Daily Archives: September 6, 2022

First Cosmonaut to Fly on SpaceX’s Crew Dragon: Everything You Wanted to Know About Anna Kikina Parabolic Arc – Parabolic Arc

Posted: September 6, 2022 at 4:40 am

Roscosmos Mission Update

Anna Kikinaisthe only woman in the Russian cosmonaut corps.She will soon go on her first space flight and will do it on the Crew Dragon spacecraft of the American company SpaceX Elon Musk.

What is significant of her flight?

Who is Anna Kikina?

Anna is 37 years old.She was born on August 27, 1984 in Novosibirsk.

In 2005, Anna took courses at the Ministry of Emergency Situations as an instructor in teaching the basics of first aid to the population, she has a lifeguard certificate.

In 2006 she graduated from the Novosibirsk State Academy of Water Transport with a degree in Emergency Protection.In the same place in 2008 she received a second higher education in the specialty Economics and management at the enterprise (transport).According to her first education, Anna Kikinaisa hydraulic engineer, according to her second education, sheisan economist-manager.

For some time before joining the cosmonaut corps, Anna worked as a program director at Radio Siberia Altai LLC.It was there that she learned about the beginning of the selection for the cosmonaut corps.

Before that, I didnt even think about space.More or less understanding what kind of activity this is, having assessed the situation, I decided that this is exactly what I want to do next.I was on fire with the desire for self-realization in this profession,Kikinasaid in one of her interviews.

In 2012, Kikina became a participant in the first open competition for selection to the cosmonaut corps.In total, 43 applications were submitted from women, of which six were invited to the Cosmonaut Training Center for full-time selection.As a result of the selection, only Anna was included in the group of eight cosmonaut candidates (the rest seven were men) who were allowed to train.

From 2012 to 2014, Anna underwent general space training.At this time, she learned to fly an L-39 aircraft, jumped with a parachute, underwent weightlessness training on board the Il-76MDK laboratory aircraft, tests in an isolation chamber, diving training, and survival training in various climatic and geographical zones.

We survive with the equipment that is made specifically for astronauts.The conditions are the same, but the items you use are strictly defined.This is a feature.You learn how to properly deal with the descent vehicle, how to get out of it.To leave or not to leave, to use it in cover or not.Radio communication, access to communication, attracting attention to oneself.You adjust, you get out of the situation.You, for example, have only one machete for the entire crew.There is nothing to dig in the snow, there is no shovel,Anna shared with themedia earlier.

In 2014, by decision of the Interdepartmental Qualification Commission, Anna Kikina was recommended for admission to the position of test cosmonaut of the Roscosmos cosmonaut corps.In 2017, she took part in the SIRIUS international isolation experiment, which simulated a flight to the moon.

Since May 2021, Anna Kikina, together with Sergei Prokopiev and Dmitry Petelin, has been training as a member of the ISS-67 backup crew as a flight engineer for the Soyuz MS-22 manned transport spacecraft and a flight engineer for the International Space Station.

In July 2022, Roscosmos State Corporation and NASA signed an agreement on cross-flights.Within its framework, American astronauts will fly on Russian Soyuz spacecraft, and Russian cosmonauts on American spacecraft.The agreement provides for three exchanges of cosmonauts.

As part of the first of these, NASA astronaut Francisco Rubio entered the crew of the Russian Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft, and Anna Kikina was appointed mission specialist for the crew of the Crew Dragon manned spacecraft as part of the Crew 5 mission. Now Kikina is preparing as a member of the ISS-68 expedition.

The launch of the American manned spacecraft Crew Dragon is planned for the Fall 2022 from the spaceport at Cape Canaveral, Florida.In the near future, Anna will travel to the United States for final training before the flight.

What else is interesting about her?

In 2021, Anna Kikina became the ambassador of the clothing collection for Russian athletes at the Tokyo Olympics.

In 2021, the Barbie brand released a doll in the image of Anna Kikina, who inspired the creators with her talents, successes and personal qualities.Astronaut Barbie is presented in two versions of costumes: in a training suit and an Orlan-type space suit.The doll is released in a single version and is not intended for sale.The first Barbie astronaut doll was dedicated in 1965 to the flight of Valentina Tereshkova.

Anna Kikinaisa master of sports in polyathlon (all-around) and rafting.Certified by PADI OWD.Airborne instructor.She has completed more than 150 parachute jumps.

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First Cosmonaut to Fly on SpaceX's Crew Dragon: Everything You Wanted to Know About Anna Kikina Parabolic Arc - Parabolic Arc

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"Distinguished," "loyal," "failure": Denver reflects on the retirement of Chief Paul Pazen and its hopes for new Chief…

Posted: at 4:39 am

On Wednesday, Denvers Chief of Police Paul Pazen, who served for the past five years, told Mayor Michael Hancock he would retire in October.

The decision was voluntary, the mayor said. The timing was based on when the chiefs retirement benefits would kick in and how much paid time off he had earned.

Pazen was on vacation after his announcement.

Now, policymakers, advocates and watchdogs are reflecting on Pazens legacy and what they want out of the next chief.

