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Galaxy named ‘Nube’ is almost invisible, baffling astronomers –

Posted: February 1, 2024 at 10:31 pm

In the realm of cosmic discoveries, a recent addition stands out for its unique and elusive nature. The Nube galaxy, a name charmingly suggested by a five-year-old, has captured the attention of astronomers for its almost ghostly presence in the universe.

This discovery, led by the Instituto de Astrofsica de Canarias (IAC) in collaboration with the University of La Laguna (ULL) and other institutions, marks a significant leap in our understanding of the cosmos.

Nube, Spanish for Cloud, is an apt descriptor for this enigmatic dwarf galaxy. Its surface brightness is so faint that it evaded detection in previous sky surveys.

The galaxys stars are dispersed across a vast area, making Nube appear as a mere wisp in the cosmic landscape.

What sets Nube apart are its extraordinary properties. This galaxy is ten times fainter and more extended than other known dwarf galaxies with a comparable number of stars.

To put it in perspective, Nube is a third of the Milky Ways size but has a mass akin to the Small Magellanic Cloud.

Such extreme characteristics baffle astronomers, as Mireia Montes, the first author of the article and a researcher at the IAC and the ULL, admits.

With our present knowledge, we do not understand how a galaxy with such extreme characteristics can exist, said Montes.

The discovery of Nube was serendipitous. Ignacio Trujillo, the second author, was analyzing images from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) when he noticed an intriguing faint patch.

This led to a focused study using ultra-deep multicolor images from the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC), confirming that the patch was not an error but an extremely diffuse object.

Determining Nubes exact distance has been challenging due to its faintness. Observations from the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) in the United States place Nube approximately 300 million light years away.

Upcoming observations with the Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope and the optical William Herschel Telescope (WHT) at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory, La Palma, are anticipated to refine this estimate.

Trujillo notes, If the galaxy turns out to be nearer, it will still be a very strange object and offer major challenges to astrophysics.

Nube defies the general rule of galaxies having a higher density of stars in their inner regions.

Montes explains that in Nube, the density of stars varies very little throughout the object, which is why it is so faint, and we have not been able to observe it well until we had the ultra-deep images from the GTC.

The galaxys peculiar nature has left astronomers puzzled. Current cosmological simulations, based on the cold dark matter model, fail to replicate Nubes extreme characteristics.

This discrepancy suggests that there might be fundamental aspects of the universe that we have yet to understand.

Montes expresses the intriguing possibility that, We are left without a viable explanation within the currently accepted cosmological model, that of cold dark matter.

The study of Nube could potentially revolutionize our understanding of the universe. Trujillo speculates on an exciting hypothesis: the unusual properties of Nube could indicate that dark matter particles have an extremely small mass.

This could align the worlds of quantum physics with cosmic phenomena, potentially offering a new window into the understanding of the universe.

Trujillo concludes, If this hypothesis is confirmed, it would be one of the most beautiful demonstrations of nature, unifying the world of the smallest with that of the largest.

In summary, the discovery of the Nube galaxy opens a new chapter in astronomy, presenting both a challenge and an opportunity to deepen our cosmic knowledge.

Its unique properties are unique curiosity that could be key to unlocking new cosmic mysteries, possibly reshaping our understanding of the universe itself.

The full study ispublishedin the journalAstronomy & Astrophysics.

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Giant Star Seen 150 Days Before it Exploded as a Supernova – Universe Today

Posted: at 10:31 pm

Supernovae are relatively rare. It might not seem like it, but thats because theyre so bright we can see them in other galaxies a great distance away. In fact, in 2022, astronomers spotted a supernova over 10 billion light-years away.

Any time astronomers spot a supernova, its an opportunity to learn more about these rare, cataclysmic explosions. Its especially valuable if astronomers can get a good look at the progenitor star before it explodes.

We know what types of stars explode as core-collapse supernovae: massive ones. But we dont know which star will explode when, so we dont know where to look to see the progenitor. The authors of new research put this succinctly when they write, Obtaining spectroscopic observations of the progenitors of core-collapse supernovae is often unfeasible due to an inherent lack of knowledge as to which stars will go supernova and when they will explode.

That quote comes from a new research letter titled Spectroscopic observations of progenitor activity 100 days before a Type Ibn supernova. The letter has been submitted to the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics and is currently in pre-press. The lead author is Sen Brennan from the Department of Astronomy at Stockholm University.

Astronomers keep learning more about supernovae progenitors. Theyre finding that supernova progenitors can exhibit powerful outbursts in the weeks, months, or even years before they explode. Astronomers keep getting better and better tools to spot these outbursts, and sometimes they get lucky.

In April of 2023, a massive star exploded in NGC 4388, a spiral galaxy about 57 million light-years away. The Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) spotted it, and the supernova is called SN 2023fyq. SN 2023fyq is a rare type of supernova called a Type Ibn. They show a lack of hydrogen lines and narrow He I emission lines in their spectra. Astronomers think that these characteristics come from the SN interacting with hydrogen-poor, helium-rich circumstellar material (CSM.)

Astronomers only know of a few of these types of SN, so their progenitors are poorly understood. Prior to its explosion, the ZTF also spotted the precursor activity, providing a window into these mysterious progenitors.

This Letter presents spectral and photometric observations of the progenitor of a Type Ibn SN several months before core-collapse, as well as SN 2023fyq itself, the researchers write. The observations come from multiple telescopes and observatories, including the Keck 10m telescope, the Palomar 200-inch telescope, and the Gemini North 8m telescope.

The researchers found that the progenitors luminosity increased exponentially during the 150 days leading up to the explosion. They also found that the radius of the photosphere remained almost constant during the same time. The pre-supernova spectra also reveal a complex evolving He I profile.

The He I profile could be a clue to some of the progenitor stars activity. There are similar He I emissions in both the progenitor and the SN. This would mean that the asymmetric material responsible for this emission was not destroyed in the SN explosion, the authors explain. SN ejecta interacting with asymmetric circumstellar material (CSM) has been used to explain irregular emission line profiles. Were getting deep into the weeds here, but its significant. SN 2023fyq provides the first clear spectroscopic evidence of asymmetric structure prior to core-collapse.

