make sense of our existence.

Soundtracks by PBO & Lockjaw

Posted: March 24, 2018 at 3:38 pm


Youtube link:

Leo Gura, founder of, shows what is necessary to get the most out of life. Through discipline, self mastery, and a compelling vision, you can unleash your full potential through your life purpose.

The full speech can be found here:

Edited by Focus Shift Media:

Music by PBO:

Produced by Conscious Evolution:

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Posted: September 8, 2017 at 12:36 pm

Posted: September 7, 2017 at 6:07 pm

Posted: September 6, 2017 at 9:57 am

Download copy from here alan-watts-the-eternal-now.mp4

Youtube link:

"If the universe began in the past, when that happened it was Now. And it trails off like the wake of a ship from Now and just as the wake fades out, so does the past. Things aren't explained by what happened in the past. They're explained by what happens Now"-Alan Watts

Posted: July 30, 2017 at 7:59 am

Posted: July 28, 2017 at 4:29 am

Download copy from here jason-silva-the-power-of-awe.mp4

Youtube link:

Exponential technological and cultural progress have given us the opportunity to more fully realize our potential.

Speech by Jason Silva

Posted: July 23, 2017 at 6:23 pm

Posted: March 12, 2020 at 10:45 am

The juvenile defendants get more of the individualized attention and treatment they need to keep them from re-offending.

TAMPA A couple of weeks ago, a teenage boy walked into Courtroom 53A bristling with anger.

His criminal case had been diverted to Hillsborough Countys juvenile mental health court. He told Chief Judge Ronald Ficarrotta he was worried about his sisters who, like him, were in the foster care system.

Instead of speaking from the bench, the judge sat down with the teenager in the courtrooms jury box to talk. I told him, Thats got to be your motivation. Youve got to be strong and get through this so you can be there for your sisters,'" Ficarrotta recalled Wednesday.

It was a small but meaningful moment in a specialty court that has transformed the countys approach to juvenile offenders who have mental health issues.

The first of its kind in Florida when it was launched a year ago, juvenile mental health court focuses on providing resources to children and their families to get them out of the system and keep them from returning.

The signs of success are already clear, Ficarrotta and other officials said Wednesday at a news conference in Courtroom 53A.

You have to remember that for a long, long time, the focus as it related to juvenile kids was not in the area of mental health, Hillsborough Public Defender Julianne Holt said. Thats whats unique here. We have finally embraced, recognized and accepted that mental illness has an impact on how people conform and conduct their behavior.

The court was initially created to give special attention to the cases of juveniles deemed by mental health professionals incompetent to proceed in the criminal justice process. The cases were piling up because the process to diagnosis children and match them with mental health care providers could take six months, Holt said.

But officials soon realized that some juveniles who were found competent to proceed still had mental health issues or other challenges that could be better addressed by the courts individualized approach. So Holt and Hillsborough State Attorney Andrew Warren asked Ficarrotta to make the program available to other juveniles who have mental health issues, intellectual disabilities or other challenges.

Our courtrooms cant be revolving doors for anyone, especially not those with mental illness and especially not our kids, Warren said. If we want to prevent individuals from committing further crimes, then we need to address the underlying problems and thats exactly what were doing with this juvenile mental health court.

When a child shows up for the court, held every other Wednesday, psychologists and psychiatrists are available to evaluate them and report to the judge. Hillsborough County school district officials are present to provide school records and keep the district informed of the childrens progress, care plans and sanctions.

We can say, Here are the needs of the children as they return to school, Holt said. Thats extremely important because that is the only way you have continuity in services and continuity in stability.

About 110 cases have come through the court since its inception, and there are currently 64 defendants on the docket. The process to evaluate the courts strengths and areas to improve is underway. One measure of success will be a reduction the recidivism rate, and officials are optimistic, Holt said.

I think from what weve seen we are going to impact recidivism, and I also think were going to impact the ability of these kids to go on into life and navigate themselves, she said.

Positive reinforcement is important. Defendants get punch cards to keep track of successes and get incentives for progress. On the courtrooms Success Board, kids write down their achievements on gold paper stars.

Im proud of not being locked up.

Im proud of having good grades and great friends.

Im proud of being alive.

Ficarrotta said he spends much of his time off the bench, talking with children and families face to face, giving them hugs and pats on the back to build trust and convey that everyone in the courtroom is there to help.

You start out with these kids being very withdrawn and then you see them come in and theyve got a smile on their face and theyre proud of their accomplishments, theyre proud of their successes, theyre thankful for things, Ficarrotta said. We celebrate that in this courtroom.

Ficarrotta called the court a natural extension of the adult mental health court he helped launch in 2017. That docket currently has about 350 defendants.

The juvenile court is also another example of how Holt, Warren, and law enforcement officials including Hillsborough Sheriff Chad Chronister have collaborated on progressive criminal justice programs. In the last few years, theyve created and expanded a juvenile citation program, launched a pre-arrest diversion program for adults and supported the County Commissions decision to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana.

Chronister said at Wednesdays news conference that he is grateful to be able to help change the criminal justice system in Hillsborough. But as the father of a 24-year-old son with addiction and mental health issues who is now serving time in state prison, he said, the juvenile mental health court feels personal.

I stand here next to you and wonder how his path would have been different if this resource would have been available to him," Chronister said. But I find great comfort knowing that the children who are following him have this resource.

Day Cops, Hillsborough Sheriff, Tampa Police Department Reporter

More here:A year on, Hillsboroughs juvenile mental health court showing signs of success, officials say - Tampa Bay Times

Posted: at 10:45 am

Life is like the Choose Your Own Adventure book series. Let me explain why.