Chief Pazen has had a distinguished career with the Denver Police Department, and over his nearly three decades in law enforcement, he has served the residents of our city at nearly every level of the department, including its highest rank, with integrity and a community-focused approach to policing, Hancock, his boss, said in a statement. I want to thank Chief Pazen for answering the call to serve, and for his leadership of our communitys police department during these difficult past few years in the life of our city and our country.

Pazen was appointed after fellow Hancock appointee Chief Robert White retired. Whites fraught tenure involved both reforms and numerous police brutality cases, including officer-involved killings that led to lawsuits and protests.

Pazen, who had earned his reputation as a community champion, was hired to fix the departments image.

But in Pazens time in charge, the department was slapped with more lawsuits over police conduct, some of which have been settled and others which the city has lost, spending millions.

Both marched at George Floyd demonstrations. Yet, under their leadership, officers also unleashed violence on protesters at those rallies. As a result, the chief and the department have faced multiple excessive force and police misconduct lawsuits. The city was fined $14 million after a jury decided Hancocks and Pazens police violated protesters First Amendment rights.

Pazen has prided himself for taking guns off the streets. He also oversaw the department when police fired into a crowd, shooting one suspect and six bystanders, in LoDo, in July.

Throughout his time in the role, he has navigated the tensions between tough-on-crime policing and harm reduction efforts, often attempting to appeal to proponents of both methods in addressing drug crimes.

He has championed community policing and supported programs like STAR and LEAD designed to keep low-level offenders out of jail and instead connect them with services.

Having served during such a tumultuous time of unprecedented growth, civil unrest and the COVID pandemic, it will take time to accurately and fully assess the Chiefs tenure, District 6 Councilmember Paul Kashmann wrote.

District 2 Councilmember Kevin Flynn told Denverite he hopes Pazens is remembered for embracing innovative approaches to policing programs like STAR, which were initiated under Whites administration and carried out under Pazen.

Its been very, very successful, Flynn said of STAR. We have expanded it citywide. And it has the capacity to take a not insignificant number of nonemergency responses off of the plates of armed police response, where its simply not needed. I know that many officers embrace this as well. Its become a national model.

But Flynn worries its not Pazens innovative approach to policing that has left its mark on the city.

Unfortunately, I think many people will remember his tenure for the protests and riots downtown because we had both, Flynn said. We had peaceful protests and we had violent protests. And the response to that will probably be remembered more than his embrace of forward-thinking policing.

Flynns district in southwest Denver has experienced a devastating rise in auto theft and shootings, mirroring whats going on in other parts of town. While many in the community have expressed support and admiration for Pazen, Flynn said, others have experienced a heightened sense of anxiety and want to see more police in the area to address crime.

Im sorry to see him leave before we can turn the corner on that, Flynn said.

When Pazen was the commander of Police District 1, he worked extensively with District 1 City Councilmember Amanda Sandoval.

Chief Pazen has been dedicated and loyal to the people of Denver, not only during his time as Chief but throughout his career, she emailed Denverite. I had the honor of working closely with him during his time as Commander of Police District 1, on various issues and always found him to be an amazing partner.

District 9 Councilmember Candi CdeBaca, a frequent critic of the police department, offered a scathing assessment.

His entire tenure has been plagued by failures, she said. And I think that when you look back at his legacy, the evidence of failure is really in the amount of payouts that weve issued, both for settlements, pending trials, as well as the independent monitors report, and the mass police shooting that were still waiting for an investigation on all of this, and very little accountability within the department.

The Independent Monitors Report was a massive document that included interviews with members of the police force that described his performance during the George Floyd protests as both angry and paralyzed, decried the lack of training officers had received that led to the violence against protesters, and described his handling of the protests as a failure of leadership.

District 10 Councilmember Chris Hinds didnt address Pazen by name when asked about his retirement, but did offer, Our community still has quite a bit of healing to do.

She was elected during Chief Whites tenure. At the time, he was being blasted for his leadership at a department in legal trouble and under public scrutiny for excessive force and police killings.

During her first campaign, she promised to address excessive force and police violence, though her office has not exactly made a crusade out of it.

McCann released this statement about Pazen.

Chief Pazen is a dedicated public servant who ushered in many positive and launched many new programs like STAR and LEAD which are serving the people of Denver well, she wrote. He was committed to improving relationships between the police and the community. His concern about the recent rise in crime led to a targeted focus on hot spots and emphasis on removing illegal guns from our streets. My office has enjoyed working with him for the last several years.

Potential mayoral candidate, criminal justice reform advocate and head of Emerge Colorado, Lisa Caldern, has been a steady critic of the Denver Police Department and Pazen and may be facing off with him in the mayoral race, if both choose to run. Pazen told Denverite, in December, he would not.

Its been high time for Chief Pazen to go, said Caldern, in a statement. Record payouts for police brutality, a DPD mass shooting and lost community trust. Hopefully, other safety heads will soon follow. The next Denver Mayor needs to make a clean sweep. If Pazen even thinks about running for mayor, were ready.

