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Category Archives: Cbd Oil

Hemp seed oil vs. CBD oil: Differences, types, uses …

Posted: September 12, 2021 at 10:19 am

Since the approval of the first cannabidiol (CBD)-based drug by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), consumers have become increasingly interested in the benefits of hemp seed and CBD oils.

First, it is important to note that there is a lot of confusion around the names of these products. Hemp oil is another way that people can refer to CBD oil. However, some people may also refer to hemp seed oil as hemp oil.

Hemp seed oil and CBD oil are very different products.

CBD oil uses the stalks, leaves, and flowers of the hemp plant in its production. These contain a higher concentration of CBD, which is a compound with numerous potential health benefits.

Meanwhile, hemp seed oil comes from the seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant. The seeds do not contain CBD, but they still have a rich profile of nutrients, fatty acids, and useful bioactive compounds that can also have health benefits.

Having a better understanding of hemp seed oil and CBD oil may allow both clinicians and consumers to choose the safest and most appropriate product.

Keep reading to learn more about the differences between hemp seed oil and CBD oil.

Hemp seed oil derives from the seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant. It contains omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, gamma-linolenic acid, and other nutritional antioxidants. It is also high in B vitamins and vitamin D.

People will not get high when using hemp seed oil, as it contains no tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and little to no CBD.

People do not use hemp seed oil for recreational purposes. This is because the levels of THC and CBD, which cause the psychoactive effects, are either limited or absent.

Some nutritional supplements contain hemp seed oil because of its high omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid, gamma-linolenic acid, and nutritious antioxidant content.

Other uses of hemp seed oil include manufacturing clothing and fibers.

Some people suggest that hemp seed oils can help people maintain good cardiovascular health by improving:

However, the evidence for its efficacy for these purposes is not clear.

When manufacturers add hemp seed oil to nutritional products such as snack bars, breads, cookies, and yogurt it provides an excellent source of nutrients. It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and essential amino acids.

Hemp seed oil also has several possible benefits, including:

Some other possible benefits of hemp seed oil include:

Hemp seed oil also contains other components that may provide benefits to consumers.

Manufacturers extract hemp seed oil from the seeds of the hemp plant.

Since the oil comes from the seeds and not the leaves, flowers, or stem of the cannabis plant, hemp seed oil does not contain THC.

Consuming hemp seed oil is safe.

However, it may not provide any benefit for cardiovascular health, as some people believe. Some consumers also report digestive issues, but these effects may not occur in everyone.

Less than 0.3% of the dry weight of hemp seed oil contains THC, so people are unlikely to experience a high when consuming it.

Learn more about the potential benefits of hemp seeds here.

People can generally find three different types of CBD oil on the market:

It is important to note that because these terms are not regulated, some manufacturers may use them interchangeably.

People should always check the Certificate of Analysis (COA) of CBD products. Usually, a third party will conduct this testing. Checking the COA is the only way to fully understand what exactly a CBD oil product contains.

Some people use CBD oils for their alleged medicinal benefits.

For example, people may use CBD-derived products for:

Aside from the antiepileptic effects of CBD, researchers still need to confirm the other potential therapeutic benefits of CBD.

Since full-spectrum CBD oil contains THC, some people may use it for recreational purposes because it has psychoactive effects. Other effects of THC may include preventing nausea and vomiting.

These oils may also contain smaller amounts of other phytocannabinoids and terpenoids, which may have other effects that require further investigation.

Learn more about the potential health benefits of CBD oil here.

Researchers are still attempting to determine how CBD affects the body, but they suggest that it works in several ways, including by:

The THC in full-spectrum CBD oil binds to the CB1 receptor in the endocannabinoid system, and this is responsible for its psychoactive effects.

Full- and broad-spectrum CBD oils may also contain beta-caryophyllene, which can bind to the CB2 receptors. Researchers are still investigating the function of the CB2 receptors.

Several components of the different CBD oils have specific effects.

The following table summarizes some of the components in CBD oils and their potential effects:

Researchers are still studying the effects of the components in CBD-derived products.

CBD oil comes from the flowers and leaves of the plant. With specialized extraction processes such as carbon dioxide extraction, manufacturers can draw out an extract rich in CBD and other components.

Although manufacturers need to keep all components intact for full-spectrum CBD oil products, they only need to extract CBD for CBD isolate.

Research suggests that CBD-derived products are safe and have limited side effects. Although information about the safety of different CBD oils is lacking, researchers have studied the side effects of individual ingredients in CBD-derived products.

For example, there were no reported side effects when participants took 300 milligrams (mg) of CBD per day for up to 6 months. A study also demonstrated no side effects when people took up to 1,500 mg per day for a month.

Larger studies into the effects of Epidiolex, a CBD drug for people with epilepsy, reported some side effects. These included:

Experts advise people who want to use CBD-derived products to ensure that they can trust their source. Improper labeling and faulty manufacturing processes can expose people to contaminants or THC in CBD isolate or broad-spectrum CBD oil.