Choose Your Own Adventure is a series of childrens books where each story is written from a second-person point of view. The reader assumes the role of the main character and influences the plots outcome by deciding their actions and behavior.

During the 80s and 90s, this series was one of the most popular children books. Originally published by Bantam Books (now Random House), the books are based on the concept created by Edward Packard in 1976. Packard developed the idea from bedtime stories he crafted for his daughters which featured the character, Pete, and the adventures he went on.

I had a character named Pete, and I usually had him encountering all these different adventures on an isolated island, Packard said in an interview with the Beaver County Times. But [one] night I was running out of things for Pete to do, so I just asked what they would do.

It was his two daughters who came up with unique paths for Pete to take as he ventured on, motivating Packard to build several endings for each path. Inspired by his daughters creativity and eagerness, Packard went on to apply his personal experience to his professional career.

Though this style of literature is catered toward young children, his books invite people of all ages to be their own hero. Having the audience pick from three to four options every two or three pages for what the main character does fosters a deeper and stronger relationship between the reader and the protagonist. Breaking the wall between fiction and the real world, a Choose Your Own Adventure book transports readers into an alternative universe, allowing them to experience new worlds and situations.

But, the greatest life lesson these books contribute is the simple yet profound truth that life is filled with adventures of your own choosing.

When applying this universal principle to daily life, it becomes evident just how complex and difficult it is to live by this motto. Our thoughts, our actions, our beliefs, our quirks and, most notably, our values are highly influenced by various factors surrounding us. From a young age, teenagers face all sorts of pressure manipulating them to change their attitudes and decisions. According to a publication by Parent Further, 90% of teens surveyed said that they had been influenced by peer pressure. While peer pressure may not always be negative, this phenomenon significantly affects adolescent decision making.

And USC is no exception to this trend.

From small decisions like attending the Visions and Voices event of the week because everyone is going or eating at Parkside Dining Hall because it supposedly has the best food (even though EVK is only a two-minute walk from you) to larger decisions such as supporting a particular presidential candidate solely because they are the most popular, we all succumb to peer pressure.

It is this societal constraint that builds the foundation of being easily swayed by those around you later in life, such as in your professional career or with your future family. We must all learn to stop making decisions based on the influence of others. Instead, we need to start making decisions for ourselves.

Though its more complex than that, I nevertheless underscore the importance of choosing your own path. I understand that decision-making is guided by several factors ranging from past experiences and cognitive biases to individual preferences and social circumstances. Yet, I believe that if we begin to prioritize being comfortable with making our own choices, we work toward creating our own real-life version of the books we loved to read when we were younger.

Both you and I should start being our own heroes. It is up to you to choose your own adventures, write new memories and narrate your personal success. So, go out there and start chasing your wildest dreams because maybe one day theyll turn into a reality.

Ultimately you are your own protagonist in the story called life.

Aisha Patel is a freshman writing about fiction in parallel to current events. Her column, Fiction but Fact, runs every other Wednesday.

Go here to read the rest:Fiction but Fact: Life is one of those choose-your-own-adventure books - Daily Trojan Online

Posted: at 10:45 am

Wile out with extreme wheelchair, watch in awe as Paralympic table tennis ace plays with his mouth and feel inspired by this 85-year-old record-breaking great-grandma.

By Evelyn Watta and Ken Browne

What is the perfect body for you?

Olympic Channel has launched a brand new original series that celebrates difference, focussing on athletes who use sports to redefine body standards.

What does an American deaf college basketball team, an extreme wheelchair athlete, a 158kg 'fat activist', an armless table tennis player and an 85-year-old pole-vaulting great-grandmother have in common?

They are all dedicated to their sports, to inclusiveness, to changing the way they see the world and the way the world sees them.

The Olympic Channels new original five-part series Body+, follows the lives of four athletes and a team looking at their world in a different way

The Olympic Channels new original series Body+ focusses on the lives of four athletes and one team embracing and celebrating their bodies regardless of size, age, disability, or limitations.

The series highlights how Aaron Fotherhingham, the Gallaudet Basketball team, Ragen Chastain, Flo Meiler and Ibrahim Hamadtou are redefining what it means to have the perfect body.

Im super excited to be featured in the new Body+ series by the Olympic Channel. Its a series about athletes who use their diverse bodies to make sport their own. Its super exciting to be a part of, said Aaron Fotherhingham, the four-time Wheelchair Motocross World Champion.

The series will run for five weeks focussing on a different athlete or team each week.

Watch our new original series that profiles individuals embracing and celebrating their bodies regardless of size, age or perceived limitation.

The 28-year-old American who, despite being confined to a wheelchair, refused to let his dream of becoming a professional athlete die.

Born with spina bifida, a birth defect of the spinal cord, it caused him to lose the ability to use his legs.

But that didnt limit Aaron who has inspired a new generation of riders into Wheelchair Motocross, WCMX. He uses a custom wheelchair for death-defying stunts and has a crash-reel that would make your eyes peel.

"Every wipe-out has a hint to what you did wrong," he says, but refuses to call crashing and burning and getting back up to try again a hundred times work.

"I dont think of it as practice, I think of it as a fun way to live my life". - Fotheringham

In 2006 at 14 years of age he became the first person ever to land a wheelchair backflip, at 18 the first to nail a double backflip.

Aaron has toured the world with 'Nitro Circus' and starred in the Rio 2016 Paralympics Opening Ceremony (Click on the video below to see how he lit up Brazil four years ago).

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Conscious Evolution TV - The Convergence of Science ...

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Sacramento boasts a hot lineup of community and culture events this week – Yahoo News

Posted: October 24, 2019 at 10:52 am

Photo: JD Mason/Unsplash

Looking to get out into the community this week?

