Daily Archives: June 20, 2023

Part 2The First of the 7 C’s of History: Creation – Answers In Genesis

Posted: June 20, 2023 at 8:43 pm

As mentioned in Part 1, many Christians struggle to connect the Bibles history with the real world because theyve been so influenced by secular, naturalistic teachings, particularly the six stages of the story of evolution (cosmological, geological, chemical, biological, human evolution and eventual heat death).

Even if many Christians dont believe in evolution per se, theyve still been indoctrinated into believing in millions-of-years history and other evolutionary teachings. The attacks on Genesis have been so massive that many Christians (even high-profile pastors, apologists, and Bible college professors) have largely given up trying to defend it, and most believers cant answer basic questions.

And if the average adult cant answer these questions, then chances are their children wont be able to, either. This means that their children could easily reject all of the Bible, which is exactly what has been documented as happening at an alarming rate in the West since 2000, where George Barnas research1 showed that 70% of young people from Christian homes who attended state-run education had abandoned the faith of their parents.

Most people in our churches dont understand that the Bible is a history book. Christianity is not based on myth or interesting stories but on real history. There was a real Adam to whom we are all related. There was a real garden and fall, which is why we are all sinners. There was a real curse, which is why there is death and suffering.

Lets look at just a few verses in Genesis and see what it plainly says about some of the social issues of today.

Biblically, we see that marriage is meant to be between one man and one woman (just like our original parents). The fact that we become one in marriage, as we see in Matthew 19:46 and Ephesians 5:2829, is because Eve was taken out of Adamthey were one flesh. Eve could not have come from some preexisting animalthis would destroy the basis of oneness in marriage.

As Genesis plainly teaches, there are only two created genders, not an evolving spectrum of them. And human life is precious, and we have inherent worth and value from the moment of fertilization to the last breath of old age because we are created in the image of God.

As the sovereign creator of all, God has dictated what is right and wrongmorality is, therefore, not arbitrary. Because God is holy and righteous, there are moral absolutesthey emanate from who God is.

And so, because Genesis 111 is the seedbed of not only these but all Christian doctrines, it is imperative that Christians be able to defend and proclaim the first of our 7 Cs of HistoryCreation.

Skeptics love to ask for proof of Gods existence as if it is just so obvious that there is none. And yet, the obvious question is, What evidence would you accept as proof of the creator God of the Bible? Because if you dont know what you are looking for, how would you recognize it when you see it?

Well, one obvious answer is that you would expect to see evidence of design in nature because we understand that all creations have a creator, buildings require a builder, and inventions have an inventor.

The Bible even speaks to the fact that the creation proves that there is a Creator. As Scripture says,

So, do we see evidence of incredible design in nature? Is there really an excuse not to believe in Creationthe first of the 7 Cs of biblical history?

Interestingly, atheistic evolutionists dont have a problem admitting to seeing design in nature, as evidenced by this quote from arch-atheist and evolution promoter Richard Dawkins:

However, in an attempt to skirt the obvious implication that design indicates a designer, the atheist argues that although nature appears to show evidence of purposeful design, everything in it was somehow brought about through purely naturalistic processes without any intelligent input. So, they argue it looks designed but isnt.

But what is the difference between something that only appears to be designed and something that was purposefully designed? Because the complexity of the design we see in nature is truly incredible, even at the microscopic level in the simplest living things. An example comes from PhD geneticist Michael Denton.

To grasp the reality of life as it has been revealed by molecular biology, we must magnify a cell a thousand million times until it is 20 kilometers in diameter and resembles a giant airship large enough to cover a great city like London or New York . . . What we would then see would be an object of unparalleled complexity and adaptive design.

On the surface of the cell we would see millions of openings, like the portholes of a vast spaceship, opening and closing to allow a continual stream of materials to flow in and out. If we were to enter one of these openings we would find ourselves in a world of supreme technology and bewildering complexity.3

Now, Dentons comparison of living things having similar qualities to (sophisticated technological creations that humans have created) airships and spaceships, and his use of superlative language such as unparalleled complexity and supreme technology, speaks to the magnitude of design that scientists observe.

Indeed, the biological technology we observe is truly mind-boggling when one looks at the complexity of even so-called simple life forms. Micro-constructs such as the minuscule motor protein kinesin, which operate like the mail delivery people inside cells and stroll along on two legs, carrying packages around with military precision and enviable accuracy, are (at least so far) admittedly beyond human intelligence to create.

And when we add design features into the equation, such as the incredible variety of eyes in living things, marvelous mechanisms like the mind-blowing immune system, life-saving systems such as the blood-clotting cascade (triggered when creatures are injured), or simply the existence of a coded language system in the form of DNAscientists freely admit that creating such mechanisms is unattainable by even our most intelligent scientists.

As Jack Szostak, an evolutionist from Harvard Medical School, admitted,

When you boil it down, belief in atheistic evolution entails believing that non-intelligence is far better at designing things than an intelligence isbetter even than the supreme intelligence on the planet (the human mind) that was supposedly unintelligently designed by that very process.

So, ultimately, atheists admit we do find the evidence youd expect to find if God exists (design). The evidence of Gods existence is literally all around them and even within them!

However, to sidestep the obvious conclusion that God exists, they suppress that truth, and instead of intelligent design, they champion unintelligent design. So, it isnt as if there is no evidence for God, but they choose not to see it. They are willingly ignorant of the Genesis account of creation (and Noahs flood), as 2 Peter 3:57 says, and will be held accountable for their willing unbelief:

However, remember our other former question? What is the difference between something that only appears to be created and something that was purposefully designed? Well, one way to differentiate between the two is our innate understanding that the more complex something is, the more intelligence it likely took to design and create it.