On behalf of the men and women of the Denver Police Protective Association (PPA), we wish Chief Pazen well in his retirement and we understand the increasing demands on a law enforcement officer in the State of Colorado and the City of Denver, wrote Linda Yeros, the director of the union, in a statement. Chief Pazens departure, along with hundreds of other experienced officers leaving the profession, comes as no surprise as the risks to personal safety, livelihood and freedoms are higher than they have ever been.

No well wishes. No tributes to his best work. Not even a direct jab at his failures though there was plenty of jabs at the departments work.

The Citizen Oversight Board used the occasion of Pazens retirement to call for reform of the department and the city as a whole.

The past few years have been challenging for Denver and have strained the relationship between our community and our police force, the board wrote. We acknowledge and appreciate the difficult and dangerous jobs performed by Denvers law enforcement officers, but the police response to the George Floyd protests in the summer of 2020 and the recent police shootings of innocent citizens on July 17 in LoDo are two high profile failures that underscore the need for systemic change in the Denver Police Department.

Mayor Hancock appointed Division Commander Ron Thomas, who will begin his work as chief next week. If City Council approves, he will be the next full-time head of the force.

Thomas is a stoic, seemingly imperturbable leader, often the first on the scene to speak after an officer-involved shooting or other high-profile crime. Hes also a longtime member of the department who has appeared at many neighborhood meetings and community gatherings, building trust along the way.

Hes everywhere, Hancock said, at a press conference, announcing Thomass appointment.

Hancock, who knew Thomas as a beat cop long before the mayor entered politics, said that everybody he asked about the new chief had great things to say about him.

I am a man of very few works, Thomas said at the press conference. I really realize actions speak louder than words.

But he wasnt afraid to address some of the safety issues the city is facing and the current lack of trust in law enforcement.

The city and I hold a strong vested interest in having safe communities that trust in their police department, Thomas said. Now, having said that, I understand the challenges ahead that have created my charge.

I know that crime is up, that other safety challenges have increased, he continued. I recognize that response times are up. I understand that call hold times are up. At the same time, I understand that our staffing is down. I understand that community trust is also at a low point.

And Im committed to fixing those things, he said. We need to fix those things. And those things are going to be addressed. I can promise you that.

Hinds is enthusiastic about the pick.

Division Chief Ron Thomas has been in the trenches and in command, making him a great choice for interim Chief, he said. He also served in Internal Affairs, and he can lead those who serve with honor while ensuring Denver Police transitions out those officers who dont.

CdeBaca said Hancock, with less than a year in his role as mayor, has appointed a career bureaucrat, somebody whos probably close to retirement themselves.

That is Chief Thomas, she said. Someone whos been there, who is unfazed by anything and everything Hes been there long enough that we know hes inconsequential.

How long Thomas will serve in the role is unclear, since Hancock is term-limited and the chief of police is appointed by the mayor.

I would expect that a new mayor will do a search for a new chief of police that will reflect the values and the approaches of the new administration, Flynn said. So I dont know if Chief Thomas is an interim, a bridge to the new administration, or whether a new mayor will look seriously at retaining him. I cant predict that, because I have no idea who that new mayor will be. But I have a high degree of respect for Chief Thomas and his work.

Multiple City Council members are calling on the next chief to continue to reflect on the role of policing in the community and embrace programs like STAR.

Moving forward I look for DPD to blend the best of traditional badge and gun law enforcement along with a critical public health approach that addresses the causes of criminal behavior, Kashmann said.

My hope for the future of the Denver Police Department (DPD) is they continue to evaluate and implement community policing best practices found across our nation, Sandoval noted. I encourage DPD to continue partnering with STAR and other programs which contribute to public health and safety.

The police union plans to work with Thomas in addressing retention and safety issues officers are facing.

Public trust in law enforcement is established through accountability and transparency, wrote the Citizens Oversight Board. It is our hope that under the new leadership of Ron Thomas, should his appointment be confirmed by Council, the DPD will engage in a renewed effort to fully restore that public trust. We wish him the best of luck in his new role and we look forward to working with him as we continue to provide civilian oversight of law enforcement along with the Office of Independent Monitor.

The need for reform does not stop with the new chief, the oversight board added.

While there are many things that fall under the Police Chiefs purview, our city also faces challenges that will require coordinated efforts by all of our city leaders to meaningfully address, the board concluded. As we work to hire a new Independent Monitor and await the changes that next years election will bring, we remain hopeful that the role of public safety will be reimagined in our city with the support of our city leaders, law enforcement and community.

Hancock has told Thomas the administration has 300-plus days to make Denver a national model of how a police department can restore trust with a community and believes hes up to the challenge.

And Thomas will need to fix the hiring shortage. And reduce crime. And increase transparency.

Said Flynn: Chief Thomas is going to have his hands full.

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"Distinguished," "loyal," "failure": Denver reflects on the retirement of Chief Paul Pazen and its hopes for new Chief...