From a training activity to a dinner, there's plenty to do when it comes to community and cultural events coming up in Sacramento this week. Read on for a rundown.

Hoodline offers data-driven analysis of local happenings and trends across cities. Links included in this article may earn Hoodline a commission on clicks and transactions.

From the event description:

Side Hustle Wednesday invites you to the first of our Speaker Series with David Chan, and to a warm bowl of truffle ramen.David Chan, an engineer by day, ramen chef by night, will discuss how his full-time gig fuels his passion for ramen. Enjoy networking with fellow hustlers and a bowl of truffle shoyu ramen, specially designed for the event.

When: Wednesday, Oct. 23, 6-8 p.m.Where: Tomato Alley Collective, 2014 28th St., Suite FPrice: $15Click here for more details, and to get your tickets

From the event description:

Hosted at various locations throughout Sacramento County by the U.S. Census Bureau in partnership with the Sacramento County Complete Count Committee, this training is open to all community members interested in learning more about general 2020 Census information and local census efforts.

When: Thursday, Oct. 24, 1-2 p.m.Where: Greater Sacramento Urban League, 3725 Marysville Blvd.Price: FreeClick here for more details, and to get your tickets

From the event description:

Periodically we gather Logosophy's friends and enthusiasts for a conversation about a particular topic (i.e. freedom, destiny, conscious evolution, respect, etc.) The intent of this activity is to inspire participants to introspectively exam their own principles, thoughts and feelings through the review of logosophical concepts and respectful exchange of ideas. Refreshments will be served.

When: Friday, Oct. 25, 6:30-8 p.m.Where: Logosophy Cultural Center, 2110 16th St.Price: FreeClick here for more details, and to get your tickets

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This story was created automatically using local event data, then reviewed by an editor. Click here for more about what we're doing. Got thoughts? Go here to share your feedback.

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Sacramento boasts a hot lineup of community and culture events this week - Yahoo News

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Sheila Gautreaux Highlights Importance of Forgiveness – Benzinga

Posted: August 18, 2017 at 4:59 am

New book brims with insights how readers can traverse endure The Long Journey Home'

HOUSTON, TX (PRWEB) August 17, 2017

In the "The Long Journey Home" (published by Balboa Press), author Sheila Gautreaux offers a fresh look at one of the most powerful parables in the Biblethe Prodigal Sonas man's personal journey of evolution in consciousness. This book revolves around its central theme that forgiveness holds the key to reawakening love, peace and connection for all humanity.

"The Long Journey Home" takes a fresh look at one of the most widely-recognized and most frequently interpreted of the many parables taught by Jesus during his ministry. Using the process of metaphysical interpretation, along with the concepts of conscious evolution and quantum science, the Prodigal Son emerges from a great story about coming home and forgiveness to an exploration into how life experiences are valuable teaching points and may provide powerful catalysts for quantum shifts in consciousness.

The book helps readers make sense of the challenges, struggles and detours that define people's paths as they attempt to live and grow in a world that appears to keep them from finding the safe haven they seek from birth that inner sense of "home." What it seeks to highlight is that, "our painful experiences do not have to destroy us; that they are not happening "to" us but are happening "for" us to awaken us to the tremendous power within us to heal our lives."

An excerpt from the book: "The key to successfully living in this world of polar opposites is remembering that God exists within the light and the dark; that there is only God, only Truth, and all else is but a hoax perpetrated by our ego for its own glorification. Awareness is focused attention to the details of lifethe messages, spiritual meaning and lessons within everything around us and everything that happens to us. By recognizing that everything happens for a reasonhappens not to us but for uswe use life as a tool for conscious evolution and the route to home."

"The Long Journey Home" By Sheila Gautreaux Softcover | 6 x 9in | 162 pages | ISBN 9781504368704 E-Book | 162 pages | ISBN 9781504368797 Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About the Author Sheila Gautreaux calls herself a "Spiritual Activist" and passionately carries the message of healing people and the planet through forgiveness. She is a Unity Minister, Licensed Unity Teacher, Certified Radical Forgiveness Coach and a 30-year student of "A Course in Miracles," and a 38-year student of Unity principles. She has written two books: "Praying Through a Storm" and "Messages." She is in demand as a highly-praised, exciting speaker who, as a retired Opera Singer, adds her vocal gift to her message. She has three children and four grandchildren.

Balboa Press, a division of Hay House, Inc. a leading provider in publishing products that specialize in self-help and the mind, body, and spirit genres. Through an alliance with indie book publishing leader Author Solutions, LLC, authors benefit from the leadership of Hay House Publishing and the speed-to-market advantages of the self-publishing model. For more information, visit To start publishing your book with Balboa Press, call 877-407-4847 today. For the latest, follow @balboapress on Twitter.

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Sheila Gautreaux Highlights Importance of Forgiveness - Benzinga

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Nights Of Fire: A Conscious Evolution Festival Preview – NYSMusic

Posted: August 15, 2017 at 11:57 am

It is officially time to prepare for this years Nights Of Fire: A Conscious Evolution. Hosted by Spun Out Productions, the annual music festival kicks off on Thursday, August 17, and runs through the morning of Monday, August 21. Located at The Woods at Bear Creek, a glampingglamorous campingground in Franklinville, NY, Nights of Fire will offer its patrons an educational exploration through fire dancing, art, live music, and workshops.