For example, anyone examining a paper airplane would instantly know it had been designed. How? Well, the finished product is made from components that do not have the capability to self-arrange themselves into such a specific, aerodynamic shape.

Paper is made from wood pulp, which is made from trees. However, trees dont have the ability within themselves to become papera mind is required to create processes to do this.

Evolutionists might tout natural selection and genetic mutation as supposed creative mechanisms that could somehow evolve creatures from one kind to another given enough time. However, natural selection only selects from, and genetic mutations only corrupt preexisting genetic information.

So, they certainly cant account for the creation of the supposed first living organism in the third stage of the evolutionary story (chemical evolution) because the first living thing would have needed a genetic code for natural selection to select from or for mutations to mutate and change!

And they certainly have never been observed causing the transformation of one unique kind to another (biological evolutionthe supposed fourth stage of the story of evolution) either. They only make variations of the same kind of creaturenever new ones. They simply arent creative in any true sense of the word. Now having said that, lets return to our paper airplane example because there are other factors to consider.

Even if there was a naturalistic process that somehow transformed trees into paper, no matter how many sheets of paper might be produced, the specific arrangement of that paper into a structure with the ability to soar through the air (should the right propulsion be applied to it) adds a further level of complexity beyond that of the arrival of the paper itself.

Now extrapolate those thoughts and compare them to another kind of airplane, like a US F-16 jet fighter. There isnt a person with an iota of common sense who would argue that something like that machine could somehow come into being without intelligent input.

Again, we recognize that the increased complexity of form, function, and features equals increased intelligence behind the design of whatever product is being discussed. And yet, the simplest living thing we observe is vastly superior in technological ability to an F-16it isnt even close.

Some atheists attempt to counter this idea of obvious design by pointing to examples of apparent design found in nature, such as crystals or snowflakes. However, such examples only go to prove the creationist viewpoint.

Unlike the paper or jet plane mentioned earlier, in which component parts do not contain inherent properties that could cause them to form, crystals and snowflakes are formed because of the intrinsic qualities their parts initially possess.

Snowflakes, for example, show beautiful, highly ordered design patterns which automatically arise under simple freezing conditions. The water that forms snowflakes is doing what comes naturally, given the properties of the system.

There is no need for any intelligence, external information, or programming to be added to the system in the case of a snowflake forming. The existing properties of the water molecule and the atmospheric conditions are enough to inevitably give rise to snowflake-type patterns.

To clarify the difference between real and apparent design even further, compare a crocheted doily to a snowflake. Both have a beautiful, organized pattern that appears designed.

And yet, whereas water has inherent properties that allow crystal formation and attachment to occur in specific temperature environments, the doily is made from cotton yarn. And cotton does not have properties that self-arrange it into yarn, nor does yarn have the inherent ability to deploy itself into artful arrangements.

One (the snowflake) did not require an outside intelligence to arrange it, while the other (the doily) did. And when we look at the world around us, what we see is example after example of the complexity and incredible engineering inside living things that simply could not come about through naturalistic processes.

And when you think about it, as beautiful as every snowflake is, the spontaneous creation of a snowflake compared to how living things might have spontaneously arisen is incredibly weak.

Recognizing true design comes naturally to us, and we appreciate and value modern technology. We want faster, more efficient computers. We are fascinated by spaceships soaring to Mars, submarines diving to incredible depths, mind-activated prosthetic limbs, and dynamic movies with ultra-real effects. And again, when we see advanced technology, we understand that it takes intelligent minds to make it.

However, nothing man-made compares to the complexity of living things. So, why is it then that highly intelligent people around the world are unwilling to believe that there is a God who created them that is vastly more intelligent than they are? Because believing in God means that they should also believe in and obey the rules that he has given them.

The world around us clearly supports a plain reading of the Genesis account of creation and, as a historical text, exhibits everything one would expect to find. As Romans 1:20 (read earlier) says, design is clearly demonstrated all around us every day, so no one has an excuse not to believe in God. This is why the Bible says,

Remember, there isnt a scientific fact properly interpreted that contradicts a plain reading of the Bible. It is only evolutionary interpretations of facts we see in the present that contradict what the Bible clearly says. Belief in the story of evolution, which has never been observed, cannot be duplicated in a laboratory, has no historical documentation, and actually breaks laws of science (such as the law of biogenesis), is truly an unscientific worldview.

Of course, we do live in a seemingly contradictory world at times. We live in a place of great love and beauty yet observe ugliness and cruelty. And that is why Christians need to be able to understand and explain the fall, which explains the origin of death and suffering.

So, tune in next week when we will gain more insight into our journey through the 7 Cs of History as we arrive at the second CCorruption!

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Part 2The First of the 7 C's of History: Creation - Answers In Genesis

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Stephen Colbert And Elon Musk Had Opposite Views About Life On … – TheThings

Posted: at 8:43 pm

Elon Musk is one of the most radical thinkers of our generation. One interview of his on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert from 2015 is a prime example, as the pair disagreed on the potential of forming a human colony on Mars.

Colbert has been working in the late night scene for more than two decades, having started out as a correspondent on Comedy Centrals The Daily Show. This was in the programs Jon Stewart era.

With this kind of experience under his belt, Colbert has definitely endured many arguments with various guests. These have ranged from the most insignificant, to others which carried a lot of weight.

As an example, he once hosted fellow late night TV icon Bill Maher on his show. In their conversation, Maher admitted that the pair were complete opposites. Colbert is of course open about his adherence to religion, while his guest on the day is a self-proclaimed atheist.

Colbert has also clashed on the same topic with Ricky Gervais. While often taking more of a live-and-let-live approach, Gervais was not a fan of one particular question in their discussion, which led to a very lively debate between them.