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Trump faces possible obstruction of justice charges for concealing classified government documents – Ohio Capital Journal

Posted: at 4:39 am

By Clark D. Cunningham, Georgia State University

A court filing by the Justice Department just minutes before midnight on Aug. 30, 2022, was a sharply worded attack on former President Donald Trumps request for a so-called special master a neutral arbiter to review the documents the FBI seized at his estate, Mar-a-Lago, earlier in the month.

Bottom line: The Justice Department says the documents dont belong to Trump and says someone has deliberately concealed documents marked classified from a federal grand jury investigation. The department has not yet publicly stated who they believe is guilty of this crime whether Trump himself, members of his team, or both.

In the filing, the Justice Department wrote, The government also developed evidence that government records were likely concealed and removed from the Storage Room and that efforts were likely taken to obstruct the governments investigation.

This latest revelation has prompted observers to say that obstruction of justice charges are at stake. But thats a broad term that covers many wrongful acts. The specific crime at issue here is obstructing a federal investigation.

The Conversation asked Georgia State University legal expert Clark Cunningham, an authority on search warrants, to describe the meaning of obstruction, and why Trump may be charged with this crime.

There are 21 different federal crimes that involve obstruction of justice. One of the obstruction laws, called Section 1519, is violated if someone knowingly conceals any document with the intent to obstruct or block a federal investigation. Thats obstruction of a federal investigation, and conviction for this crime can result in up to 20 years of prison.

For example, Jesse Benton, who managed Ron Pauls 2012 presidential campaign, was convicted of violating Section 1519 when he concealed improper campaign payments from the Federal Election Commission. Trump later pardoned Benton in December 2020.

The FBI cites Section 1519 in its Mar-a-Lago search warrant and in the recently unsealed affidavit submitted to a Florida court to obtain the warrant. But until the Department of Justices Aug. 30, 2022, midnight court filing, the public did not know what kind of concealment and what kind of obstruction the department was alleging Trump committed.

A federal grand jury subpoena demanded on May 11, 2022, that Trump turn over all documents with classified markings to the government.

The FBI was informed by Trump representatives in a sworn statement at Mar-a-Lago on June 3 that all documents marked classified were being turned over that day. This statement has now been proved to be false.

Trump was aware of the FBIs June 3 visit to Mar-a-Lago. In his own court filings he has said that he personally met the FBI agents when they arrived.

Despite the sworn statement that no more documents marked as classified remained at Mar-a-Lago, the FBI found 76 documents marked classified in a storage room during its subsequent Aug. 8, 2022 search of Mar-a-Lago. They also found documents marked Top Secret in a container in Trumps private office. The agents also seized a desk drawer in that office containing documents marked classified that were mixed in with other items, including Trumps passports.

The government believes that the false statement made to the agents on June 3, as well as other evidence they have not yet disclosed, shows there was a deliberate plan to conceal documents that should have been given to the grand jury.

Before the Aug. 30 filing, it appeared that Trumps most serious risk of criminal liability involved violating the Espionage Act by willfully retaining documents relating to national security after he left office. Revelation of these new details emphasize another offense to be added to the list of his possible crimes: obstruction of a federal investigation.

Clark D. Cunningham, W. Lee Burge Chair in Law & Ethics; Director, National Institute for Teaching Ethics & Professionalism, Georgia State University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.



Trump faces possible obstruction of justice charges for concealing classified government documents - Ohio Capital Journal

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7 Fees You Should Never Pay And How to Avoid Them – Money Talks News

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Like it or not, some fees are unavoidable.

But others are excessive, egregious and just plain obnoxious. You certainly dont have to like them and you dont have to pay them either.

Heres a look at fees you should never need to pay.

As paying with cash has become less common, its gotten more expensive to turn your change into bills.

Many banks used to have coin-counting machines that account holders could use for free. Now, those that have them generally charge for the service. (However, a coin shortage caused by the pandemic led Regions and perhaps other banks to waive those fees temporarily.)

And, of course, many of us dont physically visit banks anymore so the only coin counters we encounter are the ones operated by Coinstar in grocery stores.

Coinstar charges a whopping 11.9% service fee plus a 25-cent transaction fee for the pleasure of sitting through all that whirring, clanking and feeding of a few stubborn coins through the machine multiple times.

However, you can avoid this fee in two ways. First, you can redeem your change for an eGift card from a wide variety of retailers and services including Amazon, DoorDash, Home Depot and Southwest Airlines.

Second, you can do the coin sorting yourself. Your bank might still give you coin wrappers for free, or you can find them at the dollar store.

If sorting and rolling coins doesnt sound worth your time but you still hate the fee, you can strike a middle ground by buying your own coin sorter this one's a bargain for the one-time, flat fee of about $27 on Amazon.

Want the privilege of accessing your own money? Thatll be $4.66, please.

Thats the average amount for fees on a transaction through an ATM not run by your bank, according to recent research. It accounts for the fees both the ATM owner and your bank hit you with.

The good news, from the same study, is that banks have been increasingly ditching the practice of charging customers who use out-of-network machines. So keep complaining, and use one of the roughly 40% of banks standing on the right side of history. We name several in 6 Banks That Waive or Refund ATM Fees.