As eloquently described on the Nights Of Fire Event Page:Nights Of Fire is a FIRE, Art, Music, & EDUCATIONAL RETREAT. We invite all likeminded individuals and those who seek to learn and do more to improve themselves and the world around US. NIGHTS OF FIRE is an educational retreat where YOU can come study many different forms of FIRE SPINNING, FLOW, DANCE, DRUMMING, PAINTING and much more. Evolve with us at night as we will teach you how to celebrate life and simply being alive through song and dance with live music.

Pre-sales for the festival are no longer online, however, you can pick up a $75 ticket thru a ticket rep, or grab one for $100 at the gate! The ticket includes camping and parking.

Take a peek below and click the play button. Youll find a Rochester Groovecast podcast episode. This episode is a preview of the upcoming Nights Of Fire Music Festival. During the episode, youll listen to Roots of Creation, Freekbass, The Mantras, Madam Bliss, Dixons Violin, Stereo Nest, Subsoil, Space Junk, Haewa, and Flux Capacitor. All of these artists are performing at this years Nights Of Fire Music Festival.

If you peek even farther below, youll find an episode timestamp, and Nights Of Fires daily schedule.


Timestamp:00:00: Roots Of Creation- Different 04:12: Episode Introduction09:56: Roots Of Creation- Row Jimmy15:23: Freekbass- Put It In A Letter18:42: Freekbass- Milkhunt23:25: The Mantras- Here We Go29:27: The Mantras- Dirt Nap35:26: Madam Bliss Remix- Notorious BIG Dead Wrong39:15: Madam Bliss Remix- Erykah Badu On And On44:10: Dixons Violin- Ignition (Correction! Jade Dragon is the album name)!46:31: Dixons Violin- Night Spirit50:56: Stereo Nest- Gradient Peak55:03: Stereo Nest- Elder Ladder59:39: Subsoil- Joe Rogan1:03:24: Subsoil- Great Unknown1:07:34: Space Junk- Ascension1:14:31: Haewa- Chem De-Vision1:18:15: Haewa- Swampin1:23:35: Episode Closing Comments1:26:46: Flux Capacitor- Big Bad1:36:29: Flux Capacitor- Unite

The rest is here:
Nights Of Fire: A Conscious Evolution Festival Preview - NYSMusic

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What’s Happening: August 4, 2017 – Verde Independent

Posted: August 3, 2017 at 11:59 pm

Stephen Scott of Underwood Gardens to speak Aug. 8

On August 8 come hear Stephen Scott of Underwood Gardens in Chino Valley, explain how sowing a cover crop in the late summer/early fall will help build your garden soil. Stephen reports that theyve seen tremendous results with bindweed and morning glory both with their raised beds and with customers reports, so this should be valuable info! Meeting is at 6 pm at Pine Shadows Clubhouse, 2050 W. SR 89A, Cottonwood. Bring a friend and well see you on Tuesday, August 8. Questions? Call Janice Montgomery, 634-7172.

Reminder: The Verde Valley Seed Library, sponsored by the Verde Thumbs Gardeners, will open every other Saturday from 11 1 at the Cottonwood Library beginning August 19. There are lots of free veggie, herbs and flower seeds for you to check out.

Solar Viewing at the Library

The first total solar eclipse since 1979 to be seen over the North American Continent will occur on Monday, August 21, 2017. Although totality will not be seen from Arizona, the Moon will cover up nearly sixty-eight percent of the sun for those in the Verde Valley. Join J.D. Maddy of the Astronomers of Verde Valley for a presentation all about the Sun.

Those attending will have a chance to see the Sun safely with special telescopes designed to view the Sun in different wavelengths of light. Come out and learn about the Sun and how to view it safely. The presentation will be on Wednesday, August 9 in Library Meeting Room B. It will begin at 12 p.m. and the solar viewing will begin outside the library at 1 p.m. Free solar viewing glasses will be given out to all who attend. This event is free and open to the public. The library is located at 100 S 6th St in Cottonwood.

The Seed Library returns to Cottonwood Public Library

The Cottonwood Public Library is once again partnering with the Verde Thumbs Gardening Club and offering a seed lending program for the fall growing season. The Seed Library is a collection of free, open-pollinated seeds and a community of gardeners coming together to celebrate their hobby. With a seed library you can check out seeds and grow the plants. From those plants you can save some seeds and then return them to the Seed Library for the next growing season. Eventually these seeds become adapted to our soil and climate and are more productive.

The Seed Library will reopen on Saturday, August 19 and free seeds will be available to be checked out from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the parking lot lobby. Volunteers will be available to answer questions and help with seed selection. The Seed Library will be open every other Saturday, starting August 19 through October 14. The library is located at 100 S 6th St in Cottonwood.

Come Back Buddy ready to rock at Clarkdale Concert in the Park

On Saturday, August 12th, Clarkdale Community Services is proud to present Come Back Buddy. They will perform 7-9 p.m. at the Clarkdale Town Park gazebo. This concert is FREE to the public.

COME BACK BUDDY is a 4-piece rock-n-roll band inspired by the legendary Buddy Holly and the Crickets. The trios repertoire includes the music of many artists from the 50s era including Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Johnny Cash, Roy Orbison, Ricky Nelson, and of course, Buddy Holly. Mike Randall provides Come Back Buddys lead vocals and guitar. Accompanied by Janine Randall on bass and Don Rinehart, Austin Case, or Tim Kimbro on drums. Dean Randall on Tenor Sax joins Come Back Buddy on stage at select performances. The band has a strong foundation and a strong following! The bands purpose is to add a fun and musical atmosphere to any event. For some, Come Back Buddy is an education in nostalgia, while for others its a walk down memory lane. So, if youre looking to turn back the clock, or simply want to hear some great music and hits from the 50s, Come Back Buddy is the band for you! Visit: for the latest news, performance schedule, and music samples.