RELATED: Stephen Colbert Apologized To Donald Trump During Their Rare Interview, But The Host Clearly Wasn't Taking Him Seriously

One of Colberts most uncomfortable interviews was with the actor T.J. Miller, at least according to fans. It wasnt quite the same level of weirdness with Musk, but their respective opinions on life on Mars were almost night and day.

Elon Musk has made a name for himself as an enigmatic entrepreneur and mastermind behind groundbreaking ventures like Tesla and SpaceX. Under the latter banner, he now has set his sights on a target that seems straight out of science fiction: terraforming Mars.

The richest person on earth according to Investopedia, Musk firmly believes that transforming an entire planet to make it habitable for human beings can become a reality in the not-too-distant future.

Terraforming is the process of deliberately modifying a planets environment to make it more Earth-like. The concept has been a topic of fascination for scientists and science fiction writers for decades.

The idea of turning Mars specifically into a second home for humanity has captivated the public imagination, but it is Musk who appears to have boldly stepped forward to champion the cause and bring it into the mainstream.

RELATED: Elon Musk And Jeff Bezos Are Two Of The World's Richest Men, But They Flaunt Their Net Worths Very Differently

Musks audacity can nonetheless overtake reality, at times. As far back as 2017, he was targeting to send people on trips to Mars by 2022.

Elon Musks global profile and success has multiplied many times over since he was interviewed by Stephen Colbert for The Late Show in September 2015. Even so, he was already known as something of an eccentric figure even back then.

As a matter of fact, the host compared him to outlandish Marvel character Iron Man / Tony Stark, and wondered whether he saw himself as a superhero or a super villain. In typical Musk style, he simply responded:

Well, Im trying to do good things.

Colbert was clearly skeptical from the beginning, implying that it was impossible for a billionaire to also try and do good things for the world. On the potential of the human race colonizing Mars, he questioned the feasibility of such a plan. Why do we want to go to Mars? he posed. Its uninhabitable. Its very inhospitable.

RELATED: Stephen Colbert Handled An Awkward Interview Like A Pro In His Most-Watched Youtube Video Of All Time

In response, Musk responded by insisting that the answer was simple: terraforming Mars. One of the ways he suggested doing this was to nuke the planets atmosphere, which strengthened Colberts perspective of him as a super villain.

The debate between Elon Musk and Stephen Colbert in 2015 was mostly cordial. Whatever relationship might have existed between the pair appears to have since soured somewhat, however.

If nothing else, this could be evidenced by the fact that the multi-billionaire has never appeared on The Late Show again ever since. Some may argue that Musk is a busy man, but he has continued to feature on various talk shows, including Real Time with Bill Maher in late April 2023.

Colbert was also very openly and strongly critical of Musks buyout of Twitter in 2022. Speaking during a monologue, he said: The discourse in America is about to get way worse thanks to new Twitter CEO Elon Musk.

He also addressed a specific tweet by the mogul that he found in bad taste, and also used that particular occasion to take a jibe at his physical looks. Musk blaming [a] victim of violence. Thats not just awful, that is beyond the pale and so is Elon Musk, said Colbert. Look how wide he is... Not so much Moby, hes just a d***!

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Stephen Colbert And Elon Musk Had Opposite Views About Life On ... - TheThings

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Hope for living: Anger against Gods word, people has a spiritual … – Greenfield Daily Reporter

Posted: at 8:43 pm

A well-known defender of biblical truth in an assembly of people gathered to hear worldviews was asked what he meant by the term God.

The question was posed with a spirit of hostility and anger by someone who admitted to being an atheist. As I continued reading the story of aggression and anger, it made me wonder, Why such anger?

Why does it matter in a world of diverse beliefs whether someone believes in God whom the Bible presents as Source and Creator? Why get angry if someone says they believe in God? Do not people have different opinions about other subjects in life without getting angry?

I like honey mustard on my salad, but my wife likes thousand island dressing. We have yet to become angry about it.

A verse of Scripture, Revelation 12:12, rebounded immediately in my mind. The context of the Scripture is the announcement that Satan, the devil, has been thrown out of Heaven where he and his angels were defeated.

These words follow that announcement: rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath (anger), because he knows that his time is short!

The anger demonstrated toward those who love God and speak from Gods word is sourced from the anger the devil brought to the earth when he was booted from Heaven.

There will be no next year or next time for Satan on the final judgment day. His shot at the title to be God is done! In the meantime, he will stay angry about it until he and all who follow him will be cast into an eternal fire pit never to infect or hurt anyone whose trust is in God.

Until that time of eternal judgment comes, the heat of the devils anger can be expected when Gods Word of truth regarding public practices and policies is introduced into a public forum.

Heres the truth without the guard rails of Gods moral truth in public life, all Hell breaks loose. When anyone doesnt know Gods truth about their existence or their purpose, a great darkness moves into their life and eventually, unless Gods truth penetrates their hearts and minds, they will call darkness, light and light, darkness.

So, when God or Gods truth is introduced into a gathering of worldly knowledge, it is threatening to the devil, and he will literally raise Hell against all threats. Satans target is to destroy hope.

David Woods is a teaching pastor at Park Chapel Christian Church in Greenfield. This column is written by local clergy members.

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Hope for living: Anger against Gods word, people has a spiritual ... - Greenfield Daily Reporter

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Whanganui actor Russell Penton enjoying rehearsals for The Lion in … – New Zealand Herald

Posted: at 8:43 pm

King Philip of France, aka actor Russell Penton.

Popular Whanganui actor Russell Penton is enjoying rehearsals for The Lion in Winter, in which he plays the part of the French King Philip.

Russell describes the king as ambitious, charismatic, and antagonistic.

Hes determined to fulfil the treaty made between his father and King Henry the Second of England Russell said.

I think this is the most important part Ive ever played.

Hes particularly pleased to be acting under Kerry Girdwoods directorship again. Kerry directed Russell in The Daylight Atheist, when he played the part of the atheists loveable Mori mate.