Its possible that some of the features in the spectroscopy are caused by circumstellar material (CSM). Some mechanisms cause the progenitor to be surrounded by a dense CSM, the authors explain, and may lead to shock dissipation and emission of radiation in the optically thick CSM. In that case, diffusion could explain the light curves general rise. This also explains the roughly constant radius and the slowly rising effective temperature, they write.

These observations of SN 2023fyq and the final moments of the progenitor highlight that the progenitors to CCSNe can undergo some extreme instabilities shortly before their final demise, the authors write.

It shouldnt surprise anyone that a progenitor exhibited some extreme instabilities before exploding as a supernova. It would be very strange if a massive star suddenly exploded with no lead-up. Only massive stars explode as supernovae, and it happens when the stars outward fusion pressure is insufficient to counteract the stars own gravity. The star collapses in on itself and explodes. This is a cataclysmic event, and there are bound to be shock waves travelling through the star, as well as other interactions. There are bound to be extreme instabilities, as the authors call them.

But what exactly does this tell us?

This is just a research letter, and the authors are presenting their results to the astronomical community. They can show the unusual activity evident in spectroscopic observations, but they cant tell us exactly what it means yet. But it does show that were able to spot supernova progenitors, a huge step in understanding core-collapse supernovae.

Progenitor analysis typically occurs after the star has been destroyed by searching through archival images and measuring the photometric properties of the assumed progenitor, the researchers write in their letter. Although this area of transient astronomy is in its infancy, the repercussions of detecting precursor activity are immense, highlighting that the progenitor is not in an equilibrium state and may not be represented well by standard stellar evolutionary models.

Were looking at an SN progenitor when we look at Betelgeuse; astronomers just dont know how long itll be until the star explodes. But it appears to have belched plasma that created a dust cloud that briefly dimmed the star a couple of years ago. Is that behaviour indicative of how other progenitors behave?

Astronomers need to observe more supernova progenitors of different types before they can answer their questions. Once they have more data, theyll build models of how supernova progenitors behave leading up to the explosion. Then, they can observe even more SN and test that data against their models. Then, theyll improve their models some more.

Eventually, theyll have answers.

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UH astronomer named to prominent national astronomical society | University of Hawaii System News – University of Hawaii

Posted: at 10:31 pm

Reading time: 2 minutes Karen Meech

A University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy (IfA) astronomer has been named a fellow of the American Astronomical Society (AAS). Karen Meech was recognized for her ground-breaking research on solar and extrasolar comets, the distribution of water in the solar system, organization of large international observing teams, development and management of planetary science programs for teachers, and years of service to the astronomical community.

This is a really exciting honor, and Im humbled to be nominated for this by my colleagues, said Meech.

AAS is a national organization of professional astronomers, astronomy educators and amateur astronomers. This year 21 members were honored for extraordinary achievement and servicean honor bestowed on only 0.25% of the 8,200 AAS members each year. They were recognized for original research and publications, innovative contributions to astronomical techniques or instrumentation, significant contributions to education and public outreach, and service to astronomy and AAS. Fellows will receive a certificate and a lapel pin.

Karen is a truly extraordinary researcher with exceptional leadership skills who can assemble large, diverse teams to tackle some of the most profound questions in planetary science, said Doug Simons, director of IfA. I am thrilled to see her receive this recognition for her numerous research achievements.

Meech is an astrobiologist interested in understanding how planets become habitable, especially how water was delivered to Earth. She led the NASA Astrobiology Institute at UH from 2004 to 2015; led the characterization of Oumuamua (the first interstellar object) discovered by IfAs PanSTARRS telescope in 2017; has been a co-investigator on the Deep Impact, EPOXI and Stardust-NeXT space missions; and leads the development of future mission concepts.

In recognition of her research, Meech received the 2023 Dannie Heineman Prize for Astrophysics, was named ARCS Scientist of the year in 2018, awarded the UH Regents Medal for Research Excellence in 2015, and received the AAS Harold C. Urey Prize in 1994, the Annie Jump Cannon Award in 1988 and the Heaps Physics Prize in 1981.

A main focus of her work is studying the formation of habitable worlds by looking at comets, which are the earliest remnants of that process. As the icy, well-preserved left-overs of planet formation, these small objects provide clues about the chemistry and dynamics in our young solar systems planet-forming disk.

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The Art of SeeingStates of Astronomy – Announcements – E-Flux

Posted: at 10:31 pm

The Georgian Pavilion at the 60th Venice Biennaleis happy to present Art of SeeingStates of Astronomy, a collaborative project presented by a team of Georgian and French curators and artists.

The Art of SeeingStates of Astronomyshowcases 65 Maximiliana or the Illegal Practice of Astronomy, a 1964 work by Georgian artist, poet and editor Ilia Zdanevich (18941975) and Max Ernst (18911976), along with its related archives. The art book is dedicated to Wilhelm Ernst Tempel (18211889), a German astronomer and lithographer, known for his unconventional, sensual approach to astronomy, who was overlooked by contemporaries due to his lack of academic training.

Zdanevich traced his own history back to Tbilisi, where his publishing house, named 41 degrees after the latitude Tbilisi shares with Rome, Madrid, New York and other cities, promoted a futurist poetic language known as ZAUM. He adopted the name Iliazd soon after emigrating to Paris in 1921 and brought out several major books, including Maximiliana, a landmark project that spans four countries and three languages, merging poetry and astronomy to highlight the experience of exiles in both physical and metaphysical senses.

In this context, the exhibition held at Palazzo Palumbo Fossati aligns with the theme of the current Venice Biennale, Foreigners Everywhere. It spins around Maximiliana, along with materials from Iliazds archive, that document Iliazds journey to Venice and Marseille and his persistent efforts to recover Wilhelm Ernst Tempels biography.