Today, regulations on product labeling in the United States are unclear. To select an appropriate and safe product, experts suggest ensuring that:

People who want to use CBD oils or other CBD-derived products should speak with a doctor or qualified cannabis clinician first, as CBD can interfere with certain other medications.

Learn more about some of the top CBD oils available here.

Hemp seed oil and CBD oil both derive from the cannabis plant. CBD oil comes from the flowers, leaves, and stems, while hemp seed oil uses extract from the seeds of the cannabis plant.

Products containing hemp seed and CBD oils do not typically cause a high, since the levels of THC, if any, tend to be very low.

Both CBD oil and hemp seed oil have numerous potential health benefits, but because research is limited, scientists must continue to study them.

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Hemp seed oil vs. CBD oil: Differences, types, uses ...

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CBD Oil Global Market Insights Report 2021 – Analysis and Forecast to 2025 – – Business Wire

Posted: at 10:19 am

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "CBD Oil Global Market Insights, Analysis and Forecast to 2025, by Manufacturers, Regions, Technology, Application, Product Type" report has been added to's offering.

This report describes the global market size of CBD Oil from 2016 to 2020 and its CAGR from 2016 to 2020, and also forecasts its market size to the end of 2026 and its CAGR from 2021 to 2026. The key countries for each region are also included such as the United States, China, Japan, India, Korea, ASEAN, Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain, CIS, and Brazil etc.

For the competitor segment, the report Incudes global key players of CBD Oil as well as some small players.

The information for each competitor Incudes:

Applications Segment:

Types Segment:

Companies Covered:


Key Topics Covered:

Chapter 1 Executive Summary

Chapter 2 Abbreviation and Acronyms

Chapter 3 Preface

3.1 Research Scope

3.2 Research Sources

3.2.1 Data Sources

3.2.2 Assumptions

3.3 Research Method

Chapter 4 Market Landscape

4.1 Market Overview

4.2 Classification/Types

4.3 Application/End-users

Chapter 5 Market Trend Analysis

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Drivers

5.3 Restraints

5.4 Opportunities

5.5 Threats

Chapter 6 Industry Chain Analysis

6.1 Upstream/Suppliers Analysis

6.2 CBD Oil Analysis

6.2.1 Technology Analysis

6.2.2 Cost Analysis

6.2.3 Market Channel Analysis

6.3 Downstream Buyers/End-users

Chapter 7 Latest Market Dynamics

7.1 Latest News

7.2 Merger and Acquisition

7.3 Planned/Future Project

7.4 Policy Dynamics

Chapter 8 Trading Analysis

8.1 Export of CBD Oil by Region

8.2 Import of CBD Oil by Region

8.3 Balance of Trade

Chapter 9 Historical and Forecast CBD Oil Market in North America (2016-2026)

9.1 CBD Oil Market Size

9.2 CBD Oil Demand by End Use

9.3 Competition by Players/Suppliers

9.4 Type Segmentation and Price

9.5 Key Countries Analysis

9.5.1 US

9.5.2 Canada

9.5.3 Mexico

Chapter 10 Historical and Forecast CBD Oil Market in South America (2016-2026)

10.1 CBD Oil Market Size

10.2 CBD Oil Demand by End Use

10.3 Competition by Players/Suppliers

10.4 Type Segmentation and Price

10.5 Key Countries Analysis

10.5.1 Brazil

10.5.2 Argentina

10.5.3 Chile

10.5.4 Peru

Chapter 11 Historical and Forecast CBD Oil Market in Asia & Pacific (2016-2026)

11.1 CBD Oil Market Size

11.2 CBD Oil Demand by End Use

11.3 Competition by Players/Suppliers

11.4 Type Segmentation and Price

11.5 Key Countries Analysis

11.5.1 China

11.5.2 India

11.5.3 Japan

11.5.4 South Korea

11.5.5 Asean

11.5.6 Australia

Chapter 12 Historical and Forecast CBD Oil Market in Europe (2016-2026)

12.1 CBD Oil Market Size

12.2 CBD Oil Demand by End Use

12.3 Competition by Players/Suppliers

12.4 Type Segmentation and Price

12.5 Key Countries Analysis

12.5.1 Germany

12.5.2 France

12.5.3 UK

12.5.4 Italy

12.5.5 Spain

12.5.6 Belgium

12.5.7 Netherlands

12.5.8 Austria

12.5.9 Poland

12.5.10 Russia

Chapter 13 Historical and Forecast CBD Oil Market in MEA (2016-2026)

13.1 CBBD Oil Market Size

13.2 CBD Oil Demand by End Use

13.3 Competition by Players/Suppliers

13.4 Type Segmentation and Price

13.5 Key Countries Analysis

13.5.1 Egypt

13.5.2 Israel

13.5.3 South Africa

13.5.4 GCC

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CBD Oil Global Market Insights Report 2021 - Analysis and Forecast to 2025 - - Business Wire

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Immune System Boosting Recommendations to Help Transition into the… – Oregon Cannabis Connection

Posted: at 10:19 am

Fall has officially descended upon us with direr air, crisp nights, and breath-taking red sunsets. Autumn is the season that drives creativity among artists but also triggers a chain of unnecessary colds as people are moving at their summer pace and fail to adapt to the new season.