Most recently, Russell amused audiences playing one of Falstaffs rogue henchmen in The Merry Wives of Windsor at Bason Reserve.

Russell has a wealth of theatre experience including playing parts as film extras both here and in Australia. When I asked him about that he said: Dont worry about the films. Im just happy at Repertory Theatre. Im enjoying acting with the newcomers to Repertory and were all forming a close bond.

Russells portrayal of King Philip matching his wits against King Henry of England promises to be enlightening.

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Whanganui actor Russell Penton enjoying rehearsals for The Lion in ... - New Zealand Herald

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Three Jewish leaders named to US heritage government agency – JNS.org

Posted: at 8:43 pm

(June 19, 2023 / JNS)

U.S. President Joe Biden named three Jewish leaders to the U.S. Commission for the Preservation of Americas Heritage Abroad, a nearly-40-year-old U.S. government agency that helps protect endangered cemeteries, monuments and historic buildings in Eastern and Central Europe.

Rabbi Abba Cohen, vice president for government affairs and Washington director of Agudath Israel of America; Joseph Douek, a businessman and philanthropist; and Yair Robinson, senior rabbi at Congregation Beth Emeth, a Reform synagogue In Wilmington, Del., were tapped for the position on June 16.

The commission was created following the Holocaust and 45 years of atheist Communist governments, according to its website. The Holocaust annihilated much of Europes Jewish population, killing most Jews and forcing others to flee. In many countries, none were left to continue to care for the communal properties that represented a historic culture in the area and have importance within the Jewish religion.

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Three Jewish leaders named to US heritage government agency - JNS.org

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8 Best CBD Oils For Cats With Anxiety – mindbodygreen

Posted: at 8:42 pm

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This content is produced in collaboration with an advertising partner and follows mindbodygreens editorial guidelines. The content is written by a third party. Statements are not fact-checked by a medical expert.

Image by Penguin / mbg creative

June 20, 2023

Advertorial:This content is produced by a third-party advertiser. Statements are not fact checked by a medical professional.

Disclaimer: Our website includes general information and instruction relating to health and wellness topics. This content is not a substitute for medical advice from your health care provider. All treatment decisions should be determined in partnership with a health care practitioner. Hemp CBD products are derived from U.S. industrial hemp (less than 0.3% THC) and European hemp (less than 0.2% THC). While CBD products derived from the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa) are legal on a federal level in the U.S., some states have specific laws, so you'll want to check your state's laws to be sure.

The best CBD oils for cats with anxiety

Many people struggling with anxiety have turned to CBD to help promote a sense of calmbut humans aren't the only ones who can benefit from the cannabinoid. If your cat struggles with occasional bouts of anxiousness, there's a chance that CBD oil could help support a more even mood.*

The research surrounding CBD and cats is in even earlier stages than the studies on humans. While a 2021 study1 found that CBD is generally well tolerated by healthy cats, most evidence supporting the use of CBD oils for cats with anxiety is anecdotal from pet owners or veterinarians.

What we do know about cats and CBD? Similar to humans, cat have an endocannabinoid system or ECS. This biological communication network 2 is present in all mammals, where it plays a role in supporting the balance of body systems, like the nervous and immune systems.

The ECS has an impact on pain control, digestion, and, you guessed it, mood. When you give your feline CBD, you're introducing external cannabinoids to support the endocannabinoid system, including your animal's mood. Just remember further research is still needed to understand the exact interaction between CBD and the ECSeven in humans.

If you're ready to explore the benefits of CBD oil for cats, we've compiled a list of our top picks to guide you toward the best possible option. Just remember that it is key to consult your vet before introducing a new supplement into your cat's routine.

Penguin CBD Cat Oil sources broad-spectrum hemp from pesticide-free Oregon farms for a CBD that you can feel good about giving your cat. Each bottle has just four ingredients: hemp, MCT oil, natural flavor, and terpenes (part of the hemp plant). When combined together, they offer a gentle 5mg of CBD per serving in a cat-friendly salmon flavor. Our only note? While MCT oil is a common carrier oil for CBDincluding in pet-focused formulasit's not tolerated by all furry companions.

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Penguin CBD Cat Oil sources broad-spectrum hemp from pesticide-free Oregon farms for a CBD that you can feel good about giving your cat. Each bottle has just four ingredients: hemp, MCT oil, natural flavor, and terpenes (part of the hemp plant). When combined together, they offer a gentle 5mg of CBD per serving in a cat-friendly salmon flavor. Our only note? While MCT oil is a common carrier oil for CBDincluding in pet-focused formulasit's not tolerated by all furry companions.

FOCL specifically formulated this non-GMO CBD oil for petsand it shows from the three pet-friendly flavors. You'll have the choice of Peanut Butter, Wild Salmon, or Savory Chicken oil, which comes in either a gentle (10mg CBD per serving) or moderate (20mg) potency. Our favorite part? These oils are actually vegan despite the flavor names.

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FOCL specifically formulated this non-GMO CBD oil for petsand it shows from the three pet-friendly flavors. You'll have the choice of Peanut Butter, Wild Salmon, or Savory Chicken oil, which comes in either a gentle (10mg CBD per serving) or moderate (20mg) potency. Our favorite part? These oils are actually vegan despite the flavor names.

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Cornbread Hemps pet-friendly formula uses only three ingredients: USDA certified organic hemp, organic MCT oil, and the brands proprietary vegan corn dog flavoring. Derived from top-quality hemp plants from the brands own Kentucky farms, this full-spectrum option ensures a robust combination of beneficial cannabinoids, terpenes, and other natural compounds. It does only come in one flavor and potency (17mg CBD per serving), though, but youll likely be able to customize your cats dose using the clearly marked dropper.