In response to the Venice Biennales programme Global Modernisms, curator Julia Marchand (France) and research curator Davit Koroshinadze (Georgia) have crafted an original concept for a living archive, initiating the audience to Iliazds experiments, who brought his ideas from the Global South and transformed it into a cosmopolitan discourse. Maximiliana remains a perfect example of how, through typography and painting, the language of the cosmos was brought to life. French artists Rodrigue De Ferluc and Juliette George have created unique furniture inspired by Iliazds typography in Maximiliana to establish a visual and spatial identity for the exhibition. Georgian artist Nika Koplatadze reinterprets Maximiliana through a contemporary art lens in a series of artistic books informed by his readings of star maps and other cosmic matters. In addition, Grigol Nodias video art, titled Lonely Planet,turns the theme of migration into a broader, cosmic exile in search of the other and eros.

Wilhelm Ernst Tempels lithographs from the Arcetri Observatory Archives, included in the exhibition, provide a unique context for understanding the history behind Maximiliana and Iliazds journey.

Artists: Nikoloz Koplatadze, Grigol Nodia, Juliette George, Rodrigue De Ferluc, Iliazd, Max Ernst, Wilhelm Ernst Tempel Curator: Julia Marchand Research curator: Davit Koroshinadze Commissioner: Magda Guruli Institution: Art-Villa Garikula Project Manager: Ana Jorjiashvili Furniture Production: Collaboration with Interior Designer Nestan De Limur Graphic Designer: Fabien Chaminade Set Designer: Levan Mekhuzla Composer: Ben Wheeler Film Producer & Production Designer: Lasha Zambakhidze

With the support of The Ministry of Culture and Sport of Georgia.

Press contacts International press enquiries: Nadia Fatnassi,nadia [at],T +33 652 086 908 Italian press enquiries: Virginia Cucchi, [at], T +39 333 4360901

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Pluto isn’t really a planet, but it might be Arizona’s official state planet – Arizona Mirror

Posted: at 10:31 pm

The city of Flagstaff really loves Pluto.

So much so that, in a recent show of cosmic devotion, Pluto-fanatics arrived at the state Capitol on Wednesday in droves to support legislation to make the dwarf planet the official state planet of Arizona.

In 1930, astronomer Clyde W. Tombaugh discovered Pluto from Flagstaffs Lowell Observatory. To this day, it remains as the only planet to be discovered in the United States, and a great source of pride for Arizonas astronomy community.

But in 2006, Pluto was demoted to dwarf planet status, following years of debate over whether it met the criteria to be a planet. Ultimately, the International Astronomical Union determined it didnt.

Now, almost 100 years later, members of the observatory are looking to honor the discovery in a bigger way with the help of Rep. Justin Wilmeth, R-Phoenix, the sponsor of House Bill 2477.



Theres been some controversy recently with it being downgradedThats not really the point of this bill today. Wilmeth said. Its to honor our state heritage, our state history and our strong astronomy background that we have in this state, both in Flagstaff and Tucson.

Since Plutos discovery, Arizonan astronomers have played a major role in developing our knowledge of the once-believed ninth planet. Plutos moon, Charon, was also discovered from Flagstaff, and Lowell astronomers played a part in the discovery of the dwarf planets atmosphere, as well.

The Flagstaff observatorys dedication to Pluto has never waivered, even when it lost its planetary status.

Theres a really strong scientific connection between Arizona and Pluto, said Lowell Observatory Historian Kevin Schindler. You think of cactus, you think of Arizona. You think of Pluto, you think of Arizona. Thats what we wanted.

Speakers in support of the bill also emphasized how the title of state planet would help bolster Plutos reputation with young students, giving the former planet the street cred it they believe it deserves.

Author Diane Phelps Budden has brought stories about Pluto into classrooms. She said she has seen firsthand how excited students are about planets and space.

Heres an opportunity for a teacher to lead the discussion with the fact that Pluto is the state planet. They will think that is, Oh so cool! said Phelps Budden.

The measure was warmly received by the committee, which not only approved the bill with a vote of 8-1, but appreciated the unusually mirthful moment the bill brought lawmakers.

With all the pressing issues, its kind of nice to see a bill like this on there just to lighten things up, said Rep. Rachel Jones, R-Tucson.

The sole opposing vote came from Rep. Steve Montenegro, a Republican from Litchfield Park, who said the only reason he voted against the measure was to have an opportunity to learn more about it.

Some of these bills may seem small, like Pluto, he explained. But I want to learn a little bit more, and I want to reserve that vote, too, as we move forward.

Otherwise, bipartisan excitement was seen from the rest of the committee, including Tucsons Rep. Nancy Gutierrez, who seemed eager to learn more about the Lowell Observatorys upcoming expansion later this year.

Im hopeful that, when the new center opens in November, we can do a legislative field trip and come and see? Gutierrez, a Democrat, said.

As for the opposition?

Mr. Montenegro will not be invited to the field trip, joked Wilmeth.

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Pluto isn't really a planet, but it might be Arizona's official state planet - Arizona Mirror

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Did You Know? Stars Near and Far Reveal Their Secrets to CSUN Scientists – California State University, Northridge

Posted: at 10:31 pm

One of CSUNs two observatoriespeeks through the trees in the Orange Grove. Photo by Lee Choo.

Did you know that CSUN students can set their sights on the stars AND the sun with two on-campus observatories? If youve walked through the Orange Grove, youve likely seen the bright white half-domes of the stellar and solar observatories nestled among the trees. These two important resources offer a gateway to remarkable data and views for students, faculty and researchers.

The stellar observatory houses a 14-inch Celestron telescope that was installed in 2016. The observatory, closest to the duck pond facing Nordhoff Street, is open to CSUN physics and astronomy students in the College of Science and Mathematics for telescope training with faculty members. In the 1990s, the department hosted open houses at the facility, and faculty hope to bring back public open houses this spring.

Over the years, the telescope has been used to observe planets transiting their host star and gather information about comets and our solar systems planets.

The solar observatory, also known as the San Fernando Observatory, was originally built by The Aerospace Corporation in the 1960s to support NASA research. It was damaged in the 1971 Sylmar earthquake and required extensive repair. In the 1970s, the company donated the facility (located on land owned by the Metropolitan Water District) to CSUN which used the site for decades of research. In 2016, with the help of donors, the university moved the observatory to the Orange Grove when the district found other uses for the original site. Today, it sitsadjacentto the stellar observatory, for student and faculty use.