Everyone knows that the shift from summer to autumn is significant. The human body has trouble recalibrating as fatigue, moodiness, dry redness around the nose, and cracked lips take hold of it. Some individuals thrive on the shift in the season because they enjoy the creative spirit in the air and embrace the warmth of the colors that take over nature. But if youre like most people, you know that the change in the season requires a strong immune system to keep health issues at bay. Here are some recommendations from wellness experts on transitioning into the cold season and boosting your immune system.

During the cold season, you should shift away from raw foods and light salads (that probably were your favorite during the summer) andput seasonal fruits and vegetableson your plate. Your body better benefits from hearty foods like warm soups, squashes, and roasted root vegetables during fall. Ensure that you have a diet rich in animal proteins (dairy and eggs) and plant proteins (seeds, nuts, lentils, and beans).

The foods you eat daily should nourish your digestive system. Put peaches, pears, avocados, apples, sweet potatoes, endives, mushrooms, spinach, radishes, watercress, and squash on your shopping list. Fermented foods like kefir, kimchi, and miso can also keep a healthy flora in your digestive system.Researchshows that cooking with garlic boosts the immune system and reduces the chances of catching the flu or cold by 61%. During the cold season, you should also lower the amount of flours and refined sugars you use to cook food because they can deplete essential nutrients and undermine your immune system.

During summer, you adopted the mindsetwork hard, play hard, and your body thanked you because it was strong and healthy and could handle all the challenges you put it through in the gym. But during the cold season, you will feel burnt out if you follow the same routine because the low temperatures are harsher on your bodys cycles and functions. However, you shouldnt give up on exercising because physical activity boosts your immune system, lowers stress levels, and improves heart health. Working out promotes endorphins that boost mental health, enables weight loss, and maintains muscle mass.

Your daily fitness routine should include mobility exercises, cardiovascular training, and HIIT exercises. Mobility exercises like yoga and Pilates imply moving with the breath because they aim to calm the nervous system and get your mind and body into a state of relaxation and rest. When you practice cardiovascular exercise, focus on breathing in and out through the nose, especially if you do it outside, to warm and moisten the dry air that enters your lungs. HIIT workouts have the role of increasing your heart rate, but if you never practiced similar exercises before, it would be best to hire a professional trainer to create a personalized routine that suits your body condition.

You live in a world that is always on the run, and you have many things to slee pover, but quality sleep is crucial in maintaining a healthy immune system. Sleep is vital because it regenerates the body cells and fights the pathogens that enter your body. Scientists state that the immune system in people who sleep at least seven hours at night functions better because during sleep, the organs detoxify.

Fulvic acid supplements, in all forms, provide many health benefits because they maintain the properties of the organic substance. Fulvic acid is essential in restoring the optimal functions and balance of your body.Fulvic trace mineralscontain a high number of minerals, vitamins, probiotics, electrolytes, and silica that maintain the immune system strong and functioning and a healthy bioactive digestive system. Fulvic acid supplements are easily absorbed into the cells and bond with minerals to regenerate cells and prolong their lifespan.

Cannabinoids can boost your immune system. After all, they include anti-inflammatory properties because they work as immunomodulators and immunosuppressants. Studies show that CBD oil from hemp can balance the immune system and reduce B cells activity and T cells. CBD is also famous for its properties that maintain a healthy anti-inflammatory response in the lungs.

Ongoing stress is connected to a decline in immunity, and CBD can help you alleviate stress and boost relaxation. CBDs stress-relieving properties are related to its ability to modulate cerebral blood flow in the brain areas responsible for anxiety. Using CBD products regularly can reduce your stress and educate your body in maintaining a relaxed state.

Prevention is the best medicine. You cansupport your body to maintain a healthy immune systemby assuming an active role in the process. You can support your immune system by massaging your skin with a dry brush before taking a bath in the night because it activates your lymphatic system. Use circular strokes starting the massage at the hands and up the hands toward your heart and axillary lymph nodes. Continue the massage on the lower part of the body starting at the feet, up the legs, and toward your torso and groin. Lymphatic draining massage is effective if you brush towards your heart.

A trip to the steam room or sauna can also prove beneficial for your immune system because it helps you eliminate toxins, boosts relaxation, stimulates circulation, and therefore improves your immune system. Ask your local gym if it also has a sauna or steam room because modern fitness facilities offer complete wellness services.

The pressure to maintain your immune system in a top-notch state is higher during the cold season, so you should practice the above healthy habits throughout the year to find it easier to adjust to a new lifestyle.

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The 4 best CBD oil brands to try in the UK – South Whidbey Record

Posted: September 10, 2021 at 6:08 am

In the past, it was nearly impossible to find a compelling story about cannabis. Being derived from cannabis plant extracts taken from hemp plants, CBD oil has become a household staple recently. Although rapidly increasing in popularity in the USA, CBD oil has also been growing in the UK market. Thousands of UK consumers now use CBD products daily as part of their lifestyle.

Today, we look at the CBD oil UK industry. If you want to improve your overall wellness, then its important for you to find the best CBD oil products.