The park is located in the center of the towns historic district on Main Street, between 10th and 11th Street. There is a 50/50 raffle which all proceeds benefit the Concerts in the Park. Remember to bring your own seating and that alcohol is not permitted in the park.

Vending spaces are available and can be arranged by contacting Community Services at (928) 639-2460. For more information please visit: or contact Clarkdale Community Services at (928)639-2460; email: For up to the minute updates on the status of scheduled concerts visit the Clarkdale Parks & Recreation/Clark Memorial Library Facebook page or call the Concert Hotline: (928)639-2492.

Toys for Tots Golf Tournament set for Oct. 7

On Saturday, Oct. 7, the 12th annual Toys for Tots Golf Tournament will take place at Verde Santa Fe Golf Course in Cornville.

The entry of $85 includes scramble format, green fees, cart, range balls, lunch, promotional item, individual and team cash prizes. ($75 for uniformed services--military, police and fire)

$65 for Verde Santa Fe members. Limited to 80 paid players. Raffles (before golf) and silent auction (after). 8:00 sign in and shotgun start at 9:00. Beverage cart will be available.

Larry Green Chevrolet will provide a new car for a hole-in-one on a designated hole. Bring an unwrapped toy over $15 value and receive a raffle ticket. More raffle tickets will be on sale as you check in. Register 1-4 players, ladies and/or men.

Forms available at the golf course or contact Krys (928) 649-3747 email for registration or questions. Early entries help us with planning.

Flight of Obscurity XII on display at Yavapai College Aug. 22

Nationally renowned installation artist, Nathaniel Foley is the featured artist for a solo exhibition titled Flight of Obscurity XII at the Verde Art Gallery on the Yavapai College Campus, 601 Black Hills Drive Bldg. F-105.

Flight of Obscurity XII features sculptures consisting of cones integrated with spires held together under tension, supported by utilitarian containers. This fragile relationship of forms exposes the delicate balance between grace and imminent danger, like the fleeting ballet of courting birds or hostile dogfight between foes. Referring to aeronautical form, the sculptures communicate tension and dance in direct opposition to fundamental forces.

Flight of Obscurity XII will be available to the public at the Verde Art Gallery at Yavapai College 601 S. Black Hills Drive, Bldg. F-105 Clarkdale, AZ, from August 22 through September 15, 2017. The new gallery hours are Tuesday -Friday 10-AM to 3PM. A Special Preview with the artist will be held on August 3, from 5 7pm. This event is free and open to the public.

Camp Verde Quilters Group holding meetings

The Camp Verde Quilters Group meets the 2nd Monday of each month at 8:30 A.M., at the Dennys restaurant located at 1630 W. Highway 260, Camp Verde, Arizona. Please join us to discuss quilts and quilting. We meet monthly to share ideas and plans for the Bi-Annual Quilt Show which is held during the Fort Verde Days Celebration in October. The next Quilt Show will be in 2018. Ongoing plans for the show include a Country Store with fabrics, books, vintage quilts, textiles and even sewing machines. Proceeds will benefit the quilt show and charitable organizations. We also share quilt projects we are working on or have completed. All quilters are welcome! Our next meeting is on Monday, August 14.

Sherman Andrus in Concert

The Verde Valley Church of the Nazarene invites everyone to come and enjoy Sherman Andrus sing during the morning service on Sunday, Aug. 6 at 10:45 a.m. Be sure to bring your friends and family as you will enjoy hearing him Praise the Lord.

Sherman Andrus is an American gospel singer, who was the lead singer with the mainstream Christian music group, the Imperials. He has been a very prolific artist who has been involved in one way or another with thirty gospel albums to date.

*With pic

Sunset Yoga & Wine at Yavapai College

Sunset Yoga & Wine. Enjoy an expansive yoga class on the patios of Yavapai Colleges Southwest Wine Center, followed by a delightful glass of their local, student made wine. This relaxing, Friday evening class is led by yoga instructor, Roxanne W~. 4:30pm, 601 Black Hills Drive, Clarkdale. $11 with wine or $6 for the yoga class only. For more info contact the Southwest Wine Center at (928) 634-6566.

August events calendar at Montezuma Castle and Tuzigoot

August will be filled with a lot of fun and educational special programs at both Montezuma Castle and Tuzigoot National Monuments! Here are some of our featured events:

How Did Montezuma Castle Get Its Name?

Montezuma Castle, Friday, August 4th 9:00am-11:00am

Joint presentation with Fort Verde State Historic Park, to be repeated from 2:00pm-4:00pm at Fort Verde.

Ancient TechnologyArrow making

Tuzigoot, Saturday, August 19th 10:00am-12:00pm

Monthly demonstrations by Zack Curcija of Echoes from the Past School of Ancient Technology, every third Saturday of the month through the end of the year.

Founders Day Fee Free

Friday, August 25thAll National Parks will be fee free in honor of the National Park Services 101st birthday.

Bat Blitz! (rescheduled)

Tuzigoot, Friday, August 25thJoin us for the free event onFriday, Aug 25thfrom6:30pm to 9:00pmfor a peek inside the life of the only flying mammal in the world. The evening will begin at6:30pmwith a ranger talk all about bats. Attendees can learn about the mysteries and misconceptions that surround these amazing night creatures.

Sacred Scarlets Macaw Program

Montezuma Castle, Friday, August 25th 10:00am 11:00am

Tuzigoot, Sunday, August 27th 10:00am 11:00am

Sacred Scarlets presents lectures and demonstrations featuring a young, beautiful captive-bred Scarlet Macaw. These lectures and demonstrations address conservation as well as the Scarlet Macaws fascinating history in American Southwest culture.