Solar researcher Angela Cookson 86 (Biology), 90 (Applied Physics & Astronomy) collects data from the observatory on a daily basis that contributes to important ongoing research on the suns activity.

Because the sun is ever-changing, its always cool to look at our own daily images, to watch and record how the surface of the sun changes day to day, then adding that information to the multi-year data record to eventually understand how the sun works, said Cookson, the longtime research associate for the observatory.

The observatory is used for photometry, which is basically a photograph of the sun in a particular wavelength, she said. The different wavelengths give you different information about the sun.

The solar observatory also feeds data to outside solar and climate researchers. Studying the sun and its radiation allows them to better understand our nearest stars effects on the Earths climate. Many scientists are particularly interested in the observatorys data on an ultraviolet light known as the Calcium K line.

The observatories are not open to the public, but student tours are available upon request. Physics and astronomy majors are welcome to contact Angela Cooksonor Gary Chapman, professor emeritus of physics and astronomy and solar observatory director, to receive training, ranging from opening up and aligning the telescopes to operating systems, studying data and understanding how different processes on the sun contribute to changes in the amount of energy.

The small solar observatory provides students a unique opportunity to experience hands-on aspects of astronomy, Cookson said.To have a student look at [observatory] images for the first time and say, Wow, I never knew that about sunspot activity, is always fun, she said.

Astronomy, College of Mathematics and Science, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Physics & Astronomy, San Fernando Observatory, solar observatory, Stellar Observatory

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Did You Know? Stars Near and Far Reveal Their Secrets to CSUN Scientists - California State University, Northridge

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Top 10 space stories of 2023 – Astronomy Magazine

Posted: at 10:31 pm

Before researchers could open OSIRIS-RExs TAGSAM sample collector, they first had to gather and catalog the copious bonus material outside the canister, whose still-sealed lid is shown here. Credit: NASA/Erika Blumenfeld & Joseph Aebersold

New tools and techniques can be transformative. Last year proved this time and again, as researchers took the first picture of the Milky Way Galaxy with particles instead of photons and an innovative team turned stellar corpses across the galaxy into one big gravitational-wave detector capable of tuning into the background hum of our cosmos. Among the many stunning results from the groundbreaking James Webb Space Telescope, new finds began to challenge astronomers picture of the early universe.

There was plenty of excitement closer to home, too. Numerous comets sent skywatchers and astrophotographers rushing outside, while eager planetary scientists finally got their hands on the largest sample ever returned to Earth from a carbon-rich asteroid. And an annular eclipse across the Americas set the stage for totality in April 2024. Overall, 2023 was an exciting year of discovery that proved that patience, ingenuity, and vision can offer amazing payoffs.

Our February 2022 Top 10 list notes that on May 10, 2021, NASAs Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security-Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) mission had turned toward home following its collection of material from the near-Earth asteroid Bennu.

Last year, that effort came to fruition. Just before 9 a.m. MDT on Sept. 24, 2023, a beautiful sight appeared in the skies above Utah: the crafts sample-return capsule (SRC) safely falling to Earth beneath its broad, orange-and-white striped parachute. The capsule, which had been released just hours earlier when the spacecraft was 63,000 miles (102,000 kilometers) from Earth, landed on target at the U.S. Air Forces Utah Test and Training Range.

The next day, the SRC flew via cargo plane to NASAs Johnson Space Center in Houston, where a team waited to catalog and disassemble the canister and its attached sampling mechanism, called the Touch-and-Go Sample Acquisition Mechanism (TAGSAM). These were first placed inside sealed gloveboxes, preventing the samples from being exposed to Earths atmosphere.

It was slow going: The TAGSAM and canister lid were coated in so much extra material that collecting and cataloging it before the canister itself could be accessed required exquisite care. It was the very best problem to have, said deputy OSIRIS-REx curation lead Christopher Snead in a statement. Its also a problem that researchers had anticipated, given the material seen overflowing from the TAGSAM head following the collection maneuver Oct. 20, 2020, when the TAGSAM sank some 20 inches (50 centimeters) into the asteroid.

By Oct. 11, 2023, NASA hadnt yet opened the canister. But the agency revealed the results of an initial analysis of the excess material: Bennu is rich in carbon and hydrated clays, compounds that contain significant water. This means organic molecules the building blocks of life may also be present. Researchers also found sulfides, a necessary component of amino acids. These results bode well for scientists interested in the abundance and role of such materials in the early solar system and the development of life on Earth and potentially elsewhere. Asteroids provide the perfect starting point for study, as they both contain pristine material that dates to the solar systems birth and are thought to be the main vehicle for delivering many elements, including water, to the young Earth.

NASA collected 2.48 ounces (70.3 grams) from the hardware alone, exceeding the missions goal of retrieving 2.12 ounces (60 g) from Bennu before the sample proper was ever accessed. And with its precious cargo dropped off, the spacecraft is now headed to the near-Earth asteroid Apophis, which it will study up close starting in April 2029. Accordingly, the craft has a new name: OSIRIS-APEX, for APophis EXplorer.

Planetary scientists are looking forward to the wealth of future data from Venus, with several missions preparing to visit the world in the coming years. But new discoveries are still hiding within older, existing data, as a March 15 Science study proved.

In it, researchers examined some 200 hours of radar observations of Venus surface taken by the Magellan spacecraft, which orbited the world from 1990 to 1994, mapping the entire surface. By looking for changes between different orbits, the team spotted direct evidence the first ever seen of recent volcanic activity on Venus.

I saw two images of the same region taken eight months apart exhibiting telltale geological changes caused by an eruption, explained Robert Herrick of the University of Alaska Fairbanks, who led the study, in a press release.

The images featured a region near Venus equator that hosts some of the planets largest volcanoes, including Maat Mons. Herrick spotted changes that occurred between February and October 1991 in a vent on the volcanos lower slopes. When compared with the earlier images, the October data showed that the previously circular vent had roughly doubled in size and become distorted in shape. It also seemed to have filled with lava, with some even flowing downhill, away from the vent.