The CBD revolution is sweeping the globe, now with a special focus on Europe and the UK. There are many different options available to you when looking for products in the UK. A mere glance at whats out there will show you that not all companies are created equally. Some of them have piles and loads of positive customer reviews, while others might be better off left as a last resort for those people who dont know any better than to go with the cheapest option when it comes to buying something they need.

These are the best CBD oils to try in the UK:

Blessed CBD is the first to put on a full-spectrum hemp extract that includes all of the beneficial cannabinoids found in nature, like terpenes and flavonoids. Its because they are so innovative their products have taken home some best CBD oil and best CBD gummies awards from various publications over time*. This company offers a wide variety of strengths in its products, ranging from 500 to 3000 mg CBD per product.

Moreover, you dont have to trust the company blindly when it comes to its top-quality products. The lab reports on the website can be accessed with just one click so customers know exactly what it is theyre buying! The benefits of having access to complete information on every product, as well as its manufacturing process, cannot be understated when considering your health and wellness needs.

Blessed CBD is the best in the UK. They are a part of the Cannabis Trades Association, which only allows brands to join who have absolutely top-of-the-line products with no errors or faults whatsoever; their service and production quality really set them apart from other companies on this list!

Visit to buy CBD oils

Vibes CBD is a newcomer to the UKs booming market for cannabis-based products. With their range of broad-spectrum oils and other non-GMO, gluten-free goods, they are quickly becoming one of the best in the show. They say that their supercritical CO2 extraction process is the best way to get rid of any pesticides, herbicides, or chemicals in order to ensure purity and quality.

Vibes CBD not only boasts a robust selection of products but also provides third-party lab results so customers can know exactly what is in their product.

For a refreshing change from the usual high-priced CBD, go with Vibes CBD.

Visit to buy CBD oils

Gold Bee is a smaller brand that has numerous methods for ensuring the safety of its products. They use both supercritical CO2 extraction and ethanol to make sure there are no unwanted chemicals in your oil, making it safe for consumption. When it comes to the carrier oil, Gold Bee is different from other brands, they offer customers the chance to choose their carrier oil. Along with hemp seed and MCT oils, they have coconut oil for those who are looking for healthy fats in a vegan-friendly product.

Gold Bees tinctures are found in 250mg variants. But they have begun manufacturing CBD oil products for those who want a healthier lifestyle and are looking to eliminate pain from their lives. Hemp lovers who are looking for a safe, quality CBD product should look no further than Gold Bee. This company takes great pride in providing you with the purest form of cannabidiol on the market today!

Excite CBDs dedication to providing only organic hemp products is unmatched. All of their hemp is grown in the USA, but not just in any state; Colorado. They make sure to grow all plants without pesticides or additives so you know its quality stuff!

This company utilizes a CO2 extraction process on hemp plants to extract CBD oil, and they offer products of all varieties. Excite CBD is an up and coming company that features all sorts of products with phytocannabinoids, fatty acids, and a healthy terpene profile to provide users with their desired benefits. The most popular items from the Excite CBD line are pure CBD oils which come in small 10ml bottles for easy ingestion (and no worries about running out).

There are many CBD products on the market that provide a high-quality experience. Currently, there are many ways to take CBD and it is up to you which one will work best for your needs. Those who enjoy vaping or topical creams offer a different experience than taking pills with an oil orally. Both have their benefits so finding the right type of product should be based on what fits in line with your preferences such as taste preference versus ease of use when ingesting something like capsules.

With products on the market containing different amounts of CBD, you will be able to have your favourite product available at any time. This means dosing quickly and easily with a dropper.

There are many great companies that sell CBD oil products, but it can be hard to know which company is the best just by looking at them. Theres no shortage of options when youre exploring the benefits of CBD! There are so many brands in the market now when it comes to CBD oils and everything else related. With so many options in front of United Kingdom consumers, how do you know which one will provide the best service to ensure that all your needs are fulfilled?

Struggling to choose your CBD product? We have you covered with our wide range of options. Whether its vape pens, oils, or other products such as chocolates and gummies, we have something that will suit your needs!

CBD is one of the hundred cannabinoids in hemp. It comes from the leaves, flowers, and stalks of a plant. The natural compounds found in cannabis can provide potential therapeutic benefits to those who consume them in any form or fashion.

CBD is just one of the different cannabinoids in cannabis that are all helpful. You may not know this, but CBD has some huge benefits to go along with it! Other beneficial compounds include CBDA, CBG and more which can help make your way through our endocannabinoid system without a hitch.

There are a lot of misconceptions about CBD and THC, but one of the most important things to bear in mind is that while both contain cannabinoids, they have very different effects. While there has been plenty said on how marijuana can get you high thanks to its psychoactive component tetrahydrocannabinol or THC; its worth remembering when we talk about hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD), which does not produce any feeling of euphoria or high at all since it contains no such ingredient. The United Kingdom only allows CBD products to have a THC content of less than 0.2% and be labelled as food supplements, while cannabis oil is illegal because it has high traces of THC content.