If youre not willing to make the switch, you can make liberal use of your debit card to get small amounts of cash back alongside many retail transactions or be sure to always use your own banks ATMs.

Few industries are more fee-happy than credit cards. Annual fees, late fees, cash advance fees and foreign transaction fees are just a few of the most common.

Many can be avoided with a little diligence. For instance, be sure to compare fees when you choose a credit card they dont all charge the same types. (We can help find a credit card that works for you.)

You should also always know how close you are to your credit limit, what your full statement balance is and the due date thatll avoid three of the big fees we lay out in 6 Credit Card Costs You Should Never Pay.

Mutual fund sales charges, also called load fees, are like commissions, according to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. You can be charged this type of fee in various situations, depending on the fund:

Theyre a load of something, all right these fees are a percentage of the amount you invest. That means theyre proportionate to the amount of work you put into making the money, not the amount of work some broker puts into moving it.

One way to get around paying these hefty fees is to invest in no-load funds. Money Talks News founder and former stockbroker Stacy Johnson explains how to do it in How Do I Invest in a Mutual Fund?

Paying to use something many airports, coffee shops and other businesses give you for free seems a little unreasonable, doesnt it?

Sometimes joining a hotels loyalty program provides free in-room Wi-Fi as a perk. You can also bring your own Wi-Fi hotspot although that might mean youre just paying a fee to your phone provider instead.

We have more ideas in 11 Tips for Avoiding Ridiculous Hotel Fees.

Most overdraft fees are paid by people living paycheck to paycheck the very people who can least afford to pay them. Theyre a blight, and thankfully, some banks are doing away with them.

So one way to avoid this kind of fee, also called an insufficient funds fee, is to switch banks.

Another is to tell your bank youre not interested in paying about $35 every time you dont have $1 to spare federal law allows you to opt out of this kind of protection from banks. Just be aware that opting out means your card will be declined at the register if you dont have enough money in your account to cover a charge.

When we fly somewhere, its pretty much a given were going to pay for where we park our car, our luggage and our rear. But airlines have also started trying to charge for the privilege of picking whichever remaining corner of the plane you want to cram yourself into when you book a flight.

The way seat selection is presented in the process may make these charges seem inevitable but theres generally a link or button somewhere on the page to skip picking a seat and simply let the airline assign one for you.

Another option is to fly on an airline that doesnt mess around with assigned seating, like Southwest.

Disclosure: The information you read here is always objective. However, we sometimes receive compensation when you click links within our stories.

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Hats off to Hillary: Prosecuting Trump in the shadow of Clintons emails – The Hill

Posted: at 4:39 am

Hillary Clinton recently hawked a line of hats with a mocking logo But her emails. The taunt was directed at Donald Trump, who faces a real possibility of a criminal charge after the FBIs search of his Mar-a-Lago residence.

While Clinton considers her prior conduct a subject of mirth, the FBIs handling of her case will cast a long shadow over any potential prosecution of the former president, including the recent focus on an obstruction charge. There likely would be an assortment of but her emails objections to a charge that could have been made as readily against Clinton or her associates.

The appointment of a special master to examine materials seized in the Trump investigation has occupied much of the attention in the past week. Trumps legal teams belated request for a special master could help bring greater clarity to the raids scope and seizures. Yet it will not likely alter the trajectory of the case, which the Department of Justice (DOJ) has repeatedly stressed is an active criminal investigation.

What is notable is the governments obvious effort to focus public attention on obstruction as a potential crime. Emphasizing obstruction, instead of the improper retention of classified material, could be seen as a way to navigate a political minefield to get to a prosecution. The reason, once again, is Hillary Clinton, who remains a complicating factor in Attorney General Merrick Garland showing the public that this is not about pursuing Trump but enforcing the law.

In its filings in the last two weeks, the most worrisome line for Trump came in the DOJs36-page oppositionto a special masters appointment when it declared that obstructive conduct occurred at Mar-a-Lago in themonths leading up to the Aug. 8 search.The DOJ also said it has developed evidence that government records were likely concealed and removed from the Storage Room and that efforts were likely taken to obstruct the governments investigation.

Those types of statements never bode well for a target, since they reflect a certain commitment to the prosecutorial path.

The value of shifting toward an obstruction case is that it would reduce the complications of any Trump claims on declassification or executive privilege to remove documents while he remained president. (The three cited statutes do not require classified status for a crime but two deal with the unlawful possession or handling of defense or sensitive information.) Trump has not fully explained how he allegedly declassified all of this material. Under Section 1519, the government can prosecute someone who knowingly conceals any document with the intent to obstruct their investigation.

The filings do not indicate that the government has evidence of knowing concealment by Trump, but it cited various representations made by lawyers on his behalf.

Trump might be familiar with such cases because he pardoned Jesse Benton in the final days of his administration. Benton, who managed Ron Pauls 2012 presidential campaign, was convicted of violating Section 1519 by concealing campaign payments from the Federal Election Commission. Ironically, Trump signed that pardon as his staff was preparing to leave the White House, including having these boxes packed for transport to Mar-a-Lago.