This analysis was no simple task. The data resolution was low and the images had been taken from different angles. Comparing them required modeling the vent to explore all possible explanations, including passive landslides. But ultimately, only a couple of the simulations matched the imagery, and the most likely scenario is that volcanic activity occurred on Venus surface during Magellans mission, said study co-author Scott Hensley of NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory, an expert in analyzing radar data. Provided their interpretation is correct, then, it confirms there is modern geological activity on Venus, he said.

The idea has far-reaching implications. Venus has more volcanoes than any other planet, but scientists previously believed none were active over the past billion years. If one volcano is still active, why not more? The more we study Earths twin, the more we find there is still much to learn about how rocky planets form and evolve.

Magnetars are objects with magnetic fields a thousand trillion times stronger than Earths. They are a subclass of neutron stars, the remnants of massive stars. But while astronomers known how run-of-the-mill neutron stars are formed, they arent sure yet of the specific conditions that create a magnetar, whose magnetic field is some 100 to 1,000 times stronger than a neutron stars.

At least part of the answer might lie in a star called HD 45166, the subject of a paper published Aug. 17 in Science. HD 45166 is a Wolf-Rayet star; these massive, helium-rich stars typically weigh 25 times the mass of the Sun and blast out powerful winds of charged particles. Because of their high mass, they rapidly fuse hydrogen into helium in their cores, living for a fraction of the Suns lifetime before exploding as supernovae and leaving behind neutron stars or black holes.

But HD 45166 is an oddball among Wolf-Rayets at only 2 solar masses a real lightweight. And its magnetic field has a strength of 43 kilogauss, or 100,000 times stronger than Earths magnetic field. That makes it the most magnetic massive star ever found.

Weve never detected a magnetic field in a massive helium star that will undergo core collapse [a type of supernova], says study leader Tomer Shenar of the University of Amsterdam. Its really a new type of star. Shenar and his colleagues think HD 45166 didnt evolve the way other Wolf-Rayets do (as part of some massive stars life cycles), but perhaps as the product of a merger between two other more intermediate-mass helium-rich stars.

Despite the staggering strength of HD 45166s magnetic field, it is still 10 billion times below that of a magnetar. But in a few million years, when HD 45166 explodes as a supernova and leaves behind a neutron star, its magnetic field will be confined to a region just 12 miles (20 km) across the size of a typical neutron star. Because magnetic flux is conserved, compressing the field will boost its strength by about 10 billion times, creating a magnetar.

We thought that the most likely magnetar candidates would come from the most massive of stars, said study co-author Andr-Nicolas Chen of the National Science Foundations National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory in Hilo, Hawaii, in a statement. What this research shows us is that stars that are much less massive can still become a magnetar, if the conditions are just right.

Comets are notoriously unpredictable. In 2023, that worked in our favor, with three particularly notable comets stealing attention.

The year opened with what we expected to be its best comet: C/2022 E3 (ZTF), which reached perihelion the closest point to the Sun in its orbit on Jan. 12. On Feb. 1, ZTF passed closest to Earth, coming within about 0.3 astronomical unit of our planet. (One astronomical unit, or AU, is the average Earth-Sun distance.) During its visit, ZTF ultimately reached magnitude 4.5 and developed a well-defined anti-tail seen in many photographs.

Magnitude 4.5 is also the brightness our next visitor, 12P/Pons-Brooks, is expected to reach in April this year, weeks before perihelion. Thats when, as first noted by amateur astronomer Dave Weixelman, it will appear some 24.5 from the Sun during the total solar eclipse April 8.

But Pons-Brooks wasnt willing to wait for fame. On July 20, 2023, observer Elek Tams went looking for the then-magnitude 16.6 comet and discovered an outburst had catapulted it to magnitude 11.6. By early October, the comet had faded only slightly and underwent a second outburst Oct. 5, reaching roughly the same magnitude as in July. Both times, the comet displayed a unique horned or horseshoe shape, earning it the nickname devil comet. According to comet researcher Richard Miles (who spotted the second outburst), Pons-Brooks has had similar flare-ups during past visits to the inner solar system. Perhaps its had yet another since this issue went to press!

Avid skywatchers already know weve saved the best for last: Comet ZTF was not 2023s best. That title goes to C/2023 P1 (Nishimura), which burst onto the scene Aug. 12 when Japanese amateur astronomer Hideo Nishimura of Kakegawa, Japan, spotted it in Gemini, already at magnitude 10.4 and 1 AU from the Sun. Nishimura passed closest to Earth a month later, before rounding the Sun at a perihelion distance of just 0.23 AU on Sept. 17, peaking at an impressive magnitude 2.5. After perihelion, it disappeared from Northern Hemisphere skies and could only be picked up below the equator as it faded quickly on its way back to the outer solar system.

Its appearance was brief and it was never an easy naked-eye object due to its low elevation. Nonetheless, Nishimura was the definitive winner of 2023s cometary crown.

On Oct. 14, an annular solar eclipse crossed parts of North, Central, and South America. Although many considered the event a preview of 2024s total eclipse, Octobers annular eclipse was more than just a prelude. It was stunning in its own right, a once-in-a-lifetime event for millions of people that offered its own unique reward.

While a total solar eclipse lets earthbound observers glimpse the Suns outer atmosphere, called the corona, an annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon is too far from Earth to cover the Suns disk completely. A thin sliver of the solar disk is left around the Moon, often called the ring of fire.

Octobers ring of fire began in the Pacific Ocean before moving from Oregon through Texas as the first U.S. annular eclipse in more than a decade. The next will not occur until 2041. Some 6.6 million Americans lived in the path of annularity, with roughly half that number in Texas alone. Millions more lived within just a few hundred miles of the center line. Observers beneath the shadow experienced some four-plus minutes of annularity, with parts of Texas seeing nearly five minutes.

After leaving Texas, the eclipse passed through parts of Mexico, Central America, Colombia, and Brazil, finally ending over the Atlantic Ocean.