CBD is safe, legal and beneficial for a number of applications. You should be careful to watch the amount that you take though because CBD has side effects including nausea, headache and fatigue if taken too much. If you face these problems then consider lowering the dosage.

When it comes to CBD, the UK has some of the best in class companies. CBD has become so popular these days that there are now over 100 different options for CBD products. You can find something suitable no matter what form of CBD product you prefer, whether its tinctures, gummies, isolates or creams. For the most potent and varied CBD experience, try CBD oil. This will allow you to get as much or as little of this powerful ingredient in your system at any time without an overdose.

Click here to buy CBD oils on Readers Digest

* Blessed CBD best CBD oil reviews: Observer, Manchester Evening News, Readers Digest, Mirror, Birmingham Live, Leicester Mercury, Express, My London, Hull Daily, Stoke Live, LA Weekly, Bristol Post, Yours, Daily Star, Discover, Daily Record, Nottingham Post, Plymouth Herald, Derby Telegraph, Mens Journal, Liverpool Echo, Chronicle Live, Coventry Telegraph, Cambridge News, Leeds Live, Glasgow Live, High Times, The Manual, Maxim, Medical Daily, Yorkshire Live, US Magazine, Edinburgh News, Closer Weekly, Derbyshire Times, Life & Style, Peterborough Today, Teesside Live, MK Citizen, Worthing Herald, Doncaster Free Press, Devon Live, Northampton Chron, Cornwall Live, Northants Telegraph, LEP, Lancs Live, Surrey Live, In Touch Weekly.

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The 4 best CBD oil brands to try in the UK - South Whidbey Record

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Scammers hijack Maggie Beers image to peddle hemp gummies and CBD oil – The Guardian

Posted: at 6:08 am

Scammers are using celebrity cook Maggie Beers image and name without authorisation to spruik hemp gummies and CBD oil, ripping off unsuspecting customers.

The ads falsely promises to help with a range of health complaints, and in some cases uses customers details to then charge them in addition to the advertised amount.

Complaints about the hoax now make up more than a third of the celebrity scams reported to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. From the start of this year to 31 August, the ACCCs Scamwatch received more than 485 reports of scams using the name, image or likeness of celebrities to sell fraudulent products or promote cryptocurrency investment scams, the ACCC said in a statement.

Losses associate with this type of scam exceed $1.08m.

In the same period, Scamwatch has received over 180 reports with losses of more than $48,000 impersonating Maggie Beer trying to sell products such as hemp gummies or CBD oil for pain relief.

Often, once the scammer has someones credit card details they will charge the card multiple times or sign the person up to an expensive subscription service.

The ads conflate hemp oil extract with CBD oil, although they are two different things. The packaging claims the gummies contain hemp oil, which may have some nutritional benefits, but only in much larger quantities.

The ads falsely promise to help with weight loss, pain relief, diabetes, anxiety, indigestion, depression and preventing constipation.

Adelaide resident Pete Hart saw an advertisement on Facebook featuring Beer who has condemned the false use of her name promoting the use of the gummies. He signed up for a sample at $80. More than $500 was charged to his credit card.

When Hart complained, he was offered discounts on the amount charged if he didnt tell his bank.

I realised it was absolute bullshit I was quite happy to have a trial for about $80 but when the invoice came through it was $500, he says.

I said to them, look, I have met Maggie Beer, shes a lovely woman and she would be beside herself this is a bloody scam.

I just wanted to see if there was going to be a bit of relief. Theyre just preying on the afflicted.

The gummies claim to contain 100% organic hemp oil extract. They appear visually identical to lolly gummy bears, and the ingredient list is almost identical to a popular US brand of lollies.

Beer has had to warn people that she is not associated with the products in any way.

Please, it has nothing to do with me, she said in a video posted on her official Facebook page. Take care, check facts, and look after yourself.

One number listed for the company selling the gummies is not connected. The only other number advertised, for customer support, told Guardian Australia there was no one who could discuss the matter, and hung up.

Dave Lacey is the managing director of IDCare, a not-for-profit that helps victims of scams and identity theft. He said crooks usually based overseas sneak ads on to social media sites by creating ones that pass initial scrutiny, then change them once theyre published. They are sophisticated enough to target specific audiences.

The Maggie Beer scam will appeal to a particular demographic, he said. They specifically target the consumer in clever ways.

Anything where a person with a public profile is promoting a product or service, jump online and search that person and quite often theyre out there saying Listen, I dont promote any of this stuff.

The ACCC is working with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, telcos, the Australian Financial Crimes Exchange and not-for-profit organisations to warn people about scams, particularly those affecting culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

Report a scam or get help at Scamwatch or IDCare.

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Scammers hijack Maggie Beers image to peddle hemp gummies and CBD oil - The Guardian

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We tried it: Siskiyou Sungrown CBD and THC Oil review – Weedmaps News

Posted: at 6:08 am

Siskiyou Sungrown has been a ubiquitous presence in Oregon dispensaries since its founding in 2014. Its shelves held some of the first inky black syringes filled with Rick Simpson Oil (RSO), a high-potency edible concentrate. This display invited customers, whose familiarity with cannabis was limited to flower or conventional edibles, to learn more about RSO or full extract cannabis oil (FECO).