While the released evidence would clearly support a charge of obstruction, it is unclear what acts were knowingly taken and by whom.

A criminal charge of obstruction against Trump would offer certain political benefits for Garland.As previously discussed, the government has routinely elected not to prosecute high-ranking officials for improperly removing classified material or has sought mere misdemeanor charges in the most egregious cases.

Prosecuting Trump for a misdemeanor for possessing or removing classified documents would seem gratuitous, while prosecuting him for a felony would raise questions of biased or selective prosecution. After all, in 2016, Hillary Clinton had not just 113 documents containing classified material but some documents classified at the Top Secret/Special Access Program level on her private email servers. (In Trumps case, the government allegedly found roughly 100 documents in the Mar-a-Lago raid in addition to roughly 150 handled over by the Trump team under an earlier subpoena.)

Clintons documents were even more vulnerable to being compromised via her unclassified email account and, according to the FBI, hostile actors gained access to some of the information. Yet she was never subjected to a raid, let alone a charge.

Yet,whileless glaring as a contradiction than the charges on the possession or handling of classified information, an obstruction charge would allow up to a 20-year sentence and could be brought with misdemeanor charges on the mishandling or retention of classified information.

Thus, an obstruction charge against Trump would be prosecuted in the shadow of Hillary Clintons case. In addition to the transfer of top-secret and other classified documents to her private server, Clinton and her staff did not fully cooperate with investigators. During the investigations of her conduct, some of usmarveled at the temerity of the Clinton staffin refusing to turn over her laptop and other evidence to State Department and DOJ investigators. The FBI had tocut deals with her aidesto secure their cooperation.

Later,more classified material was foundon the laptop of former congressman Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), who was married to top Clinton aide Huma Abedin 49,000 emails potentially relevant to the Clinton investigation.

After Congress sought these emails, Clintons staffunilaterally destroyed thousands of emailswith BleachBit. Clinton was aware that Congress and the State Department wereseeking the emails in 2014. Her lawyers turned over about 30,000 work-related emails to the State Department and deleted 33,000 others while insisting they unilaterally deemed them personal.

Garland may be able to make a case against Trump and show that it is indeed distinguishable from the Clinton case and others. What has been alleged is undeniably serious, including the alleged failure to comply with an earlier subpoena and false statements. However, Garland must address the legitimate concerns of millions of Americans that the same office involved in past Trump investigations with documented instances of false or misleading statements is leading this new effort. There also is the great concern over the Biden administration charging a prior and possibly future political opponent.

Any criminal case should be based not only on unassailable legal theories and facts but on clear consistency with past cases.That case will turn on still undisclosed evidence of what was known about the contents of the boxes found at Mar-a-Lago and how the documents were handled after the Trump team learned of the FBIs investigation.

With Hillary Clintonselling But Her Emails hatsat $30 a pop, Merrick Garland will have to explain the prospect of one politician going to jail while the other goes retail.

Jonathan Turley is the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University.Follow him on Twitter@JonathanTurley.

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Hats off to Hillary: Prosecuting Trump in the shadow of Clintons emails - The Hill

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Visit Your Favorite Theater and Watch a Movie for $3 on Sept. 3 – Money Talks News

Posted: at 4:39 am

If youre looking for bargain fun this weekend, more than 3,000 movie theaters have it.

Those theaters with a total of 30,000 screens will celebrate National Cinema Day with showings for no more than $3 per ticket on Sept. 3.

Sponsored by the Cinema Foundation, the event is intended to celebrate the return of moviegoers to theaters following the pandemic. In a press release, Jackie Brenneman, Cinema Foundation president, says:

After this summers record-breaking return to cinemas, we wanted to do something to celebrate moviegoing. Were doing it by offering a thank you to the moviegoers that made this summer happen, and by offering an extra enticement for those who havent made it back yet.

Just note that the $3 admission price does not include tax or fees for online and/or third-party ticketing.

The Cinema Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit that promotes the essential cinema exhibition industry by developing future diverse workforces and growing moviegoing communities through research, education and philanthropy.

If you love movies, check out:

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Visit Your Favorite Theater and Watch a Movie for $3 on Sept. 3 - Money Talks News

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9 Big Mistakes You’re Likely Making When Washing the Car – Money Talks News

Posted: at 4:39 am

hedgehog94 / Shutterstock.com

Washing your car regularly keeps it looking its best and gives a longer life to the finish on your favorite ride. And youve probably spent a good bit of the summer riding and enjoying the dropping gas prices.

Unfortunately, many of us make foolish decisions when cleaning our vehicles. Following are some common mistakes you likely make when washing the car.

Using a standard cleaning sponge to wash your car can create untold damage, says professional auto detailer Larry Kosilla.

He says such sponges can be devastating to your paint because dirt and contaminants get pushed along the surface as you wipe. By contrast, car mitts made for washing a car grab these contaminants and trap them in the mitts fibers until they are released when you dip the mitt into a bucket of water.