Montezuma Castle National Monument is located at 2800 Montezuma Castle Highway, Camp Verde, AZ 86322. Tuzigoot National Monument is located at 25 Tuzigoot Road, Clarkdale, AZ. For additional information, call 928-567-3322 or visit and and select the calendar icon.

For the latest updates on events and programs, find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @TuzigootNPS and @MontezumaNPS

More than 20,000 National Park Service employees care for Americas 417 national parks and work with communities across the nation to help preserve local history and create close-to-home recreational opportunities.

Know your numbers, choose your lifestyle

Camp Verde Community Library offers FREEHealth Screenings FridayAugust 4th,between9 am and 3 pm. These non-fasting screenings for cholesterol, diabetes and blood pressure are sponsored by Northern Arizona Healthcare (NAH) and Verde Valley Medical Centers.

During the 20 minute non-fasting Biometric screening you will not only get your Numbers but a healthcare professional will go over your results with you to help you understand the connection between your numbers and healthy lifestyle habits.

Camp Verde Community Library is located at 130 Black Bridge Road. For more information call NAH at 928-853-0879 or contact the Library at 928-554-8391.

Using essential oils to beat the heat

Thursday, August 17 1-3 p.m., FREE CLASS at the Camp Verde Community Library. Summer heat got you down? Essential oils can help -- quickly and naturally!

Learn about the intricate and reliable interaction between essential oils and your body and mind, and you will have a powerful and scientifically proven tool for keeping your cool and protecting your health and well-being. Many oils are also appropriate for our four-legged friends!

Pre-registration is advised due to space considerations.

Call or text Honey Rubin 404-626-5535 or Sarah Jensen 928-451-4847.

Forum on education in Arizona

The Sedona/Verde Valley United Education Team is inviting the public to attend an informative presentation: Education: Whats Happening in Arizona and How Will the Proposed Federal Budget Affect Education. The presentation will be held at the Cottonwood Public Library in Library Meeting Room A at 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, August 5th. The library is located at 100 S 6th St in Cottonwood.

Job Fair at Cottonwood Library

Presented by Goodwill Industries, a Hiring Fest will be held at the Cottonwood Public Library on Wednesday, August 9 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Multiple employers from around the Verde Valley will be on hand with job opportunities for a variety of different career paths. The Hiring Fest will take place in Library Meeting Room B. The library is located at 100 S 6th St in Cottonwood.

Free nutrition workshop

Join Doctor Sandra Bonhomme as she presents a free workshop called Healthier Nutrition Habits for Life. Those attending will have a better understanding of the evolution and global causes of obesity in America, gluten sensitivity, dairies and processed foods. Bonhomme has a PhD in Nutrition from the Paris Descartes University in France, as well as a specialized degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics. She has a passion for helping people appreciate nutrition as a crucial discipline for health and prevention. Bonhomme also graduated from a French Pastry School in Paris and has developed gluten-free, dairy-free and healthy traditional French pastries. This workshop will take place in Library Meeting Room B at the Cottonwood Public Library on Saturday, August 12 from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. The Library is located at 100 S 6th St in Cottonwood.

Author visit with Carol Rifon

Author Carol Rifon has over 30 years of successful training for individuals, businesses, colleges and the United States Navy. She has a Masters Degree in Psychology and Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) professional certification. Her book Rethinking Fear: A simple, unique approach to reprogram old patterns for a happier, more confident life is an award winning finalist of the 2017 International Book Awards. Rethinking Fear is a self-help book that is unconventional in its use of a multi-dimensional approach to stimulate cognitive, emotional and neurotransmitter functions to help individuals override fearful life patterns. Rifon will be visiting the Cottonwood Public Library on Saturday, August 12 from 10 a.m. to noon.

Living Your Life in a Turbulent World

Paula and Alana Green are a mother-and-daughter team who, in 2014, found themselves paring down their possessions and beginning a journey that they later described as a Soul-Journ. Paula was 55 at the time and Alana 15.

After living a year in Australia, New Zealand and Bali, they have recently returned to the Verde Valley where Alana was born and they lived for 15 years.

We had an idea and a couple of intentions with our adventure but really no clue how it would unfold or who and what circumstances we would encounter says Paula, but as we kept following our hunches and trusting our gut instincts, we began to see a pattern unfolding as to where we were being led.

Many people told them during their travels, how significant it was for them to hear about a mother and daughter taking this endeavor together. They were invited to a 3-part radio interview in Melbourne, Australia that you may hear at their Soul-Journ page on Facebook.

After re-entering the American culture in November of 2016, a time of great upheaval, they felt a commitment to share and host conversations around many of the insights they discovered about community, family, young people, parent/child relationships, Indigenous, environment and consciousness.

Alana, today at 18 years: When I was a little girl, I dreamed of a community and future where people helped each other. Everything was interconnected. At the time, I was too scared to share that dream because I was afraid that it would never come true. However, since I have had that dream, I have seen evolution take turns like a river flowing ever more upward. And with each resolution, and revolution, the process goes faster and faster. I think the maturity we have reached compared to twenty years ago is astounding. The only question now is, what do we do with the gained information and maturity?

Join Paula and Alana at the Cottonwood Public Library on Saturday, August 12 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in Library Meeting Room B. Some of the topics to be discussed include coping with disaster, tragedy and the unknown, how to incorporate conscious evolution and action, the differences between consciousness and action-oriented people, how thought translates into action and the changing environments around us. All members of the public are invited to join in the discussion. The Library is located at 100 S 6th St in Cottonwood.