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Cornbread Hemps pet-friendly formula uses only three ingredients: USDA certified organic hemp, organic MCT oil, and the brands proprietary vegan corn dog flavoring. Derived from top-quality hemp plants from the brands own Kentucky farms, this full-spectrum option ensures a robust combination of beneficial cannabinoids, terpenes, and other natural compounds. It does only come in one flavor and potency (17mg CBD per serving), though, but youll likely be able to customize your cats dose using the clearly marked dropper.

Fewer pet oils are USDA certified organic, but this option from InnoVet is an exception. Formulated for cats and small dogs, the full-spectrum pick comes in two gentle strengths with either 4 or 8mg of CBD per serving. Not only does the oil come with a 30-day money back guarantee, but it also opts for hemp oil rather than MCT oilso you get the bonus of additional omega fatty acids in the carrier oil. While there aren't any fun flavors of this oil, the brand does also offer a hemp oil with catnip instead (if you need a little extra incentive).

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Fewer pet oils are USDA certified organic, but this option from InnoVet is an exception. Formulated for cats and small dogs, the full-spectrum pick comes in two gentle strengths with either 4 or 8mg of CBD per serving. Not only does the oil come with a 30-day money back guarantee, but it also opts for hemp oil rather than MCT oilso you get the bonus of additional omega fatty acids in the carrier oil. While there aren't any fun flavors of this oil, the brand does also offer a hemp oil with catnip instead (if you need a little extra incentive).

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ElleVets CBD oil is a stronger-potency option that uses a proprietary strain of full-spectrum hemp combined with CBDa or cannabidiolic acid. [The latter is believed to be even more potent than regular CBD, those further research is still needed.] If the 70mg serving of this oil seems too high for your fur-baby, it comes with a syringe to easily customize the dosage as needed. Plus, the brand even includes free capsules to help pet parents sneak the oil into their cat's favorite treat.

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ElleVets CBD oil is a stronger-potency option that uses a proprietary strain of full-spectrum hemp combined with CBDa or cannabidiolic acid. [The latter is believed to be even more potent than regular CBD, those further research is still needed.] If the 70mg serving of this oil seems too high for your fur-baby, it comes with a syringe to easily customize the dosage as needed. Plus, the brand even includes free capsules to help pet parents sneak the oil into their cat's favorite treat.

Science-Rite uses USA-grown, organic, broad-spectrum hemp in its cat-friendly formula. The Nano Hemp Pet Tincture comes in four different flavorsbeef, peanut butter, chicken, or salmonand is available in a wide range of strengths. The lowest, and likely the best starting point for pet parents who are new to CBD, is the lowest strength formula with 5mg of CBD per serving. It does, however, contain MCT oil as a carrier, which may or may not work for your cat.

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Science-Rite uses USA-grown, organic, broad-spectrum hemp in its cat-friendly formula. The Nano Hemp Pet Tincture comes in four different flavorsbeef, peanut butter, chicken, or salmonand is available in a wide range of strengths. The lowest, and likely the best starting point for pet parents who are new to CBD, is the lowest strength formula with 5mg of CBD per serving. It does, however, contain MCT oil as a carrier, which may or may not work for your cat.

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Another USDA certified organic formula, this full-spectrum tincture offer a gentle potency of 4mg of CBD per serving to promote relaxation.* Also certified by the National Animal Supplement Council (NASC), it has just two ingredients: MCT oil and hemp.

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Another USDA certified organic formula, this full-spectrum tincture offer a gentle potency of 4mg of CBD per serving to promote relaxation.* Also certified by the National Animal Supplement Council (NASC), it has just two ingredients: MCT oil and hemp.

One of the more affordable picks on our list, Hemp Factory Outlet sources hemp from USA farms and uses minimal ingredients in its pet-friendly formulas. While this tincture is only available in one potency, Hemp Factory Outlet provides a marked dropper and offers guidance on how to best administer to your cat based on their weight. Also worth noting: This is another unflavored oil, so you may need to get a little creative by dropping it on your cats food or treats.

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One of the more affordable picks on our list, Hemp Factory Outlet sources hemp from USA farms and uses minimal ingredients in its pet-friendly formulas. While this tincture is only available in one potency, Hemp Factory Outlet provides a marked dropper and offers guidance on how to best administer to your cat based on their weight. Also worth noting: This is another unflavored oil, so you may need to get a little creative by dropping it on your cats food or treats.

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Product Quality and Purity

We thoroughly evaluated the quality and purity of each CBD oil for cats with anxiety. We considered factors such as the source of the CBD, whether it was derived from organic hemp plants, and whether the products underwent third-party lab testing to ensure potency, purity, and the absence of harmful contaminants.

CBD Concentration and Dosage

We examined the concentration of CBD in each oil and its suitability for cats. The optimal dosage for feline anxiety varies, so we looked for oils with clear dosage instructions and options for different cat sizes. We considered products that provided a sufficient concentration of CBD to be effective without overwhelming the cat's system.

Customer Reviews and Feedback

We paid close attention to customer reviews and feedback from cat owners who had used CBD oils for anxiety relief. Positive testimonials regarding effectiveness, ease of administration, and overall satisfaction were important factors. We also considered any negative feedback or concerns to ensure a comprehensive evaluation.