My first interaction with RSO, FECO, and Siskiyou Sungrown was not in a dispensary, but online. My chronically ill mother and I researched the recipes and success stories behind RSO and its medicinal potential. For the uninitiated, Rick Simpson Oil aka Phoenix Tears is a whole-plant, cannabis extract that traditionally uses naphtha/isopropyl alcohol as the primary solvent. Siskiyou Sungrown has reimagined this extract with organic cannabis flower strains from its Rogue Valley farms, along with organic cane alcohol.

We had the opportunity to audition both Siskiyou Sungrown's CBD Oil and THC Oil, and though my partner and I are both relatively healthy, we found incredible value in keeping these syringes handy for an assortment of everyday, and extraordinary, maladies.

Siskiyou Sungrown's slim paper packages are straightforward and unassuming. Its distinct shape a long, rectangular envelope with Siskiyou's golden sunrise logo decorating the right half stands out on a dispensary shelf. The language on the labels is plain and easy to decipher considering many consumers will open this package and immediately need specific instructions on how to use such a divisive-looking product.

Inside the envelopes are plastic needleless syringes filled with one milliliter of thick, black, tar-like extract, the rich amber color indicative of an unadulterated, whole-plant extraction rich with botanical compounds.

The viscous oil within can be pushed out in tiny, raindrop-sized globules that can be applied to a food item or eaten alone. The look may be intimidating initially, but the application is uncomplicated enough to distract from the implication of a syringe full of black tar.

The idea of medicating against an atmosphere is pretty dystopian, but the reality of our current surroundings are straight up bleak y'all, which is why my partner sometimes battles panic attacks before clocking into his job as a laborer. One dose of this oil before work calms his psyche enough for him to complete an incredibly physically demanding shift without negatively impacting his dexterity, stamina, or competence.

Additionally, a dose of Siskiyou Sungrown's CBD Cannabis Oil pre-shift has been tremendously helpful in my partner's physical recovery especially after particularly excruciating worknights.

The grassy, ultra-botanical mouthfeel is an acquired taste to say the least, and to say it lingers is an understatement. A speck of this concentrate is enough to coat the roof of a mouth for the better part of an hour, but the resulting complacency, relief, and recovery support is well worth it.

It should be noted that this formulation was developed by Siskiyou founder Cedar Grey to assuage painful chronic symptoms experienced by his severely disabled son. This treatment, said Cedar, not only potentially saved his son's life, but allowed his son to live fully and joyfully. I don't doubt it's because this product delivers all the potential benefits associated with CBD and contains all the plant compounds typically broken down during extraction called polyphenols. These compounds deliver a commensurate entourage effect unmatched by products made with isolated cannabinoids.

About twice a year, I catch a hormonal migraine so violent I have to hibernate for at least a day. One such event occurred during the window of testing for Siskiyou Sungrown THC Cannabis Oil, which was a tremendous blessing. OTC pain relievers only ever curbed the worst symptoms of my migraine, but I have found high-potency THC will smother that pain with an efficacy unseen in even prescription pain meds. Having this oil at the ready once the migraine arrived saved me from days of recovery followed by days of rescheduling both of which saved me days of mental health strain.

Before the evening I dosed myself with the THC Cannabis Oil, I'd had a persistent headache for most of the afternoon. I attributed this to an over-scheduled work week. It wasn't until bedtime that the minor tension at the base of my skull blossomed into a full-blown brain implosion. I took to my hands and knees and crawled from the bedroom to my work area and blindly grasped at samples until my fingers locked around the familiar rectangular envelope of the oil. I dosed myself by feel alone, applying only the gentlest pressure to push a single globule up from the syringe and onto my tongue.

Nonplussed by the flavor, as one tends to be in such a state, I then laid down on the kitchen floor and cried until activation.

The relief came on in gradual waves. Within 15 or 20 minutes, I was able to navigate to the couch and huddle in one corner. Ten minutes after that, I was able to shift enough to snatch a blanket from the opposite armrest. Twenty or so minutes after that, I was pain-free enough to drift off to sleep, which, considering the pain I was in less than an hour prior, felt like a dang miracle.

The next morning, with only a shadow of the migraine skulking in the back of my head, I needed no recovery time and was able to meet each of my own overscheduled activities. I was already sold on THC therapy for epic pain events, but after testing Siskiyou Sungrown, I will confidently reach for this specific remedy over any OTC or even prescription pain reliever for the foreseeable future.

These products may be displayed in pot shops alongside more celebratory recreational edibles, but make no mistake, this product is a brilliant reminder that the efficacy of THC and CBD as plant medicine is just as thrilling as the potential for THC as a magic carpet ride.

In the interim, since our commensurate parlays with Siskiyou Sungrown medicating for health and sanity, my partner and I found that a smear across the tongue for recreational purposes also provides a cushy, complacent high in both the head and body. Frankly, though, we'd rather reserve this oil for its intended use as an organic, ancestral, and highly effective replacement for select pharmaceuticals.