For example, the Chemical Guys brand boasts that its MIC498 Black Microfiber Wash Mitt contains fibers that act like a piece of Velcro to hook and loop material, trapping and holding abrasive dirt and filth deep within the pile of the premium wash mitt.

Dish soap may do a fantastic job on plates and cutlery, but it is not meant to clean your cars exterior.

This type of soap contains chemicals that can oxidize the paint job, strip the clear coat, and make the paint dull looking, according to NuWash, a mobile car care service based in Austin, Texas.

Instead, use a car shampoo specially made for washing vehicles. Doing so will help guard your cars paint, rubber and metal surfaces from moisture and debris.

One of the best parts of cleaning your car is looking through glass that is sparkly clean. But it is best to avoid using ammonia-based glass cleaners when wiping windows.

If the ammonia drips inside the car, it can damage upholstery and the dashboard, according to the On All Cylinders automotive blog.

So, look for ammonia-free glass cleaners. Mothers, Windex and Glass Plus all sell them.

Its easy to miss a spot or two when cleaning that shows up after your work is done. When this happens, dont grab a dry towel and try to quickly rub out the dirt spot.

Doing so simply grinds the dirt in, scratching the paint, warns On All Cylinders.

Similarly, never use a dirty towel to clean your car. According to the Car Care Hacks website:

When you drop your towel on the ground, it picks up all types of debris, including little rocks which will put a nice scratch in your cars paint. So, once you drop the towel on the ground, that towel is done.

It is natural to start washing your car at the top and work your way down. But washing the wheels and tires last is a mistake, because much of the gunk and grime you spray off will end up on the surface of the car that you just cleaned.

The folks at Reliable Detailing in Virginia Beach, Virginia, urge you to clean your wheels and tires first, then turn to the rest of the car, working from the top down.

Car wax helps protect your cars exterior. However, applying too many coats of wax is wasteful, and simply leads to over-buffing and the removal of earlier coats, according to the experts at Simoniz, which makes car cleaning products.

Stick to one to two coats of wax. That should be plenty to do the job right.

Taking a bottle of car shampoo or car wax and squeezing it directly onto the cars surface is unwise. Doing so can make it look messy or cause damage to the paint color, according to the experts at Motor Biscuit.

Instead, always follow the product directions. That typically means using a foam applicator, Motor Biscuit notes.

The suns powerful rays quickly evaporate the soap and water you apply to your car. That can make it difficult for those suds to do their job of removing dirt and grime, say the folks at AvalonKing, which sells ceramic coating for vehicles.

They recommend washing your car in the shade and planning your washes for early in the morning or close to sunset.

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9 Big Mistakes You're Likely Making When Washing the Car - Money Talks News

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The 15 Best Tom Hanks Movies, from ‘Cast Away’ to ‘Toy Story’ to ‘Big’ – IndieWire

Posted: at 4:39 am

The Best Tom Hanks Movies, Ranked.

Everett Collection

Take a gander at the last 40 years of cinema, and youll find at least one universal truth: The people love Tom Hanks.

The 66-year-old actor is known around Hollywood and the world as an affable everyman, with as much capacity for heady drama as he has a knack for quippy comedy. Hanks most famous roles range from the light and whimsical (see flicks like Money Pit, Turner & Hooch, and Larry Crowne) to the darkly complex (The Green Mile, Charlie Wilsons War, and The Post). Hes also responsible for delivering lines in some of cinemas most quotable movies, including A League of Their Own (Theres no crying in baseball!) and Apollo 13 (Houston, we have a problem).

Hanks cut his teeth as a stage actor, performing Shakespeare and other plays in his hometown of Lakewood, California for much of the late 70s. At 24-years-old, Hanks made his first movie appearance as a flirty jogger in the slasher He Knows Youre Alone before starring opposite Daryl Hannah in Ron Howards romantic comedy Splash four years later (which ranks at No. 3 on IndieWires guide to the best mermaid movies).

Hanks was known for his rom-coms for some time, famously pairing up with Meg Ryan for both Sleepless in Seattle and Youve Got Mail. His broader comedies were similarly well-received, with Toy Story becoming a franchise (to which Hanks voice remains essential) and Big snagging the actor his first Oscar nomination (for his performance as a 12-year-old trapped in an adults body).

That said, the best Tom Hanks roles have largely been dramatic. Philadelphia would earn Hanks his first Academy Award for Best Actor in 1994. Hed immediately follow it up with a second Best Actor win for Forrest Gump in 1995. Teaming up with director Steven Spielberg for Saving Private Ryan, Hanks was nominated again in 1999. The actor topped off his turn of the century success streak with one more nomination for Robert Zemeckis 2000 survival epic Cast Away. Hanks wouldnt be honored by the Academy again until 2020, when he played beloved childrens show host Mr. Rogers in A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood.

Following Hanks performance in Baz Luhrmanns Elvis and ahead of the actors reunion with Zemeckis for the live-action Pinocchio on Disney+ September 8, here are the 15 best Tom Hanks movies of all time. Plus: A list of his characters best lines from those titles.

Note: For the purpose of this ranking, the Toy Story franchise has been regarded as a single body of work.