With the rising popularity of CBD for cats or dogs, it can be tricky to navigate the wide array of options available in the market. Be sure to take into account factors like the quality of ingredients, third-party lab testing, and a pet-friendly potency when making your selection. And always speak with your pet's veterinarian before adding a new supplement to their routine.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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8 Best CBD Oils For Cats With Anxiety - mindbodygreen

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CBD Oil Market to Reach USD 55,791.3 Million by 2028 | With – GlobeNewswire

Posted: at 8:42 pm

Pune, India, June 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The global CBD oil market size is expected to showcase considerable growth by reaching USD 55,791.3 million by 2028 while exhibiting an exceptional CAGR of 47.49% between 2023 and 2028. This information is published by Fortune Business Insights, in a report, titled CBD Oil Market, 2023-2028. The report further mentions that the market stood at USD 2,770.8 million in 2020. Factors such as the increasing product approvals by the FDA and concerned government agencies and the growing demand for CBD amongst health and fitness enthusiasts will bode well for the growth of the market. For instance, according to a report by the Harvard Health Institute in 2018, CBD can be extensively adopted to provide relief from health issues such as anxiety, insomnia, etc.

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The CBD oil market has experienced significant growth in recent years, driven by the increasing awareness of its potential health benefits and the legalization of cannabis in some countries. CBD is a non-psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant that has been shown to have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and neuroprotective properties, among others. It is used in a wide range of products, including oils, capsules, edibles, and topicals, and is believed to help with conditions such as chronic pain, anxiety, and epilepsy. The market is expected to continue to grow as more countries legalize cannabis and more research is conducted on the potential therapeutic applications of CBD.

List of Key Players Profiled in the CBD oil market Report:

Report Scope & Segmentation:

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Market Segmentation:

On the basis of source, the market is bifurcated into marijuana and hemp. Furthermore, based on application, the market is segregated into food & beverages, pharmaceuticals, pet care, cosmetics, and others.

On the basis of application, the pharmaceuticals segment is expected to hold the largest global CBD Oil market share during the forecast period. This is owing to the constant focus on developing innovative medical products across the pharmaceutical industry worldwide. Lastly, based on region, the market is categorized into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and the Middle East and Africa.

What does the Report Provide?

The global CBD oil market report provides a detailed analysis of several factors such as the key drivers and restraints that will impact growth. Additionally, the report provides insights into the regional analysis that covers different regions, contributing to the growth of the market. It includes the competitive landscape that involves the leading companies and the adoption of strategies by them to introduce new products, announce partnerships, and collaborate that will further contribute to the market growth. Moreover, the research analyst has adopted several research methodologies such as PORTERs Five Point Analysis and PESTEL to obtain information about the current trends and industry developments that will drive the market growth between 2023 and 2028. Our well-revised reports help companies to receive in-depth information about the present scenario of every market so that they can adopt the necessary strategies accordingly.

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Increasing FDA Approvals for CBD Products to Promote Market Growth

The prominent players in the market are focusing on launching novel and advanced products to cater to the high demand for CBD among consumers. The increasing utilization of the product in the manufacturing of medicines and consumer products will create lucrative opportunities for the market. The rising approval grants from government agencies for various CBD products are further expected to favor the growth of the market. Additionally, the proactive focus of the manufacturers towards the incorporation of CBD in a variety of food products is expected to contribute to the global CBD Oil market growth during the forecast period.


North America The region stood at USD 1276.7 million in 2020 and is anticipated to hold the highest position in the market in the forthcoming years. This is attributable to the favorable government policies that enable the commercialization of cannabidiol products in countries such as the U.S. and Canada.

Europe The market in the region is anticipated to showcase exponential growth backed by the rising sales of CBD products such as vaping, smoking, and edibles in the region between 2023 and 2028.


Major Companies Focus on Partnerships to Brighten Their Market Prospects

The global market for cannabidiol is experiencing healthy competition among key players that are focusing on partnering with other companies to expand their product portfolio and further boost sales revenues. Additionally, the other major companies are striving to maintain their presence by adopting strategies such as merger and acquisition, facility expansion, and collaboration that will bode well for the growth of the market in the forthcoming years.

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Industry Development:

February 2020 - Colgate-Palmolive Company announced the launch of a new product in the U.S. The company reports that the product, CBD Vegan Lip Balm, will help to expand its cosmetics business in the country.

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CBD Oil Market to Reach USD 55,791.3 Million by 2028 | With - GlobeNewswire

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Using TLC-MS for the Direct Analysis of CBD – AZoM

Posted: at 8:42 pm

The utilization of cannabis and its derivatives in nutritional supplements and medicine has increased worldwide, primarily because of the favorable regulatory status for medicinal use. As new compounds continue to arrive on the market, accessible techniques are needed to analyze product quality quickly and efficiently.

Cannabidiol (CBD) has become a popular health supplement in the UK, while multiple studies have reported analgesic anti-depressant effects. CBD is derived from the Cannabaceae genus of flowering hemp, and during the extraction process, the essential oils that create the body of the sample matrix are released.

This complex matrix presents a challenge when testing product quality. This article discusses how a QA scientist can extract CBD from the starting matrix, utilizing a hyphenated technique of CAMAG's planar chromatography technology and Microsaic's point-of-need mass spectrometer (MS) and fluidics handling platform.

Samples of CBD were acquired in three forms: 5% hemp oil droplets, 2.75% hemp oil droplets, and 10 mg capsules. These samples were mixed with methanol and injected into HPLC vials, which were then placed into the CAMAG Automatic TLC Sampler 4.

Samples were applied onto HPTLC plates (HPTLC Si RP-18 F254, 20x10) in narrow bands. Vision CATS software was employed, and plates were developed using the CAMAG Automatic Developing Chamber 2.

A developing solvent mixture of methanol, water, and acetic acid (in the respective ratio of 70:15:15) was utilized and then presented with the CAMAG TLC Visualizer 2. The CAMAG TLC 2 Interface extracted bands from the developed plate.

The extraction solvent consisted of methanol and water in a ratio of 80:20 at 0.5 ml/min. This solvent was provided by the Microsaic MiDasTM, with the extracted sample passing directly into the Microsaic 4500 MiD.