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We tried it: Siskiyou Sungrown CBD and THC Oil review - Weedmaps News

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Hemp: Controversial Plant that is Gaining Popularity – Southeast AgNet

Posted: at 6:08 am

A controversial plant that is gaining popularity and what you need to know about growing it yourself. Thats coming up on This Land of Ours.

Hemp is growing in popularity because it can be used to make many products including rope, clothing, shampoo, foods, and supplements like CBD oil. Many State Departments of Agriculture are promoting Hemp as a profitable crop for farmers. Since Hemp was only recently legalized, seeds are a bit hard to come by.

It grows just about everywhere in the U.S. as an annual, except in extreme desert conditions. Hemp grows similar to corn and has high nutrition and water needs. Like corn, it cross-pollinates via the wind. Hemp is a short day plant. This means that hemp will develop flowers when the daylight is less than 12 hours.

Seeds typically ripen about six weeks after the plant flowers. Harvesting the seeds in the proper window is important. The plant spreads its seeds by shattering, which means ripened seeds will fall to the ground. The key for the gardener is to harvest when the seeds are ripe but before the mother plant disperses them. After harvesting the seeds store them in a cool dry place. They will keep for up to one year.


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Hemp: Controversial Plant that is Gaining Popularity - Southeast AgNet

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Nextleaf Solutions ships its first Glacial Gold products to the BC Liquor Distribution Branch – Proactive Investors USA & Canada

Posted: at 6:08 am

Glacial Golds initial lineup of vape cartridges and bottled oils are offered in two potency levels to match a consumers' tolerance level or consumption occasion

Nextleaf Solutions Ltd said its wholly-owned subsidiary has completed its first shipment ofGlacial Gold CBD and THC products to the British Columbia (BC) Liquor and Distribution Branch, the sole wholesale distributor of non-medical cannabis in the Canadian province.

The company noted that Glacial Golds initial lineup of vape cartridges and bottled oils, which are now available at BC cannabis stores as well as private cannabis retailers, are offered in two potency levels to match a consumers' tolerance level or consumption occasion.

By leveraging our patented high-efficiency ingredient processing technology, theGlacial Goldbrand is being positioned as a price-point and value leader in distillate focused product categories, Nextleaf Solutions CEO Paul Pedersen said in a statement.

Ensuring we honoured our roots in BC has been a personal mission as we expand into consumer products," Pedersen added.

Glacial GoldsSession THC Vapefeatures a full potency THC profile for cannabis enthusiasts who seek a more elevated experience and connection, while theAnytime 1:1 Vapeis formulated with a balanced THC and CBD profile for consumers looking for a more moderate, go-to vape.

Both vapes will be available initially in flavours that include Glacial Fresh Mint with refreshing alpine aromas found in the BC backcountry, and Berry Lemonade, reminiscent of fresh-picked berries from the Okanagan, which were inspired by natural aromas found throughout BC and terpenes found in cannabis.

Nextleaf Solutions is a cannabis-extraction-technology company that has a patented process for the commercial-scale production of high-quality cannabinoid distillate, the precursor to every cannabis-infused product.

In short, the BC-based company is bridging the gap from soil to oil, a reflection of its technology, which allows for low-quality, dried cannabis biomass to be processed into a high-purity distilled oil.


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Nextleaf Solutions ships its first Glacial Gold products to the BC Liquor Distribution Branch - Proactive Investors USA & Canada

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CBD Products Inc. Launch Cannabinoid Balance Gummies + to support the symptoms of Stress and Anxiety – PR Web

Posted: at 6:08 am

Cannabinoid Balance Gummies+ by CBD Products Inc

SAN DIEGO (PRWEB) September 07, 2021

With research continuing to mount in support of the use of CBD with symptoms of stress and anxiety, CBD Products Inc launches its new NanoZorb infused vegan gummies with pure cannabinoids for fast-acting and effective CBD delivery.

In most cases, anxiety and stress present as an overlapped case requiring a prolonged management course under the supervisor of mental health therapist. As a distinctive criterion, experts have explained that stress is a risk factor for depression and anxiety disorders. About 18% of the population in the United States reportedly suffers from anxiety disorders. The onset of anxiety and stress in diagnosed subjects has been observed to be linked with different risk factors. This observation confirmed the multifactorial nature of these mood disorders. Today, the literature reviews explaining the etiology of stress and anxiety disorders in human subjects present different hypothesis ranging from molecular dysfunction, genetic predisposition, and early life exposure to risk factors. Some research findings have also demonstrated that a deficit in the endocannabinoid signalling mechanism contributes to the onset of depression and anxiety disorders.

Environmental factors, including abrupt changes in lifestyle patterns, causing a noticeable disruption in mental health, has long been implicated in the onset of stress in young adults. These disruptions burden the mental balance and initiate a cascade of events diagnosed as the onset of depression and anxiety disorders. At the molecular level, the brain evaluates stress stimuli as a change in the sensory system and activates a cascade of reactions influencing the rate of energy metabolism. Subsequently, the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus is activated, and the limbic system releases corticosteroids as the primary stress hormone. Although research inquiries have proposed different etiology to explain the onset of stress and anxiety, these reports seem to agree with the symptoms range observed in patients with stress and anxiety disorders.