2017 Chamber Golf Tournament and Sponsorship Opportunities

Its tee time! Planning for the 15th Annual Cottonwood Cooler Golf Challenge is well underway. Committee members are inviting area businesses to join as major sponsors.

Sponsorships available: Gold $750-includes one foursome with company name on a Tee or Green, exposure on all marketing promotions, opportunity to hang advertising banner and place a table to promote your business at the event and two flyer inserts in the Chamber Newsletter. Silver $400-includes one twosome with company name on a Tee or Green, exposure on all marketing promotions, opportunity to place a table to promote your business at the event and one flyer insert in the Chamber Newsletter.

There are opportunities for non-golfers as well. The Community Partner Sponsorship $250-includes exposure on all marketing promotions, opportunity to place a table to promote your business at the event and one flyer insert in the Chamber Newsletter. Tee or Green Sponsor $100-sign placed with your logo and company name on a Tee or Green the day of the event! In addition to sponsorship opportunities, Chamber volunteers will be calling community businesses for donations for the raffle & silent auction. Business are also invited to include promotional items or coupons in the golfer goodie bags at no cost.

We would like to thank our Current Sponsors: Northern AZ Rehab, Crazy Tonys Cornville Market, Lawler Construction, Unisource Energy, LaserLyte, SpeedConnect, Big-O Tires, Butler Leavitt Insurance, Colonial General Insurance, SpectrUm Healthcare, Coldwell Banker/Mabery, Edward Jones/Amy Brown, PacWest Insurance, Galpin Ford, Yavapai Title, Meadowbrook Insurance, Stanley Steel Structures.

We hope that area businesses will see this as an excellent marketing opportunity, explains committee Co-Chair Lori Mabery. In addition to the application, prospective golfers will be sent a list of other things to see and do in the Verde Valley. We hope theyll be encouraged to make a family weekend out of it.

Verde Santa Fe Golf Pro, Mike Wright, is once again offering new and exciting changes for this years tournament that were sure you will enjoy. Last year, we donated $1000 to support Junior Golf in the Verde Valley through the CMS Junior Golf Program.

The tournament is scheduled for Saturday, August 5, 2017 at Verde Santa Fe Golf Course. If history is any indication, the tournament is expected to sell out all 112 spots so get your team registered now. For fourteen consecutive years the outpouring of generosity from the business community has been incredible, allowing nearly every participant to go home with a raffle or silent auction prize. For more information about the tournament, to participate as a sponsor, to donate raffle and silent auction items or to include your item in the golfer goodie bag contact Christian at the Cottonwood Chamber office at 928-634-7593. Register on-line at

Opioid Overdose Training: What does it look like and how to respond

MATFORCE is hosting Opioid Overdose trainings on Monday, August 7 in Cottonwood and Tuesday, August 15 in Prescott Valley. The public is invited to attend.

Ivan Anderson, Firefighter/Paramedic with the Verde Valley Fire District and Member of the MATFORCE Speakers Bureau, will present information on opioid overdose, what it looks like and how to respond. Ivan will also discuss details about Arizonas naloxone law, overdose prevention and how to use naloxone to rescue overdose victims. Free Naloxone will be made available for eligible participants.

Arizona lost 790 people to opioid overdoses in 2016, a 74% increase in opioid overdose deaths in four years. On June 5, 2017 Governor Ducey declared the opioid crisis a public health emergency. The declaration seeks to expand the distribution of the overdose reversal drug Naloxone, the development of new guidelines for health care providers on responsible prescribing and the expansion of access to drug treatment options.

The training Monday, August 7 will take place at the Verde Valley Medical Center, 269 S. Candy Lane, Conference Rooms A and B. The training Tuesday, August 15 will take place at the Step One Building, 6719 E. 2nd Street in Prescott Valley. The trainings will take place from 12 1:30 p.m. Lunch will be served.

To register for the training email MATFORCE at or call 928 708 0100.

Bring books to concert to help launch re-opening of Clark Memorial Library

Beginning with July 29s Missouri Opry Country Legends, Friends of Clark Memorial Library will have a booth at the free Concerts In The Park where CML supporters can drop off books for the librarys Grand Reopening Book Sale. Book donors will also find the Friends on August 12 (Come Back Buddy), August 26 (Shri Blues Band), and September 9 (Matchbox Twenty Too).

Concerts are from 7 to 9 p.m. Friends from 6:15 or so. Come early and hear the latest installment of the Clark Memorial Library saga.

Also, watch this space for more book, time, and cash donation opportunities around Clarkdale. For more info, contact Jimmy Salmon, or drop a card to Friends of Clark Memorial Library, P.O. Box 301, Clarkdale, AZ 86324.

Mingus on the Hill class reunion

If you attended Mingus on the Hill in Jerome classes 1959 to 1975, you are invited to our multiyear class reunion at the Verde Valley Fairgrounds on September 23, 2017. Cost is $20.00 per person if paid and registered by September 1st. For info, contact Detta @ 949-290-2872 or Becky @ 928-451-6937

Vendor space available for artists, arts & crafts vendors, local businesses, non-profits

Clarktoberfest2017 is not really like Oktoberfest although there is beer involved. Its Clarkdales unique event, a fall festival that is a street fair/concert/beer garden and a fun time for all and of course live music! This year we are merging Howl-o-ween, the Clarkdale dog event, with Clarktoberfest. There will be lots of fun for dogs, kids and adults with both events in one place and time. More information at our website:

Vendor space is available! Vendors will be provided a 10x10 space on the street you will bring your own tent, tables, chairs, etc. The cost of the booth space will be $25 with your business license or $30 for those without a business license. If you are interested in a booth space you can go to and CLICK on Participants Forms to complete our online application then mail a check to us or email us at and we will email back to you a vendor application. If you have any questions, also email us at

Alzheimers Association support group

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What's Happening: August 4, 2017 - Verde Independent

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KABAKA PYRAMID + One-A-Chord & DJ Spleece –

Posted: at 10:00 am

Keron "Kabaka Pyramid" Salmon is a multi-talented artist and producer hailing from the streets of Kingston, Jamaica with a unique musical style blending the power, energy and melody of Reggae with the lyricism of Hip hop. He is based out of the Bebble Rock Music camp and through his liquid and hypnotizing delivery spreads the positive messages of spirituality and conscious evolution that forces you to listen.