Figure 1. System configuration showing the TLC2 interface connected to the 4500 MiD. Image Credit: Microsaic Systems plc

Figure 2 presents the developed plates alongside a CBD standard for comparison. Good agreement is observed with the developed band around 0.3 rf, providing confidence that the separation has been successful.

Figure 2. Developed plate showing separated samples. Band at 0.3 rf corresponds well with reported rf value for CBD. Image Credit: Microsaic Systems plc

Mass detection is favored since it provides direct confirmation while removing the need for expensive, difficult-to-obtain reference standards. Information-rich data that contains co-eluting compounds and matrix impurities is acquired.

The developed plate was transferred to the TLC Interface 2, and the targeting laser was aligned onto the band at 0.3 rf. The sample was extracted and passed through the solvent stream via an inline filter to the MiD mass detector.

Figure 3 presents the MS data from the developed plate. A good response is observed from a full scan total ion count (TIC) over the full mass range (50-1400 m/z) in tandem with a SIM acquisition that is run concurrently (MaSScope; 315.2 m/z).

Figure 3. MaSScope data showing combination of TIC over 50-1400u mass rage and SIM scan @ 315.2. Bottom shows the mass spectrum extracted from the TIC *CBD peak (m/z 315.2; [M+H]+). Image Credit: Microsaic Systems plc

Figure 4. Mass spectrum of extracted band @ 0.3 rf CBD 315.2 m/z; [CBD+H]+. Image Credit: Microsaic Systems plc

In Figure 4, the signal in the mass spectrum, which corresponds to [CBD+H]+ is visible, which shows the sensitivity of the MiD and the flexibility to run two methods concurrently.

CAMAG planar chromatography equipment and Microsaic point-of-need technology have been employed to extract mass data from popular high-street health supplements. The accessibility of the MiD complements the CAMAG planar technology.

The intrinsic usability minimizes the time required from setup to analysis, allowing the study of developed plates to occur in line with established workflows.

As cannabis becomes more accepted in nutritional supplements and medicine, flexible methods are required to overcome these challenges. Microsaic Systems Plc and Omicron Research Ltd are committed to delivering these solutions to the point of need.

Produced from materials originally authored by Microsaic Systems Plc. The original authors wish to thank the University of Westminster and Omicron Research Ltd for access to chromatography equipment and application support.

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Microsaic Systems plc.

For more information on this source, please visit Microsaic Systems plc.

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Using TLC-MS for the Direct Analysis of CBD - AZoM

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Cornbread Hemp Organic CBD Gummies Review – BusinessMole

Posted: at 8:42 pm

Ever since the legalization of cannabis by the2018 Farm Act, millions of people have been discovering its benefits and ways to consume it safely. Hemp products are now being recommended by wellness experts, therapists, medical doctors, and veterinarians for human and animal consumption to alleviate the symptoms of several ailments and as a health boost. As a result, the market has experienced an influx of cannabis products in multiple forms ranging from drops, pills, gummies, vapes, smokes, oils, creams, and treats for our favorite animals.

Gummies are one of the most convenient and discrete ways to consume hemp-related products. They are especially great for people with an aversion to smoking or consuming CBD oils and pills. With their exciting shapes, colors, and fruity scents, one can easily pop a gummy while their friends assume they are eating usual candies. This article thoroughly explores cornbread CBD gummies, highlighting their composition, benefits, safety, and side effects.

Cornbread Hemp is a full spectrum CBD-infused, vegan gummy bear product from a family-owned business in Kentucky. The product is made of organic CBD oils specifically sourced from Kentucky-bred hemp. The brand uses a flower-only approach, meaning that the stems, stalks, and leaves are removed in the manufacturing process to offer more potent products. The brand has an A+ customer feedback rating on most of its products, including cornbread gummies. It has never been involved in any lawsuits or received anyproduct blacklisting from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Although cornbread CBD gummies are slightly pricier than other cannabis competitor brands, they are made from USDA-certified organic hemp. They have proven third-party testing and come with more potent effects, giving them good value for money. The cornbread CBD gummies are made using natural, organic apple pectin as a substitute for animal-based gelatin, so they are juicy, tender, and suitable for vegans.

The full-spectrum, flower-only formulation is packed with a fruity aroma that mutes the hemp flavor, making them a discrete choice for CBD consumption in public. The product also comes in an aesthetically pleasing glass bottle that is compact and easy to carry in a bag.

Cornbread CBD gummies are safe and non-addictive since they dont contain the psychoactive compound in marijuana THC. There are minimal chances of overdose when using these products though excess consumption will cause elongated effects, especially for newbie users. That being said, some medications and substances shouldnt be consumed together with CBD as they may severely counteract each other. Therefore, it is advisable to consult your doctor before incorporating these gummies into your health regimen.

As mentioned above, these products have undergone third-party testing for CBD and THC amounts, terpene profile, mycotoxins, microbial, foreign matter, pesticides, heavy metals, and residual solvents. The manufacturing facilities are also third-party certified and comply with theCurrent Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) regulations.

Cornbread gummies contain cannabidiol (CBD),which is a cannabinoid present in the cannabis plant. CBD is related to many potential health benefits because it interacts with theendocannabinoid systemin the body, a complex biological system that helps regulate and balance key bodily functions. Here are some of the health bonuses of consuming these gummies.

TheAmerican Psychology Association (APA)defines anxiety as a feeling characterized by tension, worry, and physical changes such as heightened blood pressure. Like exercise and meditation, CBD gummies are a natural way to relieve anxiety and stress. The advantage of these gummies over the other two practices is that its a quick and easy way to blow steam that doesnt require consistency, practice, or discipline to start or maintain. CBD works in collaboration with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) tobind specific brain receptorsresponsible for ease and calmness. Users have reported fast results from consuming cornbread CBD gummies, and long-term use may provide mental and emotional equilibrium.