Eclipses offer unique opportunities for science, both on the ground and above it. For instance, NASA launched three sounding rockets from New Mexico one before, one during, and one after the eclipse as part of the Atmospheric Perturbations around the Eclipse Path mission to study how eclipses affect Earths upper atmosphere, particularly the ionosphere. This region is affected by variations in sunlight when the Sun naturally sets or rises, changing the amount of incoming ultraviolet radiation that can alter the properties of the atoms there.

If Octobers annular eclipse whetted your appetite, youre in luck a total solar eclipse will soon cross North America, bringing the Moons shadow back to Earth along a path that includes the homes and businesses of 31.6 million Americans. With millions more again within driving distance, April 8 is sure to be one of 2024s most noteworthy dates.

Headlines in 2023 were often dominated by the way AI is changing our world. And although the use of machine-learning tools in astronomy isnt new, the practice began to see more attention in 2023 (including a feature in our July issue).

A Jan. 30, 2023, paper in Nature Astronomy showed how scientists searching for alien civilizations used AI to sift through nearly 500 hours of radio signals from over 800 stars. They were looking for patterns that couldnt be natural, while throwing out interference from human technology. The algorithm pared down nearly 3 million events to just 20,515, which were examined by eye to ultimately identify eight possible technosignatures signs of a technologically advanced civilization from five stars. The signals were not seen when these stars were re-observed so we havent found aliens yet. But the researchers noted the technique had fulfilled its purpose by identifying specific signals for follow-up.

An April 21 paper in The Astrophysical Journal showed that machine-learning tools can identify planets forming in the disk of dust and gas around a star. A team led by Jason Terry of the University of Georgia in Athens developed an algorithm to search images for the subtle signs of fledgling planets, which affect the orbit of nearby material and eventually carve out gaps in the disk. Not only did their model rediscover known planets, it also flagged a planet around the star HD 142666 that researchers hadnt spotted. Terrys team followed up and confirmed a likely forming planet there, demonstrating the models potential. We think there will be an important place for these types of techniques as our datasets get even larger, Terry said in a press release.

On Sept. 25, a paper in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences presented a machine-learning algorithm that could determine whether a sample of material was produced by life or through natural (abiotic) processes. And it could do so with 90 percent accuracy. The technique can be applied with existing technology and used on future space missions or trace the history of ancient life on Earth.

These are just highlights from a year filled with AI-assisted discoveries. There will doubtless be many more in the years to come.

In late 2022, NASAs uncrewed Artemis I successfully completed its trip around the Moon, splashing down Dec. 11 that year. Spending about a month in flight, the mission largely served as a test of the new Space Launch System rocket and Orion crew spacecraft. Now, NASA is gearing up for Artemis II, scheduled to launch in November 2024 for a 10-day round-the-Moon flight. On April 3, 2023, the agency announced the missions crew: NASA astronauts Reid Wiseman, Victor Glover, and Christina Koch, and Canadian Space Agency astronaut Jeremy Hansen.

But the U.S. isnt the only one with eyes on the lunar prize. On Aug. 23, 2023, India became the fourth country to successfully land on the Moon when its Chandrayaan-3 mission touched down some 370 miles (600 km) from the lunar south pole, the closest landing to the pole to date. NASA is targeting this coveted region for its crewed Artemis III landing, as the terrain there may contain water ice useful for fuel and other needs.

One day after landing, Indias 3-foot-long (90 centimeters), 60-pound (27 kilograms), solar-powered Pragyan rover rolled out of the Vikram lander. For two weeks, the pair studied the lunar surface, even detecting a possible moonquake Aug. 26. Both went into sleep mode for the coming lunar night, also two weeks long. Neither craft had been designed to withstand the frigid temperatures of nighttime on the Moon; nonetheless, the mission team hoped they would reawaken when day broke over the landing site Sept. 22. But by Oct. 6, the team had received no communications, and back-burnered further attempts at contact. Nonetheless, the mission was a rousing success for the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

Not all lunar stories last year were successes. Russias Luna 25 lander, also targeting the lunar pole, crashed into the Moon Aug. 19. A few days later, Roscosmos cited an engine malfunction that caused the engines to burn too long while orienting the craft for landing. The lander was Russias first lunar mission in nearly five decades. The agency said it planned to accelerate its next two lunar missions, Luna 26 and 27, in response to the failure. Both are set to launch later this decade. And earlier in the year, Japanese startup ispace attempted the first commercial lunar soft landing, targeting Mare Frigoris Atlas Crater with the HAKUTO-R Mission 1 Lunar Lander. Although the craft was in good shape on approach, it did not send confirmation of touchdown after the scheduled landing time on April 25. Shortly after, mission engineers determined its propellant likely ran out, causing the lander to crash.

All this goes to show that landing even uncrewed craft on the Moon is far from easy or routine, and many challenges still await both robotic and human explorers.

Shortly after Chandrayaan-3s landing, India successfully launched its Aditya-L1 mission to study the Sun on Sept. 2. Originally conceived in 2008 as a small Earth-orbiting satellite, the craft evolved into a five-year-long mission that will orbit the Sun at Lagrange point 1 (also called L1), about 900,000 miles (1.5 million km) from Earth. There, it will continuously monitor our star with a payload of seven instruments, providing unique views not available on other solar missions, such as multiwavelength observations near the solar limb and images in previously unobserved ultraviolet wavelengths. Overall, Aditya-L1 aims to answer questions about the Suns super-hot outer atmosphere, the corona, as well as how the stars magnetic field generates space weather and affects our atmosphere here on Earth.

Both Aditya-L1 and Chandrayaan-3 are testaments to the countrys efforts in recent years to ramp up its space program and become a major player capable of interplanetary missions for new discoveries.

Gravitational waves are ripples in space-time that arise from extremely energetic events, such as the collisions of neutron stars or black holes. Since their first detection in 2016 by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO), gravitational waves have given us a new way to study the universe and 2023 brought a fresh twist.