The name "Kabaka" is Ugandan for "King" and the long lasting survival of the Pyramids of ancient Africa represent his desire for longevity in the music and deep connection to Kemetic roots; leaving messages for generations to come.

He is an ever-evolving artist that has numerous ways of expressing his creativity. The ability to watch and learn from others around him has made him into somewhat of a Jack-of-all-trades, writing lyrics, producing tracks, engineering/recording himself or other artists, mixing songs, editing video/photos and even playing the guitar!

His passion for music began at an early age when he would change the lyrics to popular songs and record his own version on his mother's tape recorder. What began as a humorous venture was actually a stepping-stone for the artist we know today. Reggae music has always been a strong influence on the Kingstonian lyricist with Sizzla Kalongi and Peter Tosh providing a great source of spiritual inspiration in his life. During high school Hip Hop music also captivated him; reciting his favorite Canibus lines constantly with Nas and Common serving as great examples of the success of conscious music. The influence of both genres can be easily detected as he seeks to find the perfect fusion of the two cultural expressions.

Kabaka spent his early years as a rapper to underground success. He was awarded a place on internationally renowned; Dj Green Lantern's "Myspace Invasion" Mixtape as well as released two Mixtapes for himself The Transition Vol 1 and 2 and a collaboration album Bebble Business as part of the Bebble Team group dedicated to his fallen brother in music Rap Brown (Taiwo McKenzie). With these projects he cemented himself as an artist with deep spiritual messages and proven lyrical ability and was instrumental in raising the bar on the standard of Hip Hop in Jamaica.

Pyramid also released a few reggae and dancehall tracks including Carry on and Never be the same and achieved chart success in Bermuda with the track "Love is all I see" featuring Ashanti. Also as a producer he saw chart success in the Bahamas for Dead Man Walking.

In July 2011 Kabaka Pyramid released his Rebel Music EP free to the public at This project is a fusion of roots rock, reggae, dancehall and hip-hop and made waves in the global landscape, particularly Europe and North America. It has received an overwhelming worldwide response gaining homepage features on websites and magazines such as Reggaeville and United Reggae and gaining over 14,000 downloads with the 10-track CD regarded as a classic in its own right.

Kabaka has since achieved top spot, placing #1 on the BILLBOARD Next Big Sound Charts Worldwide and also been featured by the popular music conglomerate MTV Iggy. A solid global fan-base has developed that connects with the messages in his music.

He has been awarded breakthrough artist of the year 2013 by the Jamaica Reggae Industry Association and was also nominated for Song of the year 2013. The lyricist has also been nominated for best reggae recording 2013 by Canadas highly respected Juno Awards. This follows up a successful 2012 where he was nominated by the Jamaica Star for Break-through artist of the year and named by Popular New York Publication as in the top 10 Caribbean artists to watch . He had also been tipped by the Jamaica Gleaner as one of the top 4 (four) artists to watch in that year.

Releasing singles such as Free from Chains, No Capitalist, Mi Alright, and King Kabaka as well as music videos for the popular Free from Chains, King Kabaka, High and Windy, Warrior featuring Protoje and World Wide Love; he has achieved regular rotation on local and international airwaves. Kabaka is being touted by many as strong part of a new wave of powerful artists coming out of Jamaica.

In 2013 Kabaka embarked on his 9 country 20 show Rebel Music Tour performing on major reggae festivals spanning from the US West Coast to Europe. He has brought his message and power to stages such as Reggae on the River, Rototom Sunsplash and the Chiemsee Reggae Festival. He has certainly developed a solid global fan-base that connects with his music.

He has also performed in Toronto, Canada at the Manifesto Arts Festival and travelled to Costa Rica for the Rebel Musik Fest series of shows to great response from the people. 2012 was his first visit to Europe completing his 6-week, 13 show "Ready fi di Road " tour where he headlined sold-out club shows in Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Netherlands and Switzerland.

Locally; Pyramid has graced the stage of major local concerts such as Rebel Salute, Trench Town Rock and the Dennis Brown Tribute Concert as well as live national TV performances to rave reviews. He has made a significant impact on the Live Music scene performing at many shows in and around Kingston including the Manifesto Jamaica Festival, JARIA Reggae Month and Live from Kingston shows as well as venues such as Tracks and Records, South Beach Caf, Emancipation Park, Wickie Wackie and Pulse.

His new EP Lead the Way released in November 2013 has been making waves in the reggae industry debuting at #9 on the Billboard charts. He also featured in the Top ten iTunes reggae charts all over the globe building on his success earlier in the year where he achieved top spot, placing #1 on the BILLBOARD Next Big Sound Charts.

With a mission to steer future generations towards harmony and unity Kabaka is primed and focused on bringing a righteous and conscious way of thinking to the masses through Reggae and Hip Hop Music.

With a solid list of skills not only in the booth but on the mixing board, and an array of lyrics that preach a message of love, self-awareness and African pride, Kabaka Pyramid is well on his way to a career that should not only lead to greatness but also lead a lot of fans to righteousness Aesthetics Now Mag.

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