Though the role of CBD in pain management is still under research, anecdotal evidence proves that CBD can significantly reduce chronic pain and inflammation without the dire and addictive effects caused by opioids.

Uneven sleep patterns often trigger frustration, anger, physical maladies, and unproductivity. Being a full-spectrum CBD product, cornbread CBD gummies can quickly help lull you to sleep. They are a safe, effective, natural, and healthier alternative compared to pharmaceutical sleeping pills, that are often producing undesirable medical conditions and addictions.

Anecdotal research indicates that CBD optimizes gut health by boosting mucosal defense, creating and maintaining optimal pH levels in the intestines, and controlling the stomachs natural flora. Full-spectrum CBD also reduces inflammation, thus promoting healthy digestion and food absorption and reducing nutrient waste throughout the body. Cornbread CBD gummies have also been reported to help relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, such as constipation.

Full-spectrum CBD is often associated with increased appetite, which in turn helps improve the consumers energy levels and battles lethargy. Additionally, cornbread CBD gummies have been reported to cause an energy surge in users with low energy levels who need motivation for productivity. The best thing about CBD gummies is that you can quickly pop one in the mouth without drawing attention to yourself whenever youre feeling down.

People generally tolerate CBD products well, though some may still experience side effects. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns that further research is needed to determine the long-term safety of CBD use. Drowsiness, diarrhea, decreased appetite, and increased irritability are among the possible adverse effects you may encounter during the first use instances, while more serious complications connected with consistent CBD overdosing are liver damage and male fertility loss. Medication can also interact with CBD. Thus, we recommend consulting a healthcare expert before using CBD to verify that it does not interfere with any other medications or supplements you are taking. Get somecornbread hemp organic CBD gummies 1500mgfor yourself or as a gift to a loved one, and enjoy all the fantastic benefits today. Be sure to share your experience with the gummies for others to learn a thing or two about these CBD gummies.

Cornbread CBD gummies are an excellent alternative to CBD smoking, vaping, or CBD oil consumption with a dropper. They are deliciously flavored and contain only natural, organic ingredients. Thus, using a cornbread gummy is a great option to find pain or stress relief and enjoy the tangible effects of CBD in a fun way.

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Cornbread Hemp Organic CBD Gummies Review - BusinessMole

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Revenant’s Heaterz Infused Pre-rolls launching at all SWADE … – Greenway

Posted: at 8:41 pm

BeLeaf Medical brings retired NFL player-backed marijuana brand to Missouri marketwith concert kickoff series from former NFL star and musician Kyle Turley

BeLeaf Medical will welcome retired NFL star and musician Kyle Turley in each SWADE Cannabis Dispensary during a weekend-long launch of Revenant Holdings Heaterz .65 gram infused pre-rolls in Missouri. Revenant is a multi-state aspirational cannabis brand founded by Turley and fellow retired NFL players Eben Briton and Jim McMahon.

BeLeaf Medical is eager to bring this product to Missouri cannabis consumers as the licensed manufacturer and will carry Revenants Heaterz line in .65 gram infused pre-rolls at all SWADE Cannabis Dispensary locations. A weekend-long celebration to kickoff Revenant in Missouri will feature acoustic performances by Kyle Turley followed by guest appearances and promotions at all SWADE Cannabis Dispensary locations.

Revenants mission is to provide humanity with an alternative to harmful pharmaceuticals and opioids, with everyones mental and physical well-being in mind. A mutual respect and understanding of the healing principles the cannabis plant provides brought these gentlemen together and fuels their desire to share it with the world.

WHO: Kyle Turley, Revenant Co-Founder

BeLeaf Medical Executives

WHAT: Revenants Heaterz Pre-rolls Missouri Launch

Performances by Kyle Turley


All SWADE Cannabis Dispensary Locations

July 7, 5 7 p.m.: The Grove

July 8, noon 2 p.m.: Cherokee

July 8, 3 5 p.m.: Delmar

July 9, noon 2 p.m.: Ellisville

July 9, 3 5 p.m.: St. Peters

About BeLeaf Medical

Beleaf Co. started as a non-profit company in the state of Missouri growing, extracting and producing a very effective oil for epilepsy patients. Today Beleaf Co. has three lines of CBD Hemp Oil products, all focused on purity and potency.

Their flagship CBD line BeLeaf Lifes Oils are full-spectrum hemp oil; full-spectrum means their products dont focus on one part of the plant by isolating only CBD. They use the whole plant with all its natural cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, lipids and fats. While our Modifi brand is specifically formulated for pharmacies as a hemp-isolate oil; CBD oil that maintains no traces of THC. BeLeaf Co. proudly offers our THC forward brand suites of Sinse, Cuco and Amend. Sinse is focused on better brand strategy with superior quality in flower, vape/concentrate and edibles at a competitive price. To ensure affordable access to cannabis for all consumers, the Cuco (short for Culture Collective) Brand offers consistently high-quality cannabis at very affordable prices. In ongoing support of our medical product consumers, the Amend product line offers THC forward tinctures, balms, lotions, and suppositories.

BeLeaf manages 5 retail outlets in and around the St Louis area under the Swade brand name. With a community forward approach, Swade is an active and viable business partners that focus on responsible stewardship of brick and mortar dispensaries. All plants produced under BeLeaf Co are grown indoors in a state-of-the-art facility.

About Revenant Holdings

Revenant Holdings curates an impressive collection of leading cannabis brands to suit diverse consumer lifestyles, serving both seasoned cannabis connoisseurs and those venturing into the world of cannabis for the first time. Our portfolio of brands offers an unparalleled selection, delivering top-tier cannabis experiences that are consistent in quality.

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Revenant's Heaterz Infused Pre-rolls launching at all SWADE ... - Greenway

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