Scientists are limited to studying a narrow range of gravitational waves. Thats because their wavelength, or the distance between successive crests of each wave, is proportional to the masses of and the distance between the objects creating them. This means a pair of stars orbiting in a tight binary create shorter-wavelength gravitational waves than do merging supermassive black holes with millions or billions of times the mass of the Sun. In fact, supermassive black hole mergers can create gravitational waves with crests tens of light-years apart.

Detecting such long-wavelength gravitational waves is beyond current observatories like LIGO and Virgo, which only catch the high-pitched chirps of binary objects a few to about 100 times the Suns mass. These signals represent the last minutes or seconds of a merger, as the objects circle ever closer before slamming together, all the while releasing angular momentum as gravitational waves.

For supermassive black holes, this process plays out over a much greater span of time. When galaxies merge, their individual supermassive black holes sink to the center and eventually merge over some 100 million to 200 million years. During that time, other galaxies elsewhere in the universe will merge as well, and their black holes will begin their own hundred-million-year inward spiral.

If theres a lot of these [long-wavelength] gravitational-wave signals, they can add together and give you a gravitational-wave background, said Yale University Assistant Professor of Physics Chiara Mingarelli in a video release. Mingarelli is part of the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav) collaboration, which announced the first-ever detection of this background June 29 in several papers in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

Without instruments tuned to long wavelengths, the NANOGrav collaboration looked to fast-rotating neutron stars called pulsars. As a pulsar spins, it shoots beams of radiation from its poles; every revolution, these beams sweep over Earth like light from a lighthouse. The beams arrival is incredibly regular, down to a fraction of a second, turning each pulsar into its own highly accurate cosmic clock.

NANOGrav monitored a network of 67 pulsars throughout the Milky Way for 15 years, looking for tiny shifts in the timing of the arrival of their beams. These occur when a gravitational wave passes by, subtly squeezing or stretching the space-time between the pulsar and Earth, causing the signals to arrive slightly sooner or later than expected, respectively. Like a huge ocean swell, the stars in our galaxy are all moving in concert to waves in space-time that take more than a decade just to complete one cycle of the wave, says Kelly Holley-Bockelmann of Vanderbilt University, a gravitational-wave researcher who is not part of NANOGrav.

Thats why NANOGrav had to monitor the pulsars for so long. And it was worth it. The resulting pattern of timing disruptions matches exactly what is expected if there is a background of gravitational waves humming throughout the cosmos. After years of work, NANOGrav is opening an entirely new window on the gravitational-wave universe, said NANOGrav collaborator Stephen Taylor, also of Vanderbilt, in a statement.

The detection has now clinched the case that supermassive black holes do merge previously a long-standing question in astrophysics. It has also revealed surprises: The gravitational-wave background is twice as loud as expected. Perhaps supermassive black holes are larger or more numerous than current estimates. But perhaps something previously unimagined is contributing to the volume as well. Well need to keep observing to reveal the true nature of these gravitational waves, says Holley-Bockelmann.

It should be no surprise that the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), last years top story, has yet again made our list. With more than a full year of science under its belt, JWST has truly begun revolutionizing astronomy.

And it didnt start small. Scientists analyzing JWSTs early images announced Feb. 22 in Nature that theyd identified some of the youngest galaxies now known: six of them, shining roughly 540 million to 770 million years after the Big Bang.

But these young galaxies didnt look like they should. They were massive. Too massive, housing some 10 billion to 100 billion solar masses worth of stars. These galaxies should not have had time to form, based on our current understanding of how quickly matter in the early universe could conglomerate and form new suns, said study co-author Erica Nelson of the University of Colorado Boulder in a press release. You just dont expect the early universe to be able to organize itself that quickly.

The revelation that massive galaxy formation began extremely early in the history of the universe upends what many of us had thought was settled science, added co-author Joel Leja of Penn State. Weve been informally calling these objects universe breakers.

Is that it, then? Did JWST break the universe? Various groups have presented alternative explanations that rescue our current understanding of the cosmos. One, led by researchers at Saint Marys University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, argued that the galaxies redshifts, or distances, may not be as high as originally thought. Thats because the initial team didnt look at the objects spectral features across all wavelengths, but instead took images in various filters at discrete wavelengths a common alternate technique, but one prone to bias. The technique may also have picked out only the very biggest and brightest galaxies, which are not representative of the general population. And the Saint Marys University study warned against making broad statements about the early universe as a whole based on just a handful of examples. The work had been submitted to Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society but not yet peer-reviewed at the time of this writing.

Another study, published Oct. 3 in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, used simulations to show that brief, irregular bursts of furious star formation can temporarily make galaxies appear brighter. In other words, JWST may have imaged these galaxies during a short period when they were birthing lots of stars before calming down again. If this were the case, astronomers assuming a steady rate of star formation would overestimate the amount of stars these galaxies had created over time based on their artificially enhanced brightness. But such an effect has not yet been observed in real galaxies, so further investigation is still needed.

As for the original team, Leja noted that not all the objects officially labeled galaxy candidates in the paper might truly be galaxies after all. Instead, he proposed some may be accreting supermassive black holes called quasars, which can shine more brightly than the galaxy around them and confuse astronomers estimates for brightness, size, and mass. And initial follow-up studies did discover one of the six candidates is indeed a young quasar. Only additional work to characterize the remaining candidates will tell whether they are truly young, massive galaxies forming lots of stars when they shouldnt be, or something else masquerading as such.

Still, said Nelson, if even one of these galaxies is real, it will push against the limits of our understanding of cosmology.

The mottled Milky Way is a familiar sight in the night sky. And whether viewed in visible light, with a radio telescope, or even with high-energy gamma rays, the image comes to us via photons of light. But last year, astronomers finally saw our galaxy in an entirely different way: not with light, but with neutrinos. Their accomplishment was published June 29 in Science.

Sometimes called ghost particles because they rarely interact with other matter, neutrinos reveal where high-energy events are taking place. One region astronomers expected them to come from is the plane of the Milky Way. There, cosmic rays (themselves hallmarks of high-energy events) slamming into gas and dust produce gamma rays that have been previously spotted. Researchers believed these interactions should also produce neutrinos.