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The 15 Best Tom Hanks Movies, from 'Cast Away' to 'Toy Story' to 'Big' - IndieWire

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Barstow suspects arrested after police find illegal drugs and gambling devices – VVdailypress.com

Posted: at 4:35 am

Search Assets

Two men were arrested after police discovered ammunition, illegal drugs, cash, and gambling devices inside an apartment complex in Barstow.

Barstow Police reported that at around 12:48 p.m. on Thursday, officers and detectives served a search warrant at two residential units in an apartment complex in the 400 block of Woodham Avenue.

The search warrant by Barstow Police was a result of an ongoing investigation regarding the sales of fentanyl.

During the search of the first apartment, officers found fentanyl and drug paraphernalia associated with its sales. Alsofound was U.S. currency in various denominations and a gambling device.

Detective Andrew Hollister identified the resident of the first apartment as 55-year-old Terry Lynn Dorsey.

The search of the second apartment resulted in the location of rifle and pistol magazines, various calibers of ammunition, and a gambling device.

Detective Hollister identified the resident of the second apartment as William Robert Edwards, a 38-year-old convicted felon.

Dorsey was arrested and booked on suspicion of selling fentanyl and possessing a gambling device. He was released on bail on Saturday. He has no scheduled court date, sheriffs booking logs reported.

Authorities did not include a further description of the "gambling device."

Edwards was arrested and booked on suspicion of being a prohibited person in possession of ammunition/firearm magazines, possessing a gambling device, and an outstanding warrant for possession of drug paraphernalia.

Edwards was released on bail on Sunday. He has no scheduled court date, sheriffs booking logs reported.

Anyone with additional information regarding this investigation is asked to contact Detective Andrew Hollister at the Barstow Police Department at 760-255-5160.

Those wishing to remain anonymous may also report criminal activity by calling the WE-Tip hotline at 800-78-CRIME (27463) or leaving information on the We-Tip website at wetip.com.

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How To Turn Betting Into More Than Just Pure Luck – KHTS Radio

Posted: at 4:35 am

Gambling is often seen as a game of pure luck. While luck does play a role, there are ways to improve your chances of winning and make gambling more than just a game of chance. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips that will help you become a better gambler and increase your chances of winning!

Matched betting is a great way to make money from gambling without relying on pure luck. With matched betting, you can use mathematical strategies to guarantee profits from your bets. This makes it an incredibly popular technique among professional gamblers. The experts from the team at Odds Monkey recommend matched betting as the number one way to make money from gambling. If you want to try your hand at matched betting, there are a few things you need to know before getting started.

First, you will need to find a good matched betting service. This service will help you find profitable bets and give you the tools you need to place them. Once you have found a good service, you will need to create an account and deposit some money. After that, you can start placing bets and making money!

Not all gambling games are created equal. Some games, like blackjack and video poker, offer better odds for the player than others, like slots or keno. If you want to have better luck gambling, focus on playing the games that give you the best chance to win.

In addition to playing the right games, you can also increase your chances of winning by using some basic strategies. For example, if youre playing blackjack, always hit on a soft 17 and stand on a hard 17. If youre playing video poker, always play max coins. By following some simple strategy tips like these, youll be giving yourself a better chance to win.

Of course, even if you do everything right, theres still no guarantee that youll win. Gambling is, after all, a game of chance. But by playing the right games and using some basic strategy, you can put the odds more in your favor and have a better chance of coming out ahead.

Some gamblers think that they can just rely on pure luck to win. However, this is not always the case. In order to increase your chances of winning, you need to learn how to manage your funds properly. This means knowing when to bet and how much money you can afford to lose. Without proper money management, you will eventually go broke, even if you do get lucky and win a few bets.

One way to help manage your gambling funds is to set aside a certain amount of money for gambling each week. This will help you keep track of how much you are spending on gambling and will also help you limit your losses. It is also important to remember that gambling should only be done with the money that you can afford to lose. Never try to utilize gambling as a means of making money.

It goes without saying that drinking and gambling dont mix. Alcohol lowers your inhibitions and makes you more likely to make impulsive, risky bets. Its also a depressant, which means it can impact your mood and make you more likely to chase losses. In short, drinking while gambling is a recipe for disaster. So if you want to improve your chances of winning, its important to stay sober while youre gambling. This doesnt mean you cant have a drink before or after you gamble, but try to limit yourself to one or two drinks and make sure youre not drunk when you start gambling.

Another way to improve your chances of winning is to set a budget and stick to it. Gambling can be addictive, and its easy to get caught up in the excitement of the game and start spending more money than you intended. Before you start gambling, decide how much money youre willing to lose and stick to that limit. Its also a good idea to set a winning goal, so you know when to quit while youre ahead. That way, you can walk away from the table as a winner, even if you dont end up winning big.

In conclusion, there are a few things you can do to improve your chances of winning at gambling. First, focus on playing the games that offer better odds. Second, use some basic strategy tips to give yourself an edge. Finally, manage your money properly, and dont drink while you gamble. By following these tips, youll have a better chance of coming out ahead when you gamble. Good luck!

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