As CBD Products Inc founder, Anthony Tribunella explains; We always look to the research to see where we need to focus our efforts. As someone who has followed the research around CBD for a long time it came as no surprise to me that stress and anxiety would be a key driver of the CBD industry.

As far back as 2010, studies found that cannabidiol could reduce symptoms of social anxiety in people with social anxiety disorder (SAD). Brain scans of participants revealed changes in blood flow to the regions of the brain linked to feelings of anxiety. In this study, cannabidiol not only made participants feel better, but it also changed the way their brains responded to anxiety. A subsequent study in 2011 supported the social anxiety findings, where those using cannabidiol to treat anxiety associated with public speaking, were found to experience reduced levels of stress, while further research published in 2014 found that CBD oil that had been humanly tested on animals, showed that it had anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects on the creatures in question when measured against heart rate, brain activity, and respiration.

Anthony tells us; All the therapeutic benefits of cannabinoids in the management of pathological conditions in humans are mediated by the effects of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the biological setup. The endocannabinoid system is a neuroactive lipid signalling system consisting of a network of cannabinoid receptors, enzymes, and endocannabinoids widely distributed in the nervous system. This system is involved in the regulation of mood and anxiety disorders. Cannabidiol can modify the activity of this network by acting as an endogenous cannabinoid.*

With these factors in mind, Anthony and his team set out to create a CBD product that targeted the symptoms of stress and anxiety fast. We have always tried to get pretty close to our consumers to understand their challenges. Stress and anxiety can be truly debilitating, especially in the moment where they are at their peak. This is why we wanted to focus creating an edible product that delivered CBD in the fastest possible. To do this we once again turned to NanoZorb having seen its impact in our other products, such as our Cannabindoid Balance Oil+.*

Cannabinoid Balance Gummies + are infused with NanoZorb technology to support fast-acting and effective CBD delivery. And along with being crafted from registered organic USA hemp, non-THC, Non-GMO and CO2 Extracted, free from Winterization, Decarboxylation, and pesticides, they are also vegan and great tasting. Cannabinoid Balance Gummies + is available from along with a wide range of other CBD products including oils and topicals for both people and pets.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Association. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.

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CBD Products Inc. Launch Cannabinoid Balance Gummies + to support the symptoms of Stress and Anxiety - PR Web

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Avalife Uses Shear Strength to Improve CBD Results – PRNewswire

Posted: September 2, 2021 at 2:34 pm

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., Sept. 2, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Avalife is a well-established health and wellness brand that has created a robust line of holistic dietary supplements. While the company has always had a diverse focus that covered many different areas, its recent breakthroughs in the CBD field are particularly worthy of note, with its new nanoemulsions taking center stage.

Most consumers have become well aware of the benefits of CBD in recent years. The booming industry promises a plethora of attractive results, from bodily health to mental relaxation. CBD helps with managing pain, improving one's mood, aiding with sleep, and increasing alertness.

However, in order to tap into these benefits, one must use quality CBD products. Not just that, but the CBD must be absorbed from the digestive tract into the bloodstream if it's going to have an effect. According to health and wellness brand Avalife, the bioavailability (i.e. absorbability within the digestive tract) of CBD oil is typically a meager 6%.

The holistic healthcare brand blames a large part of the issue on the inability of CBD oil to mix well with water. This, the brand explains, leads to poor absorption. It also explains that CBD is unstable in stomach acid, further hindering its ability to be processed properly by the body.

Seeing this shortcoming, Avalife set out on a path to find a better way to deliver its quality CBD products. The result was its NANOZOMAL line of CBD+ products.

Avalife's NANOZOMAL products are made with a one-of-a-kind production method that utilizes nanotechnology. "Nanotechnology," the brand's material explains, "has been widely used to improve the delivery of poorly water soluble medicines and to protect them from acid in the digestive tract."

Avalife goes on to break down the way that it has used this technology to incorporate CBD oil into a "CBD nanoemulsion." This is done by combining CBD oil, water, and a mixture of phospholipids and surfactants under extreme shear stress.

The resulting amalgamation is made up of nanoparticles, which are composed of tiny spheres of CBD surrounded by phospholipids, that are soluble in water. Not only that, but the brand claims that the resulting concoction is more stable, has a faster onset of action, and delivers a staggering 15X larger amount of bioavailable CBD than normal oils.

While Avalife's innovative take on CBD is still new on the market, it's already beginning to make waves with consumers. CBD oil may be a popular therapeutic tool at the moment. But it can also be expensive. The chance to get 15 times more impact from a single tincture, capsule, salve, or sachet of CBD is too tempting to ignore. It's a factor that will likely continue to expand Avalife's already impressive presence in the health and wellness industry.

About Avalife: Avalife is a subsidiary of Avacare Global. The health and wellness brand specializes in creating holistic dietary supplements. These feature an effective combination of traditional Ayurvedic medicine and modern, science-backed research. Learn more about Avalife at

Please direct inquiries to:Whitney Stillwell (954) 724-3269 [emailprotected]

SOURCE Avalife

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