But spotting neutrinos takes a special setup. For that, theres the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole, with 5,000-plus sensors buried beneath the ultra-pure Antarctic ice. Arrayed over roughly 0.24 cubic mile (1 cubic kilometer), these detectors dont see neutrinos directly, but instead key into the reaction that occurs when a neutrino does occasionally slam into an atom in the ice. The collision produces a slew of charged particles that cascade through the ice, generating a glow called Cherenkov radiation. Based on where and when each detector registers this glow, researchers can work backward to determine where on the sky the neutrino came from.

Although IceCube had previously detected neutrinos from outside our galaxy, finding those originating within the Milky Way has been difficult. Thats because neutrinos from far-off galaxies leave straight, easy-to-trace showers of light when they smack into the ice. To detect neutrinos produced inside the Milky Way, the team instead focused on tracks that were more like spherical blobs; these are harder to trace back to their origin and had typically gone ignored. That is, until a team developed a machine-learning algorithm to comb through a decade of readings, analyzing more than 60,000 detections for details such as position and energy. This helped differentiate between neutrinos produced in galactic dust and gas, and those commonly created when cosmic rays hit Earths atmosphere.

The result was a map of the Milky Way in neutrinos our first glimpse of our galaxy in anything other than light.

That map matches well those produced using gamma rays, as astronomers hoped. And within that map, there are hints of not only neutrinos from gas and dust, but possibly smaller sources such as black holes and neutron stars as well. Teasing out those sources is one of the teams future goals.

Observing our own galaxy for the first time using particles instead of light is a huge step, said Naoko Kurahashi Neilson, an IceCube team member at Drexel University in Philadelphia, in a release. As neutrino astronomy evolves, we will get a new lens with which to observe the universe.

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How we found the Milky Way’s bar: This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher – Astronomy Magazine

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The Milky Way is no ordinary spiral galaxy, but instead features an elongated bar of stars at its center with mysteries that astronomers are still trying to unlock.

The Milky Way's central region has not just a spherical core but an elongated bar of stars. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt (SSC/Caltech)

Its difficult to see the shape of something from inside of it and nowhere is that truer than in our own Milky Way Galaxy. It wasnt until 1923 that Edwin Hubble found definitive evidence that the Milky Way was just one of many other galaxies. And even after that, for decades, the shape of Milky Way was assumed to be a normal spiral galaxy.

But in 2005, a team led by astronomers from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater found strong evidence that the Milky Way is in fact a barred spiral galaxy. The team used data from NASAs Spitzer Space Telescope, an infrared telescope that was a forerunner to the current James Webb Space Telescope. Observing in infrared light allowed Spitzer to peer through interstellar dust and survey 30 million stars in the plane of the Milky Way in a project named the Galactic Legacy Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire, or GLIMPSE. That survey indicated that there was a long bar of stars extending from the galactic core a feature seen in many other galaxies.

Today, we know that the Milky Way is indeed a barred spiral galaxy. But astronomers still havent gained a complete picture of the bar, making it difficult to know precisely how large it is. But the European Space Agencys Gaia spacecraft which is making the largest ever 3D map of the stars in the Milky Way is starting to directly measure the galactic bar for the first time.

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The best telescope to use with a smartphone – Astronomy Magazine

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Astronomy contributing author Alister Ling views Comet Lemmon under a clear sky. Credit: Alister Ling

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The fusion of traditional stargazing with modern technology has opened up new horizons in the field of astronomy. For example, the ability to connect almost any smartphone or tablet to a high-quality telescope has revolutionized how we view, capture, and share the night sky.

Smartphone-enabled telescopes are not just sophisticated tools for observing the stars; many of these scopes also allow you to share photos of your cosmic journey with friends and family or even on social media.

In this guide, well explore some of the best telescopes that can be used with a smartphone, which will help you bring the wonders of the cosmos directly to your fingertips.

Factors to consider when buying a telescope to use with a smartphone

We know that selecting the right telescope can be an overwhelming experience, especially considering the investment involved in purchasing a high-end model. Thats why our goal here is to provide you with a detailed and user-friendly guide that will help you make an informed decision.

But before we jump into our top picks, its important to understand what factors make a telescope ideal for smartphone use. Here are the most important things you should consider:

How we determined our top picks

To make our selections, we considered real-world insights from user reviews, as well as expert opinions from the Astronomy staff, who together have decades of stargazing experience. In particular, we considered factors such as ease of use, optical quality, smartphone compatibility, and overall value for your money.

Best telescopes to use with a smartphone

Care and Maintenance of Your Telescope

Here are some essential tips for taking care of your telescope:

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JWST releases 19 awe-inspiring images of spiral galaxies – Astronomy Magazine

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These fiery images show where dust and stars are located, helping astronomers learn more about how galaxies are born and evolve over time.

A composite showing 19 JWST photos of spiral galaxies.

Appearing like twisted fireballs painting the sky, images of 19 face-on spiral galaxies in 11 constellations were captured by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and publicly released this week. This collection offers a detailed look at one of the most common types of galaxy and may reveal how such objects are born and evolve through time.

As part of Physics at High Angular resolution in Nearby GalaxieS (PHANGS) program, JWST used the Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) to capture the delicate webbing of warm dust (colored crimson and gold) within these galaxies. Meanwhile, JWSTs Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) images show stars and clusters, colored blue, according to a European Space Agency (ESA)news release.

Because galaxies grow from the inside out, the farther along the gaseous arms a star is located, the younger that stars age. The bright blue centers visible in some of these galaxies hold very old stars.

Some images even have features resembling the Eye of Sauron fromLord of the Rings in some of the images. These pink and white spotlights which show diffraction spikes are either indications of an active supermassive black hole or a dense central cluster of stars.

Ultimately, researchers hope to combine these new data with the rest of the PHANGS database to glean why spiral galaxies form various patterns, as well as how stars form throughout them.

(Credit for all photos: James Webb Space Telescope)

PHANGS is a huge collaboration of 150 international researchers that combines data in multiple wavelengths from JWST, the Hubble Space Telescope, the Very Large Telescope, and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array.


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